T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six...

T 2 Roads on the Range Volume 25, Number 1 Phone: 800-231-2815 Fax: 307-766-6784 wwweng.uwyo.edu/wyt2 Spring 2009 From the Desk of the Director by Khaled Ksaibati Early this month, I attended the 2009 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Peer Exchange in Chicago, Illinois. Matt Carlson, Wyoming State Highway Safety Engineer and Martin Kidner, Wyoming State Planning Engineer also attended this event. At the meeting, there were repre- sentatives from most other states and four other LTAP centers. States shared their experiences in developing and updating highway safety plans. In ad- dition, there was lots of emphasis on the cooperation among state and local gov- ernments to improve safety nationwide. In Wyoming, the LTAP Center is try- ing to play a signifi- cant role in promot- ing safety at the local level. Our recently completed project, Wyoming Rural Road Safety Program (WRRSP), has resulted in working out an important partnership between WYDOT and local governments in the safety area. The LTAP Center has helped four counties in the past couple of months in selecting high-risk safety locations and then identifying low cost safety improvements. The Center has done the benefit costs analysis on all the proposed improvements so that the most cost effective improvements would be selected for funding from the WRRSP. This program pays around 91% of the improvement cost; the counties need to provide only 9% of the funding. The deadline for submitting proposals for funding has passed for this go around but there will be another round of funding in the fall. If you are interested in implementing a safety program in your county, give us a phone call and we will walk you through the process. It would be a good idea to get your proj- ects lined up early since the process may take some time. Improving safety on our local roads should not be an ex- pensive proposition. Installing an advanced warning sign could be the reason behind saving a life or multiple lives at a sharp curve. Let us consider safety every time we maintain or improve our roads. For more informa- tion about the WRRSP, please visit our web site: wwweng.uwyo.edu/wyt2 .

Transcript of T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six...

Page 1: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

T2 Roadson the Range

Volume 25, Number 1 Phone: 800-231-2815 Fax: 307-766-6784 wwweng.uwyo.edu/wyt2 Spring 2009

From the Desk of the Directorby Khaled Ksaibati

Early this month, I attended the 2009 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Peer Exchange in Chicago, Illinois. Matt Carlson, Wyoming State Highway Safety Engineer and Martin Kidner, Wyoming State Planning Engineer also attended this event. At the meeting, there were repre-sentatives from most other states and four other LTAP centers. States shared their experiences in developing and updating highway safety plans. In ad-dition, there was lots of emphasis on the cooperation among state and local gov-ernments to improve safety nationwide.

In Wyoming, the LTAP Center is try-ing to play a signifi-cant role in promot-ing safety at the local level. Our recently completed project, Wyoming Rura l Road Safety Program (WRRSP), has resulted in working out an important partnership between WYDOT and local governments in the safety area. The LTAP Center has helped four counties in the past couple of months in selecting high-risk safety locations and then identifying low cost safety

improvements. The Center has done the benefit costs analysis on all the proposed improvements so that the most cost effective improvements would be selected for funding from the WRRSP. This program pays around 91% of the improvement cost; the counties need to provide only 9% of the funding. The deadline for submitting proposals for funding has passed for this go around but there will

be another round of funding in the fall. If you are interested in implementing a safety program in your county, give us a phone call and we will walk you through the process. It would be a good idea to get your proj-ects lined up early since the process may take some time. Improving safety on our local roads should not be an ex-pensive proposition.

Installing an advanced warning sign could be the reason behind saving a life or multiple lives at a sharp curve. Let us consider safety every time we maintain or improve our roads. For more informa-tion about the WRRSP, please visit our web site: wwweng.uwyo.edu/wyt2 .

Page 2: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 2

14th Annual Transportation and Safety Congress

The Center hosted the 14th Annual Transportation and Safety Congress on April 1st and 2nd at the Parkway Plaza in Casper. The Congress was attended by Wyoming transportation workers, speakers, and vendors.

The opening session consisted of welcoming and introductory remarks by the Center’s Director, Dr. Khaled Ksaibati. Del McOmie, WYDOT’s Chief Engineer, followed with a description of planned safety improvements on the I-80 corridor, including upgrades such as climbing lanes, median guardrails, and snow fences. The FHWA’s Wyoming Division Administrator, Phil Miller, described the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Dan Blakeman, President of the Wyoming A s s o c i a t i o n of County Engineers and Road Supervisors (WACERS) gave a quick update on some of the issues they are facing. The opening session concluded with the induction of this year’s Master Roads Scholars and Roads Scholars.

The Road Scholars program is the Center’s way of recognizing those individuals who have demonstrated their dedication to the profession by attending twelve Wyoming T2/LTAP workshops

including Work Zone Traffic Control and the Transportation and Safety Congress. Once a Roads Scholar has been to a total of twenty workshops, they are recognized as a Master Roads Scholar. The program was begun in 2000. Since then the Center has recognized a total of 51 Master Roads Scholars and 126 Roads Scholars. This year the following six professionals

were recognized as Master Roads Scholars: Ray Cordova, City of Green River; Ken Haefele, Albany County; Mark Hurley, City of Cheyenne;

Gerry Mascarenas, City of Laramie; Larry Nielsen, Park County; and Ron Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany County; Stephen Monk, City of Green River; Steve Nelson, City of Laramie; Craig Pictured (l to r): Craig Nottage, Steve Nelson, Jared

Winzenried, Stephen Monk and Rob Fisher.

Page 3: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 3

Nottage, City of Laramie; and Jared Winzenried, City of Casper. The Center commends these new inductees and all the past inductees for their dedication to improving their skills as road and bridge professionals.

Two panel discussions addressed issues being faced by local government agencies. First, a discussion titled ‘How to Implement a Safety Program in Your County’ was held with panelists Matt Carlson, Martin Kidner, and Rich Douglass of

WYDOT and Khaled Ksaibati and Bart Evans of the T2/LTAP Center. A second discussion titled ‘Subdivisions: Impacts & Issues’ was led by Dave Kieper, Park County; April Getchius, City of Casper; Warren Webb, Town of Star Valley Ranch; Ross Turner, Lincoln County; and Don Beard, Laramie County.

Other technical sessions included ‘Road Dust Control: State of the Practice’ by Roger Surdahl, FHWA-FLH; ‘Chain Saw Safety and Maintenance’ by Jerry Locker of Oregon Cutting Systems; and ‘Full Depth Reclamation of Asphalt with Cement’ by Jamie Johnson of the Rocky Mountain Cement Council.

Updates on activities taking place at the T2/LTAP Center included George Huntington discussing

developments in asset management, Bart Evans describing the Center’s traffic counter loan program, Scott Koch presenting preliminary results from a study examining the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement as a gravel roads surfacing material, and Khaled Ksaibati

describing the county road safety program. Melanie O’Hara of Centennial provided us with

an interesting presentation on log architecture in Wyoming.

Meeting with exhibitors during breaks and plenty of door prizes rounded out the event.

WACERS met immediately after the Congress, as did a group of city and town streets supervisors and public works directors.

Pictured at left: Scott Koch

Page 4: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 4


Roadside erosion and runoff is a problem during and after construction. Erosion and the sediment it causes can result in an unhealthy growing envi-ronment for vegetation and can affect waterways. Erosion also can result in additional maintenance and costly repairs.

Effective erosion control requires an integrated approach, which considers government statutes and regulations, a broad knowledge of temporary and permanent erosion control methods; design, construction and maintenance considerations; and new technologies.

Silt fence used for perimeter control, keeping sediment out of an existing waterway.

Erosion Control During Construction

Construction produces the most erosion and sedi-ment problems. Best practices for reducing or con-trolling erosion during construction include:

• Minimize the area exposed at one time, and the exposure duration. Develop a staging plan that specifies temporary seeding as areas of construction are completed.

• Minimize the disturbed area. Clear only within the construction limits or as required for safety or clear zones.

• Use erosion control practices throughout construction, such as keeping the soil covered, roughening the slope on the contour or tracking the area with a cleated dozer.

• Place gravel base immediately after the subcut is completed.

• Strip existing topsoil and store for use later. Seed stockpile

• Temporary mulching and seeding are very effective at controlling erosion. Repeat several times as needed throughout the project.

• Erosion control is generally more cost effective than sediment control and requires less maintenance and repair.

Leaving exising drainage intact can reduce erosion control efforts during construction.

Page 5: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 5

• Stabilize small critical areas adjacent to wetlands and culvert outlets.

Erosion Control Blanketsand Stabilization Mats

DescriptionBlankets and stabilization mats may be used to stabilize and protect the soil from rainfall impact, to increase infiltration, decrease soil compaction and crusting and conserve soil moisture. They are effective at critical areas and/or on steep slopes. Blankets are especially effective in controlling sheet erosion and in aiding seed germination. An appropriate seed moisture is important for use in conjunction with the blankets.

DesignUse erosion control blankets on steep slopes and streambanks, where vegetation is slow to establish, and in channels where flow velocities are likely to wash out new vegetation.

Blankets may be used:• On slopes steeper than 1:3 that are longer

than 25 feet (as measured along the slope).• Where runoff from adjacent areas flows over

or across the slope, or on slopes 1:3 or flatter depending on the critical nature of the area, the soil conditions and the quantity of runoff flowing over the slope.

Culvert outlet stabilized with geotextile and riprap.

• To ensure that runoff flows over the erosion control blanket and not under it, the upper end of the blanket should be buried in a six-inch-deep trench and all strip ends overlapped a minimum of 10 inches. In addition, overlap the edges of adjacent strips a minimum of three inches.

• Further protection at the upper end of the blanket may be required. In those cases, use a sodded runoff spreader at the upper end and overlap the top of the erosion control blanket.

• Place erosion stabilization mats within 24 hours after seeding is completed.

InstallationFor erosion control blanket• Seed area first. Then place blankets within 24

hours of seeding.• Anchor blanket at the top of the slope in a

six-inch vertical slot, backfill and compact.• Unroll in the direction of the water flow.

Overlap ends every seven inches, edges every four inches. Staple every three feet.

• Use longer anchors for loose soils.• Lay blankets loosely and maintain direct

contact with the soil. Do not stretch the blankets.

Erosion control blankets reduce erosion until veg-etation is reestablished. They also retain moisture

so vegetation grows back sooner.

For erosion stabilization mats• After broadcasting half of the seed and fertil-

izer, spread fine topsoil to fill the mats using

Page 6: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

lightweight equipment and avoiding sharp turns. Then, broadcast the remaining seed and fertilizer over the topsoil.

• Cover the seeded topsoil with a category 2 or 3 blanket.

• Don’t drive tracked or heavy equipment over the mats.

• Avoid any traffic over the mats if the solid is wet or loose.

Soil Berms

DescriptionWater flowing over disturbed earth will erode the soil and deposit the eroded soil as sediment in lower areas or pollute waters with its sedi-ment-laden runoff. One practical method is using slope protection dikes constructed at the top of the slope.

DesignProvide soil berm dikes where land adjacent to a planned cut section drains toward the highway, and

Seeds should be planted in spring or late fall so they have a chance to germinate and grow before the seed-

lings are killed by hot, dry summers or frost.

where the area involved will yield sufficient runoff to cause rill or gully erosion before permanent turf can be established. • Construct berms using erosion resistant

embankment material, not by cut and fill or by plowing of a furrow.

• If slight rises in the natural ground occur over relatively short distances, shallow cuts may be made, but must be sodded to prevent erosion.

• Where swales will cause flooding beyond the right of way, provide flumes to carry the water down the slope.

Installation• Berms should be approximately 1.5 feet high,

2 feet wide on top, with 1:2 or flatter side slopes.

• Compact by the ordinary compaction method.

• Eliminate berms where the soil is protected from erosion by natural cover such as grasses, waterways or dense woods.

• Where protected outlets do not exist or where auxiliary outlets are needed to prevent large concentrations of water, construct protected outlets utilizing sod, level spreaders, metal pipe flumes or plastic pipes.

• Install surge basins at the bottom of the slope.

Earth Diversions and Swales

DescriptionEarth diversions may be used to divert runoff away from a work area and/or to protect slopes. The diversions can be used on drainage areas up to five acres and where the grade of the diversion will be less than 5 percent.

Earth diversions may erode and become erosion problems. They only should be used when neces-sary. In areas with grades greater than 5 percent, slope rounding and other temporary measures are preferred. Erosion on the slope may occur until vegetation is established.

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 6

Page 7: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2009, page 7

Broad shallow channels containing a dense stand of vegetation can be designed to promote infiltra-tion and trap pollutants. The combination of low velocities and vegetative cover allows pollutants to settle out or be treated by infiltration. They also can reduce the runoff and peak discharges from rain.

Design• Cross sections may be parabolic, v-shaped or

trapezoidal. Design the side to be less than the stable slope of the soil being used. In areas that will be mowed, specify slopes less than 3:1.

• Swales should be designed to flow at a maximum velocity of two feet per second.

• The grade of the channel should be as flat as possible, and less than 2 percent.

Installation• Locate the top of a slope.• Use a slope to break up its length or to redirect

water flow.• Locate diversion ditches and berms where

they will empty into stable disposal areas to collect sediments.

• Use a combination of a ditch and a berm or mound of earth or stone in areas where runoff is hard to control or when constructed on a slope.

• Design and line diversion ditches the same as other ditches.

Berms can be used to divert water to flat areas with established vegetation.

Maintenance• Regularly inspect vegetation, especially

during establishment, and repair as needed.• Remove excessive amounts of deposited

sediment which reduces capacity or damages vegetation.

• Mow grass occasionally, but not too short, which reduces the filtering effect of the swale.

Sediment from urban construction can plug up existing drainage structures such

as storm drains and culverts.

This article was reprinted with permission from the Nevada Milepost, Spring 2009, Volume 20, No. 1, published by the Nevada Technology Transfer Center.

Page 8: T2 Roads on the Range - University of Wyoming 2009.pdfRon Richard, City of Casper. In addition, six new Roads Scholars were recognized: John Bringolf, Fremont County; Rob Fisher, Albany

The Wyoming T2 Newsletter is produced by the Wyoming Technology Transfer Center at the University of Wyoming. The T2 Center is financially supported by the Federal Highway Administration, Wyoming Department of Transportation, University of Wyoming, and the Cities and Counties of the State of Wyoming. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented in the T2 Newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting organizations. Any products mentioned are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as product endorsements.

The national Local Technical Assistance Program mission is to foster a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound surface transportation system by improving skills and increasing knowledge of the transportation workforce and decision makers.

Upcoming Events

Gravel Roads Maintenance & Rehabilitation

RawlinsJuly 13 & 14

BuffaloJuly 20 & 21

T2/LTAP Advisory Board Members

City RepresentativesDave Johnson

Mickey Simmons

County RepresentativesJoe EvansBill Nation

Gerald FinkRocky McWilliams

Don BeardTom Bruce

WYDOT RepresentativesTim HibbardRich DouglassTim McDowell

Michael Patritch

Federal Highway AdministrationPhilip Miller

Vern Mickelsen Tom Bonds

Wyoming T2/LTAP Staff:

Khaled Ksaibati, Ph.D., P.E.Director

George Huntington, P.E.Senior Engineer

Bart Evans, Safety Analyst

Mary HarmanExecutive Assistant

Alex Literati, Marcus ChapmanStudent Assistants

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