Summer 2012 Human Action

JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3 The Supreme Court’s shocking and deeply disappointing decision to uphold ObamaCare and its individual mandate as a tax has ushered in an unprecedented expansion of federal power and handed a huge victory to Obama and the progressive plan to “fundamentally transform America.” But all is not lost. This fight remains winnable. Although the Supreme Court has tragically upheld ObamaCare, “We the People” can still repeal it. FreedomWorks has decided to “double down,” publishing a five-point plan for full repeal and calling on all Americans to join us in declaring our independence from ObamaCare. AFTER THE OBAMACARE RULING: WHY WE’RE “DOUBLING DOWN” FOR FULL REPEAL HUMAN ACTION THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE FREEDOMWORKS COMMUNITY FreedomWorks and FreedomWorks Foundation recruit, educate, train and mobilize millions of volunteer activists to fight for lower taxes, less government and more freedom. ObamaCare after SCOTUS: The Fight Goes On 1, 6, 7 Letter from the President 2 FreedomWorks Dominates Online 3 Mourdock Wins 4-5 FreedomWorks Wins Critical School Choice Battle 8-9 New Staff Join the FreedomWorks Team 10 Activist Profile: Gena and Ed Bell 11 In the News 12 ...CONTINUED THE GREAT BETRAYAL Chief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding vote in the ObamaCare case and penned the “Opinion of the Court,” which reveals his motives to be transparently political. Rather than simply judge the law’s constitutionality, he declares a need to “adopt any reasonable construction in order to preserve the statute from being ruled unconstitutional.” He adds: “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”


Summer 2012 Human Action

Transcript of Summer 2012 Human Action

Page 1: Summer 2012 Human Action

JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3

The Supreme Court’s shocking and deeply

disappointing decision to uphold ObamaCare and

its individual mandate as a tax has ushered in an

unprecedented expansion of federal power and

handed a huge victory to Obama and the progressive

plan to “fundamentally transform America.”

But all is not lost. This fight remains winnable.

Although the Supreme Court has tragically upheld

ObamaCare, “We the People” can still repeal it.

FreedomWorks has decided to “double down,”

publishing a five-point plan for full repeal and

calling on all Americans to join us in declaring our

independence from ObamaCare.



FreedomWorks and

FreedomWorks Foundation

recruit, educate, train and

mobilize millions of volunteer

activists to fight for lower

taxes, less government and

more freedom.

ObamaCare after SCOTUS:

The Fight Goes On 1, 6, 7

Letter from the President 2

FreedomWorks Dominates

Online 3

Mourdock Wins 4-5

FreedomWorks Wins Critical

School Choice Battle 8-9

New Staff Join the

FreedomWorks Team 10

Activist Profile: Gena and Ed

Bell 11

In the News 12


THE GREAT BETRAYALChief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding

vote in the ObamaCare case and penned the

“Opinion of the Court,” which reveals his motives

to be transparently political. Rather than simply

judge the law’s constitutionality, he declares a

need to “adopt any reasonable construction in

order to preserve the statute from being ruled


He adds: “It is not our job to protect the people from

the consequences of their political choices.”

Page 2: Summer 2012 Human Action

After first siding with the four

conservatives -- Justices Scalia,

Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito -- to

find that the purchase mandate

is unconstitutional, Roberts then

sides with the four “progressives”

-- Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, and

Sotomayor -- to rule that the

government may nevertheless

impose that mandate!

It turns out the massive, 2,801-

page law -- with its 159 new

bureaucracies, $2.6 trillion

in new spending, 1,968 new

federal powers, and 13,000

pages of regulations (so far) -- was

ultimately saved by a single word.

The Chief Justice embraced a

most unreasonable construction,

straining to read the word

“penalty” (for not purchasing

health insurance) as a “tax.”

The four conservatives

vigorously dissented from this

interpretation, unanimously

arguing for a complete strike-

down of the law. Their detailed

and cogent opinion leaves little

room for doubt that ObamaCare

exceeds the Constitution’s

carefully crafted limits on

government power and violates

our inalienable rights to life,

liberty, and the pursuit of


But instead of respecting those

limits, the Chief Justice chose

to vastly expand federal power.

Thanks to this decision, Congress

can now make us do anything, as

long as it’s enforced with a tax.

HOPE REMAINSThankfully, in our system, the

Supreme Court doesn’t have the

last word. If the Court won’t do

its job -- which is to uphold the

Constitution, period -- then we

will have to do it for them, in

Congress, in the state legislatures,

and at the ballot box.

As of now, the only sure way to

beat ObamaCare and restore the

Constitution is to “Take America

Back” in 2012, primarily by

taking the Senate. To do so,

the citizens of this nation must

become informed, engaged, and


REPEAL: OUR FIVE-POINT PLANObamaCare doesn’t take full

effect until 2014 -- and if we do

our jobs right in 2012, it never

will. Here is FreedomWorks’ five-

point plan for full repeal.

1. STOP THE EXCHANGE:Stop your state from setting up

an ObamaCare exchange. Due to

a loophole in the law, we can stop

ObamaCare cold in any state

that fails or declines to set up an

exchange. So far, exchanges have

been set up in only two states,

and only about a dozen have an

exchange in the works. Most

states are internally divided or

hesitant. We need to throw sand

in the gears in every state we can.

One way to do that is to pass a

“Health Care Freedom Act,”

a state law or ballot initiative

that bars state officials from

cooperating in implementing

any law that would take away

our unalienable right to obtain

health care free of government


2. STOP THE EXPANSION:Get your state to opt out of the

costly ObamaCare Medicaid

expansion. In the lawsuit,

twenty-six states -- more than

half the Union -- sued to stop this

coercive expansion of the state-

federal health-care program for

the poor. The Roberts Decision

agreed with the states, but

instead of striking the expansion

down, chose instead to declare it

optional for states. This creates

yet another opportunity for us to

stop the spread of government

health care.

FreedomWorks’ Dean Clancy & U.S. Senator Mike Lee at the Supereme Court.

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JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3

3. TAKE THE SENATE:Elect four additional pro-repeal

Senators, which would give us a

pro-repeal majority. We currently

have 47 votes in the Senate for

repeal, all of them Republicans.

We need four more pro-repeal

votes to have a majority. Thanks

to the Roberts Decision declaring

the purchase mandate a “tax,”

it’s now clear that under a special

parliamentary procedure known

as “budget reconciliation,” we

only need a simple majority, 51

votes, rather than the customarily

required 60 votes, to repeal this


4. KEEP THE HOUSE:Retain and if possible enlarge the

existing House majority, which is

already committed to full repeal.

The 242 House Republicans

elected in 2010 have forced that

chamber to vote no fewer than 30

times on bills to repeal, defund,

or dismantle ObamaCare. They

need reinforcements.

5. TAKE THE WHITE HOUSE:Elect a president who will sign

the full repeal bill. Let’s face it. If

we want to repeal ObamaCare,

we must repeal President Obama.

We need your help in this battle.

Get involved in your state. Visit

our online war room, www., to view

up-to-date maps and other useful


AFTER REPEAL: RESTARTFull repeal is only half the

battle. We must not only repeal

-- we must restart. If we don’t

implement patient-centered,

consumer-driven reforms, then

the fight to repeal will come to

nothing, because it will only be

a matter of time before the Left

regroups and makes yet another

push in its century-old fight for

socialized medicine.

To build a patient-centered

system, we need to get

government out of the way

and out of the examining

room. Instead of focusing on

“expanding coverage,” we should

focus on reducing costs and

expanding individual liberty.

We must start treating patients

like free men and women capable

of making their own choices.

Markets work in health care,

when we let them. Only when

patients control the dollars do we

see prices fall and quality rise.

Patients have a right to shop

around, with their own money.

Health professionals have a right

to compete for our business.

Insurers have a right to price their

products according to risk.

There is no excuse for

government mandates and

policies that tip the scales in favor

of third-party payment and that

needlessly impede commerce

across state lines.

States should also reform their

tort laws to protect doctors from

fraudulent malpractice suits.

And Congress should preserve

and strengthen Health Savings

Accounts, a patient-friendly

tool that ObamaCare would

effectively eliminate.

These are just a few of the

many ideas being presented

by our side—ideas that need to

be considered in an open and

transparent process that doesn’t

reek of the corruption and

vote-buying of Nancy Pelosi’s

and Harry Reid’s “Jam the bill

through at any cost!” approach.

The path to repeal and true

health care reform is clear. It

runs not through the courts, but

through the legislatures and the

voting booth.

Fear not. This is only the second

act, the Empire Strikes Back stage

of the saga. Our side will win in

the end, because our principles

are true, our mission is clear,

our goal is within reach, and our

hearts are strong.

To recover our lost freedom, we

must take America back in 2012.

The Tea Party needs volunteers.

We need to fill our ranks with

stout-hearted patriots who are

willing to contribute their time,

their talents, and their treasure in

this sacred cause. Are you in?

Dean Clancy protesting ObamaCare at the Supreme Court.

Page 4: Summer 2012 Human Action

So much has happened since the last edition of Human Action that it’s

really difficult to summarize.

We’ve added a number of new staffers at FreedomWorks, including

an incredibly talented graphic designer who created this redesigned

Human Action. You can read more about these new freedom-fighters

on page 4 of this edition.

In the battle for more parental choice in education, we scored a huge

victory in Pennsylvania. On page 8 you can read more about this two

year fight in the Keystone state, which now joins places like South

Carolina, Indiana, Louisiana, and Mississippi in a growing coalition of

states that have passed these critical reforms.

In the online world, FreedomWorks is continuing to build a massive,

informed, and engaged freedom community. Our nearly 2 million-

strong Facebook page and our new online video series Tea Time with

Max Pappas are just two ways we are connecting constituents directly

with their elected officials. I hope you enjoy reading about the exciting

things we’re doing online on page 3.

As you probably know, the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare and

its individual mandate as a “tax.” This fight is far from over. I’d like

to share with you an excerpt from the majority opinion, authored by

Chief Justice John Roberts, who joined the liberal wing of the Court

and upheld the law:

“It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their

political choices.” — Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts.

It’s an absurd and frightening statement—one that our Framers and our

Constitution would certainly reject. But it’s also a call-to-action. It’s up

to us to restore America.

I hope you enjoy this latest edition of Human Action. Thank you for

your continued support of FreedomWorks and remember—it’s up to us.



Matt Kibbe

President and CEO

Page 5: Summer 2012 Human Action

JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3

FREEDOMWORKS RUNS FACEBOOKThe conventional wisdom, from Howard Dean’s

innovative 2004 Presidential run to President

Obama’s current campaign is that the Left leads

the online arena when it comes to political activism

and organization. Ron Paul’s Presidential runs

notwithstanding, FreedomWorks has proven that

with the right tools and organizational philosophy,

free-market folks are on top online.

Looking at the data, it is clear that FreedomWorks

has the advantage. Instead of dictating from the

top-down, our community oriented, bottom-

up philosophy is simply dominating the online

market. Advertising group Targeted Victory

found that FreedomWorks is the top political

group on Facebook. The numbers are astounding:

FreedomWorks has over 1.7 million Facebook

fans and owns a 30.5% market share of political

engagements on the social media site. The nearest

competition, the ultra-left, has a paltry

17.5% market share. But that is not the end.

During the period studied, MoveOn posted 162

times, and garnered a total of 133,702 engagements.

On the other hand, FreedomWorks posted 66 times,

or less than half the amount of MoveOn, yet we

garnered 232,308 engagements. So while MoveOn

received 825 engagements per post, FreedomWorks

received 3,520 engagements per post… 4 times as

many as the nearest competitor. All of this means

that FreedomWorks followers are engaged and

FreedomWorks is engaging. We are building

an active community of freedom-fighters and

dominating the conversation online.

LIVE ONLINE: TEA TIME WITH MAX PAPPASHere at FreedomWorks, we are committed to

the disintermediation of politics. We believe that

like many of you, most Americans are tired of

having to deal with the abject failure of the media

gatekeepers. Their refusal to track stories that

actually matter and ask the hard questions have led

to a soap-opera of largely meaningless gossip. Enter

Max Pappas and his internet series Tea Time.

This new program brings real conservatives in

academia and Congress, such as the great Thomas

Sowell and Rep. David Schweikert, directly to

you without having to deal with the mediators

of Official Opinion. Perhaps the most important

factor of Tea Time is that we get around mere

sound bites. Tea Time is a one-on-one, in-depth

discussion that provides the “how and why,” rather

than just the “what.” For many Americans, how a

political figure reasons through their decisions is

just as important as the decision itself, and this is

one of the great benefits of Tea Time - as well as

leaving the old-guard media behind.


FreeomWorks’Max Pappas & Matt Kibbe discuss Hostile Takeover at the Activist Fly-in & Bootcamp

Page 6: Summer 2012 Human Action

Over the past 18 months, FreedomWorks has

engaged in a battle to bring meaningful education

reform to Pennsylvania. Beginning in late 2010 with

a candidate petition, FreedomWorks has engaged our

network of over 35,000 activists with one clear goal:

Reform failing PA schools.

On Saturday, June 30th the Pennsylvania legislature

passed an historic school choice bill which includes

an extension of the state’s existing Educational

Improvement Tax Credit program (EITC) tax

credit and a new “opportunity scholarship” program.

This is the first time a school choice bill of this

magnitude has passed into law, ending a 20 year

battle and bringing hope to thousands of children


As part of the budget deal concluded just before

midnight, the legislature broadened the EITC,

adding $50 million in tax breaks to businesses that

donate money for scholarships to students in the

state’s lowest-performing schools. The new tax credit


applies only to students in the attendance area of

the lowest-performing 15 percent of public schools,

more than one-third of which are in Philadelphia.

The budget provides for corporate donations to pay

up to $8,500 in tuition for the students to attend

private schools. Special-education students can get

up to $15,000 in tuition.

FreedomWorks engaged our network in grassroots

activism including door-to-door literature drops,

yard sign blitzing, lobbying visits, phone calls,

rallies, press conferences, petition drives, and

online activism. Through the use of our network.

FreedomWorks was able to distribute over

• 35,000 yard signs

• 180,000 door hangers

• 150,000 phone calls

• 2,000 letters to lawmakers

FreedomWorks staff sign planting in Pennsylvania for School Choice.

Page 7: Summer 2012 Human Action

JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3

FreedomWorks was also successful engaging in

traditional campaign activities, including a multitude

of radio ads that targeted lawmakers throughout

the state. Using more modern techniques,

FreedomWorks engaged in an online marketing

campaign engaging activists on Twitter and

Facebook as well as utilizing online advertisement.

Along the way the FreedomWorks Campaigns

team hosted events throughout the state - including

stops in Harrisburg, Chambersburg, Philadelphia,

Pittsburgh, Doylestown, Ivyland, Wilkes-

Barre, Bucks County, Montgomery County,

Williamsport, Lewisville, Lewisburg, Mt. Union,

Altoona, and Beaver County. These events gave

our activists a better understanding of education

reform and helped create new allies for future

battles. FreedomWorks was also able to use these

events as an opportunity to connect activists with

FreedomWorks grassroots campaign techniques.

We have found this method extremely helpful

in creating a knowledgeable group self-starting

supporters who can continue to advocate for

freedom in their areas.

As part of our goal to educate activists,

FreedomWorks used the influential education

reform movies “Waiting For Superman” and

“The Cartel,” sending copies of the DVD to

activists who would then host viewing parties in

their homes. These parties acted as key word-of-

mouth education campaigns that helped bring in

new activists and attention to the failing school

system plaguing America today. FreedomWorks

distributed over 1,000 copies of each movie.

Along with our online presence, the

FreedomWorks Campaigns team engaged in an

online education push using the FreedomWorks

blog. This forum served as an update-center to all

the activists on the ground.

As part of our “inside/outside” approach, the

FreedomWorks staff spent time in the capital

attending weekly sit-downs with lawmakers to

educate them on the issue. Weekly “lobbying”

visits continued throughout the year with our staff

reaching a majority of House and Senate members.

These meetings were influential in developing

relationships and spreading our message of reform.

We also created a key vote notice and leave-behind

to engage these lawmakers in this critical education


Continuing our inside/outside approach,

FreedomWorks staff testified on behalf of

FreedomWorks at various committees including

the House and Senate Education committees.

These meetings offered a great opportunity for

FreedomWorks staff to engage lawmakers and

continue to bring the issue to the forefront.

FreedomWorks has ended up with a stronger

network filled with engaged activists ready to

continue the fight for more reform, continuing

a long tradition in the state. Through weekly

communication over email, Facebook, Twitter,

Podcasts and the FreedomWorks blog, our activists

were fully engaged and were helped along using

our service center model. Our network is stronger

than ever with more members and more unified

network ready to engage in further battles.

Door Hangers in Pennsylvania for School Choice

Page 8: Summer 2012 Human Action

MATT BATTAGLIA As the Graphic Web Designer

for FreedomWorks, I have the

responsibility of managing and

designing many of our online

campaigns and main websites.

I am also responsible for the

variety of new print materials

coming out of FreedomWorks.

I recently moved to DC from

New Jersey after working a few

different design and web jobs. I

am a Jersey native and graduate

of Rutgers University - New

Brunswick. I enjoy reading and

drawing comics books. I have

seen the Boss 10 times.

AUSTIN PETERSENI’m the new Director of

Production at FreedomWorks.

Previously I was a producer for

Judge Andrew Napolitano’s

show FreedomWatch on the Fox

Business Network, and I moved

to Washington D.C. recently to

work for FreedomWorks. Born

in Independence Missouri and

raised on a farm in Peculiar, I

was a Musical Theatre Major

at Missouri State University.

After graduation I lived and

worked in various positions in

the entertainment industry in

New York City for eight years

before becoming involved in

politics through Ron Paul’s 2008

Presidential Campaign. 

JEFF SCULLYAs the Activist Relations

Coordinator at FreedomWorks,

I’m the point of contact

for assisting activists on

FreedomConnector. Prior to

joining the FreedomWorks

Staff, I was a FreedomWorks

intern in the spring of 2012

and a graduate of Rutgers

University-Camden, New Jersey

with a B.A. in Political Science

in 2011. At Rutgers I was co-

captain for the Rutgers-Camden

hockey team. Outside of work,

I enjoy fishing and am an often

disappointed Flyers and Eagles

fan. I am also the NJ State

Chairman of Young Americans

for Liberty.

DEREK ELLERMANOriginally from Green Bay

a.k.a. Titletown, USA, I joined

FreedomWorks after a tour

of duty on Capitol Hill in a

freshman Republican office.

I recently graduated from the

University of Wisconsin-Green

Bay with a degree in Political


As a former Hill staffer, I realized

that out of several thousand

staffers, only a few had any

real dedication to freedom over

party affiliation. For any real

change to occur, there needs to

be millions more of us holding

the politicians accountable. That

is what attracted me to work at

FreedomWorks. My motto is,

“Amplify what they can’t defy.”

My ideal night would include

a pair of freshly ironed

pleats, a fine scotch, and

good conversation about the

possibilities of space and the

introspective implications of the

vast universe. I also love 80’s

horror movies and the works of

Hunter S. Thompson.

ERIC SCHOLLAs Development Assistant, I find

out how we can best mesh the

FreedomWorks mission with the

interests of our generous donors. I

came to FreedomWorks from The

Philanthropy Roundtable where

I conducted education research.

Prior to that, I had interned at the

American Legislative Exchange

Council (ALEC).

MIGNON MAYI’m the Membership Marketing

Coordinator at FreedomWorks,

managing donor fulfillment,

coordinating our monthly

giving program, and executing

donor-related marketing. Prior

to FreedomWorks, I worked at

an award winning Republican

media shop. Hailing from

Mississippi and Louisiana, I

spend my spare time bragging

about the 2010 Saints Super

Bowl win (WHO DAT!?!) or my

lovely nieces. I went to Loyola

University New Orleans, where I

majored in Mass Communication

with a focus in Public Relations

and minored in Sociology.

TREY GROVERI am the Press Assistant of

FreedomWorks. I’m a proud

Floridian that graduated from the

University of North Florida in

Jacksonville, FL with a bachelor’s

degree in Business Management

and Administration. Prior to

joining FreedomWorks in March

2012, I was an office assistant

at Heritage Action for America

and a Logistics Manager for

“The Delivery Source” in

Jacksonville, FL. When I’m

not at FreedomWorks you can

either find me hitting the gym,

riding motorcycles, or watching a

football or soccer game on TV.


Page 9: Summer 2012 Human Action

JULY 2012 • VOL 2 • ISSUE 3


Cincinnati, Ohio and have been

involved with FreedomWorks on

numerous grassroots campaigns

since 2010. Their incredible

work both locally and nationally

has been a huge asset to our

efforts to fight for lower taxes, less

government, and more freedom.

F W : How have you been

involved with us?

E D : Like a million other

Americans, we attended

the FreedomWorks rally on

9/12 at the Capitol. Our first

personal involvement began in

the summer of 2010. Brendan

Steinhauser met with grassroots

leaders in Cincinnati. He

explained how FreedomWorks

could assist with activist training,

provide materials, motivate

volunteers, and provide resources

to help inform voters on

candidates and issues. In August,

Gena attended her first FreedomWorks boot camp and in September

2010, she volunteered for the FreedomWorks rally in D.C.

Since then, we have worked as a distribution point and coordinator for

FreedomWorks and FreedomWorks for America materials to support

specific issues and campaigns, such as Ohio Issues 2 & 3 in 2011 and

our current efforts to elect Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate.

G E N A : The past two years have brought many opportunities including

the Ohio launch of Freedom Connector and Ed serving on the Tea

Party Debt Commission. But our greatest experience as activists came

in the summer of 2011, when we traveled to Israel with FreedomWorks

to exchange ideas with grassroots activists and see if the same strategies

could work in other countries. This experience would have not been

possible without FreedomWorks.

F W : Why do you choose to work with us?

E D : FreedomWorks is a bottom-up organization, always asking how

they can be of service to activists. They provide tools, materials and

technology to get our message out on issues and candidates. We enjoy a

great relationship with every member of the organization and find their

guidance and knowledge invaluable in our efforts.

G E N A : What compels you to keep fighting for freedom?

We fight because losing is not an option. The alternative to our limited

Constitutional government is tyranny. Freedom has proven to be the

best way for people to live without fear of their government and enjoy

a great quality of life. We fight because Americans died both here and

abroad protecting our freedoms. Everything special and good about

America will end if we don’t succeed. It’s worth repeating, losing is

simply not an option.

F W : Do you have any advice for other grassroots activists?

E D : Keep networking with other activists, not only in your state, but

across the country. FreedomConnector can help make that happen.

You’ll be amazed how many times groups will find opportunities to

share ideas, inform and help one another.

E D : Be an advocate for unity on

important issues or campaigns.

Groups are pulled in many

directions and volunteers can

burn out with too many demands

on their limited time.

There is a perfect task for every

volunteer. We learned one size

does not fit all, but there is a job

for everyone and every volunteer

has the ability to contribute in

their own manner.

FreedomWorks Activists Ed & Gena Bell.

Page 10: Summer 2012 Human Action

This page is paid for by FreedomWorks for America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

HOOSIERS UNSEAT SIX-TERM SEN. DICK LUGAR IN FAVOR OF FREEDOMWORKS FOR AMERICA’S CANDIDATE.Recently, our endorsed Senate candidate and State Treasurer Richard Mourdock shocked the political

establishment by toppling six-term incumbent Senator Dick Lugar in the Indiana primary. But Mourdock

didn’t just win, he won in a landslide, garnering over 400,000 votes and winning by a massive 61-39% margin.

“Lugar, 80, was the first Senate

incumbent ousted this year and

his defeat showed that the anti-

Washington, small government

Tea Party movement is alive and

well,” wrote Nick Carey and Eric

Johnson of Reuters.

Many in the GOP establishment

quickly pointed to an inept Lugar

campaign and Lugar’s residency

issue for his downfall, but as The

Atlantic notes: “well before those

issues got a foothold, a grassroots-

driven, local movement to unseat

Lugar was well under way.”

Leading that grassroots

movement were our local Indiana

activists, campaigning under

the banner of Hoosiers for a

Conservative Senate and helping

us build the most sophisticated

ground game the Tea Party

movement has ever seen.

We made over 400,000 phone


calls to registered Republican

voters, sent over 150,000 pieces

of mail including 50,000 of our

Retire Lugar books, knocked on

over 125,000 doors to distribute

voter education materials, and

planted over 20,000 yard signs

during the campaign.

“What we did is we provided

tools to a really great grassroots

network in Indiana. I mean we

helped train them. We provided

them with online phone banking.

We provided them with all of

the materials that they would

need and we provided them with

really cutting-edge walking map

technology,” said Ryan Hecker,

COO of FreedomWorks for

America, in an interview with


Three days before the primary,

FreedomWorks for America

held a Rally for Mourdock in

downtown Indianapolis which

mobilized Mourdock supporters

to walk door-to-door and make

calls to voters.

Local WISHTV Channel 8

reported on the rally, saying that

“conservative political action

group FreedomWorks is leading

the charge in what they are

calling a final 72-hour get out

the vote rally to elect Richard

Mourdock, and retire Senator

Richard Lugar.”

Mourdock eagerly greeted

activists at the rally and took

questions from a cadre of

reporters. Mary Beth Schneider

of the Indianapolis Star reported:

“Mourdock said the support of

groups like FreedomWorks has

been ‘incredible.’ People who

think the tea party disappeared

— reports of their death has been

greatly exaggerated. They have



for America

Staff and


with Richard


Page 11: Summer 2012 Human Action


This page is paid for by FreedomWorks for America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

been from the very beginning helping us, going door

to door since last October every weekend,” Mourdock

said. “They’ve been critical to all this.”

While our impact in the last few months of this

historic campaign was huge, building the network

to retire Dick Lugar and elect Richard Mourdock

actually began in early 2011 with the formation of

Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate. And from this

determined group of activists we built our network,

holding 15 get-out-the-vote (GOTV) and activist

training events in Noblesville (3), Elkhart, Warsaw

(2), Spencer, Greenwood (2), Lafayette, Indianapolis

(4), and Fishers.

Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate, led by Greg

Fettig, Monica Boyer, and Kristin Minor, also held

an Indiana Tea Party Convention on September 24,

2011 and officially endorsed Richard Mourdock’s

challenge to Sen. Dick Lugar. Once our members

spoke so did we. In true decentralized fashion, our

endorsement of Richard Mourdock followed their


“None of the outside groups were in here at that

time,” Boyer told The Atlantic. “We actually asked

FreedomWorks to get involved.”

“It was at that point that we knew, OK, this is real,

they’ve made a decision, and they came to us; and

they said, ‘OK, we’re ready, we want some support

now,’” said FreedomWorks Vice President Russ


And we had reason to trust their judgment. Back

on September 12, 2009, when FreedomWorks held

our first Taxpayers March on Washington, Richard

Mourdock traveled by bus with our Indiana activists

to attend and speak. Mourdock, through his speech

at 9/12 and his challenge of the Chrysler bailout,

became one of the first politicians to embrace the

Tea Party movement.

“Instead of just taking a plane like most other

speakers probably would, he jumped on one of those

tea party buses that that were taking people across

the country — and just for the next 15 hours hung

out with Hoosiers on the bus,” recalled Hecker.

All of our grassroots organizing paid off on Election

Day as turnout in the 2012 Indiana Senate

Republican primary was higher than any recent

Republican statewide race in the Hoosier state

including the 2012 Presidential primary, the 2010

Senate primary, and the 2008 Presidential primary.

Early media reports of a “hijacked” Indiana

primary victory by Mourdock simply couldn’t hold

up. As the turnout proves, we just outworked Lugar

and the establishment across the board.

“Using the Internet, social media, and our service

center model, we are lowering the barriers of

entry for our members and sidestepping the

establishment’s gatekeepers,” commented

FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe. “This

Mourdock victory is perfect example of our ultimate

goal: disintermediation politics.”

Victory in Indiana has already begun a national

groundswell for limited government candidates

in other Senate primaries including Ted Cruz in


“Every activist around me before Mourdock’s

victory speech wanted to know the answer to one

question: how could they get to Utah and Texas?”

commented Communications Manager Michael

Duncan. “This is a national movement where our

activists in one state see those in another state as


Page 12: Summer 2012 Human Action

FREEDOMWORKS: SUPREME COURT DECISION ‘BAFFLING’NEWSMAX“The justification to uphold the individual mandate while

simultaneously admitting it is unconstitutional under the Commerce

Clause is baffling,” said Dean Clancy, vice president of healthcare

policy for FreedomWorks. “If a law violates the Constitution of the

United States, it’s unconstitutional. Any other decision is an act of

shameless judicial activism.

“The president promised us in multiple interviews that the healthcare

law was not a tax, and here we are today, on the steps of the Supreme

Court building, told in a highly partisan vote that the healthcare law

was upheld as a series of taxes,” he said. “The historical, legal. and

political significance of today’s decision is troubling.”

“Our work is far from over,” Clancy added. “Republicans must strike

while the iron is hot and immediately begin efforts to repeal the law in

Congress and replace it with a patient-centered system, which is the

most effective and compassionate option on the table for health care

reform today.”

DENEEN BORELLI NAMED HEAD OF MINORITY OUTREACH AT FREEDOMWORKSTHE HUFFINGTON POST“If you actually take the time to get to know the people in the Tea

Party movement, you see an amazing amount of diversity, not just

different skin colors but people literally from all walks of life that have

united around the idea that the government is too big and is spending

too much money it doesn’t have,” said Matt Kibbe, FreedomWorks’



campaign, an election, a fight of

some kind -- did they come out

stronger than they went in?” is

how Brendan Steinhauser

Matt Kibbe, FreedomWorks

president and CEO, pointed to a

strategy that was “very consistent

with all of the left’s literature

on community organizing.” He

attributed a specific phrase that

the tea party group has adopted

-- “winning by building and

building by winning” -- to the

Sierra Club in the 1990s. “I stole

it from them,” he said.

“You literally just have to feed

the machine -- give them yard

signs, give them walking maps

[to help in knocking on voters’

doors], give them whatever it is

that they want to do and that

trumps all sorts of advantages

that the establishment has.”


FREEDOMWORKS: ‘NOT GOING AWAY’THE NEW YORK TIMES“We are not going away,” said Matt Kibbe, the president of the group.

“It’s time to double down on spreading the message that President

Obama’s individual mandate is an unprecedented infringement on

constitutional liberty, and to take that message to the ballot box in



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