Summerland Rotary Club are interested search up No arms, No legs, No worries on...

NEWSLETTER Summerland Rotary Club March 2012 A monthly newsletter highlighting community events and service of Summerland Rotary Club locally and abroad. A night at Parkdale Manor Our annual pasta dinner Page 7 A visit to the Rotary Clubs of Centurion and Claremont Michael & Sophia’s trip to South Africa Page 3 An Appeal from Rotary Club of Centurion On behalf of Clara Keil, President Elect, Rotary Club of Centurion Page4 Our Premier Fundraiser “Putting on the Glitz” Page 5 Rotary clubs worldwide meet US$200 million fundraising challenge Rotary International News -- 17 January 2012 Rotary International has succeeded in meeting the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda- tion’s US$200 million match in funding for polio eradication, raising more than $202.6 million as of 17 January. “We’ll celebrate this milestone, but it doesn’t mean that we’ll stop raising money or spreading the word about polio eradication,” Rotary Foundation Trustee John F. Germ told Rotary leaders at the International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. “We can’t stop until our entire world is certified as polio-free.” The fundraising milestone was reached in response to $355 million in challenge grants awarded to The Rotary Foundation by the Gates Foundation. All funds have been earmarked to support polio immunization activities in affected countries where the vaccine-preventable disease continues to paralyze children. “In recognition of Rotary’s great work, and to inspire Rotarians in the future, the Also In This Issue In Brief ......................... 2 SADI Fundraiser Reminder ..................... 2 Our Miss Rotary .......... 3 Summerland Business & Community Excellence Awards ......................... 6 Okanagan College Bursary Winner ........... 6 January Minutes......... 8 February Minutes ..... 10 Financial Report to Janu- ary 31, 2012 .................15 Rotary Story continued on page 2

Transcript of Summerland Rotary Club are interested search up No arms, No legs, No worries on...

NEWSLETTERSummerland Rotary Club

March 2012

A monthly newsletter highlighting community events and service of Summerland Rotary Club locally and abroad.

A night at Parkdale Manor

Our annual pasta dinner

Page 7

A visit to the Rotary Clubs of Centurion and Claremont

Michael & Sophia’s trip to South Africa

Page 3

An Appeal from Rotary Club of Centurion

On behalf of Clara Keil, President Elect, Rotary Club of Centurion


Our Premier Fundraiser

“Putting on the Glitz”

Page 5

Rotary clubs worldwide meet US$200 million fundraising challengeRotary International News -- 17 January 2012 

Rotary International has succeeded in meeting the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda-tion’s US$200 million match in funding for polio eradication, raising more than $202.6 million as of 17 January.

“We’ll celebrate this milestone, but it doesn’t mean that we’ll stop raising money or spreading the word about polio eradication,” Rotary Foundation Trustee John F. Germ told Rotary leaders at the International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. “We can’t stop until our entire world is certified as polio-free.” 

The fundraising milestone was reached in response to $355 million in challenge grants awarded to The Rotary Foundation by the Gates Foundation. All funds have been earmarked to support polio immunization activities in affected countries where the vaccine-preventable disease continues to paralyze children. 

“In recognition of Rotary’s great work, and to inspire Rotarians in the future, the

Also In This Issue

In Brief ......................... 2

SADI Fundraiser Reminder ..................... 2

Our Miss Rotary .......... 3

Summerland Business & Community Excellence Awards ......................... 6

Okanagan College Bursary Winner ........... 6

January Minutes .........8

February Minutes ..... 10

Financial Report to Janu-ary 31, 2012 .................15

Rotary Story continued on page 2

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 2

[Gates] foundation is committing an additional $50 million to extend our partnership,” said Jeff Raikes, chief executive officer of the Gates Foun-dation. “Rotary started the global fight against polio, and continues to set the tone for private fundrais-ing, grassroots engagement, and maintaining polio at the top of the agenda with key policymakers.” Raikes also addressed Rotary lead-ers at the International Assembly. 

Jeff Raikes, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foun-dation (left), shakes hands with Rotary Foundation Trustee John Germ during the fourth plenary ses-sion of the International Assembly. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson

The new $50 million grant from the Gates Foundation is not a chal-lenge grant.  

Since 1988, the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than 99 percent, from about 350,000 cases annually to fewer than 650 cases reported so far for 2011. The wild poliovirus is now endemic in only four countries: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan. However, India on 13 January marked a full calendar year without a case, pav-

Rotary Story continued from page 2

Our Club

This year, our club is investing over $75,000 in scholarships, bursaries, and other youth related programs. This is a fantastic legacy to be proud of!

“Service Above Self”

March 6 Meeting

One final reminder - The usual din-ner meeting will be replaced by the SADI Dinner & Fundraiser at Zia’s on March 6th. Tickets may still be available, contact

2012 District Conference

Garry Hollingshead invites you to the Rotary District 5060 Confer-ence in Penticton in 2012. May 31 to June 3,

Our 2012 Miss RotaryFrom Ann Kemp: Thanks for your continuing support. Please let me know if you would like tickets for the Judge’s tea on March 4th. Re-member, this is when you find out, from Michaella’s speech, what a great lot of people you are!

ing the way for its removal from the endemic list.

But other countries also remain at risk for polio cases imported from the endemic countries. In Africa in 2011, Chad and the Democratic Re-public of the Congo had significant outbreaks. Also in 2011, a small cluster of polio cases in China, which had been polio-free for a dec-ade, was traced to Pakistan.

Rotary club members not only reached into their own pockets to support the Gates challenge, but also engaged their communities in a variety of creative fundraising projects, such as a fashion show in California that raised $52,000, benefit film screenings in New Zealand and Australia that netted $54,000, and a pledge-supported hike through Kilimanjaro, Tanza-nia, that brought in $38,000. Many events were planned around 24 October, widely observed as World Polio Day. 

To date, Rotarians worldwide have contributed more than $1 billion toward the eradication of polio, a cause Rotary took on in 1985. In 1988, the World Health Organiza-tion, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention joined Rotary as spearheading part-ners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. More recently, the Gates Foundation has become a major supporter. In 2007, the Gates Foun-dation gave Rotary a $100 million challenge grant for polio eradica-tion, increasing it to $355 million in 2009. Rotary agreed to raise $200 million in matching funds by 30 June 2012. 

In Brief

Reaching children with the oral polio vaccine in the disease’s re-maining strongholds is labor- and resource-intensive due to a host of challenges, including poor infra-structure, geographical isolation, armed conflict, and cultural misun-derstanding about the eradication campaign.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 3

Club of Claremont in Newlands, a suburb of Cape Town.

Due to time constraints I was unable to visit a club in the Pretoria area, but Summerland was very well represented by Sophia during her visit with the Ro-tary Club of Centurion. During this meeting Sophia met with the President elect, Clara Keil. Please find attached an urgent appeal for help with one of their projects. This might be of interest to our club.

Gawie Lotter (Foundation office Centurion Club) and Sophia swapped club banners at a Thursday evening meeting.

A visit to the Rotary Clubs of Centurion and Claremontby Michael Zang

Sophia, Leonie and I joined up with my sister and her husband and our past exchange student, Linn Soderlund, and her extended Swedish family for a trip to South Africa. We had a good time and great-ly enjoyed the sights and warmth of this beautiful country.

Chris Rainier-Pope, who visited our club last summer, his wife Jill, John Burdes (Chairman of Claremont Club International Service), and Sophia while we pre-sent their club with a Summerland banner outside of the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.

During our stay Sophia and I visited with the Rotary

A Note from Miss RotaryHello Everyone!

Since last time I have seen you all I have been work-ing hard to perfect my speech (I still see a couple rewrites comming). I have 5 tickets still and hoping to get some more for the Blossom Tea on March 4th, at 1;30pm.Tickets are $10 each. I would like to say thank you all for the wonderful christmas present it makes me smile everyday and a big thank you for being so inspirational, it is such an honour to rep-resent such a magnificent club. I will see you all on March 6th at Zias for dinner. Till then I hope your days are filled with happiness.

P.s I was shown this video in leadership class and its very inspirational. It is about a man named Nick Vujicic he was born without arms and legs. This video shows how he over comes the challenges in his life and how trys to make a positive influence in the world. I thought you guys would be interested, if you are interested search up No arms, No legs, No worries on youtube. It is worth watching.

Keep on smiling!

Love Michaella

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 4

An Appeal from Rotary Club of CenturionDear Rotarians

I want to apply for a global grant in order to fund a Library of the Philena Primary School in Olivenhoutbosch informal settlement, located in Centurion, South Africa. In order to do this, I need to have an International Sponsoring Club. I am not sure if there is a minimum amount the Foundation requires, but it does not seem so. Is there a club that is willing to be our International Sponsor? If so please contact me and I will send you all my Project Proposal. The total budget is about $40000 of which district, our club and the foundation would contribute about $35000. I would like to submit by the 30th September, so I would need an answer quite soon.

Please help us with this opportunity to improve literacy in Africa.

Yours in Rotary

Clara Keil ([email protected])

President Elect, Rotary Club of Centurion

Mr Clever Shikwambane, the headmaster of Philena Primary School in his current Library

Clara Keil (in black), Mr Clever Shikwambane and friend at the Philena Primary School, Centurion RSA

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 5

Please support Our Premier Fundraiser - Putting on the GlitzMany thanks to the dozen members who have submitted invitation lists. We have just over 100 names of people to send invitations to for ‘Putting on the Glitz’. A full house will have all 112 seats sold. As you can see, we still need lots of help with more candidates for invitations--neighbours, friends, busi-ness associates, professional associates (doctors, lawyers, dentists, electricians, plumbers etc.). Please forward your ideas with addresses, phone numbers (if possible), to Denese ASAP ([email protected]). Everyone’s assistance is needed to make this

event the financial success that we need it to be. We do a lot of great things in Summerland, and this is an opportunity for us to get the financial assistance of those living and doing business in Summerland. Those on holidays can still contribute by emailing a list of names. Denese and Enabelle have offered to look for addresses when necessary.

Many thanks for everyone’s efforts,


Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 6

Ryan Ruybal (OK College bursary recipient) with Orv Robinson. Ryan received a $2,000 bursary and is stud-ing Business at Okanagan College.

Winners of the Summerland Business & Community Excellence Awards

For four days from Thursday afternoon May 24th

to Sunday afternoon May 27th, a group of approxi-mately 40 young adults (19-24) will gather at the Naramata Centre north of Penticton, BC.

The final registration deadline is May 4th, 2012.

If you are interested in RYLA, you can download the application form and provide it to a Rotary Club in your community for their review and consideration.

You can download the RYLA form from

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 7

2012 Parkdale Appreciation Dinner

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 8


Summerland Waterfront Resort


Doug Carnegie (Chair), Bob Van Balkom, Paul Barber, Ingrid Stevenson, Murray Scheidl, John Topham. Den-ese Espeut-Post, Cameron Bowyer, Garry Hollingshead DG.

Approval of Minutes:

It was moved by Bob Van Balkom, seconded by Doug Carnegie, that the minutes of December 06, 2011 be ac-cepted as distributed. Carried.

Matters Arising and/or Carried Forward:

• Murray Scheidl has now received all of the notes from the November 22, 2011 Firesides, and they will be presented at the January 31st meeting for club discussion.

• Paul Barbour still has a few positions to fill for next year’s club executive.

Financial Report:

• Deferred


• A Charitable Receipt for $250 has been received from the Salvation Army.

Club Administration:

• Murray Scheidl has set the January Agenda for guest speakers.• Paul Barber has requested that 1 meeting per month be set aside for committees to discuss the upcom-

ing “Spring Fling”. To assist the committee heads, he has ordered 12 copies of “Shaking the Money Tree”, a guide which lays out a complete program for fundraising. The January 17th and February 14th meetings have been set aside at this time.

• Nominations are still required from club members for the upcoming Community Service awards.


• Dave Gottwald’s induction into the club is scheduled for January 10th.• Ron Dixon has officially transferred his membership to the Summerland Rotary Club effective January 01, 2912.• Al Fabbi is to receive an Honorary Membership at the February 7th meeting.• Tax Receipts are to be sent to the hosts of the 3 Dinners that were auctioned off at the Christmas Party.• Paul Barber has presented an idea for a future fund raising project – Golf Discount Cards. This will be dis-

cussed at the January 10th meeting.

Public Relations:

• Cameron Bowyer has set up both a Canadian & U.S. e-mail distribution list for the upcoming District Con-ference, and the initial e-mails have been sent out to all District 5060 members promoting the conference

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 9

and the golf tournament.• Radio spots have been set aside to promote the Spring Fling.• Cameron & Paul Barber have arranged to have pictures & articles put in the Summerland Review for all

significant club projects.

Service Projects:

• Doug Carnegie is working with the District of Summerland to discuss our participation in the Dale Mead-ows Playground Equipment Project.

• Paul Barber continues to work on the $100 challenge project. He has met with Jane Stead, the school liaison person, to identify the 10 groups required, and has arranged to distribute the ten $100 bills on January 6th.

• Paul is also liaising with the Penticton Okanagan Club to set up a Roteract Club at Okanagan College. Brenda Hamilton has been asked to be our representative while Bea Smith will be the representative from the Penticton Club.

• Thank you to all of the volunteers at the Parkdale Place Appreciation Dinner. The feedback on the food was highly complementary, and a great boost of thanks goes to Orv Robson and his team of sous chefs.

• A question was raised as to the value of continuing the Parkdale Place Dinner and the consensus was not only to continue but to possibly expand it to other venues such as Angus Place.

• Almost $16,000 has been raised by Crystal Zaseybida for a school in Nuevo Vallarta. These funds are being distributed through the Summerland Rotary Club and we will be applying for a District Matching Grant. US$1,500 has been forwarded to date. Karl Seidel and John Topham are administering the project.

• Geoff and Andrew Topham are taking almost 1,000 photographs back to Liberia. They are looking to raise $30,000 for the project, and the club has been requested to provide $3,000.

• Mozambique Mercy Tech – Rick Cogbill is still trying to raise money for his next trip back to Mozambique to teach sustainable job skills. John Topham has been asked to go to teach wood working and the club has been asked for a donation.


• Karen McColl has filed an e-mail report. We received 30 donations from 27 different members, totaling $4455.00.  This would be 71% of last year’s total collected and would include 1 donation that was in honor of a member by a non-member. The total does not include any online donations ore club matching funds.

Other Business:

• Kirstin Smythe’s Blog Site has been sent to all members – hopefully everyone has had a chance to look at this amazing young lady’s ongoing dialogue about her year on exchange.

• Anne Thielman, next year’s exchange student, has been advised that she is going to Thailand. Denese Espeut-Post will connect Anne and Kirstin.

• Ferruccio has moved from the Fabbi residence to the Smythe’s. He will be doing his report to the club on February 7th and the Smythe’s have been invited.

Next Meeting:

The next Board meeting is February 7th.

Adjournment:There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Minutes recorded by Bob Van Balkom, Acting Secretary.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 10


Summerland Waterfront Resort


Doug Carnegie (Chair), Bob Van Balkom, Paul Barber, John Bubb, Michael Zang, Karen McCall, Denese Espeut-Post, Murray Scheidl, John Topham, Garry Hollingshead DG.

Additions to Agenda

Vision Statement (Murray)

CPEC (Denese)

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of January 4, 2012 were accepted as distributed.

Matters Arising and/or Carried Forward:

The Paul Harris Fellowship will be awarded to Charlotte Burley at the April Spousal evening meeting. It will need to be requested from the Rotary Foundation using points from the club account (Karen).

Financial Report:

In Ingrid’s absence John Bubb presented a draft financial report (distributed and filed with these minutes). Ingrid is sick and has not yet had an opportunity to review and approve the report

Doug Carnegie reported that the Charitable and Gaming reports have been submitted to the appropriate government authorities.


All correspondence received this month has been distributed to appropriate club and board members.

Club Administration:

The club calendar is essentially full for the next 2 months. Highlights are:

Tonight – Ferruccio Martinelli, host family recognition and recognition of Al Fabbi as a Honourary Club Member;

February 14 Paul Barber Spring Fling;

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 11

Feb 21 Laceydawn Loeppkey SADI;

Feb 28 Paul Barber Spring Fling

March 6 see below;

March 13 Kelly Marshall

Mar 20 Paul Barber Spring Fling

March 27 Mayor Janice Perrino

April 17 District Conference Update

• There was discussion regarding March 6. This date conflicts with SADI’s major annual fundraiser at Zia’s Restaurant. Club members will be asked this evening if they would prefer to cancel the club meet-ing in favour of attending the SADI event. Michael Zang will also check with Lacydawn to see if the information she is to present is different from that to be presented at the fundraiser – if so her presenta-tion scheduled for Feb 21 could be substituted with a presentation by Michael Zang originally targeted for March 6.

• An approximate 5-minute presentation by outbound student Ann Thielman will be scheduled into a meeting in the near future.

• John Topham will schedule a Skype call with outbound student Kirsten Smythe during the spousal meeting of April 3.

• A general meeting to elect club board members for the next Rotary year will be held on April 24.

• Two names were submitted for the Rotary Vocational Award. Following discussion it was decided to present this year’s award to Michelle Stefan along with a Paul Harris Fellowship for her work with SADI.

• It was noted that Al Klar has been a significant community supporter of Rotary’s fundraising efforts for many years and it was decided to award him a Paul Harris Fellowship as an expression of the club’s ap-preciation. Doug Carnegie will also follow up with an invitation to Al to join Summerland Rotary.

• Paul Barber will chair next week’s meeting in President Doug’s absence.

• Paul Barber reports that the project to create a local Rotaract club in Penticton is unlikely to proceed in this Rotary year.


• Al Fabbi will be officially recognized as a honourary club member at tonight’s meeting. John Bubb will send Al’s Rotary service dates to Doug sometime today. Rhonda Fabbi will be awarded a Paul Harris Fel-lowship as soon as one can be ordered.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 12

• The following membership activities are noted:

• Ron Dixon has already been inducted. His membership commenced on January 1, 2012.

• The Summerland Waterfront Resort (our first corporate member) has been added through the person of Brett DeWitt. Rotary has no facility to record a company or organization as a member. It was sug-gested that the entire team of 4 members of the resort be invited to the induction and included in the newspaper announcement picture. It was also decided that nametags would be ordered for each of the four team members and their email addresses would be added to the [email protected] email list server. John Topham noted that we need to be more welcoming to the team members when they attend our meetings.

• David Cassidy will be inducted as a new (transferring) club member at this evening’s meeting. He and his wife Judith are expected to attend.

• Elizabeth Jago has terminated her membership in the club effective January 1, 2012. Doug Carnegie will conduct a debriefing with Elizabeth in the near future.Public Relations:

• In response to a question from Cameron Bowyer, Paul Barber reported that there is very little antici-pated work remaining with regard to the Peach Orchard Kiosk. John Bubb circulated advertising flyers from SCEDT – they are asking Rotary’s help in getting companies and organizations signed-up for ads on the kiosk. John Bubb will give the Rotary information panels that were removed from the old kiosk to Paul Barber at this evening’s meeting.

• Cameron Bowyer believes that Rotary might negotiate cost-effective advertising space in SCEDT’s monthly newsletter. Email blasts to SCEDT members can be purchased at about $50.00 per blast. Both these advertising channels reach about 600 businesses.

• John Bubb asked if the January newsletter on the club home page could be replaced with the latest one.


• The Dale Meadows playground equipment project is expected to be completed this Spring once the ground can be worked.

• The $100 challenge project is in the hands of the student groups. Students will present their projects to the club at some point.

• It will be important to schedule events carefully this Spring so as not to create conflicts (for example with the Shakespeare Festival). The District Conference is going to require significant effort.

• The ongoing effort to place a Rotary Wheel on the Memorial Park Playground was taken up by John Topham who also offered to order a second wheel for the Dale Meadows Project. It was noted that the ordering and attachment of these recognition plaques should be incorporated into each project rather than being handled as an afterthought.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 13

• John Bubb reports that the sales campaign for yellow page telephone directory listings has recov-ered from concerns around mid-campaign that sales were lagging. This year’s sales are approxi-mately $53,000 – the same as last year. $6,000 worth of new accounts were added but the gain was offset by the loss of existing accounts due to the poor economy.

• As far as is known the Miss Rotary project is proceeding effectively under the able direction of Ann Kemp.

• Denese Espeut-Post received board approval to explore a club project in support of the RCMP’s Community Prevention Education Continuum (CPEC) program, which was presented recently to our club. The plan would draw on experience from other jurisdictions and probably entail Rotarians preparing and presenting a program of substance abuse prevention in schools.

International Project:

There are several potential international projects in the works as follows:

• Pennies for Shade (Mexico) – a youth initiative (already in process) being promoted by the niece of one of our members. The project requires no outlay of club funds (this month’s financial report shows the project transactions to date). Garry Hollingshead is strongly suggesting that we use Ro-tary’s matching grant process to leverage more funding from District Designated Funds – also that we do so quickly while funds are available;

• Rick Cogbill’s skills training program in Mozambique involving John Topham of our club as wood-turning instructor. $5,000 of club funds are being sought to facilitate this program;

• Liberia 77 – a project to gather, mount and present historical pictures to a museum in Liberia. Due to past conflict most Liberians have lost part of their history when their photos were destroyed. This project gathers photos from past workers and visitors to Liberia to help rebuild the history;

• Centurion – a project to send containers of books to a library in South Africa;

Following discussion it was agreed that these projects be evaluated by a club committee and a recom-mendation be brought back to the board as soon as possible. An email vote would be taken if decisions are required prior to the next board meeting. Volunteers for the committee are John Topham, Bob Van Balkom, Garry Hollingshead and Michael Zang.


• Karen McCall reports that this year’s foundation donation from her campaign within the club is $7,155.00 comprised of $4,455.00 from 27 members and $2,700.00 from club funds. There was some question as to whether additional donations made online are appearing in the RI Contribution Reports.

• Ferruccio Martinelli is still doing well. His presentation to the club members is tonight. As part of tonight’s program his host families will be presented with a token of the club’s appreciation.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 14

• John Topham reports that Kirsten Smythe’s blog and emails continue to indicate that she is doing well with her youth exchange.

• Denese Espeut-Post reminded the board that selection of next year’s inbound student is approaching and asked if the board had any recommendations or preferences. None were indicated.

• This year’s GSE team from Brazil will arrive in our area on May 31. Our club will host them during the District Conference (until June 3). Hosting will involve only billeting as the team will be fully occupied during the conference period. Michael Zang is seeking billets for 5 team members – four female. Karen McCall offered to host up to 4 members.

Other Business:

There was discussion regarding the vision statement proposal received from Wayne Statham. It was de-cided further study and discussion was required to clarify the club’s vision statement and how it compares to the Object of Rotary statement.

Next Meeting:

March 6, 7:00 am at the Waterfront Resort.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.Minutes recorded by John Bubb, Secretary.

Summerland Rotary Club Newsletter August 2011 15

Summerland Rotary ClubFinancial Report to January 31, 2012

This report incorporates the bank reconciliation to December 31, 2011- however, all transactions received up to and including January 31, 2012 have been included.

Bank Balances:

Club Account $ 34,142.70Gaming Account $ 22,279.14Special Events $ 21,345.24

All income from Swing for Kids is still in the Special Events bank account whereas all expenses including the $10,000 donation to Agur Lake Camp were paid from the Club Account. The Special Events bank ac-count is currently being closed and its balance transferred to the club account. It is not necessary to have separate bank accounts now that we have detailed accounting for each project.

The Nakuru account has now been closed and its balance of funds transferred to the Toronto Eglington Club.

Accounts Payable

There are no outstanding accounts payable.

Collections & Current Billing Cycle:

A total of $2,809.11 is receivable from ten members. Not all of this is considered collectible.


Official Totals for this year’s projects to date are:

Blossom Pageant ($ 275.00)

Swing for Kids Golf Tournament Income $23,109.19

Expenses ($11,555.90)

Income from Event $11,553.29

Contribution to Agur Lake Camp ($10,000.00)

Retained $ 1,553.29