Supervisory Committee Working Papers

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Transcript of Supervisory Committee Working Papers

  • 8/3/2019 Supervisory Committee Working Papers




    Assessment of Board Minutes

    Date of Meeting:.. Number of directors present: ........ Quorum: Yes [ ] No [ ]

    Yes No Cant Tell1. Were financial statements presented at the meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    2. Did the financial statements include a budget/actual comparison? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    3. Did the financial statements include a PEARLS analysis? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    4. Were the financial statements used to make decision at the meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    5. Did the minutes reflect adequate discussions on the financial statements

    and analysis? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    6. Did the meeting approve the overspending of any budget item? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    7. Was a Managers report presented at the meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    8. Did the Managers report reflect a summary of the operations of the

    office for the month? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    9. Was the Supervisory Committees report presented at the meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    10. Was the Credit Committees report presented at the meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    11. Did the Credit Committees report include all loans granted by LoansOfficers and members of staff authorized to do so? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    12. Were reports from other committees of the credit union presented at this

    meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    13. Was a delinquency report presented at this meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    14. Did the board make recommendations regarding action on delinquent

    loans? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Was approval granted for the writing off of loans that have been

    delinquent more than one year? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Were applications for membership approved by the board at this

    meeting? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Did the Board discuss strategies to overcome the weaknesses revealed by

    the PEARLS analysis? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Did the board review any policy of the credit union or makerecommendations for same? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Did the meeting discuss any aspects of the Strategic Plan? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Was the performance of the credit unions investments reviewed? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Was the investment portfolio reviewed in any way? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Were any decisions taken regarding investments? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Were correspondences were read and decisions taken regarding them? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Was the minutes signed by the President of the board? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Was the minutes signed by the Secretary of the board? [ ] [ ] [ ]


    Prepared by: Reviewed by:

    Date: Date: ..

  • 8/3/2019 Supervisory Committee Working Papers




    Assessment of Delinquency Report

    Report for the month of : .20.

    No of delinquent members on the report:

    Total value of delinquency: .Delinquency Ratio: ...% (Total delinquency/Total Net Loans)

    # Questions Yes No

    The delinquency report was generated directly from the computer system? [ ] [ ]

    If the system is a manual one did the Supervisory Committee verify the delinquencyreport? [ ] [ ]

    Does the delinquency report agree with the figures submitted to GARFIN on a

    monthly basis? [ ] [ ]

    Does the members file show the follow-up work done on the loan since it became

    delinquent? [ ] [ ]

    Are loans delinquent for a period greater than one year written off? [ ] [ ]

    Has the credit union made the required provision for doubtful loans based on the

    delinquency report? [ ] [ ]

    Does the credit union make the necessary efforts to collect the delinquent loans evenafter they have been written off? [ ] [ ]

    Was a listing showing the provisions made for loan losses made available for

    examination by the Supervisory Committee?

    [ ] [ ]

    Does the credit union have a delinquency policy? [ ] [ ]

    Does the delinquency policy outline all the steps to be taken when a loan becomesdelinquent? [ ] [ ]

    Is any member of staff delinquent? [ ] [ ]

    Is any member of any management committee delinquent? [ ] [ ]

    Is the delinquent presented to the board on a monthly or quarterly basis, discussed

    and actions recommended? (Check board minutes for proof) [ ] [ ]

    Does the board make recommendations for the writing off of all loans? [ ] [ ]

    Does the board minutes prove that it was the board who recommended the writing

    off of loans and not management? [ ] [ ]Follow up:

    Take a sample of members on the delinquency report and examine their files

    Yes No

    Is the follow-up on the delinquent member properly documented? [ ] [ ]

    Was the loan refinanced and ne agreements signed for the repayment of same? [ ] [ ]


    Prepared by: Reviewed by:

  • 8/3/2019 Supervisory Committee Working Papers


    Date: Date: ..



    Assessment of Human Resource/Personnel Policy & HR Matters

    Yes No



    1. Does the credit union have a Personnel or Human Resource Policy? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the policy deal with the procedures for filling vacancies when they

    become available? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the credit union have an organizational chart? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Are all important positions on the organizational chart filled? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the credit union have established minimum qualifications for all job

    positions? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Is the personnel policy reviewed by the board annually to make relevant? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the personnel policy deal with a scientific method (interview score

    sheet) of deciding how the most suitable candidate could be decided on at

    an interview? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the organizational chart clearly show the reporting line of the credit

    union? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Do all employees have job descriptions? [ ] [ ] [ ]Do all job positions have salary scales? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Are salary scale competitive with other financial status of similar size ? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Is it mandatory that all employees take their annual vacation? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Is it possible for employees to receive payment instead of taking their

    annual vacation? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Does the policy state the annual vacation that all employees are entitled to? [ ] [ ] [ ]

    Develop Working papers for:

    Internal Controls

    Risk management


    PEARLS Analysis