e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now...

VICTORY . i««nin> T008 bdp. 817 an Uw ^ reoM boiuto 7*9 eiuii KEEP 'EM FLTINQ A Regional Newspaper Scrrlni: WAR BULLETIN NEW DEUn. indl*. April . 13 DlipatehM old t«<Ur Itae klnf of N»nd»aj. * tribal UfriUri ot Anaa. had duUrci! ww J»p*0 w»d promlwA *^ho!e he»rUd mod nnfllnch* Ins nppoTi'* t« the VniUa NftUbU. VOL. 24, NO. 309- TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. MONDAY, APIUL 13. 1912 PRICE B CENT5 Coiregidor Gunners Sink Jap Boats, Keep Enemy Aircraft High WASHINGTON. April 15 (/P>—The wur department re. ported today Ihnt Corretfidor’s tjunners sflnk a number "of flmall Japanese boats nnd kept enemy air raiders so high over lf\e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now rnids causcd only minor loss. A communique j<nid the Japanese boats were in the har- bor of the fishing villaHc^^if. Mnrivclcfi at the tip of the abandoned Batniin peninsula. Scvcrtil were set afire in addi- tion to those sunk. Meanwhile, coflimunlculloii bo- iwccn Corrctildor unci Cebu was cut oU for Uie nn»l H3 liourn no Ltcut. Gen. JonaUirin M- Wuirirlnht wu-'i uimble to report on Uic efforU in Iwnt. off aj) inviuiloji of Uip cenlrnl PhlllpplJie bltihd. more Uinn 300 miles toiiUi of Corrcgldor. Too Freiilitcni Lo>t TJie ^m m utiltiue rcporUd be- Jiitcvt/y Uie .sinking by ciii-my iu:llon of inu nrrny frcltilil .slilpn. tlie Lib- L c rly Btia Uic Mclti!'. lx>U\ oC wUlcl^ went down in tlic /lOuUiwcsl Pacific. The Liberty v,u.i torp«lof(l twice by lui suUn!VTl«e U when 13 inlira from the NcUiiTlnJids indle* UJund of Dftll. f<o lives were !o<iV Tlifl vtisrl wti-s bptiditd imd,53 crcw men and one pn.vienger were rcKurd by Dulc)i pllmt^H. Tilt Mtlijs was .vunlc Feb, IB In a bwnblns nUd on tlie tuirbor of Dar- win. AiUilrftllft, TliV miuster Cnptnln T. S. Link, died Inter of wDumlj, One crewvmnnbiT was killed cind elBht were wounded. Ton raids wer* made on CorrcKl* dor In the. jm t 24 iioiirs, Uie war depnrtm enl Mild. nii.-.lnK Llic toUU lo 33 In Uie ln.1 l tw o diiy.'>. Somf Casualties unlqi cwuali' .K nutji age. “nie war department rrported Uini dtfendln; marksmen compelled t2 io J«poQe«e pilots to keep aO tar above tAe tAntCt that domoEe «-«• illghi and “only a few eAMiftlUrs Vi-en im- talned by our iroop*” ArUIler? luoaulU Kpre reported from boUi Dataan.. nt Uie clooest, polrii U only^lshU y mom Umn two miles from'" Comeldor, and Cavlie. on Uic oppofdtc iJdc or _;wlanlla bay. Japnnese rodlo reports wid heavy field pieces Dad been moved Into won cmplBcomcnU on Uib ' Aoutljcm tip of BatAon, and Uicse ffliiilcj cfvn for Bimoat contin- uous fire to prevent the enemy from tjalnlTis »ltcp. W llfi REO ENVOY LONDON, April 13 i,l’> — Harry .Moplonv mh-ber ol Prciildcnt llooKr- vrll nnd Ills lrnd-lcnr;o expert, held a lone 'conference today with the IUi,vilfin nmba-v.ador, Ivnn Mnl.^lcy at the UnlKd Stalen cmbo-viy. Hopkin.1 will confcr tonlKht wlUi Prime MliiLUer Churchill nnd prob- ably prr-ient ihr re.-(ulta of the In- tcrvlew wlUi MnL-iky. Gen. OforKs C, Mnrnhnll. unlteC Siat«,i army chief of xtnff. was al tho embn.viy frequently durlnff Uie riny. but did not pnrHclpntc in tht tnllui With the nu,ulnn dfplomnt. Informed tiuarlera huve Raid tl\at the prime objectlvp of Hopkliw nnc Mnrshnll Is to iLie every nientvi with- in the power ot Uie Unllct^iaW! and BrKnln to tuvlnt Rujinln In (he cruclnl Snttle.i expected this .iprlng atvcl 8Umn\cr. Rus.ila Is lonu on manpower but Bhort on equipment.' nnd the pre.i- m te oS Hopkins vm called n alR- nfti for an ever Rrenter flow ol pinne.i, tanks. munlUoai nnd other mftleiltl to. «ie Soviet toy way ol Murman.ik nnd the hnilf of Persia, The RrowlnB United SUtes mlll- Ury MlnbllshmenU In NorUiem Ire- ^ n d which Mnrshall ha.i been In- <®>ccUnK and the stcndlly mountlns now ot wnrplnnes wn.i HeUl as nn Indication Uint United Stntes pilots would Join Uie RAP within a m " In bomblnR Ocrmnny. Marshall nnd Hopkla<t were said to be In eompleli- ntrreement wlUi the British that the Ru.-jilnn front w the crUlcAl bnittefleld nud that 111 ler was Uie No. I enemy. , U.S. Tanker Sunk By Sub’s Torpedo Off Brazil Coast CACOCIM. CEARA. IlratU, April 13 CUJ!J—The 7.138-ton United St«U; tanker Eugene V. R. TJmyer woj torpedoed and sunk ai 8 p. m Thursday off Ci^ora on Uie northern coast of Drazll wltii a Iom of a t least nine «?* mtmbtri, survJvors Bald today. At RwUIeea U wos reported th » Uorwtslan ship aUo was sunk, b porently by ijje come submarine. The sinking of the Thayer, which Is owned by Uio mnclalr Refining company and Is resUtered out of New York-*ccurred about 100 mlJes .off the Brarlllnn coast, survivors snld. Tlilrlccn »ur>'lvors. Including Cap- tftln D. P- ewcndson and tlirei othrr officers of the Unker.- landed « " turdny at the small port of Por- »e about 45 miles from Cacoelm. NEAB'CENTENAUIAN DIES BOISE. April 13 0P}—Ur3. Graci Morcom died yesterday Just a fes mwAhs'^ivan, ot the century mMk. Mrs. Morewn would have been 100 years old Aus. 33. Bom In Cn«' ' land. fh« hwJ llvM in Idaho, t Wanted: Idaho’s Spuds in Idaho SUN VALLEY. April 13 WJ— Jsme.'^ R. Yountr. cxi>ert on for eastern affairs, toduy encounter- ed coi\slderablo dltflcviliy in JlntS- Intr Riant Idaho pototoen m Idaho, He snld he siient a whole day. Itivvtlled 2t » milts nnd tnikul to more than 30 poUto Rrowera In seiirch of n crate of Inrse-.ilre luz>er,i /or sliipnient to friciuls In ChunsklnB. China. Youn« w.ui unable to find the spudx lo^'ally and was ixdvLied to .lend hL\ order for Idalio potatoes to New York Cliy dealers. - Leaders Maj) War Sayings Pledge Drive »r«pitallotui • for the unlverwil pledge cnmpolgn, which stnrl.i In •• ^l8ht counties of .%ouUi central n on Monday, Av«i\ 20. »t.t« getUnR Into full swlnR toilay wlUi comralttccmen tlirouRhout the arcn JoimulallnR ihelr plnn^ lor vjhnt proml-ies to be the principal objec- tive of the defense savlnss organ- IzaUon during thb year, EducaUonal campaigns nre beln> have been started tliroughoui the Magic Valley to lamlliarlM thi people witli universal pled«r. News- papers. radio ataUon.i, theaters, civic orsanltaUons and the llkr nre co< operating with defense mvuibs staff: In publlcltlng tho forthcomlnR drive DfAodeast Wcdnc.iday evening, starting al i, p. m- a half-hour proRraw will be broadcast ovtr jaTTFl. &clng enllrtly devoted to the pledge campalRn, Speakers »'IU Ittcluda -P.. S. Totfle- mlre. a.-uocUto admlnlitrator for thl* district: Claude M, Detweller. •«aseaave Puiti county, and Marshall Chapman, chairman of the speakers' bureau for the Tv.'ln Falls county dttenit savlnRs staff; PnUlolIc mu-ilc will aJ.v) feature. Mr. TotJlemlrc has been oddrr\'- ns a Kroup of meeUnn* In Uie dls- rlct and lui.Mstlng In the orKanlM- ilon o! their rcspecHvc canvas.<rtnB inlts prepnrntory to the drive. (Soodlnc Toe»d#y La.M Tliursday cvrnlnn lie ad- Jressed Ihr Twin PolLi orsanlmlon; Prldny eveiilnB he npoke to the Buhl Kroup. TliL% week hr ,ipenk.s At Ooofl- tnu. Tuevlay; Biirley. Wednesday, ,nd Stioxhonr, Thursday. •The universal plrdRc," Toffle- nlre pointed out today. ‘'amouiiLn 0 a house In house canvass of all ity and rural r“ sldences In tci.l*.,- .. ff«. »• 4 NAVY FLIERS DIE IN CRASHES LIVER.MORE. Calif,. April 13 (-T) —Fourteen navy filers perished y « - Urday whMi X-so patrol bombfrs mihed and burned In Uie Llvei nore hills. A 15lh man survived 'wiUioul sei lous Injurj’. The crack-ups occurred in foggy eaUier as t^ie giant land-and-iea ships were flying on an undLscIostd mission at* o point alwut 30 miles souUjeast of Uielr base at the Ala- meda naval nlr station. The sole survivor was Earl P. Patrick. 39. aviation machlnlsU' mate, 1st elou. He was flung clear when plane No. 3 struck, and was found walking about dazedly, but suffering only from cuts and bruL^es. Naval officers said Patrick evi- dently was In the rear of Uie plane and was fluns through a break In the fuselage when the crasli occur- LARGE JAPANESE FLEE! IS LOOSE ON INOIAN OCEAN By EDty'ARD W. nEATTIE LONDON. April IS IU.R)-A large Japanese fleet, headed by at lewt Uiree battlealilps ajid five aircraft carriers. Is operaUng In Uie Indian ocean. Prltn« MUilitcr Wltviton ChurelUll revealed today in the house of common.i In the flrswov- emment Indication ot the UTHtnt diinb'ertof a Jnpltne^ie ntlnck on In- dia. vn« Ger •adlo. rcporud In .■'iKiccn irom Tokyo today Hint ntWi ember of the 7. 270-ton Le iiltT clnr.i Jiad been seriously dam led off the Indian const by Jaji ic!.e naval Tlic UanUc ubtra have a pcncetlme complc cnt of S50 men). The bnttlcililiw. Including one c i-lnch Kun.i ot Uic modernized Mi ; Uic c; rrler iiu/ner and llRhl cniber.' irojrrs were .Nlulitcd .iteamlnc Ceylon AiirH 1. Uic day before Ilr»t Jnpane.-ic nlrplnne attack Colombo, he aald. nrlllsh Air Fleet Out hiirclilll ndmltted that practical' all of a fleet o f Brllbh bomber. i>edo and fighter planes which *ckcd the Jaiiancse fleet off Tcti\- Ceylon :ed ( becar rvlcenbir, UefujliiK to dlscloit U « or dhiiosltlon of the Britbn iirei In Indian WAtera. lie announced thin Admiral Sir Jnmc:* SomervlUt, tom- nmiiderof Uicshljvi which evacuiitec Uie Urillsh exi>edit4onary force fron i.lncc nnuil 111 tlic Indian In Ills ti>eech. h e s ;n|)i. lauL'i Mountba vlilch I tlie indo I forced the Oe .itrenKilieii tlielr defen.-.cs nil ih< way from Brest to Narvik. CInirchili nnnoniiced Uiat wiilui IJie next two weck.i or so there wtnili be a Matement on tlie course ol iin wur lit a -lecrct session ot the Iiomm of common.-!. Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR U\e rupture of ncKWin tJons at New DelJri wUh Uie Indlai nailotiallsts. lie indicated Uiat lip would not make sutejnrnt uinil UiB rclurii of Sir Stafford Cripiv. war cablnet^^envoy to India, t^iu ••may l>« in a position lb make t personal statement.^' •'I lake tills opportunity of s.iy- loR- how mucn we » - . - - tenacity. InRcnuliy with ttiilth he rlilll thouKiil do ■IckeiKby »nve admired Uic, y and {wtleniiP nducled thei^^e- • ni aii^aiT "Al- ibl»«nfr^tie feels mont rruel blow b' i»d r«s« 2. \ lop rA th'!; r ^iuui ,L (con ARMYIOBAIIL lORSONJAPS SAN FRANCISCO. April 13 OiJn— The army aoUKht today to halt U spread ol ••false nimor.s" thnt Japi nr.se alien ntid ciilzcn evacuce* w* provided improper llvlnn condlUo) In aisembly centers. Col. Kacl B. UenHvtjt)\, nr.sbtai chief of>laff of the civil nffairs d vision, .snld .Vuch nitnors were spread by both Jftpant^r.c nntl nrm-Jnpanesi; •Tliese [ler.NOns are.BpenkInK with out factuni knowledKc nnd often nr> fttllvMril by unheaJUiy rcnsoas. Bcndeuen said. He said many of tlic o.vsenibly cen lers were atin under con.'.trucUon c not op- AdequMe fncllltl before the arrival c improvements are intlc lat red. . 1 carried el«ht men to Uielr deaths when It ulruck a tence and plowed up a furrow on a catUe ranch ID miles ouUlde of Livermore. Plane No, 2 crftAhcd near the top of a hill lome three miles away from Uie scene of the oUier erack-up- Wlt- nm es salt! Uie ship mlssttl clearing Uie field by only 30 feet. The plane dug a furrow CO feet long and burst Into Ilames. $1,000,000 Blaze Hits Illinois Oty KEWANEE, III- April 13 {-'P)-Plre raged for more than four hours li Uie main business dlsU-lct thl morning. de.ntroylnB nearly a scor of buildings In an entire'square block In the most dnmaRlng conflsgroUon In the city's history. Firemen In this north central lUl- noU lotm of 17.000 nnd from eight nearby towns fought Uie wind-swept tlimes for m «e than four houta before getUng the blaie under e trol. Cause ot tilt Jlte. which »t*nn 1:33 ». m. and was declared ur control shorUy after 6 a, m.. w as __ Immediately determined. Olllclals dld'not give an estimate of the dam- oge but business men placed the loos at more than tl.ooo.ooo Oi fireman v u aUghtly injured. Bendelaen scoffed at n "I land” report that Invniori^ fc le.s a t Uie S a n ia A n lla n.-uei enter were '•limited snd In uatc" nnd nt report* tint cvac rere not bclnjt fed proper foods He said the Ssntn Anita c< ,-aa buUl with lavatory (aclUUes for tpwards of 50.000 pcr.mns nnd Ui CM ihnn 15.000 were housed the; BendetMn oaJd tvncum were fc, ing fed army raUon B. a balanced consisting larficly of canned foods and rice ptepi^rM by Japa cooks, until it w ill be poMlbli to feed them fre.sh mcnw, frulls am jeubles. He’s One-Man Army Japs Tighten Grip On India Ocean as %and Units Advance Credited with drslroyinr. mo Bataan U Capl. AH Wermuth. fir»t picturem to arrive In the YanWs Ust stand, lie packs a of Bataan, hU fate is unknown . 100 Japaiirite In flghtlnc shntrn In flshtlnt llHllcd Slalt» linm U 1 automatic riPt and a Honor Prompt Payer, Credit Men 'Advised TOM'JOHNSON Southern Idaho credit men and women today Vero ursed by Waller A. Jensen, Portland, to aj^opt u, uniform “com- munity crcdit jx>'ITcy,’’^ h i ^ will TiicoRnize consumcr.s who pay their bill.*! promptly Jktwl‘ 11. executive secretary of t!u*. Associated Credit 'BurNui.s of the Northwo.sl, .spoke this aftL'i Olid annual refjional credit coiifrjj«-U,ce of the Hot Credit Men’s Kaliimal associ- ation al the ParV hotel. IT topic wa.s “Crfilil Trends.” I at the thLs aftcnioon, hu.i jai.ed’ 100 crrilii Qurlcy. tduhc Fall,'.. UolM-, 1 f crrdit bu.slnt ;n di-cinrcd. " lunvinh- inliin l-'ull'., PocAivUu. Indus "Many of Uie verlcnily fniled t of tUclr cl\i\i\Kc c the '!.kl[»' aro i checked out for aMd Jfv iinknnwi .tie Ml crrdli burriii he ,stnic.s (If Wn.%hinKion. OrrK<" lio.nnd Montana, nnd ihe Cniw 1 provlncf-s of British Cohiii SaskAtchewnn nnd Albrrtit- iprlstng «ie nv.oclalinn’s lOi ricf—will compile a nia.iler II ••skips" In an effort to locn veil r eficc Urge* PrcparaUon He urged credit buresiu pnd a-s soclatlons to make e«ery rffort l< keep UiclT •'l-.cad ftbove wnier dur Ing Uic war" In order to be ready n copc wllh Uie post-wnr "b^m cred It perlwV Noting tliftt •'there are al least three more plans Ix-foro the federal Rovernment for the regulaUon o consumer credit." Jeasrn urged cred- it men to face and solve thclr-owr problems. ■'Remember thnt there are $11 of cre<llt bu.sine.« for every *1 ol Expert Says Money Hoarding May Collapse German Morale By WILLIAM FERRI CHICAOO, April 13 i-V,-Dr. Mel- eholr Palyl. former economic ad- vLser to the relclwbinlc. central bank .of Germany, .said In an Interview today that hoarded currency in Ckr- many consUtutcs a potential Mjurce of-collapse'for Oermari morale. CommentlnB on rriwts from Deme. Swltterland, Hint bnnk note circulation In QermMiV Iwd Incrcas- ed subsUintlally. Dr. Pnlyl r.nld this indicated hoardlnc ratlirr than any InflMlonar? rm h w co»veri cash Into goods. Dr. Palyl entered mi-' ‘w ntry In WJ3. became an Am.-nrMi eltlMn and Is vlSlUnK profe.v or ol economics at University of Wf.<oiv-m. The Berne report,'' Uiot for. clgn economLsta. nnllnK '*'c ruing sign* of Inflation in Germany., as- serted that rciclistjnnlc Jiaictnenla allowed an tqcrea.se In bank note circulation from insa.ooo.ooo marks a t the end oT 1938 to marks at Uie end of rebniao’. IW . ■Oerman-s hoard be<au;.c they think their motiey wlU be wociU more nfter the war. on the oMump- Uon that Germany will win- Tliet: with Uie loot ot ttU contiutrctS coun U-les ftvallhble. Uie Germoas bcllev Uiey win be able to obtain mor ttoods for U^elT money than the/cai now. ••But It b In this sluation thnt th •danacr lle.s. As ^oon as tho Oermai people believe Uiey cannot win th war. they will rusli to buy. B\'eryone win be bidding up the prioea of food, cloUilng nnd olh^^ es.senUals. aiiu all the price control laws in Uic world will not stop It. After all. .von can't decapitate half the population. •That will consUtuto the collapse of German morale. •'Unless Germany is succe.uful In pushitm Russia out.of m lubstantul port of Europe Uila summer, it u very possible Uiat Uie rush to get rid of money, wllh Its consequenl col- lapie In morale, wlU develop la:e tWs autumn." FLASHESof LH'E Miinion. n iiativr of i wa:i cloiux-iiiuvcti Ills citlrenslilp a|j|ilk-ut phoioKrnph. Since Ur-ii li. cd u-wu.-iiachc- Tu obuiiii tiaix-r.-.r'hc had to look 1 orlKlnal jiliotoKriii)li. So Mivnson Minvi-d hi-. cltUen.'ilUp, W-KC-JION I'LUD NEW BRITAIN. Com 13-Tlic Puln.\kl i>mu(;r;i lias devl.-;ed n tclenhonc :mber» Uie I inltJiKiI ( for 0 ctlon Anyone cnlllnB the S e c t DobrowoLskl. owskl. Zapntka nn> . HcUof dwiird Overliolt wliilc he kluK In a 15-foot Jiole. .iKRMl Olic Blir.srd It oil U was klndn .Muffy down CiKT Rt;.SlH.TS KANSAS CITY, April 13-Pn- trolmrn Art Bennclt nnd Joe Cnr- bontau Just snt there nnd wntch- ed the cars creep by—.'ome one put up n .sign; S|)ced imp ahead. Then the cops, who don't hove to show up at court today to prosecute any ai)ceder», looked up Uic boys who Installed Uic sign. •Th.inks, pftis.^' Uiey comment- ed. ••All we wanted to do wm slow down.^' Uie Army Takes Over Winterland Hotel PALM SPRINGS. Calif.. April 13 !U.»—Tlie $500,000 El Mlrodor hotel, winter playgrounud on the desert for screen notnble.s and wealthy ca.«em. en. will be taken over by the unny Wednesday for use as a millUuy ho.'ipIUl. Uie O. 8. anny enslneer^a office snld todoy, Owner-Manager Warren Plnney said tho structure would be vacated by. 6 p. m. tomorrow. Tlie following day the army will begin cohverting Uie luxurious hotel Into a l.M»-bed ho.spltAl. ConstrucUon of nuxillayy buildings Will begin Immediately. NtOHT CLUBH RAIDED BOISE, April 13 W>-Pollce and 1lertU^a ofiicc mlds on live night •lulM In the Boise area over th i-eek-end brought seven nrresUi oi uquw thM jes and conllscaUon c several slot maclilnes,' One' perwi tr«, charged with gambling. UPANESEMPS IVEffiDGES BURIiDEFENSES niUNOKING, April 13 (UB— Kiranc Japanese force* heatlly supported by artUiery and bomb- en> (truck to within ZO mllea. of Iturma'i rlrh oil fields today and dro\(i K new «edse between the IrranaJdy and Sltang rivers In an effort to crack the center of tht ttTlllsh-ClilnM* lines. Ily ItOnEIlT P. MARTIN CUUNOKINO, April 13 (U.r.)-Pow- •ful Jnpane.se land force.s are drlv- IK a new wed«c into British posl- nns between the Irrawaddy and Ittnni; rivers In a movo designed . crack the center of allied defense lie.'. In fcntral Burma. U was re- caled today. I Counterlnii reiuirU of Uie new 'i-uanese advance on Uic western IliiiiC.wa-i 0 declarnUon by Chincso Inllliary leaders that American vol- untrrr pilots and the royal air force now lire ready for nn ‘•nll-ouf battle to tcsnln ftetlal command ot the liurnia front, despite Utclr numerical Inferloriy-. ^ l-'oUouinir lust wrtk'a J.ma.sh5ng blows asaiiust Japanese attacking squatlrons. Uie American .volunteers rnnie to tlie supi»rt of hnrd-prcvsed Chlni-ic defenders of UiC easlern flank yesterday and destroyod Uiree l/iTKe Jnpanti.e bombers In a noon aitaik on an enemy olrdrome in Uie Toungoo area, rerliau* Situation Whlle-Uic Chinese battled renew- ed enctny nuaulta above T ouhroo. the UrltUh faced a perilous situation farUier wesl. An indla-liurmft commftnd com- munique disclosed Uiat an enemy force wo* ••pre.islng hard" against ti\« otttninnbciod Britteh dtitndlns Uie PPKU Yoma fooUilll.i nouUiwest of TnunKtlwlnKyl, HO m iles south- west ot Mnndnday, temporary Bur. mr.so capiul, ^ The cotmnunltiue. i.ssucd al Ncm Drliil, .-.aKl Uie heavy attack wn: laiiiirlied Saturday. TaunKdwlnByl, aliiian uildwny between the Irra- waddy and Situnif rlvcr». Is Uie northernmost point of Jnpnnc.se nil- vaftv* olliclnlly nrknowledKCd by Uie Drlki;.li command. Column Advance* •nip Uicciiioiird tnwii U <0 miles cn.'.t nnd -sllKhtiy souUt ot Mngwe. Eiitcway to the wenlern B urm a oil tkld;., smd ^0 miles west and allghUy of Pj-lnmana. Important rail on the Slttang river fromt CO mll^s above ToungOD. AnoUier Japoneso column, tin commiinlquo snld. was reported nd- vancliiR up Uie main roatl to Un oil fields from filnbaungwc. on Uii ea.it bank of the Irrawaddy rivei 35 miles below MaBwe. It reported Uiftt Brltl.'ih troop.1 were attacking two other enemy conccntrntloiia wesi of TaunRdwlnkyl and said Japan- c.'.e pliine.s were cotiUnulnK Uieli boniblnK and strafinR of nllled for- wnrd troops and villages behind Uti lines. ecvernl directions in By The Assoelaltd Preu Japan’s tcntackit tip:hteucd on unorxanizcd India Uvday. Prinic Mini.iter Churchill of Great Britain discloseci that a risinp .«iiin Hcet of formidable proportions had gained con- trol of the bay of Bengal, off Jndia'H southern coast. Japanese spearheads extended ir Burma, adjoinintf India to the east. British sources said the si^ic of the fleet invading tho bay of Bengal indicated the [xjpattCJfo'were preparing for iTiiU-drcas land attack on ndia. Wich sucJt a rorce.'whlch Included )iitUes}ilpe. crtilsers, aircraft carrlcra ind numerous destroyers, Lotulon military observers said, Uie Japanese could shield the seawonl flank of land foixes descending from Burma, across tho upper Bengal border Into :io Ganges badln. In Burma, tlie Japaneoo were re« ported to be advancing up a. main road 70 miles north ot Prone, hav- ig passed Slnbaungwe on the «ast ank of Uie Irrawaddy about 55 illcs sliort of the Yenangyaung oil fields of Itmcr Burma. Reach OU Flel&s A London oouree sold Uie Japa- cse probably hod reached oUier oil fields acroos tho Irrawaddy from Allnnmyo, M miles north of Prome. •niis acUon was on Uia western wing of the lino which Is defended by Bntlsh Imperial itoofb. On the ILLESWARNING s3 nation: ^VAfllllNGTON. Aifrll 13 (U.R)— Aciin« Secrcinry of SU tc Sumnei Wtlles today In etltct warned Hun- Bao^. Rumania and Bulgaria—which have declnred war nn Uils courtto'— that the United States will declare war on them if they aid" tlie axt campnlKn nRolnst Ru.vsln. Welle,-, explained to his pre.-J con- ference thill the United S tates’hai not previniisly declared war on Uien axis satellUe.n because It Wft-v rec- OBnlred here Uial Uielr declnratloni aRalnst the United States were made under German pressure and were contrary to Uie wl.slie.i of the peo- ple In tha.*.e countries. He .said this countrys aUitudi would change only In event the three Balkon nations give assistance to Ihi axis in Its attack on the soviet un Ion. In Uiat case, he sold, he wa sure President Roosevelt would ask congreM for a declarallon of wai on the Uirco powers. Welles' ^talcmtnt wm pTomi^Vtd by a Berlin radio broadcast which asserted that Uils country had in- formed Hungary thrmiRh Swetllsh diplomatic channels Uiat a sU te of 'war exists as far as this country Is conccmed. Tlie broadcast said simi- lar poles were being sent Kumanla and BulRaria. Officer Training For Six Idahoans BOISE, April 13 t/5>-IdnJio may furnish six candidates each month for officers training under n recent measure grontlnB the privJlege lo 3-A men. -«ute lieadauartera aald toda>^. tJnder Uie oct any man cla.isinfd 03 3-A may apply for offloent train - ing after four months In the ranks. It he falls to quaUfy ho may retuni to private life as a 3-A man, rather than remain In Uia army. Bleporter Claims^ Duce Hysterical LONDON, AprU 13 — A spec- ial correspondent of Uio Dally Mail on the Italian frontier cabled today that.Preinlc# Miw-so- ilpl waa found In a state ot •'com- plete prostration" when examined b>' a speclnlUt. Tlie dlspatcl) sold: ••Daring Uio Interview II Ducc sobbed bitterly. Uien burst into hyjlerlcal laughter. The special- ist lold MussolUvl had lost all control of lilm.'rtlf and no longer was able to niannBo hLs a/falrs OS dlcunor ot llaly. -which now are reported In a chaotic eonJI- Uon.'' U. s. Will Not Interfere on yacation Plain By JOSEPH L MYLER WASHINGTON, A pril 13 lU.PJ—O' aliead and plan n vacation, if you ave tho time and money for It. ui reserve your travel Ucketa a' ir In advance lU possible. 'That'* U^6 of-U tt-m om enl tidviti ot federal officials. In response t< nqulrlea today, they acotciied ru nor> Uiat U « BO’f e m m e n t pla n s i. Shut off vocnUon travel ot all Vlnds. , 3. Limit civilian Uavel to dUUinces ot 100 mllca. •— 3. aose Uie national f«Mc*. *. Shut down the O. S. bureau. '"W«'vc heard all tho.se rumors re- ccnUy," MaUilldo Heu-ser travel bureou said, "but ... Uiem l3 true. There ti no official ban on summer vocations—oilier Uioso obviously Imposed by Uu tlonlng of tires and Uie propo.sed raUonlng of gasoline.^' Set* Crowded Condition . ■office of defense transporta, tloii.-bowever. does Uilnk Uiot rail, roatl and bus )lne.i may not be abli to •'mcel all demands for elvlllot pas.senger service In coming montlis' nnd Uiat "travel as usual will nt loiiser bo possible.'' Joseph B. Ejuitman, director of cfcase transportoUon, sold In his most recent stalemcnt on Uie sub- ject that becauai; ot mlUtory de- railroads • '•ponvenUons I trip.i :nUor : oth( ivetlvlUes UvolvlnB nott-essenUa vel should not be pUinAcd wiUi- consulUng railroad or bus com- panies." On proposed staggered vacaUor times and vocaUons ••close lo home.' Eastman snld such voluntary restric- tions -may serve to iwstpone Un need- for more drasUc measures which might be uken If laclllilej! become overtaxed," Some Reslrlcllons ••Wliile It might be ncccMnry restrict large-scale civilian pn-vst movemcnU at certain periods ,nd In ceruln oreos.^' he snld ral r loninf rail c IS pa.s- ?ng« UckeU Is eontcwplaUd fi the immediate future." EasWian called nttcnUon to Prej Ident Roosevelfa stalcment In; March 10 endorsing recreotlon as means of ••reUevlrg Uie stralai ( ^ar*; but warning that -recreaUo . A u.itial la Jiut AS bad tu) business as tuual," East Coast Shore Patrol Increaset BOSTON. April 13 0JJ5-,sccreUiry of Navy Prank Knox aald t<Jilay that the Atl&nUc coaal inshore peitrol h^.^ been slrengUiened by •‘over 100 smnll craft and 100 planes" and thi May 1 tlamage Innietwl on -. shipping by enemy submarlnM off the eastern coost ••will bo ncBllplble.' CompleUng an livspectlon tour o AtlanUe coast ports here with Vice- Admiral n. n, Wae.sche.of Uie U. S. coast guard. Knox told a prens con- ference at Boston navy ynrd, ''al- though we can never reach perfec- Uon In anU-RUbmarlne warfare, we have takert the neee.sioi^' measures to protect shipping." 10-Pound Potato Packs Continued IDAHO PALLS. April 13 MV-Ten- pound packages for Idaho poUtoes win not be eliminated, according to a telegram received by Carl £)e Long, secretary of the Idaho Traffie as- soclaUon. from E. S. Harper or Twin Falls, member of the nauooal com- mittee oQ eonlalnerj Xor produce. Harper telegraphed from Chicago vhere the committee Is meetincUukC had reconaldered an^carl- _________n to elimlnat* the amaHer eontAlners In favor oT Uie 19-pound ilong the Sittong river, 30 miles norUi ot Ttouagoo. Their only aetlot support, the American voluoi«cr group, or “Flying 'ngcre," raided' Japatwse.ale fields at Tounaoo >■«“ lerday. setting fire lo'three bocsb- Another Japontse attack. In heavy * /orce. was aa'id to hare been launch- ed on a poelUon souUiwest of Taungdwlngyc. This Is In tho middle of Uie aUle^ lino. AnoUier. enemy column has been reported operaUns In this orea, between Uie two north- south roods on whicli the Japanese a/e making their main drives. Ueod for ^cst London aourees sold If lha Jap- ^iuM-«aiUM.laJiun&*'c(nUd.tD» -I- defendlns- -Brlttsn and Chinese forces, they probably would he«d estward In the hope ot mteUng II eastward-thrusung Oennan army imewhere in Uie inlddlo easU Only In the Atistrallan area w^e le Invaders held In check. Allied bombers raided Jopuoese bises on Uie approaclies to Uio "down under* inUnent. Tliere was‘no IndlcaUon lat Tokyo planned. an Immediate Ifenslve ngatiist Australia. Meanwhile. 13 officially announc- ed ftlilp sinkings on Uie American side' of Uie AtlanUc lost week .brought to 137 the acknowledged total of looses In Uie United Suites ilnce Pearl horboft* ) of the latest batch were < American vvaels. For tho fourUi day, Uie war de- partment was without direct In- formaUon on what has taken place in Uie Bataan peninsula aince Gen- . :ral JonaUian M. Walnwrlght re- ported early Thurwlay that It was believed that the defenses hod been No Commnnlcatlons Walnwrlght disclosed Friday that for nearly 2H hours communi«Uons between Corregldor fortress and the peninsula had been severed. There ha.1 been no indlentlon since that they hove been reesUblished. The Jnpanc.se have asserted a formal surrender was offered by .MaJ..Gen, Etlward K King, Jr. The war department fdetitlfied him as the Bataon commandar, os senior ticcr after Wolnwrighfs transfer corregldor. Senator Downey. D., CaUf.. told e senate that there must be no « ...jre Batanns in American mllltory history, adding U\at only by otUon home front to provide Ute weapons for Its fighters could the people at homt rtdetm thtmstlvea for past laxlUes. Bataan fell to the Japanese, he tltclortd. because -we lalled either to decide to abandon the Philip- pines or to fortify them odetjuale- ly.- "It fell because we never really made up our minds over here to defend It." he said. ••Wfrgav# Gen- eral MacArthur only a tenth of the equipment and the men he needed and gave It grudgingly In ^ e past. "TO those dead, woundedand cap- tured Uicre we wUl hove to say •there will be no more BoUons'.- Airplane Builder Reduces Price on Federal Contract INGLEWOOD. C alif, April 13 OIB —North American AxUHoa. in c, which, recently aet a pteoedent by refunding 114.000,000, to the war de* ' poTU&tnt on ft plane ccotratt. to- day announced a roluntary rntue- uon of $MX)00.000 U> the goremmeoc tmlnlng plaaft.«ODtr*ct price*. ‘AlUiough the eott of labor and. materials U hlgfaer. botvUsan vben the contncu 'wen iMSOtUtdd.’*Prei- Went J. a KlndeffletStr caU. “« find that tocremsed BfXleleacy m a te It pcnlble for Hortb-Anedcaa-to bulJd combat ti«lniBff )fliiMi at ap- proximately 68 pa^.entW tlie coct of the aam0 pIa!M-1a Uw lummer of IMO.” The.recent «U.OOOW cash reTund. * - ' Ily reaUocated to the. \

Transcript of e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now...

Page 1: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

VICTORY. i««nin> T008

b d p . 817 an Uw ^reoM boiuto 7*9 eiuii

K EEP 'EM FLTINQA Regional Newspaper Scrrlni:

WAR BULLETINNEW D E U n. indl*. April . 13

D lipatehM o ld t«<Ur Itae klnf o f N»nd»aj. * tribal U fr iU ri ot A n a a . had duUrci! w w J»p*0 w»dpromlwA *^ho!e he»rUd mod nnfllnch* Ins nppoTi'* t« th e V niU a NftUbU.


Coiregidor Gunners Sink Jap Boats, KeepEnemy Aircraft High

WASHINGTON. April 15 (/P>—The wur department re. ported today Ihnt Corretfidor’s tjunners sflnk a number "of flmall Japanese boats nnd kept enemy air raiders so high over lf\e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now rnids causcd only minor loss.

A communique j<nid the Japanese boats were in the har­bor of the fishing villaHc^^if.Mnrivclcfi at the tip of the abandoned Batniin peninsula. Scvcrtil were set afire in addi­tion to those sunk.

Meanwhile, coflimunlculloii bo- iwccn Corrctildor unci Cebu was cut oU for Uie nn»l H3 liourn no Ltcut. Gen. JonaUirin M- W uirirlnht wu-'i uimble to report on Uic efforU in Iwnt. off aj) inviuiloji o f Uip cenlrnl PhlllpplJie b ltihd . m ore Uinn 300 miles toiiUi of Corrcgldor.

Too Freiilitcni Lo>tTJie ^ m m u til tiu e rcpo rU d be-

Jiitcvt/y Uie .sinking by ciii-my iu:llon of in u nrrny frcltilil .slilpn. tlie Lib-

L c r ly Btia Uic Mclti!'. lx>U\ oC wUlcl w ent down in tlic /lOuUiwcsl Pacific.

The Liberty v,u.i to rp« lo f(l twice by lui suUn!VTl«e Uwhen 13 inlira from th e NcUiiTlnJids indle* UJund of Dftll. f<o lives were !o<iV Tlifl v tis rl wti-s b p tid i td imd,53 crcw men and one pn.vienger were rcK urd by Dulc)i pllmt^H.

T ilt Mtlijs was .vunlc Feb, IB In a bwnblns nUd on tlie tu irbor of D ar­win. AiUilrftllft, TliV miuster Cnptnln T. S. Link, died In ter of wDumlj, O ne crewvm nnbiT was killed cind elBht were wounded.

Ton raids wer* m ade on CorrcKl* dor In the. j m t 24 iioiirs, Uie war depnrtm enl Mild. nii.-.lnK Llic toUU lo 33 In Uie ln.1l two diiy.'>.

Somf C asualties unlqi

cw uali'.K nutji

age.“n ie war departm en t r rp o r te d Uini

d tfen d ln ; m arksm en com pelled t2io J«poQe«e pilots to keep aO ta r above tAe tAntCt th a t domoEe «-«• illghi and “only a few eAMiftlUrs Vi-en im - talned by our iroop*”

ArUIler? luoaulU Kpre reported from boUi D a taa n .. n t Uieclooest, polrii U o n ly ^ ls h U y mom Umn two miles from '" C om eldo r, and Cavlie. on Uic oppofdtc iJdc or

_;wlanlla bay.Japnnese rodlo repo rts w id heavy

field pieces Dad been moved Into won cmplBcomcnU on Uib

' Aoutljcm tip of BatAon, a n d Uicse

ffliiilcj cfvn for Bimoat con tin ­uous fire to p revent th e enem y from tjalnlTis »ltcp.

W llfi REO ENVOYLONDON, April 13 i,l’> — Harry

.Moplonv mh-ber ol Prciildcnt llooKr- vrll nnd Ills lrnd-lcnr;o expert, held a lone 'conference today with the IUi,vilfin nmba-v.ador, Ivnn Mnl. lcy at the UnlKd Stalen cmbo-viy.

Hopkin.1 will confcr tonlKht wlUi Prime MliiLUer Churchill nnd prob­ably prr-ient ihr re.-(ulta of the In- tcrvlew wlUi MnL-iky.

■ Gen. OforKs C, Mnrnhnll. unlteC Siat«,i army chief of xtnff. was al tho embn.viy frequently durlnff Uie riny. but did not pnrHclpntc in tht tnllui With the nu,ulnn dfplomnt.

Informed tiuarlera huve Raid tl\at the prime objectlvp of Hopkliw nnc Mnrshnll Is to iLie every nientvi with­in the power ot Uie Unllct^iaW ! and BrKnln to tuvlnt Rujinln In (he cruclnl Snttle.i expected this .iprlng atvcl 8Umn\cr.

Rus.ila Is lonu on manpower but Bhort on equipment.' nnd the pre.i- mte oS Hopkins v m called n alR- nfti for an ever Rrenter flow ol pinne.i, tanks. munlUoai nnd other mftleiltl to. « ie Soviet toy way ol Murman.ik nnd the hnilf of Persia,

The RrowlnB United SUtes mlll- Ury MlnbllshmenU In NorUiem Ire-

^ n d which Mnrshall ha.i been In- <®>ccUnK and the stcndlly mountlns

now ot wnrplnnes wn.i HeUl as nn Indication Uint United Stntes pilots would Join Uie RAP within a m " In bomblnR Ocrmnny.

Marshall nnd Hopkla<t were said to be In eompleli- ntrreement wlUi the British that the Ru.-jilnn front w the crUlcAl bnittefleld nud that 111 ler was Uie No. I enemy. ,

U.S. Tanker Sunk By Sub’s Torpedo Off Brazil Coast

CACOCIM. CEARA. Ilra tU , April 13 CUJ!J—The 7.138-ton U nited St«U; tanker Eugene V. R . TJm yer woj torpedoed and sunk a i 8 p . m T hursday off Ci^ora on Uie no rthern coast of Drazll wltii a Iom of a t least nine « ? * m tm b tri, survJvors Bald today.

A t RwUIeea U wos repo rted th » U orw tslan ship aUo was sunk, b porently by ijje come subm arine.

The sinking of th e T hayer, which Is owned by Uio m n c la lr R efining company and Is resU tered o u t of New York-*ccurred about 100 mlJes

.o f f the Brarlllnn coast, survivorssnld.

Tlilrlccn »ur>'lvors. Including Cap- tftln D. P- ewcndson a n d tlirei o th r r officers of the U nker.- landed

«" turdny at the small port of Por- »e about 45 miles from Cacoelm.


Morcom died yesterday Ju s t a fes mwAhs'^ivan, ot the c en tu ry mM k.

Mrs. Morewn would have been 100 years old Aus. 33. B om In Cn«' ' land . fh« hwJ llvM in Idaho , t

Wanted: Idaho’s Spuds in Idaho

SUN VALLEY. April 13 WJ— Jsme.' R. Yountr. cxi>ert on for eastern affairs, toduy encounter­ed coi\slderablo dltflcviliy in JlntS- Intr Riant Idaho pototoen m Idaho,

He snld he siient a whole day. Itivvtlled 2t » milts nnd tnikul to more than 30 poUto Rrowera In seiirch of n crate of Inrse-.ilre luz>er,i /or sliipnient to friciuls In ChunsklnB. China. Youn« w.ui unable to find the spudx lo 'ally and was ixdvLied to .lend hL\ order for Idalio potatoes to New York Cliy dealers. - •

Leaders Maj) War Sayings

Pledge Drive»r«pitallotui • for the unlverwil

pledge cnmpolgn, which stnrl.i In •• l8ht counties of .%ouUi central

n on Monday, Av«i\ 20. »t.t« getUnR Into full swlnR toilay wlUi comralttccmen tlirouRhout the arcn JoimulallnR ihelr plnn lor vjhnt proml-ies to be the principal objec­tive of the defense savlnss organ- IzaUon during thb year,

EducaUonal campaigns nre beln> have been started tliroughoui

the Magic Valley to lamlliarlM thi people witli universal pled«r. News­papers. radio ataUon.i, theaters, civic orsanltaUons and the llkr nre co< operating with defense mvuibs staff: In publlcltlng tho forthcomlnR drive

DfAodeast Wcdnc.iday evening, starting al i,

p. m- a half-hour proRraw will be broadcast ovtr jaTTFl. &clng enllrtly devoted to the pledge campalRn, Speakers »'IU Ittcluda -P.. S. Totfle- mlre. a.-uocUto admlnlitrator for thl* district: Claude M, Detweller.

•«aseaave Puiticounty, a n d M arshall Chapman, chairman of th e speakers' bureau for the Tv.'ln F a lls county d t te n i t savlnRs s ta f f; PnU lolIc mu-ilc will aJ.v) feature.

Mr. TotJlemlrc has been oddrr\'- ns a Kroup of meeUnn* In Uie dls- rlct and lui.Mstlng In the orKanlM- ilon o! their rcspecHvc canvas.<rtnB inlts prepnrntory to the drive.

(Soodlnc Toe»d#y La.M Tliursday cvrnlnn lie ad-

Jressed Ihr Twin PolLi orsanlmlon; Prldny eveiilnB he npoke to the Buhl Kroup. TliL% week hr ,ipenk.s At Ooofl- tnu. Tuevlay; Biirley. Wednesday, ,nd Stioxhonr, Thursday.•The universal plrdRc," Toffle-

nlre pointed out today. ‘ 'amouiiLn 0 a house In house canvass of all ity and rural r“ sldences In

tci.l*.,- . . ff«. »•


LIVER.MORE. Calif,. April 13 (-T) —Fourteen navy filers perished y « - Urday whMi X-so patrol bombfrs mihed and burned In Uie Llvei nore hills.

A 15lh man survived 'wiUioul sei lous Injurj’.

The crack-ups occurred in foggyeaUier as t ie giant land-and-iea

ships were flying on an undLscIostd mission at* o point alwut 30 miles souUjeast of Uielr base at the Ala­meda naval nlr station.

The sole survivor was Earl P. Patrick. 39. aviation machlnlsU' mate, 1st elou. He was flung clear when plane No. 3 struck, and was found walking about dazedly, but suffering only from cuts and bruL es.

Naval officers said Patrick evi­dently was In the rear of Uie plane and was fluns through a break In the fuselage when the crasli occur-


LONDON. April IS IU.R)-A large Japanese fleet, headed by at lewt Uiree battlealilps ajid five aircraft carriers. Is operaUng In Uie Indian ocean. Prltn« MUilitcr Wltviton ChurelUll revealed today in the house of common.i In the flrswov- emment Indication ot the UTHtnt diinb'ertof a Jnpltne ie ntlnck on In­dia.

v n « Ger •adlo. rcporud In .■'iKiccn irom Tokyo today Hint ntWi ember o f the 7.270-ton Le iiltT clnr.i Jiad been seriously dam led off the Indian const by Jaji ic!.e naval Tlic UanUcubtra have a pcncetlme complc cnt of S50 m e n ).The bnttlcililiw. Including one c i-lnch Kun.i ot Uic modernized Mi

; Uic c; rrler iiu/nerand llRhl cniber.'

irojrrs were .Nlulitcd .iteamlnc Ceylon AiirH 1. Uic day before Ilr»t Jnpane.-ic nlrplnne attack

Colombo, he aald.nrlllsh Air Fleet Out

hiirclilll ndmltted that practical' all of a fleet o f Brllbh bomber. i>edo and fighter planes which *ckcd the Jaiiancse fleet off Tcti\-

Ceylon:ed ( becar rvlcenbir,

UefujliiK to dlscloit U « or dhiiosltlon of the Britbn iirei In Indian WAtera. lie announced thin Admiral Sir Jnmc:* SomervlUt, tom- nmiiderof Uicshljvi which evacuiitec Uie Urillsh exi>edit4onary force fron


nnuil 111 tlic Indian In Ills ti>eech. he s

;n|)i. lauL'i Mountba

vlilch I tlie indo Iforced the Oe

.itrenKilieii tlielr defen.-.cs nil ih< way from Brest to Narvik.

CInirchili nnnoniiced Uiat wiilui IJie next two weck.i or so there wtnili be a Matement on tlie course ol iin wur lit a -lecrct session ot the Iiomm of common.-!.

Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR U\e rupture of ncKWin

tJons at New DelJri wUh Uie Indlai nailotiallsts. lie indicated Uiat lip would not make sutejnrnt uinil UiB rclurii of Sir Stafford Cripiv. war cablnet^^envoy to India, t iu ••may l>« in a position lb make t personal statement.^'

•'I lake tills opportunity of s.iy- loR- how mucn we » - . - - tenacity. InRcnuliy with ttiilth he

rlilllthouKiil do


» n v e adm ired Uic, y and {wtleniiP nducled th e i^ ^ e - • n i a ii^ a iT "Al-

ibl»«nfr^tie feels mont rruel blow b'

i»d r«s« 2. \ lopr A th'!;r ^ iu u i

,L (conA R M Y IO B A I IL lO R S O N J A P S

SAN FRANCISCO. April 13 OiJn— The army aoUKht to d a y to h a lt U spread ol ••false nimor.s" th n t Japi nr.se alien n tid c iilzcn evacuce* w* provided im proper llvlnn condlUo)In aisembly centers.

Col. Kacl B. UenHvtjt)\, nr.sbtai chief o f> laff of the civil nffa irs d vision, .snld .Vuch n itn o rs were spread by both Jftpant^r.c n n tl nrm-Jnpanesi;

•Tliese [ler.NOns are.BpenkInK with out factuni knowledKc nnd often nr> fttllvMril by unheaJU iy rcnsoas. Bcndeuen said.

He said m any of t l i c o.vsenibly cen lers were a tin u n d e r con.'.trucUon

c no t op-

AdequMe fncllltl before the arriva l c improvements are intlc lat

red.. 1 c arried el«ht m en to

Uielr deaths w hen I t ulruck a tence and plowed u p a furrow on a catUe ranch ID miles ouU lde of Livermore.

Plane No, 2 crftAhcd near th e top of a hill lome th ree miles away from Uie scene of th e oUier erack-up- W lt- n m e s salt! Uie sh ip m lssttl clearing Uie field by only 30 feet. T he plane dug a furrow CO fee t long and burst Into Ilames.

$1,000,000 Blaze Hits Illinois Oty

KEWANEE, III- April 13 {-'P)-Plre raged for m ore th a n four hours li Uie main business dlsU-lct thl morning. de.ntroylnB nearly a scor of buildings In a n en tire 'square block In the most dnmaRlng conflsgroUon In the city's h istory.

Firemen In th is n o r th cen tra l lUl- noU lotm of 17.000 nnd from eight nearby towns fou g h t Uie w ind-swept tlim es for m « e th a n four houta before getUng the b la ie under e trol.

Cause o t t i l t Jlte. w hich » t* n n 1:33 ». m. and was declared urcontrol shorUy a fte r 6 a, m.. w a s__Immediately de term ined . O lllclals d ld 'no t give a n e stim a te of th e dam - oge bu t business m en placed the loos a t more th a n tl.ooo.ooo Oi firem an v u aUghtly in jured .

Bendelaen scoffed a t n "I land” report th a t Invniori^ fc le.s a t Uie San ia A n lla n.-uei enter were '•lim ited snd In uatc" nnd n t report* t in t cvac rere not bclnjt fed proper foods He said th e S sn tn Anita c<

,-aa buUl w ith lavato ry (aclUUes for tpwards of 50.000 pcr.mns nnd Ui CM ihnn 15.000 were housed the;

BendetMn oaJd tv n c u m were fc, ing fed arm y raUon B. a balanced

consisting larficly of canned foods and rice ptepi^rM by Japa

cooks, u n til it w ill be poMlbli to feed them fre.sh m cnw , fru lls am


He’s One-Man Army Japs Tighten Grip On India Ocean as %and Units Advance

Credited with d rslro y in r. mo B a taan U Capl. AH W ermuth. fir»t picturem to arrive In the YanWs U st stand , lie packs a of B a taan , hU fate is unknown

. 100 Japaiirite In f lg h tln c •shntrn In flsh tln t llHllcd S la lt» linm U1 au tom atic riPt and a

Honor Prompt Payer, Credit Men 'Advised

TO M 'JO H N SO NSouthern Idaho credit men and women today Vero ursed

by Waller A. Jensen, Portland, to aj^opt u, uniform “com­munity crcdit jx>'ITcy,’’ h i ^ will TiicoRnize consumcr.s who pay their bill.*! promptlyJktwl‘11. executive secretary of t!u*. Associated Credit

'BurNui.s of the Northwo.sl, .spoke this aftL'i Olid annual refjional credit coiifrjj«-U ,ce of the Hot Credit Men’s Kaliimal associ­ation al the ParV hotel. IT topic wa.s “Crfilil Trends.”

I at the

thLs aftcn ioon , hu.i jai.ed ’ 100 crrilii

Qurlcy. tduhc Fall,'.. UolM-, 1

f c rrd it bu.slnt ;n di-cinrcd. " lunvinh- inliin

l-'ull'., PocAivUu.

Indus "Many of Uie

verlcnily fniled t of tUclr cl\i\i\Kc c the '!.kl[»' aro i checked o u t for aMd Jfv


.tie Ml crrdli burriii he ,stnic.s (If Wn.%hinKion. OrrK<" lio.nnd M ontana, nnd ihe Cniw 1 provlncf-s of British Cohiii

SaskAtchewnn nnd Albrrtit- iprlstng « ie nv.oclalinn’s lOi ricf—will compile a nia.iler II ••skips" In an e ffo rt to locn

veil r


Urge* PrcparaU onHe urged cred it bu resiu pnd a-s

soclatlons to make e«ery rffo r t l< keep UiclT •'l-.cad ftbove w nier dur Ing Uic w ar" In order to be ready n copc wllh Uie post-w nr " b ^ m cred It perlw V

Noting tliftt •'there are a l least th ree more plans Ix-foro the federal Rovernment for the regulaUon o consumer credit." Je as rn urged cred­it men to face and solve thclr-ow r problems.

■'Remember th n t there are $11 of cre<llt bu.sine.« for every *1 ol

Expert Says Money Hoarding May Collapse German MoraleBy WILLIAM FERRI

CHICAOO, April 13 i-V,-Dr. Mel- eholr Palyl. form er economic ad- vLser to the relclw binlc. central bank .of Germany, .said In an Interview today th a t hoarded currency in Ckr- many consUtutcs a po ten tia l Mjurce of-collapse'for O erm ari morale.

CommentlnB on r r iw t s from Deme. Sw ltterland, H in t bnnk note circulation In QermMiV Iwd Incrcas- ed subsUintlally. Dr. Pnlyl r.nld this indicated hoard lnc ra t l i r r th a n any InflMlonar? r m h w co»veri cash Into goods.

Dr. Palyl entered m i- ' ‘w n tr y In WJ3. became an Am.-nrMi eltlMn and Is vlSlUnK profe.v o r ol economics a t University of Wf.<oiv-m.

T he Berne report,'' U iot for. clgn economLsta. nnllnK '*'c ru ing sign* of In flation in G erm any., as­serted th a t rciclistjnnlc Jiaictnenla allowed an tqcrea.se In bank note circulation from insa.ooo.ooo marks a t the end oT 1938 to marks a t Uie end of r e b n ia o ’. IW .

■Oerman-s hoard be<au;.c they think the ir motiey wlU be wociU more n fter th e w ar. on th e oMump- Uon th a t G erm any will win- Tliet: w ith Uie loot o t ttU contiutrctS coun U-les ftvallhble. Uie G erm oas bcllev Uiey win be able to ob ta in mor ttoods for U^elT money th a n th e /c a i now.

••But It b In th is slua tion th n t th •danacr lle.s. As ^oon as tho Oermai people believe Uiey can n o t win th war. they will rusli to buy. B\'eryone win be b idding up the prioea of food, cloUilng nnd olh^^ es.senUals. aiiu all the price control laws in Uic world will no t stop It. A fter all. .von can 't decapitate ha lf th e population.

•T h a t will consUtuto th e collapse of G erm an morale.

•'Unless G erm any is succe.uful In pushitm Russia o u t.o f m lub stan tu l port of Europe Uila sum m er, it u very possible Uiat Uie ru sh to get rid o f money, w llh Its consequenl col- lap ie In morale, wlU develop la:e tW s autum n."


M iinion. n iiativr of i wa:i cloiux-iiiuvcti Ills c itlrenslilp a|j|ilk-ut phoioKrnph. Since Ur-ii li. cd u-wu.-iiachc- Tu obuiiii tiaix-r.-.r'hc had to look 1 orlKlnal jiliotoKriii)li.

So Mivnson Minvi-d hi-. cltUen.'ilUp,


1 3 -T lic Puln.\kl i>mu(;r;i lias devl.-;ed n tclenhonc

:mber»Uie I inltJiKiI (

for 0ctlon

A nyone cnlllnB the

S e c t DobrowoLskl. owskl. Zapntka nn> . H cU of

dwiird Overliolt wliilc he kluK In a 15-foot Jiole. .iKRMl Olic Blir.srd I t oil U was klndn .Muffy down

CiKT Rt;.SlH.TS KANSAS CITY, April 1 3 -P n -

tro lm rn A rt Bennclt nnd Joe Cnr- bontau Just snt there nnd w ntch- ed th e cars creep by—.'ome one pu t u p n .sign; S|)ced im p ahead.

T hen the cops, who don 't hove to show up a t court today to prosecute any ai)ceder», looked up Uic boys who Installed Uic sign.

•T h.inks, pftis.^' Uiey com m ent­ed. ••All we wanted to do w m slow


Army Takes Over Winterland Hotel

PALM SPRINGS. Calif.. April 13 !U.»—T lie $500,000 El M lrodor hotel, winter playgrounud on the desert fo r screen notnble.s and wealthy c a .« e m . e n . will be taken over by th e u nny W ednesday for use as a m illU uy ho.'ipIUl. Uie O. 8 . anny enslneer^a office snld todoy,

O w ner-M anager W arren P lnney said th o struc tu re would be vaca ted by. 6 p. m . tomorrow. Tlie following day th e a rm y will begin cohverting Uie luxurious hotel Into a l.M »-bed ho.spltAl. ConstrucUon of nuxillayy buildings Will begin Immediately.

N tO H T CLUBH RAIDED BO ISE, A pril 13 W >-Pollce and

1 lertU^a ofiicc m lds on live n ig h t •lulM In th e Boise area over th i-eek-end brought seven nrresUi oi uquw th M je s and conllscaUon c several slo t m aclilnes,' O ne ' pe rw i tr« , charged w ith gambling.

U P A N E S E M P S I V E f f i D G E S BU RIiD E FE N SE SniU N O K IN G , April 13 (UB—

Kiranc Japanese force* heatlly supported by artU iery a n d bomb- en> (truck to w ithin ZO mllea. of Iturm a'i rlrh oil fields today and dro\(i K new « e dse betw een the IrranaJdy and S ltang rivers In an effort to crack th e cen ter of th t ttTlllsh-ClilnM* lines.

Ily ItOnEIlT P. MARTINCUUNOKINO, April 13 (U.r.)-Pow- •ful Jnpane.se land force.s are drlv- IK a new wed«c in to B ritish posl- nns between the Irraw a d d y and Ittnni; rivers In a m ovo designed . crack the cen ter of a llie d defense lie.'. In fcn tra l B urm a. U was re- caled today.

I Counterlnii reiuirU of Uie new 'i -u a n ese advance on Uic western IliiiiC.wa-i 0 declarnUon by Chincso Inllliary leaders th a t A m erican vol- un trrr pilots and th e royal a ir force now lire ready for nn ‘• n l l- o u f battle to tc sn ln ftetlal com m and o t the liurnia front, despite U tclr numerical Inferloriy-.

l-'oUouinir lust w rtk 'a J.ma.sh5ng blows asaiiust Japanese attacking squatlrons. Uie A m erican .volunteers rnnie to tlie su p i» r t of hnrd-prcvsed Chlni-ic defenders of UiC easlern flank yesterday and destroyod Uiree l/iTKe Jnpanti.e bom bers In a noon a itaik on an enemy o lrd rom e in Uie Toungoo area,

rerliau* S itua tion Whlle-Uic Chinese b a ttle d renew­

ed enctny nuaulta above T ouhroo. the UrltUh faced a perilous situation farUier wesl.

An indla-liurm ft com m ftnd com­munique disclosed U iat a n enemy force wo* ••pre.islng h a rd " against ti\« otttninnbciod B ritteh d titn d ln s Uie PPKU Yoma fooUilll.i nouUiwest of TnunKtlwlnKyl, HO m iles south­west ot Mnndnday, tem porary Bur. mr.so cap iu l, • ^

The cotmnunltiue. i.ssucd a l Ncm Drliil, .-.aKl Uie heavy a tta c k wn: laiiiirlied Saturday. TaunKdwlnByl, a liiian uildwny betw een th e I rra ­waddy and S itu n if rlvcr». Is Uie northernm ost point of Jnpnnc.se nil- vaftv* olliclnlly nrknowledKCd by Uie Drlki;.li command.

Column Advance*•nip Uicciiioiird tnw ii U <0 miles

cn.'.t nnd -sllKhtiy souUt o t Mngwe. Eiitcway to the w enlern B u rm a oil tkld;., smd 0 miles w est a n d allghUy

of Pj-lnmana. Im p o rtan t rail on the S ltta n g r iv e r from t

CO mll^s above ToungOD.AnoUier Japoneso co lum n, tin

commiinlquo snld. w as rep o rte d nd- vancliiR up Uie m ain roatl to Un oil fields from filnbaungw c. on Uii ea.it bank of th e Irraw a d d y rivei 35 miles below MaBwe. I t reported Uiftt Brltl.'ih troop.1 were a ttacking two o ther enemy conccntrntloiia wesi of TaunRdwlnkyl and sa id Japan- c.'.e pliine.s were cotiUnulnK Uieli boniblnK and strafinR of nllled for- wnrd troops and villages beh ind Uti lines.

ecvernl directions in

By The Assoelaltd P re uJapan’s tcntackit tip:hteucd on unorxanizcd India Uvday.

Prinic Mini.iter Churchill of Great Britain discloseci that a risinp .«iiin Hcet o f formidable proportions had gained con­trol of the bay of Bengal, off Jndia'H southern coast.

Japanese spearheads extended ir Burma, adjoinintf India to the east.

British sources said the si ic of the fleet invading tho bay of Bengal indicated the [xjpattCJfo'were preparing for iTiiU-drcas land attack on ndia.Wich sucJt a rorce.'whlch Included

)iitUes}ilpe. crtilsers, aircraft carrlcra ind num erous destroyers, Lotulon m ilitary observers said, Uie Japanese could sh ield th e seawonl flank o f land foixes descending from Burma, across tho upper Bengal border In to

:io G anges badln.In Burm a, tlie Japaneoo were re«

ported to be advancing up a. m a in road 70 miles no rth o t P rone, hav -

ig passed Slnbaungw e on the «ast ank of Uie Irraw addy about 55 illcs s lio rt of the Yenangyaung oil

fields of Itm cr Burma.R each OU Flel&s

A London oouree sold Uie J a p a - cse probably hod reached oUier

oil fields acroos tho Irrawaddy from Allnnmyo, M m iles north of Prome.

•niis acUon was on Uia w estern wing of th e lino which Is defended by B n tlsh Imperial itoofb. On th e

IL L E S W A R N IN Gs 3 n a t io n :^VAfllllNGTON. Aifrll 13 (U.R)—

Aciin« Secrcinry of S U tc Sum nei W tlles today In e t l tc t w arn ed Hun- Bao . R um ania and B u lgaria—which have declnred war nn Uils c o u rtto '— th a t the United S ta te s w ill declare war on them if they aid" tlie ax t campnlKn nRolnst Ru.vsln.

Welle,-, explained to his pre.-J con­ference thill the United S t a t e s ’hai not previniisly declared w ar o n Uien axis satellUe.n because I t Wft-v rec- OBnlred here Uial Uielr declnratloni aRalnst the United S ta te s w ere made under G erm an pressure a n d were contrary to Uie wl.slie.i of th e peo­ple In tha.*.e countries.

He .said this c o u n try s aU itudi would change only In even t th e three Balkon nations give a ssis tance to Ihi axis in Its a ttack on th e s o v ie t un Ion. In U iat case, h e sold, h e w a sure P residen t Roosevelt w ou ld ask congreM for a declara llon of wai on the Uirco powers.

Welles' ^ ta lcm tn t w m pTomi^Vtd by a Berlin radio b ro ad c ast which asserted th a t Uils c o un try h a d in ­form ed H ungary thrmiRh Swetllsh diplomatic channels U iat a s U te of

'w ar exists as f a r as th is c o u n try Is conccm ed. T lie broadcast sa id sim i­la r poles were being sen t K um anla and BulRaria.

Officer Training For Six Idahoans

BOISE, April 13 t/5> -IdnJio may furn ish six candidates each m onth fo r officers train ing u nder n recen t m easure grontlnB th e privJlege lo 3-A men. -« u te lie ad a u a rte ra aald toda>^.

tJnder Uie oct any m an c la.is infd 03 3-A may apply for offloent tr a in ­ing a fte r four months In th e ranks. It h e falls to quaUfy ho m ay re tu n i to private life as a 3-A m a n , r a th e r th a n remain In Uia arm y.

Bleporter Claims^ Duce Hysterical

LONDON, AprU 13 — A spec­ial correspondent o f Uio Dally Mail on th e I ta l ia n frontier cabled today tha t.P re in lc# Miw-so- ilpl waa found In a s ta te o t •'com­plete prostration" w hen examined b>' a speclnlUt.

T lie dlspatcl) sold:••Daring Uio Interview II Ducc

sobbed bitterly . U ien bu rst into hyjlerlcal lau gh ter. T h e special­ist lold MussolUvl h a d lost all control of lilm.'rtlf a n d no longer was able to niannBo hLs a /falrs OS dlcunor o t l la ly . -which now are reported In a ch ao tic eonJI- Uon.''

U. s. W ill Not Interfere on yacation Plain


aliead and p lan n vacation, if you ■ ave tho tim e a n d money for It.

ui reserve your trav e l Ucketa a ' ir In advance lU possible.'That'* U^6 o f-U tt-m o m en l tidviti

o t federal officials. I n response t< nqulrlea today, they acotciied ru nor> Uiat U « BO’fe m m e n t plans

i. Shut off vocnUon travel o t all Vlnds. ,

3. Limit civilian U avel to dUUinces o t 100 mllca. •—

3. a o s e Uie n a tio n a l f«Mc*.*. Shut down th e O. S.

bureau.'"W«'vc heard a ll tho.se rum ors re-

ccnUy," MaUilldo Heu-ser travel bureou said, " b u t ...Uiem l3 true. T here t i no official ban on summ er vocations— oilier Uioso obviously Imposed by Uu tlonlng of tires and Uie propo.sed raUonlng of gasoline.^' ’

Set* Crow ded Condition . ■ office of defense transporta,

tloii.-bowever. does U ilnk Uiot rail, roatl and bus )lne.i m ay no t be abli to •'mcel all dem ands for elvlllot pas.senger service In com ing montlis' nnd Uiat "travel as u sua l will nt loiiser bo possible.''

Joseph B. Ejuitman, d irector of cfcase transportoU on, sold In his

most recent sta lem cn t on Uie sub­jec t th a t becauai; o t mlU tory de-

railroads • '•ponvenUonsI trip.i :nUor : oth(

ivetlvlUes UvolvlnB nott-essenU a vel should no t be pUinAcd wiUi- consulUng ra ilro a d o r bus com ­

panies."On proposed staggered vacaUor

tim es and vocaUons ••close lo home.' E astm an snld such vo lun tary restric ­tions -may serve to iw stpone Un need- for more drasU c measures which m ight be u k e n If laclllilej! become overtaxed,"

Some R eslrlc llons ••Wliile It m igh t be ncccMnry

restric t large-scale c iv ilian pn-vst movemcnU a t c e r ta in periods

,nd In c e ru ln oreos.^' h e snldral r loninf rail c IS pa.s-

?ng« UckeU Is eontcw plaU d fi th e immediate fu ture."

EasWian called n ttcnU on to Prej Iden t Roosevelfa s ta lc m e n t In; M arch 10 endorsing recreo tlon as m eans of ••reUevlrg Uie s tr a la i (

^ar*; but warning th a t -recreaU o . A u.itial la Jiut AS bad tu) business as tuual,"

East Coast Shore Patrol Increaset

BOSTON. April 13 0JJ5-,sccreU iry o f Navy P rank K nox aald t<Jilay th a t th e Atl&nUc coaal in sho re peitrol h^.^ been slrengUiened by •‘ove r 100 smnll c ra f t and 100 p lanes" a n d thi M ay 1 tlamage Inn ie tw l on -. shipping by enemy subm arlnM off th e eastern coost ••will bo ncBllplble.'

CompleUng an livspectlon tour o AtlanUe coast ports he re w ith Vice- A dmiral n . n , W ae.sche.of Uie U. S. coast guard. Knox told a prens con­ference a t Boston navy ynrd, ''a l­though we can never rea ch perfec- Uon In anU-RUbmarlne w arfare, we have takert the neee.sioi^' measures to protect shipping."

10-Pound Potato Packs Continued

IDAHO PALLS. A pril 13 MV-Ten- pound packages for Id ah o poUtoes win not be elim inated, according to a telegram received by C arl £)e Long, secretary of the Id ah o T ra ffie as- soclaUon. from E. S . H arp e r o r Tw in Falls, member of th e n a u o o a l com­m ittee oQ eonlalnerj Xor produce.H arper telegraphed from Chicago

vh e re the committee Is meetincUukC had reconaldered an^carl-

_________n to elim lnat* th e amaHereontAlners In favor oT Uie 19-pound

ilong th e S ittong river, 30 miles norUi o t Ttouagoo. T heir only aetlo t support, the American voluoi«cr group, o r “Flying 'ngcre," ra id e d ' Japatw se.ale fields a t Tounaoo >■«“ lerday. se tting fire lo 'th ree bocsb-

A nother Ja p o n tse attack. In heavy * /orce. w as aa'id to h a re been launch­ed on a poelUon souUiwest of Taungdwlngyc. T h is Is In tho middle of Uie aU le^ lino. AnoUier. enemy column h a s been reported operaUns In th is orea, betw een Uie two north - south roods on whicli th e Japanese a /e m aking th e ir m ain drives.

Ueod for ^ c s t London aourees sold If lha Ja p -

^ iu M -« a iU M .la J iu n & * 'c (n U d .tD » -I- defendlns- -B rlttsn and Chinese forces, they probably would he«d

estward In th e hope o t mteUng II eastw ard -th rusung O ennan arm y imewhere in Uie inlddlo easU Only In th e A tistrallan area w ^ e le Invaders held In check. Allied

bombers raided Jopuoese b ises on Uie approaclies to Uio "down under*

inUnent. T liere w as‘no IndlcaUon la t Tokyo p la n n ed . an Immediate Ifenslve ngatiist Australia. M eanwhile. 13 officially announc­

ed ftlilp sinkings on Uie American side ' of Uie AtlanUc lost week

.brought to 137 th e acknowledged to ta l of looses In Uie United Suites

ilnce P earl horboft*) of th e la tes t batch were <

American vvaels.For tho fourUi day, Uie war de­

partm ent was w ithout direct In - • formaUon o n w h a t has taken place in Uie B a ta an peninsula aince G en- . :ral JonaU ian M. W alnwrlght re ­ported early Thurw lay th a t It was believed th a t th e defenses hod been

No Commnnlcatlons W alnw rlght disclosed Friday th a t

for nearly 2H hours communi«Uons between Corregldor fortress and the peninsula had been severed. There ha.1 been no indlentlon since th a t they hove been reesUblished.

The Jnpanc.se have asserted a formal su rrender was offered by .MaJ..Gen, E tlw ard K King, Jr. The war departm en t fdetitlfied him as the B ataon com mandar, os senior

ticcr a fte r W olnw righfs transfer corregldor.

Senator Downey. D., CaUf.. told e senate th a t th e re m ust be no «

...jre B atanns in American mllltory • history, adding U \a t only by otUon

hom e fro n t to provide Ute weapons fo r Its fighters could the people a t h o m t r td e tm thtm stlvea for past laxlUes.

B ataan fell to th e Japanese, h e tltc lo rtd . because -w e lalled either to decide to abandon the Philip­pines or to fortify them odetjuale- ly.-

" I t fell because we never really made up o ur m inds over here to defend It." h e said . ••Wfrgav# Gen­eral M acA rthur only a tenth of the equipment a n d th e m en he needed and gave It grudgingly I n ^ e past.

"TO those dead, w oundedand cap­tured Uicre we wUl hove to say •there will be no m ore BoU ons'.-

Airplane Builder Reduces Price on

Federal Contract■ INGLEWOOD. C alif , April 13 OIB

—North American AxUHoa. in c , which, recently aet a pteoedent by refunding 114.000,000, to the war de* ' poTU&tnt on ft plane ccotratt. to­day announced a roluntary rntue- uon of $MX)00.000 U> the goremmeoc

tmlnlng plaaft.«ODtr*ct price*. ‘AlUiough the e o tt o f labor and .

materials U hlgfaer. botvUsan vben the co n tn cu 'w en iMSOtUtdd.’* Prei- Went J. a KlndeffletStr caU. “« find that tocremsed BfXleleacy m a te It pcnlble for H ortb-A nedcaa-to bulJd combat ti«lniBff )fliiMi at ap­proximately 68 p a ^ .en tW tlie coct of the aam0 pIa!M -1a Uw lummer of IMO.”

T he.recen t «U.OOOW cash reTund. * - ' Ily reaUocated to the .


Page 2: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Pago Two TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLg, IDAHO M onday, Aprfl 13, 1042

After Seven-Month Trek

Icy.get 11 volnnUirtly, a

mucii Uip betw r; fftlllnic thot. bj su iu t^ ." lie «!dc<l.

' U ind U'lUilicld ill! vicv.'.i on aux' pcn-sion of 40-hour Wfclc IcBlslnUnj bul Riild he wa.’i "dellnltely oppotetl’ to double-tImB pay durltiR Uie wnr.

•TJils Is n o l ft time for p ro llleer Ins on any ba.iU." he commrntcd.

S m e Notice - AdvocBlM of rcsirlcllve labor Ic«'

■ lilnilon, mciwwhlle. -icrvi-d noUci U iat only nn aRrecmenl by unions to waive overllm e'pay for a 4 > hou r uo rk week In wnr IntJualrlea would t v e n v t ii« n /rum efforti to forci a sliowdown In eonsrcsa nex t werl on tiie quesUon.

Seniilor Connnlly. D.. Tc*„ pavrd the wiiy fo r aucJi a »h0wd0wn InvltlnR those of different mlml argue Lhelr caw If lie U (meeciiTul In b rtna in s before Uie sennte hla bill to perm it the government to toJ over atrlke-bouml war pinnlfl. free: Ins working condltloru and Inbor r< Jntlon.1 In nudi nlnnu.

Connally prryilclod A m ajority of hi* colleiMjuen would vole to coiuld r r th e meti*ure when the question comes up nex t Monday.

Twin Falls News in BriefB «K im ta Sp«kan*

O len Hemplemon. hla tw o daueh ' te rs a n d cne ton r ttu m e d SatunU y t« Spokane. W M h, concludlns ■ visit w ith Mr. U )d Mrs. C. H. H«m- p lem an , p trtn U o f Mr. Herapleman,

O lercle Slelen O ren rouU thrt* . today hod

r«port«d lo lo»} police th e theXl o f h Jj Ae« blercle. T h e w hta l. he t* ld , WM p a la u d red u i d c rtam •A d carried a Ucc&m to r th e city o f T w in . FalU.

M r.' and Mft. R . A. B ead - . . v scheduled to arrive U t« th is a fte r ­noon from Lodi, C a lif , w here th e ; h av e sp e n t th s p u t ttrer& l m onths. M r. R ead is a form er T w in r a lb oew spaper publisher.

F a th e r Dies ' O eorco C. Hlllm ui le ft la s t week fo r B rw toQ . U o.. a lte r rw elvlng w ord of the serious ULnea of h is fa ­th e r . C. E. K U taan. He w as a t his bedside when d e a th cam e Friday n le h t.

Missionary Says U. S. Only Nation Iran Will Trust

-T h e U nited SU U s U Uie only country Uie people of Iran , form er ly Persia, believe they can trust, Dr H artm an A. Llchtwnrdt told attend, anta a t the C hristian Endeavor dlS'

-rtrlet convenUon here yesterday « th e Presbytcrtun church.

Dr. U chtw ard t. » furloushed ml*' slonary from llam #dan. Iran , spen t n years in U>at coimtry. H e told of ltd Invasion by the .R ussians and Uie BrtUah.

In charge of Uio only hospital serving an nxea of 6 0 « 0 populaUon, he WM obliged lo re tu rn to th is country w hen the h<»pVta\ wfcs elos. ed by th e preaent.w ar.

Dr. Howard a Cole, '• no rthw est Clrflstlnn Endeavor field spcretary. In hLi address. * t th e concluding aes Sion of the convention, declared th a “B harlng ou r ChrW tlanlty w ith thu world Is th e only solution to th is c o n flic t T he hatred Is with the «y.i t«m, n o t th e people of those forelgi countrlea,"

D.A.V. Executives Will Speak Here

Tu’o guest speaker# will be pres­e n t a t th e regular m eetlna o f Btrad- ley c h ap te r No. 8. DLwbled A meri­can Vctenvns of th e World war. a t < p. m . Tuesday, In Uie Amertcan Lesion hall.

T hey are Dan P. Evans.' Boise, Idaho deporU nent com m ander, and Hugh H arrell. W ashington. D, C. nau o n ^ l service offlwr.

T hom as K n lsh t. chap ter common^ d«r. urged a ll disabled veterans— w hether members of th e ' DAV or not—to a tten d Tuesday n igh t's ses­sion.

" Im p o rta n t inform ation will be p resented by Evans and H arrell, ' said K night.

The HospitalBeds were available today a t the

Twin P a lls county general hoapltal, AD M IITEO

M rs. L. W . Brteee. Ooyle Van H outen. T w in Palls ; Mrs. Clyde M ercer. C tuxles Copenbcrger, B uhl: W. N. W hltU ngton. Hansen.

DISMIHBED Mrs. O eorge Alvey, M rs. Dewey

B randon and son. Tw in P a lb ; Pred Hlggenbotham. Kimberly; Baby Jo ­seph O sier. H aielton; Sharon T h o rn ­ton. M u rta u g h .'

News of RecordlUIlTUS

To M r. and Mr*. C. J . Sllger, T»’ln Palis, a girl, and to Mr. and Mrs. a eo rgc D. K erlry. T»-ln Palls, a boy, today a t the T»’ln Pall* county gen­eral hosp ital m aternity home.

Keep the White Flag of Safety Fli/tng

Now 2 i days w ithout a tra ffic death in our Uaffic Valiev.

GaMllne ra tions d id n 't w on? D art C.’ Andrews, 85, any beeanse he Just hitched up a pair of itu rd f foata to hU hand-m ade bocCT and drove them aboot 2.200 mllea. lift e o rr rrd th e (rip from Custer City, K. D . to Ban DIece. Calif.. In tcvrti m onths. TislUnc hU son. WlUlam, wha U a t the Kan DIefo naval base. Seen Today

Leaders Map ^ War Savings

Pledge Driveeight counUc. and I...... - .- •y person—....... . ............ ..... ch ild—wlUi a regu­lar Income will have an opportunity to sign one of th e pledfjes. The In­dividual win be a-iked lo pledge hlm.iclf to n ^ystemftllc purchane o '

sUtmps or t»ncls for the dura- tlon.

■Ill be vo lun tary w ith Uie pledgor, as to Uio am oun t and a t

ite rvals ho wLihe.i to make his puttha.’its . T h e corapleti

d whole hearted acceptance of Ivcrsal pltslne by Uie Amcrlcaj

people will do a g re a t ileal more thai :ly provide a reasonably nc tc census of U it am ount o ey th a t th e treasury departm cn expect lo receive from the sati

of War stam ps and bonds." It will provide an Indication o

...lUonal unity and determ ination or the p a rt of the A m erican people U win the w ar a t a ll coats.

Urges Cooperation t Is urged th a t every ineomi ler In Uiese elBht counties glvi ■tcous a tten tio n to Uic defensi

savings setup eanva».v!rs and to In­dicate on a pledgc'cai;d Uii he will endeavor to Invest lar Intervaln In w nr stam ps

"Every person slRnlng t sal pledRe w lir receive sm phcd '.Minute M an' car o r home- window tl.Are Buying Defense Bonds Stamp#.' These canno t-be obtained by any o ther m ethod than by slgi Ing the pledge.".

It regu- rbonda unlver

a llthO' Jcker for soyi -W.


(F n a r*K* Oni)Uie fiict U int success was nol achieved. U iat docs no t in any way lessen the fac t th a t we highly ap . prove his m ission and h li condyct of negotlaUons.”

Of Uie Ind ian defense sltuaUoi ho said Uie m ain preoccupaUon o Oen. Sir Archibald Wavell. *om- m ander In chief, m u st a t p resent be lo conduct the w ar on th e fronUt If eastern India.

He said all available InformaUon regarding the M alaya campalgi would be studied closely fo r the les sons In I t b u t he would no l promUe to publish a n official w hite report

It "wlUtlti a foreseeable time."

Utah Man Elected Advertising ChiefBOISE. April 13 (/T>-Amos Je n ­

kins of Uie S a lt L ake-C ity Deseret Ne«'a was elected p residen t of the U uih-Idaho A dvertis ing M en's a j- sociatlon and O gden was chosen as ille of Uie ne.xt meCtlHig O ct. 11-13, I t concludlt^g sessions of the con- /entlon today.

Jenkins, who vras vice-president, lueceeded Robert f t. W arner of T«'ln Palls.

Hayden Stiles of Uie Idalio Falls Pof.t-RealiUr wrs clvostn v lc t-p tts - ident and Ralph Davison of the Des- - 'e l News secreU ry.

At final session* W in CUne of Boise and Jenkins .led dLicusslons-

C. H . Detweller o f Tw in Palls spoke on business and th e war emergency a t a Boise Ad club m#el- Ing which ended th e convenUon.

Officers Asked to Hunt Tire Thieves

Sheriff’s o fflce n a t W lnnemueca, ev , today h a d asked local police

and sheriff's o fficers to be on the lookout for four m en believed to ' ve stolen 30 nearly new tires In

S « a « * b r t» k - la aV t l i t Kevadik city.• The men, report* ahow, are tra ' veling In a C lirj'sler airflow sedan. 1&3S model, pa ln U d tan . I t has a jsgged hole In th e r ig h t side. Ii carried Nevada l lc « « c 31-lU . "nie men were otiserved changing Ure: OQ the machine n t a r Caldwell yes. tcrday evening.

R<m and Gun ClubPA m PIEL D , A prtl 13 — H any

Heller, Pller, not«d sportsm an, wlU show moving p tc to m In Uchnicolor o f hla kdventure.i In deep sea fishing, big game htm U ne a n d othei* trips a t a meeUng of C&mos Rod and O un club membetv a n d th e ir wives T uesday evening, A pril H , a t thi high school aud ito rium .


BUHL, April 13—H ogarth Barton, ..aUonnl f irs t aid Instructor, arrived In B uhl today and win conduct the first of a series of f irs t a id dosses for In structors a t 8 p. m . today a t the A m erican Legion hall, according lo M rs. A. J , Finke. chairm an ot Bulil A m erican R«1 Cross chapter.

All w ho have qualified to Wke the in struc to r 's course a re Invited lo a t­tend clnsscs, which will continue un - m S a tu rd ay , April 18.

M rs. F lnke aUo sold U iat seven clo.ise.1 in first a id have been con­ducted in the B uhl area the past few wcek.1. IncUiclctl were:

E rnest B. Medenrls, class for ru ra l teachers; Miss B lanche Pa ren t, class for B. P . W . club members; D r. J . W. W urster, cla.M for firemen, police force a n d a ir raid w ardens; Mrs. n o k e , clo.'ui for m ixed group ot

D r. M . A. D rake, class for raid w ardens and housewives: Mrs. H arry W ilson, county healU i nurse, class fo r h igh school teachers and senior s tuden ts; Miss M aude La' Cook, c lass in the SyrlnRa school.

Army Wants Man; S^eeley Acts to Abandon ChargesBecause Uie dliclpUpe of arm y life

would do more (or Ben Rois, 35, H ansen, th a n a te rm In county Jafl or s ta te prison, Prosecutor Everett M. Sw eeley asked d is tric t court per­m ission today no t to file a man- slftUghtcr InformoUo/i against Uie

Juilgc J . W. P o rte r U expecle'd to act on th e moUon by tomorrow.

Xassenxer KilledReus, now held Iti county Jail pend­

ing uppcurnnce before the district court a t Its next term , is occused In connection wlUi tlie deo th M arch 18 ot Jam es R. Standlee. 58, fatolly In jured In an «mo collision. S tand ­lee was a passenger In a machine driven by Ross.

Prosecu tor Sweeley's moUon to the court sa id Uie nffen.ie "appears to be one o t neBilBcnce" ra the r than crim inal Intent. Since Ross Is U) be Inducted in to Uie army April 20, according to area No. I d ra ft board, Sweeley advised Uie court th a t “the discipline and U ^lnlng of the armed forces upon Uie de fendant . . . may serve to develop and fix In his mind a sense of re.iponslbllUy. even more th a n w ould IlkclJ- be Uie case from incarceraU on In th e county Jsll or In the s ta te penlw ntlary a t DoUe."

F irs t IM i D eathD eath o f Standlefc was the first

in T w in P a lls county Uila year ,iv.i a resu lt of an automobile accident.

D river of Uie second m achine in ­volved In the-m lA hap was J . N. (Jack) M oli'f itux. form er c ity streets superin tendent. H e was trea ted for In juries a n d la ter w as released from Uie h o sp iu l . Molyneux was alone In ',1s c a r a t Uie tim e of Uie m lshsp ,;hlch occurred abou t 7:45 a. m. M arch 17 a t a point two miles south

' he re o n th e a irp o rt rood.

o Pilots Get License Advance

T»’o local pilots today had receiv­ed advancem ents a ft« r tak ing test« under d irec tion of a federal Inspec-

C harles Reeder successfully pass­ed le s u for a raU ng of InstriK lor and U now employed a t th e airport here In th a t capacity.

D orothy H utchings, who formerly held a a tudent's license, successfully pas.ied tcsLn and was awarded a p ri­vate p ilo t license:• Both flie rs are members o f the lo­cal squadron of Uie civil a ir patrol.

No less Uian two separate cases of m oiorlsu changing fla t tires on Main avenue, with from two to four kibitzers watching Uie pro­cess (no oiler of help) . . . Pellow a t raUon office registering sur- prUe plus dismay on learning th a t even If h e -«an gel Ures he m ust w all unUl quotA is available . . . Marine recruiter whUUlng cheer- fuUy a fte r signing up two young hu sk ie s . . . .Much UUk of blU-poy. Ing and "skippers" u cred it men and women ch at a t Park h o te l . . . Tw in Palls InformaUon requesU from Spokane. Penver, f lan B er­nard ino and PayelU . . Lamb U ed.up in front of police chief's home . . . Daffodils on desk of depiiiy sheriff, tra la . , . Com­missioner.. Chairm an Cal Lindsey and, In adjoining office. Probate Judse Bill Bailey. boUi working wlUi the ir coats o f f . . . B uhl Chief By Barron dropping in again, Uils lime w ith S U te Officer R. P . (Doc) BerUiesu . . . Calclmlning and palnung crew moving across courtliouse ha ll to o tu c k auditor's bailiwick . . . L ittle girl's Jumping rope on bumper of Hal Wood's uuto. parked doft-ntown. with red wooden handles hanging down In front of wheels . . . Shlnj- sun­burn glaring from foreheads of varloii;. bu.ilness folk with pen­chan t lo r golf and tennis . . . And courteous fellow having dickens of a time tipping his ha t to indy frleml. becaiiie chapeau is pulled nlnniM (loft-n to his curs to defy spring Bn'e.

BPW at Gooding Chooses Officers

OO ODINO. April J3 -A I a reKuIar mecUng o f Uie Buslneis una'Pjo/c-'!- sl9na! W om en's d u b Monday a t the Lincoln cafe. M rs. Lois Moreland wus e lected president for Uie com­ing year. O ther officers elected were Mr.s. T h e lm a Tliomp.'win. Ilrst vice- prcRldent; A nna Oobc, lecoiW vlcc- presldcn t; Mrs. U euru Lucke, sec- rcuiry. n n d Mls.i Dorolhy E\’llsUer. lrea.^urcr.

CommlBslooers elected at Uie snme lime w ere Miss RuUUlSchRrdR. pub­licity; L oPenrl M ^ r . wny.i and m earti com m ittee : Eoiin Roblaion. Ie«lfllaUon, '»nd Mary Bro*-n. hos- plUillty.

P lans w ere made for the district BJ».W. aieeU ng to -be held here April 19. Six towns will be repre­sented; T w in Pall.i, Jfrone . Burley. Rupert. B u h l and Qoodlng. Program has c o t been a m n g cd a t th is dale.

Betty H eldel and RuUi Assendnip ere guests. A program on defense as given w ith M n . Lucka discuss-

..ig th e c o a t of defense. M n . Myrtle T u rner a n d Lc^s Moreland each gave ta lk s on th e aid to defense and w h«t people can do about It.

PoUowln« Uie meeUng all BP.W . mcxnbera w en t to the sheriff's of­fice and had Uielr fingerprints taken. <Mrs. E dna Robinson pre' ilded.

Site for Jaycees Meeting Changed

Announcem ent wa.i mode today by Harold U Lackey, lecretary, of the rliange In place of the annual elec­tion Of th e Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce.

" I t will be h'eJd a t 7 p. m.. Tues­day, A pril I f In Blgley's banquet room. Instead of the site originally menUoned.” c&id Lackey.

JM cees m to elect five officers and th ree members to the board of d irec ton . Ballots will be distributed for v o te n to m ark.

E nte rta inm en t will be a color movie, "T htm derheads Over the P a -

lflc,~ describing the Pacific war

FILERM n . R . K . DllllnRhom enterta ined

her c o n u a c t brldg* club Friday a t a de.isert luncheon. Mrs. D. H. Showers w as a guest.

Pller g rad e school cafeteria closed Pndas’- Tw o hundred children were sen-ed th e regular noon lunch and were given milk nickels.

Max D w yer. swUoned a t Port Lewis, flew to Boise Prlday and Is home fo r a furlough w ith his pa r­ents, M r. a n d Mrs.*Oan Dwyer.

Jo h n ZicKlnr. s tuden t a t Uie, Uni- versity o f Idaho, sou thern branch,

'and D onald Zieglar. sU Uoned a t A ltm eda, C a lif , in the service, an home, ca lled by th e deaUi of theli fa th e r. Z . A. Zlegtar.

Burley Resident On Drunk Charge

JERO M E. April 13—Leonard Oar> Ison. Burley resident, was assessed I fine of tSO on charges of In 'tx ica- Uon w hen he was brought before' Police Ju dge .Clark T. a u n to n last week. O a r r i ^ pleaded guilty and upoti-paym ent of his fine, was re ­leased.

Mrs. G arrison , bis wife, w u siso assessed a fine of tso on a similar charge la s t week, according to po­lice records. Mrs. Gsrrlson w m re ­leased upon paym ent of her fine, a day earlie r th a n her huibtnd who was held fo r fu rther Invtauutuon St Uist tone .

CHURCH HEAO LONDON, A pril 13 «■) - Vidkun

QuUllng, h e ad of the N iil,ipon.w cd govem m eat' o f Norway, has esub - llshed a c h u rc h council Kith him­self In con tro l to replace the Assem­bly of B lahop i, a Reuters dUpateh said iodsiy. I t sa id lu IntarmsUon came fro m a DNB, Oennsn news igency, r e p o r t £rc(n Oslo.

Bobm lU to B onery Jo h n C. Harvey. poUUcal w riter

fo r a Boise newspaper a n d form er T w in PalU editor, underw ent at em ergency operation Sunday morri' Ing a t the Veierftzis' hosp ltal aflei be ing stricken w ith a perfora ted gaatrio ulcer. Acco««ng to wirtJ re­ceived -here, his cohfllUojr Is “no t serl0U3.“

Veteran Jeweler Called by Death

C. D . “Andy':. Anderson, 87. Twin Polls Jeweler, died a t his Jiome, 3J7 S U U i avenue no rth , a t 0:30 a. : today.

Ho hod been employed a s a Jc' e ler a t the R. L. Roberta store for th e po st 15 years, and h a d been li th e Jewelry business for 40 years.

M r. Anderson w as a .m em b e r of th e T w in Pnlli EHJcs lodge. He woj b o m Ju ly 11. 188<. a t AlUance. O H e cam e lo T»'ln Palls from Mon­ta n a In 1007.

F u n e ra l services will-be held.W ed neaday a t 3 p. m. a t the W hite m ort­u a ry . Rev. O. L C lark, pasto r of Uii Pre .ibylcrlan church, officiating. In le rm e n t will bMt» Sunset memorla pa rk . ^

Surviving are h la wife. MrB. Emma P . A nderson: a son . Cliarl-rs W. A: de rson . Oakland. Calif.; a brothi

Pivlla; Mrs. Jolin Penrsoii. Vancoii ver. W osli.; Mrs. Clint McKelhen, P o rtliu id , and ML'^ Queen Anderson, a lso o f PorUand.

Chapter Program For Moose Group

BUHL. April 13—W omen of Uie Mooae held Uielr rtgulnr mecUng 'niurr<Iay. Vlsllors acre Mr.i. Vera Woolcy B!vl Mlvi Vfberly Wooley. I V ln PolLi. A cliap tcr n lg lit pro­gram ' wn.i given by the homemnking «3m m lttec and en terta in m en t com ­m ittee . w ith Mrs. Paj'e W nlcoU as chalrm iu i, Others tiiklng p a r t on Uie prog ram were .M rs. Alma Lively, M rs. Eva Sedlvy. M rs. VIoIa H arris, M ra. .Mnbcl Sm ith and M rs.. Ellen H laviity.

Mr.i. Lilly Meisner liiltltited ■J a new member. M rs. Emily T verdy directed th e fancy drill In p reparaU on for ti i e Moose conven- Uon of southern Idaho d is tric t to b« -held In Sun Volley Ju ly 13. 138.SV1 U .

Plotia were m nde to r.potv.or a free prc-school clinic durl/iK Muy.

A social hour fo r the Moose lodge a n d W om en ot Uie Moose was en­joyed following th e meeUngs. Re- frcAliments w ereservn l by M rs. Zet- t a R andall, Mrs. BcMlo S la te r . Mrs. E va Sedlvy. Mrs. Maiy Reese and M rs. G race Roanu-w n.

Service at Rupert For Nicholas Orie

RU P ER T . April 1 3 -P unero l serv­es w ere conducted Thursday a t 10

_. m . a t St. Nicholas Catholic c h u rc h for Nlcholaa Orbe. Rev. Pr. D . L . M cBllgott officlaUng a t re- qu lm h igh mast.

R o u r y was read Wednesday a t 8:30 p. m. a t Uie Coodmnn chapel by Rov. P r. D. L. McBlllRife.

M r. O rbe hod been a residen t of R u p e r t fo r th e post IS years bu t had

> relaUves here. He was In the nplo>’ of Prank Jauglard. slteeiS

H e w'as 58 yeiu\& old a n d died M onday a t Uie Beiigochea home of a sudden h e a r t a ttack following a b rief Illness.

Pa llbeare rs were Alex Oposuo, V incente Alberdl. C u to r Bllboa. Jo h n Isa. SefermO l ^ a a n d Tony L auvlrlca. Burial w u In Rupert cem etery under dlrecUon of Good­m a n m ortuary.

MUHTAUGHA num ber of friends called a t Uie

P ra n c ls Johnson home Tuesday to ex ten d 'greeUngs to Mr. Johnson on h is 70 th birthday. M rs. H arry Bean. T w in PalU. was an out-of-tow n caller.

Mis* EUle Davla entofUUned a lum ber of young people a t her lome W ednesday. Parlor games rere enjoyed and S s le . assisted by >er m o the r. Mrs. Loyd D tvU . served

refreshm ents.M rs. Ben Millar enterlAined Uie

Si*ngrla club at h e r home T hu rs­day. M rs. Mae 8 tom and M rs. Della Carm lcheol were accepted as ne m em bers.

M r. a n d Mrs; P a t Cockrum enUi U ln e d a t d inn tr Sunday honoring h e r nephew . Bgt, Lynn . G am er. O th e r guests were his fa th e r and b ro th e r . PVed and G am er , and M r. a n d Mrs. DlU O am ett. Twm Palls.

T w enty-five women o t th e L. D. S. ReU sf society paet a t th e hom i o f M r#. M. L. PerWns T hu rsday for

a ll-d ay work m eeting. S o s te u e s ....■e M rs. C. C. Clawson. Mrs. P. M. E g b ert and M rs. Ivan U oyes.

M iss H elen M arshall, MarysvlUe. a r t v t d TucWlftJ to 'visit h tr

m o th ^ . Mrs. p. J . M arsha ll


Meunlaki M ountain Rock G range will meet

W ednesday evening a t th e G range hall. Mrs. D . L ehue and M rs. DaDas M cOuiit will .serve refreshm enU


S lflPWASHlhTOTOK, April 13 <JD-

R ear Admiral Emory S. Land, c h a ir ­m an of Uie m arlllm e c tm m lsslon, advocated today "some form i ' frcetlng" labor a n d emploj-er reli Upnslilp to "do away w ith w hat call Uils dally aglUtUon."

Land told the house naval con m lltee ho believed open sliop agre i ment.1, dosed oiiop agreem enls and all o ther agreem ents betwee:i labor nnd m anagm ent ahouk] be frozen In the ir p resent stntus "for Uie d u ra ­tion of Uie war."

T lint. h e ' added, would be "Uii sim plrit, Uie en.',lr.it and Uie quick­est soIuUon Uiat will be Just to la ­bor, to cap ita l and to the people of Uie U nited Slates."

Need ro lle rLiincl i.ald lie could no t evnlimtt

Uic «'ffrct of Uie Inbor sltuaUon ol j.lilpbiiil(linK. •niure Is. h e a.v'rrled

■cd for a "natura l war laboc pol-


(Fnw P u« Om)ja fh business,** h e asserted. "Credit business m u st no t beoome a thing of th e c a s t, nor m ust we m eet this chalftnge a ittlng down."

H f sa id credit is partially, a t least.

Pble for th e high American ; living, M d th a t “outsiders n o t be allowed to r«(uU t« We m ust fight to the last f s tre n g th to m aintain con.

Mapplflg Plans "A t le a s t 100 »cUve ciw lit minds

now are engaged In the fom ulaU on of a system of control," said Jensen. T h is g roup will m eet May 18 and 1® a t fleatU e In w h at he termed " v ita l session." -

Jensen term ed the Tw in Palis meeUng "very successful." I t is oni of seven regional conferences In th i PacMSe n o rth w est w hich th is year

have a ttrac ted 1.000 or more credit in and women.

'M erchandising In ISU,. was U- toplc of K . K. K epler. Boise. Idali distric t m anager of ^ o r s Roebuck Co.. a t 1:30 p. m . today.

Business session a t 3 p. j eluded th e two-day conferei

M M M ta K M tUOOM lodge wUl m e et Tuesday

8:30 p. m . a t th e O dd Pellows haU. AU members are urged to a ttend ai there will be nomlnnUon and elec- Uon of officers. O th e r business m aU ters will also be transacted .

Back From SpokaneMrs. Doris S trad ley . county super­

intendent of public instruction. r< turned Sunday from Spokane whei she a ttended th « In lan d E m plu educaUon assoclAUon meeUng. She made the tr ip w ith M rs. V iolet B u t­ler. Power county superintondent.

Assist In DriveMembers of Uie G irls ' league . .

Tw in P a lls high school will assUt In the cancer control drive In down town Tw in P a lls S aturday ., Team captains Include Miss M arlon Tol­bert, Miss B e tty Lou Woods, Miss Betty Edmondson. Jimlors, and Miss K athleen K ing, M iss -Gloria Wilson and Miss D onna Lee Sm ith , sopho­mores.

Teachers R eturnEdward B. Rogel. p rincipal

Tw in Polls high school, and Mrs Rose M. N orth, de an of girls, re lu m ­ed Sunday m orning from Spokane Wash., where they a ttended th e an nuaj In land E m pire T eaciient' as­sociation four-day convention. En tc ru in m en t h ish l lg h t fo r th e 3A0Q delegates was a specia l concert by Nino M ortlnl. leodlng teno r s ta r of the M etropolitan opera company who apiieared u n d e r spoav>rshlp of Spokane Lions club , according to Mrs. NorUi.

Spring Concert- Set at Wendel!

WENDELL. A pril 13—Wendell high school band Will p resch t Its spring conccrt a t the m-mnasli Tliursday. April 1C. iit 8:30 p. T he conccrt Is in prepnraU on for the distric t miislc festival, and fes Uval num bers will constitu te Ui program.

Director Loul.n T liom as nnnounces the following proh*ram:

Band num bers: "S tnrs a n d Stripes Porever." Soiwi: “Phan tom T rum - peteers.” G llle ltc ; "A urora.'' Paul ■yoder; "Two Admlrnl.i." ahom llckn; •T he M.ve.1," HUfflne; •T oot Lift­er," Pllmore. and "D ie S t« r Spn) gled Unnner.''

Solon will be W y a tt H am ilton, bass hom , "Caviitlnc": Holll.-i Plel.sch' man, trombone, "G rand Concerto"; Loren Denii Sicvca-.on. teno r sax "Concerto"; Elm er W heeler, conicl "Polonatie." nrrti K ntheryn M odi comet. NToncerUno."

Thfi Kiris' glee c h * will fltig "Stcftl Away," Jol\nson'. " I Hcivr<l a Forc«l Prnylni?." De Rctie. and "Tlie Night Hns ti TliousAnd Eyes," Crane.

Man Jailed Here On Nevada Claim

Gordon Luciu., 37, Tw in PiilLi. belnR lield in Uie c ity Jail today for Sparks. Ncv,. au thorities who h.iv- a warrant d inrgliig him wUh «rand larccny.

Liicn.i' Informed local police tlmi he would not w aive extrndlUon t< Nevada to face Uio chorRC but Nc- viKla ofllcers said Uint they would arrive licrc Iti th e ImmedUite tu tu "prepore<l to ex trad ite him ."

Arrest was miulo by local police.

County Agent Is Murtaugh Talker

MURTAUGH. A pril 13—D. T. BolUigbrokc. T w in P a lls county ogent, gave an instrucU ve ta lk on victory gardens a n d gardening for school lunches a t th e meeUng of the Community Council W ednesday a t the high schooL

The meeting opened wlUv Uie Kroup singing songs from the var­ious war periods. D uring Uie bu.M-

w meeting, conducted by Mrs. L, Biel. Mrs. C. H. T olm an. Mrs. E.

S. True,, Mrs. Biel and M rs. John Noh were nam ed garden chairm en for Uielr dUtrict.1.

Two Couples Marry At Nevada Service

HANSEN. April 13—Priends here have learned deU lls of t h e ' m ar­riage of Mrs. M able Lo-uer. Salt Lnke City, and A bram B arton S tan - ger. Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . Sianger. a t r ite s perform ed Sat­urday, AprU i . in Elko. Nev.

M n, Violet Bower and Jo h n P a t- U rscn, both of Tw in PalU , who a t­tended Mrs. Losser and M r. S tan - ger. were m arried la te r w ith Mr. and TBrs. S ianger a s lh e lr a tten ­dants.- Judge J . A. M cParlane performed the rile.i.

Mr. and Mrs. S iange r will live In

Call24 Jobs.OpEn

. . . I for m en to w ork for a n engin­eering company w as received here today by th e UnlWd S ta te s employ-

lent service office- Work will last fo r one to two

monilis. and pe rhaps longer. Men wanted Include: d g h t field engin­eers, eight level m en and e ig h t tran ­sit n

Jlpal speaker y e r t ^ a o ' during sessions of th e /an o u a l southw esU m Idaho older boys' leglsIaUve assem'

T b t r t 'f alw ays a reason toB A Y I T WTTH


TW IN F A L L S FL O R A LPhon# 648 - 153 M ain West


OfflcIaU o t th e local office of the United S U te s employment service today received a caU for 1W 5 labor- m to be employed by * n a iic ra lt company In California.

Ages of app lican ts can range from 18 to U years bu t men betw een ao and 44 years of age m ust have 3-A d ra ft classification (or potential 3-A classUlcaUon) o r a 4 -P classi flea tlon.

The m en selected will be used as helpers In a ll producUon depart­ments ond em ploym ent wlU be for the duraU on o r longer. Pay. to s ta rt, itlll be 60 cen ts an hour wiUi th is advancing to 79 cenU a n hou r In 13 weeks. T im e and on»-hall -is paid for overUme. A t th e present Um« the men In th is p lan t a re working 48 hours, o r e i g h t ^ u n of overtimi plus the reg u la r "to hour sh ift..

No a irc ra f t experience Is necessary but appl(canta m ust have deflnlto m echanical backgrounds conslsUng of the follow ing: O ne year m echan­ical experience such as a n atito m e­chanic. a n a u to m echanic helper, t service sU U on a ttendan t doing m e­chanical w ork or a person who has successfully completed a defense training course In a irc raft sheet metal, rive ting o r m achine shop.

Complete InformaUon con be had by calling a t th e United S tates em ­ployment office here, or a t Burley and Jerom e.

Filer Ex-Resident Passes at Tucson

PILER, Aprtl 13 -M r. and Mrs, Fred Reichert, and Mrs. Jo h n Tliee- ner left S a tu rd ay by auto for T uc­son, Arts., called by Uio deaUi ol William G eorge Reichert, 47, broUi- or of P red R eichert and Mrs. •niee- ner. Edw ard R eichert and Mrs. Jo- .'eph K ohntopp of this community, nnd of Roy R eichert, Jerome.

Mr. R eichert, who formerly llvci At Pller. rc.ilgned his poslUon a bookkeeper fo r the Farm ers Orali and M illing com pany lo volunlce his services In the World- war. H' was a m em ber of Uie lOlst field hospital corps of the 42nd moiis R ainbow d^vl.-ilon nnd 10 month--i oveneas. He was In fl' m ajor ba ttle s , being a t the fron t five m onths, w here he wa-s gassed.

Afler h is-discharge from the army. Mr. R eichert re lu m ed to his poil- tlon a t P ller . soon the reafter naao elating h im self wlUi o thers In Uii buslne.M of m anufacturing concret* brick and Ulc. Ill healUi made It neee.-nilry fo r h im to go lo Arisona and for th e p a s t 10 years he h as lived and been In active business In Tuc-

Mr. R e lchcrt was a mem ber ii good s tand ing of Filer Masonic lodge No. 55.

He wa.1 born a t 'B ritt, In.. Nov. . . . 1004. going wIUi h is parents when very younff lo HnrilstinvHle. Mo. where he lived on a farm unUl hi came lo F ile r about ipiB. He died a t Tficson A pril l l . Su irlv lng are '^•- wldow and h is brothers a n d sisi

Funeral at Buhl For Blaze Victim

BUHL, April 13—Funeral services for John D uane B ankhead. 33. Bulil. air depot w orker a t Sacramento, Cnllf.. who died a t a hospital Uiere last S .ilurday from bum s Incurred when hL*i bed caugh t I l r e .J ' l I l be held W ednesday. April IS. In Buhl.

Scn'Ices will take place o t 3 p. m . Ill llie Rwhl L atter D ay Saints cliiircli. Dl.iliop W illiam Hutclilnsoi offlclailng. In te rm e n t will be li Buhl cem etery, under Uie direction of the A lbertson funeral home.

Surviving ore his moUier, Mrs. Laurn^Hoslam. Buhl; two brothers, Leon B ankhead, O akland, and O ran t Bniikhead, S a l t ' Lake City, and a «l.iter. Mrs. Ruby Givens, B uhl; alsp two lialf-s lstcrs. Miss Delone Has- lam and Miss lone Haslam, boUi of Bulil.

Four Tentatively Accepted in Navy

'our m en have been ' tenUiUvely epted for enlistm ent—two In the S. navol reserve ond tw o In the ’al con.itmcUon regim ent — It 1 onnounced today a t the Twin

Polls recru iting sub-station.They are Clyde Stone. 31, Rupert,

- ju r years, a n d Joe Oliver Broyles. 35. Shoshone, two years; boUi fo the naval re.terve; and Swan Jering 33. Obodlng, tw o years, and Orvllli Lee BUhop, 27. Wendell, two years, both for th e con.itrucUon regiment.

C. A. Edm onson, navy recruiting fflcer. announced plans for a tour ■hich will include Rupert on Thura-

day. AprU 18. and Kelchum and Holley on A pril 23.

Ground>Schooling Opens for Pilots

First se.islon o f / private pilot ground school wllK'afari a t the a ir ­port a t 8 p . m . today. Ma>-nard Craig. In structo r, sa id th is afte r-

Claa.ies wlU be held each Monday and W ednesday a t the same hour unUl the course is completed. The ;ourse m eets th e requirem ents of :lvll air pa tro l rcgulaUon»..reloUve o u-ainlng of p llo u In DavIgaUon ind allied subjectA-


Flower, Garden and Lawn Gra.<is. All leading varicUes nnd some ra rillc s . .

^ D IN G E L & S M IT H S E E D CO.

Phone 8

Draft Call Hits Camas 1st Time

In Five MonthsPA IR PIE L D , April 13—Thinly

populated Cam as county has again been h i t by Uie d rafu SelecUve »ervice headquarters have asked th e county to furnish two m en for th e armed forces In the m on th , o f Aprtl.

I t 's th e f irs t tim e In five monUis th a t Uils a re a has been c a l l^ upon fo r d raftees. Lost .to leove was In O ctober.

NoUfled by Uie local draft board to leavo w ith the April group w ere C heste r Oraham.ACA head, and* Burko Vansklke.


P alm er T hom pson. 33. was In Uie county general hosp ital this o ftcr- !' noon for tre a tm e n t o f . Injuries re - u celved w hen h e apparen tly fell from ] Uie rim o f R o c t creek conyon late la st n igh t o r early Uils morning.

Thom pson, w ho fell obout 35 feet, was unconscious when found th is m orning. H e woo ^ k e li to the ho.i- '• pllAl In on am bulance. He hod cuU-i on his he ad b u t exact nature of, lUs hurlA could n o t be determined Immediately.

T hom ruon Is rmpJoyed on Ihe Joe Yragul place, tw o miles east and * one and U iree-quorlers of a m l l i ^ souUi of Five po in ts cast, where Uie m ishap occurred . H e hod fallen off Uie rim a t a p o in t some 15 feet irom . Uie barn . T h ere Is no fence between Uie b a m and th e rim. according to Deputy S h e riff Ed Hall, who Inves- Ugated. H e was found about 10 a. m. a fte r ho h a d failed to report fo r i work earlie r in th e morning.

Novice Aviator Puts Ship Down

In Ranch FieldBud L uricn . member of tho

Tn-ln F a lls squadron of Uie civil a ir patrol. Sunday allowed he knew w hat to do a n d when to do It a l- Uiough h e has only sllghUy morp Uian th ree h o u rs of w to flying Ume.

Larsen w as flj’lng alone near Rock creek w hen the plnne dcvel- . oped m otor trouble. He picked out a likely field a n d landed wlUiout mlshup. Maynivrd Craig, airport manager,-flew from Ihe field here to Rock creek and repolred the motor.

Larso!) took Uic plnne off o«aln and re lu m ed to Ta’ln Pnlls. He Immediately applied for anoUier niR ht relca.'ie a n d took o ti ara?f. - f o r an hou r 's solo. T

150 Expected af Chamber Dinner

One hun d red a n d fifty men ond women will h e a r Eoh W. Mnrpliy. .lecretary o t th e Idaho S tate Oliom- ber of Com m erce. Bolne. «i>eak a t 7:15 p. m . today in the MeUiodh.t cliurch.

T lie occoslon the onnual mem- bersh lp 'ond acUvlUrs banquet of the Tivln Fulls C ham ber of Commerce, which b held on the eve of com­m encem ent o f th e annual member-.- sh ip drive.

T ills a fte rnoon Uiere were a few Uckets ovallable for the annual event. T hey m ay be obtained ot 85 cenui, elU ier from Cliamber directors or a t the C ham ber headquarters.

Pinole to n ig h t will consist of a surprl.ie m usical and patrloUc or- rangem ent conducted by Jay Spracher.

O ther .en terta in m en t orranged by Mrs. C ora S tevens Includes com­m unity a lnging led by Jomes Rey­nold* and d in n e r music by J. E. Hill and his Hairim ortd electric organ.


Grocers Convene To Plan Classes

Magic V alley groccrs will meet a t .Blgley's Coffee shop a t 7:45 p. m. todoy to organ ize grocers’ Institute elo.vtcs. I t Is onnounced by H. E. - Vogel, p residen t o f the cciitral dU- tric t of Uie Id ah o Awwclouon of Retail Pood D istributors.

W ilfred Mosm o f Uie Bolie Retail Credit bu reau will discuss "ContrTV Of’Credit." and R ay Schwartz, sui» j l u s m arketing adm inistrator, BolseT

talk on violations of Uie food s tam p plan . i

OuesU will Include W olter A. Jen- ;n. PorU and. O re.. execuUve iccre-

ta ry of Uie Associated Credit Bu- s Of th e Northwest.



S o M i d»f you be ailed upon suddenly to rttke.funtrsl arrsngemenu. D o you know bow CO choose « diftetor wisely?

L« os tend yoo ••Youi K u K U i i tn ir t : ' a booklet filled with needed facts. I t w u complW by NA'no.vAi s E U c n o MOk'n. QANS. o f which W« are memben, and wbow rigid qualifcscions for oiembersbtp dtflsaod fs*cilldw, uniform c o ia to dJJthi w p u lo u s htegricy.

WHTYe MORTUARY. T » ^ P a a j Phone 1400

Page 3: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

, M o n d a y , A p r i l 1 8 ,1 9 4 2

B y T h e -A iw r i j i to l- r r a iI n *pp*rently erowlnK convlellon

th » t UiB Red a rm y Jiolds Uj6 whip- h and on RiiAJla'a pu ropew i front> ono of U)c Icadlne n iou ihp lecn ot R im lan policy dccU rcd ahan>ly lo- d»y UiBi JapAntjsc "b labberlns" ib o u l Invulon In Uie R uu ln ii •'rtilshV dM naje. tlrs i o t r U and or a ll. Japan h tra c ir . '

T hus. Pravda. ncw ipupcr orjiiui ni ih c Com munist pa rty , oddly ob- jrtw ed the first ann iversa ry of Uie »l£iilng of Uie Jopancsc-R uislan neuU;aUly jwiet. th e Puab of Uie i easy peace between tlie tw o i>ow and scnkliiB alm llarlty to the Ruulan*O crm nn »on - uKBrc:.ilon pact which G trm ajiy \-oldrd by In- YB&lon ot Uie Soviet un ion liu>t Jim c.

DeapeaUnK rcndlnc.vi of Die Red arm y lor offcjulve ucllo:i. d round­about report credited lo Hip Mo-.cow radio said th a t the RUMlaiu hud crowed Uie D csua river near Ury- aink . virtually ciiclrclltiK tliut city. 200 miles southw est of Moscotf.

M>y Uam a{c llen>cl(•'It Is ncces.'4iry," Uic cclltorUil de­

clared. - ilia t the Jupunonc lulHUry and Pa.v;lil cllquc.\ who arc dlr./^ on mlMlary 5uccc4;.cs .ihould un- dersland U»nt theU blnbbci lnK nbout war and Invasion In tlic n o rili iKlKhl dam age first c f nil itnd m ost of ull Oapon hcrscll.”

Siberia Is north of J»i);ui.T he annlvcriinry and th e ctlliorlnl

came while ilic new Japiiiicie om - bflxsador, NaoUfcp Snto, it«d Ific iicn- Uull«d aiA lcs iimUftssador. AdRitrul William H. Sinfldley. wen- In Mo;.- eaw to p rrsen t th e ir cre<lfnllnli-

Olvi:iR expression to Uie hrlKlJteii- frt conlldcnce, Michncl Kalinin, nominal head of Run’.Iii. sultl;

"Rus.iiu h jtroiiKer even tlinii wr sometlmc.i ihlnk."

T lie aovlet p ic iid c n it aAld tluii G erm an aviation no lonxcr 1,'. Mii>tr loir In Uic a ir: th a t the Ruv'inn: aradunlly are brcomiiiR Uir cqiinl oi (he G erm ans in tnnk.i; ntici tii:ii- O rrm an army illl^ p.T-ViCri ilic max of l u .iircnKth,

llopklns Conference H arry UopklnN, jicrMjuii.! iwlv

(o Prc.sldent Roosevelt, w ho I' E nslw id w ith the U nited Sinl'-.i army ch lrf of ntnJI, OcorKc C. M;>r- .'tiall. had n loiiK confcreiicc “•1th the R u u le ti nmbn.vvidor t > Lon- dpn, Ivan Mal.iky, and probably ’*‘11

rhe TMUIU of m e mtervirw a eonfcreneo w ith Prlm o Mlnlx-

leV Churchill.M arshall, who told rrporier.s I

wuX cri'pileftlly ol a dCMirc to "i pand over here," took no Oiiri the ta lk wlUi Mulsky.

N eutral advices from U rnin Sw ltserlnnd Mild U iat Gcrnjiiii fr nf an alUcd offcnutvr RRivhv.i G' man-occuplcd wc.Merii Euroiir 1 prom pted Q rrm nn rdicw iii of i Rotiallons for Prencli colln all Mnrsholl Petaln nnd Form er V J^remler Pierre LavnI hnvo roiif red since Saturday. It wa-s ivpori

T he RA Fsm a-'hcd n t axis ar.srii In G erm any and It.ily durinL- i niyiic^ t

N o ra bomber wos le ix irted iiiM the 1,500-mUc ruun illr lp loi Aiisiivit T urin, n iiiunltioii.' nk: center of nortliiTn Italy , b u t nt ir JO bombers and one IlK hlrr Mere 1 in th e Mvfcp.s to [•i.srn'.'v Krii «ock.^. docki n t L r Jlnvre. vtMi i»nrt ttlrdrom rs in fY ancr itnd 1 low countries,

•• Na»U Step Up Parf- Tlio G erm an a ir force lncroa.\c(i

pace on the Ri«-.lun from , in »i port of lish t counlcr-nttack.'. ny Jontry and tanks in n n m e ra i i tem pt to feel ou t Uie d rp tii ot I Bed flTTJiy’s po,\ltlQnn. W arm wen'•er and .slu.sh prevallt^l In tiie pfi ctpal flBhUnit arcii;,.

R uvtlant a t one point w.r-rc ported to have diverted th o tou of a flood from Uic .■'prinu- thi wfc»Wnir the enemy ou t of a lot HetS vUlagc. \o lc r« btltliat th e next offrtiilve v d the ir own. th a t the O crm an an » t« ld bo nmnshed on R a i i » th is yeor or. If the w orst cam e. If the Red arm y would conltnvie t figh t In the U m U 'or s ilx r ia .

Army Skiers Win In Washington


U ncle Sam 's m m int/iln troops •» R nbbed lour of Uip f irs t Mx places

in the elghUi run n ln s of th e «ilver nkl» open Sunday, bu t it rrm alned /o r « Seattle fUrm nn lo t«ke first place.

M att Broie of the Seattle ,\kl club, w ho h a d lo xwiicJi sh ifts w lili a Jtl-

^ low firem an In order lo u«-t to tlie m ounta in , set a fire of his own on tlie j)crllou* 3.1C mile downhill

; coume In the fine Ume of fou r mln- \ Ut»s, M Be^onrts,

He woa.only a few .^econds over Uu» course record of <;51,< by P e te r Iladacher of A ustria In 1030. And h a d It no t been for th e only •p ill he took on t^ie way. h e mi|?ht have equaled or be ttered th e preoent m ark .

Army skk rs sta tioned w iui a m ounta in battalion look ^«:ond. fourth , m th and MxUi piace.v

W aJier Pnw er. lo im er DarlmouUt sk i cooc^, WDA Uie only oU icr niccr besldea B row to boll down th e course u nder five mlnuteB. H is tim e was 4.U.3.

Soulliern d ls lrlr t Cliri^dan Hiiclravor I ra d e n named a l llic week-end eonferencc lirre were •'fiiapped" b ;'' tlir Tlmcn-Ne>v» cameraman alone « 't l i the b irthday cake of the o rcan liaU on. I.ett to r ljh t. iiealrd. Jane C.lUb. ItttW. KCttUty-, I.owtll Uxml, »urley. v lce-prrsident: l.o liu May, B u rtry . prrslilenlj Mr*. G.<I. Klou>. Kimberly. I r rs su rrr . .Standlnr. left Jo riclij, .U’ayne Klou-V Kimberly, ed ltn r o f the illMrlct publlcatlDii. "Tlir .\rn» FU ah” ; Jam ej^G raybral, K imlierlyi Mr*. Ilea tric/ Ilowarrt. Ruhl. pa«(-pre«l(Iriit. Kious i« nutlltxliix plans for th e n e i l l i^ jr nf tlie pubilfation for the e tccu tlre hoard’* approval. ( S u tf rhoto-K nznivlnfl

W S S Mi F l R f f l i N G ECAIRO. Egypt. April i a f-Vr-Un-

fxi>fctedly free a fte r m onUis of cap­tivity in enemy i« l.-.on camiM, sonio of tlie wounded D rjtoas just cx- cli&nKed for U rllL 'h-held Itailiin prlsuiiei's luxuriated today nii the broad terrace nf a fine m ilita ry h™- p lla l overiooklnt: the Nile—nnrt UV<- ed.

l l i r y told luia- they wultecl. in-ii- ed up for m onths w ith wnninK

.o tiruce mid liojie while th e d' of the *««>—ti\« {irM ot Ute «:ere workM nut.Tlje fiallati w atchword, the)

Cldrd, WHS "toiiiori'ow!”Tliry tuiU of tlicli -itlblluUon »

fliialiy, thrv were hack In n^Rl^ll hands. M rm ot tlirm had been prLs- oiiers sincc the bis .N azi pu^h In Libya liuit > car.

"We were like kkij a t » CliiLUnms 'party when we boiUdefl th e l* n d - ovefi Cic.ile.'’ one touuh .icrKfaiit descnbcd llic scene oboiird the Brit- Wi transfer ship, - a iie re were Dooa.. clK^rcl.^- Wer and food cverywliei.- V/e didn 't know w hat to ko fo r first.'

MtUouKh ,son\t ot the m en hc.-ilta^il About talklni: of the ir ex periencr.s Ix-nxuse ot possible reprr cuv,lna^ iS ^thelr iiiutca Mill Held

jind di--'iul>' tlir tac t ih a t they were up front .-itattered ciimpi;,

tffl^ Kiivr tiip ueneral Imprc-sslon ot luuiinn'- iir.iinient.

Sccond Group of Registrant Names for Area No. 1 Draft

Mine Firm Takes Lease on Claims

T»'enty-flve year lease o tt mv«i\ claim* In the Block Pino mlntnR dis­tr ic t In extrem e M U theastern Cassia county h u been ob tained by nigh- land Mines, Inc. ,

O fficers Uated are H. L. Walker. Tw in Pftllj. p resident; OUa Bamp- aon, H ansen, vlce-prealdent, and C. H . «v lpm an; Tw in n o i j , tecretary- treo iure r.

Largo ore body contain ing qulck- aiWtr a n d im all bodies, oJ antim ony a n d illver are open and due J o r pro-

_ ducUon as soon aa »now condiuoiu f t perm it, o r w ithin one m onth .

W hen the road to m ine is reopen­ed , equipment w W th wlU be moved In Includes a compressor, dle.sel pow­e r plant, stopper and Jackhnmm er, a n d a 90-lon cruslier.

Completed developm ent co'nslitit o f 300 le e t o f tunnel. 60 fee l p f open cu t, six and one-half mile* o f road. e r t bins and a cabin.

Muri’ ir, Artli M.O*J-Murrhr. c'h~ in,9S;— l)»* 'il,i;j-M ur,.h ,. I . . . r

r.ncli N.


"ioil-Nll'on: v'w'o


e.mo-Oikirr.l.:<l-tlWr>li> t.OOi—Orhflir.

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«. . — r i t . l lID.'uj—ltrtn«n, (i<il I - ........... ..... .1857

'T o bfi conchnlrd


F"ormer Boisean NYA Office.Head

r.dwutd-. B. Rii.'.iell. lorm crly of Boise, toilny took charge ol the NYA d is tr ic t otilce lirrc, MicccedlitK Oi niond Tlioma.s. rr.'.lKiied,

.Mr. Tliomo-s Icll to accept n .illlon as innnaKcr of the farm labor cam p n t Ny.vsn. Ore. T h r NYA ol ticc in 'IVlii l-'nils Is locnird In ro<in 203 of the O rphcum I ini;.

' bulld-

Judjjinjr Awards to A«:ricuHure Majors

UNIVKIXSITY O P IDA H O . April 13—Six soiuhern Idaho agriculture niiijorv Uih week were Klven Ju<Ir- ini; a•,v.lr i for university atfrlcul- tural jiiduiiiR teams.

Dairy <iililr JudginK aw ards w m npprovni by the ASUI execuiivi IxnikI, MiKirnt Kovemlng body, loi U<'ld .Mrrriil, Paul, a n d Kny Cham- br iT., jern inr. I'lpyd B roadhead , Ru ivri, wii.-. Klven' o didry pioduct: jiidKliiK HWiird and Don B rn ls, Oood- Hin. ai;n>i'i»iiy.

Aniinni iiiiNhuiidrj- Judglnc a« sipprnvrd Jor Shelby Will!

Uulil, iukI Howard M orrison, Mur-


April Upsurge in World War Tests United Nation Strategy

— ny-K iR K E L T s r a r s o ;>Vlde W orld W ar A nalyii

T he expected April upsurge In ,.,e w ar on all f r o n u Is m tuH swing, m arked by events everywhere which are putUiig Uie U nited Na- Uonj' Krand a tra tecy to an acid t e i t

T h a t .» tra te ty . by every indica- Oon. je s ts on th e conclusion Xhe TUX of Ihe war th is summ er ^)me in R uw la, If th a t la and m uch has been risked and lost

acrois the Pacific and Uie Medlt- u ranean Vn gilni allied Ccte im lm - lion no t to be d iverted from the job ot bolstcrlnft Ru-isla) there la

)iue .silver lining W the w ar clouds. Wnr carKoes for Russia a re going

VliiouRh tlcsplle NftU bRUltihSps. sfibmarlnes and planes striking convoys from clo-se-up base.i In N

and n awarm of axis subm arine raiders in A m erican w aters taking iKavy toll of sUljM'lnR- Axis «{■ furls to cu t th a t lifeline or aer- liiiinly tmpnlr Ihe flow, or to force withdrawal t« o the r danger points nf the n rm sh -A n ierican patrols tlMl keep It oiw u have failed, 'V .

U ck ing knowledjje of present llr ia ih slrcnR lh In the bay of Ben­gal to cope w ith th e widening Jap -

a ttack , the outcome In th a t bMUe Rteii Is beyond prediction, l l i r r r Is m uch lo indicate; however, iii.ii Impressive BriU sh naval and :iir forces m ay have been ordered lo Indian w aters to protect th e flank ot ttic B urm a defense (coitt a t i l to. deal witli any ambltlou.t Japanese unilrrtakinR again.ii Indlo, r nhniiy poa.nlble th e greatest fiKlil of th is war m ay be ahaplng up there.

It Is more than possible th a t n\iinenverinK In th e M editerranean and In l.ibya. Implying m a]or tensive opera tions ngaliva Egypt

,«nd near e aste rn o il rewJUrces,In pa rt calculated, by Berlin to 1

i*en the ^ea and n lr power BrllaJrt' miKl'i divert from th a t front meet the Japanese challenge In the Indian ocean. T h e BrlU sh h iv

'ah ltlled Ita lian flee t s trength t almckM half of Itji form er power

"and liavc heavily dlicoUlUed probabilities o t a full stale axis at- 4ck in U bya o r nc ro u the Medlt- tcranean. i

Conjecture »s to when and whcfe Uie nitln G rrm a n '^ flen s lv e effort Of thU year will come always mu^t reckon w ith unknow n factors. One ot tlieie Is the Nazi esUm ale of Russian ab ility to t e n t e r another Oerman drive—and th a t ' catlriiale must b« based In p a rt on th e avall- abllUy of DritlUi and American equipment for the R uulans. .

A nother fac tor is th e s ta te o! Nazi oil reaerves. If they have been dan­gerously depleted by Ihe war in Ruisla the G erm an main offensive must tail on the approachc.i to the Caucasus. TliBt Is the only rouu 10 oil imless H itle r can win unop-

cd pajiaage througii Turkey oi ready to risk war w ith that

powerful neutra l.

Defense IMlefi Scan Rural Fire SetupCoordliiutlun ot rurul fire proiic-

Hloii facilities in T *'ln KalLt county will be th e topic of dl%cu\iioii at a meeting of dv lllu n de^en.^e men a t 3 p, m. W ednesday In the olfue ol County A gent D en Bollngbrok'

TcntiU ve plans outlined at m eetini he re F rid ay afternoon ca for orgsnlzlng Uje ru raJ/aren j-lj)t units ot app ro x im n te ly /w families when M v> ro itcU oj^itrv ice .\ ate available.

IViral fire wardeJis, It was indi­cated, will be given instruction in fireflshung by Uie city tire deimrt- m enl. In o rder to m eet any damann tha t may be caused by .wbotase or enemy a ttack .

Funeral Services^ Honor E. Zieglar

Funeral services were held 8*t - u rday -a ltartioon a t the Filer B«p> i b t church for Edward A; ZlesUr, f ile r, Idaho Power company em­ploye who W0.4 accldcnUtliy electrts cutrd e arlie r In the week.

Mr.i. E tltol l “ravls and Mrs. JeJm Barger, nccomiwnled b>- Mrs. Ruih HarrL\on, satig "Beautiful Isle of ' Somewhere" and ''SomeUme We'll UmlerMtind."

Pallbearers were Clyde Welch. T .A. MatUce, V. A. Allison, Jesse Small. Harvey S h irk and a. G . Gee.

In term en t was In Filer Odd Fel- lo m cM neterj'. under the direction of ih*A vh ite mortuary. ^

Chapter Receives $361 Polio Funds

C an L Tliompson. Buhl, chair­man of th e committee In charge of riif recent cclebmUon of the Presl- tleni's b ir thday . Saturday night turned over *3Bl.« to Uie Twin Fa ll' county chapter for the Pre- venllon of In fan tile Pamlyals.

Tlie money represents BO per cent of a ll p ro c trd s from th e PresldenV* rrlrbriilim i nnd will be used by the county c h n p le r ln.lt.> work.

Saturday niRht's session was held In the lib ra ry ba.wment with Mrs, FTKWkle K , M w orth, c liapler chalr- mnn. presidloK. Directors of Uia orfiniilratlon were present a t the ses.slon.


" ELEC TRO FE\ CRM c e i S U r t a t IlSJO

S O D E N F X E C T R IC Ph. 270 Next lo OrphCum

ATTENTIONCash pnld for worthless o r dead cawt, horse.i and price’ of p d ti tor dead abeep.

Idaho Hide & fa llo w Co.,C all C o lle c t N e a r e s t P honeTwin FalU 3 1 4 • G o o d io r4 7

Rupert 5 5 Hides, p e tu , tallow, fur, and Jutik bones bouebt.


Small . . . IniL nii^fhty! 'I'liul'.s h Icrin to <k'scribf the iM)ptilar '•Bu.iincss ad.s wltich appear daily in the Timc.-<-Nows. Thfir uverydjiy appcfir-

iiiico.jlicir flexibility and .Hinull cost enable them to briiifr their u.tor.t the . hiiilicsl. return (of the ndvcrUsinR t 'Htir spent. InvcRliRtita them today if vtm havf a con.stanl, evcryd.iy .scrvicc to ndvertise. The Busine.s.s Card will t:ct the job done!

Y o u r A d In

T h i» S ir.c S p a c c

Cro-sl.s O n ly

$ l « P e r M fJfith

n i .

227T w in F n lb

‘M ove C h e o p l; Qvickly.

Your Ad In This Size Space 0)sts Only. $ 3 3 Per Month ^ ^ B E R q



__ This fJosfcr^____ jSAY r r w m i f l o w e h s

T W I N F A L L S F L O K A LPhpn* #43 ^*4 Main-S .:

CASH-r 4kuUvdPMd ter 6ma. dd

ho»»e». M d •» _________iMt V v c r Oretn at t u s T A uce n o v T fakm

Twto rai* Pit OM-n

SEED GRAINCertified & Unfriitied Vfh^et, Barlty and Oaia


a m •* r t T Cnln.


PhOfM t

TIRE TOPPERStM m « y m ilu to jour prti- ent Urw. Drtn« in your Junk Urei. 4 pljr enlr. IM u* ahow reu what w» eaa do. Coats aw hta* to iRTMUsale.-



ATTENTION’Ooih paid Jor TOthleu or d«d eovv hone* and prie* ef ptlu for dead iheep,

Idaho Hide & Tallow Co.C all C ollee l N e a re s t Phone TVta r a l l s ^ ^ , C*«dlw 47

HidM. pelti. tallow, fu». wid Mnk bents bought

:t a r ]n W R E C K IN G SE R V IC E |» A T r x m s - NITS raoN sff

5 7 » 9 t6

P O T A T OGROWERSW« Are AJwaya t> tl>e

Uariwt fo r PoUiM*tM * ‘

MACK. MUGST tmio FaBi riMlM m•■ jrtn f v B . K. S t n M ll

Everyday, Consistent Advertising Pays...

T h t B um v«m C M d e lw y t U y l I t m o v o s fr o m

p * f « to p « r t io oapW r* Mm t o f aT try r * « d c r . T h e

co p y m ay. be e lu A ced w * e k \lo *n o w new t r e a tm e n t * n d

a p p earan cc o f jroor n * M a r « . Rfctea are low — 1 in c h m a y

b e b o u g h t fo r aa lit t le aa | 1 8 . e a ch ad d ition a l 1 in c h

coflta o n ly S16. A » d yoH r m « a M f« i i carricd e v sr y d a y in to

ov*r K.OOO U a c ic T a U c f )

P h o M K f M f t r F u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n •

Tim es-NewsM t i 0 i e ’V a U 0 i f * » G r w € i e r y e t ^ p a p e r ’

Page 4: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Page Four ( TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, A pril 13, 1942.


W H I R L I G I GRumor: John L. Lewis May Bolt the C. L O.


E a tW u elM m>ll Apr!IB Tvla t'kll*. IdiAo. UBd.r tb> *cl c

8UDSCjiirno» b a t u n r CABIUCtt-PAYADL* IN ADVANCE

If ilia-,e lilcMcd < le d the dcmc

whlcli hn •nl I

Lhti discovered Uial lll llc r hiui ja iln u f o rm a t , rr.iUtant arm or wlilcli tied Uie lld(ho>vi!i'> wnr. Mllllnry rx- liicltlcn l In E r lc f 'tm ^ llnirly bullrtliiu A.1 n couiiwr-clieck to ilic Merrliniic

iiavoJ forcc.'i criiiplfcl ii NiuU -tub- njftrln© In tlip N ortli .seti, but they w ere, lucky cnoimli to low It to i)or ftlmost Intncl. I t proved to br tin In tM t nimlPl U-bouL Upon Inborii- to ry einintnntloti Uie Itwpectora found thnt, iilthouRh th s jtfc l cov- e rln# wiui Uie same iilic (iiid Uilclt'

of the older types, It lind t< '

« AiMclaUd rr«M and Unit

publi.M will

NA-np)IIUU Tb-,r. MO

CONSCIENCE AND COUNTRYOncc ngnln the probltim of the consclcntlour,

objector dramatlcnily forccs Uscir upon nn America at war. Lew Ayrti^^pular and ac­complished actor, goe.-) to ari Oregon camp to cut timber and clear underbrush rather than man a gun In Ihe hour of his country’.-! greatest peril.

Ayres' profe.sslon of faith read.'? as the word 0/ n sJnccre man u-ho ii/us iong pondered what he well realizes may mjln hl.s canjar. We have no reason to doubt his sincerity. Americans, however, may well doubl his rea­soning.

•'In my opinion, wc will never .stop wars until wc Individually cease fighting them and that Ls what I Intend to do." Ayrc.s ex­plained. The first part of that statement may be true, but how apply It to the Jap­anese airmen who bombed Pearl harbor? How apply It 10 the German panzer troops who overran Poland and made people of Xhat nation a "subject" race?

Would Ayres have retired to hLi California mountain-top home. lifted not a finger come Invasion and cheerfully been assimilated Into Nippon's co-prosperity sphere or Hitler's New Order? Tliese ideologies ccrtalnly must be as repulsive to Ayres as Is warltielf.

Some may come to the defense of the actor with Samuel Johnson’-i "patriotism Is the last refuge of a scoundrel,” or GeorRc Ber­nard Shaw’s "you’ll never have a quiet world until you knock the patriotism out of the human race." But, In rebuttal. Cato held that "love of country Is more potent than rea.son ltself.’’V5vhllc Thomas Jefferson said ’•my af­fections first arc for my own country, and then, generally, for all mankind.” Lord Byron felt that "he who loves not his country can love nothing.”

Fortunately, few must choose between the dictates of their consciences and love of their native land. Usually the two are entirely compatible. Lew Ayres found It otherwise. and--ln one rcspect It must be admitted his decision may have taken as much courage as ft soldier needs In the face of enemy fire. But such courage as Ayres’ docs not win wan: and that happens to be the big Job.

The answer to conscientious objector.': and those who arc too lary or too Indifferent to do-their parts lies ,In the type of enemy we face. Thls'Js no War of Spanish Succession

.7/horc armies battled under codes of honor, and the losDr knew nothing would be lost but a few acres of territory. Our enemies In this war ilot only want our resources; they hate and would destroy our way of life.

.If that way of life Is not worth flRhtlng for. It most certainly Is not worth the energy wc expend In peace time to keep It function­ing. It Isn’t worth having at all. If It means so little we would see It crushed rather than sacrifice to .save It. Most of lus say: “It Is bet­ter to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”

WIIERB WE STANl)Fortune magazine’s survey of th ^ m erlca n

attitude toward post-war co-opcratlon with Great Britain is a timely contrlbutlon^lo na­tional thinking. It appears to confirm th at we realize the Anglo-Saxon nations, working wisely together, constitute the only homo­geneous bloc whljii perhaps can save us from golnf^through a new World war every quarter century. And of equal Importance, the poll notifies those Idealists typified by Union Now that we propose to co-operate as independent nations, but'w ant no United States o l the World.

•nils suggests a complementary warning that should be repeated from time ty tlm e , so that nobody can pos.slbly misunderstand. Our people arc prepared to go the/flm lt in fighting for. with or beside the Russians against Oermany. But we’re Just as unalter­ably opposed to Communism In this country

, today as wc were before-Hitler Invaded Rus­sia.

I WILL TO WINRobert Hellferty Is 05 years old. He ls..a Civil

-W ar veteran. He has his ideas about how we Should win this war. He expressed them In New York the other day after watching,part of^oiir Army parade for almost four hours.

“It Is my belief," said Robert Hellferty, i "that wc gather all those who are able to

• shoulder a gun. secure ships enough to send them over In a body — and then rip th e life out of them.”

The strategy may be faulty, but spirit Is• right.

. AjsosUcs of defeatism within America please take note.

Berlin and Tokyo papers please copy.

, MEMO TO LAZY PEOPLE: • Production o f lawn mowers ends June 30. If

you haven't stocked up on this itcjn—and hoarding is tinpatrlotlc—you will Just have to let the graaa grow. •

Abo, gadgets won’t be wrapped In cello- phanei Hours saved opcnlhg things should be flevot«d to the war effort.

Bhell j>cin

lictnl Ji .... intxicrii

nAV TUCKEU new t Impervious to n n llle

iiid Innd monsier-i. Tl:ihltt in tlie non of rm..........luckily tlie U nited Nntlon:

Kth for .•nrcllim off

B brei

DepUi llMiiiikes.

The coi Icr plnnned to /iprli

t irUi Uint Uie Mime kind

iratcd In raft niid

,k.i. Tlic proifctlve contlne ly. fired n l thcjic sea • hn-1 forced a quick ,lii.it UiU device, bu t

ime<l lic Uip key tteiipon

:1 eiiKlntnlnsl

irpfl,ict K it


......... y foriluromlntrniiM la, ih f Cimcn.-lus nnrt Llbyn. H ad li

a been for thl.i nppu rrn t mlrnclc, Uio novelty m lRht c Bftljied lUm ea.-iv vleiorles, dlMienrtcned tl'

Mid li\{Uici\ccd ih r Sew le tnaln lns ritnlsftix. li narrow e.''cnpi‘.

CI.ASHt:i)—Nnvy TauM k canno t un„ . .J.uininoned bnck to service, lij view o Pfrlciiced heiid.i In lYunl: Knox's tliounh rrc(]iii'nlly coiniiicndcil for nnrcL In th ree miifltci.v he hft.i no

■ry JInKbefor him

Nnvnl 1 newed brcnu.sc of t. ^elllp, Lonu UKO h r i hold the iwo po,'i;.s . m ander-ln-clilrf of t

■ •T iium I«

irged Ibure s be cc :i»olldi

, P resld rn l Roo.ifveli ortlrred these chnni

•enr.v Hl.i friends blam e hh ic rnuuKcil m a i>cr.'«iniil con elt when the la tte r wns a. iiivy, T i)f two (;lftj,hcd itmiln

iilr,il Taim lic’!! .'iieps for jiliKht on the fuel, th ttl rovrr.sy. with Mr, noo.ie- \l;,lnni secrelnry of the n ID40. when the reU red

tar torec-nst cyciitiml war w ith Jftpan In which he precllcte<I the enem y would n iu c k the Phlllppli Inilo-Chliia. .Mnliiy and t h r ^ U c h Ea.it Indie; fiuch frank .spraklnis he wiia rJUuked by hln stiperli a t in itru rtlon of ih r Whit office of chairm an nf tiir on Roads kanllAlcomml;.-,lon by nppolntnie: lie Kovernor of Vli

,111 ( tho Ini':,plic earlie r prcpurutlnnji to avoid the blunder*

of yeivr.i aso. when fi"elKht irftlns were used a;i .itore- for week.1 wlUt coiuequcnt shortnKe^i of rolllnK even worse ja m s exlnt.tl In the rear of such

Plillailrlphlft, Newiid , I’Yiii . COIK bpcat

tchrd PUi.iburKh, Uiey v

. W ith Mir enem y de;,troyli □ nllrd N ations a rc now <-(ii WM bi-comlfiK fut.'il, T lie |

sch f

Alliiblc. A -be ite r .iirdlnu iiilorltle.i liolil- LiK litrr Konc

im p o riu n t artlcl

'sa s" :s;xiheld r

will be kep t r n th a t boat OKemcnt will

liirky lln rr will b«r wl old heltrr-skclter, n'-t- nll^ will be scrapped fi nini mnvlnK dnnoera t , lOdJS.

. forrca.M, 1 Ulc km

patriotic roopcratlL .. . nrr selllnn Ihe lim it to Ihrli solt drlnk-n, InclutllllK A. VcraKr. Iiavp none up i.evrral buck.'

McMrs. U im UeiidcrsDn »n<l however, wiuit to keep Uie «ood Tliat explains the lr rocen t prono Krnm nl c u rta llm rn t will lie Iilm ■nicy are lonlliiulnt; prlntliiK iil esl show on earth m id rr/o rina t

T liry m ay slorr Ihi^

.srvrr;il wrrks »K re rr^liimm; brom 3t be ryffilrrd. Mat iN-ou/f.m.Ts, -ni.- :

of Ihr prod n m t r o n

- ficrvnd Dm

1 l*nr

II In readlne.v. for LlllllKs. B ut fo r a wl A-iUi (hat ROod old riln

LIVING— Wn^hln'ptc

Ihe rn riirr niirLthr ^ul;nr a piK. l h \ | . c c k t<

handllnK re .u rlc iu^ ,- on ille everybody may make liner Uxble bo w l-o r rL-,e lui

s the "Ainer rxtled I

the Coi

LondonAmon.. . .. ..................Icnijwrftrlly nre A dm lrnl Hurol( chief of naval operu tlo iu ; Jo h n D, DiicKors, cr.stwliile topnotcher In Uio old national d c tcn ;r ailvtiory com- mlislon: Churlea F. Polmer, once h rad m an In Uie leflcral hoaiJnR personnel; Edw ard U, S telU nlav )r.. a charter m em ber o f Uie original K nutken-H lllm an orgnnlzatlon.

Note; Her friends say Uicre Is no trn th In Ihe re - txjrt Uint Mrs. E leanor Roojevell, who ha.'i nnnounced her retirem ent for tlie summ er, will Inve.iUKftte llvlna eonrilUons In EnRlBnil-diulnR her contrnseosonftl h l- beniatlon.

Other Points of ViewAPOLOGY T O A RAT

ChAriiCs of sedUlon and crim inal libel have b 'e n filed agatn.ll two Californ ians. Robert Noblo anti Ellta O, Jones, who arc nllcK(<I to have declared In a tnaKa- ilne publW ied by th e Krleiid.-. of ProKre.vi th a t O enera l MacArUiur'a d e p a r tu re from the Plilllpplne* was de- lertlon of hLi m en. T lie .ipeclflc lani;uiii;e wiyi said to be th a t M aeA rthur ‘T an ou t In the dead of nlBht." We ahaU now o b ie n e how Uiese rats endeavor to e stab ­lish In oui language are rojallve.

Wo are w rry » prccedlnc parngri an m edluU on, II

real r

r pernlcioi leU wlUiln tl


•e employed the epithet “r e f In I iph . ’Tile reason we nre io rry l i th i . aeem s e le i^ Uiat n e have done the

. noUilng Irsx Uian a dow nright In - JujUcc. W hy aliould th e name of a comparatively e lean and well behaved ra t. Uilef ond gart'age lover though he 1.V, be linked w ith .-lUdj creatures as these, whose purpose In tim e of na tional peril Ls to weaken th e country Uint sheltera them ? I t simply I s n t fair, and » e only can plead iJ ia t no o the r epithet cam e handy , though U le ft m uch Co be de.slred because of tm der- ita tem ent. T he r a t m ay never hear of It. th a t U true, but he has our apology.—Portland Oregonian.

The R u u lan and O erm an onn lc i mu.it be In a* pretty bad w ar. T h e R im l& ns claim to have killed or captured most of the G erm an t-<ioIdlers and Uir a e rm n a i claim they have pracU cally annUillated a ll of the Ileds. N etthjr side secma to stay dead vcrj' long.—Wall.ice



m Pot Shotsw ith th e


HOW TO GAIN W K lG ilT (SII!n O N T TE1.I, TH E NAVY!).SIner wr dunno w hether the

navy m ight reg is ter obJectloDi to the procedure, n r ’ll have lo tell you ron stllu en ti th e fallowing true tale mlnu.n (he nam e of. the g rn t involved. All we'll u y l» (hat h li home addreaa In Magic Valley, which U a largU h nrlghbnrhood.

Anyway. (hl> young m an applied for the naval reserve. He panned (h r rhy ile la l r»am w ith flying cnlori except for one thing—he

*w«» »horl on .relghU I t leem* the navy branch for which h r applied h a t a weight minim um of US pourulpi fo r fellnwn of h li parllcul.ir

ctlyTliln south Idahoan,

ever. (Ipped the scale* a t r H2 pounds.

W ha( (ft do7T he m edical ex.-xmlner—a o m -

pallie tlr fellow with a merry clraRi In h la eye— that

rome back In about ton houn to try again.

Our Hero prom ptly «en t out and purrha.srd six bananas, l i t de. vnureil u m n In rapW oriler. mean­time drink ing gosh only k{iowa linw m uch water.

In two h o u n Our Hero aitdeJ rive and one-ha lf pounds;


by your Ls-sue nf April 9 th a t sne over here In Shoahone ra the r w rought up over leo*-

i; land to evacuated Japn. It'A a lame. The.ie Japs could eiully blow :> an em pty grove! pit or saboUigo

• 1 1

1 lr(

tlKHl I hni . JA|1

—n i n. Jittery

SCI&C'l'XHof liiltlaL'', a.\ Iinbody was should thrv, Pol ShoU 1 his Fori l^wLi sleuUi.n

Li the SCIIJCKLB,The aCIDCtT-U wa<' formed b;

tlirec Kents who chlm>cd In to tub scribe lo the TlmiM-News. Nov they’ve roped In tlie flr.it Mrgeant as a fourth—O tto Schlld. Jr.. from G oodins. I t M «nu the SCIB CriJ} holda a meeting every time nn edl' tlon of th e Tlme.i-New.i arrives Ir camp.

T o the U ral con.stltuenl who sendj us Uie cofree t meanlnR of SCIDCFLB we'll send a frea copy of the TlmM- News cn the day It announces Ir black type " Jap a n , Germany S u r­render.” (O ur estim ate, no t copy­righted. IMO).


Driir Po l ShotM •n ia t Bob Baker, who tM entlj

£rjy,/ie<I yoiir..column b<-ciuLse he nnd another de jn iiy fiot Into the wrong car. Is back iiKuln. n i l s time he got Into the rlKlH c ar. but;

lie pushed one button th n t look- « l like tlie s ta rter . T lie sirer .-.crcrchrd.

: piL-.lhappened

He got ou t o i th r car and loid bavi" th a t llic car w ouldn 't i thn ba ttery mu-st be <lcari.

TJie bri(.-; ( &1 Hnll while Wt Is awny) .itcppeil Into the ca s ta rted r ig h t off.

(Note; In th l.i p a rticu lar ear . m tf.t p'j.-.h th e c lutch down belore

c a tches. B aker nrglrcied) do t:


JU!,V III r iindom , in ca.-.e j'oii Irrl al random , w r found ilir followint middle name.', in the la lr s l area No 1 d ra f t lis t;

•Sylvan, FcrnelliLs, Marccllii-.. n ;. b ert. Kldrliin. Avalon, Ciiriiicl, Or- Vere, . F4wyn. Pcrclval, C.aflaml, A rellnaw, J u n e . Abljnh. Olrus, Mme, Aurelius, U u ire l. Lovclady. Nimrod, Algol.

TlH' :I fir................... liln lt of 11. }l<.of 'em ; PlnL'„ Berncal, Author, Tnr.

Noted A n te rlcaa i. too, are we represented, W r culled thr;.a iroi among ih fT Jildtlle nam es; Jrlirrson . H am lllon. O ra n l, I.ee, llarrl-on RoQsi-velt. Dcwev, Monroe, Frank' im. G arfield . McKinley (aiul prac- llcally nl! th e Pre.-klrnlx.

s lobb.vi.

......................................................... hoiiu;.As wunes;i T o n i Alworlh and C. A. RobUiion. 11 tlo n 'i pay to slay away. W. O. Sm llli g o l the booty,


AND W IFEY WAKES f r i Dear Pol Sho ts:

I will n d m lt th.at sclcncc has.done marvels. B u t th a t darned floor Ju'.t oul.^:de th e bedroom door 6TILL creaks n t 3 iv. m,

—llusbandltis No. :

FAM OUS LA.ST LINE . . H oney, even it jo u 'q u ll

yo«f job now . they’U take met . .T I tE GENTLEMAN IN

'TOE 'n n R D ROW


15 YEARS AGO—APRIL 13, 10I7 M l» Sunsh ln t Willlniru. graphic

n n and education student n t S tan ­ford university, won a *100 icho lar- Khlp awarded by th e Stanford Moth­ers' club Inat week. She is the daugh* U r of Mr. and M rs. Reese Williain*. Twin rails.

MtM SusoTi Spracue . deaconMS of the npbcopal church in Id.iho, ha* suffered a relapne and h rr condition Is reported to bo grave, according lo word received from th r Ho»e hM- plial by relatives and friencLv

Tlie T rl-C club held formal inltln- ou for Ihe following pledges Sun- ay n t the hom e of MW Vivian Wil- m ; Jennie M organ. Bemlce Ren-

dahl. M iriam Ballnntyne. Majme Coleman. M ildred W hite, Ruth Mc- Rohert.<, G lcnora FYltcher. Wilmn Bevercomb and K atherine HarrUon.

21 YEARS AGO—APRIL 13, IDISTuenduy even ing members of Uii

Twin Falls CotnmercLU club elcctni officers lo Acrvr for Uie cawing term . P resk lpn t Is L. E. Sailndn; vlee-prcaWe.nl. Carl Lu DcLoiig; d rec to ^ . H J . Falling. J , M. Mn) u-eJl. W. IT radridge. Sam uel Hart and U. T . WrUfhU

T . P . P ra te r arrlvM In Uie ell T hu rsday from Brem erton. Wa.ili navy ya rd . .Mr. P m te r h /« scned over s ix years In Uie navy and ha. traveled a ll a round Uie wtrtld. Hi h as J a i t bought himself ou t of sen’

a n d w ith h is wife will make hi: home In T w in FaJU, He Ls ft broUiri Of E. r . P ra te r .




Emergency d rills are necewary to accustom bo th the leailcrr, and the led, to the slluailon, Fftmlllnrlty breeds cpaMdi' nee, makes lo r clcnr heads and eH tcllvp work. Children who are iii rd T o hearing HOiig! brnllng throuKh liie hulLi. med routine behavior In response, nr< nfrnld. ‘n iev nre ra--.y to co. bccau.-;c Ihclr mlnil-. a re working

•such fiimlllnrliy nnd micI;

» why only Uie i>cople fa-

children will no t follow n Mr.ingt-i - n o r w in 'g ro w n people—wlili hiij tnLst or confidence simply becau;.f they nre Atningeni,

Respond lo Fear To l>e a good h-ader In enirrKrncj

one m usl no t be afia ld . A leticlic'i or any o the r leader, whor.e mliid if tilled wlUi I ra r . cannot lead witli


fear before theMliU t

•ry quickly. 'I liry rrsix>nd to Uii- calm, controll- I'd. ilie fm nlllar nonclm liuii o^Ier of ihi- irainctl lender. wlUi comple' con/ldriK-r and obe<llrnce.

11 Is lijipernllve Uinl the teacJit Irntlrr, Uic a ir raid li-.ulrr. be fi m iliar w ith the place and the people they are leadliiK. I t Li imperative Uiat ih ry perform the nctuiil worl retjulred In emergency often undei normal cnndltloii.s .w> U ial should unusual i'onditlorv; exlsi' tliclr lieatls will lie c lear, th e lr mind.-. In good working orcler. lo make the Inslnn inneou.s deci.ilons emergency dc m.xnds,

S tnu ixer C an Re MenaceI t a fam ilia r rou te Is eu l olf Ih

pnicllced leader knows where Uier is a no ther one', Im l the stranger wl not know and so lo^.e valuable Unn If liclp 1.1 neede<I by others. Ui leader fam iliar wlUi ihe place an the equipm ent c an give it pronipUy and Inu-lllKenlly where Uie strwig* er wmild be a t n lo\',. T lir trained leader, working under familiar con- dlUons cun be completely helpful whore Uie s tra n g er or tiie untrained, uiipnictlced leader ti a menace.

Drills tnke tim e. H icy in terrupt iRAons. T liey Ure Uie teaclier# nl- ready overbiirdencri. But drills ar< snfrguard.i of life. Tliey protect Ihi cliUdren. Uiey p ro tec t Uie teachers nnd because of Uie fnlUi Uiey es- tnbllsh in the m inds nf the pnr- entfl, they .-Jifeifuard Uie liven ol the ccmmounlty.

C ount eveo ’ o the r con.ildcrftllon a.s n o lh tnc in th e face of Uie value of Uie rm em ency drill and give H all you have of lnlclllgenl./efflcli cooperation w hlclicver end of the line you m ay happen to be

Rotary at Filer. .Witnesses Film

RUHL, April 13—Tills week Ro- nriaits were en terta ined a t Uie lun> :hron m eeting w ith moving pictures •ihnwn by M. PLiher Of th e Slafidard on com pany of California. Ed Myers. Salt U k e City, was a vUiUjig Ro- Inriiui. and gUMt--* were Everett Cab- :ock nnd MltclieU W. Hunt.

C D B orin s Tlngey wereliitToducect as t h i newly elected pres-

; and vice-president of Rotary


FO C II—Although Uic adm ln lsira- an haa frowned down the proposal

. : a unified command for our arm ed, forces, th e Idea aUU appeals to m any o f th e m ore aggressive officers. ’They have plpeliiied the ir views to p rom ­in e n t legislators who are expected to

-----lOon. T lic young

m ln d f choosi

wo s it back am w ail fo r Jlitlei and lU roliiio to overrun the C at

. ca.iiu and BnUa: Isolate MafcArUiur o t a d is­

tance so h e will no t sliow up swivcl- chtUr doodlcrs. We pile m en Intc

Dellil sector lo rake Ind ian chca inu ts ou l of Uie fire. W e do t out soldicra.aU over Uie glotJe, Uke clovca

hnm , because wc aro^unreadyIn m ind—for n — to str ike ' year.

Uuch Inertia, o f oak

a t ony <

I th( rule of a liydra-heuded.ta ff — conuary to all cxperiei... ,n «ucccK;ful wor lilstory. T liE bur- ruck.1 b ro Jn-lrusi tells our field gen-

10 do—o r ra ihe r, becuusi ome to a dcclalon. i t say:

noU ilng. T lie reverse should be the p rocedure, says Uic "let'a go" school. Cromwell. Napoleon, Lee.Focli. pro- ■ :ed llie ir own plaM and then or-

■cii UjcJr aldci; -'JJere la uiy Jdcn, Now you work out tJio detail-.,'- We

•Imosl ns man}» foreign nnd dom ciU c councils running Uiis war

h a d alphabeUcal agencies al tlie lieyday of the New Deal. By

lUier brllllanl Btrutcgy or seta 'Ujrougli th e Modgy

O . H. Q.. 11 U covertd w ith cobwcbi,

O ATH—Tlic secrcl of how Uic erce C hclnlks. hemmed in on all ile.-i by w atchful enemies. aUll miui- ;e to ge t news of Uielr Homeric tp io lti to Uie outsldo world la re. ;ivlcd by Yugor.lavlan JournalisU; 3w In New York. Brave D ra ja Ml-

hnllD viich and his aide. Dragislir ViuUch. a form er poet now turned savngo avenger, have Installed !,crie.-i o f hidden radio atjitloiis—.10 ill ho-Ule ic rrlw rles -w h lch relay commuiUcutlons back and forUi.

W ord comcs over Uils grnpcvlnf t h a t th e 100,000 m ountaineers arc abou t to iauncli n tcrrlflc offensive Uie m om ent H ltltti»ghis-ftls-n ttacl( on SUiUii’ because the B alkan p a t­rio ts a re g rateful U) the Soviet, Un only allied nation which hns helped th em in th e lr present extrem ity. Tl: .Miv.covitcs, though ha rd pre.vic them selves, sUll ferry supplies t u irp lane to Uieir brother Slava. T li

abled thi^ lo nil

ba tll’A grhn .slilellglil Is th a t Mu.-jiolln

w ilti a g rea t .show of pomp offerci the •'th rone" of occuple<I C roatia t< th e prince of S|X)lletln. cousin o t tin k ing of lU ly . Uui Chelnlks.-who.-^ famllie-. hart been mnvj»crc<l by Un nxls, :.cni w arning thn l Uiey hni nworn u blood oath to bury Uielr (li.gKcr:i In h li heart If hi ' ' ‘try to t.-ikr over hi? "kingdom." So "u rgen t busUie.is" still keeps him Ir

;xp tr-

SWEEP—Civilians, broughl u pon high school histories, learned th a t rivers and m o u n ta lti were obsucles ,' In historical battles a n d hence oro purtled U iat such ' n a tu ra l barriers fall U) stop Uie Ja p a today. Tojo's

Jumped across Uio Hong Kong . harbor and ipcd over the mile-

s tra it of Jolioro in to Singapore. Now in Burmese batUes Uiey

floundc)h4«-Uirougft Uie rice paddles. Jungle ^ m p s a n d Uie Irlb-

•ics of the Irraw addy ojid Slt- lang rivers. Y et Lbey o re no t held back. Why? /

AlUiough the lypponcsc an lenced and resoi/rccful ilghK

not Uihuman ro b o ti skilled a t g wiiut llesli and blood in old I fulled lo accom plish. Army oi- •3 exjilaln th a t any crack trooi^,

glvea UiB sumo ndvnjitugc.i. can do as w ell T he succcss form ula 1.% clilcfiy long-range a rtille ry , cap- able of ftliooUng from a gfcat dls- Unce behind liielr own lines. Tlii.i u rofliig clears brldgehciid:; and pre­vents Uie dclendura frum m aking infan try a t Uio croMliigi..

Unless tills bom bardnicn l la brok­en up by an equally clli-cUve coun- terbarrage, Uie u iu ic k trs merely gel Uielr feet wci. As u aubatltute ior big guns Uie J'apa o ften use planes Which accompll-sh U io '^niiie task. Also they arc ndcquatcly ctjulpix-d wlUi ))ontoons. m otor c ra ft, rubber b6ais and nmke.ihlft raft^i. In Uieory huge cannon btu.wi on Uie F rcnd i coast, backcd by a ir superiority, could sweep Uic Dover beaches and open the way to an invn;-lon of Dig- land. But h e re -i in lik e in Asia—Uio B rlllih arc ns well equipped as thelr , foe. i

GO.\T!>—T he w ar Is Ifaving strange e llects on unluvfti, accord­ing to New York n i^ ia l l s t s who glean* bits of In lo rm anH i Irom ilir. various rone.-.- In the OrilLsli islcj catUe completely ignore air raid.-.. Farm ers have craw led ou t during a bliU to find sheep nibbling nnd cows conlcntcdly chew ing Uiclr cuds while explosions burst' close enough to spiilter Uirni wiUi debris, Hon.e.i arc nervous under n llnck and Irr- (|ucntly bolt.- BrltLih Illers in Mni.iya nnd B ur­m a tried to tu rn back th e Jnpanc.io elephant trooi>s w uii inuchlnc guus and bombs but liie c rcatures’ hlilr.i were too lough and Uic iiolic did not startle Uie Jumbos. However Uic -circu.i parade" fled in panic when aviators h it 11 w ltli inccndlarles 11:; d id H annibal's bca.sts a fte r the Ro­m ans peppered llu-m w ith blazing oil pots. linglLih a n d F rc iich cats arc Jcept on wnrehou.ie pay rolLi nnd receive regular railoiin in return for Uielr service.-; ns mou.-.e catchers. In Petnln's country how ever the piiN- sles must flrsl serve a "hitch"nbo(ird slilp. If Uic bold, big ra ts of Uie hold cnnnot frigh ten Uicni. tliey me promoted lo a "ciLsliy" Job n.shore,

Becau,ie of tho milk .shortage Lon­doners nre keeping guirta in tlie • lieart of Uie city. S trn iige to iitbiin earn arc Uie cackling of gccso nnd crowing of rociterj; h eard in Ihr Seven Dials srctlon w here folksrA • / fowl to add ••prlCBle:.-^" i'KK:i m ,Inble. ObaervaUon of birds c;>tli>k I f hlp.i, haws nnd o th e r hcilgcrnw

lends to th e discovery tiinl

mWi;..................... nd

nliy needed for Uie diet

C L A P P E R ’S O B S E R V A T I O N S


ly no m enus the only g rea t naUoii lin t ha.- a .'f lt-n ilc issue wlUi the

ln.ilst on a -fu place In the com munity o f naUon;

Tills docs no iiy Iftck of

loynlty to thf llrd cnu.se. I t

icnily• leaders einphaslrj: specif- It they cannot subm it nn> e x tra -U rrllo rin llly — thf

r ig h t of foreign powers lo operaK th e ir own fourts In C hina—or tt t r c a ty -p o rl concessions, or to forelgr control of customi.

BtRlnnli^R -wUh the ^o-Cl\Utt opium w ar between China and Eng­land In th e early 1840s, w hich ended In Ihe cession of Hong K ong to B rltn ln tind Uie opening of n num ­ber of Chiniy.e porU to foreign trade , th e g ren l powers of tho Occident progreMlvely fastened th e ir hold on C lilna. T lie United S tales was a p a rty to th l i procc.vv Insofar a t lenst

------ .territoriality was concern-jg h the record of our r e la ­

tions Willi C hina b m uch c leaner U th e CASO wlUi some of Uin

o th e r powers.it, th e Chinese »ay Ujnt

con'ee.vilons wre»lcd from .^ e m 1s t now Be■ 10th century m ust 1


C h ina hns been, to some degree .n th e .tam e fix as Ihdia. except Uint In d ia hft-1 been dominated .by D rit- ,ln alone, nnd China by a num ber if powfr.1. T h fre has been & Browing iresiu re fo r years lo throw off th is ontrol. T oday China feels th a t h e r eslslnnce to Ja p an ha-n fu rth e r treng thened her claim to renl fre e ­

dom in pracUce,Ccnfm ll.vilm o a i la n g K ai-shek Id all h is ndvUcr* arc resolved th a t le conces-slons m ust go. T here la a iiLsIdrrnblo demand th a t th e step tnk rn now. o-s has been proponed

by the American naval diplom at. A dm iral H arry E. Y am ell.

ugh of course in view of Uie 11 a iiun tion such a move would llt lle pracUcai effect fo r th e

:r r t .i in ly China U preparlnff fo r • day w hen ilie will rule h e r own nionilc deaUny. Tlie Chungklni: ‘frn m en t Is exlencUnj I t i control

over th r rconomlc life o f Chinn to Include slnte monoiwlle.s of fjili, iron. Steel nnd sugar. I t nl.'o nddlng matclu-s nnd probnbly olher things, to the lls t.o f statr-eontrollecl cnrnmoditlM. U is -lo o k in g toward the construction of nn economically .itrong govemmunt.

Although the tex tile industry- H old and large In boUj Chinn and Indln, ne ither countn- makes m a­chinery for it.s tex tile factork-.i. Tliry hnvr to Import it. B oth eounU-le:i a rr d r lrn n ln rd lo change Ihli sit-

to IndiistrW llre. In order lo;hleve a m o r i^ o u n d rd econc I t Is nl;A_reiaired now thnC

ImiiOMlblc In the f'fen ....................... ..without a heavy industry In-

ilcle Uie coun try ,,If Chinn nnd In- din had t»f-.'-e.v,e<I M ibstnntlnl hrnvy industries, Uvry could now be sup­plying lhrm.-.rlves Instead of depend- Ing on in n d rau a lr shipping from Britain nnrt Amerlcn.

China's pre.^ent fom ildnbir diffi­culties In oblnlnlng sujipllcs have only strengthened he r drtrrm hin- ilon lo re.',hape h e r economy nnd her, i Industrj' he reaftrr. and to la ils l o n .^ the sta tus of n fully free nation.

Catholic League Will Sell Food

JEROME, April 13—CnUiollc Wo- len'a lengue m e t a t th e home o t

Mrs. Frnnk D aley Tliiirr.day. Mrs, ' Robert Dnley nnd M rs. O uy Blanton

ere a.vi1sUng ho«tc.ve.^.PInns.w ere arrnnged fo r ■ cook­

ed food Bale to be held In down­town Jerom e S a tu rd ay afiernoon. April 25. T he program w as on the- story of iJic wrlUng of th» "Ros-

■ wlUi Mrs. F rm ik T itus re-....... ig the story for m embers, Ml-.sMndeiyn May S nnbent sang Uir

ng. accompnnled by ArdLi T lng- ai. Mlsa Sonbcig a lw aong "Sleepy

Hollow Tune."

W. s. C. S, Circlcs To Meet at Buhl

BUlfL. April 13-SoclnI circles of the Buhl McUiodlst W. S, C, S.. will m eet Tliurr<iny n ften ioon . AprU 10 I t Uie following ho tnrs:

E sther circle. Mrs. Roy EllenwooU for 1 p. m. luncheoni-M ra. Schroc- der. omistont hoste.vi. M nry MnrUia -Ircle. 1 p, m. luncheon a t the homo )f Mrs. C. O. Sm ithson . M rs. P . E .,!* '

DarUett, assistant. D orcas circle, a f . f " ’ tem oon meeUng w ith Mrs, Ben Lunt4?>-. Mra. C laude P a rk s otslal- Ihg.

bfltoli circlc. I p, m , lu n c h e o t t : :^ ie ho«ne of Mra. F re d P n rlah /

wlUi Mrs. Hnrold Hyde iis co-hosU eaa; Ruth and Nftoml circle, an a f ­ternoon m eeung w ith M rs. Demclce HaUleld, Mrs, E lhel Hopklna ossUt- ■nt ho(ie.*.s. .

Page 5: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Monday, April 18.1942 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ■^age


Alpha Nu, Red Knights and Tri-C Planning Annual Spring Formal and Sports Dances


First of n number of sprinR dnncinK pnrtica, arraiiKcd by Hcvcffll lccn-n;fc clubs, will take place Tuesday, April U , at Radio Rondevoo, w i t h Alpha Nu club members a.s ho3tcrfflc.s. Red KniK'bts club has ■ announced preliminary details for tlit* annual Hprin« party)April 28 at the Rontle- vd&;^rid '^ -C chib yesterday continucjjwlanrt for the spring­t i m e f l ^ t April 22. SiKniu DcUK rsu. Zu Zin\ uml MeT ^C 03 will announco sprinf; so-

cnlendarrt in the near fu­ture.

Tomorrow night's dunce, a formal event, will be ’in at a .- Jf ) p. nu. nml Mr. ntid Mrs. \V. I. Tanner and. Mr. li id Mrn. Max Phillips will be'the lUtron.s. Tri-C and MeT club

;mbcrs, ticverul ninth uriul- er.s and officers of the three boys’ ehibs and their partners will be special K'uest.s. Mi.ss Dorothy Cockrell is pre.sicicnt of the club.

New offlcct.i of The n « l KJllKlit.% rlu b will l)c in diarKo of U\c Biimii; ;.)>orLi (liitico April 211, iitui rvtlrliic orficcr:; will be honor O lfl-ciT.'. ri.'ci'iHly ek'ctul were nciblii Ulm.rr. prc.'.idcni. .•..Kccciliiis Tom C nrtncy : Ari Drclicr, vlcc-iircskli-iit. MicccalliiK Hownril Alk-ii, i.ncl Iljilpli OlmMoiid, .iccfc^tiiry. MicccctJlnK Cluick Glib.

ticUvlVV fDmnilUirc. i\:.:.buni; Ujc .••L-iff In plannint: ilic cliiiicc. will b r Jnck JoncN. Howiinl Alien, DU't DrlW'c. Miirriiy North. J.ick Uonoil.

Guc-:,l;i vk’Ul be iwiubcrn o[ All>Uiv Nu, T rl-C iiiKl M rT cUib.’i. Mr, mid Mm - C iirik Eaton will Uc Ua- pti- irofw or (Oil- fvcnliiK. and WUl W rlKlil’.i orcllnsinl will play.

T n -C elul), mcclbiK a iinday nl Uir hom e of .Ml.vi Bom Crydcr, p1i'cU'<1 til.' rollowliiK orfi€cT.n; .MLvi Mlduc nob«-rt.-,on. i>rcr,l<lrnt: Ml;.-; Cclc:.tlne

• aO n ion , M-crcUr>". Ml.vi J.sm P» r- k.-r. trciiMirrr. iiiid-.MKi Orncc Wc«- Piirr. M-r«raiit-nl-iirin%,

lllMJillaUoil will LUci- l>Iaci- ti-rxl Sunday a l lUc tuip.u- oC MU.s Jiiiw JIoop.s. btit Uir Kfoup will not tjik>' nyiL-r- until a fte r ihc Ajirll 22ii<l «J.ince. .Mr;i, irntr}- U rnoit iind Mr.i. Jo h n DrrckenrldKc wrro prr-scni nt yriitprrlny's nirrtitiK,

* * *Agnes Smitli Is

Wed to W. King A t Buhl Nuptial

HUHI,, April 13-AL u pr.'tly liom r wfddliiK a l tlic lioine of Mr. nnd Mr.-.. .M. S. Sm iili In llic Nortli- vlrw dte lrlci Saturday noon. April 4. th e ir daiiKl'lcr, MK-s Anne;; Sm ith becam e the brlilr of J . Wayne Klni?. son of UiP laic Seaward KltiK. Biilil. Rev. Miirl M. Joncn. pii.-.tor of iho First, ChTl:.Unn c5iurch ol Biilil, o l- flclaletl n t the .-iliiKlr rInK crrcmony. TJic b rid r was Ktvcn In mnrrliiuc by lic r fallKT.

T lte brklp cljrvvc (or her wnW»\R an nftrrnooti frw k of ntnin blue. wlUi w hlcli Mic wore b'clKO nccr.vw - Irs, H er sl;.ler, Mrs, Dean VlcKcr.n. Wft.n m atron or honor, and ^^r. Vicker.i wn.i bcriOnnn for tUe brldc- Kroom.

A w rddlns d liin rr war. .irrvcd Im- m edlalcly foUowlnK Uic ceremony, nr Uic liome of Mr. nnd Mrs, Smllli. Our,^L,i bc.nldc.1 Utc bridal couple were Hev, and Mrs, Murl M. Jontvi. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde a n l lh nnd r.on. M r. ^ s \ d 'Mrs. J5o«ifr BmWi imil «lnuKliters, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dcnn VlcK- rr.i ftjid .-.on, nml MKi CInrlcc M itchell.

TliP couple left Immrdlntely fiir lx)nK D rnch, Calif., where Uiey will m nkr tlirir lioinc. Mr. KlnK hn.i been employed a t Ihe DouKla.i c ra ft factory there for ^ev m onth.i, nnd came to Duhl la s t \ lo nrrnnwc for the wrddlnic. Dotli Ihe bride nml brldcBroom nre icrnd- uiite.i o f the Iluhl hlRh .school, tlir b ride RrndKaUiiK wlUi th e cla.-j ol lin o . She hit-1 Iwcn employed for Severn! month.i nt the M. H, King com pany In Buhl,

Women’s Council A ttends Meeting

V nrlety mnrked the profirmn n t th e recen t meetlnK of the Women's Council of the Chilstlon church, he ld M tl\c church patlors w ith Mt?.,

• F rn n k W. Slack prcAldlnc, Mr.i, S, T . A, O off wn.-. In charRe of dc- votlonitl.i.

T h e program , nrrnnsed by Mrs. Krccl H udson's dlvhlon, fcntured i»n InstnicU ve Inlk by Mrs, Rutli C. K eam cs, «tletltlnn a t the Ttt’ln Pall.i county Bcneral hospital.

Vocal num bers Included two ,wlo. , "W here ITer You Wnlk" and -I H eard n l^ irest PrnylnR." by Cnrlton M cM ullln. nccompanlcd by Mrs. C l\!\rk s Alien.

Rcfi'eshmenta were Mrved to 40 w omen durlnR n social hour.

♦ ♦ ¥Cai-ey M, I, A , Class

Arrangres FarewellCAREY. April 13-M rs. W . C, Eld-

rcdRC wn!i hoilcM to h t r cla.-a o l H I , A. Bee HiTe elrls n t h e r home ( he re a t a rc c ti 't fnriwsll party in

h o r .jr of W hs Brocklc Condle, who Is »3 :n to more to Twltv F»il».

P rc .i;n l w trs Neldn Simpson. Mer- Jlne Opnrks. H elen Baird, Prnncc;

’ G reen. Vonna Dodge. Lcura.ne Dll- w orth. Luecn KlrkUuid. W ary Delh Sllllngsly. Jennette Dodse, M arjorie Han.icn. nnd N eannlne Bdredge,

EUvs and Band Honor Retiring Leader

j , 1!. nian<}fot;il, directed by fieri C daiiee In th rlr limi Indee was made Iiy G lenn Terry. U t t Ki riel M rs. IhypA and ,Mr, Terry, danee rnmmlllee meniliers

irh if e ja lted ruler of Twin Fall* Klks Imlte a (luntnn. » u i ll>e ren ter of altracM on w llh Mn. Saturday iiUlil a t the l;ik» Imllroom, I’rrvr

and c if t Mr, lllan.IforO. M r.. Hlan.iroecl. 1 iiKl ,Mn>. .Max riillllp> and Mr.

Women’s Motor Unit Entertains

At Buffet P arty

cil by Ihe Womtri'.n .Mnlor Tran;.pnrt a:--.oi:latloii nicnibi-r;. Jn lionnr ol hu:.b:imh and a numb'-r of KUc.m;,.

DuIIrt ,Mlp|)i r wii\ MTvril a t 7 p ni. from a lablr duconilcd w llli KOldvn

''I'll! Kieeiirry, I n cJiarr.r if the billf.'t were Mr.v G arrrti ,

Mr:,, i:d HWnner and .Mrv Hob

II”,It ucre welcomed liy Mvs, Rhoina .Siiiitli, Mr:.i.C. R. Shlpinnn. Mrs,' Vrrii nillbcrl>^!i-:,. Cliarlc;, YounK And Mr;- K a i ^ a b c o c k , Kn-

ilnment \v*i.-TTIreeled bv Mr;;, C h e rD lrh l and .Mr;,, W alter CrlPl>ln.

Ulti‘;o, ihi' .•vcnint;’;; dlveriilon. --va.-.I charcc of Mrs. Crlpplli. and < i\r

lerliilnlnK "Irulli nr con;,rqiiriiL-e:." n.1 jUrecled Dy Ted Sa itl .Gue%t.-i of Ihe club liiclucird Mr.

and Mr:. Venuin Couller. Mr. and Mr:., H. !- Uickey, Mr, and Mr:;.■ iU ou, Mv, AWl Mt;., u rn O r«vr.

and Mr^. K. 11. T .-co’. Mr. and 0:.c'iir Hill and Mr, and .Mr:,.

.. KellKe.v

Mrs. Raymond Porter Crocus Club Leader

M rs. Hxyniontl I’ortrr, torw triy cr-pteykient of llir Crocipr'TTtnjf n.i named to r.ucccrcl MJ<^Cll«rJrn

Stoven.i who ha,-, moved to California I Ihe club met Frldi.y n t th>^

hom i^of Mrs, Clyde llaini.ey.Mr;i. Irene Drake wa.i named vice

preiilclent lo succeed Mr.-i, pprtf DemtinMratlnn on honey cookery n.i coiiducitd by Mr.i. Martinret

Hill C arler. wlio prciKvred whole w heat bread nnd n iu ffla i witl honey. T he foo<l.i were ;.cn’ed w ith relre:.hm rnt.i nt the clo^e ol the

iceilnR.Mr.t, A- D, Smith and Mrs, M i.

Rnrcl Lucn.s were club Ruest-i, Red Cro'..% me«ili\K will be cotMlucled Friday, April 2<. nt Ihe home of Mr.-(, Dertlm McVey.

Need lecra ft Group Holds Regu lar M eet

M rs. Jcnn lo Morsiin entertnlned Ncedlccrtitl. cUib m nubew nt. r rca- u la r meethiK Frldiiy n t h e r liome. Mr.s. Florence Clirhtophcrfton con­ducted tlio bu.-.lnerj ;.cm1oij.

Calling commlltfe for M arch wn.s M rs. L ijuni Whitney and M rs. Mor- Rnn. Mra, LAUrn Felbu.'J) ruvc ruI- tiir and harmonlru i>i:lectlon.i. nnU Mr . B, C. Van Ausdeln reml a pn. per. •'SomeUiliH! In a VlnB."

Nwsllework occupied Uie Hrmip nntl Mra. Morgan ww n,v l.\Uxl In .icrvlnK refrcj.liments by Mr.i. C. H, E\dr«d. Mra, I^sv.y K lngiburv 'win be nex t hostcsv

H,.B, Club A ttends Dessert Luncheon

M rs. E-verett Woolley en terta inedH. B. club mrmbeni and one gueat at, fc deaie rt iMnthcon T liu n d a y nftcm oon. M n- Carl Par*otu woa welcomed a* n new member.

T lie women spent the nflen ioon Bcwlni for the Salvnllon arm y. Mrs.I. o . P rc ico tl won ,ih« w hite ele- phanu

CalendarI tlu b will nirrl 111 at» th>: hoiiii' ainsU-r. i51 S.-c-

iitj:.l(ic club Will nii'ct lit le of .Mr.-,. C, R, llolliind lay for an all-diiy meet-

.Mentor rlub will nicet Wcdncs- (lay aflenioon n t llic hnme of .Mr,-.. 1!, C. iiurfm an. Koll n tll v.111 be garden hlni.'i. Mrs- Don 'Walll!. Li proirrain leader.

V- ¥ V MaKlc Valley Cam era club will

m eet n t 6 i>. m. today In th e club rooms a t th e Wiley drUKMOre. All lier:inii.n who MibmltI.-d prini,:. for the: rx h lb iy i i library i.ro a :l;- *'il l<> UcyPrvr.eta lo Ull'lVprim.-,. /

Mrs. Clinrlnlte Uilvi.ll \ ;.ent M n, Ju lie t H;H :.onK reellJil -nie.-.day n l I a t Ihe MeIhodL^t e hu reh .T li lie 1.1 lnvl|e<l fo a llend . Mis' phlne -nircK-kmoriOM will a.- Ihe orKiin.


Auxlltiiry of the U. A. V. will meet T iiM lay a t n p, in. n t the AmcrlcMi M emorial hall,.Mr.i, Moiililii VauKhn, Mate de. jiartm ent conimaiulcr. will be

Dram and UK-ratuiN,club will meet Tue:.tlay, April M, 111 -;3I) p. m, nt ih'- American U '- «lon MeiiiorlHl hall. A paKcani. like proKriim. -O ur Aincrlcai: Foctr>’," will be priMentctl In four parts, nnd will inehule mlL^lcal numbers and ea<lUl c .

•r- y. -y- WiL-ihlnstmi Pnrcilt-T cacher ks-

Roelatlon will meet nt fl p. m. to- dny the f.chool siMilUorlum, G et- nUl Wallace will .-.prak and musical numbers will be Kivcn,

V- V-J . U, cluh of .the Royal NcIkU-

bors of America will m c c t 'n t Uio home of Mr,i. Efile Given.'* Wed- nc;.dny nl 2 p. ni. Mrs. G lvew llve.i ihrce-quBricrs of « mile no rth of Wn.shlnRion school nnd one block east. Mr.'.. Corn Murphy nnd Mrii. Wllmn Brer will be cn-hn.ste.ises. * # ¥

llan.-.cn R<iyiil MeiRhlwrs nt America will eiiterinlri n t n i p . m. pot-luck supix-r 1 \;e.vlay n l the Woo<lmnii hall In honor of Mr.i. B trlla JlMRhrs. SiiH , LeiuxSro, Calif,, who I'' vi,'liinR frlcntLi nnd relatlve.i In Hiinr.en th is week. Tlie .lupper t |>!«nned by th e los-

P O T A T OGROWERSWo Arc Alwayj? In Iho

Market for !’olaloeam oot. Ui for lJif*t

Qualill"''*MACK n n if iH T

Tw in Fall! Phone 7H

Bu yen for n. il- z l tnmetU

Carneg-ic Ihstitute ' Accepts K icc Photo

niltled by .Mr. Itlce iMlI clMiSeii In tllspUiv:. tiTrnv Ihe lii-.lltiil.; Iiir rlumiiur clnnjill. O .. and .Memiihl-.

Food Sought by P.T. A. for Hot Lunch Projects

• 'P lnnt u row of hcalih lii yuiir 'Iciory Ritnlen for Ihc m;IiuoI chil-

dreii of Anierlcii" l.n Uie re<iiic.-.i that.bclnK se n t lo 3,500 Manic Valli'y

home;, l l i b week from Uic 'I'V.in l-alla schools.

TllVs p ro jec t wii.s Ulsta'.'.cil a t a mectliiB of 13 local P.-T, A. un it pte.->ldcnL-> iind ho t limch chairm en at, the hom e of Mrs, Qlenn ChuftB. w clwic clittlcwiau ot Uic Tciiehcr a;.:.oclatloii council. Mr:.. F . U. Kk-lfller, P.-T. A. cuuiicll pre:,Ulent. colUliicU'd tlie HiccUiit;.

A ttriid lns’ Sntluii Abo iirc.'ient were Mr:i, l''lo>il

U neuin, coiiiitll i.ecrcury; Mr, . i:;\rl Jo lin :on . Juiilor-Senlor P.-T. a , pie.'.lilciil; ^l^^, Harry BaL-cll. p,i.-.I pre.'iiirTit <il the W oshlnmon P,-T A.; Mr.-,, Karl Walker. |>rcicnl i>ieM. den t of tiK- WaililiiKton P,-T . A,; M - . Ch:.rk':. Youni;. Ulckel prc;.!- ik ii f , Ntf... lU ljili KlUott, U iK oln pre.sldnit; .Mr.v U. P. Grove:,. .\J) Pau l Uuwiin, Mrs, A. C. M arlin, .Mi N. UiinklKMd and Mrs. Allred Pui liniui, ho t lunch chairmen.

.Ml:.. CIiukK reported th a t appro hmitely -Ill.uoO hot Uinche:. we .sened In the schooLi up lo ihc fii

1 year

food and vcKrlables a t the WPA kitchen h o i hmches.

Fowl 5

1 tlii- irlve Ic


New Officials ofRidiiigClub

th e food u: 1:, need lo .lupply II

IKjintt'il .mlA lii...... •

VeKCliibliv,Chu):», t.'k

"A lew

dl:,ii of VI'

face of Ihe comi vrrnm unt surplui couimixi- i i formed « larjcc p a rt of u:.rd for ho t lunthc.-i. tlu-u- lo Iind anoUier ^uurL'(■ ol

Ihe ho t lunch pioKrain

ilnK 10 dunnle fniii m eat may call Mr: .nc 2018.l.s piaiitcd now nia: ren te between n winii his for victory or ; for .^omc kchool chill 'fllclals obi.L-rvctl.

F irst Aid T a lk At Falls Avenue

C lu b ’s Session

T om A1 worth N amed Riding GKib Leader

T li ir ty - liv c n icnih.T-^ i)f tin- K n .iu i.'r UidiiiK' elul) ;is- lu lilcd yt'slvi'iluy ;a llu ' D i'iin is lU^tiU's I'm' -.oimv.il oii o f nffiL-cr.s, an il li-fL ^ (x iii ;iru -r 11 a. ni. im llii- f ir s l

orK aiiizi'il ride o f tin ; ,“<Mson. 'rtiin A h v o rih W!i:i f lcc to il |n-i.->ii(ji-nl ol' Ih o cliil», :

iHliiiK' l.y iin S li 'w a r l .Sii.islic .n.: la lL s bv w ay

d ie K im lo Him l.rid K e, till- il i',s liiia iim t,o f ihci

hi-r iii-wly .-Ir.l.'d oIIU-rr;i

:.:,cll nnd Mr.i .\l.u I- of II


i Mr.-'nil­

'll nl;.o Inchulc Clarence H eath and

.•ei; coilU-;.U., with prl.-e:, Ml:-'. G ertrude Samp;.on J :iyc ICc:.tler.

m il 1■fre;,him'n[,'i -fo r tin

dura tion ," a n d In.-.lcad eaeh ho:,liu-.: eon tribu i. :. Si In dcfeiue stamp.-, tc Un- club tcvAMvry.

Afemberii m ade fiiillt blocki foi tin: iiriny tomforL-,. Wild flower; Irijiii the D leikes lake rciiloii dec- otali-d th e Home. GvU'st.s were: Mi:, Cl. M. H uniphrle:,. Jerome; -Mir, G ro rn f A bbott, Kimberly; .Mr:.. Htl- en Syutcr and MIj* MarbcUi y.;,-.- icr, Mr:,. L. A. Han.'.i'fi will eiilcri.tli th e fh ib May 13 a t llie Idaho Po'.^ei tom|>;uiy auditorium .

Canteen Corps Pledged-Aid of

Rebek-alis’ Club

Ki-ncy. Mr.s. T . nu t th e function of tl..-

Mrr.. Ht-i

Mrs, Fay Hi

P l ’A Ro0fh Motliei-s Calendar LVmcheon

Plans for a i>ot-!uck luncheon Fridny. .May H, wern iniide a t ilie recent Dlckel P ure iit-T cachrr a-v.o- elation room mother:: meciinK nl the hnme of Mr.v P e le r M, Carl.-,on.

Mrs. Ruby an*.--i and Mr%. H. \V, GriuKs ii.'-',l:,:c>i Mni. Carbon a:, ha,t< e:. e.s. Clllne:,e cli.-i-krri wa.-. Uie af- lernoan 'i dlvcn.lou.

niivck. Red. W lilte and Yellow

till' e ItrApnl M. .Mr:;.

C lair DnvL-. n«vi' the ' iimkI tliduchl.'- M rs. \V. O . W :ilt-. M f , Vivian

P.'tiyK rove. Mr.-..ViV.iii ■l':irr and Mr:,. F. L. Con:.ieeli i„ .-Ivir-.- of th e .-.oclnl lu.ur, M;-. n:ivL', won the p inochle p ri/e; Mr Mi.lllaieii ih-- brlilKP und Mr- ilow mthe b rldcr keono. lln N - .: , . Mr:.. Myrlle Biilr. Mrs. Aiid\‘ Wilr.on nnd Mr.-,. O lynii Sm ith . -erM-d refresh-

Jk < A M P F ffi£ 1 - O I R L S \

i i i . t 'i : RKi.i.Blue Bell Kroiip of Uie nUie BlixLs

m i't I 'rklny afternoon a: Camp F ire ollk'c-.'. w ith Mr^. Blan.hc Ten.-ilcy In i-harKe. T ile ulrL'i, w|u) will Rriid- ciate from B lue Bird ninb . in AURu.-,t. will Have lf> Have a new leader .ilnce Mt-jv Alta l^Yazler h in been forced to re.slK-n. Ciird.i were dlsirlbulrd for n Kroiip j.rojccl.

WANTEDOnod clean wood ar wire hanscr* . Wo pay tap prices.

RICHARDSON’SC le a n e r s a n d D iic n

^^‘X S K X X S X S S X S X \ \X S \ \S \S S S S S X S S X X X S S % X 3 iS V ^ ^ '■YOUR NEIGHBOR SAYS" by “ART” McCQNNEL

eon NOW aBtOUlAir .....


CONSUMERS M RR KET(OMnted. J ’j t o t c

OROCERIE5-vegetables ' MEATS • PHONE 574-575

>larlcd for Shonhone falli. by way «f iifpi. l .r f t tn r lc h t are .Mr*.. Klorenco AlMorlli, presidenL

(Hialf rhoio .r.ncrav ine)

Walther League Plans Rally and

Spring Banquet

■allhrr lr:ir,ue alinoiflieed, foil

Burley Resident Marries in E ast i

I 'nii-!-c!ay lie (if Mis. 1 . A l>ro.

Good Will Club H ears Articles Read a t I

S< veral menil>er:: of the GoocrV club read nrllclc.i during the pro- i:ram la.U week, presenled a t lha Idaho Power comp.iny nudllorlum, with Mrs. W. A. n ir .- lk rlil n.i hoiTcss.,

Mrs. J , D. C onner rend "W hat Is a Friend?" Mr.-;. Jack Bell. -T o tho Fi-llow W ho Will Tnkc My -Plncu When I Am G one"; Mrs, O. A. Onte.n, -Conim lttec Women"; Mr.i. Wll'.on. •'.lu.^l Who Is Uncle S.uii?* .Mrr,. H arry WiLion nnd Mrs, W, A. Tlirclkeld were the proKram f —

Tlie club nKree«l to can ft barrel of fru it for the Children's Homo In Bol.'.r, P lans were mndo for tho annual Kuer-t day cvcnlOR the first wcL-k In May. A mcmber.shlp W'a.i voter! In th e W omen's Field Army for Ihc C ontrol of Cnnccr.

Mr.'i, O. Johii.',on reported c the ’rA i-nllelh Century club lea n Jend fd by Mr.n. Bell nnd Mrs.sJolm- :,on, ‘Mrs, Drll. s ta te cimlrrann o f ' A merlcnnlifltlon. read n communl- cnllorJ from t h r nntlonnl chairman, Mr.''. Cu.Mnv K cttc ic r . on Ameri­canization.

Mrs, Bell nnd Mrs. Jolm w ii v to tvp tr! ,en t the clulj at, tho

Recreation ccn ter irecllnK April H. Mr.i. IW l and Mr.’. Johitson won thp w hite rlcphan ta . Tlio hostess

•cd te frrshm cnl


D o u ics iir C h ina

Kl’GLKirs. Jc w fli-r .s

NEMIilTRY THIS IF YOU'RE 0 n “c e r ta iq days” o f tti on thIf functloiial monUily dlJturb- oncea make you ncn ’ous. reallcs.i. jilsh itrunr. cranky, blue, o t such tim e s - try Lydia B. Pinkhaa'a

Now> the tinie to get an

OK USED CARfrom your

Cbevroli yilalier

D efense w orkers!

Make an investment

in long, dependable,

low-cost transporta­

tion! Buy an OK used

tar from your Chev­

rolet dealer and con-'

serve time and energy

for your job! Good

buys • • • Good prites

• • • Convenient terms.




'‘55SfTBOOO ’''" ^ lU E S

Twin Falls

Page 6: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Page Six ‘ TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday. A pril 13. 1942



—If all the hopes, desires and predictions aro fulfilled this year for manogera o f major league baseball' team s, the first divisions of both the cir­cuits are going to-be n little crowded.

On Ui8 cvenl of th e »tA rt of Uie pennuK cu n p atc ru . n o t • ilnelfl m tnBser could be fotind today who T u wUllnc to ftdmlt th a t hU club v u sn 'l US8«<1 (ot ftn u p p e r bcTth.

Half of them . If the wetither d o e u it Interfere, a re due fo r t. »eU back t«(norrow when a ll IS teamai are Kheduled to breiJc from the bitfrier together.

T he LineupThe lineup le n d i New Yorlc U

Waahlnglon, Philadelph ia U> Do*' ton. 8U Loul* to Chlcaao a n d Cleve- I#nd to D flrolt In tiic A m erican league, while the Nntlonnl loop will find DrooUyn a t New Y orlt. Do*lon a t Philadelphia. P ltt^bunth a t Cin­c innati and C h lciso a t S t. Um\s.

The war aliared honors w ltlj Uie pennant prospc«t<i tin the principal

OPENERSNEW YORK, April 13 (U.R)—T he

opening m ajor league andprobable pitchers;

NATIONAL L E A G tleBrooklyn (W yatt) a t New York

<Uubbell).Doslon (Tobin) a t PhU adelph la

(Podgajny.Plttsburch (Dutchcr) Cin­

c innati (Walter*).Chicago (P au eau ) a t SU L«uU


New York (Ruffin*) a t W ash­ing (H ulton).

Philadelphia (M arch lldon) a t D<Mton (Newsome).

Cleveland (Basby) a t D etroit (Benton).

SL Loula (M uncrlef) a t Chi- ca<o (Rlgney).

toplci of conver»aU6n In com m ents collected by the Aasoclttted Press from the pUola Of the varlouA teams.

Prom a<-year*old Lou Boudreau, who begins hU assignm ent m m an ­ager of the Cleveland In d ian s , to 70- year-old Coimle Mack, rea d y for his 40lh season a s a sk ipper a n d his 43nd with the P h ilade lph ia A th­letics. (he club leaders ag ree th a t baseball U In fo r a biff year In spite of the war.

M ost of them believe th a t the conflict will have s a n e e ffec t on the play of the Uams. v u y ln s as the aeason progreaaes, and th e draft m akes fu rther Inroads on th e per­sonnel. but none expects buslneaa a t the gates to decline..

Yaoka raverq^Few dared to pick a w in n e r In the

National leacue, bu t A m erican league managers w ith th e evceptlon of Joe McCarthy, th in k th e New York Yankees are the t>oys t o beat.

Oonnle Mock, who declined to confirm or deny w hat theyTO saying about his AUileUcs, picked th e New York Yankees and Donton l ie d Sox to run one-two I n . t h e A m erican league but warned U iat t lw Chicago W hlto Sox have h idden strengUi th a t m ight pu l Uiem on top .

McCixrthy. m anager of th e world champion Yankees, tiilnkx th e sea­son wUl be a good one and promUea ••something IntereatlnR" from hU

' club, which will be a fte r Its sixth American league p e n n an t in seven yeoru.

There waa a note of confidence In the statem ent of M anager Leo Durocher of the N ational laagua Champion Brooklyn O odgcrs. who declared:'

•'I feel th a t I have a b e t te r club than lost year and we won th e pen­n a n t with th a t one. I t 'a h a rd to say who will give us our toughest oppcslUon. A lter th e seanon opens they're all to u g h ."

Spokane to Play Vandals, Pilots

SPOKANE, W ash.. A pril 13 UF)- T tie annual spring to u r o f th e In­land empire by th e S ia k aD S Ind ians of the Western In t« raa U o a » l base­ball league will sU r t today.

The Indians will open th e i r ja u n t a t University of Idaho . m M ttng W ashington S U te colUge A t Pu ll­m an Wednesday and T h u rsd ay and Boise of thtf Pioneer league in Lew­iston Saturday and S unday .

Turpin Hurls No-Hitter to Defeat Padi-es

Bees Triumph Over Cowboys In/First Game

DOVES SPRINGS. Calif.. April 13 —T ^ln Palls Cowboy* ou t-h it the Sa lt Lake Dee« 10-B h e re yesterday —but lost to the U t»h club by a score In the opening game of the sprang exhibition series.

The two Pioneer league clubs botli looked good as they played a nine Innlnita—b u t W ranglers hnd the same trouble they experlencetl last season; Leaving m en on txuies.

With Jack C henard sta rting the game for the Cowboy*, followed by Tony Cheppcln nnd Bill Pneppcn. the Dees bunched e igh t hlt.i for the victory, compared w ith the 10 tJiat OultMrg, Dljanlch iuid Woodx spread ou t for Uie Ttt-ln PhILt club. Each side made one error.

following tlie Kaine, Manager Tony Robello of th e W ranglers a n ­nounced th a t he wiui (lending Nick Palica, rookie ou tfie lder; Slim ON son and Tom Torpo. pitchers; Tony Lamnrra. Inflelder nnd Lefty T ay­lor. f ln t basemnn, to Albuquerque In the Wm I Texds.New Mexico leattui-.

Up until Sunday, tho Twin Falls c\ub had been Idle m e at ol ihe vfteX as rains continued to plague Uilr. usually dry clim ate. T h o boys t«ilc sulpliur baths and tossed the ball around In the club house to pass the hour* away.

From now on. how ever. It will be survival of Uie f itte s t. Robello re ­ports he Is very well pleo.iird w ith the outlook for the club. The c a tc h ­ing Is sUll a problem—wUh only two receiver* In camp.

Dill Hicks, rookie catcher. Is i good hustler bu t needs lo ti of ex- peflsnce. Tony M ariner, the tjock' * t ^ from the Mexico league looks like a good pro.ipect. Sending of Toj'lor to A lbuquemuo will leave Nick Sunserl to sh a re w ith Robello the first base duUes a n d also ho 'd down an outfield be rth . He Is a fine looking lad w ith p len ty of hustle and a good hitter.

Harry Parks^the h u r le r who Won 34 and lost nine (or Albuquerque Iasi seasen. showed Into com p with nrm trouble. He has been imrter a doc­tor's csre a ll w inter b u t 1« satLiflrd th a t a little work will pu t him In better shape than ever before.

JLJne score for S u n d a y ’* game wlih the Dees:

R .H .E .S a lt Lake City ........................1 B IT a’ln Falls ........................... 3 10 1

Oulborg. Dljanlch. Woo<li nnd Kelly; Chenarrt. C heppetn. ppppen and Marines, Hlck.i.

Dates Set for SpecialBig Game Hunting

BOISE. April 13 <U.»—D ates for special big game hunt.i and a th ree- day season on sagehens were set today by the Idaho stAte llsh and game commission.

The special stigehen season, first In several years, w as se t for July 1. July 8 and Ju ly . O nly a por- Qon of Lincoln county south of the Union Pacific ra ilro a d and ea.it of highway will be open to hunting. T he dally bag lim it w as se t a t two birds.

Datei for eight specia l big game hunts Included Ow yhee county. 500 antelope^/Bept, Ifl to 30; Lost river, 400 a n t^ p e , Sept. 2S to 30; M ini­doka national forest. S50 deer. Oct. 1 to ft: Soldier m o u n u in , COO deer, Oct. 3S to Nov. 3; Soldier moun- U lo. 100 elk. O ct. ao to Nov. 2; •outh fork of th e Boise river. 100 elk. Oct. 31 to O ct. 30; Pocatello game preserve. 100 e lk . Nov. 13 to 19; Selway game preser^ 'e , 3.&00 elk. Oct. s to N or. 10.

The commlasloner* decided to hold the ir next m eetln s Ju ly 11 a t Orangeville and voted to close P rie st lake In north Idaho fo r fishing 1.000 feet from the po in t tr ib u ta rie s reach the lak i shore.

The Sports Round-upBy HUOII rU L L E tlT O N . J r .Wide World BporU CeliUiAUt

NEW YORK. April 13 (/JV-Pre- season stuff; The Cordlnala plan i real mllllary show for Ihelr open. Ing game Tuesday—380 m en from the naval rewiWe armory, M many Missouri national guardsmen and »eveo bands.'on the field . . . New nickname for Lon W am eke 1* "Old Bll^” after BUI Klem—because he's dOM *0 much tuiplrlng thU spring . . . Fred RusseU of the NaahvUle

- Banner come* up with a new guess­ing gam»—who aro the o ldest active major leaguer* a t each posiuon? Answer Uter.

S hear Nonsense’:W hen the Yank* « e r« hand ing

tho Dodger* a trim m ing ID Nor­folk the other day, som eone re- marked:-*'Norfolk h a d a a » l r raid a larm and aoon a l te r Brooklyn Bum s fell." . . . S h ltle y P ovlch of the W ashington Poet suggests U u> the August* M a* t«n ' go lf toU r^'

:ney 1* the N ational O pen w ith a d ifferen t sa m e a n d « fa a c Je r set­ting . . . And B prtnger O lbaon of. lha Chattanooga S re n ln g Time*

, clalfflt th a t th e m a n L « tln -A sitr>;. ) c u i the Senators «ign, Uw d o se r

J t o Berg oomes to rep lac ing Bucfcy Harrt* *s a a a » * e r . . . . B ttdU ne: ■ToUe leaps 2 i » fee t »t atemmboat.~. . . W onder If he

Sportpourrl:Thoea oldest guys o re : Gus Man-

euso. O; Ted Lyons, P ; Joe KuheU IB; Tony CuodneVlo. 3b : Leo D ur- ocher, u ; Red RoUe. 3b ; E ite l C rab­tree. If; Johnny Cooney, cf; Paul W aner. r f . . . A nd If you th ink Durocher a in 't sUU active , look a t h is chin some day . . . W hen Jess Day. Davenport, la ., track coach, saw one of hU boy* f ille d by a 13- pound ahot during a m eet a t the Iowa U. field house, h e Jumped rig h t ou t of the balcony to give him first aid treatm ent.

Faailly Ue*:Russ Christopher, th e pitcher

the AthleUcs d ra f te d from the Newark Bear* thl* season , got In to baseball because hi* b ro th er Loyd

' wouldn't sign up un less Russ was given a contract, loo . . . B u t Loyd, an outfielder. sUd a lap be­h ind somewhere In th e Yankee chain and has Ju st reached New­ark this spring . . ..T h e only th ing Joe Wood, J r , the LouisrU le p itch- er. hstes w o rn th a n being pointed ou t u ‘ Smoky Jo e 's son.” Is to h a re a bad day a n d be referred to as “Smokeless Joe.*

Quote, unquote:W hen (he A thle tics visited Sao

Francisco, someone a sked Connie M ack U ^ e d u b w ould tra in In C alllw nla again n e t t spring. “I d on 't th ink the fa n s would w ant

bsck with th is k in d o f a team .’* m outnful U ack repUed.

Batters Wish It Were True

baicball doesn't look th is huge to batters (arinc Max B atcher. Gl- gonlle r ljh t-h an d e r w on 17 gomes for PlUsI.urtli lost season, had M m rd-rtin aversce of 3.0S, Is big reason why r i r a i n are N ational league th rra t.

Sports World briefs

DE-I’HOIT — T oronto {Icfcatcd D euoli. 4 to 3. In rou5inK lourtli game ol Uiitnlcy cup playoffs; Ueiroli leads Iti series, th ree games to one.BALUOA. CANAL ZONE>-.Mlckey

H arris, former Boston Itcd tiox sQUtliiNiw. iiliched iic rlcc i tiame his IJalbou brew er te am m au s de­f e a t^ Canal Zone A ll-3 la rs . 9 to 0. In 'first game of IsU im lan world series. HarrU now In U. a . army.

FRENCH U C K . In d . — Uus Morelaml. Pcoria. lu .. rctalncu v itstetn anxatcur lo lt U\«.mploi\- ftlilp by defeating (Jus Novouiy of Memphis. Tciin., on te n th extra hole after deadlocking a t S33 each In chBmplon.\liii>.HAN DiEUO. CnlU.—Veti-ran Hal

T u rp in horlrU no-lilt. n o -n in name for Senttle over 6i>n DIcko in P a ­cific Coast Icatiuc guinc. T u rp in had pc rlecl game un til two were out in n ln tlj when lie walked a butter.

EUGENE. O re.—a e ru la A. iTex) Oliver, head fcwtball co u th n t ilic University of Oregon. u'5)pointod llcu trnan i com m ander In luivy.

NEW YORK — W lllluni Wood- ward’s Kentucky derby candld itc. Aptichr. won « p e r l;n c ii ta l hundlcnp a t Jam aica by lengUi a n d half, do- Int: Uie alx furlongs In 1:13 3/&. In- coming was second and W alt a Bit tlilrd.

NEW ORLI-yLNS-Crescent club of Tulsa. Okla.. won four Indi­vidual AAU wrestling tlUes and team crown.

BOWIE. Md.—Plctor won south­ern Maryland handlcop. h b Il^^l 1D43 triumph. Macclinnce was sec­ond and CIS M arlon tljlrd .

BERKELEY, C a lif .-S o u th e rn CaU torola's, naU onal UmV n-ni field champlon.i opened season by beating California. 61 3 /3 to 49 1,3.PAWTUCKCT. R. I .—Doublrnb

scored four-lenRth victory In sprlii handicap, opening New England' racing season n t N arragansetu

Piiates CopGrapefruitChampionship

NEW YORK, April 13 (-I'z-Tlie Orai>efniil lea«uc finally has been M uwrrtl <iry and todoy the Kolden yellow rmil is awarded to the Pltt.i- bur(T Pirnte.-.. who nudged Uie St. LouLi Drowns out of Uie spring training illle by a percentage m a r­gin of .141 to .730,

Tlie bold Duccajieer.'i won 20 and wt seven exlilblUon Kames In Uielr

trunecontlncnul w armup for the regular .National leaRuo .\car.on while Uie Brownie.', captured 17 ond lost

some Akepllc.1 m igh t regard tliese accomplishments a.*, of doubtful val­ue In (hn face of Uie long and a r- duou.n proKram ahead, bu t on betiitlf If tJie P ira tes It m l«ht be piilntpd ml (lull till! Onvpi^frult Krliid wm. I'oii last yc iir by the Yiinkees—and » k whiit th ey did later.The fact th a t Uic Yankees went

a to world cham pionship could lavc been Just a colncldrncc, of oursc. T ilt' Wn-ililnKton f>cnat.f)rs ,iTc M-contl a yi-nr aso und liivd lipir t ro u b le la ter . ,TliLi .-iprlnK tlie Senators were a

roit-.lng Uilrcl wlUi 31 victories and line defeats. T lie Cardlniil.i were a ilej) behind wlUi 33 and 10, followed by the Yiink.i ond Brool«l>;;i DodB-

In Inter-lcague competition Uie American leoRuc dub .i won CO games

nd the NaUonal league 04.For Uie clut»s Uiem.ielvrs Ulo flg- re.< m ean little . W hnt counts ore

tiie rookies U ia t w ere te.ited. Uio vet- erans who go t in to condition, and the s ta r t o f Uie real fireworks to ­morrow.

Gunners Capture 2 More Tilts in

„ lie Meetslay ing r ig h y on Uie heels o f all

opposition, t ^ Snake R iver Oun club m arksmen yesterday fired a n ­other perfect 75 and won two mon m atches In th e Idaho sU te tele g raphic meet.

The v ictories.kept th e Tw in Falls club in th ird place w ith 13 wins, two losse.t and th ree ties. Lewiston and Boise each have p c rfec t records, except for Ues.

The Twin Falls d u b won ov Ogden yesterday. 75-73, trimm ed Pocatello 7ft-73. and also played La- O ra n d e ^ re .. w hich h a d n o t report­ed tts score yet.

ShooUnB p«r{ect scores a t the local range yesterday were D om ey G lavln. William KUbom. J o h n DoKlots, Pie* Wilson and A. D. S tan ley . O th ­er scores: L. V fR o th rock 34. Homer Saxon 34. Reed LewU 34. Edgar Patrfck 33. Kelly 31. O . H . Coleman 3I. J . Moore 30. U oyd MarUnNJO. Ben Tillery n . H. L. H ogsett 16, J . R. Douglas 8.

In a 31-yartl h a ix ilcap match, SU nley had 34x33. D eK lotz 34. Olav- tn 33. Kllbom 30. Saxon 18.’

Doubles. 13 pa ir: P a tric k 33x34. S tanley 30, O U vln 30. Saxon 19. Rothrock IB. 'Coleman 13. DeKloU 8.

In Skeet shooting: J . Moore 33x33, LewU 31, D eK lo ti 19. Patrick 18. Saxon IL

Exhibition GamesBy The As* ited Pre»

St. LouU (A> 8. S t. LouU (N) A. Pltubu rgh . (N) 0. Ph iladelph ia

(A) 5.Chicago (A) 4, C hicago (N) 3. W ashington (A) 4. Ph lladelphU

(N) 3jClnclnnaU (N) a. D e tro it (A) 2. New York (A) 8. Brooklyn (N)

By United Press Tlie Seattle Ralnlers continued to

make a farce of the Pacific Coast league pennant race todoy wlUi n licrcenl.iKc of .BS7 a fte r th e f irs t full w’eek Of play.

Pitching with a Capital P no doub t b»s sointihlng to tSo n l th t h e six victories against one defeat chalked up by tiie Ralnlers, a lthough S a n Dlego^s fielding has been n o th in g i write home about.

H al Turpin p ltdied a n o -h lt, n t in game to beat ths Padres 2 to .

In th e opener yesterday a n d C arl F isher came up w ith a tw o -h it fi- to-0 victory In the nightcap.

One Mon Reaches ^ r * t Turpin^s wos the mere rem arkable

because only onb m an reached f irs t base. M anager Cedric D urst w orked Hal fo r a walk w ith two m en o u t In ihe n in th Inning.

O akland twice beat San F ra n , cisco to take undisputed second p la ce . in th e league. T he A corns beat the Seals 7 to 1 and 3 to 0 be­fore a crowd of iO.OW and cap tu red the series four gomes to two.

Cotton Plppen limited the Seals to six hits In Uie opener while L arry Jansen . Bob Joyce and Bob C hesnes were combed for 13. I talo C helln l turned back the C D oul m en «1 th

vo hits In the nightcap.Lob Angeles sp il t w im P o rtland ,

winning the first 6 to 4 despite flve- h lt pitching by Byron Speece, a n d loetna the n lahw ap, B to 5.

Win In Ninth Al Todd'S n in th Inning single

ROve the Angela the ir victory. T h e Ueavcrs scored six runs in th e fo u rth Inning of the n ightcap on th ree walks, a h it ba tter and doubles by Don A msrel and Dorn Sastro . Ad Llska hurled the victory..

Hollywood and SacramenU> also .ipllt. the S tars w inning th e ru b ­ber game of the series In th e opener, 8 to 1, while the Solons w ere ta k in g the nightcap. 7 to 3.

T h e veteron Charlie Root kep t )e Cardinals a t bay Iri’ th e f lra t

game a fte r Eddie Lake, f irs t m ar up. h it a homer for the lone BaC' ram ento run . Bill Csrbe collected four h its In five trips and R oot himself homered In the fifth.

■*"” It >t

Record Number of Players Tours Municipal Course

A re c o rd ^ re ak ln g eorly-Aprll crowd of golfers yeatcrday toured Uir Twin F a lls munlclixii course tind found th e fairw ays and greens 111 the b e s t 'o f «liai>e.

W ith balm y breeses i^ d real la te- KpriiiK w eather helping tliUigs olong. Starter F red S tone was sending the iciub fTA'lngeni off In fouraocnes to take care o f the crowd—believed to be the biggest ever to tour a local course so*early In th e year.

No dale h a s yet been se t for the official opening—bu t when th a t daU has been declared, m ost of the ma-Uile-wleldcrs In this a rea will be In pretty good shape,

And whUe th e num ber o f players perform ing se t a record yasterday, there w ye no low scores poatod th a t anybody w ould wTlte homo about.

Pin LeadersTIte leading bowler* In each

league:City Iearn»->W eller 188. BerUch

179. Carlson 179, FreU 178. C. Cole- m an 170. J . Vosika 178. Co* 173. K. C dem an 175, Pullm an 174, F o r t 174.

M ajor le sgae—Boone 103, Jones 190, Freis 1B9. B rlnegsr ISS. C arl­

son 163. B ertsch 161. O lsh 181, Weller 180, R osa 180. C. Coleman180.

Commercial league —..Pullman 189. MorrU 1C7. C atron lU . H on- stein 181. Cra ig 1S9. W etson 1&9. Davi.^ isg, Shaw 157, Wlley 15fl, Bcllbton 15«.

.Made C ity Ladles’ league — R . Rogers 174. L. Vazquez IS9, D. Bertsch 15«. M . Gllkey 153. R . Oreen 153. R . H enry 133. J , Stew­art 153. H . ’WeUer 153. E, McVey IW. B uhler 14a.


Kelly Petlllo, w inner of the 1933 Indianapolis speedwsy race, re­mained In serious condition today In Mission B ell hospital. He crashed h is au to ln to a Pacific Electric train early yesterday , receiving concui^lon and severe he ad and face injuries.

1* «nrl AlwooJ; n««nlullrw...! .(.■r, Krau ,nd ............... Kiav w—« iu

l.n Dtrgu .. .. ___ OOO COO *—0 2l-'li'hrr iml UiUlu: Olitn. DUtxck a


; llu» ..r. D.vli. E

Lowe Refuses to Join Boise Pilots

BOISE. April 13 M ',-T n o Boise Pilots today apparently hod lo st Uio services of their slugging f irs t booe- tnan . W alter Lowe, who inform ed th e club he would not repo rt for spring train ing now In full sw ing a t L,ewlston.

H e said h e would Veep h is p rese n t job In San Jose, Calif., r a th e r th a n re tu rn to Class C ball for n fou rth s tra igh t year. He was opUoned to BoLie In 1939 by Oakland of Uie Psclfle Coa.1t league and was sold o u trigh t In 1040. the year he w as nam ed mo'^t valuable jilsyer In th e Pioneer league.

T he loss of Lowe le a \ts Pilot M an' sg e r Jim Keesey with the flrrt*base Job all to himself. Last year the two divided It.

Blaze Destroys 8 Race Horses

COLUMBUS. O.. April 13 ( .^ ^ P lr e dcmollslied a 38-stall b am a t nearby Beulah park race track and destroy ­ed a t least eight race horses early today.

Track Superintendent Ja ck Y e r tana esUmated loss a t »33.000.

Grove City firemen protected ad ­jacen t bam s as onlookers led horses from nearby structures.


To gain fame of any kind—local, sU te-w lde, nsUonal or In te rn a ­tional—one has to have a c e rta in fla ir for color.

WlUi Uiat color you get ta lked about—good and b a d -a n d tlje re - by make the public prin ts In one w ay or another. You may l>e the f inest lellow sHve. be exception­ally brainy, have a ll the a th le tic ability In the world but, becauso you go your unassuming w ay. your nam e very seldom makes th e new s except In an entirely convention­a l way.

Along this Une I 'd like to w rite a line or two about one of th e mo.*it popular bc^s and one of th e flne.it a ll-around sthletes In Tw in F ulls h igh schod.

ne U O tto Florence—a n d . . through

th e hard way.I don 't know

O tto any bctUr th a n being able to recognize him w hen I

Nelson and Hogan to Play off Tie for Masters Tournament

By BROOKS 8MIT1IAUGUSTA, Gn., April 13 <U.R)—Byron Ncl.'ton and Ben

Hognn, whose golf rivalry started 15 years nRO when they were (ytddics at the Glen jGarden country club at Fort Worth, meet todfty in an l^hole play-off for the Ma-sters Golf tQurnament title.

In 1927, when they wore 15, Nelson defeated Hognn for the caddy championiihip at the Glen Garden club. Nel­son’s first prize was a ro»l- iron and Hogan got a mashie. Today the prize will be 51,BOO.

Nelson and K ogan, probably Uio n est golfers In th e world today, • une home in a deod h e a t Sunday

afternoon W’lUi ecorea of 230. forc­ing tho play-off.

HoEun flnLihed h is round first. »

the e t or


s up In to th e

w here I ............olten — In

ath letic uniform.B u t from what I 'v e been toW by

• l e n d s , coaches and other associates he must be quite a lad.

O t t o . In c u e you don 't recall, xi ozone to a height of Just six feet, fou r Inches—pseklng on th a t s le n ­d e r frame lomo 180 pountls. O f courss. th a t site makes him Ideal fo r tJ\e basketball squad—a nd h e did a very fine Job there, too. H o w as placed on the all-d lstrlc t squad a n d wsa one of the outstandlnR factors In Dode Cranney’s B ru ln success the pa.it season.

Now com ti the track season, a n d there’s big Otto ou t there ru n n ln u the mile, half-mile and toviInK th e sho t put. LugRlng a frnm e th a t big around a mile cour.'.o and doing It In n rar-chom plon- ahlp time Is quite a feat—bu t F lo r­ence does It with no trouble n t a ll and does an exceptionally nice Job of it.

Handicapped—as he aL^o w as in ba sketba ll-by the la « of f ingers o ff bo th hands that he lo.it in nn a- • c ldent when he was a younRster. O tto still Is ahl* to put the aho t o u t toward the 40>(ooi mark.

O n top of all h is oUier n b llltlrs . h e Is a good, con.icl«-nilous r tu d r n t . well liked by teaehfrs aw l oU icr puplLs.

However, the major tc;it In O tto 's athletic perfonnances la the fact that he Is well liked by his opponents as he Is by hLi own teamm ates — and that's say ing quite a lot.

Baneboll JoltlnBs;O ur correspondent frem th e Boyr.n

SprlnRS camp t-ells me th a t L a n r Shanks, the outllelder. should h i t around JOO In the Pioneer loop for the Cowboy:

'•Lane Shanks, the outfielder, h its the ball hard and far. He's fa.it on hLi feet and very smootli in receiv­ing fly balLi."

Mr. Shanki batted only .J74 w ith F lin t In the M lchUan S t.itc league last year—so he’ll h ave to show quite a bit of Im provem ent to booet his average th a t m uch In the Pioneer league—reputed to., be the toughest Class C c irc u it In tlie world.

Another boy th a t comes In fo r « word cf mention U H arry "L efty " Taylor—who Is a f irst basem an b u t who can also cavort In the o u tfie ld . Ploying In the Los Angeles semi- pro league. Taylor boasted a b a t. U ng averags of .483 when h e Join, ed the Wranglers. If he c an b a t w ithin 150 points of th a t m ark he 'll be a help to ony club In the P ionee r league.

The backstop berth, u 'h ld i Is feared to be a ra ther weak cog In th e W rangler machine, has a p a ir of youngsters—one 19 years old. Uw o the r 20. trying to make th e grade. Rudy Morlnet played la.it y e a r i r th e Mexico league and ba tted -23». Bill Hleks Is a rookie reeelver from th e Los Angeles sandlots—and h e too has a J33 mark.

In a spot th a t needs experience, these two boj-s will have th e ir work cut out for them if they a r r able to handle w hat M anager R o ­bello claims will be one of hLi f inest pitching sU ffs.


R uth 's temperature Is back to n o r­m al and he Is fast gaining ground against the Inroads of pneumonii m ade on him Iss> week.


S A L EFeaturing 27 Head of Guernseys.

Having seld e a r dairy roate , will sell Ihe followlnt a l my plaec H mile ionth of tho W ate r Tow er. In Jerome, on

THURSDAY, APRIL 16-1:30 P. M. _ 36 Head of Dairy Cattle

37 head of mUk cows, m ostly a ll young cows flv ln j good flow or milk: some Just fre sh ; som e sprineera; 3 bred helfert; 6 o r 0 heifer calves, e m onths o ld ; l , 3-ycar old Guernsey bull, good breeding. All catUs T . B . a n d Bangs usted.TERMS: C A S H -O lher t« B is to b* nude witb elertt before sale.


Medwick Eyes Boost in Bat Average


Medwlck odmlttedly Is n o t th e con- iLitent batting c ra ftsm an h e once «as and Uie same trem endous power th a t marked his swing so well wlUi the St. Louis OardlnaU h a s waned som ew hat but he said today th a t If he su irts fa it he m ight lil t a s high as .333 for Brooklyn til ls season.

M anager Leo D urocher o f the Dodgers has n o t nam ed h is sta rting outflekl for tom orrow 's opener against the New York G ia n ts bu t It is d ifficult to envision a sta rtin g

neup wlUiout M ^ w lck .Joe will become a 10-yeor-m an in

Uie Nntlonal lea«uo nex t Augu.it and his llfeUme average Is J33 . I n 1040. his f irs t year w ith tlie D odseni. he h it JO l—dU appolntlng for Modwick —b ut last year a late sxim mer burst tacked 17 points onto th a t m ark. He can . without loo m uch trouble, add 17 more th b y e a r 'to bring his siandnrd up to J38

Chsngo In Air"I m ay no t have a ll Uie power I

once had." Medwlck sa id , "b u t I'll tell you something—th e change to Brooklyn and Ebbets field h a d lots to do wlUi Uiat. Believe It o r not. I've found ou t U iat I could not lif t a bull as high a t Ebbets field as 1 did a t SporlM ian’s pork.

"St, Louis uiwnys h a d tlm t dead, himild air while th e re a re little oJilfty wind cu rren t a t Brooklyn, Why, several fly balls I've h i t to left field here would have cleorcd Uie barrier a t S t. Louis. So—I've tried to h it more on a line and natura lly Uiat cu ts dowTj your dls- tante."

T h a t may sound llko fancy all- bUig bu t bolllnjt down to p la in facta. It Isn't so. P itchers c an lose the ir c ffcctlvcnc« between seasons ond veteran fielders lose a s te p b u t a good h itle r can keep going as long IIS he Is In top heslUi a n d lios twi Kood legs.’T ^frc 's no denying Med- wlck'.i liood health a n d h is well kncm-i) muscular m ight extends to ills legs.

Same H itter"You can forget th a t bean ing iwt

years ago," ha «ald. referring to hi; being h it oil Uie head by P itch e r Bol Bowman. "I’m positive I 'm thej.iim i h itte r I was brfore—p.sychoIoglcal' ly ipeiikmg, Given th e , cliance. : Uilnk I can drive In 100 run.i thl; year."

Joe liiis- driven in 1.047 runs Ir his career, 88 Inst y e a r w hen he inUscd 21 K«mes.. Mixlwlck tlilnk-s Brooklyn will win agiiln tliLi year and Ju s t p rays—like the re.1t of ihc club— for another crack a t ttie New York Y ankees.

Another Season— And Sox Win Again

CHICAGO, April 13 {fl>-A nother seaion. and anotlie r Clilcago city series—for the W hite Sox.

Tlie loiers—the Cubs—rea lly made fight ol It th is sp ring , however.

Tliey rallied to win th ree stra igh t -games and Ue up the se ries a t five til ts a p ltc t going In to yesterday 's finole a t Comlskey pork , hom e of the Sox.

Tlie Cubs sun were In the nlng through T 'i Innings, th e score then being tied a t 3-3. B u t before the e ighth Inning wa.i concluded the Sox scored. Joe K uhel a n d Luke Appling execuUng a double steal for the run th a t b rought a 4,-3 vic­tory. and the spring cham pionship.


under pa r 70. a n d a eloiice a t t h o Bcorcboard showed th a t Lord B yron had three holes to go and needed only par on eaclj for a 379 and Uie Utle.

He d id all rlflht at, Uie Khort loth, ge tting • .on tho green w’lUi his Iron and getUng down In two putt.i. B u t h is mlstako

come on Uie n e x t hole.The 17th is a 400-yard pa r four

wlUi sand trapo In fr<jnt of Uie green. Nelson’s drive was about 380 yaitls down tlio m iddle bu t his ap­proach was sh o r t a n d th e ball land­ed In a trap . He b lasted ou t and two putted fo r a bogey five.

Needed Birdie T lia t le ft h im needing a birdie

on the 18th to w in on a por four to Ue. O ff Uie tee, h is booming drive veered in a slice Into Uio woods and th e gallery of 7,000 groan­ed. Blit h e m ado a g rea t recovery. lofUng th e hall s tr a ig h t toward Uin green where It la rrfed 13 feet from the pin. His p u t t m lM «l by Inches and he had to bo con ten t wlUi a par,

Nel-ion sa id hl.s approocli oliot In­to Uie tra p on Uie 17th c a it him the victory.

U«cd W rong Iron "I was sh ooung a t Uic pin. of

course, and should have used a sev­en Iron." Nelson sa id . "B u t I Uiought th e e ight Iron would ge l me there. As It was It lackod Ju sl a yard of c lsorlng Uie trap .”

Hogan dosed a gup of eight strokes which separated him and Nelson a t Uie halfw ay m ark. Tlitt .slender T rxan , leading money w in­n e r of the ye.ir. sJiot a 67 on the third round S a tu rd ay to Nel.vsn's par 73 a nd .U ien m.-wlfi a 70 yester- , day against N elson's 73. ,. 1 i

Th ird place m oney of 1600 w ent to Paul Runyan , form er P. G. A. UUe-holder. w ith a to ta l of 383 and Sam Byrd, fo rm er ba.M-linll player, carried off SSOO for flnbh lng fourUt wlUi 283.

Frisch Plasters Fine on Hurler

W ICHITA. ICan., April IS (U.R)— R ighthander H ank O ornlckl. a for­m er St, L oub CardlnaLs' pitcher, was fined, suspended and t,cnt home by M anager F rank ie F risc li of Uie Pittsburgh P ira te s ye.sterdoy for. breaking tra in ing rules.

O ornlckl won 12 games for Roch­ester In th e In te rn a tio n a l league la st year.


TIRE TOPPERSAdd m any m iles to your pres­e n t Ures. Brl«B In you t Junk Ures, 4 ply only. L et tu show you iThat we c an do. Costs nothing U InvesUgate.



'ca From wliere I s it .Joe Marsh

BUMUACINO thrOQgh m y dcak the a tlier day, I came a c r o u som e snap­shots of friends of m iaa mad* back in 1933.

1( you don’t Uit&k iltn « flits . . . if you don't th ink th is w orld svcr changes . . . yoa oBffht to look a t th e w onea’s h sU a ad d resses In those p letsrcs tsk sa 9 y e a n sso l Wowl • • •

It ffsve mo qult« a s t a r t . . . and then it set ms to thinkinff . . . and rememberln'l Lots ot th in s* suro happened In 1933. A new- admlnli* trstlon In W ashlncton . . . ths turning point o f the depression . . . and ths cominff o f Rspeal.

I rvRienber th e re - le ra U n tlo a of beer. I t came befora Repeal, when Congress smended th s o ld V«l- ■tesd Act to allow le » i l sa ls of “i r beer.

H 'hst talk snd trramcnla they had ia those daysl O ne arsn m en t I re m tn b tr weU . . . w as th a t bs«r would do s lo t to help W n * back prosperity. I wonderod a t th s U ne v he th sr th s t a r fu m c a t coold be proved.

I though t ab o u t th a t again , the] o ther day. 1 decided to check up| and flad out.

Well, I found ou t plenty," P fouTid o u t th a t le g a l beer has paSd' m ors than 3 billion dotlars In taxes' alnee 1033. I t h a s m ade roors than' a million new Jobs.

Aecordlnff to one of tJ]s reports’ IV a ae la , beer h a s p u t mors thaa ' IE btllfoR dollars In to se n e rs l busi­ness c lr e n la t lo n . G oodnesi me,*

' tb i t 's a lo t o f money.

Beer Is sold to d sy in sre ry s ts t s In the Union. E very s U ts benefits from beer's Jobs and taxes. And I m e ss there’s no deny ln r th s t beer; dU do Its sh s re In b rln sln s bsck' beUer tim es.

r m s isd I t did. too . beesQse beer Is ioch a p leasan t, sppstlx ins ber-

Ukely to f e t you in troabls.

Page 7: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Monday, April 13, 1042 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pago Seven'

S t a f f Installed ByLatawahClub

IIANSEN. -Apru I V - H f t . CU uda B em anl v u InatoUed m new p r u l- dcnt or the LaUwAh club durtn« esndteUsht rlt«s conducUd by Mn. Donald Dietz. oul«oliiff president, At m reccn( meeUng of lAo club a t the home at Mrs. H&roUl K w n U .

AnnucU o f ile m ’ repori< w e r e Blvcn. und new com m U t«* were

' nnm cd by Mt». B ernard . Included

Mrs. J , H. Coulter a n d M rs. I*. B. W ilson. re?resetitAUve« to Uie C oun­cil ot soetnl Aceneles; M rs. K oenls, Red Croas i n d tuborculosla; Mrs. W . M tMoater. ho t loncfte«; Mr*, en ro l ciftrk. publicity; Mr». Chftrlt* M uldfr. fln tnce; Mrs. M . A. R obln- Ron. flower commlttM . Mr*.Dietz, prognun.

n i e club Tolcd »3,flO to th e Wo- m en‘» Field »rmy for Uie control of canecr. Club Bueats were Mr*. N elb KnudMH. Ash ton t M rs. Ron*Id Pierson. Mrs. I ouIm H olden and MUs Eva Brown.

Pro g ru n Included a ta lk by Mr*. McMiister »nd a review by Mr*. Kenworthy.

Silver Tea Set by Shoshone Rebekahs

SllOSIlONE. April 13—Shoanooe R fbekah club m et T ueidny a t Un country home of Mrs. Corwin 811 VH. Tlie afternoon wM npent In »ew Inp Inprobc pleccs, tlie finl-^hed ar llrlra to bo given to th e Hed CfOM.

Mrs. Wnrrt W lhon, pre.ildcnl.In chnrgc of the bunlne.vi sc.ulo WM dpclded to Imve a illver le m e 1. O. 0 . r, hiUl Mny 5 lo help rill ou t iho boolc ot dcfeniMj «t<untM which wns given to Uicm n t t*( d istric t mi^eUns to r « lnnW 8 th e nt- tendance prlte.

A r.hort prosnun or extem porft' m-oua skltji WM Riven. Mrs. CJetr Sw lnn Biive a reodtnft. ’T ak ln® the

t Census."T lic iHv.ltM and h e r n.vl«tajit,

Mrn. Blrncy Powell, served rcfrcali-

Life’s Lik6 That

Hansen Sets Date For Baccalaureate

HANSEN. April l3—BaccRlftureat« services for the Hansen school Vmve been Mt for Sunday evening. May 3. a t the hlzli Khoo] audltorluR}. ac- cordlns to Supl. 11. J. D oerlng, who a l60 sta tes tha t school will b« offi' d a lly closed May 8.

Com m encw ienl exercises wUl be conducted on the evening of M ay/7. wltJi Supt. of Schools R a lp h T . Ny^ bind, nu p e rt. as guest speaker.

Buhl Moose ElectBUHL, April 13—to y a l O rder of

the Mooco held on election m eeting aV I. O, O. r . h a ll T hum dny cvenlnp, The roUowlng officers c leclfd:

Tccti SmlUi, governor: Dick Krelgh. Junior Rovemor; CccU H ar- rl-1, prelate; Pronk Sedlvy. treadu t' e r; Leontird Hownid, t ru « e e ,

Tom Tverdy L-. the rcllring govcr-

By Neher

L'dgar Isn't *uppoted to have any.


Bridge Club Meetsn t E H . April 13 -M m . •Wlllliun

Powera enterlAlned h e r co n tra c t brltlKe club ’nm rsdoy evenlnR, M rs. Aiitlrtrw Jean wu.n a gue.it. E ach

b suc:>l received a eoraase of Kweetpons » und swefltpea* were usod for room

dtcora tlon. H5sh score p r i m of d e - ronse stamps were Riven to M rs, Owen Miller and MlM M ary Ellen Davis and Mrs, Je an iccelved n

RACKETDALLAS. April 13 (/P>—D etec ­

tives are looking for n Ruy w ho Usus tt new sysUin lo r w orking jils way Uirough college selllnB m a « a-

Hc Into J» p a p er stockcompany, pjcked up a s tack of o ld mngailne;i nnd carried them to U it stalt.i.

T lie cashier promptly gave h im t i l .

M n. r . U D orm an Is recuperat­ing from ft m ajor opera tion In a Bolxe hospital.

Mr. and Mr*. B ert M cCaricr. Usx- Inglon, Ntb„ arrived a t U \t Itoy Sm ith home Sunday . M rs. Sm ith nnd Mrs. M cCarter a rc * lsur», Mr. McCm U t eontem plat*» soW ng up buslne.M In Twin rvtlU a« a plumber.

Ralph Lacy, form erly w ith BoUe Pa>-ett« here, U now w k ln « officer# training a t Port B en n ln f. Ga.

Miss Lila Rae W ard, formerly »tudent a t Albion S U tc norm al, a . eepted ft civil service position In Pocatello. Her pa ren ts , Mr. and Mrs. Bay W ard, took h e r to Poca­tello aunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G ra n t Zollinger re­turned Monday from Cottage Orove, Ore.. where they have »p«nt the w in­ter.

Mr. and Mm. Jo h n B utler have received word from Uielr son. Bill, th a t he Is now sta tioned a t F t, Knox. KJ-.

M ri, Q*n«vlev8 Simonlcli. B. N„ fitarted her duties tui n igh t ntirsr a t th e Bi. V alm tlne’s hospital thia week. She li a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P, J . M cDroj'. Buhl.

' Mr, and Mrs. J . C, Lone left Prl. day for Spark.\, Nev.. to vUlt the ir son. Jack Long and fam ily. T hey ex­pect to be gone two week.*i.

Tuecday hrldR tc lub m e t w ith Mrs. A. L, Len>ry for dessert luncheon. Mrs, S. K. BunRum wn» a guest, Mr.-.. sylvan Miller won high.

Mrs. Dill BJiappee and .wn. Leon, . j f t Wedne»d*y for Richmond, Calif., to Join Mr. Shnpper who Is employed there. T hey have been vis- lUng her porents. M r. nnd Mm. Del Price, several weeks.

Mrs. Otto Flelschm/ui ft 8. O. Hamilton entertA lned a group

Mrs, W ynil Hftmllton. M rs. S. ^ Larson, GeorRe H udson and Mi and Mrs. Cliircnce Yountf.

Supt. W. A. DoerlnR w en t to S jk)- kane to attend tiic In lan d Qnpli Trncher.V n.Moclatlon fie.isloa's. ac compiinylnK Supt. M. W. T a te of Ooodlng. n ie y re tu rned Saturday,

Mrs. OeorRe A nderson. Ignacto. Colo., arrived S a turday to be wlUi ^ler grsndporenU. M r. a n d M rs. J . E. .Maxwell,

Cemetery Project Interests Women

HANSEN, April 13-T5ie project of cleaning up and beauUfyhig the Rock Creek cem etery h a s been taken over by Uic Rock Creek Worm While club women who m et In rc«. ular se.«lon a t the home of Mr.i. flhoda Scott laat week. The volun­teer workers m et a t th e cemctery to

tlie work W ednesday afternoon.I was voted to ho ld a mlscella-

neoai wedding show er a t tii« April l i meeUng a t th e home of M n . J^ m Shobe, honoring Mrs. T ed Crockett. ' briilfl of ft few weebs. who Li at*

■ndltiR Logan A grleultural college. ■Die gifts wiU b« sen t to San Diego where »h« aoon la Joining h e r hus­band, In Uie U. 8 . service. Also a t Uir April 19 meeUng a b a taa r will be held amonff members.

Russell Lane School Sets Election Meet

RUijSELL LANE. April I 3 - , unt election m eeting wUI be held

by the Ru-uell LAne aoliool Friday, April 17. a t th e school house. I'rob* Ifins concerning the coming school year will be dlacOMod.

All Interested person.i a re u^ked to bfl p resent a t 1 p, m . Two tru^teei

a bo elected.

P U B L I C SALEI have u ld my (anzi a n d am leaving Ihe state. Will sell a ll equ ip­m ent and »totV lt« 1V5 acre J a rm anfl {am lihlnct lor 10 room house a t auction, en

FRIDAY, APRIL 17I mile east on Kimberly R aad . 5 loulh.' W esit, or 4 mlU s sou th of th e Stigar factory. Owing to the slz« of the tale we m ust s ta r t PROMPTLV AT 11 A. M.—Etery tW ni: co*t bu t the wife and kids!

■1 HEAD OF HOKSES1 srey gelding, 0 yrs. old. wt. 1800: 1 bay gelding, sm ooth mouU). wt. 1800; J bay gelding, sm o o th m outh, wt. UoO; 1 bay colt. 3 yri. old. wt. 1600.

48 HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLEIncliidlng 1 full blood H ob te ln . 1 yr». old, gave 14,413 lbs, m ilk, 514 lb.1. bu tterlat; 1 roan B h o rth o m . 7 yrs. old. lO.OtB Iba. milk. 410 bu t- le rla i; I Q utrosey. 3 y ra. old, WSl lbs. milk. 341 b u tte r fa t; I H ol­stein, 3 yr*. 9,003 lbs. m ilk, 380 butt«rfat: 1 Holstein, S yra., 9.330 lbs. milk, 354 bu tu rfftt: l G uernsey. 5 yr*.. ej7Cl lbs. m ilk. SM bu t- te rfa i. "nils record m ade Jn th o past 10 montiis. 30 head now m llk- InR. weight and test given day o f sala. i registered 3 y r. old Q u em - sey bull, Steel-herd. w ith p apers , s head springer heifer*; 33 year­lings and calvea. Bangs te sted March 30.

MISCELLANEOUS6 slioats, llO lbs,; 3 shoftts, 16Q lb*.; 100 Mew Hampfil\lre R ed hens; l,iOO locust poau : some locust poles; c«dar poets and m oun ta in poles; 30 cords dry app le wood: rubber Ur* milk c art, 30%3V4. io ftftcks bean se td ; 40 bu . m ixed grain; too bu. w heat; 400 bu. com on cob; 40 tons hay. 1st. 3nd, 3rd cutUngi; &0 sacks field m n po< tatoes; 8. 10-gal. cans; 6. S-gal. cans; i bale binder cwlne; 1 alckle BTlnder; lard press; 1 tread le emery stone; 1 complet« blacksm ith o u tfit: 1 screw jack; l , 800.1b. plfttform stales; 1. 300-lb. beam scales; a tot or woven a n d ba rbed wlr« panels; 4 ladder*; 1 ateel wheel barrow; forks, shovels, am all tools and 100's of o th e r article*.

MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTi sets work harness; I new a u rg a cnUker, 2 tingle un its ; perfecU on mUker. 3 single unlU; l stock saddle; i new Me.-Drg. 4 8 c ream separator; 1 Ford trac to r w ith b « lt pulley and spark plug tire te ste r;I Fo rd culUvftiOT; V F o rd ^-{U tnower; l I4ew Idea m anure sp reader —a ll new: 1. e -ft. wide w heel Mc,-Drg. mower; 1, 13-ft. w ide w heel U e.-D rg. rake; l New Id e a s ide rake; 1 pole hay derrick, com plete;I OUwei potato digger: 1 M c.-r»r», po ta to eultlvfttor; 1 Jo h n D eere bean p lanter; 1 John D eere b e a n cultlrator; 1 Self 4-rtnr bean cut* te r to f i t above; new 3 -sectlon John Deere wood harrow ; 14 hole double disc grain drill; 1 new fl-fL M c.-D rj. Wnder; 1 o ld 7-fU McCormick binder, new c anvas; 1, l«-ln. 3-way Mc.>Drg. plow; I . 7-ft. disc; 1. 3 ^ Pet«r BcbutU er wagoo and rack; 1 Jo h n D eere 4-wheel trailer o r wagon w ith rubber Urt* and rack; 3 law n mow­ers. 1 rubber; 2S ft. law n hose; i fanning mill; l g rass seeder; 1 weeder Uekler; i , 3-hor*« e lec tn e m otot; l , lO-goU sp ray e r; 1 walking plow; i single ahovel plow; 1 garden seeder; l garden culUvator; 5 sets hay slings; 1. 3-bor*« gas engine; 1 feed grinder; I, 33-lnch wood taw ; 1 c lover c u iU t; I Burue elecWc J a n t t ; I H an - u n Bros, electric fence.

FURNITUREI d ining table, 8 leather chalra ; i leather parlor te l: w rtting desk; 1 Zenith radio. 0 tubes; 1 bedroom suite; t beds, springs, m a ttresses; dressers, commode*, e tc .; 1 k itc h en se t; 1 H otpolnt elec tric stove; 1 electric Frigldalre: 1 e lec tric h o t w ater heater; l electric m angel; 1 Speed Queen w asher, double tube: kitchen utensils, dlshea, n u m ­erous other Items.

I f I owe yea—come &nd g e t I t If yon ew« m e -^ e iae a n d pay,

FRED A. HILLS, OwnerlIoltenbMk * Bm ii. A u«tiotw en Mrt. HoOeabeek. C l«k

Annual Party for Hansen Students

HANSEN. April 13—Annual Jun- lor-seR lor banquet for H anten h igh school studen ts was staged la st S a ­tu rday n lsh t a t the banquet room w ith a “rainbow of thn fu ture" them e. Miss Dorothy IVsor, genem l c h a ln n a n , and )unlors decorated the tables a n d rooen.

Miss M arjorie Riunbo was to(u<t- mftdter. P rogram was arranged by Miss B e tty Copsey. ^ la s T jsor gav« U)e address of welcome, nnd re- SPOMO WM given by W anen RotV

m.eu p t. H. J . Doerlnc gave Uie nd'

d n a s o t th e evenlnjt, dlscus-ilng ”T he R ainbow Trull."

jOlrU' Ulo, Mias DoroUiy Fom wult, Mias T yso r and MlM Rajnbo. ac ­companied-by Mls.1 Lola eiy ter. anna a g roup of ioiigs; Miss Copsey gavr an Improm piii ta lk ; Ronald F ier son, clo-ia udvlser, spoke briefli'. am group singing concluded the pro­gram .

M A R K E T S A N D F I N A N C EC L I i lN G IR E N D

Twin Sisters FetedFILER, April 1 3 -M n . LuUier

Pierce en terta ined a t dinner Tui-s- day cvenltig honoring th e 3l»t blriU- day annlverrorles ' of Miss Joyce Pierce and M n . Edgar Clarksion. twin dau g h ters of Mf. atwl M rs. H. A. Pierce. Tw in Fall*, who, wlUi Mr.i. E lbum Pierce, were additional guests. A blctliday cake was served with dessert.

Markets at a Glancc

New York StocksNEW YORK. April. 13 ftl.fO—The

m arket closed Irregular.Alaska Juneau ........ ............. — 1»;AUled Stores _________ _______ 4 !i

Montgomery W ard .. Naali Kelvlnator

.. 6 0 \

....N o solesAmerican Rad, i t St<l. S a n ........ 4 'iAmerican Rolling M il ls ....... ...... I01iAmerican SmelU i t R efin ing .. 394American Tel. is T t) --------------- 115SAmerican Tobacco B Anaconda C(

NoUOnal Cash R egister National Dairy P roduc ts -N ational Distillers _____

York C entral _

Honor StudentWENDELL, April 13—MLu M ary

Lol.1 OunnlnK, daughter o( Mr. nnd Mra, R. M. ounnlntf. Is listed as an honor stu d e n t a t M arylhurt c«)Ilc8e for the w inter quarter. Ml.vi Q u n - nlng, a fre.ilim an. tlias repcata Uie distinction earned during the fall erm w hen she al.io a ttained Uie lonor roll. She spent Easter vaco- Jon w ith h e r pa ren u .


Fire BorrowedBefore m atches came into use,

lorrowlng fire was a regular chore, md w hen neighbors were d is tan t I was necessary to b* speedy.

Marian Martin Pattern

NEW YORK. April 13 tfP )-3 tocka had n slight upward s la n t today w ith benefits somewhat unevenly distributed and u num ber of Indus­tria l lendera ills|K>.ied to extend la st w eek's decline lo four-year lows.

Buying on tlie cliance of a te ch n i­cal rally brought m inor gain# In some oJ Uie steels, motors, rubbers, coppers and uUlUlcs. C ertain o{ the blue chips were non-partlc lpan ts a l­though ihelr losses were sm all an u rule. Qains held a moderate edge a t th e close.

Dealings totaled around 335.000 ahare.s.

Lingering pessimism over adverse international evenLi In conJuncUon wlUi Indications th a t the ad tn ln ls- tratlon 'a iirogram to control in f la - Uon m ight have severe repcrcusalon.n for ttulu^^r>■ tended lo keep general buj-lnff Interest low.

Bualne-vt news had little Influ-tcfl on price trends.Supported most of the day w ere

U, S, Stefl, BcUilehem. YoungstouiTj 3 t\ect. Cl\r>’slcr. U. 8 . Rubber Com ­mon and preferred, A m erican T ele ­phone. Western Union. C onsolidated Edison. W eiiinshouse, U nion C a r ­bide and Standard Oil (N. J .) . B ack ­ward were Dow Chemical. A ir R e­duction. United A lrtia ft a n d B anit Fe.

A short sk it on wrlUng a play w u presented for members and Kueju ol the M, 1. A. during regular meet­ing Tueedsy evening. Those parUcl- pnUng were R alph Collins, as Ole ■ 'a n Cralner; G ertrude Collins, a

ay; LaDean Parry o-i G randm* id Roland Moss a* Ted.Mr. Olid Mrs. R euben SaUer a

Uie parents of a son born April S S t. Valentine's hospital. Wendell.

Mrs, W. D, C hurchm an h a s bei, nam ed as ch aln n an of the summer liealUi round-up. Her com m ittee In- cluiles Mrs, Wocd.^'on Hiirma>< Mrs John Slelle nnd Mrs. Ja ck Ru/sell,

Tlic next nicetlng da te for men. b ft» ol the P os t M atrons club will be May 4, to he held a t the home of Mr*. P, H. Beveridge. A t n recent m tetlnB . held n t the hom e of Mrs. Juno W heatcroft, Mrs. E. M. Snod­grass was awarded a shrub as a prlxe lo r answering th e most ques­tions correctly on Idaho.

Mrs- Fred T u rner and daughter. E laine, and M ljj Mercedes Rice. K etchuo). were guests la s t week a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shlm m ln. Mrs, Shlm m ln nnd Mrs. T u rner are sisters.

Mrs, H enry Giles, Pn-iadena. Calif., arrived here la s t week to spend a m onth visiting with relatives. . She will be a gueM a t the H. E. Giles ando Rollo Gibbons homes.

Marine WritesRUSSELL LANE. April 13-O rval

T . B arnett, w ith Uie U. S. marlne.t for th e past tw o year*, recently wrote th a t he was aboard the Lex­ington and “well end happy." He Is the son of U oyd B arnett.

CASH-Paid lo r dead, old _ .. horses, mule* and cow*. Call col­lect Farcy G reen a t BIA RI ALICK TBODT FARM

Twin ran* rb . e iu -J s

Stock Averages

'AtlanUc R efin ing ....—Baldwin LocomoUvo__BalUmoro i i O h io ......Bendlx AvU Uon.........BeUilehem S tee ls.... .Bulova Burrougl-1California Pnclflo .......Canadian Pacific ........

1. Case Co..................Cerro de Pasco Corj), ,Chesapeake i : O h io ....Ciirysier Corp..............Coca Cola ..................Colomdo F. i t I.......... .Commercial Bolvcnu-i ___Coiwolldated C opper..........Consolidated Edison ..........Coiwolldftted Oil .................Continental C a n .................Continental Oil ....................Corn P ro d u c ts ............... ......CiirtL-J W rlahl ...................Du PontFirestone T ire <t Rubber .F rec i» rt Sulphur.................General E le c tric ..................General Foods ...................G eneral Motor* ..................Olllctte Safety Razor ........Goodrich ............................ .Goodyear Tire A: Rubber ...Greyhound Cp......................Houston Oil .........................Howe Sound ......................Insp, C opper.........................Intem aUonal H arv es ter....Intem aU enal N ick el..........Intem atloniil TeL As Tel.

-*Fohns Manvllle .................Kennecott C opper ..............Kre.igel^srrllard ..............................Maek Truck-1 ......................Miami Copper ...................

■ Aim«1<i*4 Pr«M

NorUi A m e ric a n ____________ I tN orth American A viation ___ _ U ’

.. l l ’-i



... 0 5 \... NO sales

8 '.......... 8S

,J J 0 soles 1 4 \13S

N orthern Pacific .CXilo O il ..............Packard Motors ................ ..........Param ount-Pub, . . .J . C. Penney Co.Pennsylvania R. R ......................Peoples Gas ............... ........ NoPhelps Dodge ,„ .Phillips petroleum ....... ............Public Service of N .J ..................Pullm an ...........Pure Oil ....... . . . ,Radio Corp. of A merica ............Radio K eith O r^ ic u m .........NcRepublic Steel , -

' Reynolds Tobacco O .................Sears Roebuck ......... ................BJiell Union o i l ......................Simmona Co, .Socony VacuumBouUiern Pivclflc .....................Southern n^llwuy ...................Sperry Corporation . . . . HoB tandard Drantls ............. ......S tandard Oil of C a lifo rn ia .....SU ndard Oil of In d ian a ......S tandard Oil of New Jersey... Stuclebuker ..S unshine Mlne.iSw ift i : Co......T exas Corporation ............ .......Tim ken Roller H earing .........Tran.nam erka .......... .Union Carbldo ..........................Union PacificUnited Aircraft, C P ......... ......United Airllnc.1 . . ..United SU le.1 R ubber ..............United BUtes Steel ________W arn er Brothers ......................W estern OnionWestlnfthouse E lectric ........ .F. W. Woolworth ..................... 23\-

N. Y. CURB STOCKSBunker H lll-S u lllvnn ...........No snlMCities Service .................... —Electric Bond ie S hare ____Gulf Oil of Penruy lvan la ...................Hecla ............... ..................... .......4‘i

P E E O F I E A TI K E S R m i

CHICAQO. April 13 — O ra la prices were on the re tre a t today, w heat an d rye leXding th e decline with lo u e s of appToxlmattly % cen t a bushel.

Failure Of flour and milling trade activity to txpand . a lU t a n In * : proved dem and la te last week, ln< dicAtlons th a t producers a re con- -tvnulng to r td t tm 194V w heat Ireiin' Governm ent loan# in order to d e a r storage room for the new crop and repOTta of «, f r t s h Bovemm«nla\ drive on inflation were bearish fac­tor*.

W w a t clo&td S -% te n t lower than Saturday . May tl-33*i, Ju ly H J 3 H -I J 3 ; corn H -’i down. May

July e a % -S ; c a ts H - ’A. do;vn: soybeans lower; rye


Tim e Tables


Cotton 1* your “priorliy fabric"— Pa tte rn 5015 by Marian Mnriiu U your "priority frock"! Bee how « t- tracUve It look,i In white pique ito save d ye ): see how the one-button closing saves butt«a*il You can con­serve fabric too by making the cap­sleeved version or the .ileevrleu version, boUi shown In the smaller figures. You can ellmlnnte even ihe one b u tto n and use gay print con­tra s t fo r the bodice and opUonal, sash.

P a itw n 0015 m ay be ordered only In mlsJea' sizes 13. 14. Ifl. 18 and 30. Slee 16 re q u lru 3U yards 35 Inch fabric.

Send rXFTEEN CENTS (pliw ONE C E N T to cover enst o t m alt­ing) for th is M arian M artin Pa tte rn . Be sure u> w rite plainly your SIZE. N A M E . ADDRESS and S T Y L E NUMBER.

T here 's a gay Spring "lift" fa your w arrlroba in our sp ring P a t­te rn Book th a t 's full of eas>-to- make, pracUeal. disUncUve styles for the en tire fam ily. T his book la your* for Ju s t TE N CENTS.

Send yotir order to Tlmes-Newa, Pa tte rn D cparunen t, Tw in Falla.

PUBLIC SALEA fter t i year* I have decided to qu it ta n n in g , w> we are having a aale o{ b o rx a and trap lenenU en

. THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1 P. M.1 Mile W est, 4K Sea lh of Pllfcr

Five Head of Hone* and Implement*; Jenk in s Slacker and 3 suck Rakes; Team of Sorrel M arcs; Team of Brow n M ares; l G ray Qeldlng <t years old, 1600; 3-Way P . & O. Plow ; Jo h n Deere a bot- Uan gang. 13; 3-8ecUon U Beam H arrow ; W eeder: Dig Six McCormick Nfo«-er; fl-foot McCormick B inder; McCormick Hay Rake, l»»To©f. Emerson s id e Rftke; 3-row be an cu tler; 18 6-lnch K entucky Drill; M orshaltown Barrow : Jo h n Deere D ean 'C u lu - vator; 3-Row Bean C utter and Bide Bake; In tem aU onal Low U ft M anure Spreader; CulUp*ck«r, B-toot Single dl*c; Mormon cor- rugatc r; B ain Wsgon and Rack (very g o ^ ) ; BeCtendart Wagon and box: IVi Oas Engine, 3 speeds; Success G ra in 'G ra d e r and grinder; 3 incubator*; 3 Creatn S epera tort; H am es* for 7 hones and amaU tool*.

J. p. WEINMAN, Owner E. 0. WALTgR, Auctioneer

B<h*4ul* ofItt*n wnInK thr^ifh Twin

(UNION PACiriC. TWI bba ncii pail

Kft. m

KIIOSKOKB CONNCCTtONB rortJanitrortJ»n<l lloM, •MluTiinU.

I*«T<« BlvMhon« .... . ... . liilO IT U J BUfcSCH Ur B ito l

t<ui» .rrlTlnr •

Belt* LItlM p

SU«M MTtTlftC t t %. t&. cm. and D«Im kxml I.A nc . t «>(t p. m • n »U W»rA,il tad OeodincoUxn vis Ottkl snd iUtAratg.


T* Baa V>U*r

* V.IIV4>t« p. Bl.


TWIN rAu.8-nt;pEitTS*.r"* «t«-

Arrtn* T*Ia __________’ rm w rA t-u TiuKsrrSouth run. r«rrlaa botal oars. —

lb« faaari M tt nia. U»t« Et»k u>« T m t to n tr te tnlnotM sn«r Um hoori » d t no . 1mt« W4l(Tm convar ga Um half

w rlfli «r ««ch W r b«onm *T«rr half.“ '7■nd 1 p. n . ts 1 p. ta.)

CLOSINO m tK rOK HAIL _ , DisrA-TcnxsKo. 8Tl (WMI. Dahl u 4

biTTd->adi7_ISiU p. B.

‘Train Ho. »17 (»« tT

Livestock Markets

;uu ). li.&OO; lamliI'chok'! f*d l ^ i u r . ^

• icm* and 1•uadr 2(c lowrr; 1 B8V and 1 l?S 1[>*. i

m ^ilr III,:* 1.1 lU .71: h<l(rra'w*«k i."?oJ i" Itc 'cfl: bgll.' 1• Uonai o.Whl^ “ u-d« .n : U.V choir* .cl »’h7/'«*7.“ ‘‘lU.io''.

KA. .'.lA '/aTY . il.l-IVESTOCK

„., April ^U

hUhVr' j j r i i ’S 'iC u '

”'lT! Choi..

Ita and^ibV""l,0(0 : 'r*d alxra.

■lock OMBln* atew.bMa'ifti £ tr .r ^ ''* f« l'’aZi.'Jai

[ m T l'X a M x i”MUup>.a«<t lu t i t ;It lo choir* alockcr* and r*«d*r«rn t l t r InAjla Avnaintf 100a il , **T*rai loao* mrouita "vv

»t taWaf Ptlt*. pi ll.jl# ; pr»«leall» rwUilns »old op*nlns blila lowrr: aakinc (ulir

; tprlni UmtM h*ld ab«>« 1 lam»>* al»Ya »».

ShMpi SclatU and U>Ul tl.tOOi ------i rtrtl ttS’ltctmrnX tloch : lal

..r lr bid. H . lo .a r: ><klnc ■


Op*B1 i>n— llUh Law Cl**aI.MS , Ml’*

, ..... tJSV Cx-\k i/;'" ‘....... . «7'. ,«7S ■:I5‘

^ r " : r : . .sol.;■ I; ;:-

;J2,.i l l

Mar'l'il'il Mar 'o-ol Juir loi'll ^


j.i» i1:K?1 B

iivMtI.Mnl!’".......Julr ..... .: :*MU ■T.'i :roJJ

CASK (iRAIN ClIICAnO. April IS IA1~N9 ruh vhaat. Corni No, 1 >«iu.» ttU o: No. ] I.Ha , Ho. 1 SIUc lo »«ei No, 4 'I i»S«: aatnpla (rad* 70H' '>c; h'u. S wfiiu sn-ia H<». * M'Jo. •

- sny.

r K . , ! S ;

UINNEAPOLIB FLOUR MINNHAl'OLl:!. April 1* 'l« ^ r io u r l

C«rlo*cl loi* P«r b»rr»l In •* lb. cotion Mrk.. (amUr pawnia tT.St t> ITJIi tian-..............................................

1-UT* bran %Ui o » 1.


CUICS.CO rOTATOU ClIICACO. April >1 lUi'l—A rd'ala.

g*. »n irark :«l. loul ihipmanu

1 Iua4l catnrtT'S aUai i‘r» lr^•f ro»> lo l>I »Dc»J

t mottlr lU.to,■ i\T«nt tfl I tc hlshar; ■ wDolfd lamh* *11,IS lo li : ; r i i>uim Itmb* *>.7t ifl tIO.iS; •rare*. QUatabla In III.

S'.o“ r .i '


—|V«4€r»5-Bl»l» Harkft No»» B«rTlc»l— Catll*: aalahl* (9S: ilMd/: s«o4 f*d tl**c* llS .it to 111: iMlftra i tn d r : 101'lb*, i l l '

u row. I I : w.lihir |) ,ie : cannrn and

!w.*“ filalab *l}o” ’ >a quulcd 111 to III.


««tlr Ita hliK*r: U.P lu . lS ; 'iO« (oiA \lU n larvair IX.Ca,tU«i KaUhU a aalahla and loul

,d tV«.31.. 111.11 b> *14

bulk rood I


iMnpiMd Mrnkar* and tn»n>kid* on iH'JafiMf il^ra w.ak u» tU lo--«r, >»tr Ml** sood srad* aboui a i*^r;

r*al*ri fullr cUm*i


OGDEN LIVESTOCK OCDCN, April I) (/)'>~(URDA)—1W>I &*Iat>U 1(9, >nla: 2S0: .low; .arlr lain

• laadr ts 10c hith*r than cIam laii «nii u>p 114.10 en lood U 110 Is JIClt>. »tlshla: Ilsbwr and h«a*l*r «*UKtiRVMtlx « ll.*0 u> I l t . l l : r*»' «itr.m<«*i(hU tlS .lt dcraai oowa S10.;I u> li: .

CaUIat SaUbI* l.UO, throuch tlQ. dlr*c 10. toUl I.KOi a<tlY« en iuppir; t t i ^ ralU* full/ «i

d lou >ra tia.J

, IO.SO.- oddo rholM «al . U) le m*dlum «m>I-

. a«t*bl* t.000| Uirousb

bleed* al »Sc lo

Denver Beans

Twin Falls MarketsUVKSTOCX

Choic* llsht IniUhan. lo SID Iba-tlt.tO - ralfbt faul<k*r>. SID le 210 llx.lll.OO


SOFT ffnxAT(Oa« <*aWf gytyi).

o n i u c u t K s(tt«tl*7 aM oau nark*t tlactt

total r«*l<r dMBaai. No oalt. dallT priM* qaoM. Hnj n x t 1 Iron «ueUda« baWv)-

ir. s . IboMta No. S ____(OiM d*al«r cooUdl.(Om d«tl«r UBarallakl*).

BEANS Craat Nortb*TB* No. I _ ar*ai Konb*n>* Na. t

T two e«t al

dMl*ta «uoU4).Ct.OTCll

(“Out at Um aiarkcl' iw* d**l*rTV»t«d).

Colored reaat*^ 4

Braa, 16eBfaa,Slack a lH I

> 19.(0; un>aiS«l II.Tt U U.9S.N*hraaka tlilu TrIumPha, >a>h*d. |I.W

I 19.110. Colorado llx> MrCIum, wa>k*d, I.TJ. .\tinnr«t, and North Dakota R ^ ,

CHICAGO ONIONfl | i p p G « , A rll lS^|OP|-M -lb. a*ck>t

T«1m" r.^kjw 'uarmuiu K ,lt U tt.


BAN rnANCIftCO. April I t (UP)—Out. •r: II a c r . M<-._ »1 M ra nl^c. M i«ir« .r«T%i lATco jeVi<. ni*<llita ttVit, li

laniltrd* »H c, amallBBATrLE ritODUCC

BVUim-R. April la (UP)—Whol«**l* ulUri SI arar* S7Hr, SI anr* STHe.o r . V '- ■* H«).WhoUal* *is>. ca>tt. whIlMl Lan* *<rM lie ; mxJIurna >9c (both unchanndl.

HHc. »l

flr»i.riocaV !»■;

aeor*rtou «Th "

n MHc:

*cnd«l «<tra ,- ,. , ;urr*n» r*nl»U llHei ' -li*cV* »\Va: tlor*i* packcl

- - ilH «l nr«TT)B><nt I lou*« lle i eanaarinc*. .mall bu<ka.

hr«ll.r» :.. - ... ------ — . Ualiornr> 111*, and down, fol*

- ........ . .Irmoulh Itock* lie. Whliaocka 2te! aprln*> 4 lb>. ' ' "irnio ilh Itocka 29c. W

colorwl.U . i 'g r

,u Itocka *»«!

rooaura UUc. I*(-

zoc: s«>» «T«r t t lha. ttc. > l«c: lurkrra. toaia. olS X»c,h*iu 2(«| (apeiu 1 lU. up : Iba. W«: atlpa It*.

Court Considers Beet-Haul Claim

)4on-jury tr ia l o! a beet bauler’s i claim lo r labor paym ent was under way today In d is tric t court be fo ro i' Judge 3. W . Porter.

A. L. Halne*. lh a plalnUff, asks Judgment fo r *98.87 on assertion tiia t - he was n o t pakS to r hauling beets between O ct. 3 3 -» , IM l, from the R. M. s n a rp ranch , PUer. to Ihe Amalgamated S ugar company diunp a t Ctirry. U r . S h a rp Is d tfeqdant.

Fishermen Banned At Twin Lakes Dam'AIRPIELD. AdtU I l - l l l * tU h

ty wui 900 Xeet balov. to aS «§&• . tag uniu turttm noUo«. OIm late - Uei ^ t-too r mlto MBth of Vitf< ; field and to caed for lirlctUag. la the &lanu4 uctlon.

Page 8: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Page Elghl TIMES-NEWS, TWXN FALLS, IDAHO Monday. April 13» 1D4^



Niairr bwim

a iA P T E R X III

Iho w ays o f th is *tn>nire Wnncl Jail wboao InvLiJbl© bnra w ere more effecUvo b n rrlc rs to c sca p cU in n a n y Iron prill. T h e cunrds k e p t lo thctniclvM on Oie P c n lm u ln nlile

• o f ttio lalnnd, bu t they wctp nUvays there . A nd ii follow coiilil nlw uys spot on ug ly tr ia n c u la r l!n cu tllng tiic w a te r of ti)o G u lf if h« cared to look.

Except fo r the fn te w hich hung o v e r hia he.id, A linn w ould have hnd no fau lt to And w ith hlfl lot. D e FontAnello w n* tim m lnff In n tnlkaUve w ay, thouKti jotneUmw A llan cnuRht h im o(T-fnmrrt w hen h is fnee waa d raw n mid mnrose. A fnnn w ith a Bccret? w o n d crrd tho A jTcricnn. bu t cou ld And n o sw er. K ay SiHBent w ns en tirely chBiTninff. even if h e r pert lllllo n o w w en t u p n l any m rnticin ol A.<ln: III Uirt-o dnyo u n d e r such eircumst.incen nn Uieie, he Kot to know h e r b e tter th a n In n.-: many m onth] u nder norm al c o^ lU on .i.

S he w orried n lot, '^especially w hen ihe found him bre.iklnK oh a w nvcrsntlon to BLnro itpcculn- 'U vely n t th e doo r ic t in the rock o f the nelBhborlne lilnnd . H e hnd sa id nothing to th o F rcnchm nn ol hla notion, ae«Ine no point In un< neceM ary confldeneea, b u t h e hnd U)ld Kny.

"A llan, you m u stn 't d renm of « c h « thInRj” nha p ro tested nl- m ost tearfu lly . - I f you w o n 't think o f yourself, th ink of IcnvlnR nie he ro nlone — Just w hen you 've brouBht m e new hope! Those *harks—"

“ Listen, d e a r Rlrl. I 'v e hnd time to figure o u t .lom e thbff." T h b wns th e afternoon of th o th ird d iry and they w ere ren ted on the dock, w aiting fo r D r. S nrR cnt lo b e ex­h ib ited a t alx. " I f I t wnn true nbo u t those chnrks b e ln c iiuch Rood w atchdog*, they w ou ldn 't botJier to keep nn a rm ed gu a rd o v e r iii. 1 don 't beilcvo th n rk s b ite people, nnyw ny, n o t If Ihe people n re iiUve ond moving. T lic rest is n cinch.

•“•T h e n ljh t* now a re b lack nn p itch, nnd thorc’.i nlw aya som e so r t o f n lig h t over th e re to gu ide m e. n i plip off th is dock ton lR h t,' sny nbou t 12— '•

"Tonight! No, A llnn— no. no t” •‘Kay, dear. I m ust. I've Rot lo

Bco you r fa th e r n n d t.nik w ith him, T hflt key le ft ou tside In loo goo<l R ehanco to mls.i. T lm t's s o r t of typ ical o f those — thO!;e yellow devlln, don’t >-ou th in k ? O ncc a J a p flgurcfl h e hn.i cvery^hlnc un ­d e r control, h e gcla enrelefis. I —"

"No, A llan! You mu-^tn't r isk it!"

I>irr 1

jileaa to th e la st, h e atilppe<l to d raw cra a n d u n d e rsh irt nnd low ­e re d hlm seU Into th e -water,!was scared alllT, and w ould hnve D dmittcd Uio fa c t c h ee rlu lly lo tinybody in th e w orld—excep t lO y Bargent.

T here wna no t m uch c u rre n t be- Iw ecn tho IsI.ind.i, nnd w hnt liltio, th e re wos. fnvorcd h la profrrerj. H o sw am low in Uie w nter, m a k ­in g Rs llttlo noi.ie as possible nnd liy io g h a rd n o t to th in k of shn rks —b u t no t fo rgetting lo keep every lim b in continuous motion!

F iv e mlnulefl In ter, hn rd ly nble to believe hia good luck , he c rtp t u p on tlie Moping sho re o f Uio m a in IMnnd. H ere cvc-rythfnK wn.i d a rk and still, tliough n hundred

C IS beyond, tlie ennnery bu ild - hum m ed wlUi ucLiviiy.

H o hnd s tud ied th e le t-u p carefu lly fo r 72 h o u rs tJint h e 111- e rn lly knew hi* w ay in the da rk , a n d his questing han d cam e rc.^(l- lly to rest on Uie key in Ihe lock o f Q heavy Iron door. H e wns ru rp rised a t Uic mas.'ttvc nfTnIr, W hich rem inded h im o f Ihe ones h e had heard elnnging w hile b lin d - (folded. W hal w ns tho b ig Idc.t?

H e tu rned th e w ell-o iled key. d re w tho m e ta l doo r open, nnd le f t I t o ja r beh ind him in ca.ie ho fchould leave in o h u r ry . F o r lh - kvith, h e WM in tro u b le . H e had n o t rea llie d h e w ou ld bo In n passage b lacke r tiinn S a tan 's sh a d ­ow . G ingerly inch ing hi* w ay , ptcp by carefu l s te p ,le s t h« p lunge M w n some unseen s ta irs , he c re p t o nw ard un til h is ou ts tre tch ed fln- Hcrtlps touched n b a rr ie r . A jtrlll Moor. Iron . Locked! A nd th is tim e tliero w as no convenien t key.

H e listened. T h e sounds o t llfihV brea th ing trave led to hl.i ear. S low , regu la r breaUia like th a ie of a perron nsleep. H e nliook Uic doo r gently. "D r. SiirKcnll S Jirgciitr' h e called softly .

••&?'* U wnfi an old m n n 'i fjuerulouji voice. "W io'.n th iit?"

••The w ord b Confuctual” ligh t wns Ewitched on and A llan Raw tlie doctor shuffle tov,-ard him ncros.! the smiill room w hich w h is prison. T he scien tist peered h im . "I'm he re to ge t you a you r daugh ter o u t of tiiia Jn B e tte r p u l o u t that UrIU. s ir !"

■Thank God!" T he p rom p tne rj rviUi w hich th e ligh t w en t o(T phowed the o ld m a n qu ick -w itted . -W h n t can I do lo h e lp?"

'T n lk fa.ll, to begin w ith. L oll 1 don ’t know . W hy a re y o u In L o w er C .illfom la? W hy did these fellow s k idnap you?" No reply, nn d A llan added urgently: ''T ha w ord is Cohfueius! Y ou can tru s t

« A L L rig h t. I ’v e be en w ork ing tv.-o ye a rs o n a n e w h lp h ex­

plosive—te n Umea m o re pow erful than any th ing now In use. I told ou r govem m eat w h a t I w.is doing ,

- tn d they se n t m e h e re to lo c a te a deposit of a r a re m in e ra l th a t U

- . M C.of the basic Ingred ien ts o f th e formtiJa. T h e J a p s tum bled to tho Idea abou t th e U m c I d id . M nybo It w as coincidence; m ore like ly , ejploM ffe In r a y S a n F rancisco labora tory.”

"T h ey go t h e ro flrat?"-M o n th i be fo re I d id .- W hen I

tu rn ed up th e y w e re a c t to ‘s r a b • me. T hey w ere m a k in e t to »tufr,

i n d m a l ^ g b jit Ib e rfrw er^

tim e-sav ing tr ick s I knew tha t th e y <Iidn't. TJiey a.iked m e to h e lp Uii-m." T he low , tired voice w a s r.uddenly nhaky. "G od for- n ive m r . I d ldl T liey — they

i-mnde m e." ........... ...........“Made you!" A lla n ’s tone wns

shocked. •T o rtu red you?”"No. Tliey th rea te n ed to to r­

tu r e Kay! T h - th n t b roke me. I in. only In.ilsting I be allow ed re h e r every d a y so I 'd know

r h e wns safe. I 'v e no lllu.ilons, OiouKh. •niey’ll k ill me— both of u :j—w hen they 're th rough w itli m e . w hich will b e ve ry aoon now. n u t I had to ^ tnll fo r tim o—hop- • - g i.omethlng m ig h t happen—”

••.Siirp, T hey 've been shipping th e tlH lt to J n p n n l”

•‘N'o, None has gone y e t. Tho c.nnnrry is n b lind, bu t a p rnetl- cjil one, .Shlpn tlia t have le ft hero w r r r lo:iiicd w ith canned /Ish. B ut t l i f i«-nirr of til ls .is lan d is n n a t- ur.'il cMvc nnd tlie exp losive Uiey. hn v e ni;inuf.ictiired la sto red tliero — hundred;! of tons o f It?”

•'Cripe;;! Is I t U nder contro!? W hat lotirhefi It ofl?”


“A ny concussion. T hat 's w hy we llvo u n d e rg ro u n d . In converted c.ives w ith h e av y Iron doors. It's tr icky to h a n d le . Somebody stole one b rick o f i t Uie d a y before I came, nnd everybody had the Jit­ters. B u t n o th in g has linppencd. Maybe th e c o u n t w as incorrect."

"W hy do tlie y s to re i t Instead of tend ing i t hom e?"

"T liey 're w a itin g till they have a ful! r.hlp'« carg o . Vi-hen they hopo to /ineak it o u t . To rend n lo t o f small fililpmcnt.1 \^"otild increase th e chance o f detection by tho ^^exleIln nuthorltlc-s. Al.in, the Japs are bu ild ing n senplnne nt.Tllon he re nnd It w ould l>e handy to havfl lol-t o f th e explosive available i t they nhould get in a scrap wlU» u.1. T hey w o u ld jitrlke fast— they nlw.iys do!—n n d th e y 'd blow our w eit coast c itie s and m ilita ry bnses off tlie m ap In a single n lg lit"

"M m ph. Y ou p a in t p retty plc- turert, sir! A n d spe.nklng o t p retty p iftiires, w h n t do you know nbout n w om an w h o travcl.i w ith thl.n rrnwd? H er na m e Is Asia— Asia Minor."

iTO B e C ontinued)

■'Can- you le t nie huve ft cup of mud till tom orrow ?"


••\Vc a re so proud of our dnughter—«he Just got a Job a

12. Uountaln:

2i Ensrav. . 5*. lUrbor'l.

» Brmtol tor rarjtum

i t . Rxltl

19. RiTotrea r»pld’T

<9. Comiiar«ll»»4L Sharo knMk-

Insi <S. FliiUhirS

Am«flc»n tUc» tl. ilperlal ftMlllIai M. WflUrt*^nul4

)t ^ ** Itl.’ Nuinb«r

Solution Ot Saturday"* P u n U 1. n«tor« DOWN

Z ot *• Op»r»“ » 'O"*Unsth t. UulldlnimuIfrUl







<f 25 •*— WE VJANTEO ] 1 ,HlN\To 3U06EA


U v e r v t h i m g

V gR O N G W E D O E S V i E L L - l

OFFERINK3 1bn!>,-rCH E.VEA-TI TSOUIAR R E D R tD E f5 . • /

C R A z f . e o s s r AMT) T H E R o c e o

T O n O f tR D W ^










• A B\G PURSe.'____ ■ VJKAT 'lOU'RE






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’rO ’v i TW\<9> P . M . ?



______A W - 1 tAET A VOOSS& _T 'O K V '.-W L VO'iOW IAVWOViJc. , 0

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ncr>Pt:cTPULLV d c d i-CATEO TO TH E BRAVCmgkj o p o u k , a r m c dFORCCG AKJD THE MIL' LID«0& WJ-V5 STAWD iJOUiDLV LiCHlKlD THDM.










TO ?£?v/r fe z TD k'.fTH

PUV>3T.S'S PLAN TO YfitecK T«£P lA l£ , tC S l //AXB'iAOU'CK ViCiOS...


t. W«v*fln»i!: a s "cMinhtr IL Btlnc ol

IncllMtlonIi. WorwlIH* torm of an IntcelI t t?nr«8n«a




H E R E , SON N Y e o y TH 1 8 OUGHTA START ) YO U O U T IN L IF E f ^ lU

t 'L L SPLIT IT WITH )f I DO N 'T WANT YOU, M t P R E T T Y / \ HALF OP IT M ftiO— YOU'VE 6 U T V D B E E ARN ED IT ' , ^ -------- -------------------


l i i i l

• a xjW O E R IP T H E R E L A R E AWV tfO R B E tJ iiS ? TTjJ o V


' I I I

Page 9: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Monday, April 13, l ? i2 . TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO l»ageNlHi:



W A N T A D R A T E STItziM-News

, W A N T A D R A T B 8 Based on Coal-Per-W ord

t per w ort

A mlntmum oJ ten words U re­quired In any OHS cl&ssltted ad. Terms tor MJ ciMSlfled W U-CASH.



Leavb ads » t IC & W. Root Deer Stand

D EAO U N ES Week doys. 11 a. m.

Sundny, 0 p. m. SalurdoyTills poper subscribes to Uio eode

of ethics or Ui8 A ssodaUon gt Newspaper C luM tled AdvertLilng MannBera nnd te ac n ea lb # rlS h t to eilit or reject any clasalfjed odver- Using. "Dllnd Arts" carrj 'ln s ft Tlmes-News box num ber a n s tr ic t­ly confidential ond no inform ution CM be given In regard to tlie nd* veriber.

E nors Bfiould be reported linTUc- lla teb '. No allow ances' will b f mode for more than one Incorrect Inaertloa

TKAVEL & RESORTSSHARE expense trips m nny places.

Trovul Durt'uu. f>!7 FourtH Ave­nue cast— tOOfl.

PEHSONALSW IU - tn ide new i^et 0.00-10 recnp

tlrt.t. m ud nnd snow trend, for Koo<l .vM. fliO-lO or 7,00-10. Vic OoerU.cn. Phone 2151.


Your RtnUoncry h n nllent expression of your personality. Let U f,:«y nice uilrut.1 nbouv you. ilnvu iv done a t Uie Tlmcs-Ncw.s Job Dfi>aftmcnt nnd you will bo proud of your t ta -

.Uotiery.We cnn do t^io job quickly and tq -


CHlHOPRACTpRSFO R facial pnnxJyuls. take r>dju*t- ,* m enu . Dr. Alxnu llu rd ln . 130 M ain


STRICTLY mo*lcrn n iw riiiicnt — clean, comfortable. nltrocUve. 301 Seventh avenue nnrili.

BEAUTY SHOPSSP ECIA I^S.O O m achine p enna-

nenU, M.W. Cruw lord Btaut.y S a ­lon. Phono 1074.

HALP price special on genuine oil p e m ao e n ts . Beauty A rts Acad­emy.

*4.00, 19.00, t0.00 perm anents. hoU price.- Idaho B arber (u>d Beauty

' • Shop. Phono 43i.

LOST AND FOUNDSACK wool loat Sftturday. April IttJi.

north T w in Fall.i-Jcrom e bridge. Two parties seen exam lnlns r.nmc,

c.nll Sheriff's offici'. IV ln Pnlln or Jrroinc.


liT, typUiK. KxptTlrnci'd, refer- encr.'. Box 22. Tlnu'a-Ncw;i,


WANTED: Immiidliiiely, cxpcrlcnc- r<l wiiUrcM, Inciulre In person u t City Oiife.

WANTED: Experlenecfl fountain , Klrl. Apply In person. Peter Pan


BEAUTY opcrntor um ilfxi a l the EiiKciie Ilcnuiy Siudlo. Salary KUamntcuO.

EXPERIENCED houselccepcr In m odem home, to c c llen t wiiKe,-!. ktcncly Job. S tay or r o homo nlRht.1. Phone 403. • •



MANY Jobs now aviillnQle. We place our /itiulciits In cckxI pay ins pavl- tlo!vt. Enroll no'*' and rci your tralnUiK a t tlic l “wln FiUb Bu.il- n M University.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESNICE Kfocrry and m e at n iarkct.

Kood location for c ity residence. Box 20, Tlme.i-rJcws.

EXTRA good confectloiieo" wid lunch bu.slnc.v; for sale. Good loca­tion. Ill h ealth forces retirem ent. Mrs. A. E. Price, Burley, Phone 124-W,


TW O bedroom aporCmenU Stoker • h e a l, w t i vfater, gank«e. Phone


DESIRABLE five room apartm ent, close In. B enoit A partm ents, Phone 3443-J.

VAOANCYI Pum U hed o r imfur* nLihed, strlcUy m odem . Heed Apartmenta, Phone 1217.

fc POUR rooms, dow nstairs. B e ctrlc range. O orose. 130 T m trth avenue ea.-!U Phone 6 t0 'M .

MODERN nparttnen t wlUi living room, bedroom, h a lb . ’ k itchen bulU 'ln fea turca .' tliree closct.%

• hartlftood floom. E lectric ronge, refrlseralor, stoker heat, garage. Phone 563 or 363-J.

t h is CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson

PBO ouc ^ f z n KIUUEO EVCKV

V B A tt O V

S ^ A Z / Z . / y u r s /T H E M A R C >

, ROUNC> &HELXS; 'tIACH 03tvrrAlNlN«»- GO/V\e T W E N T V NUTS', D RO P PROAA 200-PC X 3T T R E E S WITH T e r r i f i c iJPECO, AMf>


DANDY n rrlii'd nxle. iwo row Kiiiiiw corruKAtor. O n r regiilnr K niii*. Harry MusRrave.


A M I L U O M - V B A R 'O U DV F O R V ^ I C T O g y /A P C R F C C r i. c t t c k I 'V ' ' *F O R M C O O F A M A R D C R . AMNE(?A1_ IM 0E D D C D I N 'A 5 T O N C CO NJTAINlM Cy F O S S Il. J T 3 A 5 H E U 1 -S .

( F YOW KANMl Iff IT'S S H O R T ,"


SUnURBAN Uirec ro<mi5. b;>Ul. Shndc. lau-n. Kiirdon. O n hlKhway —O301-J3.

FOUR rooms, l-’rlglrtnire. electric stove, hent, ho t w a ten A dulu. *30. Phone 328.

TH REE rooms, lower floor. Prlvnte both and cn trauce . G utasc. 340 Blue U k c j north . 1713.

TWO rooms, m ain floor, private bnth. Close in. 420 Mnln norUi. Phone GOl.

TH REE room.i, Rround floor, prlv.-jic entrance. Adults. 2C0 Blue Lakes north.

MODERN aivirim cnt, cleverly fum - Lihed In kntJtly pine . Garage. PliQtvc 1221. 1315 S evcutli cftsU

MODERN two room. Private en ­trance. (iteam hent. Liiwn. liv e Point Apiirtincnt-'i.

TIIUl'.K room ixvofluni. ntoker Uviit, BunKiUow A porl^cnL s. Second avcnuo cant.

NEWLY (l.cnrat<‘(!. \v<'ll fiirnbliixl. 3 larce ro<mv.. P rlvu if biitli iind m - trairtcc. ilc'at mid nlr-condiiiiin- Ing. $30 m outh. PIioik- 1723.

TH REE partly fiirnL.hKl room. Wiiter. UKlitji fun iW ird . monUi. Adult.n. M oon's. Phnne

TW O rooms, stoker h e n t. iilr con­ditioned. Elecirlcally equlpiK-d, Private telephone, en trance , butli. Newly deconiied. AdtilU . 71!) S e ­cond Avenue East.

CLEAN, comfortuble. nttractlve npartm entn. p riva te batlis. C ali­fornia, Boston. CotLiine apiirt- mi'nLi. Inqiilrc C aliforn ia Apart- m cw 10, 2G0 Si-cond nvcniie nortli. Phone. lOtM.




FIV E room m odem hoiwe. a a rn se . garden spot, d itch w otcr. Plione 04BD.J2.

r 2055R.

ATTRACTIVE' 3-b^droom h o m e .recre.illon room, flreplnce. KarKge. rtoker. Pa-iturc. b a rn accomocta- tlon for two horses II desired. lijTin Stew art. Phone 330.

PROPERTY OWNERS — Are you losln* dollars eveo ’ ' day while your ren ta l property stands idle? Fill th a t vacancy! L e t a small ad In the Tlnics-News Classified colunjns do the trick.


FURNISHED HOUSESTJiREE rooms, aliowcr. c lectrlcal ,

pMiinces, Inquire 205 N in th uvemio nortli.


TAKE A T IP FROM US! Ifyoulinvo ii lioilr.e for ren t liw ert un jkI in ilie Clas.^lfl«l co linnns, Evrry May wc hiive calls from w ould-be t<-n- ;iiiu neeklnK tle.ilriible h ”mr:. An lid In the Tlm cs-N cw s will lirip vou boUi.


3 ROOM hou;« lo be moved, model A to a d ite r. ROod tlir&. tiirl .McDaniel. H ollister.

NEW 12x20 hoiwe. to m ove. Clor.rt, nil bullt-ln feuiurca In k lk litu , wired for range. *350. Plioiic J243

SMALL, m odem 5 room dwelllnK wlU\ cnrpelcil Iloom, o il hcnV. in K ood .db trlci to cxchuiigu lor ijirRcr 5 room m o d tm dwcUlnc.


I:XCI:LLKNT tm acnr I rac l. M(i lidiiif. Wrll l(x;at<‘d, I’r icrd lo Terms. Ilobcrts i t Hen.ion. I’hoiic 5C3,

NOUTIt ildc clKhty, <lrt'p black iioll trftctur and rq iilpm ent. Immrd- lal.- pa'.'.f.'.lnn. Prlc.-<1 $7,000 Will Sl,7il) c;L-.h, balance Ilk.- rent Owner lit aiO A. ll Ntn-et, Twii KulLs.-

GOOD JCO A., near, Je rom e. Oo(«l linusc. small outbldgs. Good of citltlvnllon. *110 p e r acri ) A. on Eden trac t. 3 m l. from town. 4 rm. hou\e, Prlcc *80 per acre. $I5«) cash, ba lance term.^.

GOOD acreace w ith m odern hou.nc trade on gootl norUwlde



McCORMICK DKERING .'.Ingle spud planlcr. Oootl OllvtT C- niowcr. T lirec bottom lieuvy duly A-C plow. W-C .spud culiiv Howard T ractor Com pany.


TWELVE Hole Superior g r a i n drill, no Rccdcr atucUinrivt. Hivtrj Musgrave.

FIIiLD cultlvntor. dl.v:, plows, corru- gfttors. Uurrovis. c\jiiivivlor». Um - nea-s, m anu re spreader, spud-bcai: planlcr. Hurr^- Woiillulb—029G-J2,


Dewberrle.-!. Clifford D e n i> v y. north W asiiln ston school. W eo-Ii:,

PANSY plunU and p e rrn n la l;,- many va rie tie s. A. V. W llllaiw, Hoi.-pltal roiid.

DAHLIA bnlb.'—nil vnrletic.1. Corn ' Adtllwn nnd Maurice. Plioiic 1087W.

E;ARLY BU;.;. T rium ph garden or field .wed l>otutoe.>. *135 cwl. Phone Flier. M 7-J4. W, L. Blue.

CERTIFIED DllrJ Trltmiph and lU w ct ix rd potntoc;i. C. L. A-ihlcy. Twin FalLi T o u ris t ParB. Cabin 13.

BULK seedn. B erm uda onion plnnl.'i. F ron tier Trn iiS m PM t. 3ta MnJ;i Kouth.

FLOWER .rjyclal on perennials— Delphinlinn. pan.iy planl^i 35c doies^. Mr:;. W lk-y Copplnscr. K im ­berly.

OEM seed poUitoc;— I have n pliw of 300 sack;., I year from BluetaK. M cClain. -1 MiuUi. ',i .......South I’lirk, Phonu c:!U4J2.

WHITE clover s e e d -b y atate pure seed. Rnk^ed on Twlji FuJh trac t. Sec I t u t KlmbcrJy Llcvator, R . C. Hyde. Iln n icn .

Cash on delivery. Kimberly S en l Co. Viirlc-tl'-.'v luid prlce.1 a t

Kimberly Kiev. HiUL.en l-'ltv. Ilnselton Elev. R upert Eluv.

SEKDK OK ALU KINIJS Fli'Id, Kanlen nnd fancy lliwn :,oi-d,

OaW, w hea t, barley, -'efd corn. ;.oyiv beanr,. fli'lil |xm.i .

SEED PO T A T O IiiBlue. lag HiLv.cLi ............... }2.50cwt.Blue t:iK BIl.vi T rium phs .... 3.25 cwt. Cobblcr.^ (earllc.si. of all) 350 cwl,

We c lenn—W r Ireat GLOBE SE E D . :•I•T•:ED CO.

NOW l.s Ulc time

TO PLANT n i A T NEW LAWN or re-.-.eeU your old one.



WilIi- (ir plu 'iie 11.1 ftjr price.i. INTi;U.\10tJN-rAIN S!-:ED CO.


1 or 2 ton Uc e-,vt.: over 2 loii.i, 7c MILLER .MILLING SEKViCK

Ph. 72J3, Filer. I’ll call,-, o il critiilli


MORELAND .MILLING S E U n C E :>li. 2IU, Filer. P h . calls olf KriiidiiiK

CHICK Ilayc--.’ H l-Vllunnn :,:ait. Ing ma.'ih hIvcm fju.l uriVAllt, feftUierlng a n d plevi'iit.i eaiinibal. tim. G uarnn tccd to iirodiin: re^ suits cfiual o r AujH-rltir to un,' s ta rter you c an buy ri n;irdliv--i o price. H ayes H atchery.

Feeders!J-'EED WIIKAT T ake It off tlie eJir

G overnment w lieu t now rolhns i 05c p e r bu,—Sl.ii:i i^riiuiui Place your o rder a t oiiei-.

We Krind—Wc mix GLOBE S E r o F E ED CO.MI‘A^



HEAVY sprh'Ker Q ucm sey cow. ' j NftiUi. 1 eivM. 1 louUi m\ninTock wliool.

AVHO sAld Cinder Block is too high prlce<l7 Cinder In.iulaUon Block made from C raters of th e Moon cinders arc Uie mcvt econcKnIcal building material m ade. Phono 41. Jerom e, Idaho.

WANTED—Sborthom or part Ahnrl- horn milk cow. Phone 01D9-R2. T sln FalLi.

■1.000 CROSSURED cwes WlUl J a n - utir>- inmbn. Wilt sell nil o r r>00. Jolm Mendlnla, 303 Second avenue souUi. Phone lo o ,

F O ll SALE at Chris Petersen ranch n t Rock Creek — 5 RCKblercd aliorthorn biilbi and some helfcra, Clirl.1 P e trrsn i, Rout* 2. Box 45, H nuen . Idaho.

rOULTRY FOR SALETXJIUCEY poults, Halche.1 cad i Tue.i

dny and l-'rlday. Clil! lit S w lffs Hatchen'. 2154 Fourtlj avenue BoiUh. Phone IB5.

GOOD THINGS TO EATNEW HimipfUiire Red fryers, T liin l

linii.v ra.-'t ball pa rk . Phone 01B4J3.

WA.Vr Hixxl homes fo r Llew.-llyn piijv,. 1 mile nortli; Vi c.-wl. .Maroiv •iTliM. n ie r .

BABY CHICKSSWIFT-!! b.lby cllicks—H atches ea.

Wi,!iKwl;.v and Saturday . Ciill S'-uti.':, H;vtehv'ry, 2M Fo\irUi iiv. niic Miuih. Phono 185.

a ritA IG H T - nin n r .-sexevl puHr Kliifiai cU-jin up .m Io eacli Tui <l:iy nnd S.iturday. Oc and i l.-^lmrn ei«.-k>'re1». 4c. F lve-w rr <>!(l li-xliorn imllet-i, 500 four-w et

' f>lil eokinxl chicks to plaro .•'Inrcr,. Cii''io:u lialchlng recelvrd c-.ifti WrdniM lay and Saturday . H")e,s H a!ehiiy.


WANTED--TWO shrep dOK.i, prefer- ublv triiUied. I 'rcd W oodle. Uowe Idalin.

USED b<Min huller. Give full de;.ori I mil unci price, n ii-r Seed Coi pany. Blncklooi. Id:dio.

WANTED: Wood or w ire hani;i: in good condjllon. ’.jc eacli Troy or National plant.

A F iav row bean eiitlrr.-.. In quire Self M anufacturlni; Com puny,

WANTED 10 buy: Senip and car. Iron, abo all sorts nI nietnls, Ni Otmntliv too rmall, L. L. LimKdon T n ick Lane wrr.t. Phone liC2.

VIIKN really to .m'11 vour •.’.doI vi Ti. H. Brunimn, 233 Until. Will acfi-pv delU'ery cllJirr T 'lln I-’ivlI;, o r liulil.


rU U N ITU R E «|iholMcrliig and pnlrlng. Tliom els Top and Body W ort.'_720 .

GOOD lot of numtwr 3 i iilnKles, aSc p e r bunch- Twin Falln Lum ber Company.

STOCK S a lt. *10.00 per ton. BrlnR licks. L. L. Langdon. 'I'ruck L ane .'ost. Phono 15t!2.

AUTO Rias-s. cnn\ In s . T hom tls Works.



■I*WO tued electric refrlgcrator.i, lirlced to »ell. Robe. E. Lee Sales Company.

REPOSSESSED Coleman oil h e a te r —like i!ew—*<5.00. Tenn.n. W ilson Balen Appliance.

EXCIXLENT Maytag wn.ihcr. *40.00. Kliclicn cabinet. *5,00. 220- T lilrd avenue cast.

USICD heatrolii. baby bed a n d high ehnlr. Will sell cheap. Phone 2l3,’.lt o r IU23J a fte r ^lx.

tK'LUXB uve K elvlnntor. po r­celain refrltieralor. *U4.50, C. C. Aiiilcrion Company.

END lable.'i Sl.2.1. A xm lnster throw riix.i $2U5. U.ivenoe.n. har«lwo<xt conMrxKiUiii, exce lltn l qMiiSlty $32 50, Moon'.?.

USED nil jiorerlaln L. A:-H. e lectric $;iO.O(). Ollirrii IU-. Io\

j'jnuo, T eniij. W ibon U atm

DAVl-;NOES-Doul)le sp r in s ;.tnictIon. heavy velour covers. Well padded arm s, wood trim . larKi- Ixxldlnn com partm ent. $54.50. W r can niiiirantee the-,c p rices for a .'.liiirl llm i' only. Moon’.s.

S i 'R IN a nomecleaninB aldn—Blue ijeiil clean.ier, 25c pound; M uresco kal:,omtne. hulk 13c pound; Velio ea.idno piilnt, 5 pound* *1.15. Me- Murir,- palni.s, vainl:.lii-s, enam eL''; Cllmnx uallpiijxT c leaner 10c l aii: Imiierlal and W atlcrcst wall- pajH-r. .Mi>on'.v

RADIO AND MUSICLAROt;hT Mock. "Now and ur.ed

I“l:illip'. " Aihilii;; Muslc Com pany ilim tii'iiy D.iynes Mu.Mc Com-

AI;T0S FOR SALE-ATK I0:i0 C ltrvrolrl ■

lip trin:!:. CiiKxl t0ia2-H2,

L-urUe J»3D C hevrolet hi.xe seilun. G ihkI t ire ..

Low m ileage. Joe

TRUCKS AND TRAILERSCOVERED wagon trailer. 2 blocks

\vf.-,i, 1 block no rm , sub.st^itlon. Ne.-.bltl.

1030 C H EV RO Lrr, A-1 condttlon : ccjTOblnallnn bed. S325. 120 S ldn ty stree t, sm ith ' park .


USF.D part-i for cnr.i nnd trucks. T w ill F.ills Wrc-cklnp. K im berly Ro:id,


DIRECTORYBat h i and HJasBagee

Th# 8t*-WeIl. 837 U ftln W. P h . 15J.

Moncf/ to Loan

Bleyelc Sales and ServiceOloysteln's bicycle ahop. P h . 8


Curtain ShopsWindow Shop. 80a M ain a Pb. 814.


AUTO LOANS-Refinance your presen t contract—

reduco paym ents—cosh odraoco.

WESTERN HNANCE CO.Next to P ideiu s Dank.

R. L. Roberts. Jeweler. 115 S ho , N

Floor SandingA-BB P lr. Co. Ploor se rv let. P h ^11\V

Helder & Sons, a l l M ain E. 14S0-V

InsurancePor P lto and CaAually loaurw ««.

Surety and F jdelllj’ Bonds, sec Swim lovestm ent C a Baugh Bids.



PERSONAL 8TA T:0N E31Y Engraving, letter pre.ss. llUiograpIiy

Bctjool Aunutvls. bui'.lncLs tm n s a si>eclalty

TIM ES-NEW S Commercial P rin tin g Dept.

Key ShopSchndo Key SJiop. Lnwnmowers

4han>en«l hollow ground. 120 Sec­ond St. So. Buck of I. D. Store.

Lawnmower Servicc

Mortcu to'LoanSALARY LOANS

Strictly confldenUal- tS to *50 to employed people <

your own signa tu re CASH CREDIT CO.\IPANY

Room '2. Burkliolder Bldg. Ph . T38

Woodcraft Lodges At Joint MeetingRUPERT, April 13—NelKtibors of

Wooclcr.ift lodBPg of Burley nnc R upert tield a Joint m eeting Tiieh. day a t the Rupert I. O, O. F . hall for ln.siallallon of officer.i, with .MI.S.1 Freldn Core, Burley, rh in^uU - ing officer. a.---.|,Med by .Mrs. 'Op.it Peck, Burley; Mrs. Florence Blcfil nnd Mrs, Ida W heeler. Ru|>ert.

Preceding In.Mallailon. pa.M cuard- Jan iielKhbor, Mr.x Dorottiy Beck, Hurley, nnd pa-M guard ian tietKtiUor. Mrs. Klsle Mo.ipr. R upert, were tnken to tlin cam pfire by n tten ilan t. Mm. Lillian Ro.^1. where eaeli received n beiiullful Jenet pin. Mr.i. Lila D. Bi-nrdlet making the prcr.entatlon for H upert nnd Mr.i, O pal Peck for Burley.

Officers In.'.talled for tlie Rupert lodge were guardlnn neighbor, Mrs. Claudln Prlnson; tinst guard ian nelnlibor. Mrs. Su^lc .McCIoy; ndvls- or. G race John-ion; mnKlelan. Mrs. Hilda Dnllnrd: banker. Mr.n. G ladys Wtllt.i; clerk. Mrs. H en rie tta Nell- non; a ttcndnnt. Mrs. L illlnn Ro!..i; m usician, Mrs, Ida W lieelcr; cap ta in or Uie guards. Mr.i. F lorence B lehl; flag bearer. Mrs. Edna IClck: senior Ruardlan. Mrs. U la B. Benedict; manaHers. Mrs. B criha R enfro. Mrs. Lillian R o u and Mrs. U la B. Ben­edict; prr-s.s correstw ndent. Mrs. Ida W heeler; Inner sen tine l. Mr.s. El. lc Mo.«r; outer lentineL M rs. Louella .M argettj.

A t th e close of the lodge se.wlon the group went to the banquet room, surrounding Uie long ta p e r Ifghteil table while .Mrs. Lllft B. Benedict offcrc<l prayer iiiid "God «>.i-.'i America", was sung, pa trio tic motif was featured In decorations.

$25 to $750ON YOUR CAR




Consumers Credit Co.<Ownea by Pnelllo PJaaace)


OBteopathic PhysicianDr. O. W. Rose. 114 M. N. Pti. 037-W.

Photo FinishingB prints any roU 10c. Sav-M or Dnig.

Plumbing and BeaiingAbbott Plum bins C a

Schools and TrainingT. P, Buslnea.1 U niversity . Phone 314.

TraUeraGem TVoller Com pany. Phons 4 »

TypewritersSales, rentals and je rv lc a ph. flO.


Water SystemsFloyd LUly. Ph. 2020. 314 Sho. E.

RUPERTUnder aupervlhloa of the family

life project and Uie R upert recrea­tion council, an nduU party wiU bo hc lil 'a t the Civic biilldkig Tuesday. April 14. T here wlU bo a program nnd social afternoon.

Mrs. Joe Engkrtif en terta ined 'tho B. .Y, s . club a t h e r hom e Tuesday. Guesi.1 were Mrs. C harles Enskraf, Mr,i. W nlter As.son, M rs. Herman Heiucheld and M rs. B e tty Rausch. 500 wn.i pl.iycd, prizes aolng to Mrs, A. W. Roberts. .Mrs. Cnrl Henschcld '•Id Mrs. Tony Snyder.

II. N. Doughty le ft Wedne.iday for Savnnn.ili, M o , Xor medical treatment.

Mrs. Loube B a rre tt. Ashton, la a t the home of h e r b ro ther. I>nn Hoffman, coming he re to assist In Uie c;u-e of Mr. H offm an, who ha.i been seriously III fo r scvcrol weeks.

Mr. nnd Mrs. C arl K ennedy. Mos- j w . and Supt. A. E . Hlrschler. Baker, Ore.. havo re tu rn e d lo their homes nfter bc ln s h e re to attend funernl services for M rs. W. E. Kennedy. Mra. H lrsch ler and Mrs. Minnie Reder. dnughtera o f Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, will rem ain here for a while nnd M r. K ennedy will re­tu rn w ith Mrs. H lrscliler to her home.

Mr. and Mrs. D . T . W hile; Ycl- lowsione park, spen t E as ter holiday vl.slting .Mrs. W hite 's m other, Mr*. Ida Wheeler. T hclr rm all son, Ron­nie. who accom panied tliem here, remained with M rs. W heeler until hl.i psrent.s re tu rn Jn M ay for Ru­p e rt high school com m encem ent ex- ercl.^ci when Mrs. W hite's broUier, Georse ^V3lcclcr. w in graduate.

Mr. and Mrs. Jn c k B ush, former-of nupert. now of Callfom U , are

the psrents of n d a u g h te r bom April 7 n t the Violet C h rb te n ac n nursing home. Rupert. TIil.-: Is th e fourth child and the f irs t girl In the fam­ily. n ic boys nre a t Uie home of the ir grnndmoUier. M rs. M. Leonl, Burley.

Mrs. Calvin K c r t« and small dauKhter have gone to San F ran - cbco to Join Mr. K cm s. who Ls em­ployed there In th e shipyards.• .Mrs, Elmer A u tln has returned from Mt. Vernon. III., w here she had gone to be w ith he r m other, who died March 22 a t tlie age of 87 years.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. E lton are here from Ventura, C alif., coming to make the ir home nnd look after ih r lr farming interc^t.^ n t Heybum. Tliey arc now a t hom e In the Bel­knap property recen tly vacated by Supt, Ralph T . N yblsd a n d family.

HANSE^.Mr. lu d Mr». RcA W rlRhl ftnd m and daugh ter-ln -law . Mr. and

Mrs. Leon W right, le ft T uesday for several day* n t Boise, where Mrs. Leon W right win tK Clve medical a t­tention. Mr. and M rs. Roy W right will nlw vLMl wiUi a w n-ln -law a,nd daughter %t H om afnle. Ore., before returning.

At Uie PJeasost VaUey OraflCff meeUng Tucsdoj' evening, the tuuou of Mr, and Mrs. Leon W rlsht wera voted oa for tnembetthlp. and tliret persons, Ralph fiuUer, Billy Bower nnd RaUle P e m e l were c^Ven tb* oblifation. brloeln* U u tptai o m n r naoiben to H lo th e p u e two ma«t« Ixtga. who are tedanff tsltlatlOQ lr “ the Qruifie.

KeoneUi M cI>U and I .......Provo, Utah to nsu m « b it t « t th« snctuuB V oaov unT' lonowlss MTtTSl dkn* visit 1 m other Mrs. AtuUe M er tr U

Page 10: e Philippine isilSljd fortress that bomb doman:e in a scricji of now …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · Await* Cripps fUturn RcRardlnR

Page Ten TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, April 13, 1042

Credit Meet Hears Banker Refute Bugaboo Of Wartime Migi-ation out of South Idaho


Oil t l i c WM-- tinur oxoiiiiw o f fro mT w in Fiill.s iiiui Jh iK ic Vulli^y wci-L' i'.\|)i»riL'(i la iit n iK l» t ■>>’ f a c ts am i fiKUi-L-s p rtscn U u l by Loyal I . IV rr y . siicukitiK ' ii l Uu? ri'niuUiil c o n fe re n c e o f tlu- U c la ii f r c ’d il M en 's N a liu iiu l a sso c ia tio n . H e ad d ressed liio i-o iiferen ce baiK|ui‘ l in Uio ]*ark h ote l on "T in : W a r l.’onie.s to Sd u lh ern l i la lu '."

UuM UuMw.s (.11 llii' uliolL- I. «oc)(l, II w an i.liiK th a t •'ttr lire i.d for Ihc Ll;;ncv,t rilliiUon III lit>iory." mid rc

of 111 I

At Regional Credit Coivfcreiicc in Twin Fails


S fss M M«»ry '•! Kiiichiclc llliil lliiT.' l:. tIolliK 1.

h r a lol (If iiiulK-y hcic llil-. laU, iJtolHK'd IVlT). a:.',l:,tiilll ciLilllcr <i llic Klilcllly Niilloiial biiiiK. ullc IKjliilliitr ou t Uial la rm iiil<<'.'> an llic lilKlKv.t 111 year;.,

ijl-.Mliik; Wy.\\ S-.msilw, 1;, lliv U'avI lliK l>il:.lliu,-.s of T«lli 3-'alU, In- ;.al( d ia l II, wiUl iiilnliu; and IiuiiIht liiK. foiiiljlmvi Ki nlvr IdalKi l-lirci InilKirtam occupalloiial ii«r.Milv.i ll tlaiii of war,

Uiinior;; fliivt " .Vnoo or m orr per .•0IL.1 iKHi- 1.-U l!ic ti ly (1/ -ncj!!10 oblHia Illnlily-iiaUl Job:i In wa; InduslD'." v,Tre (llNcounlrU by IVrry

f ile s McHlrralp D fd ln r O n lilt; bar.ls of n Mirvcy c-oiidiiclcd

by I l i f Micakfr. llii- c(irixiral>- of Twin ralL i liii;. lo.st an oi.llm

cnunllc.'.’ of Manic Vnllry have c u rrrd a to ta l poimlailoa dcci of only J.500 ro 3,o0o ixrr.oii.v

T o back-up llU •cMJiiiiilc.%, Perry cxainlcml Itlalio Powrr tiiinpaiiy ' llMlc.1 liHllcnlhiK It MTVlfi'd

' luiiucs in MRtcli. IQ^l; IG.ltn. Ihi- peak, In DiTniibpr, 1D4I, am! Ifi.Oii" 111 Mnrcli. ID43.' " In otlicr word!,. In tlic lour coun.

tlc:i covcrrd by llii- power co-ipaiiy. It 1j; M'n'lclni; <00 niurr iiuiii la .i year. iilnioiiKh tliero liar, been a <le- crcnic sliico Dtconiber," h r ;ald .

ns Varanl liausr.Perry ,'.ald there a r r I”!) vairant

hoii;.rs In Iho clly, on tlir ba.'.l.i rif iicw,iiiai>rr carrl'T s’ flKiitri, iind li;i honirouncr.-i havu cniicellnl r rrv lrr.

• nccordlnK to ih r clly walrfwoik-. ilflinvtmvni.

"A ltrndaiicr nt Mhnol lu i' d r- tr<;a.sr(l H«," w ld ferry , rlalliii; tlial In Twin F n lb liid riin idn il .ILstrlel No. 3. nvrrnKP dnlly ntlcndaiicr In Mnrcli, in4I. was 3,2iJ; wlilk la.M m ontli ll wn*i 3,10fi

Up cnHcUnlcd Ihc \niimU\(l"i\ Tw in l'ftll.-i alone had <lrn|ii>.'il ".'.ix lo plKlil jx-r i-elil," (ir IrDin "00 to 1,000 i>cr.'.onM Mtnl th a t Ih r Him- rn tin tk s n[ MukIc Vallry had li'r.l ' llirpp lo four per c m t." o r II.SOO lo

,3.000 perr.on.',.He snlil (jCK) 'IVlii J-’a lh a rm inea

wcri- In th r nrjiird hirer'..llU»lllPS» GCKXI

"Bu.\liie;.\ In (iiir coimiltmlly !•; vcry'Kood," ii-j.criril P rrrv . a<lmlitliii; i h r r r hml brea Imnirdlatc ciiriall- inrac. of Uiu niiliimubile and allied indiir.trlfs ;ilncc (nitbrenk of the war.

•'Dank clmrlnc.i h c rr arc up p<T c rn l of th r flr.'.l three nioiitli'i of lliLi year lun compared to the /IrM fiuarlrr of 1041." h r dl.'.clo-.d. Onp local d fi):irlnirnl t(>r(' eliar- oelcrlced thn lii.'t inonlli in '"lie bc.'.l M arch In history.’’

IJecati.'p farinlni; Is ilip iirliiiarv iJtlJlncM of T\i.1u I'ldL'i. PrrO ’ :-'ld IIP c.xnmhipd npwspa|ier;i of Apill, JM l, and April, 1512, to learn the m rrriu.p In purclio^r riKiirei.

"H oks, cholcc biitelirrs. nn- lip M ppr ren t from $(li5 a hn n d rrd - « e li:h t to $i:i.r.n. Sleer.-. a r r lip Id per cpnt from SH.SO-IO ui $9-11, Y ra r- link' lanib.i nrp up H jx-r cen t fr(jm J7 to 58.

I lu ttrrfa l Gahw ■'Biiltrrfnt b up lf> p rr r r i i t from

32 to 37 ccnta per poiinil. Kfti::- ir.xlnO arc up 10 p rr ccnl Innii :o to 30 cent.', n tlo.-cn.

••No. 1 .-iptid.'i n rr up ?flO jx r e rii l from SO crnt-s to $150, WliKc b a ra i nrp lip 37 pe r cent from *3,70 lo *3.70, W icn t 1.1 up (3 |)pr cen t from 50 ccnt.i to BC crnt.-i," Perry .-.tatrd.

E xam lnJns larwr'Ts’ own p!tl* mntr,i of rxpccled ineoinr.i In 1942. hP sa id th a t Tarmrni who <-nrnr<l *Cno la st year nntlclpaird S I ,0 » Jn 1042: S7M IiLU year, *1^00 thl.'c y ra r ; and *1.473 la,M year, S2.270 thl.i y rnr.

t - iru c r opptnlor.^ wlio e am rd \ivM. Vf'vr cMwrX Sn.ROO '

0,000 hL-,t ypar, *11.000 lhl;i y ear; *2,r.oo 111 io n , *7,noo in i34i!.

SlathiK that the Incrrx-ed iiuinry condition would nol lip iinlicaliiiv, If k rp l w llhln rriuMiimblp hinlt.^. Perry r.ald Uir problem will be •■how­to .•klm off thp r.lirpluv"

T a» r . or Hond*•'Surplus money niii;.i be Mjilioiird

pllhpr by Inci.’-v.e In laxe;. <ir the p u rch .w of U- S. war bond;, and nL-vmpr." he d^IarcKl.

H r ixilntixl out Uiat a ••Innlr m an rarnliiK *750 n year p.iy.i *i3(i In la \r ;. lo federal, .^•.alr ami local Kovrrnmcnt,',, o r 17 (mt cent nf li ineonic.

•'A m arried man paraUiK $I.?'0n puy.i s:50 or nearly n per c( P rrry rxplnlnp<I. •'Fi-denil la x r '*97: -iLotp JGI. ami loc.M S92."

D elvins in to war savlnw I xlatlstlc.1, Pprrj' ' “ Id Ihp averaKc cap ita nale.i In 'I'win Kall.i ro a rr S!).41. wliich I-. 1.3 jv r c rn t ot ih r r.'.tlmntrd wfidth,

•T lic lltllp fellow 1:; doliicp a ri," he declare<l. "but I .....

o{ Uip luck ot piirciiiv.e.% by the bJK nipn who shoultl bP biiylr

■ w ar bond.1."Pcrr^y said "ilie farm laborK mii:

be ncceplcd lu n new credit factorM uit Win War

DcclJU-lJKf H int, "the nuinl>cr or job Ir. lo w in Uie wm." P e n x Hr«nJ c red it men to rec wlwf.^ nli(;nd:

'L c fn no t' mlnlmlzp tiie problem of mtUntAJnlnit n plaec for private cnlcrpri.ic jind jirlviitc in lilatlvc when Use pener Is sipaod. L cfa reco- osnlze Ltie &bi»e.i In our own bn.i- tness; wc rccogJ\it« I t bc.'.l. An<!. /iniUly, let'A see to I t th a t tncrc l i more bu«lnes3 Jn eovem m ent in ortler U iat Uiere be less (fovcmment In business.-1 defy you to /In d ver>-

m en in gov-cmmeni, v h o have

T»mine thhie< over at the rrei>lrallnii desk (if llin rpi;lniial credit ennfcrener are. left to richt. Thomai :Mrt'(iniilrU. Kalk Mrrrantllr roinpai'.v. Md.. Ilnl-vr; .11 . I.nul»e Hushes, Twin Kalh Credit aMOclallDn. eon- ferrnep M-rretary; l^onr FlOirr. Talk'n-Srar.. Twin FalU. chairman of breakfast ehil. a .-li.illei; J. O. Iloth. C)ni(in .MiiKir r.imiiuiir, ecxifrrrnrr rrsMr:.r: Arlhur ,S. Iloeknllr. Idaho Dpparliiienl i-torc. Kcneral confer- Piier rlialriiiaii; aiul Uallrr A. Jeii-rn. rorllaml, Ore., exrrtillvp secretary of the A"»eUtrd Credit Ilurcatu (if the r.irifie NnrlhMCNl, rhoto-Ensravin*)

Nation Aroused at Ihnigling, Det^veiler Tells Conference

•Connie..-. I.nd ilie udnilnlM.niilon ar.- fiiulln,; chU Iliiil A nirrlca liii.s i.w;U--ii.xt. m id IJlJil llic Iiatl.-ncr of 111.- pr,>iiir w iiii ilii-lr huin.-hiii: ha.-,


•nnnlek. nol-.f, at lln-

iin- yeMriday iiKir'illlH

led ll biirr:iiis hau- lliiie br.-ji m iiiny ri-(|iii-,-,t:. lur looatitn: cii.-.Kim r;. ttlio have inovc-d iiuny and :i ad-.-lM- ihelr cn-dltdis," lie dl,-.

aboia ti> 1)1- liidiicled y Intel-.-..tie ,-.ervl-.-r I;, heydtul

IKJivcr;,," .said Mc- Cdrnilck. "W rltr him a lr[l(-r to ex-

rc-.-,.-, your diiiireelalloii ef whal h r doliu;. S la lr lh.it \(iu -aiII he i;lad

, h.-lp liliii uoir. out ji M>lmi„ii I lliiiildiiie his drli:. ia.A.(ii- in liir

HrC.iKllliK Ihr rxtrii'l .in of I'lrdll I 1111-11 wild a r r aboul lolie dralu-il.

.Mi-Coi-mli-k ireomiiieiiilMl lliat c.iK-- tlil

.ililleanl. b Into a .-.hort

h-tlnlt.r -:h.-<lllli: for

:i. T(I ,-d,.j,eralr fo r ,-Mrr eMrn>lon III

.McCormi.-k :..iK! "I am iinl rnthii-.la-.Ilc over llir i,,,,-.,,, 1IH;'. alllKMIlTll Ih r v ra r I,;,;, out r.ilrly VM-II •'

ill- fi'W A'.l liHhi-v ;

failed in Ihrlr own l)iL-.lni-.-.n ■n-y « as introiliierd liv K . HdlJ-v

Myri-;.. Coininrrclal L'J-eilll c(ir|Kir,i- ... 'I^Mn t-'jilK. loji-stmii.-.l<-r. Kn-

trrli.llM nnn inrluiiril a n d dnnn- ilb rrs by ML--vr.s Shlrlev Tliimiai : Liicllle L;iiii:(lon: niiil .Mini;-, uyn r ii’.s ( luartrl—Mel C.irlcr. btaii

Urown. Norm an Berry niiit. H erm an ChrLMcn:.pn.

in r r m ii'lc wa.s pUyrc! by aviol*; IrlO'. Mm,

i Saiitrv. Arland B.i.'tloii Klu! U rn Clirblliui.-,oii.

ir frKloli;U c rrd ll r o n lr re lir r la Ulc .rk hdlrl. Ill:, /a ih jrct wa.-i 'T lii; i\.p(inr.lbill(y of Ilu.-.liH-:.s In Out iiiic-iliatr E inrrnnii-y .'’

.lop.ilMDda Krii.-,

t I'ulillc D rm uiitl our mi-n hi public lit.- on an- :.(> rr,-.eiit liil of nil , i>c-iipli! dnnandliij; t lir war rffo r l liniiw-rly

-Hi U lrlr b ll.lelli-r


iilly and prrsonal I

Urj;liiir Ihc rrta ll e ird l l iirofc-. K.ii to readjii-.l It.-.rll to llie (-liaii;:r., .McConnlrk reniiiideil: - n i t - el(«k ot hl.-.lorv iK-vrr tu rn s b.icl:. Tli.- win-lil ha-, .-ham-.rd. lliiMiie.-.s jinir- llcr,-. have eliaiuird, Coii.-.iimcr i-ieiU ll ha.-, (lianned .-

MeCormU-l; adnillt.-d th a t •'lU r Inevllahle dl.-.hK-alIon.-, of buvltir.-is an- h rrr . Ih it, we AliierlL-aii.-. a rc <lcd- Icalcd to victory. Con.-rquenlly, all prlvalp am i p>'VM>nnl vmrtrsl-'. will havp to be nd jii-Ird and r.itbordlnal- fd until th a t Ko^l alone h flchlevcd."


Slxty-ono persOTM linve quaJlfled u-i Cross Jlral aid InjtnictoralUwc « \e tlR it ot Uic W. O . W nUtni. county flmt old ciialrm an, said today.

In uildlUon to Uie Instnictom, there a rc scorc.i of other perr.vins who hnvR pii.ved Initial and Aecondury courec3, lie nald.

Q rtan lte T u n d a ; O rK iiniaitlon of.n club tor Ihc In-

-stnictor.i Is ftct for Tucsdny a t 8 p . m. In room 109 nt Uic high school. aiK-nkiT n t Uie mecUnfi Tuesdny will bo Dr. G ordon D, Oldhnm iind h is hubjf<:t w-lll be "niood Donors imd Blood nunk.1.”

M embers o f liie club com m ittee ir r a.-.krd to report a t Uie hlKh icJiool a t 7:30 p, m. for n brief ncf-i Jon brfori- tlic Kencrnl mectlnt;.

PolIowhiK are thof.e who have fliiallfir<l im first nld ln.itniclor.i. and w-lll be in clitirnc of ciA.iacs In Tw in Falls. Filer. Kimberly. H nn- aen. M iiriau sh nnd arras iiurround- Ing Ui(-.-r communltli-s:

Tlie LUt .Ctiaiini'py W. Abbott. Tom It. A d-

iun.i. Iloillce M- Aldridge. LucUle K . Ayre.n. IJdward Lee Berry-mui, K en - ncUi M , Bf-jold. Qraco L, B rennnn. T h rrr .ia M, Brown, Marjorie B ynun. DoroUiy C. Call. Alniu Carson. D or­othea Cook. Den H. Covey. M iid- irhnir A. Oi.rvln. Lloyd Q. O llkcy, Lawrcncft M. Hall. Ann L, H erbert. CIjde E ,'I l;"ko l:, Elefttior Jansen . B iancllc Jacob.\ llrlcii P. KrenKcl. lii im il N. Krelle, Lawrence T, L un- dln. \yiLIlluli C. Malberlt, Bernard S, M artyn . RuUi I.. McCliisky. Huru N. MeCIn.slo-. I-'rrd H, MeNt-11, Jay M, M errill. Vorlr L. Moner, HuKh U, Phlllliw. E lfrlitla B. Roln;.dorf, Jam tii C . Mrr-. FlorcncclUiodc.-i, W illiam P. Rlemiin, Dolly Robbln.i, Jc;---.r O. RoblliMin, M cr- chic RoK-ilad. Elmer P. iUv.i. LoLn E, Sliolwpll. Rut.h C, D cucllcr. M erritt K, Sluiiwell. w miiini H. Sllmp. F red M. a to n e , L- C. Vnnau^dcln. W. G . W alstn i, E leanor L. WllU(uuu. ult of Tw in Fall.-i,

Hay L, Uiiker, Ii(-ne M, C lark, iiuni -rt. Cobb, Marnan-t. W. Evaits,

Mrs, O ra Funk . Mary F, Jrtfi-rl;!. M aude Uiycciok, DoroIJii:a WaJle, a ll of K im berly.

Lrsllp V. D ran, HollHtcr.J ta r r l f l McDennUI. A. Kllloi Mc-

Dci-mld, Owen C. Miller, nil of I^ilrr. R onald I - Pierson, and Leo W. 'rlB lit. boUi of Hunscn,

laniilfyliifc vieluun i;i-lwi-lh-r, "Voii

riiry by klllhiK ;

•TnlKily AlllaiKmihiilv alllanpp liaiiv e(i-,l-lilll% w

lie .-.aid ••bn-.|nr-.-i finidniiirnre to tally .............I; hu t waslr i

,x trava i;ancr are criminally dulk-eil In lo biilld jxilltlcal in

nd pay o ff poltlleal drbl;.." DeclarlnK th a t '•ba-ilne;.i iiui-.t

jto l>olltlc;i, o r iwlHlcs wlU t

:lallirKed I

Inr w lili Vfilclrni-y and rroiiduiv.I’rrd lctln i: th a t •’drllverie-i Inn

nir productloii lines will ,-n.in ni;rni iniiK-r Ihc w-orld," I>-Uveiicr rallr, m the people to rrm rnilier Ihp vir ■ nrlrn Hint linv r brrii ailileve.l b the alllr:,. He :,ald the rank ami fll ot labor L: pn lrlo llc "aiul [)My> fo reli-asi- from rncketrc-rlni: iiiilo;

-t, T lie rr a r r but n fr-,v itiou^am itrlotlc n tilon leader- ' h r r r a r r 130,000.000 oi u . , ' nn

, . . . - d D eiw rllrr . "Arr men n mk-e?

...,d conKrr;-i cm w jr pniK... a rra.'-onalilc ba.Nis, trie hitjor of hnndaKe. nnd places w.uirs

m iarab lr hiu.ls wiih pmiit-,




:03 Shoshone St.




CAMSLS HAVEU h e /m il d n e s s


Delta Chi PIedj?eUNIVER.SITY O P IDAHO. April

13-Dlclc W<MxlhPHd. Ji-roinr, wei-k was pli-<l(;nl to Prlla Chi cItU fn ite rn ity .

Legion Fires at Buhl Pool Halls

As Loafing SpotsBUHL. April 13-D liapproval of

tlie presenee of able-bodied m en a t pool ha lls durliitf t^ie w orklns day. {KitUcularly w hen m en a te bcidly needed for farm labor, was express­ed by Clark O . l-'ox post. American Legion, a t a tticcUng to.it week a t the Legion Memorial hall.

Tlie Legion exprciscd the sen ti­m ent U iat thc.ie places ought to be closed during the working day.

F u rth e r dLnapproval was express­ed of tu r ren t WPA proJecLi in the face of Uie naUonal emergency, and It was Uie senUment th a t Uiese should be discontinued for the pres* e n t lime.

I t W0.1 planned to estnblLili a reg- li l ry ot men nvnll'blo for part-U m e Inlwr for work on .arm.i. ^nils m a t­ter-w ill be taken tip with Uio mayor nnd c lly council,

P lan .1 were made fo r pnrtlclpn- tJon in the war bond drive which will commence April 20.

Plans were iwvde U> m arl Immed- Intely a collection of all .-scrap Iron In the community nnd outlying dis­tricts. Trucks w-lll collect the scrap Iron Sunday. April 10, nnd the pub­lic Is Invited to cooperate, and call Com mander I tn ro ' flny to ndvLn htm o t any am ounls qC scrap Iroi Avnllable.

Recreation Meetinff Will Elect Leaders

, A nnual elccUon of o tflcers wtU be one of the-feulures of Uie Tw in Fulls Recreation ii.uoclntlon m e e t i n g which will be held a t the recreation cen ter su irllng n t 7 p. m. Tuesday. I t was announced loday .

P resent officers are A1 Wefltcrgren. p resident: .Mrs. W. W. WlUmm. vtcc- prr.sldcnl: Mrfl. H. H. B urkhnrt. j.ec- reiar^-; William O .ilrander. treiviur- e r; A. 8 . Henson. Tom Alworth. Mrs. C. D, T liom p'on and A. W. Morgan. Ixjard members.


. WASHrNOTON. April 13 v n - SUUS guardsm en nnd an n y mllltiiry police b a «a«o t» wSU be armed iJiotffuns, tlio w ar detxirtm ent re­ported today In imnounclng It was reposseislng from clvlllnna more Uian H4.000 rlllc.s to be turned over lo troops of Uie U nited NaUoav

At Uio same tim e, nn appeal made to sporL-jnen w ho own a model 8i>rliigfleld o r 1917 Enfield to tu rn ll over to Uie nrmy If • • condlUoH for m ilitary use.

The war dep artm en t mild 44.H8 of these weapons were .lold lo mem­bers of Uie 'NaUono] lUflo a.voclii- Uon to fo-iter civilian m arksm anship in peiice time.

Springfield and E nfield rifles sued to Uie stnt« gua rd nnd to nrmy military police balLallons will be called. Sliolguas will ••fully n Uielr an as rc(iulrcm cnta," the ' departm ent said.

None of th e recalled wcapon.n. It was recnlk-d. 1s for use by Uic United Slates nrmy force.i w hich are armed with UiB new fast firing automatic Gurnnd,

rifles Issued to U t»b st«t« guardt- alreiuly had been called In for

.......... department.

.SHOTOUN.S FO R UTAH EALT LAKE C r rY . April 13 1-11—

MaJ. William J . Lj-on.-i. ac tlr U tah ndJuUint genernl. said tonigh

In Uieir place will be Issued shot* suns, supplied by th e w ar depart­ment.

M ajor Lyons sa id he had not been Informed how soon Uie new suns would be received t>ut he ex­pected Uiem sliorUy. They will bo assembled he re and distributed to the local gua rd uiUts.

T lie shDtjiunB will bo of a sport type b u t M ajor L>-ons said he did ^ not know of w hat gauge they would be.

From IcelandMURTAUOH. April 13—Sgt. Lynn

G arner, w ho-landed In New Vork M areli 4, a fte r spending 10 monUis In Iceland, la vLilUng his father. Fred G am er, and h is aun t. Mrs. P a t - Cocknim. Following a H -dny leave, ho will RO to Son Dlego where he cxpccU to be lilaUoned, He Is with Uie U. 5 . m arines.

Dr. J . P. Coughlin , ANNOUNCES

A fter April 8 DR. A. A. BOSTON

W ill Occupy H is Offices a t 127 6ho.ihono North

Over W iley D rug SlorB

P A IN T SALE!Tuesday-Wednesdiiy-Thursday

APRIL 14-15-16You Will no t build a new liome until Ihe w ar Is ovcrl Moke the present one look like new with tialnt styling- During this sale K^t your pain t AT LAST YEAR’S .PRICES. A factory reprc.-.cntatlve will be here lo give you any In- formntlon you desire. BUY AND SAVEl

TWIN FALLS LUMBER CO.20.) Itli Avenue We.st


Are you grihding away


S a n d a n d s ilt w a s h e d in b y w in te r rains

g rin d a w a y on v ita l wheel bearings. Don’t

neglect them-. Th e y need inspection now !

■ UnJcf the gn'nding youf wheel bearings

If o f Sind and ibru ivc grit. ;n a u j c trouble. Once they #rc

looie and worn they can make wheel] ibimmy and wear out irrcpliceiblc tirci. Bearings are expcniive, too. Depending on your car, they cost from $10 to $)D installed.

2 You see. the full w ^ght o f your a r rejts on th « c • beatings —on surfaces as tiny as a pin-point, o t aj

thin as a razor blade. That is why a r nanufaaurcrs recom­mend that wheel bearings be properly packed and sealed every 5000 miles, and particularly at tliij time’o f year.

3 The Union M inute Men have special tooli for this • 'titihtrv icc .T b cyietnoveth c front wheels anil o ie -

fully wash cut the bearings w iih solvent. TTien they force in under ettreme pressure an especially compounded lubri- a n t . This lubriant (cxdpsive at Union O il stations) not only stall (lie bearings from din, abrasives and water, bur it aUo wriihjund h est as high as >60*.

M Since praaically all a n r»]uire repacking o f 6o n t w heeb only , the total charge foe wheel bearing ser­

vice is J l.2 0 or 11 .30 , depending on the car. This special service gives you absolute proteaion for 5,000 m iles. It shiuld tt dtnt right v»w. So drive in and have the UnioQ Minute Men check yofir bearings today.

u m i o n s e r v i c e


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