TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in!...


Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in!...

Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core



















Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

An overriding public need to confront this dilemma prompted the Nebraska Legislature to pass the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act, which enabled the City of Omaha to create the Omaha Municipal Land Bank (OMLB).Working in concert with our community partners – public, private, and nonprofi t – we are eager to act, fi ercely commi ed to returning vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent property to produc ve use.

Vision into ac on - that is the promise – and the power – of a strong, collabora ve Omaha Municipal Land Bank (OMLB). A merger of exper se, passion, and partnership dedicated to reinvigora ng Omaha’s underserved neighborhoods, encouraging new community investment, and improving the quality of lives. Now and for future genera ons.

THE CHALLENGEOmaha is a proud, progressive, and vibrant city – but we are not without our challenges. Vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent lots and structures li er our city, resul ng in depressed property values, loss of property taxes, higher crime rates, and compounded feelings of despair in our hardest hit neighborhoods.

• Nearly 2,500 parcels in Omaha have some level of code viola on.

• More than half of all viola ons are concentrated in neighborhoods east of 42nd Street in North, South and Midtown Omaha.

• Each year, the City of Omaha demolishes 100 proper es, and 142 currently have demoli on orders.

• Today, demoli on liens owed to the City of Omaha total $2,484,152.17.

Example of a property with extreme code viola ons.

< Interior of a Land Bank property at 2422 Bauman Avenue.



Page 4: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core


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OUR MISSIONTo serve as a catalyst for transforming distressed

proper es into community assets.

OUR VISIONMake Omaha an even be er place to live by perpetually turning problem proper es into

opportuni es.

Page 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

The OMLB Strategic Plan u lizes innova ve goals, objec ves, and strategies – along with the power of community partnerships – to return vacant and abandoned property to produc ve use and revitalize our Omaha community.Five pillars connect to specifi c goals aimed at launching the OMLB Strategic Plan forward. These Pillars are:

• Acquisi on Planning • Community Commitment • End Use Partnerships, Priori es

& Policies • Fund Development • Organiza onal Excellence

Find out more about each of these pillars on the following pages.

VISION-TO-REALITY To achieve our mission and vision, OMLB’s primary func ons include assessing, acquiring, and disposing of three property categories:

• Those that impose the greatest harm to a community and, if acquired, could prevent greater abandonment,

• Those that impose the greatest likelihood of future harms to adjoining proper es, and

• Those that have an immediate end-user.


• Exist as a strong partner and resource to help revitalize and transform blighted neighborhoods,

• Use business-minded values and market-driven considera ons to drive decision making,

• Operate as a community-minded and accountable organiza on, and

• Maintain top-notch leadership consis ng of high-quality staff , board members, and community volunteers.

VALUESWe respect and embrace…

• Transparency in the sharing of informa on about OMLB ac vi es, fi nancials, and accomplishments,

• Working as a team with our community,

• The forma on of partnerships to grow, support, and sustain our mission, and

• The rich history and heritage of our city.

We help opportunity move in!



Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 7: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core func ons. We will ensure this role is carried out strategically and with maximum impact with guidance from an acquisi on plan.

OBJECTIVESThe OMLB will create a data-driven acquisi on plan to maximize the Land Bank’s revitaliza on eff orts and provide direc on for carrying out Land Bank real estate ac vi es.

STRATEGIC GOALS • U lize available acquisi on methods

to acquire and assemble proper es for reuse, redevelopment, and development

• Determine focus areas/acquisi on criteria to guide the property selec on process

• Ascertain annual acquisi ons in an eff ort to minimize standing inventory costs and maximize our revitaliza on eff orts

• Implement systems to provide support for the acquisi on and ongoing management of the land bank property inventory

Strategic demoli on can help us create land assemblies for a larger impact in a neighborhood.

We work with the City Planning Department in their neighborhood focus areas like Neighborhood Ac on & Fact.

< Proper es in the 2018 Opportunity Zones can be especially a rac ve to investors. Image from the U.S. Dept. of Treasury CDFI Fund



Page 8: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 9: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

The OMLB aspires to build and strengthen partnerships, working side-by-side with community members and organiza ons. Through a commitment to inclusive and transparent community engagement, the OMLB will ensure responsible stewardship of its proper es before and a er they are sold.

OBJECTIVESThe OMLB will clean, secure, and maintain its proper es and ensure sold proper es are developed promptly in accordance with agreements.The OMLB will be an ac ve resource in its community by providing insight into distressed property transforma on, promo ng coopera on, and striving to serve community needs.

STRATEGIC GOALS • Establish a strategic framework

and clear policies for responsive asset management and monitor redevelopment compliance with these policies un l proper es are transformed

• Create policies and metrics that set quality expecta ons for redevelopment of proper es and measure development costs and poten al for economic sustainability

• Integrate community outreach messaging and marke ng ac vi es with all strategic eff orts to build synergies, gain community support, sustain donor/stakeholder rela onships, and increase momentum to further accomplish strategic goals

• Explore and implement community engagement prac ces through strong partnerships with neighborhoods and organiza ons sharing similar community development goals, affi rming a commitment to inclusiveness, transparency, empowerment, and respect

Informa onal booth at a community event.OMLB staff doing a walk-through of a transformed property as the fi nal step of compliance monitoring.

< Development of our land assemblies is guided by community input.



Page 10: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 11: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

< Land Bank Board and staff par cipa ng in workshop about aff ordable housing.

The OMLB seeks partners to off er input, support our mission, and help ensure our strategies refl ect community priori es and ambi ons.

OBJECTIVESThe OMLB will foster and maintain quality end-use partnerships cri cal to achieving the Land Bank’s produc ve land-use goals and establish comprehensive end-use priori es and policies to guide the disposi on process and provide transparency in disposi on decisions.

STRATEGIC GOALS • Foster quality rela onships with

poten al end-use partners in an eff ort to maximize the transfer of proper es for redevelopment, development, and other produc ve uses

• Foster rela onships with community players to maximize our revitaliza on eff orts

• Adopt end-use priori es to provide transparency for disposi on decisions

• Adopt policies to streamline the property disposi on process

We serve on MAPA Heartland 2050 Commi ees to align our work with other local and regional eff orts.

This modular home was built by MCC Construc on Educa on students and placed on a Land Bank lot near campus.



Page 12: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 13: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

OMLB will u lize public funding, philanthropic contribu ons, property tax recapture, property sales, tax cer fi cate redemp ons, and bonding authority to fi nance our eff orts. We recognize, in order for long-term sustainable change to occur in Omaha’s distressed neighborhoods, we need to build eff ec ve, ongoing fund development partnerships. Collabora on with and input from these stakeholders is cri cal to suppor ng the OMLB vision and achieving our mission.

OBJECTIVESCreate a comprehensive fund development plan to enable the OMLB to secure sustainable long-term funding for all opera onal and programma c ac vi es.

STRATEGIC GOALS • Maintain quality rela onships with

exis ng investors/donors to secure future opera onal funding and poten al programma c funding

• U lize rela onships with exis ng investors/donors to recruit addi onal investors

• Establish a fund development commi ee to foster rela onships with poten al investors/donors and iden fy poten al public revenue sources

• U lize volunteers and/or iden fy staff needed to support our fund development ac vi es

Some of the 2014 tax-foreclosure proper es coming into Land Bank inventory in late 2018 and early 2019.

At the Sheriff ’s Sale of tax-foreclosed proper es.

< Revenue from property sales helps fund addi onal acquisi ons.



Page 14: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core
Page 15: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

The OMLB is commi ed to developing and inspiring a highly skilled team of staff and volunteers who operate together with integrity and effi ciency to fulfi ll the OMLB mission.

OBJECTIVESFoster a culture where staff members, volunteers, board members, and other stakeholders operate under a shared set of values and are empowered to do their best work to meet organiza onal needs.

STRATEGIC GOALS • Ensure equity, consistency, and

alignment with OMLB mission and vision through periodic review of policies, procedures, evalua ons, and programs

• Con nually explore and iden fy shared services and opportuni es for staff development

• Iden fy and implement processes to establish baselines, understand needs, and measure sa sfac on levels of stakeholders and staff

• Collaborate with other agencies to serve as a catalyst for community development

• Implement prac ces and processes to maximize and celebrate accomplishments, encourage innova on, and provide ongoing support to staff members Internal strategic planning helps us improve processes.

HBDI training and insights show staff how to work together be er as a team.

< OMLB Board Members and staff at a Strategic Planning Session.



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Our Board Mee ngs are always open to the public - come join us! Second Wednesday of each

month at 9 amJesse Lowe Conference Room,

3rd Floor, Civic Center, 1819 Farnam Street

2012 2013 2014 2015

• Legisla onintroduced toenable land banksin Nebraska; billdid not pass

• Legisla onreintroduced,passedunanimously andsigned into law

• Omaha CityCouncilunanimouslypassed ordinancecrea ng theOmaha Land Bank

• City CouncilunanimouslyapprovedBoard Membercandidates

• First Land BankBoard Mee ngheld in December

• Board developedand approvedbylaws, policiesand procedures

• Ini al fundingsecured

• Received 501c3tax-exempt status

• Began strategicplanning process

The OMLB Board of Directors ensures the OMLB is working toward achieving its mission. The Board consists of:• Seven vo ng members appointed by the Omaha

Mayor and confi rmed by the Omaha City Council,• The Omaha City Planning Director or designee,

serving as a non-vo ng, ex-offi cio member, and• Addi onal non-vo ng members as appointed.

An Execu ve Director manages the day-to-day opera on of the OMLB with the OMLB staff . Together, their knowledge and acumen shape the direc on of the OMLB.




Page 17: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

2016 2017 2018 2019+

• Permanent Execu ve Director hired

• First strategic plan published

• Douglas County tax foreclosure interlocal agreement fi nalized

• First proper es acquired

• First depository proper es added to inventory

• First proper es sold

• Addi onal fi ve full- me staff hired

• Partnered with the Land Reu liza on Commission

• First property auc on held

• First property transforma ons completed

• Legisla on to enable land banks statewide passed but was vetoed by the Governor

• City demoli on fund interlocal agreement approved

• Tax foreclosure process started

• Strategic plan updated

• First land assemblies available for sale

• Statewide land bank legisla on reintroduced

Land Bank Board Members at a monthly Board Mee ng.


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Page 19: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core


1141 North 11th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102

402.800.1240 | [email protected]

The OMLB exists to transform distressed proper es into community assets. We strive to be a trusted community partner, accountable to our stakeholders, and a voice to help revitalize our Omaha community.The long-term community impact of the OMLB can be measured by:

• Increases in property values, capital investment, real estate development, and community engagement, and

• Decreases in vacant lots, code viola ons, and crime.

The OMLB’s Strategic Plan is the fi rst of many steps aimed at turning vision to ac on – and then community-altering impact. Now and for future genera ons.

< Land Bank property at 3102 Seward Street during renova on.



Page 20: TABLE OF CONTENTS · • The rich history and heritage of our city. We help opportunity move in! STRATEGIC PILLARS STRATEGIC PLAN | 5. Acquiring proper es is one of the OMLB’s core

1141 North 11th StreetOmaha, Nebraska 68102

402.800.1240 | [email protected]