SURVEY METHODOLOGY Jerome Mihm, Small Cities CDBG & Tech. Svc.

SURVEY METHODOLOGY Jerome Mihm, Small Cities CDBG & Tech. Svc.

Transcript of SURVEY METHODOLOGY Jerome Mihm, Small Cities CDBG & Tech. Svc.

SURVEY METHODOLOGYJerome Mihm, Small Cities CDBG & Tech. Svc.

LMI Area Benefit National Objective

Determine the service area – the entire area served by the activity

Determine that the service area is primarily residential

Determine whether the area is at least 51% LMI

Proving LMI Area Benefit National Objective

Census – Census Tract & Block Group


DOH Policy

All proposed survey methodologies must be preapproved by DOH before they are carried out by the Town

Survey Waiver Form – Must be submitted to DOH prior to conducting survey if anticipated LMI percentage is less than 46%

A survey will be deemed valid for no more than 3 years (same activity, same service area)

Surveys must be updated if economic/noneconomic change in service area

Conducting the Survey

1. Select the Survey Type2. Develop the Questionnaire3. Select the Sample4. Conduct the Survey5. Determine the Results6. Document the Results

Select the Survey Type

Mail Survey

Face-to-Face Interviews

Telephone Interviews

Web-Based Survey (introduced in CPD Notice 14-13)

Develop the Questionnaire

Four areas to consider when developing a questionnaire: Determine the question content, scope, and

purpose Choose the response format to be used in collecting

information from the respondent Word the questions so as to get at the issue of

interest Determine how best (i.e., the order) to place the

questions in the survey A sample questionnaire is provided in DOH

Survey Methodology Handbook

Select the Sample

Define the Population Determine the Size of the Sample Determine How to Handle Unreachables

and Nonresponders Draw the Samples

Conduct the Survey

Promote the Survey Recruit and Train Interviewers Conduct the Interview Review the Completed Surveys

Determine the Results

Tabulate the Responses Complete the Low- and Moderate-Income

Worksheet Analyze the Results

Are at least 51% of the residents LMI?

Document Your Results

Keep Completed Surveys Keep a List of the Actual Families

Sampled Keep Tabulations

Keep In Mind

May not round up to achieve 51% LMI benefit

Interviewers should be qualified, neutral, and have no vested interest in the project

Confidentiality Required Survey Submissions Checklist DOH Survey Methodology Handbook is

available on the DOH website: