Task 2 a (1)

The Layout composition of this poster is smart because the text is at the top in the smoke and the image is the point of focus. It show a baby bottle with cigarettes inside it, to show that your children are basically smoking to if you smoke. At the very bottom of the poster it states “prevent passive smoking” from this it tells us the point of the campaign. The background colour is dark grey and the text is white, this allows the text to stand out because of the dark grey background. The poster is meant to make you aware of the problem and feel guilty.

Transcript of Task 2 a (1)

Page 1: Task 2 a (1)

The Layout composition of this poster is smart because the text is at the top in the smoke and the image is the point of focus. It show a baby bottle with cigarettes inside it, to show that your children are basically smoking to if you smoke. At the very bottom of the poster it states “prevent passive smoking” from this it tells us the point of the campaign. The background colour is dark grey and the text is white, this allows the text to stand out because of the dark grey background. The poster is meant to make you aware of the problem and feel guilty.

Page 2: Task 2 a (1)

Navigation of this website is easy because they use buttons which when you click it will take you to the next page. There is a picture of trumps fans in the middle of the website and there's text under the picture talking about trump. The hyperlinks take you to different parts of the website such as the shop. There is dynamic content to attract people to donate they used flashy buttons to select how much you want donate. I couldn’t find sound on this website, but there was social media links in the top right corner of the website to try and promote his social media platforms. All this has been used to get you to support Donald trump.

Page 3: Task 2 a (1)

The cutting rate at the start of this campaign video was 2-3 seconds, this is to show everyone's actions at the start of how they do stuff like a girl. The background is just blue to show that the foreground is more important. They used a close ups of the face to show the facial expressions. They used Long shots to show actions of the people. Text came up on the screen to show questions and statements.