Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills CONFLICTS3

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  • 7/30/2019 Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills CONFLICTS3


    Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills

    Training and Development for theFrontlines Hidden Heroes


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    Perception: What Do You See?

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    Values: Yours and Mine

    Use of time








    Differences between our values and thoseof others can be a source of conflict. Areasfor values clarification include:

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    Defining What You Value

    1. It must be prized and cherished

    2. It must be chosen from among alternatives

    3. It must be chosen freely, without coercion

    4. It must be chose after thoughtfulconsiderations of the consequences

    5. I/We must be willing to publicly affirm it

    6. We must act on it repeatedly

    7. It must be consistent with other values weprofess

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    Example: Values Conflict

    Employer wantsemployee to work

    overtime a lot,

    even at short


    Family comes first;

    employee does not

    want to work extra


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    5 Conflict Handling Styles

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    Conflict Handling Style:

    Compromising What Happens:

    Negotiation with give and take of each party

    Solution is somewhere in the middle

    Appropriate to Use When:

    Individuals are committed to the process

    Willing to give enough to make solution work

    Confidence that a solution can be reached

    Inappropriate to Use When:

    Individuals not willing to give in a little Original positions are too far from the middle

    Parties dont believe in negotiating

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    Conflict Handling Style:


    What Happens: Nothing is said; no effort to talk Unsure of what to do Fearful of what might happen

    No commitment to improve the relationship Appropriate to Use When:

    Issue is not very important Emotions too strong or timing not right Need to gather more information

    Inappropriate to Use When: Issue is really important Not resolving will escalate and make it worse,

    or more difficult to resolve later on

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    Conflict Handling Style:Accommodating

    What Happens: Suppress or smooth over conflict Downplays differences Emotions are controlled Goals are unclear

    Appropriate to Use When: Issue is not very important Timing is not right Relationship is more important, as long as

    both parties take turns

    Inappropriate to Use When: Issue is important Others are willing to work towards resolution Minimizing problem will escalate the issue

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    Conflict Handling Style:


    What Happens:

    Relies on authority that comes from onesposition

    Appropriate to Use When:

    Individuals unable to settle themselves

    Speed is of the essence

    Inappropriate to Use When:

    When those in conflict have no opportunity to

    express their needs or fulfill their self-interest Parties may not be committed to act on adictated solution

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    Conflict Handling Style:

    Negotiation/ Collaborating What Happens:

    Reach consensus Usually a creative solution that makes everyone happy Emphasis is on finding solution to the problem by talking at

    length until one is found that each person can accept

    Appropriate to Use When: Everyone committed to process Know and follow guidelines and time to devote Healthy desire to work together

    Inappropriate to Use When: No commitment or training in the process

    Not enough time to see process through Highly competitive people would have a difficult time to use

    this method

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    Case Studies-Conflict Styles

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    Feedback Model

    CARE Feedback

    Clearly describe behavior

    Address reactions to behavior

    Realistic expectations shared

    Expected result identified

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    Example Using CARE Model:Let someone know how helpful theyve been

    meeting a difficult deadline.

    Clearly describe behavior

    Ingrid, Im very grateful for the extra time you put inlast week to finish coding the statements for ourproject.

    Address reactions to the behavior

    You not only saved everyone time and preventedconfusion, your methodical approach is also easy foreveryone to grasp

    Realisticexpectations shared

    I know I can count on you in the future.

    Expected results

    Ill keep my eyes open for other opportunities for you toshine!

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    Example Using CARE Model:Let Josh know he missed an opportunity to win

    over an upset customer.

    Clearly describe behavior

    Josh, Id like to share a way you can handle an angry customerby paraphrasing what he said right at the beginning of the call.

    Address reactions to the behavior

    This will let your customer know youve heard his concern andcare about him

    Realistic expectations shared

    You could say something like, Mr. Jones, I can appreciate howupset you are about xxx not arriving on time.

    Expected results

    Ill e-mail you several words to use when paraphrasing. Trythem during your calls today, and Ill check back with youtomorrow to see how its going.

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    Practice Example: Worksheet

    Use the CARE Model to let someone know they used the wrongscreens in the system, and gave out inaccurate info.

    Clearly describe behavior

    Address reactions to the behavior

    Realistic expectations shared

    Expected results

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    Practice: Possible Answer

    Clearly describe behaviorI just observed your last call and Id like to give you thecorrect process to follow for shipping xyz product.

    Address reactions to the behaviorYouve put the customer address in the wrong screen, soshipping will not have the correct information, and thecustomer will be upset when they dont receive xyz.

    Realistic expectations sharedLet me show you now the process and well correct theinformation from your last call, and show you in theknowledge base where to check the process the nexttime.

    Expected resultsPlease print out the process from the knowledge base,and go through your other records to be sure youve putin the information correctly. Gretchen on your team canhelp you immediately if you run into any problems.

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    Guidelines for Managing Conflict

    Separate Individuals from Position Taken

    The point being made here is.

    Focus on Interest, Not Position

    So what you really would like to see happen is Create Options for Mutual Gain

    What if you did x and I did y,. That would work forme. Would it work for you, too?

    Agree When There is a Win

    So, then, we are all comfortable with the solution,right?

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    Self-Mediation Technique*

    Find a Time to Talk

    Plan the Context

    Talk it Out

    Make a Deal

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    Find a Time to Talk


    When can wemeet to discussour opinions?

    Identifyspecifically whatyou want to talkabout

    Respectfullyrequest time

    Jo, do you have a minute to

    talk about our earl ier

    conversation about the work I

    did for the team? Imuncomfortable with not

    understanding what you found

    unacceptable. Are you wil l ing

    to meet to talk about this so we

    can reach an agreement for

    future work?

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    Plan the Context

    Open with an expressionof appreciation andoptimism

    Agree on cardinal rules No interruptions

    Agree on stop time

    No power or force for

    one sided solution State issue

    I appreciate your

    willingness to meet

    with me to talk thisout. Im hopeful well

    have a solution that

    will benefit both of

    us. Please tell me

    how you see the work

    I did wasnt


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    Talk It Out

    Restate to clarify whatyou heard from theother person

    Ask Questions toClarify

    Non-judgmental tone

    Check in for accuracy?

    What I hear you

    say is that youre

    concerned I didntinclude opinions

    of our part time

    staff in the survey.

    Is that correct?

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    Make a Deal

    Possible Alternatives

    What I will do

    What you will do

    Okay, so Ill repeat the

    survey for the part time staff.

    You will get me a list of theirnames, including third shift,

    by tomorrow. Ill share the

    results at our next results

    meeting on the 25th.

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    Expressing Feelings and Listening

    Express Feelings with IMessages:

    I feel

    I am upset by

    I do not like itwhen

    Express What You Want

    I want you to

    I wish you would

    Express Appreciation of

    I appreciate yourposition

    I imagine you feel

    Express What HeardBefore Respond

    I understand.

    I heard you say

    Express what will do.. I can

    I will

    I plan to.

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    The Defensive Reaction

    Defensiveness Often OccursWhen:

    1. Person feels evaluated vs

    2. The persons attitude isindifference vs

    3. The other person acts superior vs

    4. You feel like theres a strategy vs

    5. The other person has control overyou and your life vs

    6. No trust exists! vs

    Defensiveness is LESS LIKELY toOccur When:

    1. A persons behavior is describedwithout judgment or evaluation

    2. The persons attitude is empathetic

    3. The other person appears to be equalto you

    4. Information is available and freeflowing

    5. People want to work together toresolve the conflict

    6. Trust is demonstrated