Sun, Moon & Tamtara, Chapter 3


Transcript of Sun, Moon & Tamtara, Chapter 3

Hello! Welcome back to Sun, Moon & Tamara, a The Sun And The Moon challenge. (Challenge created by whisper_doll on LiveJournal.) Don’t expect plot, or even much commentary: this story is pictures with captions.

The object of the challenge is to have two Sims in one household. One should become a vampire and one a plantsim, and they should live together until one or the other of them dies. Our intrepid roommates are Tamara Langerak and Kyoshi Ruscewicz. Currently, neither of them is in the least supernatural.

Now that I have Apartment Life, Tamara officially signed the lease on her apartment

Tamara and Kiyoshi get along well

Tamara has taken up yoga

Kiyoshi is always on the phone with his friends

Unfortunately, Pao moved away and broke up with Tamara

Time for a night on the town to feel better! Drinks, cards…

…And watching Kyoshi get hit on by an old lady. (That was the best part!)

Kiyoshi would much rather hit on pretty young girls himself

The local Outpost of the Church of Cheese is a good place to meet girls… with limited conversational topics, true, but good-looking.

In Kiyoshi’s opinion, Tamara spends too much time talking to herself now

He tried inviting the neighbors over for a little get-together, but nobody was home

And the one fellow he cornered downstairs was not interested in match-making

But Tamara is working on making friends on her own, so she’ll be okay

There really is a Church of Cheese in the ground floor of Kiyoshi and Tamara’s apartment building. I’ve modelled it after what I think a Salvation Army place would look like: thrift store in front, meeting area with piano for hymns and free food (grilled cheese, of course) in the middle, and showers and kitchen for the homeless in the back.

Kiyoshi and Tamara also visited the vaguely Middle-Eastern-themed restaurant on the other half of the ground floor.

Until next time, Happy Simming!