Tawâw Welcome to Mrs. Burke’s Cree Language and ...

Tawâw Welcome to Mrs. Burke’s Cree Language and Kindergarten A class 2021-2022 St. Francis of Assisi

Transcript of Tawâw Welcome to Mrs. Burke’s Cree Language and ...

TawâwWelcome to Mrs. Burke’s

Cree Language and Kindergarten A class


St. Francis of Assisi

Mrs Lorna Burke Kindergarten A/Cree Language Teacher

tan’si/Hello Mrs. Burke nitisiyihkason/My name is Mrs. Burke.

I was born in High Prairie, Alberta and grew up in Dawson Creek B.C. I call amiskwaciwashikan my home.

My family and I are band members of the Woodland Cree Band 474 at Cadotte Lake in Northern Alberta.

The Creator blessed me with four children two girls and two boys whom I love deeply and treasure very much. My children blessed me with 11 grandchildren whom I love and treasure with all my heart..

I am a strong advocate and believer in revitalization and maintaining our Cree language. I have worked within the Cree language since 1997.

I graduated from University of Alberta

in 1999 with a BA ( Native Studies) and

BED ( Secondary Education). In 2019,

graduated from the University of

Calgary with a Masters in Education


I have been with Edmonton Catholic

Schools for eight years now.

Our school, St. Francis of Assisi works diligently at providing success and supports for our students through various programs and activities within our school community.

We incorporate the seven sacred teachings into our classroom : respect; courage; love; humility; honesty; wisdom; love to encourage a good way of life miyopimatisiwin

NEHIYAW PIMATISIWIN PROGRAMThe Nehiyaw Pimatisiwin Cree Language and Culture Program provides students with an opportunity to learn and use language in meaningful and purposeful ways. The program explores language as a primary means by which cultural information is transmitted; culture influences linguistic form and content. Students participate in ceremonies which provide valuable insights and teachings about the interconnectedness of all things which gives balance to life; living in harmony with oneself, others and the global community.

Students receive instructions as prescribed by Alberta Education. In addition, the delivery of subject-area content, language instruction and cultural information occurs concurrently, promoting effective language acquisition. As well, the achievement in the skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing contributes to the development of effective global citizenship.

ECSD, Sept 7,2021, Nehiyaw pimatisiwin program,


What we learn in Cree class● Traditional tîpî values● Seven sacred teachings● Cultural stories (Winter)● Greetings● Prayer ● Songs ● Common phrases and words

● Indigenous games● Ceremonies● Season’s● Smudging● Protocol● Traditional way of life● Aboriginal Pow wow dances.

Kindergarten A

This is my first year teaching Kindergarten. I enjoy being with the children they are a joy and I look forward each day to see their smiley faces and their eagerness to learn.


We are very fortunate

to have the full-day


Kindergarten Programming Highlights:

● The classroom learning environment is where academic curriculum is taught, and learner outcomes explored as a community of learners.

● This is where the teacher plans, develops and teaches through whole group, small group and individual experiences.

● The classroom teacher creates meaningful opportunities for learning by intentionally setting targeted learning outcomes for the children to work towards achieving.

● The teacher would assess the children’s understanding and report on learner outcomes to parents including formal reporting with PowerTeacher Pro.

● Play-based opportunities are woven through the Kindergarten Program to support the child's natural curiosity as they begin to conceptualize the curriculum outcomes being taught.

ECSD September 7, Kindergarten Program highlights, https://www.ecsd.net/page/1816/kindergarten-taught-by-a-certified-teacher

Closing words

It is an honor and blessing to be working with students who inspire and encourage me everyday. Thank you for the opportunity to work with and alongside your children.

Ekosi kinaskomitinawaw kahkiyaw.

I thank all of you

Ay ay