Take out reading check andDo Now:

Take out reading check andDo Now: 1. If 100,000,000 copper atoms were placed side by side, they would form a line 1 cm long. A)What is the number of atoms written in scientific notation. B)What is the diameter of 1 copper atom? 0.0000001 cm


Take out reading check andDo Now:. 0.0000001 cm. 1. If 100,000,000 copper atoms were placed side by side, they would form a line 1 cm long. A)What is the number of atoms written in scientific notation. B)What is the diameter of 1 copper atom?. So how small is the atom?. Very small! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Take out reading check andDo Now:

Page 1: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Take out reading check andDo Now:1. If 100,000,000 copper atoms were placed

side by side, they would form a line 1 cm long. A)What is the number of atoms written in

scientific notation.B)What is the diameter of 1 copper atom?

0.0000001 cm

Page 2: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

So how small is the atom?

•Very small!• Smallest particle of an element that

keeps the element’s properties

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About 400 B.C. Democritus• a Greek philosopher• Proposed matter was composed of

tiny, indivisible particles called “atomos”

• origin of the word atom

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Late 1700’sAntoine Lavoisier

Joseph Proust

Proposed Law of Conservation of Matter - matter cannot be created nor destroyed

Proposed Law of Definite Composition - a given compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by mass

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John Dalton’s Atomic Theory

• Each element is composed of tiny indivisible particles called atoms.

The atoms of any one element differ from those of any other element.

• Atoms of different element combine in simple whole-number ratios to form compounds.• In chemical reactions, atoms are neither created nor destroyed. Atoms are rearranaged.

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Late 1800’s J.J. Thomson

• Experimented with cathode ray tubes (CRTs)



Cathode Anode



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+ - + - + - +

+ - + - + -

• Concluded cathode ray composed of negative particles - electrons

J. J. Thomson

• Unable to measure mass of electron, but found ratio of electron’s electrical charge to its mass - 1.76 x 10

8 Coulombs/gram

• Proposed Plum Pudding Model

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• What were Dalton’s and Thompson’s contributions to atomic theory?

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• Performed Oil Drop Experiment in 1909Robert Millikan

• Found charge of electron to be 1.6 x 10-19

Coulombs• Calculated mass of electron to be ~ 9.1 x 10-28 g

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• In 1896, Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity while studying uranium salts


• Spontaneous emission of energy from unstable nuclei•One type of radiation is alpha radiation. It is positively charged.

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• Performed Alpha Particle Scattering Gold Foil ExperimentErnest Rutherford in 1909

• Findings ??? 1. Atoms mostly empty space2. Atom contains a nucleus

3. Nucleus positively charged

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What else is in the atom?Proton –

Neutron - Discovered by Chadwick in 1932

Discovered by Rutherford in 1918 by

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1. What is an atom?2. What subatomic particles does it

contain?3. Distinguish between the subatomic

particles.4. What is an isotope?5. What is an ion?

Page 14: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Atoms are the smallest particle of an element that retains its

properties. Atoms contain…

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Subatomic Particle

Location in Atom Charge Mass




In nucleus

Outside nucleus, in energy levels


In nucleus




Similar to the neutron

Very small compared to proton

99.9% of mass

Page 16: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Isotopes• Are a different form of the atom that

have the same number of protons in nucleus but a different number of neutrons.

• Their masses vary• Chemically behaves the same, may affect radioactivity

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Ions• Are atoms that have lost or gained

electrons to become stable• Atoms that lose electrons are positively

charged ( # protons > # electrons)• Atoms that gain electrons are negatively

charge ( # protons < # electrons)

Page 18: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Using the Periodic Table and the information below, determine how many subatomic particles (protons, electron, and neutrons) are in…

a. 25Mg2+

b. Calcium – 40

c. 76Ge

Try your best!!!

Page 19: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

25Mg 2+12

Mass number(must be provided)

Atomic number(on periodic table)

Charge= p + n

= p (also e if not charged)

= p - e

Page 20: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

•Calcium - 40Mass number

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Fill in please

Symbol # Protons # Electrons # Neutrons Charge



11 14 1+

7 10 15

Page 22: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Do Now…• Becky earned the following quiz grades… 87, 56, 94, 88 and 80. What is her quiz average?• Becky’s HW average was a 55 and her test average was a 75. Her teacher based her overall class grade on the following percentages: HW is 20%, Quiz is 50%, and Test is 30%. What is her overall grade in this class?

Page 23: Take out reading check  andDo  Now:

Standard: Carbon-12

• This isotope of carbon was assigned a mass of exactly 12 amu

• 1 amu (atomic mass unit) = 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom

• Carbon-12 has 6 protons and 6 neutrons• The mass of the proton is about 1 amu• The mass of the neutron is about 1 amu

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Since each isotope of given element has different masses, the atomic mass is an

average • Chlorine has two naturally occuring

isotopes. Chlorine-35 has a mass of 34.969 amu and chlorine-37 has a mass of 36.966 amu.

• Chlorine-35 has a natural abundance of 75.77% and chlrorine-37 has a natural abundance of 24.23.

• What is atomic mass of chlorine?