Synopsis of the Major Project Online Recruitment System

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Transcript of Synopsis of the Major Project Online Recruitment System




Table of Contents:

Abstract01-04Introduction05-08General IntroductionProject DescriptionSystem Analysis.09-10Objectives of SystemUser RequirementsHardware And Software RequirementsSoftware Design.11-30ER Diagram of the ProjectData Flow DiagramsContext Level DFDTOP Level DFDDetailed Level DFDAbout ASP.Net....31-42Database Design.74-76Conclusion & Future Enhancements164-165Bibliography.166-167

1. ABSTRACT:Online Recruitment System (ORS) is a web based tool and reduces the time and cost. Online recruitment can offer significant cost savings for employers and reduces the time taken to fill vacancies. Many organizations have found a considered combination of both online and traditional approaches maximize their chances of securing the best candidate.An online recruitment presence shows organizations to be forward thinking and therefore more attractive to potential employees for candidates, online recruitment offers great flexibility and ease of access to job searches.This project generally deals with providing for job seekers through this system. The graduates can easily get contact with the organization. At the same time it makes easy for company to get an employee. For this purpose initially both employers and graduates have to register on this website. When graduates register this website they have to give their complete personal details and skills they possess. Thus a resume is generated by this details that is seen by company. In the same way the companies have to give complete details of jobs they are providing. By this the employee and job seeker can communicate with each other.Thus this project plays an important role for recruiting of employees. Opportunity for the freshly graduates to access the information about the organization. Thus this project satisfies both graduates and employees.Online Recruitment System (ORS) is web-based tool to reduce communication gap between Job providers and Job seekers.The Main objective of this solution is to make easy the recruitment process of any organization. This ORS is designed by keeping in mind both parties Job providers and Job seekers. ORS allows Job seekers to register their details like skills and experience with the system, and then on the other hand even it allows job providers to post their requirements with the system.

2. INTRODUCTION:2.1 General Introduction:The main objective of Recruitment process system is to make easy for job seekers for searching jobs and recruiting for companies. It acts as a mediator between the jobseekers and companies. Companies ask required number of candidates and consultancy forward the list of candidates to the company. It also sends a list of companies to jobseekers to which are recruiting For a new user or general user there are various modules helping him for entering into consultancy. For a new user he has to enter their details according to the registration form. He has to select is own registration number through which he has to login.There are several modules that work once when the user is logged in with his registration number and password. The user can choose any of the components displayed and can avail the services according to his need.Username and password is given for each user so that the messaging server recognizes them as user. Multiple logins with same identity is not allowed.


Recruitment refers to a process by which potential candidates are selected in an interview to replace or take up new jobs. Recruitment process is done after the candidate has been interviewed and passed the interview. The candidate to be recruited must have the required skills, qualifications and experience is needed.With the advent of technology, today there is even more reliable and fastest way of recruitment. A person does not need to travel over long distances to appear for interview.

Online recruitment systems have eliminated the burden and made work of recruitment easier. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply in an organization. It involves the process of searching for prospective employees; it is concerned with the range of sources of supply of labor and techniques involved in getting the employees into an organization.Economic Benefits of online recruitment systems:

The growth of online recruitment system has been driven by a combination of actual cost savings in the recruitment process, increased ease and efficiency for the employer along with an improved experience for candidates.

1. Reducing the size of advert in conventional print media: The print advert only needs limited information, directing applicant to the website to view a much richer range of information and the opportunity to apply online immediately.2. Gaining occasional candidates for free: By ensuring the careers website is easily found from the front page of the corporate website, interested applicants browsing the employer website have the opportunity to apply for specific vacancies which are available now or registering a speculation application for the future.3. Building a talent pool of candidates: Retaining speculative and star candidate for the future, and then contacting them when an appropriate vacancy is advertised effectively generating applicants for free.4. Reduced a talent pool of candidates: As all applicants are held on a single system, all applicants can be contacted individually or collectively with ease at the click of a mouse, reducing the time, effort and the cost of the administration staff.5. Using web recruitment rather than print media or agencies. Offering considerable cost savings (90% or more) and extensive candidate reach for most roles.Online recruitment can offer significant cost savings for employers and reduces the time taken to fill vacancies.(But most are worry of missing out on potential candidates by using the internet to exclusion of all other media).Traditional recruitment advertising is therefore set to retain an important role particularly when recruiting locally (or) for head-to-fill jobs. Many organizations have found a considered combination of both online and traditional approaches maximize their chances of securing the best candidate.This project generally deals with providing for job seekers through this system. The graduates can easily get contact with the organization. At the same time it makes easy for company to get an employee.

2.2 Project Description:PROBLEM DEFINITION

The Project mainly deals with, associate requesting the Unemployed and also the clients requirements, storing information about the status of the qualifications available in the customers and to update the clients related tables for the selection of the persons that can be fit into the job by the consultants to their clients. By using such a system, the clients task of taking a decision for the acceptance or denial of the requests placed by the customers is reduced significantly. Instead of searching the manual interview and selecting the people EXISTING SYSTEM:

This package recruitment process system is developed using .net as front-end and sql as back-end. This system provides customized screen and enhanced menu utilities. It is designed in such a way that it is friendly with the user. Thus the system provides effective, efficient, cost saving and time saving operations in a recruitment process system.

PROPOSED SYSTEM:This system has computerized the operations done in a JOB CONSULTANCY. It maintains various files by doing additions & modifications to them. It has a selection process where persons are selected according to the client requirements. This is done making use of personal details, personal qualification, client details and client requirements.

MODULES:1) User2) Admin3) Company


User:In this module we describe the job seekers details. Consultancy will place registration form on the site. In this job seekers interact with the consultancy. Job seekers will take registration form from the site and fill those forms and send to the consultancy. Consultancy will store these registration forms in their database.

Admin:In this module consultancy will conduct the interview to the job seekers. Based on their interview performance consultancy will short list the job seekers and those short listed job seekers names will be send to the company and also stored in the consultancy database. In this module consultancy will check both the job seekers form and company Requirement form. If they match the job seekers names will be short listed. These short listed candidates details will be stored in consultancy database. Consultancy will inform to the short listed candidates.


Objective of the system: This system provides service to the potential job applicants to search for working opportunities. This system helps the HR Personal in the recruitment of new candidates to the company. Corporate Recruitment System will allow job provider to establish one to one relationships with candidates. This corporate recruitment service system will primarily focus on the posting and management of job vacancies. This system is designed such that ultimately all vacancies will be posted online and would offer employers the facilities to post their vacancies online. It helps to review and manage the resulting applications efficiently through the web. It even allows the candidates to track the progress of their application.

User Requirements:1) To create a database to store the candidates details securely.2) To reduce the cost of hiring of new candidates to the company.3) To reduce the time required to recruit the new employees.4) Helps to provide control access to database files using assigned user login and password control.

HARDWARE & SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: Processor : Intel P-IV system Processor Speed : 250MHz to 833MHz RAM : 512MB RAM Hard Disk : 40GB

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Operating System : Windows XP Database : Sql Server Server side technology : ASP.Net Server side scripting : ASP Client side scripting : HTML Web-Server : IIS

4. Theoretical background of Project4.1. ER Diagram of Project:

4.2. DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS: A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. The physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and movement of data between people, departments and workstations. There are three types of DFDs they are:1. Context Level DFD2. Top Level DFD andContext Level DFD: In the Context Level the whole system is shown as a single process. No data stores are shown. Inputs to the overall system are shown together with data sources (as External entities). Outputs from the overall system are shown together with their destinations (as External entities).

Top Level DFD: The Top Level DFD gives the overview of the whole system identifying the major system processes and data flow. This level focuses on the single process that is drawn in the context diagram by Zooming in on its contents and illustrates what it does in more detail.

Detailed Level DFD:

In Detailed D.F.Ds the main process is divided into sub processes and we try to find out the flow from one process to another process. We find the interaction among External entities, processes, sub processes and database.

5. About ASP.NET:

ASP.NET, the next version of ASP, is a programming framework used to create enterprise-class Web Applications. These applications are accessible on a global basis leading to efficient information management. The advantage ASP.NET offers is more than just the next version of ASP.Unlike ASP, ASP.NET uses the Common Language Runtime (CLR) provided by the .NET Framework. This CLR manages execution of the code we write. ASP.NET code is a compiled CLR code instead of interpreted code (ASP). CLR also allows objects written in different languages to interact with each other. The CLR makes development of Web applications simple.5.2. Advantages Using ASP.NET:

ASP.NET drastically reduces the amount of code required to build large applications. ASP.NET makes development simpler and easier to maintain with an event-driven, server-side programming model. ASP.NET pages are easy to write and maintain because the source code and HTML are together. The source code is executed on the server. The pages have lots of power and flexibility by this approach. The source code is compiled the first time the page is requested. Execution is fast as the Web Server compiles the page the first time it is requested. The server saves the compiled version of the page for use next time the page is requested. The HTML produced by the ASP.NET page is sent back to the browser. The application source code you write is not sent and is not easily stolen. ASP.NET makes for easy deployment. There is no need to register components because the configuration information is built-in.


Column NameData TypeLengthAllow Nulls

Job codenvarchar50Yes

Job namenvarchar50Yes






Created onSmalldatetime4Yes

Created bynvarchar50Yes



Column NameData TypeLengthAllow Nulls

User IDnvarchar50Yes

User namenvarchar50Yes



Home No.nvarchar50Yes

Mobile No.nvarchar50Yes

Email IDnvarchar50Yes

Passport No.nvarchar50Yes

CHouse No.nvarchar50Yes

CStreet Namevarchar50Yes




Cpin No.nvarchar50Yes

PHouse No.nvarchar50Yes

PStreet Namevarchar50Yes




Ppin No.nvarchar50Yes


Column NameData TypeLengthAllow Nulls

User IDnvarchar50Yes

Current industrynvarchar50Yes

Current levelnvarchar50Yes

Functional areanvarchar50Yes


Key skillsnvarchar50Yes


Current employeenvarchar50Yes

Previous employeenvarchar50Yes

Current yearlysalnvarchar50Yes

Resume Titlenvarchar50Yes




Year of passingint4Yes


CONCLUSION:From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints on the component, it can be safely concluded that the product is a highly efficient GUI based component. This application is working properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can be easily plugged in many other systems.

FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS:The system may be further updated or modified at will owing to its simple structure. If the company is willing the administrator might add a new module that would allow the vendor to login to the books ordering system. Moreover the developed system does not provide any kind of facility for online purchase of books. If the vendor is allowed to access our site then online purchase of books may be included. Also payments can be made online for the purchase of books.

8. BIBLIOGRAPHYThe following books were referred during the analysis and execution phase of the project:

SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGBy Roger s. PressmanCOMPLETE HTMLSteven Holzner UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGEBy Grady Booch, Ranbaugh, JacobsonSQL FOR PROFESSIONALSBy Jain C#.NET Black BookBy Evangeleous Petersons Database System conceptsBy H.F. korth
