Summer Term 2020 ANTONIAN … · highly productive term. Please take time to peruse the Antonian...

THE Summer Term 2020 ANTONIAN Yr 3 Rainforest – Painting Poison Dart Frog using watercolours

Transcript of Summer Term 2020 ANTONIAN … · highly productive term. Please take time to peruse the Antonian...

Page 1: Summer Term 2020 ANTONIAN … · highly productive term. Please take time to peruse the Antonian Summer 2020 edition, a particularly significant celebration of ‘Lockdown Learning

THE Summer Term 2020


Yr 3



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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020




Dear Parents,

It has been an honour to lead St. Anthony’s Boy’s this term, a term like no other. A time when events greater than us demanded

that we act quickly, adjust all our teaching and learning from live classroom interaction to remote ‘Teams’ and ‘Zooms’ teaching. I

am proud of the St. Anthony’s community for all that has been achieved during this exceptional term.

The teachers have shown creativity, enthusiasm and originality in their online teaching. The children have been phenomenal in

their adjustment to home learning, attentive to their screens, their teachers’ voices and innovative in their response to tasks set.

This summer term Antonian is a testament to the great work completed by the children and teachers. It is important to acknowledge

the patient supportive role parents have given to their children’s learning; often working late into the night on their work

assignments, allowing then to have time during the day to support their children’s learning.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all at St. Anthony’s for their generosity and kindness shown to me during my t ime as

interim Headmaster.

I am in awe of the strong bonds of friendship, teamwork and kindness displayed by all, especially during an extremely unusual but

highly productive term.

Please take time to peruse the Antonian Summer 2020 edition, a particularly significant celebration of ‘Lockdown Learning and


May I wish you all a restful summer holiday, outdoor experiences and precious family time with your loved ones.

I leave you with these words:

Corinthians 13

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding

gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a

faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast but do

not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud

It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no

record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020


Heads of Houses

Heads of Houses

It has been a term of great creativity: we have all needed to learn new skills, to find new ways of delivering the curriculum:

of teaching and learning. We have become You Tubers and radio presenters, our digital literacy strategy, has been pretty

much nailed in a couple of months and your children have been amazing.

We have been bowled over by their hard work, their good humour, their ability to support each other, their willingness to

share their interests and to engage with a wholly different way of learning. The following pages are testament to them.

We would like to thank you all for your support over the last few months and hope that you enjoy this celebration of a term

that turned out a little bit differently to what we had anticipated.

Catherine, Chris and Dana

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020


Junior House


In Maths, we have been

learning about repeating

patterns. We used Lego or

other resources we had at

home to make our own

patterns! We had to be quite


We had cooking lessons

from Jordana from her

kitchen. She taught us how

to make cheese scones. We

learnt about adding the

correct measurements and


We did lots of Drama in our

English lessons. We dressed

up as characters from one of

our topic books called ‘Shark


We learnt new skills, such as

exploring Origami in Art!

We practised ordering our

numbers in Maths!

We made ‘Underwater’ collages as part of this term’s topic!

We read a selection of


We stayed fit by practising

our Yoga moves; we

practised our bends and


We read the story, ‘The

Hungry Caterpillar’. We then

wrote sentences using the

structure from the book. Our

writing has really developed

this term!

In an experiment exploring

ice in ‘Understanding of the

World’, we partially froze a

toy in ice to understand the

ice layers at the North Pole.

Despite the challenging

circumstances, the boys

have been wonderful,

engaging with us at home via

Zoom and getting creative

with their parents. It was

especially rewarding to see

most of the boys return to

school after half term, giving

them the opportunity to

connect with us and their


Flora, Rebecca, Sophie and

the Reception Team.

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020


Junior House

Year 1

Two Year 1 boys are enjoying using the shape bricks

during their break time. They enjoy using the bricks to

design kingdoms for creative play. It’s amazing to watch

their imagination flourish though this style of calm play.

This term, the Year 1 boys have been learning all about

different artists around the world, practising their unique

styles. We have studied Picasso, Pissarro, Constable and

Warhol. Here the children have created their own style of

pop-art using bold colours and repeating images in the

style of Andy Warhol.

Year 1 have enjoyed

learning all about

British Kings and

Queens, in particular

King Henry VIII. They

designed a character

profile based on his

appearance, likes and

dislikes, and especially

enjoyed learning the

rhyme to remember his

six wives and how

some of them met their

tragic end!

Year 1 were learning all

about the Ancient

Egyptians. Before half

term, we celebrated our

learning on a virtual

Ancient Egyptian

adventure. We dressed up

as an Ancient Egyptian

pharaoh and used Google

Earth to explore the Great

Pyramid of Giza. We learnt

how they made bread

(and ate bread and

honey). We ended our

virtual tour exploring King

Khufu’s tomb. The boys had so much fun making their

own head dresses, necklaces and cuffs!

This year, Year 1 have been learning how to use story map to help them write

structured stories, using time connectives and adjectives. To celebrate the end

of the year, the boys made their writing stimuli using Lego and building bricks

to create a setting and a character. The boys then created their own fantasy

stories based on their creations. The teachers were very impressed with their

imagination: there were stories about exploding aquariums, flying beds, gremlin

kingdoms, an animal in a swimming pool and much more!.

Jo & Milly

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Junior House

Year 2

During lockdown, and since their return to school, Year 2 have produced some lovely work.

Comic Strip around Class Book Traction Man.

In Maths, we designed and made board games. We looked at popular games we play at home, such as, Monopoly and

Snakes and Ladders. We created our own games with our own rules and we even made our own dice and counters!

We had a virtual day in Paris!

Made bird feeders in DT.

We looked at the story Beegu and made

homes for our Alien characters.

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Junior House

In Art, we studied Frida Kahlo and Henri Rousseau and we were inspired to draw their own self-portraits and jungle painting.

Year 2 used pastels to create hummingbirds.

Jo & Harriet

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Junior House

Year 3

Our students came up with their own

great ideas to continue learning at home.

One boy challenged his peers to make a

robot from recycled materials. Some

highlights included a hairdresser robot,

as the boys’ hair was growing rapidly,

and a chef robot.

During our online Maths lessons, boys

were asked to explore measurement in

their home. This included making and

measuring a tall tower and ingredients

for baking.

In our Form Time Zoom sessions, boys

enjoyed sharing skills they had. We had

dancing, instrumental performances,

martial arts demonstrations and

(pictured here), some cooking skills.

Year 3 enjoyed listening to Louise, Lizzy,

Monica and Francesco reading ‘James

and the Giant Peach’, while learning

from home. We completed many fun

activities related to the Roald Dahl novel,

including making hats to wear to our

Zoom Party, marking the end of half-


The boys engaged with many Science

experiments at home. We were learning

about Plants and Living Things. In this

experiment, we used dye to track how

water moves through a plants stem to

distribute water to the plant.

Measuring in Maths – what a yummy


One of our online DT lessons was to

make a chocolate salami log. Many of

the boys completed this no-bake recipe

independently and enjoyed the tasty

treat on a hot summer’s day!

Our PE lessons continued to focus on

fitness, cricket and tennis skills in Year 3.

Boys were encouraged to practise their

balls skills, and shared many ‘trick-shots’

with their peers.

In our Maths lessons, boys were shown

how to make an equilateral triangle from

A4 paper. They were then asked to

tessellate the triangles to make new


Louise & Lizzy

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Senior House



I highly commend Year 4 for their creative endeavours during our period of remote learning. They have exceeded all

my expectations with their use of imaginative figurative language in creative writing, their animated performances and

wonderful characterizations in Drama and their blossoming creativity in Art.

Here is just a small sample of the wonderful submissions that I received, for three main Art projects, this term. Well

done for all your impressive efforts, boys!


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The Revelations of Online Learning

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela.

This quote comes to mind when I look back over the past 12 weeks. What seemed like an impossible feat, quickly turned into a

diverse and enriching experience. I have watched the Year 4 boys mature during lockdown, making the most of the unique learning

opportunity. I have been impressed by their constantly evolving technological skills, but more so, it has been a pleasure to come

online daily and hear their cheery voices on the other end, ready to tackle the next activity and showing enthusiasm for everything

we do.


Here is just a small selection of the remarkable work that has been submitted by the wonderful Year 4s. Some extracts from 4P’s

creative writing sessions

When Axel woke up, he made his way in the

forest. Creatures lurked around every

corner and shadows glided across the path.

Hairs on Axel’s back pricked up and as his

dad always used to say ‘trust your hairs,’ in

a friendly voice. The trees bent over the path

like a Grandpa picking up his false teeth: You

never know if he will fall or not. When he had

crossed the forest he thought, “that place

really gave me the shivers,” “I hope I never

go there again!” He was in Goblin territory

now and boy oh by it was ugly. Someone

had to introduce something called style



As the lift doors slowly opened, Jack found

himself in the attic. It was a dusty, damp

smell with old bit of broken furniture and

antiques. Suddenly, he heard the squeaking

again and turned around to see a boy in a

wheelchair. He looked about Jack’s age but

was wearing old Victorian clothes. His face

was as white as a sheet and as transparent

as glass. He was a ghost!

The ghost boy wheeled closer towards

Jack, the bell on his wheelchair jingled and

jangled. Jack stepped back and tripped on

a broken floorboard.


Hetsfas shot the Levitation Spell at Thomas

like a bullet from a gun, and Thomas’ battling

trainer, Hawkford, shot a Grounding Spell at

him like a dagger. This pressure knocked

Thomas onto the ground, and he stayed

there like that for hours. In this time, his

teacher was guarding him brilliantly, so

Hetsfas didn’t even touch him. When Thomas

got back up, he found himself bashing into

the ceiling. He shot a Killing Spell at Hetsfas,

but narrowly missed.


In Maths, Year 4 have been putting their reasoning skills to the test and focusing on problem solving…





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Krish took the initiative and created the 4P StAnthonian; a newsletter filled with lots of articles, puzzles and jokes, which has

been contributed to by the boys in 4P. I have no doubt this will be a regular feature over the years at St. Anthony’s School for

Boys. Thanks Year 4, for making online teaching such a pleasure!

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Senior House



Since lockdown, the Drama Department has been hosting several different performances from Years 5 to 8 on its virtual stage

named “The Actor’s Toolbox”. This area can be found on our school’s FireFly and hosts over 50 performances from students and

staff, across eight different creative endeavours.

A number of Drama commendations were awarded for boys who have shown outstanding effort or outstanding performance work

during lockdown.

I have been very impressed with the manner in which the St. Anthony’s community responded to this format of virtual performance.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a performance to me - many of you did not wish to share your work publicly, but

nevertheless I admire the efforts and standards of performance. If you have some time over the holidays, feel free to check out

all the performances on FireFly.

I would like to wish you and you families a restful summer.


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Remote Mathematics

The impact of Covid-19 was felt in the Maths Department through cancellations of various competitions where St. Anthony’s boys

have taken part in previous years with ever improved and most distinguished outcomes. However, thankfully, the United Kingdom

Mathematics Trust went ahead, albeit belated, with the much-awaited Junior Maths Challenge which was attempted by boys on 2

July and sat online for the first time. The challenge is intended for students in Years 7-8, but no fewer than 77 boys in Years 4-6

were invited based on their award-winning results in the Primary Maths Challenge sat in November. A total of 108 boys accepted

the invitation to take part out of 119 and 40 boys received an award, 11 Gold, 9 Silver and 20 Bronze. Sharing the coveted medal

for the Best in School attempt were Arjun B, 6X, and Marcus VDB, 7X, with 114 marks which would have qualified for the prestigious

Olympiad Challenge. Marco received the Best in Year medal for Year 8 for this, 112 marks attempt.

Finding opportunity in adversity is a lesson worth learning. The boys at St. Anthony’s have certainly done so in the past few weeks.

Together with their teachers they have responded admirably to the demands of remote learning, becoming more independent

learners by expanding their information technology skills to encompass all aspects of study. This has been most prominently felt

in Mathematics by seeing how meticulously boys have managed to complete their work at home producing learning documents

which reflect what they have learned and what they need to improve. It is hard to choose examples of best practice here because

there are so many but Alec’s classwork sheet and Connor’s’ table of errors are worthy examples of the impressive work boys have

been completing during this last and in many ways difficult phase of the school year.

While still in school, boys were asked to investigate the lives and work of various noteworthy mathematicians of past and present

to be displayed in the Maths Room. It was good to see how many boys chose Alan Turing as their subject. He has of course

featured in the Year 8 Cryptology course where boys were up against the challenge of solving a murder mystery in Maths

Department! Two sterling efforts of display work are featured here, Daniel Ang’s poster of Pythagoras and Sebastian’s of Fibonacci.

And finally, before the impact, the Maths Department was buzzing every Wednesday morning from 8.00am with boys from Year 4

to Year 7 sharing the same learning space attempting ever more difficult questions in The Spectrum. It is fitting that Rin solution

to an Olympiad question graces The Antonian.


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Senior House



I loved seeing all the boys taking on board everything they learnt in

computing and putting it into practice. They seemed to all be very eager

to be sitting in front of a laptop or computer for all their lessons, it’s like

a dream come true. But when it came to computing, our pupils at St.

Anthony’s did not disappoint in producing some amazing work and

sending over some great comments on TEAMS.

Websites created by the Year 8s:

More examples of some of the amazing work created this term can be found on our Firefly ‘Learning from home’ section.

Paul S

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Summer Science Survives

The boys’ enthusiasm has been such a welcome antidote to the state-of-affairs. Teaching the Year 6s, 7s and 8s virtually could

not have gone better. Day after day they met task after task with glowing optimism and determination.

Whether working on exciting new topics such as light; pondering on the impact of space travel; consolidating knowledge in

chemistry; or exploring the technical challenges of longitudinal waves, the boys did themselves very proud. The general standard

of work has been so high that choosing certain pieces for the Antonian proved a challenging task.

When Year 5 learnt about plant adaptations, they were set a task to show me how much they had learnt. The boys were very

creative. Leonardo recorded a rap, Amit decided to use personification of a plant in his work and William wrote a poem. I am super

proud of these boys for using their skills from their English and Music lessons to incorporate it into their Science work. Making

cross-curricular links between subjects is a great skill to master and just highlights the magnitude of creativity of the boys at St


Justin & Sharmina

Daniel A – Year 6

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William - Year 5

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The Year 5 Gratitude Challenge

Confronted by the difficult circumstances of our Summer Term, the boys of Year 5 have managed to find the silver lining of

adversity with their endless optimism, their shining compassion for others, and their good humour!

In the photos below, the boys of Year 5 have risen bravely to the challenge of showing gratitude for those closest to them at

home with outstanding empathy and ingenuity. In the true Antonian character, these young leaders demonstrate that even the

smallest of actions can have a profound impact on lifting the spirits of those around them.

- Jeremy

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Students’ Perspective of Lockdown

In Year 5, we have been studying the features of newspaper articles and writing diary entries, expressing our emotions. Below are

some of the samples from Kai, Rory and Piers. Ignacio, Year 5, produced a realistic and humorous fictional web article about the

spread of a new, and more terrifying, virus, named Showbizz-19. A fitting artefact for the current time. He has used realistic

techniques such as including interviews with leading scientists and picking up on the phrasing that we are used to seeing in tabloid

journalism and clickbait around the internet.

Catherine, Inder & John

During lockdown, I have discovered that you can play

sport and exercise a bit more. For example, before I

didn’t really do any runs but now I do them every week.

I think sport is a brilliant way to have a break from looking

at the screen all the time as you get to go outside,

exercise more and freshen up your mind.

Another thing that I have discovered during lockdown is

that you get more time to read. Reading not only

develops your knowledge and makes you feel very

excited (E.g my new favourite author SF Said’s books)

but can also refresh your mind from looking at the screen

all day.


Kai Year 5

During the period of lockdown my mum and I attempted the school's

cycling challenge. Overall, we achieved a whopping 170 miles of

cycling! We went to all sorts of sites like the Tower Bridge, The Tower

of London, Covent Garden, and many times to Regent's Park.

One day me and my mum went to a place called Denham Park. We

arrived in the early morning around 9am and picked a route that was

quite long and ended at a golf course. We thought it would be a nice,

easy cycle but actually it was basically the opposite. The first bit of the

trail was just muddy. A hundred meters later it turned into big puddles

of water. It was very hard to manage but in the end we managed to get

through and finish the ride (with very muddy feet!).

Cycling everyday gave me a chance to be outdoors and spend some

quality time with my mum. Over the period of the last month I think I

became a much better cyclist and now I know a lot more about road

safety. Cycling is one of the things I enjoyed most about lockdown and

it is how I will probably remember this time.


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Senior House



Dear Diary,

It was another ordinary lockdown day. Nothing was happening at all in the world; the world has basically stopped turning. It’s

strange to think that nobody is going outside, during these queer times. Pools of water generated by the clouds rained and rained

endlessly… DRIP DROP DRIP DROP! And that’s when I heard it, we were doing online lessons on this thing called ‘Microsoft


Watching the news is always difficult and depressing, as everything that’s on is about Coronavirus (COVID-19). Normally I don’t

mind watching the news; I found it quite interesting, hearing about what’s happening in the world.

Then when I heard about this man named Sir Captain Tom Moore, I was amazed of how much money he had made for the

wonderful NHS frontline staff.

The lonely trees were gently dancing in the swift and cool breeze in my clean and neatly cut garden. My front door: not opened

for months. Now all I am using is my New laptop, sitting there, helping me with my studies.

I’ve been watching more television than I did before; every single night. It has simply become our new routine.

The food that me and my family eat is the same thing all the time; I’m running out of new food ideas. It’s hard to think that everybody

in England -and other countries- have been doing the same thing that me and my family have been doing as well: these times

really are pretty peculiar.

Me and my dad have been thinking about renting a holiday home in the country-side (personally, I thought this was a brilliant idea).

This is the best way to get more open area to protect us from the global pandemic.


Showbizz-19 erupts


ON 2nd June 2020, right when Coronavirus cases were at their peak here in London, a new handful l came into play

and has spread at a worrying rate.

Scientist John Sheil and his colleagues Catherine Arslan and lnder Gill have just discovered this menacing virus. Dr

lnder says," we must act NOW, or this virus will affect us all, so you MUST stay home 24/7, or your life will be in

jeopardy, from any age."

Catherine and John have both said, "not even doctors can go to work, no protection is going to stop the virus."

There have been countless rows about the virus, but Our Prime Minister, Ignacio Carrasquero, has told us that

TOGETHER, without the arguing, without the doubt WE must all STAY HOME." Ignacio also reported to us that

drones will fly to houses to deliver food, and any necessity will be delivered. The needs will be delivered free from


Scientists have strategically split up in two groups, one finding the vaccine for Covid -19 and the other group will do

the same for Showbizz-19.

Homeless shelters will be taking in any homeless person on the streets into their shelter. Vets will also be doing

the same for abandoned animals.


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Year 6 English – Childhood Tracks

The talented writers of Year 6 have demonstrated their flair, insight and imagination in many different forms this year, from

crafting terrifying horror stories to publishing feature newspaper articles.

In the poignant pieces of poetry below, these students have captured a vivid memory of places close to their heart and

everlasting in their mind. These poems were inspired by our study of the poem, ‘Childhood Tracks’ by James Berry.

- Jeremy

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The Nurses of Westminster (2020)

By Gabriel Wellman, Year 8

On either side of the river for miles

Sweet suburbs of bricks and tiles,

Sit nestled below the London sky;

And thro' the streets the cars run by

To many-tower'd Westminster;

The blue and white Union Jack

The robber with his leather sack

Wave themselves near the smokestack

Round about Westminster.

The solemn streets are empty.

The sunbeam showers break and quiver

Where families stay at home and shiver

With aching hearts and an alcohol filled liver

In the homes of Westminster.

Four brown walls, and one clock tower

Overlook a bridge with flowers,

Onto which shift-free women feel sour

The nurses of Westminster.

Where the mist grows gently swirly,

The children, resting late and early,

Hear them working, helping patients cheerly,

Like some angels, working dearly,

By the river of Westminster.

Lying on cushions, soft and fairy

Beneath the moon, the children weary

Listening whisper, ' 'Tis the fairies,

The nurses of Westminster.'

Well done Gabriel; what an incredibly thoughtful and mature poem!


‘Thank You NHS’ poster being created by keyworker children.

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When the arts combine:

Max Z-S 4P

Thank you to all those who have given fantastic online performances during the Summer Term. I have been delighted with the

enthusiasm and confidence shown by all. Congratulations to Leo for his vocal solo commendation.

Leonardo 5C

Year 6 has been learning about composers; well done, Seitaro, for your informative presentation on John Williams and Film

Music. Year 7 has been studying a variety of topics ranging from musicals to television theme tunes. Year 8 study has included

an in-depth look at a variety of Music Genres and graphic notation.

Jonathan Bunney

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The French Department have had a fun and productive term both remotely and on-site, and the good humour of the pupils has

made it much easier for us all. It was rewarding to see pupils and teachers adapt to their new virtual environments and we have

certainly enjoyed many aspects of this new online world. We have continued to work on grammar and sentence-building, across

many topic areas for all the year groups, but have also been able to sing songs, play language games, cultural quizzes, and

research individual projects on a wide range of cultural and geographical points of interest. As we were unable to take our trip to

the Loire Valley in early June, we made a virtual tour of various châteaux and had a ‘week abroad’ despite the changes to our

original plans.

Tina, Rosalind & Rachel

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Cogito ergo Sum

One of the things I have missed most while the boys have been working from home is form time with Year 8. While on occasion

surly and grunting upon entering school with a little coaxing they are always quick to weigh in with their fascinating opinions on

all sorts of topics.

Fortunately, this is something we have managed to continue in our online classroom with topics as varied as AI and the meaning

of humanity, the importance of intent vs outcome in making a moral judgement and the shape of the world in 10 20 and 50

years. Seneca said “Even while they teach, men learn” which given the responses of the boys I wholeheartedly agree with.

Below are just a few of the thought provoking and well-crafted responses.


If the pharmaceutical companies make a profit from their vaccine, the

government would have to pay to subsidise the vaccine when it’s given to people

by the NHS. But if they pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to make a

profit, the company may go bankrupt and the government will probably have to

pay the same amount to either furlough the workers, provide benefits or even

give the company a loan to keep it operational as it is vital a vaccine is found

quickly. Thus, it would be more preferable to allow the companies to be

profitable. Moreover, profitable companies work faster because investors will see

potential and invest in them, providing them with the means to get the best

technology and resources, which also means a non-profitable pharmaceutical

company will work less efficiently in finding a vaccine with less money,

and therefore the cost of human lives lost would be much higher if the

pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to make a profit.

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020




This term, the boys certainly made the most of the challenges and sessions the PE Department introduced. It was a shame not to

see the boys take part in our traditional Summer Term Sports such as Cricket, Tennis and Athletics, but there were many examples

of how our pupils stayed active through lockdown and maintained a sense of school spirit.

2K Cross-Country Challenge

Over 50 of our pupils took part in the virtual cross-country race we hosted, with 11 other Schools also competing. Our U9 and

U11 teams won the team events, with Max Zweifka Sibley (Y4) winning Bronze overall in the U9 event. Marco Riley ran an

impressive time in the U13 event with a 6:56 time for 2K.

Virtual Sports Day

Along with various other sessions and activities, we posted our virtual sports day event to our YouTube channel. Thank you to

everyone who took part and sent their scores in.

Well done to all boys, parents and staff for making the term a success. I look forward to seeing you all in September to return to

a more normal looking Sports Programme.

Jonathan Dunne

Press-Up Challenge

Wellington Boot Shot-Put Throw for Virtual Sports


Taking part in a Tennis lesson The Cereal Box Challenge Day

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020



Farewell and Good Luck

Our Head Boy, Marco, made speeches to both the Year 6 Leavers and Year 8 Leavers. Below is his Year 6 speech.

End of Year 6: a year containing the final moments with your long-lasting friends, a year of hard-work and a multitude of exams,

and a year that is of great importance for your futures. As many of you know, I only joined St. Anthony’s in year 7 and, therefore,

I have not the same experience of the school as you; but I can say what it is like to move from one school to another.

Many of you will be afraid that your friendships and memories with your fellow pupils will all be forgotten after the next four days;

however, this will not be the case. As many of you have each other’s contact details, you will keep in touch and meet-up at the

park, or a St Anthony’s alumni event; I saw a group of 6 friends from my former school, not breaking the government’s guidelines,

only a week ago and we are still close to one another.

Furthermore, Year 6 was probably one of the toughest school years you have experienced so far: revising rigorously at the

beginning of the year and then having exams and interviews continuously for two months; but I can promise you that the next

school years for those who are leaving the school will be more relaxing and will come with more opportunities. You should be

immensely proud of getting through a year of such pressure and importance to your future; though, it is unfortunate that the end

of Year 6 had to end for you in this manner.

I wish you all the best of luck next year and wish you a well-deserved summer holiday hopefully abroad in a country which you are

allowed to go to without having to go into quarantine for two weeks once you return.

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The Antonian | Summer Term 2020



Salve et Vale

As we approach the end of the academic year 2019/2020, come the moment we have to say

goodbye to departing staff. This year we say farewell to Sarah Anderson, a long serving

member of the St. Anthony’s staff.

This is a significant moment for Sarah and all of us at the St. Anthony’s Schools. Sarah’s family

have been instrumental in establishing and creating a warm, caring and creative approach to

the teaching of boys during their many decades of leading St. Anthony’s School for Boys.

Sarah is the oracle through whom advice, guidance and practical counsel is sought. Always

responsive, eager to help, no question is too small no challenge too big.

I speak on behalf of all at St. Anthony’s who wish to acknowledge their gratitude and

appreciation for her selfless commitment to the school.

I wish Sarah and her family continued happiness and success.

We look forward to seeing you join us for many future celebratory events at St. Anthony’s.

Sarah, we thank you for all that you and your family have contributed to creating such a fine


We also say goodbye to a few members of Junior House staff

at the end of this term:

Claire, who has been such a welcome addition to our Reception

Team is moving back to Australia to be closer to her family;

Monica, who has worked with Louise over the last couple of

years is leaving us to embark on a PGCE in French and Spanish

and, Francesco, who has worked closely with the boys in 3E, is

moving closer to home in South London, joining Dulwich

College Kindergarten and Infant School as a PE assistant.

We are also very sorry to be saying goodbye to Katalin, who

has been a much-valued member of the St. Anthony’s team for

the last 14 years, working in Year 2 and supporting the PE

Department: she is moving out of London. I know that you will

join me in thanking them so much for their hard work with the

boys and wishing them all the very best for the future.

We also thank Niyazi for his hardwork and commitment to the boys in Drama. He is on a sabbatical for a year and

we look forward to his return in September 2021.


Slán go fóill

‘Goodbye for now’

The "Our Father" in Irish-Gaelic

Ár n-Athair atá ar neamh,

Go naofar d'ainim,

Go dtagfadh do ríocht,

Go ndéantar do thoil ar an talamh mar a dhéantar ar neamh.

Ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu,

agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha

mar a mhaithimidne dár bhféichiúna féin

Ach ná lig sinn i gcathú,

ach saor sinn ó olc,


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Junior House: 90 Fitzjohn’s A venue,

London, NW3 6NP | 020 7435 3597

Senior House: 1 Arkwright Road,

London NW3 6AA | 020 7435 0316

Admissions: 020 7431 1066