
“TANK” Helps the City Of St. Louis The little boy who dreams of becoming a dinosaur and feeds all hungry people and shows them how to get themselves out of poverty and also show them a wonderful place where they learn how to grow food and never be hungry ever again! Author and Activist: Valerie Cheers-Brown Illustrations by: CA



Transcript of Tankstl

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“TANK” Helps the CityOf St. Louis

The little boy who dreams of becoming a dinosaur and feeds all hungry people and shows them how to get themselves out of poverty and also show them a wonderful place where they learn how to grow food and never be hungry ever again!

Author and Activist: Valerie Cheers-BrownIllustrations by: CA

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There once was a little boy named “Tank”, who dreamed of becoming a helpful and kindhearteddinosaur (pronunciation: ['daɪnəsɔ:r] dinosaurmasculine) who saved the world from hunger.

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“Tank” dreamed that he became a dinosaur and

helped people who had nofood to eat.

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“Tank” saw people who looked like this man. What is he doing and why?

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“Tank” saw people who looked like this boy!

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Have you seen a hand like this before? Can you tell me why this hand is holding a cup?

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Every time “Tank” the dinosaur saw a poor person looking in trashcans or standing on the corner holding a sign, he would think of takingthem to this wonderful place.

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“Tank” the dinosaur would go around looking everywhere until he had all the hungry peopleoff the streets!

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“Tank” the dinosaur tookall the poor people to a wonderful place where they would never be without food ever again!

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This wonderful place hadall kinds of trees and plants that grew both on top and on the bottom of the ground.

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This wonderful place also had all kinds of material goods.

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There would be plenty of rain and sunshine so that the whole earth could grow food for all seasons!

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Seasons: the time of year when something, especially a kind of food, is abundant and at its best.

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Do you know the name of these foods? Which oneis good for your eyes?

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This wonderful place grew so much food.

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“Tank” the dinosaur made sure that everyone would be able to feed their family from then on!

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Tank showed how to work and prepare for the next season.

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This wonderful place grew all kinds of foods, but they had to learn to grow their own food.

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People in far places like India have been growing food, so they can feed their families.

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Who do you think made all of this possible for things to grow and for there to be rain and sunshine?

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Start your own neighborhood gardenAnd do not give up until you DO get one in

your neighborhood! Talk with your alderman and he has the power to authorize this to

happen. ONLY YOU can really make it happen! Buy up an old house starting with a group to make it happen! Together we stand, divided

we FALL.

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Thanks to “Tank” the dinosaur, people learned how to get out of poverty by growing food and “Tank” the dinosaur also showed how important it is to show others how to do what you learn to better the world and everyone can produce food and work for themselves.

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From then on, people helped each other everywhere and nobody was ever hungry again!

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How is it possible for all things to grow in the world?

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Poverty has many dimensions

Poverty can be measured narrowly, through income alone, or in broader terms. A relative definition of poverty is most useful when it is considered in a multi-dimensional way. This means the focus moves to considering relative poverty as lacking the resources to participate fully in society across anumber of dimensions. For example, it would be possible to take into account the extent of health deprivation, education deprivation, and housingdeprivation, employment deprivation, access to services deprivation, as well as income deprivation. It is possible to develop an absolute core concept ofpoverty in many areas of a child’s life, not only for family or household income. Abuse, a lack of access to education or health care, the use of unsafe water, a bucket toilet system – all of these are impoverishments.

What do you think Tank should show the people that will keep this word only in the dictionary and out of our society?

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For an End to Poverty We Could come Together and Be One!!!

If all the churches in the city would come together and help all people who are hungry or have no place to sleep, there would be less people on the streets. Tank intends on going to every church in the city of Saint Louis and giving them a copy of this and if they would like me to talk to the congregations and get them to feed people at least once every week, I will.

If more churches would help the indigent, homeless, anybody that may have lost their job, etc. We would not have all the earth quakes,

hurricanes, etc. But if we continue: mistreating women, mistreating men, abusing our seniors and kidsand Tank says most of “NOT PROTECTING

OUR CHILDREN” and neglecting to be there for anyone that needs food or shelter WE WILL SHORTEN OUR DAYS ON THIS EARTH.


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It not only goes that the member should tithe and give, BUT THE CHURCH MUST FIND IT IN THERE POWER AND HEART TO BE THERE FOR THE COMMUNITIES AND FOR THE PEOPLE in the communities!

HAVE YOU SEEN A DELINE IN MALE CHURCH ATTENDANCE? What are other reasons why they refuse to attend worship services?

Tank can think of a few reasons and we would like to discuss how to help eliminate this problem and it can. IF DIVIDED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!!!!

Their fathers did not attend church They have to work Too many collections Services are too long and inflexible (what does this mean)? They have lost faith in God or do not believe in God The church is hypocritical Insensitive pulpit


Tanks says, “Don’t hold him to these reasons, there are more good men than bad men.” Anyway………………………………….

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For an End to Poverty

O God, you are the defender of the poorAnd the stronghold of the orphaned and the widowed.When your people were robbed of their homes and put into chains,You did not abandon themBut made of them a special people.From the remnants of their livesYou fashioned them into a garment of joy.In the fullness of time, you sent ChristWho announced the good news of salvation to the poor?The day of liberty for those in need.In these days, the nightmare of povertyHaunts our world and enters our homes.Standing in lines, deprived of human dignity,The poor of our world beg for our loveAnd ask for food and work.

Shine your spirit and courage and compassion upon us.Warm the cold of our hearts and wills.Help us to help your beloved poor.Help us to see that in loving and tending their needsWe are tending the presence of Christ among us.We ask this through Christ and the Holy Spirit,With you, One God, forever and ever.Amen.

~Edward F. Gabriele

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“Tank” the dinosaur lived for helping. You see, “Tank” the dinosaur made sure that any person he picked up and carried to this wonderful place, would be able to feed others as well as themselves from then on and this also made

jobs for everyone!

From then on there were no more poor people without food to eat thanks to “Tank” the dinosaur.

The End

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Be looking for “Tank the Dinosaur Stuffed Animals” so you can build

a dinosaur! Tank the Dinosaur needs to have some family around to keep HIM from forgetting where HE came from. After all they say his family is extinct, but little do they know his family still exists. His cousin Dino the Alligator will be visiting with him soon, but since he is

so old, he may take awhile.

The End