Tairua School Term 4 wk1

Global Citizens of the Future TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 16th October 2012 Week 1 of 10 Kia Ora tatou I hope everyone enjoyed their spring holiday and managed to make the most of the limited sunshine hours to either hit the beach, go for walks, plant summer veggies, mow lawns or complete general tidy ups of properties in preparation for summer. We always approach the fourth term with much excitement and energy with the anticipation of warmer weather, sum mer holidays just around the corner, outdoor education and all the diverse activities required to complete the school year. Throughout the term, teachers will be completing a number of standardised tests and assessment tools to ensure WKH DFFXUDWH UHSRUWLQJ RI FKLOGUHQ·V DFKLHYHPHQW OHYHOV Formal reports will be issued in week 9 of this term with no changes to last years report format. If you would like addi WLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ \RXU FKLOG·V SURJUHVV RU ZRXOG like further information regarding work and study habits, please make contact with the classroom teacher to set up a meeting. Brits at the Beach: Tairua was a hive of activity throughout the Brits at the Beach weekend with thousands of people descending upon our little patch of paradise. As a school community we were fully involved in many aspects of this event. Our children were well prepared for their Maypole dance on the Satur day morning and once again proved to be a real highlight in the weekend programme. I would like to thank all those children that participated and AnneMarie Young for her direction and organisation. To all those parents that assisted with the sausage sizzle, a big vote of thanks to you all. TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Wearable Arts: %\ QRZ ,·P VXUH \RX DUH ZHOO DZDUH RI 7DLUXD 6FKRROV LP pending wearable arts show ¶7KH 7$:$6·³Tairua As tounding Wearable Arts Show). The theme for the TAWAS is ¶7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ· DQG DOO FODVVURRPV KDYH VHOHFWHG GLIIHU ent ideas to explore. Room 1 ³ Insects life cycle Room 2 ³ Birds life cycle Room 3 ³ Space planetary movement Room 4 ³ Seasons changes to weather patterns Room 5 ³ Technology evolution over time We envisage this to be a spectacle of creative and inno vative thinking, vibrant colours, music and sound, dance and drama all show cased with a clear message. All class rooms have begun inquiring into their respective focus ar eas and throughout the next five weeks will work hard to ensure their wearable arts designs are spectacular. As Miss Telfar explained at our final assembly in term 3, we do require help and assistance for this event. Hair and makeup artists, those who can sew and stitch along with parents and caregivers who simply have a spare afternoon to assist students with their creations are needed. This event is a celebration of the Arts curriculum and through collaborative , community support it will be a highly suc cessful show. If you are able to assist or have ideas you might like to share, please make contact with the class room teacher. Thank you to all those people who have brought resources it is much appreciated. If you have any TXHVWLRQV RU UHTXLUH FODULILFDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH ¶7$:$6· please make contact with Miss Telfar either before or after school. Athletics Club: The Tairua Athletics Club will com mence in week 3 on Tuesday af ternoon. High Jump, long jump, sprints and throwing events will be the areas of focus for our after noon sessions. Depending on num bers, we will be running four groups, Senior (Yr 68), Intermedi ate (Yr 45), Junior (Yr 23), Pre School( 3 and 4 yr olds). The after noon will be a simple rotation around three activities, finishing no later than 4:00. If you would like to be involved and assist with this programme please pop into the office and let us know. Attached to this newsletter is a return slip to indicate your child's interest in attending this programme. Please complete and send it back to school before Friday the 26th of October. Sun Safety: With the hot weather now upon us, please support us here with our sun safe policy. All children must be wearing hats during morn ing tea, lunch time and when participating in outdoor education programmes. Sun screen is available in the classrooms and we encourage students to reapply it regu larly throughout the day. We take our sun smart policy very seriously and require support from our community to ensure our children are safe. The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Te Reo Adult Class Garden Club/ BIS Yr 7/8 Tech Art Class with Mel



Transcript of Tairua School Term 4 wk1

Page 1: Tairua School Term 4 wk1

Global  Citizens  of  the  Future          


Week 1 of 10

Kia Ora tatou I hope everyone enjoyed their spring holiday and managed to make the most of the limited sunshine hours to either hit the beach, go for walks, plant summer veggies, mow lawns or complete general tidy ups of properties in preparation for summer. We always approach the fourth term with much excitement and energy with the anticipation of warmer weather, sum-­mer holidays just around the corner, outdoor education and all the diverse activities required to complete the school year. Throughout the term, teachers will be completing a number of standardised tests and assessment tools to ensure

Formal reports will be issued in week 9 of this term with no changes to last years report format. If you would like addi-­

like further information regarding work and study habits, please make contact with the classroom teacher to set up a meeting. Brits at the Beach:

Tairua was a hive of activity throughout the Brits at the Beach weekend with thousands of people descending upon our little patch of paradise. As a school community we were fully involved in many aspects of this event. Our children were well prepared for their Maypole dance on the Satur-­day morning and once again proved to be a real highlight in the weekend programme. I would like to thank all those children that participated and Anne-­Marie Young for her direction and organisation. To all those parents that assisted with the sausage sizzle, a big vote of thanks to you all.


pending wearable arts show Tairua As-­tounding Wearable Arts Show). The theme for the TAWAS is

ent ideas to explore. Room 1 Insects -­ life cycle Room 2 Birds -­ life cycle Room 3 Space -­ planetary movement Room 4 Seasons -­ changes to weather patterns Room 5 Technology -­ evolution over time We envisage this to be a spectacle of creative and inno-­vative thinking, vibrant colours, music and sound, dance and drama all show cased with a clear message. All class-­rooms have begun inquiring into their respective focus ar-­eas and throughout the next five weeks will work hard to ensure their wearable arts designs are spectacular. As Miss Telfar explained at our final assembly in term 3, we do require help and assistance for this event. Hair and make-­up artists, those who can sew and stitch along with parents and caregivers who simply have a spare afternoon to assist students with their creations are needed. This event is a celebration of the Arts curriculum and through collaborative , community support it will be a highly suc-­cessful show. If you are able to assist or have ideas you might like to share, please make contact with the class-­room teacher. Thank you to all those people who have brought resources it is much appreciated. If you have any

please make contact with Miss Telfar either before or after school. Athletics Club:

The Tairua Athletics Club will com-­mence in week 3 on Tuesday af-­ternoon. High Jump, long jump, sprints and throwing events will be the areas of focus for our after-­noon sessions. Depending on num-­bers, we will be running four groups, Senior (Yr 6-­8), Intermedi-­ate (Yr 4-­5), Junior (Yr 2-­3), Pre School( 3 and 4 yr olds). The after-­noon will be a simple rotation

around three activities, finishing no later than 4:00. If you would like to be involved and assist with this programme please pop into the office and let us know. Attached to this newsletter is a return slip to indicate your child's interest in attending this programme. Please complete and send it back to school before Friday the 26th of October. Sun Safety:

With the hot weather now upon us, please support us here with our sun safe policy. All children must be wearing hats during morn-­ing tea, lunch time and when participating in outdoor education programmes. Sun-­screen is available in the classrooms and we encourage students to reapply it regu-­larly throughout the day. We take our sun

smart policy very seriously and require support from our community to ensure our children are safe.

The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Te Reo Adult Class Garden Club/ BIS Yr 7/8 Tech Art Class with Mel

Page 2: Tairua School Term 4 wk1

School email addresses: (07) 864 8590

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Maria Cory-­Wright 864 8175

Term dates: Term 1 01/02/2012 -­ 05/04/2012 Term 2 23/04/2012 -­ 29/06/2012 Term 3 16/07/2012 -­ 28/09/2012 Term 4 15/10/2012 -­ 19/12/2012

Start Up Date for Term 1, 2013: We can confirm our start up date for 2013 as the 4th of Feb-­ruary. There will be Teachers only day on Friday the 1st of February. Our Final day for term 4, 2012, is Wednesday the 19th of December. AGM Waterwise Meeting: The spring waterwise season is just around the corner. In week 2 of this term, Tuesday the 23rd of October, we will hold a meeting to discuss the programme for term 4. All trained Kayak instructors, interested parents and helpers are all welcome to attend. We will be looking at programme details, changes and training opportunities. The children thoroughly enjoy this programme and it is paramount that we continue to offer Kayaking and Sailing instruction to the children of Tairua School.

Walking School Bus: Mary-­Ann Kerr (Police Ed Office) and Ingrid from Hauraki Council have once approached the school to discuss the continuation of the walking school bus in term 4. The W.S.B has now completed two full terms and provides an invaluable service for the school community. Not only is it an appropriate and healthy way

of getting to school, but it ensures children are also on time. This term Lianne Marshall-­Bovill has had to stand down as co-­ordinator for this programme due to her commitments and role in this years wine and food festival. If you are interested in being a parent helper for term 4 please let us know at the office. If we get enough help, a subsequent timetable can be developed.

Major School Events for Term 4: Labour Day -­ Monday the 22nd. Wk 2 K.2 Bike Race -­ Friday the 27th and Sat the 28th, Oct. Wk 2 Wearable Arts -­ Tues 20th Wedns 21st Nov. Wk 4 Room 5 Snorkel Trip -­ Hahei Marine Reserve School Athletics Day -­ Wedns 7th, Dec. Wk7 Yr 8 Leavers Dinner -­ to be advised Final Assembly -­ to be advised Pepe Picnic -­ Tues 14th, Dec. Wk9 Last Day -­ Thurs 19th, Dec. Wk 10 As other programme developments are designed and con-­structed throughout the term, they will be added to this no-­tice board.

An evening with Celia Lashlie: An expert talking about raising teenage boys. Renown for

the Good Man Project. Venue: Whangamata Areas School Hall Date: Thursday 18th October 7 -­ 9pm A 90 minute presentation on raising teenage boys plus ques-­tion and answer time. $10:00 per person. Tickets from Take Note Whangamata or Whangamata Area School Office. Wine and Food Festival: If anybody has a Wine and Food Festival t-­shirt at home please return it to the school office. The next festival meeting is being held on Monday 29th Oc-­tober at 6:30pm in the staffroom, everybody most welcome. Tairua Library: The library is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday this week due to a new system upgrade. Study club will start up again on Monday 29th October. Junior Art & Craft Classes: Classes are held on Thursday afternoon in the multipurpose room. This term we have activities such as mask making, halloween badges/magnets and most of exciting of all we will be creating Wearable Arts . Feel free to contact me for more information -­ Melinda Rapson (BFA) 021 442 770.

Global  Citizens  of  the  Future  


After  School  Athletics  Programme.      Yes  I  would  like              to  participate  in  the  after  school  athletics  programme  starting  in  week  3      Name:                       Sign: