Summary of Package Tests - Home | TIBCO Community · AMORE success NO 0.2-12 1/0/1 ... Package TERR...

Summary of Package Tests Results of Package Tests Matches R? Row Labels NA NO YES Grand Total success 930 746 1676 The package successfully installed, loaded and all test and example function code ran to completion without errors. failure 1786 1786 The package successfully installed and loaded, however, there were failures in the test and/or example function code. noExamples 212 212 The package did not successfully load. cantLoad 822 1 823 Some other problem or error was encountered while loading the package or running the test and/or example function code (e.g. package misconfiguration). fatalError 47 47 Some other problem or error was encountered while loading the package or running the test and/or example function code (e.g. package misconfiguration). noData 301 301 The packages successfully installed and loaded, however the package contained no test or example code. timedOut 186 186 The package successfully installed and loaded, however, the test and/or example function code run timed out. Grand Total 3354 931 746 5031 Please file a support ticket to inform us of any differences you observe when running a package in TERR vs open-source R or to inform us of functionality that is missing from a package in TERR which you would like to see supported.

Transcript of Summary of Package Tests - Home | TIBCO Community · AMORE success NO 0.2-12 1/0/1 ... Package TERR...

Summary of Package TestsResults of Package Tests Matches R?

Row Labels NA NO YES Grand Total

success 930 746 1676

The package successfully installed, loaded and all test and example function code

ran to completion without errors.

failure 1786 1786

The package successfully installed and loaded, however, there were failures in the

test and/or example function code.

noExamples 212 212 The package did not successfully load.

cantLoad 822 1 823

Some other problem or error was encountered while loading the package or

running the test and/or example function code (e.g. package misconfiguration).

fatalError 47 47

Some other problem or error was encountered while loading the package or

running the test and/or example function code (e.g. package misconfiguration).

noData 301 301

The packages successfully installed and loaded, however the package contained no

test or example code.

timedOut 186 186

The package successfully installed and loaded, however, the test and/or example

function code run timed out.

Grand Total 3354 931 746 5031

Please file a support ticket to inform us of any differences you observe when running a package in TERR vs open-source

R or to inform us of functionality that is missing from a package in TERR which you would like to see supported.

R 3.0.2 (2013-09-25);

TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R 2.0.0 (2013-11-07)

Windows Server 2008 64-Bit

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

A3 success NO 0.9.2 9/0/9

abc failure NA 1.8 19/20/39

abcdeFBA success YES 0.4 31/0/31

ABCExtremes failure NA 1 11/11/22

ABCoptim success YES 0.13.11 3/0/3

ABCp2 success YES 1.1 13/0/13

abctools cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

abd failure NA 0.2-5 440/8/448

abf2 failure NA 0.7-0 0/2/2

abind failure NA 1.4-0 56/2/58

aBioMarVsuit noData NA 1 0/0/0

abn noExamples NA 0.83 0/0/0

abundant success YES 1 13/0/13

accelerometry cantLoad NA 2 0/0/0

AcceptanceSampling failure NA 1.0-2 1/20/21

ACCLMA failure NA 1 79/1/80

accrued failure NA 1 59/2/61

ACD failure NA 1.5.3 210/4/214

Ace failure NA 0.0.8 9/10/19

acepack success YES 1.3-3.3 0/0/0

acer noData NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

aCGH.Spline cantLoad NA 2.2 0/0/0

ACNE cantLoad NA 0.7.0 0/0/0

acopula failure NA 0.9.2 13/2/15

aCRM cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

acs failure NA 1.1 58/30/88

ACTCD failure NA 1.0-0 33/22/55

Actigraphy failure NA 1.2 41/2/43

actuar cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

ActuDistns failure NA 3 96/3/99

ada success YES 2.0-3 5/0/5

adabag success NO 3.2 60/0/60

adagio success YES 0.5.9 79/0/79

AdapEnetClass success YES 1 2/0/2

AdaptFit failure NA 0.2-2 7/6/13

AdaptFitOS failure NA 0.45 8/6/14

AdaptiveSparsity cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

adaptivetau failure NA 1.1-1 8/3/11

adaptMCMC failure NA 1.1 8/2/10

adaptsmoFMRI cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

adaptTest failure NA 1 34/13/47

ade4 failure NA 1.5-2 937/198/1135

ade4TkGUI noExamples NA 0.2-6 0/0/0

adegenet timedOut NA 1.3-9.2 0/0/0

adehabitatHR failure NA 0.4.10 28/34/62

adehabitatHS failure NA 0.3.8 66/30/96

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

adehabitatLT failure NA 0.3.14 173/24/197

adehabitatMA failure NA 0.3.8 37/31/68

adephylo cantLoad NA 1.1-5 0/0/0

AdequacyModel failure NA 1.0.6 21/1/22

ADGofTest failure NA 0.3 1/1/2

adimpro noExamples NA 0.7.8 0/0/0

adk success YES 1.0-2 18/0/18

adlift success NO 1.3-2 175/0/175

ADM3 success YES 1.2 1/0/1

AdMit failure NA 1-01.06 13/16/29

ads cantLoad no 1.3-3 147/0/147

AER failure NA 1.2-1 994/179/1173

afex cantLoad NA 0.6-82 0/0/0

AFLPsim timedOut NA 0.2-2 0/0/0

afmtools noData NA 0.1.8 0/0/0

aftgee failure NA 0.3-20 18/7/25

AGD failure NA 0.3 59/16/75

ageprior failure NA 0.9.2 1/3/4

aggrisk failure NA 1 90/45/135

agop timedOut NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

agRee failure NA 0.2-2 4/1/5

Agreement success NO 0.8-1 38/0/38

agricolae failure NA 1.1-5 856/75/931

agridat failure NA 1.8 654/167/821

agrmt success YES 1.31 20/0/20

AGSDest failure NA 2.1 26/29/55

ahaz success NO 1.14 43/0/43

AICcmodavg failure NA 1.34 267/95/362

AID failure NA 1.3 3/4/7

AIM success NO 1.01 52/0/52

akima failure NA 0.5-11 32/1/33

akmeans failure NA 1 6/1/7

alabama success YES 2011.9-1 15/0/15

ALDqr failure NA 0.2 6/1/7

aLFQ failure NA 1.2 24/19/43

AlgDesign failure NA 1.1-7 40/2/42

ALKr cantLoad NA 0.5.3 0/0/0

allan success NO 1.01 36/0/36

allanvar success NO 1 17/0/17

allelematch noExamples NA 2.03 0/0/0

AlleleRetain success YES 1.3.1 0/0/0

allelic success YES 0.1 0/0/0

AllPossibleSpellings success YES 1.1 28/0/28

alm cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

alphahull failure NA 0.2-1 17/1/18

alphashape3d failure NA 1.0-3 5/20/25

alr3 failure NA 2.0.5 83/3/86

alr4 success NO 1.0.3 73/0/73

ALS success YES 0.0.5 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ALSCPC success YES 1 12/0/12

amap failure NA 0.8-7 25/9/34

AMAP.Seq failure NA 1 4/6/10

amei success YES 1.0-5 23/0/23

Amelia cantLoad NA 1.7.2 0/0/0

amen failure NA 0.975 47/4/51

AmericanCallOpt success YES 0.95 100/0/100

AMGET noData NA 1 0/0/0

AMORE success NO 0.2-12 1/0/1

anacor cantLoad NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

anaglyph success YES 0.1-1 1/0/1

analogue failure NA 0.10-0 291/88/379

AnalyzeFMRI cantLoad NA 1.1-16 0/0/0

anametrix failure NA 1.6 2/5/7

anapuce failure NA 2.2 4/2/6

AncestryMapper noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

AnDE success YES 1 7/0/7

andrews failure NA 1 2/3/5

anesrake success NO 0.7 11/0/11

Animal success NO 1.04 38/0/38

animalTrack cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

animation failure NA 2.2 86/9/95

ANN success YES 0.1.4 9/0/9

AnnotLists noData NA 1.2 0/0/0

anoint failure NA 1.3 23/2/25

ant noExamples NA 0.0-10 0/0/0

AnthropMMD noExamples NA 0.9.5 0/0/0

antitrust cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

aod failure NA 1.3 89/4/93

aods3 failure NA 0.4-1 51/87/138

AOfamilies failure NA 1 71/2/73

aoristic timedOut NA 0.3 0/0/0

apcluster cantLoad NA 1.3.2 0/0/0

ape failure NA 3.0-11 400/111/511

aplpack failure NA 1.2.9 8/7/15

appell cantLoad NA 0.0-4 0/0/0

AppliedPredictiveModeling failure NA 1.1-4 31/19/50

approximator failure NA 1.2-2 52/7/59

aprof noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

APSIMBatch noExamples NA 0/0/0

apsrtable failure NA 0.8-8 11/2/13

apt failure NA 1.3 9/1/10

apTreeshape success NO 1.4-5 90/0/90

aqfig cantLoad NA 0.8 0/0/0

aqp failure NA 1.5-3 309/28/337

aqr noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

AquaEnv success NO 1.0-3 18/0/18

ARAMIS failure NA 1.0.1 5/2/7

archetypes success NO 2.1-0 4/0/4

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ArDec success NO 2 7/0/7

arf3DS4 success YES 2.5-4 15/0/15

arfima failure NA 1.2-5 12/8/20

argosfilter success YES 0.63 22/0/22

argparse failure NA 0.5.3 0/7/7

arm cantLoad NA 1.6-10 0/0/0

aroma.affymetrix cantLoad NA 2.11.1 0/0/0

aroma.apd noData NA 0.4.0 0/0/0 cantLoad NA 1.5.0 0/0/0

aroma.core cantLoad NA 2.11.0 0/0/0

ArrayBin cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

arrayhelpers failure NA 0.76-20120816 54/1/55

ars success NO 0.4 7/0/7

ARTIVA timedOut NA 1.2.2 0/0/0

ARTP success NO 2.0.3 35/0/35

arules failure NA 1.0-15 87/38/125

arulesNBMiner cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

arulesSequences failure NA 0.2-4 26/84/110

arulesViz timedOut NA 0.1-7 0/0/0

asbio failure NA 1 152/12/164

ascii success NO 2.1 18/0/18

ascrda success NO 1.15 55/0/55

asd failure NA 1 3/16/19

ash success NO 1.0-14 5/0/5

aspace failure NA 3.2 29/1/30

aspect failure NA 1.0-0 29/5/34

assertive failure NA 0.1-8 185/11/196

AssetPricing failure NA 0.1-0 23/5/28

AssotesteR success YES 0.1-7 1/0/1

aster failure NA 0.8-27 174/2/176

aster2 success NO 0.1 40/0/40

astro failure NA 1.1 30/49/79

astroFns success NO 4.1-0 47/0/47

astsa failure NA 1.1 0/10/10

asympTest success YES 0.1.3 2/0/2

asypow success YES 2013.9-1 33/0/33

AtelieR noData NA 0.24 0/0/0

AtmRay failure NA 1.31 21/1/22

attfad failure NA 1.1 12/11/23

AUC success YES 0.3.0 13/0/13

AUCRF success YES 1.1 8/0/8

audio success NO 0.1-4 1/0/1

audiolyzR success YES 0.4-9 1/0/1

audit failure NA 0.1-1 3/1/4

automap cantLoad NA 1.0-14 0/0/0

autopls success NO 1.2-7 32/0/32

AutoSEARCH success NO 1.2 8/0/8

avgrankoverlap success YES 1 20/0/20

aws cantLoad NA 1.9-3 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total noExamples NA 0.0.5 0/0/0

awsMethods noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

aylmer success NO 1.0-10 60/0/60

B2Z failure NA 1.4 3/2/5

b6e6rl success YES 1.1 6/0/6

BaBooN failure NA 0.1-6 28/10/38

BACCO noData NA 2.0-7 0/0/0

backtest success NO 0.3-2 24/0/24

BACprior failure NA 1.2.1 3/1/4

BAEssd failure NA 1.0.1 77/6/83

bagRboostR noData NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

BaM noExamples NA 0.99 0/0/0

bamdit noExamples NA 1.1-1 0/0/0

bams success YES 1.6 13/0/13

bandit failure NA 0.4.2 10/8/18

barcode success NO 1.1 1/0/1

bark failure NA 0.1-0 8/8/16

Barnard success NO 1.3 2/0/2

BAS cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

BaSAR failure NA 1.3 18/1/19

base64 noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

base64enc failure NA 0.1-1 8/1/9

baseline cantLoad NA 1.1-2 0/0/0

basicspace failure NA 0.07 63/7/70

BASIX success YES 1.1 19/0/19

BaSTA cantLoad NA 1.9 0/0/0

batade success YES 0.1 7/0/7

batch success YES 1.1-4 3/0/3

BatchExperiments failure NA 1.0-968 56/6/62

BatchJobs failure NA 1.1-1135 45/7/52

batchmeans noExamples NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

BayesBridge failure NA 0.2-1 17/2/19

bayesclust failure NA 3.1 1/2/3

BayesComm cantLoad NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

bayescount failure NA 0.9.9-1 2/1/3

BayesCR noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

BayesDA failure NA 2012.04-1 50/1/51

bayesDem cantLoad NA 2.3-2 0/0/0

BayesFactor failure NA 0.9.5 31/59/90

bayesGARCH success NO 1-00.10 3/0/3

bayesGDS noData NA 0.5.0 0/0/0

Bayesianbetareg failure NA 1.1 40/155/195

BayesLCA failure NA 1.3 38/55/93

bayesLife failure NA 2.0-2 30/2/32

BayesLogit failure NA 0.2-4 71/7/78

bayesm failure NA 2.2-5 427/12/439

bayesMCClust success NO 1 32/0/32

bayesmix failure NA 0.7-2 21/4/25

BayesNI failure NA 0.1 0/2/2

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

bayesPop failure NA 4.2-1 30/11/41

bayespref success NO 1 2/0/2

bayesQR success YES 2.1 11/0/11

BayesQTLBIC failure NA 1.0-2 16/3/19

bayess failure NA 1.4 107/5/112

BayesSAE failure NA 1.0-1 4/8/12

BayesSingleSub failure NA 0.6.1 4/2/6

bayesSurv cantLoad NA 2.1-1 0/0/0

bayesTFR failure NA 4.0-3 43/6/49

Bayesthresh success YES 2.0.1 28/0/28

BayesTree success NO 0.3-1.1 14/0/14

BayesValidate success YES 0 14/0/14

BayesVarSel success NO 1.3 8/0/8

BayesX failure NA 0.2-7 56/4/60

BayesXsrc success NO 2.1-2 6/0/6

BayHap failure NA 1.0.1 16/1/17

BayHaz failure NA 0.1-3 34/6/40

BaylorEdPsych failure NA 0.5 21/1/22

BaySIC success NO 1 2/0/2

BAYSTAR failure NA 0.2-9 27/2/29

BB failure NA 2013.4-1 39/1/40

bbefkr success YES 1 5/0/5

bbemkr success YES 1.5 2/0/2

BBmisc failure NA 1.4 101/2/103

bbmle failure NA 1.0.13 53/51/104

BBMM success YES 3 12/0/12

bbo success YES 0.1 3/0/3

bc3net timedOut NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

BCA fatalError NA 0.9-2 0/0/0

BCBCSF failure NA 1.0-0 3/9/12

BCDating failure NA 0.9.3 24/15/39

BcDiag noData NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

BCE failure NA 1.4 4/2/6

BCEA failure NA 2.0-1 54/1/55

BCEs0 failure NA 1.1 2/2/4

Bchron noExamples NA 3.2 0/0/0

Bclim noExamples NA 2.2 0/0/0

bclust cantLoad NA 1.4 0/0/0

bcp cantLoad NA 3.0.1 0/0/0

bcpa cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

bcrm failure NA 0.4.3 26/8/34

bcv failure NA 1 9/4/13

bda cantLoad NA 2.2.8-8 0/0/0

BDgraph timedOut NA 2.6 0/0/0

bdoc success YES 1.2 8/0/8

bdpv success NO 1 26/0/26

bdsmatrix failure NA 1.3-1 16/9/25

bdynsys success NO 1.1 2/0/2

beadarrayFilter failure NA 1.1.0 8/43/51

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

beadarrayMSV cantLoad NA 1.1.0 0/0/0

beanplot failure NA 1.1 1/12/13

bear noData NA 2.5.8 0/0/0

BEDASSLE failure NA 1.2 13/1/14

beeswarm failure NA 0.1.6 4/14/18

benchden failure NA 1.0.5 5/1/6

benchmark cantLoad NA 0.3-5 0/0/0

Benchmarking failure NA 0.23 168/2/170

BenfordTests success YES 1.1.1 18/0/18

bentcableAR failure NA 0.2.3 30/25/55

ber failure NA 4 14/2/16

Bergm cantLoad NA 2.6 0/0/0

Bessel success NO 0.5-4 12/0/12

BEST failure NA 0.2.0 17/25/42

bestglm failure NA 0.33 97/1/98

betafam success YES 1 1/0/1

betapart cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

betaper success NO 1.1-0 4/0/4

betareg cantLoad NA 3.0-4 0/0/0

betategarch failure NA 3 9/13/22

bethel success NO 0.2 15/0/15

bfa cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

bfast failure NA 1.4.4 10/3/13

bfp cantLoad NA 0.0-25 0/0/0

bgeva failure NA 0.2 5/3/8

BGLR noExamples NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

bgmm failure NA 1.5 28/23/51

BGPhazard noExamples NA 0.9.1 0/0/0

BGSIMD failure NA 1 10/2/12

BH noExamples NA 1.51.0-3 0/0/0

Bhat success YES 0.9-10 20/0/20

BHH2 failure NA 2012.04-0 63/8/71

biasbetareg failure NA 1 2/4/6

BiasedUrn success NO 1.06 0/0/0

bibtex failure NA 0.3-6 0/11/11

biclust failure NA 1.0.2 46/22/68

BiDimRegression success NO 1.0-5 10/0/10

bifactorial cantLoad NA 1.4.7 0/0/0

bigdata success YES 0.1 4/0/4

BiGGR noData NA 1.8 0/0/0

biglars failure NA 1.0.2 5/9/14

biglm success NO 0.9-1 18/0/18

bigml cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

bigRR cantLoad NA 1.3-8 0/0/0

BigTSP failure NA 1 12/2/14

bild failure NA 1.1-3 43/3/46

bimetallic success YES 1 15/0/15

binarySimCLF success YES 1 91/0/91

BINCO failure NA 0.1-1 2/15/17

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

bindata success YES 0.9-19 3/0/3

binGroup failure NA 1.1-0 114/1/115

binhf noData NA 0.9-3 0/0/0

binMto success YES 0.0-6 2/0/2

BinNor success NO 2 18/0/18

binom failure NA 1.0-5 11/5/16

binomialcftp success YES 1 0/0/0

binomlogit success NO 1.1 28/0/28

binomTools failure NA 1.0-1 45/1/46

binseqtest success NO 0.3 15/0/15

bio.infer success NO 1.3-1 25/0/25

Biodem fatalError NA 0.3 0/0/0

BiodiversityR cantLoad NA 2.3-6 0/0/0

BioGeoBEARS failure NA 0.2.1 1282/133/1415

Biograph cantLoad NA 2.0.4 0/0/0

biom cantLoad NA 0.3.10 0/0/0

BioMark failure NA 0.4.1 45/1/46

BiomarkeR timedOut NA 1.3 0/0/0

biomod2 failure NA 3.1-18 92/70/162

bionetdata success YES 1 14/0/14

biopara success YES 1.5 8/0/8

BioPhysConnectoR success NO 1.6-10 29/0/29

biOps success NO 0.2.2 10/0/10

biOpsGUI cantLoad NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

bios2mds cantLoad NA 1.2.2 0/0/0

BioStatR success YES 1.0.4 11/0/11

bipartite timedOut NA 2.02 0/0/0

BiplotGUI success NO 0.0-7 3/0/3

birch failure NA 1.2-3 34/22/56

bisectr noData NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

bisoreg noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

bit success NO 1.1-10 219/0/219

bit64 cantLoad NA 0.9-2 0/0/0

bitops success YES 1.0-6 12/0/12

bivarRIpower success NO 1.2 2/0/2

biwavelet cantLoad NA 0.17.1 0/0/0

biwt success NO 1 1/0/1

bizdays failure NA 0.1.2 15/17/32

BlakerCI success YES 1.0-2 5/0/5

BLCOP failure NA 0.2.6 49/2/51

blender failure NA 0.1.1 1/4/5

blighty success NO 3.1-4 4/0/4

blkergm cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

blm failure NA 2013.2.4.4 2/2/4

blme cantLoad NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

blockcluster cantLoad NA 3 0/0/0

BlockMessage success YES 1 6/0/6

blockmodeling failure NA 0.1.8 59/2/61

blockrand success YES 1.3 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

blockTools cantLoad NA 0.5-7 0/0/0

BLR success YES 1.3 2/0/2

BMA failure NA 20/2/22

BMAmevt success NO 1 17/0/17

bmd failure NA 0.5 5/20/25

bmem noExamples NA 1.5 0/0/0

Bmix cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

bmk failure NA 1 3/2/5

BMN success NO 1.02 25/0/25

bmp noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

bmrm failure NA 1.6 4/6/10

BMS failure NA 0.3.1 22/9/31

bnlearn cantLoad NA 3.4 0/0/0

BNPdensity failure NA 2013.8 26/2/28

bnpmr success NO 1.1 0/0/0

boa noData NA 1.1.7-2 0/0/0

BOG success NO 1.1 7/0/7

boilerpipeR cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

Bolstad failure NA 0.2-25 7/3/10

Bolstad2 success NO 1.0-28 3/0/3

boolfun noData NA 0.2.8 0/0/0

BoolNet failure NA 1.61 77/12/89

boostSeq success NO 1 1/0/1

boot failure NA 1.3-9 22/2/24

bootES noData NA 1.01 0/0/0

bootfs cantLoad NA 1.4.2 0/0/0

bootRes success NO 1.2.3 10/0/10

bootruin failure NA 1.1-579 2/1/3

bootspecdens success NO 3 3/0/3

bootStepAIC timedOut NA 1.2-0 0/0/0

bootstrap failure NA 2012.04-1 37/2/39

Boruta success NO 2.1.0 7/0/7

boss cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

BoSSA success NO 1.2 2/0/2

boussinesq success YES 1.0.3 6/0/6

bpca cantLoad NA 1.0-10 0/0/0

bpcp success NO 1.0.0 36/0/36

bPeaks success NO 1 9/0/9

bpkde failure NA 1.0-2 1/1/2

bqtl failure NA 1.0-29 75/2/77

BradleyTerry2 cantLoad NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

BrailleR success NO 0.8 3/0/3

brainwaver failure NA 1.6 44/2/46

branchLars failure NA 1 54/3/57

breakage success NO 1.0-1 9/0/9

bReeze timedOut NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

brew success YES 1.0-6 7/0/7

brglm noData NA 0.5-9 0/0/0

bride success NO 1.3 4/0/4

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

brnn noExamples NA 0.3 0/0/0

Brobdingnag failure NA 1.2-2 37/6/43

Brq success NO 1 10/0/10

BRugs cantLoad NA 0.8-3 0/0/0

BSagri fatalError NA 0.1-6 0/0/0

bscr failure NA 1.1 223/13/236

BSDA failure NA 1.01 1429/93/1522

BsMD success NO 2013.0718 112/0/112

bsml noData NA 1.5-1 0/0/0

bspec failure NA 1.4 66/6/72

bspmma noExamples NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

BSquare success NO 1.1 19/0/19

bst success NO 0.3-3 2/0/2

bstats cantLoad NA 1.1-9-8 0/0/0

BTSPAS noData NA 2012.0219 0/0/0

BTYD failure NA 1 214/1/215

BurStFin success NO 1.01 7/0/7

BurStMisc success YES 1 9/0/9

bursts success YES 1 4/0/4

bvenn success YES 0.1 1/0/1

bvls success NO 1.3 13/0/13

bvpSolve success NO 1.2.4 93/0/93

BVS cantLoad NA 4.12.1 0/0/0

bwsurvival noData NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

c060 noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

c3net timedOut NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

C50 success NO 0.1.0-15 9/0/9

ca failure NA 0.53 20/1/21

cabootcrs failure NA 1 22/20/42

cacher success YES 1.1-2 2/0/2

cacheSweave noExamples NA 0.6-1 0/0/0

cacIRT failure NA 1.1 10/2/12

CaDENCE failure NA 1.2.1 12/6/18

CADFtest failure NA 0.3-1 6/10/16

caGUI cantLoad NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

Cairo cantLoad NA 1.5-2 0/0/0

cairoDevice noData NA 2.19 0/0/0

CalciOMatic failure NA 1.1-3 306/15/321

CALIBERrfimpute failure NA 0.1-2 22/1/23

calibrate success NO 1.7.2 9/0/9

calibrator failure NA 1.2-2 120/12/132

CALINE3 noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

calmate cantLoad NA 0.11.0 0/0/0

CAMAN success NO 0.67 36/0/36

camel timedOut NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

cancerTiming failure NA 1.0.0 51/7/58

candisc failure NA 0.6-5 77/21/98

cape timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

caper failure NA 0.5 96/10/106

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

capme success YES 1.3 17/0/17

capushe success NO 1 28/0/28

capwire failure NA 1.1.4 25/38/63

car failure NA 2.0-19 122/52/174

CARBayes failure NA 1.6 163/15/178

carcass failure NA 1.1 22/10/32

cardidates failure NA 0.4.2 45/9/54

care success NO 1.1.3 46/0/46

CARE1 success YES 1.1.0 15/0/15

caret failure NA 5.17-7 151/12/163

caribou success YES 1.1 45/0/45

caroline failure NA 0.7.6 60/10/70

CAscaling success YES 1 1/0/1

caschrono cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

cat failure NA 0.0-6.5 80/14/94

catdata failure NA 1.1 4/15/19

CatDyn noData NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

catenary failure NA 1.1 34/4/38

catIrt success YES 0.4-1 19/0/19

catnet success NO 1.14.2 36/0/36

caTools failure NA 1.16 260/43/303

catR noExamples NA 2.5 0/0/0

catspec failure NA 0.97 72/11/83

CausalGAM noExamples NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

causalsens noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

cba cantLoad NA 0.2-12 0/0/0

CBPS success YES 0.7 0/0/0

CCA failure NA 1.2 21/4/25

CCAGFA success NO 1.0.3 10/0/10

ccaPP cantLoad NA 0.3.0 0/0/0

cccd timedOut NA 1.04 0/0/0

ccChooser failure NA 0.2.6 13/1/14

cccrm failure NA 1.1 16/12/28

ccems noData NA 1.03 0/0/0

ccgarch success YES 0.2.1 32/0/32

cclust success YES 0.6-17 0/0/0

CCM success YES 1 36/0/36

CCP success NO 1.1 16/0/16

CCTpack success YES 0.91 2/0/2

cda cantLoad NA 0/0/0

cdb success NO 0.0.1 7/0/7

CDFt success YES 1.0.1 0/0/0

CDLasso success YES 1.1 151/0/151

CDM cantLoad NA 2.4-9 0/0/0

CDNmoney success NO 2012.4-1 26/0/26

CDVine timedOut NA 1.1-13 0/0/0

cec2005benchmark success YES 1.0.3 0/0/0

cec2013 success YES 0.1-4 3/0/3

celestial success YES 1.1 12/0/12

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

CellularAutomaton timedOut NA 1.1-1 0/0/0

cellVolumeDist failure NA 1.2 29/12/41

cem noData NA 1.1.5 0/0/0

cems failure NA 0.2 3/6/9

censNID cantLoad NA 0-0-1 0/0/0

censReg cantLoad NA 0.5-20 0/0/0

CensRegMod noExamples NA 0 0/0/0

CePa timedOut NA 0.5 0/0/0

cepp failure NA 1 10/1/11

cfa success NO 0.9-3 16/0/16

CfEstimateQuantiles success YES 1 4/0/4

CFL success YES 0.1 6/0/6

cg failure NA 0.9-6 210/54/264

cgAUC success YES 1.1.2 7/0/7

cgdsr cantLoad NA 1.1.30 0/0/0

cggd failure NA 0.8 12/6/18

cgh cantLoad NA 1.0-7.1 0/0/0

cghFLasso failure NA 0.2-1 20/25/45

cghseg success NO 1.0.2 6/0/6

CGP success YES 1.6-2 19/0/19

cgwtools failure NA 1.1 34/3/37

ChainLadder cantLoad NA 0.1.7 0/0/0

ChangeAnomalyDetection failure NA 0.1.0 6/2/8

changeLOS success YES 2.1 3/0/3

changepoint success NO 1.1 219/0/219

charlson success NO 1 3/0/3

CHCN success NO 1.5 1/0/1

cheb success YES 0.3 3/0/3

chebpol failure NA 1.3-1040 31/5/36

CheckDigit success NO 0.1-1 6/0/6

cheddar failure NA 0.1-622 309/39/348

chemCal success NO 0.1-29 40/0/40

chemometrics failure NA 1.3.8 108/3/111

ChemometricsWithR failure NA 0.1.7 11/1/12

ChemometricsWithRData success YES 0.1.3 5/0/5

chemosensors failure NA 0.7.7 185/98/283

ChemoSpec cantLoad NA 1.61-3 0/0/0

cherry failure NA 0.3-8 36/9/45

chillR failure NA 0.54 75/63/138

chngpt success NO 0.1-2 14/0/14

CHNOSZ failure NA 1.0.1 662/230/892

ChoiceModelR success YES 1.2 27/0/27

choplump success YES 1.0-0.2 14/0/14

chords success YES 0.67 4/0/4

chron failure NA 2.3-44 43/1/44

CHsharp failure NA 0.3 2/3/5

CIFsmry success NO 1.0.1 7/0/7

cimis cantLoad NA 0.1-7 0/0/0

cin success YES 0.1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

CINID failure NA 1 13/5/18

circlize failure NA 0.0.7 44/2/46

CircNNTSR failure NA 2.1 114/4/118

CircStats success NO 0.2-4 8/0/8

circular failure NA 0.4-7 82/29/111

CITAN success NO 2011.08-1 22/0/22

citbcmst failure NA 1.0.3 2/1/3

citccmst noExamples NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

CityPlot noExamples NA 2 0/0/0

Ckmeans.1d.dp success YES 2.5 0/0/0

cladoRcpp cantLoad NA 0.14.2 0/0/0

CLAG cantLoad NA 2.18.1 0/0/0

class success NO 7.3-9 46/0/46

classGraph cantLoad NA 0.7-4 0/0/0

classifly success YES 0.3 0/0/0

classify cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

classInt failure NA 0.1-21 34/28/62

cldr success YES 1.1.0 5/0/5

clhs success NO 0.5-1 7/0/7

climatol noData NA 2.1 0/0/0

climdex.pcic cantLoad NA 0.7-4 0/0/0

clime success NO 0.4.1 7/0/7

clinfun fatalError NA 1.0.5 0/0/0

ClinicalRobustPriors fatalError NA 2.1-2 0/0/0

clinsig success YES 1.0-4 5/0/5

clinUtiDNA success YES 1 19/0/19

clogitL1 cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

cloudUtil success NO 0.1.9 2/0/2

clpAPI success NO 1.2.6 18/0/18

CLSOCP success NO 1 2/0/2

clue failure NA 0.3-47 88/73/161

clues failure NA 0.5-0 51/8/59

cluster failure NA 1.14.4 118/26/144

cluster.datasets success YES 1.0-1 54/0/54

clusterCons noData NA 1 0/0/0

clusterCrit failure NA 1.2.2 4/5/9

clustergas failure NA 1 78/1/79

clusterGeneration failure NA 1.3.1 73/2/75

clusterGenomics failure NA 1 10/32/42

clusterPower cantLoad NA 0.4-2 0/0/0

clusterRepro success YES 0.5-1.1 6/0/6

clusterSim cantLoad NA 0.43-1 0/0/0

clusteval cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

clusthaplo success NO 1.2 84/0/84

ClustOfVar failure NA 0.7 25/7/32

clustrd failure NA 0.1.1 10/11/21

clustsig noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

ClustVarLV cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

clustvarsel failure NA 2 9/6/15

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

clv failure NA 0.3-2.1 114/35/149

clValid failure NA 0.6-4 69/41/110

cmaes noData NA 1.0-11 0/0/0

CMC success YES 1 6/0/6

cmm failure NA 0.7 191/47/238

cmprsk failure NA 2.2-6 5/1/6

cmrutils failure NA 1.2-2 30/8/38

cncaGUI cantLoad NA 0.0-2 0/0/0

CNprep success YES 1 21/0/21

CNVassoc failure NA 2.0.1 19/23/42

CNVassocData noData NA 1 0/0/0

coalescentMCMC timedOut NA 0.3 0/0/0

coarseDataTools failure NA 0.6-2 21/2/23

COBRA success YES 0.99.4 10/0/10

cobs success NO 1.2-2 51/0/51

cobs99 success NO 0.9-12 18/0/18

CoClust failure NA 0.2-9 10/11/21

cocor failure NA 1.0-0 22/7/29

cocorresp failure NA 0.2-0 47/39/86

cocron success NO 1.0-0 10/0/10

coda success NO 0.16-1 6/0/6

codadiags failure NA 1 9/6/15

codep success NO 0.2-2 24/0/24

codetools success NO 0.2-8 7/0/7

coefficientalpha failure NA 0.2.6 31/1/32

coefplot success NO 1.2.0 74/0/74

coenoflex noData NA 2.0-1 0/0/0

coexist success YES 1 37/0/37

coin failure NA 1.0-23 95/1/96

CoinMinD success NO 1.1 20/0/20

colbycol cantLoad NA 0.8 0/0/0

colcor success YES 1 1/0/1

cold failure NA 1.0-3 43/9/52

CollocInfer cantLoad NA 0.1.7 77/2/79

coloc failure NA 2.3-1 12/1/13

colorfulVennPlot success YES 2.4 15/0/15

colorRamps success NO 2.3 1/0/1

colorspace failure NA 1.2-4 22/3/25

colortools noExamples NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

combinat success YES 0.0-8 5/0/5

CombMSC failure NA 1.4.2 5/1/6

comclim failure NA 0.9.0 0/12/12

commandr failure NA 0.9.5 13/13/26

CommonJavaJars noExamples NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

CommonTrend success NO 0.7-1 21/0/21

comorbidities success YES 1 26/0/26

Comp2ROC success YES 1 1/0/1

compactr success YES 0.1 3/0/3

compare success NO 0.2-3 37/0/37

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

compareGroups failure NA 2 29/39/68

compareODM noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

CompareTests failure NA 1 4/4/8

comparison success NO 1.0-4 40/0/40

compeir success NO 1 33/0/33

compHclust failure NA 1.0-1 6/8/14

complex.surv.dat.sim cantLoad NA 2.0.0 0/0/0

CompLognormal success YES 3 0/0/0

compoisson success NO 0.3 18/0/18

COMPoissonReg failure NA 0.3.4 12/20/32

compositions cantLoad NA 1.30-1 0/0/0

compositionsGUI cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

compound.Cox failure NA 1.3 20/6/26

Compounding failure NA 1.0.2 209/6/215

CompQuadForm cantLoad NA 1.4.1 0/0/0

CompRandFld cantLoad NA 1.0.3 0/0/0 success YES 0.2-2 2/0/2

ConConPiWiFun cantLoad NA 0.4.2 0/0/0

concor success YES 1.0-0.1 2/0/2

concreg success NO 0.5 15/0/15

cond noData NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

condGEE success NO 0.1-4 2/0/2

condmixt cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

CondReg failure NA 0.16 6/4/10

coneproj cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0 success YES 2.0.0 28/0/28

confReg success NO 0.1.3 27/0/27

conics failure NA 0.2 23/4/27

conjoint cantLoad NA 1.39 0/0/0

ConjointChecks failure NA 0.0.9 12/2/14

CONOR noExamples NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

CONORData success NO 1.0.2 1/0/1

constrainedKriging cantLoad NA 0.2.2 0/0/0

contfrac success YES 1.1-9 15/0/15

conting failure NA 1.1 80/46/126

contrast failure NA 0.19 3/3/6

ConvCalendar success YES 1.2 8/0/8

ConvergenceConcepts failure NA 1 8/3/11

convevol cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

convexHaz failure NA 0.2 19/7/26

COP failure NA 1.0-2 11/5/16

copas failure NA 0.7-0 4/12/16

copBasic failure NA 1.5.4 102/6/108

copula cantLoad NA 0.999-7 0/0/0

copulaedas cantLoad NA 1.3.0 0/0/0

CopulaRegression timedOut NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

CopyDetect failure NA 1 80/10/90

corcounts success YES 1.4 26/0/26

CORE success YES 1.2 18/0/18

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

CORElearn failure NA 0.9.42 23/2/25

corHMM timedOut NA 1.12 0/0/0

corpcor failure NA 1.6.6 82/1/83

corpora success NO 0.4-3 8/0/8

corpus.JSS.papers noData NA 2012.12.20 0/0/0

corpus.useR.2008.abstracts noData NA 2009.08.10 0/0/0

CorrBin cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

Correlplot failure NA 1.0-2 9/3/12

corrgram failure NA 1.5 5/1/6

corrperm success YES 2 10/0/10

corrplot failure NA 0.73 9/105/114

corrsieve success NO 1.6-8 4/0/4

corTools success YES 1 43/0/43

COSINE success NO 1 53/0/53

cosmoFns failure NA 1.0-1 14/12/26

cosso success YES 2.1-1 7/0/7

costat success YES 2.3 14/0/14

cotrend success YES 1 0/0/0

COUNT failure NA 1.2.3 120/10/130

countrycode success YES 0.16 2/0/2

CountsEPPM failure NA 1 98/22/120

covLCA success NO 1 9/0/9

covRobust success NO 1.1-0 2/0/2

CovSel failure NA 1 2/3/5

covTest failure NA 1.02 6/4/10

CoxBoost success NO 1.4 15/0/15

coxme failure NA 2.2-3 2/13/15

coxphf success YES 1.1 23/0/23

coxphw failure NA 2.13 40/26/66

CoxRidge success NO 0.9.1 34/0/34

coxrobust failure NA 1 5/2/7

cpa success YES 1 1/0/1

CPE success NO 1.4.4 8/0/8

CpGassoc failure NA 2 18/32/50

CPHshape failure NA 1 10/5/15

cpk success YES 1.3 83/0/83

cplm noData NA 0.6-4 0/0/0

cpm success NO 1.1 16/0/16

CPMCGLM success YES 1.1 2/0/2

Cprob cantLoad NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

CR success YES 1 57/0/57

cramer success YES 0.8-1 1/0/1

crank success YES 1.0-4 28/0/28

crantastic noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

crawl failure NA 1.4-1 18/1/19

crblocks noData NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

crch failure NA 0.1-0 11/13/24

CreditMetrics success YES 0.0-2 80/0/80

crimCV success NO 0.9.3 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

CRM cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

crmn cantLoad NA 0.0.19 0/0/0

crn success YES 1.1 7/0/7

crossdes success YES 1.1-1 31/0/31

crossmatch failure NA 1.3-1 22/2/24

crp.CSFP success NO 2 8/0/8

crqa failure NA 1.0.1 64/7/71

crrSC success YES 1.1 14/0/14

crrstep failure NA 2013-02.12 9/5/14

crs failure NA 0.15-18 39/19/58

CRTSize failure NA 0.2 5/3/8

CrypticIBDcheck failure NA 0.3-1 14/6/20

csampling noData NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

cSFM failure NA 1 31/2/33

cshapes timedOut NA 0.4-2 0/0/0

cslogistic success NO 0.1-3 14/0/14

csound success YES 0.1-1 34/0/34

CSS failure NA 1.0.2 8/15/23

csSAM failure NA 1.2.4 10/1/11

ctarma noData NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

cts failure NA 1.0-18 18/4/22

CTT success NO 1 26/0/26

ctv success NO 0.7-8 1/0/1

cubature success YES 1.1-2 27/0/27

Cubist success NO 0.0.13 16/0/16

cudaBayesregData noData NA 0.3-11 0/0/0

cudia success YES 0.1 6/0/6

CUMP noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

cumplyr failure NA 0.1-1 21/6/27

cumSeg noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

currentSurvival success YES 1 10/0/10

curvclust noData NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

curvetest timedOut NA 2.2 0/0/0

curvHDR failure NA 1.0-3 6/8/14

cusp fatalError NA 2.2 0/0/0

cvAUC failure NA 1.0-0 11/1/12

CvM2SL1Test success YES 2.0-1 2/0/2

CvM2SL2Test success YES 2.0-1 2/0/2

cvplogistic success YES 3.1-0 15/0/15

cvq2 cantLoad NA 1.2.0 0/0/0

CVST failure NA 0.2 23/12/35

CVThresh success NO 1.1.1 23/0/23

cvTools failure NA 0.3.2 104/58/162

cvxclustr success YES 1.0.0 59/0/59

cwhmisc cantLoad NA 4 0/0/0

cwm failure NA 0.0.2 20/12/32

cxxfunplus success YES 1 1/0/1

cyphid success YES 1.1 12/0/12

cytoDiv success NO 0.5-3 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

d3Network success YES 0.4.2 9/0/9

DAAG failure NA 1.18 550/35/585

DAAGbio success NO 0.62 7/0/7

DAAGxtras failure NA 0.8-4 23/4/27

dae failure NA 2.1-7 141/46/187

daewr timedOut NA 1.0-10 0/0/0

dafs failure NA 1.0-37 16/1/17

DAGGER success NO 1.4 1/0/1

dagR success NO 1.1.2 26/0/26

Daim success NO 1.1.0 54/0/54

DAKS cantLoad NA 2.1-2 0/0/0

DALY noExamples NA 1.2.0 0/0/0

DAMisc failure NA 1.2 86/4/90

DandEFA failure NA 1.4 4/7/11

darch noData NA 0.9 0/0/0

darts failure NA 1 9/6/15

data.table cantLoad NA 1.8.10 0/0/0

DatABEL cantLoad NA 0.9-4 0/0/0

datacheck failure NA 1.0.0 47/13/60

DataCombine cantLoad NA 0.1.8 0/0/0

DataFrameConstr failure NA 1.1-2 11/25/36

dataframes2xls success NO 0.4.5 24/0/24

datamap cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

datamart cantLoad NA 0.4.2 0/0/0

datamerge failure NA 1.0-1 0/1/1

dataone cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

dataonelibs noData NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

dataQualityR success NO 1 7/0/7

datautils failure NA 0.1.4 8/1/9

dataview failure NA 1.4-8 14/8/22

date success NO 1.2-33 12/0/12

DATforDCEMRI timedOut NA 0.55 0/0/0

dave cantLoad NA 1.4 63/27/90

Davies success NO 1.1-8 23/0/23

dbEmpLikeGOF success NO 1.2.4 4/0/4

dbEmpLikeNorm success NO 1.0.0 0/0/0

DBGSA success YES 1.2 4/0/4

DBI noExamples NA 0.2-7 0/0/0

DBKGrad cantLoad NA 1.4 0/0/0

dblcens success YES 1.1.7 3/0/3

dbmss fatalError NA 2.0.3 0/0/0

dbstats fatalError NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

dcemriS4 failure NA 0.5 47/30/77

DCGL timedOut NA 2.1.0 0/0/0

DCL failure NA 0.1.0 131/9/140

dclone failure NA 2.0-0 62/3/65

DCluster cantLoad NA 0.2-6 0/0/0

dcmle cantLoad NA 0.2-4 0/0/0

dcv success NO 0.1.1 13/0/13

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ddalpha failure NA 1.0.4 29/6/35

DDD failure NA 2.4 7/1/8

ddepn timedOut NA 2.2 0/0/0

DDHFm success NO 1.1.1 3/0/3

ddst success YES 1.03 3/0/3

deal success NO 1.2-37 64/0/64

deamer success NO 1 34/0/34

debug cantLoad NA 1.3.1 0/0/0

decctools failure NA 0.1.2 4/6/10

DECIDE noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

decon failure NA 1.2-4 22/15/37

Deducer cantLoad NA 0.7-6.1 0/0/0

DeducerExtras noData NA 1.7 0/0/0

DeducerPlugInExample noData NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

DeducerPlugInScaling noData NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

DeducerSpatial cantLoad NA 0.7 0/0/0

DeducerSurvival noData NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

DeducerText cantLoad NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

deducorrect timedOut NA 1.3-4 0/0/0

Defaults success NO 1.1-1 61/0/61

degenes failure NA 1.1 8/4/12

degreenet failure NA 1.2 36/34/70

Delaporte cantLoad NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

deldir cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

deltaPlotR success NO 1.3 45/0/45

Demerelate success NO 0.8-0 7/0/7

DEMEtics success YES 0.8-5 8/0/8

demi cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

demography cantLoad NA 1.15 0/0/0

demoKde success YES 0.9-1 0/0/0

dendroextras failure NA 0.1-2 0/14/14

DendSer failure NA 1.0.1 1/1/2

denpro success NO 0.9.1 102/0/102

denstrip failure NA 1.5.2 12/26/38

DEoptim success YES 2.2-2 12/0/12

depend.truncation failure NA 2 39/5/44

depmix failure NA 0.9.10 34/2/36

depmixS4 failure NA 1.3-0 24/38/62

depth cantLoad NA 2.0-0 0/0/0

depthTools success NO 0.4 17/0/17

descr success YES 1.0.2 9/0/9

DescribeDisplay failure NA 0.2.4 8/16/24

deseasonalize success NO 1.35 1/0/1

designGG success YES 1.1 8/0/8

DesignPatterns timedOut NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

desirability success YES 1.05 7/0/7

desire cantLoad NA 1.0.7 0/0/0

deSolve success NO 1.10-8 105/0/105

detect success NO 0.3-1 10/0/10

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

deTestSet failure NA 1.1.1 92/28/120

detrendeR success NO 1.0.4 5/0/5

DetSel success NO 1.0.2 7/0/7

devEMF cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

Devore6 failure NA 0.6-0 493/13/506

Devore7 success NO 0.7.5 786/0/786

devtools cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

df2json success NO 0.0.2 9/0/9

dfcrm failure NA 0.2-2 39/17/56

dfoptim success YES 2011.8-1 5/0/5

dglars timedOut NA 1.0.3 0/0/0

dglm failure NA 1.6.2 10/30/40

dgmb success NO 1 26/0/26

dgof failure NA 1.2 8/18/26

dhglm failure NA 1.2 26/12/38

diagram success NO 1.6.1 18/0/18

DiagTest3Grp failure NA 1.5 69/12/81

diaplt failure NA 1.2.1 7/24/31

dice success YES 1.1 7/0/7

DiceDesign failure NA 1.3 30/3/33

DiceEval failure NA 1.2 26/20/46

DiceKriging failure NA 1.5.2 61/13/74

DiceOptim failure NA 1.4 178/70/248

DiceView cantLoad NA 1.3-1 0/0/0

dichromat success YES 2.0-0 3/0/3

dicionariosIBGE success NO 1.5 3/0/3

dielectric fatalError NA 0.2.3 0/0/0

DierckxSpline failure NA 1.1-9 27/6/33

diff noData NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

diffdepprop success YES 0.1-9 13/0/13

diffEq success NO 1 3/0/3

diffIRT success YES 1.2 6/0/6

diffractometry fatalError NA 0.1-7 0/0/0

diffusionMap timedOut NA 1.0-0 0/0/0

DIFlasso noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

difR cantLoad NA 4.5 0/0/0

digest failure NA 0.6.3 86/5/91

Digiroo2 timedOut NA 0.6 0/0/0

dils timedOut NA 0.8 0/0/0

DIME failure NA 1.1 210/13/223

dinamic failure NA 1 20/6/26

diptest success NO 0.75-5 28/0/28

DIRECT noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

directlabels failure NA 2013.6.15 63/20/83

directPA failure NA 1 19/4/23

DirichletReg failure NA 0.4-0 11/20/31

dirmult failure NA 0.1.3-4 17/1/18

disclap success YES 1.4 3/0/3

disclapmix cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

DiscreteInverseWeibull success NO 1 37/0/37

DiscreteLaplace success YES 1 24/0/24

discreteMTP success NO 0.1-2 21/0/21

discreteRV success NO 1.0.1 53/0/53

DiscreteWeibull failure NA 1 78/9/87

discretization success NO 1.0-1 33/0/33

discrimARTs failure NA 0.2 5/9/14

DiscriMiner noExamples NA 0.1-29 0/0/0

diseasemapping failure NA 0.7.5 36/12/48

dismo failure NA 0.8-17 94/26/120

disp2D cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

displayHTS success NO 1 65/0/65

dispmod success NO 1.1 20/0/20

Distance failure NA 0.7.3 6/10/16

DistatisR success NO 1 48/0/48 success NO 1 1/0/1

distillery success YES 1.0-1 6/0/6

distory success NO 1.4.2 33/0/33

distr cantLoad NA 2.5.2 0/0/0

distrDoc cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

distrEllipse cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

distrEx cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

DistributionUtils failure NA 0.5-1 50/37/87

distrMod cantLoad NA 2.5.2 0/0/0

distrRmetrics cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

distrSim cantLoad NA 2.5.2 0/0/0

distrTeach cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

distrTEst cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

divagis noExamples NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

diveMove cantLoad NA 1.3.7 0/0/0

diversitree cantLoad NA 0.9-6 0/0/0

diveRsity success NO 1.5.5 4/0/4

DiversitySampler success YES 2.1 3/0/3

DivMelt success NO 1.0.3 4/0/4

dixon cantLoad NA 0.0-5 0/0/0

dkDNA success YES 0.1.0 6/0/6

dlm failure NA 1.1-3 63/21/84

dlmap failure NA 1.13 4/7/11

dlmodeler failure NA 1.2-1 89/102/191

dlnm failure NA 2.0.6 110/2/112

dma failure NA 1.2-0 8/1/9

DMR failure NA 2 21/9/30

dmt success NO 0.8.10 15/0/15

DMwR failure NA 0.4.1 108/38/146

dna success NO 1.0-0 81/0/81

DNAtools success YES 0.1-7 2/0/2

DnE success NO 1.01 28/0/28

DOBAD failure NA 1.0.1 26/9/35

doBy failure NA 4.5-9 125/21/146

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

Dodge success NO 0.8 6/0/6

DoE.base failure NA 0.25-2 94/48/142

DoE.wrapper timedOut NA 0.8-9 0/0/0

Dominance timedOut NA 0.9.11 0/0/0

doParallel noData NA 1.0.6 0/0/0

doRedis noExamples NA 1.0.5 0/0/0

doRNG failure NA 1.5.5 21/73/94

DoseFinding failure NA 0.9-9 86/92/178

doSNOW noData NA 1.0.9 0/0/0

dosresmeta failure NA 1.2.1 4/2/6

dostats failure NA 1.2.0 8/2/10

downloader noExamples NA 0.3 0/0/0

dpa timedOut NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

dpcR cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

dpglasso success YES 1 6/0/6

dplR failure NA 1.5.7 153/70/223

DPM.GGM success YES 0.14 12/0/12

dpmixsim success NO 0.0-8 1/0/1

DPpackage cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

DPw cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

dr failure NA 3.0.7 34/3/37

drawExpression failure NA 1 1/6/7

drc failure NA 2.3-7 17/296/313

drfit success NO 0.05-96 8/0/8

DRI failure NA 1.1 94/21/115

driftsel noData NA 2.1.1 0/0/0

drm failure NA 0.5-8 17/14/31

drmdel failure NA 1 24/7/31

ds failure NA 2 42/30/72

dsample failure NA 0.91.1 4/2/6

DSBayes failure NA 1 11/1/12

dse failure NA 2013.3-2 128/138/266

dse1 noData NA 2011.11-2 0/0/0

dse2 noData NA 2011.11-2 0/0/0

DSL failure NA 0.1-4 7/20/27

dsm failure NA 2.1.3 3/9/12

DSpat cantLoad NA 0.1.5 0/0/0

DTComPair success NO 1.0.2 113/0/113

DTDA failure NA 2.1-1 12/3/15

dti cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

DTK failure NA 3.5 4/10/14

DTMCPack success YES 0.1-2 16/0/16

DTR success YES 1.2 213/0/213

dtw cantLoad NA 1.16 0/0/0

dummies success YES 1.5.6 28/0/28

DunnettTests success YES 1 15/0/15

dupiR failure NA 1.1 18/2/20

dvfBm success NO 1 6/0/6

dvn cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

DWD failure NA 0.11 14/14/28

dyn failure NA 0.2-9 14/17/31

dynamicGraph timedOut NA 0/0/0

dynamicTreeCut success YES 1.60-1 11/0/11

dynaTree failure NA 1.2-7 40/11/51

dynBiplotGUI failure NA 1.0.0 1/2/3

DynClust success YES 2.2 1/0/1

dynCorr failure NA 0.1-2 2/11/13

dynlm failure NA 0.3-2 4/20/24

dynpred failure NA 0.1.1 39/6/45

dynsim cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

dynsurv cantLoad NA 0.1-8 0/0/0

e1071 failure NA 1.6-1 121/4/125

eaf failure NA 1.05 24/2/26

earlywarnings failure NA 1.0.38 8/7/15

earth failure NA 3.2-6 23/9/32

easi failure NA 0.2 25/20/45

EasyABC success YES 1.2.2 0/0/0

easyanova failure NA 3 92/60/152

EasyHTMLReport noExamples NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

easystab failure NA 1 38/32/70

EasyUpliftTree success YES 0.0.3 8/0/8

eba failure NA 1.7-1 56/44/100

ebal success NO 0.1-5 4/0/4

EbayesThresh success YES 1.3.2 2/0/2

ebdbNet timedOut NA 1.2.3 0/0/0

EBMAforecast noExamples NA 0.42 0/0/0

EBS failure NA 2.8 77/15/92

Ecdat failure NA 0.2-3 122/38/160

ecespa cantLoad NA 1.1-7 0/0/0

ecodist failure NA 1.2.7 32/2/34

EcoHydRology failure NA 0.4.11 40/8/48

ecolMod failure NA 1.2.4 18/9/27

ecoreg failure NA 0.2 9/3/12

ecosim success NO 1.01 39/0/39

EcoTroph success NO 1.6 32/0/32

ecp cantLoad NA 1.5.4 0/0/0

EDanalysis noData NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

edcc failure NA 1.0-0 7/9/16

edesign noData NA 1.0-12 0/0/0

EDISON success NO 1 7/0/7

editrules timedOut NA 2.7.2 0/0/0

EDR success NO 0.6-5.1 7/0/7

edrGraphicalTools cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

eeptools failure NA 0.2 54/13/67

effects failure NA 2.3-0 12/55/67

EffectsRelBaseline success NO 0.5 11/0/11

EffectStars failure NA 1.3 1/1/2

effsize success YES 0.3 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

eggCounts cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

egonet cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

eha cantLoad NA 2.3-1 0/0/0

eHOF failure NA 1.1 7/3/10

eigendog success YES 1.01 5/0/5

eigeninv success YES 2011.8-1 12/0/12

eigenmodel success NO 1.01 8/0/8

eigenprcomp success YES 1 1/0/1

EILA failure NA 0.1-2 5/2/7

eiPack success NO 0.1-7 1/0/1

eive success YES 1 3/0/3

EL failure NA 1 1/13/14

el.convex success YES 1 3/0/3

elasticnet success YES 1.1 26/0/26

elec success NO 0.1.2 69/0/69

elec.strat success NO 0.1.1 43/0/43

ElemStatLearn failure NA 2012.04-0 66/5/71

elliplot failure NA 1.1.1 8/6/14

ellipse failure NA 0.3-8 23/11/34

elliptic failure NA 1.3-0 178/14/192

elmNN success NO 1 8/0/8

elrm noData NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

em2 success YES 0.9 0/0/0

EMA cantLoad NA 1.4.3 0/0/0

EMC noExamples NA 1.3 0/0/0

EMCC noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

EMCluster noExamples NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

EMD failure NA 1.5.6 38/15/53

emdbook failure NA 1.3.4 45/1/46

emdist fatalError NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

emg failure NA 1.0.5 5/5/10

EMJumpDiffusion success YES 1.4.1 11/0/11

emma failure NA 0.1-0 73/12/85

EMMAgeo failure NA 0.9.1 41/2/43

emme2 noExamples NA 0.9 0/0/0

EMMIXskew cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

EMMIXuskew failure NA 0.11-5 39/6/45

emoa cantLoad NA 0.5-0 0/0/0

emplik success YES 0.9-9 75/0/75

emplik2 success YES 1.1 46/0/46

EMT failure NA 1.1 7/10/17

emulator failure NA 1.2-12 141/17/158

EMVC failure NA 0.1 1/5/6

ENA timedOut NA 1.2-4 0/0/0

enaR failure NA 2.5 52/6/58

endogMNP noData NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

endorse success NO 1.4.0 3/0/3

energy failure NA 1.6.0 38/7/45

english success NO 1.0-1 8/0/8

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

EngrExpt failure NA 0.1-8 168/16/184

ENmisc success YES 1.2-7 13/0/13

EnQuireR noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

enRich failure NA 2 31/5/36

enrichvs success NO 0.0.5 16/0/16

ensembleBMA success NO 5.0.4 161/0/161

ensembleMOS success NO 0.7 43/0/43

entropart failure NA 1.1.1 65/24/89

entropy success NO 1.2.0 35/0/35

enviPat failure NA 1.3 51/3/54

EnvNicheR success YES 1 2/0/2

EnvStats fatalError NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

epade failure NA 0.3.8 12/38/50

Epi failure NA 1.1.49 226/70/296

epibase cantLoad NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

epibasix failure NA 1.3 14/1/15

epicalc failure NA 710/133/843

EpiContactTrace cantLoad NA 0.8.8 0/0/0

EpiEstim failure NA 1.1-2 13/2/15

EpiModel failure NA 0.25 11/16/27

epiR failure NA 0.9-48 218/9/227

epitools failure NA 0.5-7 174/40/214

epoc cantLoad NA 0.2.5-1 0/0/0

epr failure NA 2 45/14/59

EQL failure NA 1.0-0 53/2/55

eqs2lavaan success NO 3 3/0/3

eqtl cantLoad NA 1.1-7 0/0/0

equate success NO 1.2-0 44/0/44

equateIRT failure NA 1.0-1 130/64/194

EquiNorm noData NA 2 0/0/0

equivalence failure NA 0.5.7 19/2/21

erboost fatalError NA 1.2 0/0/0

erer failure NA 1.4 133/44/177

ergm cantLoad NA 3.1-0 0/0/0

ergm.count cantLoad NA 3.1-0 0/0/0

ergm.graphlets noData NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

ergm.userterms cantLoad NA 3.1-0 0/0/0

ergmharris noData NA 1 0/0/0

eRm failure NA 0.15-1 64/139/203

ES success YES 1 13/0/13

ESG success NO 0.1 85/0/85

esotericR success YES 1 11/0/11

ESPRESSO success NO 1.1 106/0/106

EstCRM failure NA 1.3 70/9/79

estout noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

EstSimPDMP success YES 1.1 21/0/21

etable failure NA 1.0.8 4/1/5

ETAS failure NA 0.0-1 7/15/22

ETC success NO 1.3 9/0/9

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ETLUtils success YES 1.2 39/0/39

etm success NO 0.5-4 57/0/57

EvalEst failure NA 2012.4-1 7/22/29

evaluate failure NA 0.5.1 4/3/7

EvCombR failure NA 0.1 75/13/88

evd failure NA 2.3-0 27/4/31

evdbayes success YES 1.1-0 7/0/7

eVenn success YES 2.1.6 18/0/18

eventInterval success NO 1 6/0/6

events noData NA 0.5 0/0/0

eventstudies failure NA 1.1 24/2/26

EVER failure NA 1.2 47/12/59

evir success NO 1.7-3 36/0/36

evmix success NO 2 5/0/5

evobiR failure NA 1 18/4/22

evora cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

evt0 success NO 1 2/0/2

evtree cantLoad NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

Exact success YES 1.4 8/0/8

exact2x2 failure NA 1.1-1.0 6/9/15

exactci failure NA 1.2-0 12/1/13

ExactCIdiff success YES 1.3 3/0/3

exactLoglinTest cantLoad NA 1.4.2 0/0/0

ExactNumCI noData NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

ExactPath success NO 1 39/0/39

exactRankTests cantLoad NA 0.8-27 0/0/0

ExactSampling success YES 1 21/0/21

exams failure NA 1.9-6 88/12/100

ExceedanceTools cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0 noExamples NA 0.6 0/0/0

excursions success NO 1.0-20131025 13/0/13

ExomeCNV noData NA 1.4 0/0/0

ExomeDepth cantLoad NA 0.9.7 0/0/0

expands cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

ExpDes failure NA 1.1.2 61/1/62 failure NA 1.1.2 63/2/65

expectreg failure NA 0.38 15/29/44

experiment noData NA 1.1-1 0/0/0

expert failure NA 1.0-0 37/3/40

expm failure NA 0.99-0 70/1/71

expoRkit success NO 0.9 45/0/45

ExPosition failure NA 2.1.3 13/12/25

expoTree success NO 1.0.1 43/0/43

expsmooth success YES 2.02 0/0/0

exptest success YES 1.1 1/0/1

exsic success NO 1 14/0/14

extraBinomial success NO 2.1 4/0/4

extracat failure NA 1.6-3 28/91/119

extrafont cantLoad NA 0.15 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

extrafontdb noData NA 1 0/0/0

extraTrees cantLoad NA 0.4-5 0/0/0

extRemes failure NA 1.65 89/4/93

extremevalues success YES 2.2 5/0/5

eyetracking success YES 1.1 2/0/2

ez cantLoad NA 4.2-2 0/0/0

ezglm success YES 1 3/0/3

ezsim failure NA 0.5.3 9/39/48

FacPad success YES 2 12/0/12

factas success NO 2.1 21/0/21

FactMixtAnalysis failure NA 1 3/3/6

FactoClass failure NA 1.1.0 48/18/66

FactoMineR failure NA 1.25 86/2/88

factorQR noData NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

factualR noExamples NA 0.5 0/0/0

FAdist success YES 2 5/0/5

Fahrmeir success NO 2012.04-0 40/0/40

fail success NO 1.2 9/0/9

FAiR cantLoad NA 0.4-14 0/0/0

faisalconjoint failure NA 1.1 36/4/40

fame success YES 2.18 7/0/7

Familias failure NA 1.2 165/66/231

FAMT failure NA 2.5 45/8/53

fanc success YES 1.13 2/0/2

fANCOVA failure NA 0.5-1 64/15/79

fanovaGraph timedOut NA 1.4.4 0/0/0

fanplot success NO 2.2 1/0/1

FAOSTAT success YES 1.4 9/0/9

faoutlier noExamples NA 0.3.1 0/0/0

far failure NA 0.6-3 47/34/81

faraway success NO 1.0.5 5/0/5

fArma failure NA 3010.79 6/13/19

farsi success YES 1 7/0/7

fAsianOptions success NO 3010.79 38/0/38

fAssets failure NA 2110.79 17/50/67

fast success NO 0.63 19/0/19

fastclime timedOut NA 1.2.3 0/0/0

fastcluster failure NA 1.1.11 14/11/25

fastcox success NO 1.1.1 16/0/16

fastGHQuad cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

fastICA success NO 1.2-0 2/0/2

FastImputation success YES 1.1 16/0/16

fastmatch cantLoad NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

FastPCS success YES 0.0.6 21/0/21

fastR failure NA 0.4-2 174/2/176

FastRCS success NO 0.0.1 28/0/28

FastRWeb success YES 1.1-0 5/0/5

fastSOM success YES 0.9 14/0/14

fastVAR noData NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

FAwR failure NA 1.0.1 18/1/19

fBasics cantLoad NA 3010.86 0/0/0

fbati failure NA 0.7-3 23/5/28

FBFsearch cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

FBN failure NA 1.5.1 14/2/16

fBonds noData NA 2160.76 0/0/0

fbRanks timedOut NA 2 0/0/0

fCertificates failure NA 0.5-2 76/4/80

fclust success NO 1 61/0/61

fCopulae failure NA 3000.79 54/16/70

fcros failure NA 1 95/1/96

FD failure NA 1.0-11 27/22/49

fda failure NA 2.4.0 1129/40/1169

fda.usc failure NA 1.0.5 309/89/398

fdakma success YES 1 6/0/6

fdaMixed cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

fdasrvf failure NA 1.4.1 15/6/21

fdatest success YES 1 12/0/12

fdrci failure NA 2 21/1/22

fdrtool failure NA 1.2.11 42/6/48

fds cantLoad NA 1.7 0/0/0

fdth failure NA 1.1-7 86/21/107

FeaLect failure NA 1.3 58/8/66

feature success NO 1.2.10 11/0/11

features failure NA 2011.8-2 3/6/9

fechner success YES 1.0-2 82/0/82

FeedbackTS cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

fExoticOptions success NO 2152.78 32/0/32

fExpressCertificates failure NA 1.2 24/8/32

fExtremes failure NA 3010.8 11/25/36

ff failure NA 2.2-12 766/91/857

ffbase failure NA 0.10.1 116/90/206

FFD failure NA 1.0-2 91/9/100

FField success YES 0.1.0 7/0/7

ffmanova success NO 0.2-2 11/0/11

fftw success NO 1.0-3 2/0/2

fftwtools failure NA 0.9-5 55/6/61

fgac noExamples NA 0.6-1 0/0/0

FGalgorithm success NO 1 1/0/1

fGarch failure NA 3010.82 19/94/113

FGN failure NA 2.0-11 66/10/76

fgof failure NA 0.2-1 2/12/14

fgui noExamples NA 1.0-5 0/0/0

FHtest cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

FI success YES 1 4/0/4

fields cantLoad NA 6.8 0/0/0

FieldSim cantLoad NA 3.1.3 0/0/0

filehash cantLoad NA 2.2-1 0/0/0

filehashSQLite cantLoad NA 0.2-4 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

fImport noData NA 3000.82 0/0/0

FinancialInstrument success NO 1.1 34/0/34

FinAsym failure NA 1 18/10/28

FinCal cantLoad NA 0.5 0/0/0

FindAllRoots success YES 1 19/0/19

FindIt success NO 0.3 13/0/13

FindMinIC cantLoad NA 1.4 0/0/0

fingerprint success NO 3.5.2 28/0/28

FinTS failure NA 0.4-4 48/29/77

FisherEM failure NA 1.4 5/15/20

fisheyeR failure NA 0.9 11/7/18

fishmethods failure NA 1.5-0 57/5/62

fishmove failure NA 0.1-2 0/2/2

fit.models success NO 0.5-10 40/0/40

fit4NM cantLoad NA 3.3.3 0/0/0

FitAR failure NA 1.94 132/121/253

FitARMA success YES 1.6 28/0/28

fitDRC noData NA 1 0/0/0

FITSio fatalError NA 2.0-0 0/0/0

fitTetra failure NA 1 17/2/19

FKF failure NA 0.1.2 24/2/26

flare timedOut NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

flashClust failure NA 1.01-2 3/3/6

flexclust failure NA 1.3-4 58/28/86

flexCWM failure NA 1.1 3/1/4

flexmix failure NA 2.3-11 34/38/72

FlexParamCurve failure NA 1.4-3 50/66/116

flexsurv failure NA 0.2 14/3/17

flip failure NA 2.4 13/33/46

FLLat success YES 1 9/0/9

flora cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

flsa success NO 1.05 16/0/16

flubase noData NA 1 0/0/0

FluOMatic failure NA 1 96/26/122

Flury success YES 0.1-3 34/0/34

flux failure NA 0.2-2 60/12/72

fma failure NA 2.01 0/48/48

FME failure NA 1.3 123/12/135

fmri success YES 1.5-0 5/0/5

fmsb failure NA 0.4.1 48/22/70

FMStable failure NA 0.1-2 55/20/75

fmt noData NA 1 0/0/0

fMultivar failure NA 2152.77 21/3/24

FNN success YES 1.1 26/0/26

fNonlinear failure NA 3010.78 9/7/16

foba success YES 0.1 16/0/16

fontcm noData NA 1 0/0/0

foodweb cantLoad NA Jan-00 0/0/0

fOptions failure NA 3010.83 37/9/46

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

forams success NO 2.0-3 24/0/24

foreach failure NA 1.4.1 15/8/23

ForeCA failure NA 0.0.9 7/2/9

forecast cantLoad NA 4.8 0/0/0

foreign success NO 0.8-57 27/0/27

forensic success NO 0.2 37/0/37

forensim cantLoad NA 4.3 0/0/0

ForImp success NO 1.0.2 31/0/31

FormalSeries success YES 1 4/0/4

formatR failure NA 0.1 12/19/31

Formula failure NA 1.1-1 27/1/28 failure NA 1.3.1 62/1/63

fortunes success NO 1.5-0 1/0/1

forward success NO 1.0.3 4/0/4

fossil failure NA 0.3.7 68/1/69

FourScores noData NA 1 0/0/0

fpc failure NA 2.1-6 127/19/146

fpca timedOut NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

fPortfolio failure NA 2130.8 90/13/103

fpow noData NA 0.0-2 0/0/0

fpp failure NA 0.5 3/3/6

fptdApprox success NO 1.2 8/0/8

fracdiff success NO 1.4-2 4/0/4

fracprolif failure NA 1.0.5 14/7/21

fractaldim failure NA 0.8-1 7/25/32

fractalrock failure NA 1.1.0 3/3/6

FRACTION success YES 1 22/0/22

frailtyHL success NO 1.1 3/0/3

frailtypack noExamples NA 2.4.1 0/0/0

FRAPO failure NA 0.3-8 38/4/42

FRB failure NA 1.8 20/37/57

FRBData success YES 0.3 3/0/3

frbs success NO 2.1-0 103/0/103

FRCC success NO 1 3/0/3

freeknotsplines success YES 1 7/0/7

fRegression success NO 3010.78 28/0/28

FREQ success YES 1 1/0/1

freqMAP failure NA 0.2 3/4/7

FrF2 timedOut NA 1.6-8 0/0/0

FrF2.catlg128 timedOut NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

frmqa failure NA 0.1-5 9/9/18

frontier failure NA 1.1-0 49/2/51

frontiles cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

frt success YES 0.1 19/0/19

fscaret success NO 84/0/84

FSelector cantLoad NA 0.19 0/0/0

fso cantLoad NA 2.0-1 0/0/0

FTICRMS noData NA 0.8 0/0/0

ftnonpar success NO 0.1-88 3/0/3

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

fTrading failure NA 2160.77 11/4/15

fts failure NA 0.7.7 15/3/18

ftsa cantLoad NA 3.9 0/0/0

fugeR cantLoad NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

fume success YES 1 11/0/11

fun success NO 0.1-0 13/0/13

FunCluster noExamples NA 1.09 0/0/0

Funclustering cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

FuncMap cantLoad NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

functional failure NA 0.4 12/1/13

fUnitRoots failure NA 3010.78 2/5/7

FunNet cantLoad NA 1.00-12 0/0/0

FusedPCA timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

futile.any failure NA 1.3.0 16/14/30

futile.logger failure NA 1.3.5 22/1/23

futile.matrix failure NA 1.2.0 14/14/28

futile.options success YES 1.0.0 11/0/11

futile.paradigm success YES 2.0.4 80/0/80

fuzzyFDR success YES 1 16/0/16

FuzzyNumbers failure NA 0.3-1 19/7/26

fuzzyRankTests success NO 0.3-5 8/0/8

FuzzyStatProb failure NA 1 5/1/6

FuzzyToolkitUoN success YES 1 25/0/25

fwdmsa success NO 0.2 2/0/2

FWDselect success NO 1.1 34/0/34

fwi.fbp success NO 1.3 60/0/60

fwsim cantLoad NA 0.2-5 0/0/0

fxregime cantLoad NA 1.0-2 17/13/30 timedOut NA 2.3 0/0/0

G1DBN timedOut NA 3.1.1 0/0/0

G2Sd noData NA 2.0-1 0/0/0

GA fatalError NA 2 0/0/0

GA4Stratification success YES 1 32/0/32

GABi success YES 0.1 0/0/0

GAD failure NA 1.1.1 85/16/101

gains success YES 1.1 5/0/5

GAIPE success YES 1 3/0/3

galts failure NA 1.3 13/8/21

gam failure NA 1.09 40/6/46

gamair success NO 0.0-8 23/0/23

gambin success YES 1 12/0/12

GAMBoost failure NA 1.2-3 6/6/12

gamboostLSS cantLoad NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

gamclass failure NA 0.51 16/2/18

games failure NA 1.1-0 103/7/110

gamesNws noExamples NA 0.5 0/0/0

gamlr failure NA 1.11-1 11/5/16

gamlss failure NA 4.2-6 167/53/220

gamlss.add failure NA 4.2-1 63/25/88

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

gamlss.cens failure NA 4.2.6 28/28/56 success YES 4.2-6 47/0/47

gamlss.demo success NO 4.1-0 3/0/3

gamlss.dist failure NA 4.2-0 116/12/128 success NO 4.1-0 14/0/14 failure NA 4.1-0 36/13/49 failure NA 4.2-6 107/8/115

gamlss.util failure NA 4.2-7 34/27/61

gamm4 cantLoad NA 0.2-2 0/0/0

gammSlice success NO 1.2-6 2/0/2

GANPA noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

GANPAdata success YES 1 4/0/4

gaoptim success YES 1.1 28/0/28

gap failure NA 1.1-10 97/2/99

gaussDiff success NO 1.1 7/0/7

gaussquad success NO 1.0-2 430/0/430

gazetools cantLoad NA 3 0/0/0

gb cantLoad NA 1.1.8-8 0/0/0

GB2 success NO 1.1 78/0/78

gbm failure NA 2.1 6/16/22

gbRd failure NA 0.4-11 34/9/43

gbs failure NA 1 13/22/35

GCD success NO 3 8/0/8

gcdnet success NO 1.0.3 25/0/25

gcExplorer failure NA 0.9-4 55/11/66

gclus failure NA 1.3.1 38/39/77

gcmr failure NA 0.6.1 9/21/30

gcookbook noData NA 1 0/0/0

gdata failure NA 2.13.2 248/17/265

GDELTtools success YES 1 2/0/2

gdimap noExamples NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

gdistance timedOut NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

gdsfmt failure NA 1.0.0 166/9/175

gee success NO 4.13-18 4/0/4

geeM success NO 0.06 4/0/4

geepack success NO 1.1-6 106/0/106

geigen success NO 1.3 35/0/35

geiger cantLoad NA 1.99-3.1 0/0/0

gems cantLoad NA 0.9.3 0/0/0

gemtc timedOut NA 0.5-1 0/0/0

gemtc.jar noData NA 0.14.3 0/0/0

GenABEL cantLoad NA 1.7-6 0/0/0

genalg success YES 0.1.1 9/0/9

GENEAread failure NA 1.1.1 24/42/66

GeneCycle failure NA 1.1.2 24/11/35

GeneF success YES 1 4/0/4

Geneland cantLoad NA 4.0.3 0/0/0

geneListPie success YES 1 27/0/27

GeneNet timedOut NA 1.2.8 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

genepi cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

GeneralizedHyperbolic failure NA 0.8-1 116/92/208

GeneReg noData NA 1.1.2 0/0/0

geneSignatureFinder failure NA 2012.08.20 70/35/105

genetics success NO 195/0/195

GeneticTools cantLoad NA 0.2.1 0/0/0

GenKern success YES 1.2-60 24/0/24

genlasso timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

genMOSS success NO 1.1 21/0/21

genMOSSplus noData NA 1 0/0/0

genomicper success NO 1.3 61/0/61

genoPlotR failure NA 0.8 185/62/247

GenOrd success NO 1.1.0 47/0/47

genridge cantLoad NA 0.6-3 0/0/0

GenSA failure NA 1.1.3 14/4/18

gensemble success YES 1 8/0/8

genSurv success NO 1.0.1 3/0/3

GeoLight failure NA 1.03 33/11/44

GEOmap failure NA 2.1 504/42/546

geomapdata noExamples NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

geometry cantLoad NA 0.3-3 0/0/0

geomorph cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

geonames noData NA 0.8 0/0/0

geophys failure NA 1.2-1 181/1/182

geoPlot noData NA 2.3 0/0/0

geoR cantLoad NA 1.7-4 0/0/0

geoRglm cantLoad NA 0.9-2 0/0/0

georob cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

geoscale success NO 1 7/0/7

geospacom noData NA 0.5-6 0/0/0

geosphere failure NA 1.2-28 44/5/49

geospt failure NA 0.5-0 40/36/76

geostatsp cantLoad NA 0.7.0 0/0/0

geotools success YES 0.1 4/0/4

geotopbricks failure NA 1.3.5 50/3/53

GeoXp cantLoad NA 1.6.2 0/0/0

geozoo success NO 0.4.2 6/0/6

GESTr failure NA 0.1 1/1/2

GetNenshuJP success YES 0.1 1/0/1

getopt success NO 1.20.0 11/0/11

GetR failure NA 0.1 4/1/5

gettingtothebottom failure NA 1 32/1/33

GEVcdn success YES 1.1.2 12/0/12

GExMap noData NA 1.1.3 0/0/0

GGally failure NA 0.4.4 92/13/105

ggdendro failure NA 0.1-14 11/19/30

GGEBiplotGUI cantLoad NA 1.0-6 0/0/0

GGIR noData NA 0.6-17 0/0/0

gglasso success NO 1.1 52/0/52

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ggm timedOut NA 1.995-3 0/0/0

ggmap cantLoad NA 2.3 0/0/0

ggmcmc failure NA 0.5.1 22/1/23

GGMselect cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

ggparallel success NO 0.1.1 15/0/15

ggplot2 failure NA 332/266/598

ggROC failure NA 1 4/1/5

ggsubplot noData NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

ggthemes failure NA 1.5.1 26/37/63

GhcnDaily timedOut NA 1.5 0/0/0

ghyp fatalError NA 1.5.6 0/0/0

gibbs.met success YES 1.1-3 10/0/10

GibbsACOV success NO 1.1 2/0/2

GIGrvg cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

GillespieSSA success YES 0.5-4 24/0/24

gIPFrm success YES 1.1 24/0/24

giRaph failure NA 0.1.2 5/4/9

GISTools failure NA 0.7-1 14/11/25

gitter cantLoad NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

Giza success NO 1 105/0/105

glasso success YES 1.7 9/0/9

glassomix timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

gld failure NA 2.0.1 6/2/8

GLDEX success YES 28/0/28

gldist failure NA 2160.2 1/11/12

glinternet success YES 0.9.0 5/0/5

gllm failure NA 0.35 87/2/89

glm2 failure NA 1.1.1 38/4/42

glmc timedOut NA 0.2-4 0/0/0

glmdm noExamples NA 2.6 0/0/0

glmlep success YES 0.1 18/0/18

glmmAK cantLoad NA 1.7 0/0/0

glmmBUGS failure NA 2 42/25/67

GLMMGibbs noData NA 0.5-1.2 0/0/0

glmmGS failure NA 0.5-1 34/1/35

glmmLasso cantLoad NA 1.2.2 0/0/0

glmmML cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

glmnet failure NA 1.9-5 35/2/37

glmnetcr success NO 1.0.1 63/0/63

glmpath success NO 0.97 62/0/62

glmpathcr success NO 1.0.2 42/0/42

glmperm success NO 1.0-5 17/0/17

glmulti cantLoad NA 1.0.7 0/0/0

globalboosttest cantLoad NA 1.1-0 0/0/0

GlobalDeviance noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

globalGSA failure NA 1 12/6/18

globalOptTests success YES 1 9/0/9

glogis failure NA 0.1-0 6/3/9

glpkAPI cantLoad NA 1.2.9 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

glrt failure NA 1 12/21/33

gMCP cantLoad NA 0.8-5 0/0/0

GMD failure NA 36/31/67

gmm failure NA 1.4-5 133/93/226

GMMBoost cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

gmodels failure NA 44/6/50

gmp success NO 0.5-10 1/0/1

gmt success YES 1.1-9 5/0/5

gmvalid failure NA 1.23 50/13/63

gMWT cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

gnm failure NA 1.0-6 169/175/344

gnmf success YES 0.4 6/0/6

gnumeric noExamples NA 0.7-2 0/0/0

goalprog success NO 1.0-2 12/0/12

gof failure NA 0.9.0 12/6/18

GoFKernel failure NA 1 6/9/15

GOFSN success YES 1 25/0/25

GOGANPA failure NA 1 2/1/3

gogarch success NO 0.7-2 19/0/19

googlePublicData cantLoad NA 0.12.05 0/0/0

googleVis cantLoad NA 0.4.7 0/0/0

gooJSON success YES 1.0.01 3/0/3

goric failure NA 0.0-7 48/3/51

GOSim noData NA 0/0/0

GOsummaries cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

govdat cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

govStatJPN noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

gpairs failure NA 1.1 8/2/10

GPArotation failure NA 2012.3-1 19/14/33

gPCA success NO 1 4/0/4

GPCSIV failure NA 0.1.0 29/17/46

gPdtest success YES 0.4 0/0/0

GPfit failure NA 0.1-0 71/39/110

gpk failure NA 1 56/1/57

gplm failure NA 0.7-1 35/6/41

gplots failure NA 2.12.1 86/48/134

gppois noData NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

gpr success YES 1.1 12/0/12

gProfileR failure NA 0.5 0/3/3

GPseq success YES 0.5 35/0/35

gptk success YES 1.07 5/0/5

GPvam success NO 2.0-0 2/0/2

grade success NO 0.2-1 40/0/40

GRaF failure NA 0.1-11 7/2/9

gRain cantLoad NA 1.2-2 0/0/0

granova failure NA 2 14/10/24

granovaGG fatalError NA 1.2 0/0/0

gRapHD cantLoad NA 0.2.3 0/0/0

GrapheR noData NA 1.9-82 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

graphicsQC noExamples NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

GrassmannOptim timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

gRbase cantLoad NA 1.6-12 0/0/0

gRc failure NA 0.4-1 35/51/86

gregmisc noData NA 2.1.5 0/0/0

Grid2Polygons failure NA 0.1-4 16/13/29

gridBase failure NA 0.4-6 0/6/6

gridDebug noData NA 0.4-0 0/0/0

gridExtra failure NA 0.9.1 10/1/11

gridGraphviz failure NA 0.1 0/3/3

GridR failure NA 0.9.1 29/10/39

gridSVG cantLoad NA 1.3-1 0/0/0

GriegSmith failure NA 1 8/1/9

gRim timedOut NA 0.1-17 0/0/0

grImport noData NA 0.8-4 0/0/0

grnn success NO 0.1.0 2/0/2

grofit failure NA 1.1.1 16/23/39

grouped success NO 0.6-0 30/0/30

GroupSeq noExamples NA 1.3.1 0/0/0

growcurves cantLoad NA 0/0/0

growthmodels success YES 1.0.0 0/0/0

growthrate success YES 1.2 1/0/1

grplasso failure NA 0.4-3 20/5/25

grpreg success NO 2.4-0 57/0/57

GRRGI noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

grt cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

GRTo failure NA 1.1 0/4/4

GSA success YES 1.03 43/0/43

gsalib failure NA 2 2/2/4

gsarima failure NA 0.1-4 49/9/58

gsbDesign success NO 0.96-2 18/0/18

gsDesign failure NA 2.7-06 152/7/159

GSE cantLoad NA 3 0/0/0

gsg failure NA 1 2/3/5

GSIF cantLoad NA 0.3-5 0/0/0

gskat cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

gsl failure NA 1.9-9 79/9/88

GSM failure NA 1.3 22/23/45

gsmaRt failure NA 1 20/4/24

gsmoothr success YES 0.1.5 6/0/6

gss cantLoad NA 2.0-16 0/0/0

gstat cantLoad NA 1.0-17 0/0/0

gstudio timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

gsubfn failure NA 0.6-5 48/5/53

gtable failure NA 0.1.2 8/40/48

gtcorr success YES 0.2-1 13/0/13

gte success YES 1.2 11/0/11

gtools failure NA 3.1.1 75/1/76

gtx failure NA 0.0.8 83/5/88

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

GuardianR failure NA 0.1 2/5/7

Guerry success NO 1.5-0 13/0/13

GUIDE noData NA 1.0.9 0/0/0

gumbel success NO 1.04 18/0/18

GUniFrac success NO 1 17/0/17

GUTS cantLoad NA 0.2.8 0/0/0 failure NA 1.6 5/7/12

gvlma success NO 39/0/39

GWAF cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

GWASExactHW failure NA 1.01 0/3/3

GWAtoolbox failure NA 2.2.3 69/4/73

gwerAM success NO 1 5/0/5

GWG success YES 1 15/0/15

gWidgets success NO 0.0-52 0/0/0

gWidgets2 success NO 1.0-4 16/0/16

gWidgets2RGtk2 noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

gWidgets2tcltk cantLoad NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

gWidgetsRGtk2 cantLoad NA 0.0-82 0/0/0

gWidgetstcltk cantLoad NA 0.0-54 0/0/0

gWidgetsWWW noExamples NA 0.0-23 0/0/0

GWmodel timedOut NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

GWRM failure NA 1.1 6/10/16

gwrr failure NA 0.2-1 7/12/19

GxM cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

h5r success NO 1.4.7 83/0/83

haarfisz success YES 4.5 0/0/0

HAC failure NA 0.2-7 54/3/57

HadoopStreaming failure NA 0.2 69/1/70

HandTill2001 success NO 0.2-8 25/0/25

HAP.ROR failure NA 1 43/2/45

hapassoc success NO 1.2-6 20/0/20

HapEstXXR failure NA 0.1-6 30/1/31

HAPim failure NA 1.3 56/2/58

Haplin noExamples NA 5.3 0/0/0

haplo.ccs success YES 1.3.1 3/0/3

haplo.stats failure NA 1.6.3 149/1/150

HaploSim failure NA 1.8.4 9/11/20

hapsim failure NA 0.3 13/1/14

HardyWeinberg failure NA 1.5.1 57/51/108

harvestr success NO 0.5.2 9/0/9

hash failure NA 2.2.6 71/10/81

hashFunction noData NA 1 0/0/0

hbim failure NA 1.0.2 8/1/9

hbmem failure NA 0.3 164/61/225

hbsae cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

hcc failure NA 0.54 44/4/48

hda failure NA 0.2-11 37/10/47

HDclassif failure NA 1.2.2 13/5/18

hddplot failure NA 0.55 49/16/65

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

hdeco success NO 0.4.1 16/0/16

hdlm failure NA 1.2 2/4/6

HDMD failure NA 1.2 19/38/57

hdrcde failure NA 3.1 7/20/27

HDtweedie success NO 1.1 58/0/58

HEAT success NO 1.2 29/0/29

heatex success YES 1 6/0/6 failure NA 1.3 4/1/5

heatmapFit failure NA 1 1/1/2

heavy cantLoad NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

helloJavaWorld cantLoad NA 0.0-7 0/0/0

heplots failure NA 1.0-11 190/108/298

hergm cantLoad NA 1.3-10 0/0/0

het.test success YES 0.1 3/0/3

hett failure NA 0.3-1 16/11/27

hexbin failure NA 1.26.2 32/52/84

hexView success YES 0.3-2 41/0/41

hgam success NO 0.1-2 0/0/0

hglm failure NA 1.2-8 17/10/27

HGLMMM success NO 0.1.2 3/0/3

HGNChelper success NO 0.2.5 16/0/16

HH failure NA 2.3-42 302/60/362

HHG cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

hht failure NA 2.0.0 106/11/117

HI success YES 0.4 13/0/13

HIBAG failure NA 1.2.1 229/12/241

HiddenMarkov failure NA 1.7-0 194/12/206

HiDimDA cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

hier.part success NO 1.0-4 21/0/21

hierarchicalDS success NO 2.01 2/0/2

hierfstat success NO 0.04-10 78/0/78

hierNet success YES 1.5 18/0/18

HIest failure NA 2 27/9/36

highfrequency failure NA 0.2 75/31/106

highlight cantLoad NA 0.4.3 0/0/0

highr failure NA 0.3 4/3/7

highriskzone cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

hint success YES 0.1-1 39/0/39

hints noExamples NA 1.0.1-1 0/0/0

hiPOD cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

hisemi failure NA 1.0-319 37/7/44

HistData failure NA 0.7-3 126/13/139

histogram failure NA 0.0-23 0/4/4

HistogramTools failure NA 0.2 8/16/24

hitandrun failure NA 0.3 111/34/145

hive cantLoad NA 0.1-15 0/0/0

HiveR failure NA 0.2-17 9/26/35

HLMdiag cantLoad NA 0.2.3 0/0/0

hlr success NO 0.0-4 14/0/14

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

hmeasure failure NA 1 83/5/88

Hmisc failure NA 3.12-2 569/146/715

HMM success YES 1 21/0/21

hmm.discnp cantLoad NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

hmmm failure NA 1.0-1 96/48/144

HMMmix failure NA 1 24/7/31

HMP failure NA 1.3.1 127/26/153

HMPTrees failure NA 1.2 31/1/32

HMR noExamples NA 0.3.1 0/0/0

hof failure NA 0.1 27/5/32

holdem success NO 1.1 70/0/70

Holidays success NO 1.0-0 1/0/1

homals cantLoad NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

homeR success YES 0.1 0/0/0

homtest success NO 1.0-5 36/0/36

HotDeckImputation success YES 0.1.0 13/0/13

Hotelling success NO 1.0-2 30/0/30

hotspots success NO 1.0.2 2/0/2

howmany success NO 0.3-1 7/0/7

HPbayes success NO 0.1 13/0/13

HPO.db cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

HPOSim timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

HSAUR failure NA 1.3-3 68/3/71

HSAUR2 failure NA 1.1-8 79/4/83

hSDM noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

hsicCCA success NO 1 12/0/12

hsmm success NO 0.4 32/0/32

hsphase cantLoad NA 1.2.4 0/0/0

HSROC failure NA 2.1.7 58/3/61

HTMLUtils success YES 0.1.5 1/0/1

hts cantLoad NA 3.03 0/0/0

HTSCluster cantLoad NA 2.0.0 0/0/0

HTSDiff cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

httpRequest noExamples NA 0.0.9 0/0/0

httpuv cantLoad NA 1.2.0 0/0/0

httr cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

huge timedOut NA 1.2.4 0/0/0

HumMeth27QCReport noData NA 1.2.14 0/0/0

HW.pval success YES 1 3/0/3

hwde success NO 0.63 10/0/10

HWEBayes failure NA 1.3 18/1/19

HWEintrinsic failure NA 1.2.1 9/6/15

hwriter failure NA 1.3 16/2/18

hwriterPlus failure NA 1.0-1 52/1/53

hybridHclust failure NA 1.0-4 14/11/25

HybridMC success NO 0.2 3/0/3

hydroApps success YES 0.0-1 0/0/0

hydroGOF cantLoad NA 0.3-7 0/0/0

HydroMe failure NA 2 32/32/64

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

hydroPSO success NO 0.3-3 16/0/16

hydroTSM cantLoad NA 0.4-1 0/0/0

HyperbolicDist failure NA 0.6-2 100/65/165

hyperdirichlet failure NA 1.4-8 62/15/77

hypergeo failure NA 1.2-3 44/3/47

hyperSpec cantLoad NA 0.98-20120923 0/0/0

hypervolume cantLoad NA 0/0/0

hypothesestest failure NA 1 0/6/6

hypred success NO 0.2 28/0/28

hysteresis cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

hzar failure NA 0.2-5 99/29/128

IASD failure NA 1.0.7 2/6/8

IAT cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

ibd failure NA 1.1 30/3/33

IBDhaploRtools success YES 1.5 37/0/37

ibdreg failure NA 0.2.5 42/1/43

IBDsim failure NA 0.9-2 9/19/28

IBHM success NO 1.0-2 0/0/0

Iboot success NO 0.1-1 14/0/14

ibr timedOut NA 1.4.5 0/0/0

IBrokers success NO 0.9-10 13/0/13

iBUGS noExamples NA 0.1.3 0/0/0

ic.infer cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

IC2 success NO 1.0-1 3/0/3

ic50 failure NA 1.4.2 21/2/23

icaOcularCorrection timedOut NA 3.0.0 0/0/0

ICC failure NA 2.2.1 1/1/2

ICE success NO 0.69 2/0/2

ICEbox noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

ICEinfer success NO 1.0-0 13/0/13

icensmis timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

iCluster success NO 2.1.0 14/0/14

icomp noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

ICS failure NA 1.2-4 3/2/5

ICSNP success YES 1.0-9 13/0/13

idbg success YES 1 2/0/2

identity success YES 0.2-1 1/0/1

IDPmisc failure NA 1.1.17 30/10/40

idr failure NA 1.1.1 18/2/20

iFad success NO 2 48/0/48

ifs cantLoad NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

ifultools success NO 1.1-3 51/0/51

iGasso success NO 1.1-1 11/0/11

iGenomicViewer noData NA 2.4.8 0/0/0

IgorR failure NA 0.5-3 5/2/7

igraph timedOut NA 0.6.6 0/0/0

igraph0 noData NA 0.5.7 0/0/0

igraphdata noData NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

igraphtosonia timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

IM failure NA 1 10/1/11

Imap cantLoad NA 1.32 0/0/0

imguR cantLoad NA 0.1.5 0/0/0

IMIS timedOut NA 0.1 0/0/0

ImpactIV success NO 1 1/0/1

imprProbEst timedOut NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

imputation failure NA 2.0.1 16/5/21

imputeMDR success YES 1.1.2 3/0/3

imputeYn failure NA 1.1 3/7/10

inarmix cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

incReg failure NA 1 5/4/9

IndependenceTests success NO 0.2 2/0/2

indicspecies failure NA 1.7.0 19/44/63

ineq success YES 0.2-11 37/0/37

InfDim success NO 1 7/0/7

inference success NO 0.1.0 0/0/0

InferenceSMR success NO 1 36/0/36

inflection success YES 1.1 13/0/13

influence.ME cantLoad NA 0.9-3 0/0/0

influence.SEM success NO 1.1 19/0/19

infoDecompuTE success NO 0.5.1 65/0/65

informR failure NA 1.0.04 25/5/30

infotheo success NO 1.1.1 9/0/9

infutil cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

INLABMA timedOut NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

inline timedOut NA 0.3.13 0/0/0

inlinedocs noData NA 2013.9.3 0/0/0

InPosition fatalError NA 0.10.4 0/0/0

insideRODE failure NA 2 23/4/27

insol failure NA 1.1 49/24/73

installr success YES 0.10.1 21/0/21

int64 failure NA 1.1.2 44/12/56

intamap cantLoad NA 1.3-36 0/0/0

intamapInteractive cantLoad NA 1.1-10 0/0/0

intcox success NO 0.9.3 6/0/6

integrOmics noData NA 2.55 0/0/0

Interact success NO 1 7/0/7

InteractiveIGraph timedOut NA 0/0/0

intergraph failure NA 2.0-0 0/3/3

Interpol success YES 1.3.1 6/0/6

Interpol.T failure NA 2.1 21/2/23

InterVA4 success NO 1 11/0/11

interval success NO 1.1-0.0 26/0/26

intervals failure NA 0.14.0 18/169/187

IntLik success YES 1 10/0/10

intpoint success YES 1 35/0/35

intReg failure NA 0.1-2 18/5/23

intRegGOF success YES 0.85-1 3/0/3

introgress success NO 1.2.3 3/0/3

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

intsvy success YES 1.2 6/0/6

investr failure NA 1 17/6/23

ipdmeta success NO 2.4 42/0/42

ipfp success YES 1 1/0/1

iplots cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

IPMpack failure NA 2 82/85/167

ipred failure NA 0.9-2 102/38/140

IPSUR noData NA 1.5 0/0/0

ipw success NO 1.0-10 3/0/3

IQCC failure NA 0.5 34/5/39

iqLearn success NO 1 410/0/410

irace success YES 1.04 11/0/11

iRefR timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

iRegression success NO 1.2 44/0/44

irlba success YES 1.0.2 0/0/0

irr success YES 0.84 71/0/71

irtoys failure NA 0.1.6 4/32/36

irtProb failure NA 1.1 231/163/394

irtrees success NO 0.1.0 16/0/16

isa2 failure NA 0.3.3 46/2/48

ISBF failure NA 0.2 4/2/6

ISDA.R failure NA 1 52/1/53

isdals success NO 2.0-1 67/0/67

ISIPTA noData NA 0.1-8 0/0/0

ISLR success NO 1 22/0/22

ismev success YES 1.39 30/0/30

Iso success NO 0.0-15 12/0/12

isocir success NO 1.1-2 36/0/36

ISOcodes success YES 2012.08.27 7/0/7

IsoGene cantLoad NA 1.0-22 0/0/0

isopam success NO 0.9-12 10/0/10

isopat success YES 1 4/0/4

isotone success YES 1.0-1 75/0/75

IsotopeR noExamples NA 0.4.7 0/0/0

ISOweek failure NA 0.6-2 15/3/18

iSubpathwayMiner timedOut NA 3 0/0/0

isva cantLoad NA 1.8 0/0/0

ISwR failure NA 2.0-6 4/2/6

iteRates failure NA 3.1 4/8/12

iterators failure NA 1.0.6 42/8/50

iterLap failure NA 1.1-2 6/25/31

itertools success YES 0.1-1 49/0/49

itree success NO 0.1 18/0/18

its failure NA 1.1.8 21/30/51

itsmr failure NA 1.5 37/8/45

IUPS failure NA 1 11/1/12

ivbma success NO 1.02 11/0/11

ivivc noData NA 0.1.9 0/0/0

iWebPlots cantLoad NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

iWeigReg timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

iwtp success NO 1.0.0 7/0/7

jaatha cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

jackknifeKME success YES 1 2/0/2

JADE failure NA 1.9-91 11/7/18

JASPAR success YES 0.0.1 11/0/11

JavaGD cantLoad NA 0.6-1 0/0/0

JGL timedOut NA 2.3 0/0/0

JGR cantLoad NA 1.7-15 0/0/0

JJcorr failure NA 0.01 8/9/17

JM failure NA 1.2-0 14/7/21

JMbayes success NO 0.4-1 6/0/6

jmec success NO 1.0-4 2/0/2

Jmisc success YES 0.3 22/0/22

JMLSD failure NA 1 57/12/69

Johnson success YES 1.3 0/0/0

JohnsonDistribution failure NA 0.24 11/1/12

joineR failure NA 1.0-3 63/5/68

jointDiag success YES 0.2 12/0/12

JointModeling noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

JointRegBC failure NA 0.1.1 28/2/30

JOP success NO 3.6 2/0/2

JoSAE failure NA 0.2 17/16/33

jpeg cantLoad NA 0.1-6 0/0/0

JPSurv failure NA 1.0.1 3/9/12

jtrans success YES 0.1 0/0/0

JudgeIt failure NA 1.5.1 5/6/11

Julia success YES 1 29/0/29

jvmr cantLoad NA 1.0.4 0/0/0

KappaGUI noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

kappalab cantLoad NA 0.4-6 0/0/0

kappaSize success YES 1.1 12/0/12

KappaV noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

kaps failure NA 0.9-8 18/7/25

kcirt failure NA 0.5.4 22/26/48

kdetrees failure NA 0.1.3 0/14/14

kedd failure NA 1.0.0 18/18/36

kelvin success NO 1.2-2 5/0/5

Kendall failure NA 2.2 18/3/21

kequate cantLoad NA 1.3.2 0/0/0

kerdiest success YES 1.2 36/0/36

kernelFactory cantLoad NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

kernelPop timedOut NA 0.12.3 0/0/0

kernlab cantLoad NA 0.9-19 0/0/0

KernSmooth success YES 2.23-10 15/0/15

KernSmoothIRT cantLoad NA 6 0/0/0

KFAS cantLoad NA 0.9.11 0/0/0

kin.cohort success NO 0.6 19/0/19

kinfit failure NA 1.1.09 19/13/32

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

kinship2 success NO 1.5.4 48/0/48

kitagawa failure NA 2.1-0 29/2/31

kknn timedOut NA 1.2-2 0/0/0

klaR failure NA 0.6-9 114/36/150

klausuR success NO 0.12-5 89/0/89

klin success NO 2/5/2007 9/0/9 success NO 0.5-2 4/0/4

kmconfband success YES 0.1 16/0/16

kmi failure NA 0.4 8/4/12

Kmisc cantLoad NA 0.4.0-1 0/0/0

kml cantLoad NA 2.1.2 0/0/0

kml3d cantLoad NA 2.1.2 0/0/0

kmlcov failure NA 1.0.1 3/1/4

KMsurv success YES 0.1-5 32/0/32

knitcitations cantLoad NA 0.4-7 0/0/0

knitr cantLoad NA 1.5 0/0/0

knitrBootstrap cantLoad NA 0.9.0 0/0/0

knnGarden success NO 1.0.1 24/0/24

knorm success NO 1 4/0/4

kobe success NO 1.2.2 1/0/1

kohonen failure NA 2.0.12 43/4/47

kolmim success YES 0.1 4/0/4

KoNLP cantLoad NA 0.76.9 0/0/0

KoNLP_dic noData NA NA 0/0/0

koRpus success NO 0.04-40 2/0/2

Kpart noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

kriging failure NA 1.0.1 1/5/6

KrigInv cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

KRLS success YES 0.3-2 9/0/9

krm success NO 13.11-03 9/0/9

ks failure NA 1.8.13 65/21/86

kSamples cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

KsPlot success NO 1.3 10/0/10

kst cantLoad NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

ktsolve success NO 1.1 9/0/9

ktspair noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

kulife failure NA 0.1-14 33/7/40

kza success NO 3.0.0 41/0/41

kzft success YES 0.17 25/0/25

kzs success NO 1.4 17/0/17

l2boost failure NA 1 30/4/34

labdsv failure NA 1.6-1 71/38/109

label.switching success YES 1.1 38/0/38

labeledLoop success YES 0.1 1/0/1

labeling success YES 0.2 8/0/8

labeltodendro failure NA 1.3 30/4/34

labstatR failure NA 1.0.7 55/1/56

laercio success NO 1.0-1 27/0/27

LaF cantLoad NA 0.5 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

laGP cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

Lahman failure NA 2.0-3 225/1/226

lambda.r failure NA 1.1.3 7/41/48

Lambda4 success NO 3 73/0/73

LambertW failure NA 118/78/196

lancet.iraqmortality noData NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

landsat failure NA 1.0.8 74/2/76

languageR noData NA 1.4 0/0/0

LaplacesDemon noData NA 13.03.04 0/0/0

LARF success YES 1.1 32/0/32

LargeRegression noData NA 1 0/0/0

lars success NO 1.2 25/0/25

lasso2 failure NA 1.2-18 40/1/41

lassoshooting noExamples NA 0.1.5-1 0/0/0

latdiag failure NA 0.2 0/2/2

latentnet cantLoad NA 2.4-5 0/0/0

Laterality failure NA 0.9.2 78/3/81

lattice failure NA 0.20-24 117/41/158

latticeDensity failure NA 1.0.7 48/86/134

latticeExtra failure NA 0.6-26 143/111/254

LatticeKrig cantLoad NA 2.4.3 0/0/0

latticist failure NA 0.9-44 15/8/23

lava failure NA 1.2.3 113/70/183

lava.tobit failure NA 0.4-7 2/2/4

lavaan failure NA 0.5-15 47/52/99

lavaan.survey failure NA 1 13/10/23

lawstat failure NA 2.4 45/6/51

lazy failure NA 1.2-15 6/2/8

lazyData success NO 1.0.1 8/0/8

lazyWeave failure NA 2.2.0 51/7/58

lbiassurv cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

LCA failure NA 0.1 2/2/4

LCAextend failure NA 1.2 234/4/238

lcd timedOut NA 0.7-3 0/0/0

lcda success NO 0.3 71/0/71

LCFdata success NO 1 6/0/6

lcmm failure NA 1.6.3 21/36/57

lcmr noData NA 1.6.26 0/0/0

lda success NO 1.3.2 34/0/34

ldbounds failure NA 1.0-1 8/11/19

LDcorSV success YES 1.3.1 18/0/18

ldDesign failure NA 2.0-1 23/3/26

LDExplorer success NO 1.0.2 25/0/25

LDheatmap failure NA 0.99-1 22/20/42

ldlasso cantLoad NA 3.2 0/0/0

LDOD cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

ldr success NO 1.2-1 28/0/28

LDtests success YES 1 14/0/14

LeafAngle success YES 1.2 12/0/12

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

LEAPFrOG success NO 1.0.6 5/0/5

leapp noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

leaps success NO 2.9 8/0/8

LearnBayes failure NA 2.12 254/15/269

LearnEDA failure NA 1.2 15/4/19

learningr success YES 0.29 3/0/3

leiv failure NA 2.0-5 2/4/6

LeLogicielR success NO 1.2 39/0/39

lemma noData NA 1.3-4 0/0/0

lessR failure NA 2.9.7 162/129/291

lestat failure NA 1.7 43/3/46

lfe failure NA 1.5-1118 10/20/30

lfstat cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

lga failure NA 1.1-1 11/2/13

lgcp cantLoad NA 1.3-2 0/0/0

LGS success NO 0.91 43/0/43

lgtdl success YES 1.1.1 27/0/27

lhs failure NA 0.1 4/1/5

libamtrack success NO 0.5.4 90/0/90

LiblineaR success NO 1.80-7 33/0/33

LICORS cantLoad NA 0.1.5 0/0/0

LICurvature failure NA 0.1.1 20/2/22

lifecontingencies failure NA 1 106/2/108

LifeTables success NO 0.2 11/0/11

LIHNPSD failure NA 0.2.1 27/3/30

likelihood success NO 1.5 25/0/25

likeLTD failure NA 5.0.2 0/1/1

likert success NO 1.1 6/0/6

LIM failure NA 1.4.4 30/14/44

limitplot success NO 1.2 0/0/0

limSolve failure NA 1.5.5 128/1/129

LinearizedSVR failure NA 1 0/2/2

lineup cantLoad NA 0.34-1 0/0/0

linkcomm timedOut NA 1.0-7 0/0/0

linLIR success YES 1.1 11/0/11

linprog success NO 0.9-2 54/0/54

lint noData NA 0.3 0/0/0

liso success NO 0.2 31/0/31

lisp noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

lisrelToR failure NA 0.1.4 2/6/8

list cantLoad NA 6 0/0/0

LIStest success YES 1 5/0/5

ljr success YES 1.3-0 27/0/27

llama success NO 0.4 3/0/3

lle failure NA 1.1 16/3/19 cantLoad NA 2.4 0/0/0

lmbc success YES 0.9.1 3/0/3

lme4 cantLoad NA 1.0-5 0/0/0

lmec success YES 1 17/0/17

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

lmeNB noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

lmeNBBayes cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

LMERConvenienceFunctions cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

lmerTest cantLoad NA 2.0-0 0/0/0

lmeSplines failure NA 1.1-10 9/10/19

LMest success NO 1 24/0/24

lmf success NO 1.2 47/0/47

lmm success YES 0.7 19/0/19

lmmfit failure NA 1 0/32/32

lmmlasso failure NA 0.1-2 14/15/29

lmodel2 success YES 1.7-1 18/0/18

lmom cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

lmomco failure NA 1.7.8 468/35/503

Lmoments success NO 1.1-5 3/0/3

lmomRFA cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

lmPerm failure NA 1.1-2 22/2/24

lmSupport failure NA 1.07.1 36/4/40

lmtest failure NA 0.9-32 64/140/204

localdepth success YES 0.5-7 27/0/27

localgauss failure NA 0.32 0/2/2

locfdr success NO 1.1-7 1/0/1

locfit failure NA 1.5-9.1 44/39/83

locits timedOut NA 1.4 0/0/0

Lock5Data noData NA 2.6 0/0/0

locpol cantLoad NA 0.6-0 0/0/0

log4r success NO 0.1-4 45/0/45

LogConcDEAD failure NA 1.5-7 12/2/14

logconcens success YES 0.11-2 11/0/11

logcondens failure NA 2.0.9 37/2/39

logcondens.mode cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

logcondiscr success YES 1.0.4 40/0/40

logging success NO 0.7-103 27/0/27

LogicForest noData NA 2.0.0 0/0/0

LogicReg success YES 1.5.4 50/0/50

logistf cantLoad NA 1.21 0/0/0

logistiX success YES 1.0-1 40/0/40

LogitNet success NO 0.1-1 30/0/30

logitnorm failure NA 0.8.29 12/10/22

loglognorm cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

logmult failure NA 0.5 17/36/53

LogrankA success NO 1 26/0/26

logregperm success YES 1 9/0/9

logspline success YES 2.1.5 7/0/7

lokern cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

lomb success NO 1 11/0/11

longCatEDA success NO 0.16 16/0/16

longclust success NO 1.1 42/0/42

longitudinal success NO 1.1.8 38/0/38

longitudinalData cantLoad NA 2.1.2 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

longmemo failure NA 1.0-0 46/4/50

longpower success NO 1.0-10 89/0/89

longRPart noData NA 1 0/0/0

loop success NO 1.1 48/0/48

LoopAnalyst success NO 1.2-3 41/0/41

lordif cantLoad NA 0.2-2 0/0/0

lorec success NO 0.6 2/0/2

lossDev noData NA 3.0.0-4 0/0/0

LOST cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

LowRankQP success NO 1.0.2 14/0/14

lpc success NO 1.0.1 47/0/47

LPCM failure NA 0.44-8 28/9/37

lpint failure NA 1 6/2/8

LPmerge success NO 1.4 1/0/1

lpridge cantLoad NA 1.0-7 0/0/0

lpSolve success YES 5.6.7 39/0/39

lpSolveAPI success NO 248/0/248

lqa failure NA 1.0-3 49/4/53

lqmm failure NA 1.03 20/16/36

lrmest success YES 1 143/0/143

LS2W success NO 1.3-3 26/0/26

lsa failure NA 0.63-3 95/1/96

LSC noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

LSD failure NA 2.5 2/20/22

lsdv success NO 1 52/0/52

lshorth success NO 0.1-6 2/0/2

lsmeans failure NA 1.10-2 13/25/38

LSMonteCarlo success NO 1 6/0/6

lspls noExamples NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

lsr failure NA 0.3 127/24/151

lss success NO 0.52 4/0/4

ltm cantLoad NA 0.9-9 0/0/0

ltmle failure NA 0.9.1 34/5/39

LTPDvar success NO 1.1 12/0/12

LTR success NO 1.0.0 2/0/2

ltsa failure NA 1.4.4 161/22/183

ltsbase success NO 1.0.1 3/0/3

lubridate failure NA 1.3.1 168/165/333

luca success YES 1.0-5 12/0/12

Luminescence cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

LVMMCOR failure NA 0.01.1 28/2/30

LVQTools noData NA 1.2 0/0/0

lxb noExamples NA 1.3 0/0/0

lymphclon failure NA 1.2.3 0/7/7

MAc failure NA 1.1 85/16/101

MAclinical cantLoad NA 1.0-5 0/0/0

MAd failure NA 0.8 128/16/144

mada failure NA 0.5.4 31/21/52

MADAM failure NA 1.2.2 7/8/15

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

madsim success NO 1.1 16/0/16

Maeswrap noExamples NA 1.4.11 0/0/0

magic failure NA 1.5-4 231/30/261

magicaxis failure NA 1.7 16/2/18

magnets success NO 0.2.1 56/0/56

mail noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

MAINT.Data cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

makeProject noData NA 1 0/0/0

makeR noData NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

malaria.em success NO 2 5/0/5

MALDIquant failure NA 1.8 167/22/189

MALDIquantForeign failure NA 0.5.1 32/4/36

mallet cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

MAMA cantLoad NA 2.2.1 0/0/0

MAMS success NO 0.2 4/0/4

MAMSE success NO 0.1-3 7/0/7

Mangrove failure NA 1.1 38/5/43

Map2NCBI success NO 1 5/0/5

mapdata failure NA 2.2-2 0/8/8

MapGAM failure NA 0.6-2 13/3/16

MAPLES failure NA 1 22/15/37

mapplots failure NA 1.4 95/14/109

mapproj failure NA 1.2-1 11/18/29

mapReduce noData NA 1.2.6 0/0/0

maps failure NA 2.3-6 7/48/55

maptools failure NA 0.8-27 277/105/382

maptree failure NA 1.4-7 30/4/34

mAr success NO 1.1-2 9/0/9

1-Mar success NO 1 5/0/5

mar1s failure NA 2.1 40/37/77

marelac success NO 2.1.2 110/0/110

marg noData NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

margie failure NA 1 0/3/3

marginalmodelplots failure NA 0.4.2 0/8/8

marginTree noData NA 1.01 0/0/0

markdown success YES 0.6.3 52/0/52

marked cantLoad NA 1.1.2 0/0/0

MarkedPointProcess cantLoad NA 0.2.20 0/0/0

maRketSim success NO 0.9.2 30/0/30

markovchain timedOut NA 0.0.3 0/0/0

marmap failure NA 0.7 118/9/127

marqLevAlg success NO 1.1 21/0/21

MARSS cantLoad NA 3.5 0/0/0

MASS failure NA 7.3-29 303/85/388

MASSI success NO 1.1 12/0/12

MASSTIMATE failure NA 1.1 8/8/16

MasterBayes success NO 2.50.2 16/0/16

MAT success NO 0.1-3 9/0/9

Matching success NO 4.8-3.4 36/0/36

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

MatchIt noExamples NA 2.4-21 0/0/0

mathgraph success YES 0.9-11 36/0/36

maticce failure NA 1.0-3 5/2/7

matie timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

matlab success NO 0.8.9 97/0/97

Matrix failure NA 1.1-0 812/15/827

matrixcalc success YES 1.0-3 250/0/250

MatrixEQTL failure NA 2.0.0 128/3/131

MatrixModels failure NA 0.3-1 40/4/44

matrixpls failure NA 0.1.0 31/16/47

matrixStats success YES 0.8.12 150/0/150

MATTOOLS success YES 1.1 2/0/2

MAVTgsa failure NA 1.2 2/1/3

MaXact success YES 0.1 9/0/9

maxent cantLoad NA 0/0/0

maxLik fatalError NA 1.2-0 0/0/0

maxlike fatalError NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

maxstat fatalError NA 0.7-18 0/0/0

MBA fatalError NA 0.0-7 0/0/0

mbbefd success NO 0.1 4/0/4

MBCluster.Seq success YES 1 2/0/2

MBESS failure NA 3.3.3 81/5/86

MBI success YES 1 48/0/48

MBmca failure NA 0.0.2-1 30/31/61

mbmdr failure NA 2.6 7/4/11

mboost cantLoad NA 2.2-3 0/0/0

mc2d failure NA 0.1-14 86/185/271

MCAPS cantLoad NA 0.3-2 0/0/0

mcbiopi noData NA 1.1.2 0/0/0

mcclust failure NA 1 25/20/45

mcga success YES 2.0.7 11/0/11

mcgibbsit failure NA 1.1.0 5/2/7

mcGlobaloptim failure NA 0.1 7/3/10

MChtest success NO 1.0-2 10/0/10

mcIRT failure NA 0.2 41/5/46

mcll failure NA 1.1 8/3/11

mclogit cantLoad NA 0.2-7 0/0/0

mclust success NO 4.2 292/0/292

mcmc success NO 0.9-2 27/0/27

MCMC.qpcr failure NA 1.0.1 54/21/75

MCMCglmm failure NA 2.17 30/4/34

MCMChybridGP success NO 4.3 13/0/13

MCMCpack failure NA 1.3-3 11/1/12

mcmcplots failure NA 0.4.1 46/54/100

mcmcse failure NA 1.0-1 10/8/18

mco success NO 1.0.12 4/0/4

Mcomp success YES 2.05 5/0/5

MConjoint success NO 0.1 39/0/39

MCPAN failure NA 1.1-15 142/6/148

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

McParre cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

MCPerm success YES 1.1.4 1/0/1

MCPMod failure NA 1.0-7 56/11/67

mcprofile failure NA 0.1-7 27/8/35

mcr failure NA 1.1 53/1/54

mcsm failure NA 1 10/4/14

McSpatial failure NA 2 146/124/270

MCUSUM success YES 1 0/0/0

mda success NO 0.4-4 39/0/39

mded success YES 0.1-0 1/0/1

MDM failure NA 1.3 45/10/55

MDPtoolbox failure NA 4.0.1 138/17/155

MDR success NO 1.2 32/0/32

MDSGUI cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

meboot failure NA 1.3-0 14/2/16

mederrRank success YES 0.0.7 9/0/9

mediation success NO 4.3.1 58/0/58

MeDiChI noData NA 0.4.0 0/0/0

MedOr success NO 0.1 3/0/3

medSTC success YES 1.0.0 6/0/6

MEET cantLoad NA 5.1.1 0/0/0

mefa failure NA 3.2-4 148/1/149

mefa4 success NO 0.3-0 132/0/132

meifly success NO 0.2 8/0/8

melody noData NA 0.4.7 0/0/0

mem success NO 1.3 30/0/30

memisc cantLoad NA 0.96-7 0/0/0

memoise success NO 0.1 6/0/6

MEMSS cantLoad NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

memuse success NO 1.1 34/0/34

MergeGUI success NO 0.1-1 32/0/32

merror success NO 2.0.1 20/0/20

MESS failure NA 0.1-6 36/6/42

meta failure NA 3.1-2 44/161/205

MetABEL success YES 0.0-3 2/0/2

MetabolAnalyze success YES 1.3 5/0/5

metabolomics failure NA 0.1.3 40/39/79

metacom success NO 1.3 23/0/23

metacor success YES 1.0-2 6/0/6

Metadata noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

MetaDE failure NA 1.0.5 61/110/171

metafor failure NA 1.9-2 75/402/477

metagen failure NA 0.1 2/4/6

metaLik failure NA 0.32.0 20/15/35

metaMA cantLoad NA 2.1 0/0/0

metamisc cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

MetaPath cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

MetaPCA noExamples NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

MetaQC noExamples NA 0.1.13 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

MetaSKAT failure NA 0.32 9/1/10

metatest success YES 1.0-4 4/0/4

meteogRam success NO 1 5/0/5

Meth27QC noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

MethComp failure NA 1.22 95/57/152

Metrics noData NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

metRology failure NA 0.9-16 177/13/190

metrumrg failure NA 5.54 485/71/556

mets cantLoad NA 0.2.5 0/0/0

MetSizeR noExamples NA 0.99 0/0/0

MetStaT success NO 1 25/0/25

MEWMA success YES 1 0/0/0

MExPosition failure NA 2.0.3 48/17/65

MF success YES 4.3 10/0/10

MFDA cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

MFDF noData NA 0.0-2 0/0/0

MFHD cantLoad NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

mFilter success YES 0.1-3 50/0/50

mfp failure NA 1.4.9 6/4/10

MFSAS failure NA 1.0-0 19/9/28

mgcv failure NA 1.7-27 420/123/543

MGLM failure NA 0.0.2 54/23/77

mgpd success YES 1.99 95/0/95

mgraph noExamples NA 1.03 0/0/0

MHadaptive success NO 1.1-8 9/0/9

mhsmm success NO 0.4.11 111/0/111

mht noExamples NA 2.122 0/0/0

mhurdle failure NA 0.1-3 3/8/11

mi cantLoad NA 0.09-18.03 0/0/0

mice failure NA 2.18 149/30/179

micEcon success NO 0.6-10 127/0/127

micEconAids failure NA 0.6-12 103/2/105

micEconCES failure NA 0.9-6 23/2/25

micEconSNQP success NO 0.6-4 107/0/107

MiClip success NO 1.2 13/0/13

microbenchmark failure NA 1.3-0 4/1/5

MicroDatosEs cantLoad NA 0.4 0/0/0

micromap failure NA 1.6 13/2/15

micromapST failure NA 1 34/6/40

MicroStrategyR noExamples NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

midasr failure NA 0.1 80/36/116

MIfuns failure NA 5.1 286/49/335

MigClim failure NA 1.5 1/1/2

migest failure NA 1.4 44/30/74

migration.indices success YES 0.3.0 44/0/44

migui success NO 0.00-09 0/0/0

MImix success NO 1 6/0/6

MindOnStats success YES 0.8 4/0/4

minerva success YES 1.3 10/0/10

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

Miney noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

miniGUI failure NA 0.8.0 16/1/17

minimax success YES 1 4/0/4

minpack.lm failure NA 1.1-8 26/27/53

minPtest failure NA 1.6 23/4/27

minqa cantLoad NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

minxent success YES 0.01 8/0/8

miP cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

MIPHENO noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

miRada success YES 1.13.8-8 10/0/10

mirt cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

miRtest failure NA 1.5 72/27/99

misc3d failure NA 0.8-4 23/29/52

miscF cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

miscFuncs noData NA 1.2-2 0/0/0

MiscPsycho success NO 1.6 47/0/47

miscTools failure NA 0.6-16 45/2/47

missForest success NO 1.3 8/0/8

MissingDataGUI success NO 0.1-5 5/0/5

missMDA failure NA 1.7.1 12/1/13

MissMech failure NA 1 62/11/73

MiST cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

mistat failure NA 1 97/16/113

mistral success YES 1.0-1 12/0/12

MitISEM failure NA 1 19/6/25

mitools success NO 2.2 20/0/20

mix success YES 1.0-8 33/0/33

mixAK cantLoad NA 3.5 0/0/0

mixcat success NO 1.0-3 8/0/8

mixdist failure NA 0.5-4 74/35/109

mixedQF success NO 0.3 13/0/13

mixer failure NA 1.7 7/14/21

mixexp success YES 1.0-5 11/0/11

mixfdr success YES 1 3/0/3

mixlow failure NA 1.0.1 66/4/70

MixMAP cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

mixOmics timedOut NA 5.0-1 0/0/0

mixPHM success YES 0.7.0 13/0/13

mixRasch success YES 0.1 2/0/2

mixreg cantLoad NA 0.0-4 0/0/0

mixsep success YES 0.2.1-2 1/0/1

MixSim failure NA 1.0-8 25/2/27

mixsmsn success YES 1.0-9 28/0/28

mixstock failure NA 49/20/69

mixtools failure NA 1.0.0 241/28/269

mixture success YES 1 1/0/1

MixtureInf success YES 1.0-1 1/0/1

mizer success NO 0.1 3/0/3

mkin success NO 0.9-24 32/0/32

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

MKLE failure NA 0.05 7/8/15

MKmisc failure NA 0.96 85/16/101

mkssd success YES 1.1 0/0/0

mlbench success NO 2.1-1 40/0/40

MLCM failure NA 0.3 16/12/28

MLDA failure NA 2 12/8/20

mlDNA timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

MLDS failure NA 0.4.1 55/2/57

mlearning failure NA 1.0-0 61/4/65

MLEcens failure NA 0.1-4 52/13/65

mlegp success YES 3.1.3 48/0/48

MLEP failure NA 0.0-3 6/2/8

mleur failure NA 1.0-5 11/5/16

mlgt noExamples NA 0.16 0/0/0

mlica2 success YES 2.1 6/0/6

mlmmm noExamples NA 0.3-1.2 0/0/0

mlmRev failure NA 1.0-5 25/9/34

mlogit success NO 0.2-3 61/0/61

mlogitBMA success NO 0.1-5 20/0/20

MLPAstats failure NA 0.5-9 7/1/8

mlPhaser success NO 0.01 17/0/17

mlr failure NA 1.1-18 67/78/145

MLRMPA failure NA 1 49/2/51

MM failure NA 1.6-2 78/6/84

mmand success YES 0.1.2 5/0/5

mmap cantLoad NA 0.6-12 0/0/0

mmcm success YES 1.2-4 24/0/24

mmds success NO 1.1 16/0/16

mmeln success YES 1.1 24/0/24

mmeta noData NA 1.07 0/0/0

MMIX failure NA 1.2 90/28/118

mmm success NO 1.3 14/0/14

mmm2 success YES 1.1 11/0/11

mmod timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

MMS noExamples NA 2 0/0/0

MMST noExamples NA 0.6-1.1 0/0/0

MNM failure NA 1.0-0 38/50/88

mnormt success YES 1.4-5 14/0/14

MNP cantLoad NA 2.6-4 0/0/0

mobForest cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

Mobilize noData NA 2.11-2 0/0/0

MOCCA failure NA 1.2 5/6/11

Modalclust failure NA 0.3 21/1/22

modeest failure NA 2.1 20/7/27

modehunt success YES 1.0.6 30/0/30

modelcf failure NA 2.1.1 25/26/51

modelfree failure NA 1.1-1 124/33/157

ModelGood success NO 1.0.7 4/0/4

ModelMap failure NA 2.3.4 110/56/166

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

modeltools failure NA 0.2-21 40/1/41

modiscloud failure NA 0.14 61/2/63

MODISTools cantLoad NA 0.93.5 0/0/0

modTempEff noExamples NA 1.5.1 0/0/0

moduleColor cantLoad NA 1.08-1 0/0/0

MOJOV success NO 1.0.1 24/0/24

mokken success YES 2.7.5 109/0/109

mombf failure NA 1.5.4 55/9/64

moments success YES 0.13 12/0/12

Momocs failure NA 0.2-04 182/64/246

mondate failure NA 35/179/214

MonetDB.R noExamples NA 0.8.0 0/0/0

monmlp failure NA 1.1.2 3/7/10

monomvn cantLoad NA 1.9-4 0/0/0

MonoPoly success NO 0.2-8 20/0/20

monreg noData NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

moonsun failure NA 0.1.2 35/8/43

mopsocd success YES 0.5.1 20/0/20

Morpho cantLoad NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

MorseGen success YES 1.2 0/0/0

MortalitySmooth failure NA 2.3.1 120/1/121

mosaic failure NA 0.8-3 276/78/354

motmot noData NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

moult success NO 1.3 43/0/43

move failure NA 1.1.441 110/33/143

movMF failure NA 0.1-2 6/9/15

mpa success NO 0.7.3 17/0/17

MPCI success YES 1.0.5 30/0/30

MPDiR success NO 0.1-12 25/0/25

MPINet noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

MplusAutomation success NO 0.6-2 43/0/43

mpm success NO 1.0-22 15/0/15

mpMap cantLoad NA 1.14 0/0/0

mpmcorrelogram success NO 0.1-3 5/0/5

mpmi success NO 0.4 34/0/34

mpoly cantLoad NA 0.0.3 0/0/0

MPSEM failure NA 0.1-2 30/11/41

mpt failure NA 0.4-1 30/3/33

MPTinR cantLoad NA 1.1.8 0/0/0

MPV failure NA 1.29 205/3/208

mQTL cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

mra failure NA 2.13 82/36/118

mratios failure NA 1.3.17 155/4/159

MRCE failure NA 2 7/2/9

MRCV failure NA 0.2-0 8/20/28

mrdrc failure NA 1.0-6 2/24/26

mrds failure NA 2.1.4 53/38/91

mreg success YES 1.1 6/0/6

mritc success NO 0.4-0 2/0/2

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

mRm failure NA 1.1.4 0/8/8

MRMR failure NA 0.1.3 16/18/34

mRMRe timedOut NA 2.0.2 0/0/0

MRsurv success YES 0.2 12/0/12

MRwarping failure NA 1 16/2/18

msap timedOut NA 1.1.5 0/0/0

msarc success NO 1.3.2 28/0/28

MsatAllele failure NA 1.04 38/3/41

MSBVAR cantLoad NA 0.7-2 0/0/0

mseapca failure NA 1 1/5/6

MSeasy timedOut NA 5.3.3 0/0/0

MSeasyTkGUI timedOut NA 5.3.3 0/0/0

mseq success NO 1.2 65/0/65

MSG failure NA 0.2.2 33/3/36

msgl cantLoad NA 0.1.05 0/0/0

msgpackR success YES 1 46/0/46

msgps success NO 1.3 4/0/4

msir success YES 1.2 26/0/26

msm cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

msme success NO 0.4.4 81/0/81

MSQC failure NA 1.0.0 38/1/39

msr success NO 0.4.1 16/0/16

msSurv cantLoad NA 1.1-2 0/0/0

mstate success NO 0.2.6 182/0/182

MSwM failure NA 1.01 2/1/3

mtcreator cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

mtsdi failure NA 0.3.3 21/15/36

MTSKNN success YES 0.0-5 9/0/9

MTurkR success NO 0.3.5 2/0/2

MUCflights failure NA 0.0-3 6/3/9

MuFiCokriging failure NA 1.2 70/26/96

mugnet timedOut NA 1.01.3 0/0/0

muhaz success YES 1.2.5 22/0/22

multcomp failure NA 1.3-1 99/38/137

multcompView failure NA 0.1-5 81/25/106

MultEq success NO 2.3 11/0/11

multgee failure NA 1.3 18/18/36

multibiplotGUI cantLoad NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

MultiChIPmixHMM success NO 5 4/0/4

Multiclasstesting success NO 1.2.0 7/0/7

multicool success YES 0.1-2 17/0/17

multiDimBio cantLoad NA 0.2.4 0/0/0

MultiLCIRT failure NA 2.5 26/3/29

multilevel failure NA 2.5 79/6/85

multilevelPSA noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

MultinomialCI success YES 1 3/0/3

multinomRob success NO 1.8-6.1 4/0/4

MultiOrd failure NA 2 2/2/4

MultiPhen success NO 1.0.0 19/0/19

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

multiPIM success YES 1.3-1 6/0/6

multiplex failure NA 1 27/2/29

multipol failure NA 1.0-6 52/20/72

multisensi success NO 1.0-7 15/0/15

multitable failure NA 1.5 81/17/98

multitaper failure NA 1.0-8 13/25/38

multivator failure NA 1.1-1 41/30/71

multmod noData NA 1 0/0/0

multxpert success YES 0.1 29/0/29

muma success YES 1.4 23/0/23

MuMIn failure NA 1.9.13 47/50/97

munfold cantLoad NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

munsell success YES 0.4.2 49/0/49

muRL failure NA 0.1-9 19/2/21

muscle success YES 3.8.31-1 9/0/9

muStat success NO 1.7.0 120/0/120

mutatr success YES 0.1.2 5/0/5

mutoss failure NA 0.1-7 76/65/141

mutossGUI cantLoad NA 0.1-8 0/0/0

MVA noData NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

mvabund cantLoad NA 3.8.3 0/0/0

MVB cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

mvbutils cantLoad NA 0/0/0

mvc failure NA 1.2 5/1/6

mvcwt success YES 1.2 15/0/15

mvinfluence failure NA 0.6 32/11/43

mvmeta success NO 0.3.4 67/0/67

mvMORPH cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

MVN success YES 1 4/0/4

mvna success NO 1.2-2 76/0/76

mvngGrAd success NO 0.1.2 8/0/8

mvnmle failure NA 0.1-11 7/4/11

mvnormtest success NO 0.1-9 8/0/8

mvoutlier cantLoad NA 2.0.3 0/0/0

mvpart failure NA 1.6-1 41/2/43

MVPARTwrap cantLoad NA 0.1-9.2 0/0/0

MVpower success YES 2 4/0/4

mvProbit success NO 0.1-0 20/0/20

MVR success NO 1.20.0 20/0/20

mvsf success NO 1 4/0/4

mvShapiroTest success YES 1 2/0/2

mvSLOUCH success NO 1 20/0/20

mvtBinaryEP success NO 1.0.1 15/0/15

mvtmeta success YES 1 12/0/12

mvtnorm failure NA 0.9-9996 53/5/58

mvtsplot noData NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

mxkssd success YES 1.1 0/0/0

myepisodes failure NA 1.1.1 6/4/10

Myrrix cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

Myrrixjars noData NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

nacopula noData NA 0.8-1 0/0/0

NADA failure NA 1.5-5 66/12/78

nadiv success NO 2.12 15/0/15

namespace cantLoad NA 0.9.1 0/0/0

nanop failure NA 2.0-2 53/71/124

NanoStringNorm failure NA 1.1.16 42/9/51

NAPPA success NO 1 1/0/1

naturalsort success YES 0.1.1 3/0/3

NbClust failure NA 1.4 2/9/11

NBDdirichlet success NO 1.01 32/0/32

nbpMatching cantLoad NA 1.4.0 0/0/0

NBPSeq cantLoad NA 0.1.8 0/0/0

nCal failure NA 0.3-4 11/26/37

NCBI2R failure NA 1.4.4 139/20/159

ncbit success YES 2013.03.29 2/0/2

ncdf success NO 1.6.6 155/0/155

nCDunnett success NO 1.0.0 12/0/12

ncf failure NA 1.1-4 22/17/39

ncg success NO 0.1.1 23/0/23

NCmisc failure NA 1 56/5/61

ncvreg success NO 2.6-0 41/0/41

ndl cantLoad NA 0.2.14 0/0/0

ndtv cantLoad NA 0.3 0/0/0

ndvits cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

neariso success NO 1 2/0/2

NeatMap failure NA 9/31/40

needy success NO 0.2 4/0/4

NEff cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

negenes success YES 1.0-1 3/0/3

neldermead success NO 1.0-7 19/0/19

nephro success YES 1 5/0/5

NestedCohort failure NA 1.1-3 4/8/12

netClass cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

NetCluster fatalError NA 0.2 0/0/0

NetComp failure NA 1.6 0/20/20

NetData success YES 0.3 11/0/11

NetIndices success YES 1.4.2 24/0/24

netmeta failure NA 0.3-1 5/28/33

NetPreProc failure NA 1 11/7/18

nets timedOut NA 0.1 0/0/0

NetSim cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

netweavers timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

network success NO 1.7.2 197/0/197

NetworkAnalysis noData NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

networkDynamic cantLoad NA 0.4.1 0/0/0

networksis cantLoad NA 2.1-2 0/0/0

networkTomography timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

neuralnet success YES 1.32 26/0/26

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

neuroblastoma noData NA 1 0/0/0

neuRosim success YES 0.2-10 78/0/78

Newdistns success YES 1 0/0/0

nFactors failure NA 2.3.3 160/13/173

nga failure NA 1.4-1 138/17/155

ngramr cantLoad NA 1.4.0 0/0/0

ngspatial cantLoad NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

NHEMOtree cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

nhlscrapr failure NA 1.2 3/4/7

NHPoisson failure NA 2 12/32/44

NightDay success YES 1.0.1 3/0/3

Nippon failure NA 0.5.3 29/1/30

NISTnls failure NA 0.9-13 192/1/193

nlADG timedOut NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

nleqslv success YES 2 15/0/15

nlme failure NA 3.1-113 231/153/384

nlmeODE failure NA 1.1 44/12/56

nlmeU failure NA 0.70-3 15/4/19

nlmrt failure NA 2013-8.10 146/58/204

nloptr success NO 0.9.5 44/0/44

nloptwrap success NO 0.5-1 61/0/61

NLP success NO 0.1-0 72/0/72

nlreg noData NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

NLRoot success YES 1 16/0/16

nlrwr failure NA 1.1-0 7/34/41

nls2 failure NA 0.2 9/11/20

nlsmsn noExamples NA 0.0-4 0/0/0

nlstools failure NA 0.0-15 44/101/145

NlsyLinks cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

nlt success YES 2.1-3 0/0/0

nlts failure NA 0.2-0 23/6/29

NMF cantLoad NA 0.17 0/0/0

NMFN failure NA 2 9/2/11

NMMAPSlite noData NA 0.3-4 0/0/0

NMOF failure NA 0.28-2 257/39/296

NMRS noData NA 1 0/0/0

nnclust success NO 2.2 12/0/12

nnet success NO 7.3-7 14/0/14

nnls success YES 1.4 26/0/26

nodeHarvest success NO 0.5 5/0/5

noia failure NA 0.96 20/7/27

NominalLogisticBiplot success NO 0.1 50/0/50

nonlinearTseries cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

nonparaeff failure NA 0.5-8 76/1/77

NonpModelCheck failure NA 1 24/2/26

nonrandom noData NA 1.4 0/0/0

nontarget failure NA 1.2 34/44/78

nopp success YES 1.0.3 6/0/6

nor1mix failure NA 1.1-4 26/25/51

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

nordklimdata1 noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

norm cantLoad NA 1.0-9.5 0/0/0

NormalGamma failure NA 1.1 9/2/11

normalp success NO 0.6.9 4/0/4

NORMT3 success YES 1.0-3 10/0/10

normwhn.test noData NA 1 0/0/0

nortest success YES 1.0-2 0/0/0

nose noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

notifyR cantLoad NA 1.02 0/0/0

noweb cantLoad NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

Nozzle.R1 noData NA 1.1-1 0/0/0

np failure NA 0.50-1 18/3/21

nparcomp failure NA 2 55/3/58

nparLD failure NA 2.1 74/42/116

NPCD success NO 1.0-4 30/0/30

NPCirc cantLoad NA 2.0.0 0/0/0

npde failure NA 2 38/7/45

NPHMC fatalError NA 2.2 0/0/0

nplplot failure NA 4.4 8/1/9

NPMLEcmprsk noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

npmlreg failure NA 0.45-4 37/8/45

NPMPM success YES 1 1/0/1

npmv success NO 2 6/0/6

NPMVCP timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

nppbib success YES 1.0-0 1/0/1

NPsimex failure NA 0.2-1 13/13/26

npsp success NO 0.2-4 28/0/28

NRAIA failure NA 0.9-8 36/64/100

nricens success NO 1.2 20/0/20

NSA timedOut NA 0.0.32 0/0/0

NScluster failure NA 1.0.0 89/21/110

nsga2R success YES 1 31/0/31

NSM3 cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

nsprcomp failure NA 0.4.1 6/2/8

nsRFA failure NA 0.7-10 224/9/233

nullabor failure NA 0.2.1 1/2/3

numbers failure NA 0.3-3 126/1/127

numConversion failure NA 0.2-4 0/2/2

numDeriv success NO 2012.9-1 15/0/15

nutshell failure NA 2 55/2/57

nutshell.audioscrobbler failure NA 1 0/3/3

nutshell.bbdb success NO 1 4/0/4

nws success NO 8/0/8

OAIHarvester cantLoad NA 0.1-6 0/0/0

Oarray failure NA 1.4-5 21/5/26

objectProperties failure NA 0.6.5 40/2/42

objectSignals success NO 0.10.2 37/0/37

obliclus failure NA 0.9 3/1/4

oblique.tree failure NA 1.1.1 42/1/43

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

obliqueRF success NO 0.3 16/0/16

obsSens success YES 1.3 9/0/9

oc failure NA 0.93 26/6/32

occ failure NA 1 4/6/10

oce failure NA 0.9-12 477/110/587

ocean success YES 0.1-0 2/0/2

ocomposition noData NA 1 0/0/0

ODB cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

odesolve noData NA 0.9-9 0/0/0

odfWeave failure NA 0.8.2 29/1/30

odfWeave.survey noData NA 1 0/0/0

ODMconverter failure NA 1.2 1/2/3

odprism cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

oem cantLoad NA 1.02 0/0/0

Ohmage noData NA 2.11-2 0/0/0

OIdata cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

OIsurv success YES 0.2 5/0/5

OjaNP success YES 0.9-6 39/0/39

okmesonet cantLoad NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

OligoSpecificitySystem noExamples NA 1.3 0/0/0

OLScurve noExamples NA 0.1.3 0/0/0

omd noData NA 1 0/0/0

OmicKriging success YES 1 14/0/14

oncomodel failure NA 1 11/1/12

Oncotree failure NA 0.3.2 21/1/22

OneHandClapping failure NA 1.5 11/4/15

onemap success NO 2.0-4 40/0/40

OneTwoSamples failure NA 1.0-3 4/18/22

onion failure NA 1.2-4 47/9/56

OOmisc success YES 1.2 7/0/7

OpasnetUtils cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

OPDOE success NO 1.0-7 145/0/145

OPE success NO 0.7 27/0/27

opefimor success YES 1.1 1/0/1

openair cantLoad NA 0.9-0 0/0/0

opencpu cantLoad NA 1.0.6 0/0/0

opencpu.demo noData NA 0.7-0 0/0/0

opencpu.encode cantLoad NA 0.22 0/0/0

openintro failure NA 1.4 72/13/85

OpenMPController success YES 0.1-2 2/0/2

openNLP cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

openNLPdata noData NA 1.5.3-1 0/0/0

openNLPmodels.en noData NA 0.0-4 0/0/0 noData NA 0.0-4 0/0/0

OpenRepGrid cantLoad NA 0.1.8 0/0/0

OpenStreetMap cantLoad NA 0.3.1 0/0/0 success YES 1.3.0 3/0/3

operators failure NA 0.1-6 63/7/70

OPI failure NA 1.6 39/3/42

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

opm cantLoad NA 0.10.0 0/0/0

opmdata failure NA 0.6.0 2/4/6

oposSOM timedOut NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

ops success NO 1 0/0/0

optAUC success NO 1 19/0/19

optBiomarker cantLoad NA 1.0-27 0/0/0

optextras success NO 2013-10.27 567/0/567

OptHedging success YES 1 5/0/5

OptimalCutpoints success NO 1.1 24/0/24

optimbase success NO 1.0-7 37/0/37

optimsimplex success NO 1.0-4 10/0/10

optimx failure NA 2013.8.6 7/14/21

OptInterim cantLoad NA 3.0.1 0/0/0

optmatch cantLoad NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

optparse success NO 1.0.2 17/0/17

optpart failure NA 2.1-1 37/81/118

orclus failure NA 0.2-5 3/6/9

ORCME success YES 1.2.1 27/0/27

orcutt timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

ordBTL failure NA 0.7 19/39/58

orddom success NO 3.1 5/0/5

ORDER2PARENT failure NA 1 18/1/19

orderbook failure NA 1.03 26/3/29

OrdFacReg timedOut NA 1.0.3 0/0/0

ordinal fatalError NA 2013.9-30 0/0/0

OrdinalLogisticBiplot cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

OrdLogReg fatalError NA 1 0/0/0

OrdMonReg success YES 1.0.3 16/0/16

ordPens success NO 0.2-1 6/0/6

OrgMassSpecR fatalError NA 0.4 0/0/0

ORIClust fatalError NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

orientlib failure NA 0.10.3 44/4/48

orloca failure NA 4.1 15/1/16 failure NA 4.1 15/1/16

ORMDR success YES 1.3-2 3/0/3

oro.dicom failure NA 0.3.7 34/6/40

oro.nifti failure NA 0.3.9 40/51/91 success YES 0.2.1 3/0/3

orQA cantLoad NA 0.2.1 0/0/0

orsk success YES 1.0-1 0/0/0

orth failure NA 1.5.1 39/1/40

orthogonalsplinebasis success NO 0.1.5 17/0/17

orthopolynom success YES 1.0-5 212/0/212

osDesign success NO 1.6 49/0/49

osmar cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

ouch failure NA 2.8-2 3/2/5

outbreaker timedOut NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

OutlierDC failure NA 0.2.5 1/1/2

outliers success YES 0.14 13/0/13

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

OUwie cantLoad NA 1.35 0/0/0

overlap cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

oz success YES 1.0-19 0/0/0

p2distance success YES 1.0.1 8/0/8

p3state.msm success YES 1.3 24/0/24

pa failure NA 1.2 30/24/54

pacbpred failure NA 0.92.2 22/4/26

pack success YES 0.1-1 12/0/12

packClassic success YES 0.5.2 2/0/2

packdep timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

packHV failure NA 1.7 17/2/19

packS4 success NO 0.9.1 24/0/24

pacose timedOut NA 1.4 0/0/0

PAGI timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

pairedCI success YES 0.5-4 14/0/14

PairedData failure NA 1.0.1 91/112/203

pairheatmap failure NA 1.0.1 1/18/19

PairTrading noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

PairViz cantLoad NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

pairwise failure NA 0.1.5 52/4/56

pairwiseCI failure NA 0.1-22 110/23/133

palaeoSig cantLoad NA 1.1-2 0/0/0

paleoMAS failure NA 2.0-1 64/34/98

paleotree timedOut NA 1.8.2 0/0/0

paleoTS failure NA 0.4-4 14/22/36

pamctdp success NO 0.3.0 50/0/50

PamGeneMixed failure NA 1.03 119/21/140

pamm cantLoad NA 0.7 0/0/0

pamr failure NA 1.54.1 27/11/38

pan success NO 0.9 30/0/30

pander failure NA 0.3.8 70/2/72

papeR cantLoad NA 0.4-0 0/0/0

parallelize.dynamic noData NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

parallelMap failure NA 1.0-83 0/3/3

ParamHelpers success NO 1.1-36 78/0/78

paramlink failure NA 0.9-1 42/208/250

paran success YES 1.5.1 0/0/0

parboost cantLoad NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

parcor timedOut NA 0.2-4 0/0/0

ParDNAcopy cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

ParentOffspring success YES 1 1/0/1

parfm failure NA 2.5.3 47/43/90

parfossil noExamples NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

parma success YES 1.03 2/0/2

parmigene success YES 1.0.2 0/0/0

partDSA success NO 0.8.6 6/0/6

partialOR failure NA 0.9 5/5/10

partitionMap success YES 0.5 6/0/6

partitionMetric failure NA 1 17/1/18

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

partitions success NO 1.9-13 39/0/39

partsm failure NA 1.1 34/61/95

party cantLoad NA 1.0-10 0/0/0

partykit cantLoad NA 0.1-6 0/0/0

parviol success YES 1.1 2/0/2

PAS success NO 1.2 16/0/16

pass success NO 1 13/0/13

pastecs failure NA 1.3-15 129/15/144

pastis success YES 0.1-2 21/0/21

PASWR failure NA 1.1 109/20/129

patchDVI noExamples NA 1.9 0/0/0

patchPlot failure NA 0.1.5 10/5/15

pathClass timedOut NA 0.9.4 0/0/0

pathdiagram noExamples NA 0.1.9 0/0/0

pathmox success YES 0.1-1 2/0/2

PatternClass failure NA 1.5 2/11/13

pavo cantLoad NA 0.5-1 0/0/0

pawacc failure NA 1.1 25/2/27

PAWL failure NA 0.5 8/8/16

pbapply success YES 1.1-0 41/0/41

pbatR success YES 2.2-9 21/0/21

pbdPROF noExamples NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

PBImisc failure NA 0.999 61/10/71

pbivnorm success YES 0.5-1 0/0/0

pbkrtest cantLoad NA 0.3-7 0/0/0

pbs success YES 1.1 9/0/9

PBSadmb noData NA 0.66.87 0/0/0

PBSddesolve cantLoad NA 1.10.25 0/0/0

PBSmapping failure NA 2.66.53 5/20/25

PBSmodelling failure NA 2.65.260 11/26/37

pca3d failure NA 0.2 4/3/7

pcaL1 success YES 1.2 0/0/0

pcalg cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

pcaPP success NO 1.9-49 9/0/9

pcenum failure NA 1.0.1 4/8/12

PCICt cantLoad NA 0.5-4 0/0/0

PCIT success YES 1.04-3 14/0/14

PCovR failure NA 1.1 17/3/20

pcrcoal timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

pcrsim cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

PCS cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

pcse success NO 1.9 4/0/4

pcurve failure NA 0.6-4 7/3/10

pdc failure NA 0.3 1/2/3

pdfCluster cantLoad NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

pdist success NO 1.2 2/0/2

PDSCE success NO 1.2 22/0/22

Peak2Trough failure NA 1.3 19/10/29

Peaks noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

pear success NO 1.2 14/0/14

pearson7 success NO 1 1/0/1

PearsonDS failure NA 0.96 15/10/25

PearsonICA success YES 1.2-4 0/0/0

pec failure NA 2.2.9 12/17/29

pedantics success NO 1.04 85/0/85

PedCNV cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

pedgene cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

pedigree failure NA 1.4 51/14/65

pedigreemm cantLoad NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

pegas timedOut NA 0.5 0/0/0

PEIP success NO 1.2 10/0/10

penalized failure NA 0.9-42 10/21/31

penalizedLDA success NO 1 26/0/26

penalizedSVM cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

pencopula success NO 0.3.4 11/0/11

pendensity failure NA 0.2.5 11/16/27

penDvine noExamples NA 0.2.2 0/0/0

PenLNM success NO 1 14/0/14

pensim failure NA 1.2.6 46/73/119

peperr success NO 1.1-7 0/0/0

peplib failure NA 1.5.1 26/31/57

peptider success YES 0.1.1 23/0/23

pequod success NO 0.0-3 27/0/27

perARMA failure NA 1.5 87/18/105

PerfMeas failure NA 1.1 49/2/51

PerformanceAnalytics failure NA 1.1.0 197/368/565

perm success YES 1.0-0.0 11/0/11

PermAlgo success NO 1 13/0/13

permtest success YES 1.2 4/0/4

permute success NO 0.7-0 97/0/97

PERregress failure NA 1.0-8 61/2/63

perry failure NA 0.2.0 58/82/140

persiandictionary success YES 1 4/0/4

perturb success NO 2.05 22/0/22

pesticides success NO 0.1 32/0/32

PET failure NA 0.4.9 39/5/44

PF failure NA 9.5 25/2/27

pfa success YES 1 18/0/18

pgam failure NA 0.4.12 44/19/63

pgirmess cantLoad NA 1.5.8 0/0/0

pglm timedOut NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

pGLS success NO 0.0-1 2/0/2

pgmm failure NA 1 20/8/28

pgnorm success YES 1.1 3/0/3

pgs failure NA 0.3-0 45/6/51

phalen success NO 1 49/0/49

phangorn timedOut NA 1.99-1 0/0/0

phaseR success NO 1.2 33/0/33

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

PhaseType failure NA 0.1.3 15/6/21

phcfM noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

pheatmap fatalError NA 0.7.7 0/0/0

phenex failure NA 1.0-3 35/40/75

phenmod cantLoad NA 1.2-3 0/0/0

pheno failure NA 1.6 33/4/37

pheno2geno cantLoad NA 1.1.0 0/0/0

phenology failure NA 3.54 126/1/127

phia failure NA 0.1-5 33/11/44

phmm failure NA 0.7-5 24/16/40

phom cantLoad NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

phonR failure NA 0.4-2 4/1/5

phonTools success NO 0.2-0 99/0/99

phtt success NO 3.1 43/0/43

PhViD cantLoad NA 1.0.6 0/0/0

phyclust noExamples NA 0.1-14 0/0/0

phyext noData NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

phylobase cantLoad NA 0/0/0

phyloclim failure NA 0.9-4 26/10/36

phylolm success YES 2 8/0/8

phylotools failure NA 0.1.2 123/22/145

phyloTop failure NA 1 7/33/40

PhysicalActivity failure NA 0.1-1 7/22/29

phytools cantLoad NA 0.3-72 0/0/0

pi0 cantLoad NA 1.3-250 0/0/0

picante failure NA 1.6-1 24/12/36

PIN failure NA 0.8 12/19/31

PIPS failure NA 1.0.1 8/8/16

pitchRx cantLoad NA 0.7 0/0/0

PivotalR cantLoad NA 0.1.6 0/0/0

pixmap failure NA 0.4-11 12/23/35

PK failure NA 1.3-2 207/25/232

PKfit noData NA 1.2.0 0/0/0

pkgmaker failure NA 0.17.4 107/35/142

PKgraph noData NA 1.7 0/0/0

pkgutils failure NA 0.5.0 90/77/167

PKI success NO 0.1-1 1/0/1

PKmodelFinder cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

PKPDmodels success NO 0.3.2 1/0/1

PKreport success YES 1.4 16/0/16

pks success YES 0.2-1 45/0/45

PKtools failure NA 1.5-0 139/17/156

PL.popN failure NA 1.2 24/8/32

plan success NO 0.4-2 39/0/39

planar cantLoad NA 0/0/0

PlayerRatings success NO 1.0-0 40/0/40

playitbyr success NO 0.2-1 37/0/37

playwith cantLoad NA 0.9-54 0/0/0

plfm failure NA 1.1 19/2/21

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

plgp cantLoad NA 1.1-5 0/0/0

plink failure NA 1.3-1 276/75/351

PLIS success YES 1.1 10/0/10

plm failure NA 1.3-1 148/10/158

plmDE timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

plmm fatalError NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

pln success YES 0.2-1 21/0/21

plot3D failure NA 1 123/151/274

plotGoogleMaps timedOut NA 2 0/0/0

plotKML cantLoad NA 0.4-0 0/0/0

plotmo success NO 1.3-2 2/0/2

plotpc failure NA 1.0-2 7/1/8

PlotRegionHighlighter success YES 1 15/0/15

plotrix failure NA 3.5-2 134/121/255

plotSEMM success NO 1 28/0/28

plRasch failure NA 0.1 21/2/23

PLRModels failure NA 1 78/12/90

pls success NO 2.4-3 52/0/52

plsdepot success NO 0.1.17 12/0/12

plsdof failure NA 0.2-6 40/1/41

plsgenomics success NO 1.2-6 85/0/85

plspm success NO 0.3.7 6/0/6

plsRbeta timedOut NA 0.1.7 0/0/0

plsRcox failure NA 0.9 43/57/100

plsRglm timedOut NA 0.8.2 0/0/0

plugdensity failure NA 0.8-3 3/3/6

plumbr success NO 0.6.6 9/0/9

plus success NO 1 19/0/19

plyr failure NA 1.8 207/2/209

PMA failure NA 1.0.9 75/25/100

pmg success NO 0.9-42 4/0/4

pmlr timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

pmml failure NA 1.4.1 36/7/43

pmmlTransformations failure NA 1.2.1 33/2/35

pmr success NO 1.2.3 82/0/82

png failure NA 0.1-6 2/11/13

pnmtrem success YES 1.3 6/0/6

pnn success NO 1.0.1 47/0/47

pocrm success YES 0.5 40/0/40

POET success YES 1 6/0/6

poibin success YES 1.2 6/0/6

PoiClaClu failure NA 1.0.1 17/4/21

poilog failure NA 0.4 2/5/7

poisson.glm.mix failure NA 1.1 48/106/154

PoissonSeq success NO 1.1.2 3/0/3

poistweedie failure NA 1 42/2/44

poLCA failure NA 1.4 45/27/72

polspline success NO 1.1.8 54/0/54

polyapost success YES 1.1-2 21/0/21

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

polyclip failure NA 1.1-0 5/5/10

polycor success YES 0.7-8 6/0/6

polyCub cantLoad NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

polynom success YES 1.3-7 55/0/55

PolynomF failure NA 0.94 79/2/81

polysat failure NA 1.3-2 353/9/362

polySegratio failure NA 0.2-3 22/58/80

polySegratioMM failure NA 0.6-2 62/41/103

polytomous noData NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

polywog failure NA 0.3-0 22/2/24

pom failure NA 1.1 9/12/21

Pomic failure NA 1.0.1 0/14/14

PoMoS timedOut NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

pomp cantLoad NA 0.43-8 0/0/0

pooh success YES 0.2-1 0/0/0

popbio failure NA 2.4 268/17/285

popdemo success NO 0.1-3 188/0/188

popgen failure NA 1.0-3 13/14/27

PopGenKit noData NA 1 0/0/0

PopGenome noExamples NA 1.2.6 0/0/0

PopGenReport timedOut NA 1.6 0/0/0

popgraph noData NA 1 0/0/0

popPK noData NA 1.03 0/0/0

poppr timedOut NA 1.0.3 0/0/0

popReconstruct success NO 1.0-3 4/0/4

popsom cantLoad NA 2.3 0/0/0

portes failure NA 2.1-1 34/5/39

portfolio failure NA 0.4-6 19/3/22

portfolioSim success NO 0.2-7 2/0/2

postCP failure NA 1.7.0 19/2/21

postgwas timedOut NA 1.11 0/0/0

POT failure NA 1.1-3 25/2/27

potts success NO 0.5-1 15/0/15

PottsUtils success YES 0.2-2 51/0/51

powell success NO 1.0-0 9/0/9

PoweR cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

powerAnalysis success YES 0.2 54/0/54

powerGWASinteraction timedOut NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

poweRlaw failure NA 0.20.1 57/2/59

powerMediation success NO 0.1.7 22/0/22

powerpkg success NO 1.5 4/0/4

powerSurvEpi failure NA 0.0.6 30/8/38

PowerTOST failure NA 1.1-07 12/18/30

PP success NO 0.2 28/0/28

ppcor success YES 1 21/0/21

ppiPre timedOut NA 1.5 0/0/0

ppls success NO 1.6-0 34/0/34

ppMeasures success YES 0.2 98/0/98

ppmlasso cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

pps success YES 0.94 11/0/11

ppstat failure NA 0.9 28/8/36

PPtree success YES 2.2.0 17/0/17

prabclus failure NA 2.2-4 132/4/136

pracma failure NA 1.5.5 917/20/937

PracTools success NO 0.0-1 84/0/84

pragma noExamples NA 0.1.3 0/0/0

PredictABEL failure NA 1.2-1 101/22/123

PredictiveRegression success YES 0.1-4 9/0/9

predmixcor success YES 1.1-1 0/0/0

prefmod failure NA 0.8-31 105/64/169

PReMiuM cantLoad NA 3.0.21 0/0/0

PresenceAbsence success NO 1.1.9 48/0/48

PResiduals failure NA 0.1-0 4/1/5

prettyGraphs success NO 2.0.3 2/0/2

prettyR failure NA 2.0-7 38/2/40

prevalence cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

prevR cantLoad NA 2.8 0/0/0

prim fatalError NA 1.0.12 0/0/0

primer failure NA 1 120/1/121

primerTree cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

princurve failure NA 1.1-12 0/1/1

prinsimp failure NA 0.8-8 23/3/26

PRISMA failure NA 0.2-0 14/2/16

PrivateLR success YES 1.1-69 1/0/1

prLogistic cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

prob success NO 0.9-2 71/0/71

probemapper noData NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

ProbForecastGOP cantLoad NA 1.3.2 0/0/0

probsvm cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

pROC failure NA 1.5.4 150/9/159

processdata failure NA 0.8.2 46/3/49

ProDenICA failure NA 1 14/29/43

prodlim failure NA 1.3.7 33/32/65

productplots noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

profanal success YES 1.0-1 5/0/5

PROFANCY timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

profdpm failure NA 3.3 6/2/8

ProfessR failure NA 2.1 64/18/82

ProfileLikelihood failure NA 1.1 36/5/41

profileModel failure NA 0.5-9 13/2/15

profr failure NA 0.2 1/2/3

proftools failure NA 0.1-0 13/5/18

ProgGUIinR cantLoad NA 0.0-3 0/0/0

proj4 success NO 1.0-8 7/0/7

ProjectTemplate success NO 0.4-2 34/0/34

propagate failure NA 1.0-1 92/12/104

PropCIs success YES 0.2-4 7/0/7

PropClust timedOut NA 1.4 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

PropScrRand failure NA 1.1 2/3/5

prospectr cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

proteomicdesign failure NA 2 20/2/22

protiq cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

proto failure NA 0.3-10 38/5/43

protoclass success YES 1 4/0/4

protoclust failure NA 1.3 24/9/33

PROTOLIDAR success YES 0.1 180/0/180

protr success NO 0.1-0 29/0/29

protViz cantLoad NA 0.1.76 0/0/0

proxy failure NA 0.4-10 13/16/29

PSAgraphics failure NA 2.1.1 40/12/52

psbcGroup success YES 1 78/0/78

PSCBS cantLoad NA 0.38.4 0/0/0

pscl failure NA 1.04.4 207/4/211

psd success NO 0.4-0 10/0/10

pseudo success NO 1.1 35/0/35

psgp cantLoad NA 0.3-4 0/0/0

psidR cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

PSM success NO 0.8-10 11/0/11

pso success NO 1.0.3 12/0/12

pspearman success YES 0.2-5 5/0/5

pspline success YES 1.0-16 4/0/4

PST failure NA 0.84 66/63/129

PsumtSim success NO 0.4 30/0/30

psy success NO 1.1 31/0/31

psychometric failure NA 2.2 112/2/114

psychomix failure NA 1.0-0 27/31/58

psychotools failure NA 0.1-4 62/10/72

psychotree cantLoad NA 0.12-3 0/0/0

psyphy failure NA 0.1-7 44/13/57

psytabs failure NA 0.5 5/12/17

PTAk failure NA 1.2-6 62/5/67

ptinpoly failure NA 2 47/1/48

PtProcess failure NA 3.3-1 118/34/152

ptw cantLoad NA 1.0-5 0/0/0

PubMedWordcloud cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

pumilioR failure NA 1 0/6/6

PurBayes cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

PVAClone cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

pvar failure NA 1.0.6 33/46/79

pvclass success NO 1 36/0/36

pvclust failure NA 1.2-2 3/10/13

PVR failure NA 0.2.1 12/2/14

pvsR success YES 0.1.1 8/0/8

pwr success YES 1.1.1 38/0/38

PwrGSD failure NA 1.171 63/3/66

pwt noData NA 7.1-1 0/0/0

pwt8 noData NA 8.0-0 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

pxR failure NA 0.29 21/6/27

pycno fatalError NA 1.1 0/0/0

pyramid success YES 1.3 12/0/12

qat failure NA 0.72 122/33/155

QCA failure NA 1.1-0 123/3/126

QCA3 failure NA 0.0-5 79/4/83

QCAGUI cantLoad NA 1.9-6 0/0/0

qcc success NO 2.2 61/0/61

QCGWAS failure NA 1.0-7 40/2/42

qdap timedOut NA 0.2.5 0/0/0

qfa failure NA 0.0-10 2/2/4

qgraph cantLoad NA 1.2.3 0/0/0

qiimer success NO 0.9.1 14/0/14

qLearn timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

qlspack success NO 2.2 1/0/1

QLSpline timedOut NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

qmap success NO 1.0-1 10/0/10

qmrparser failure NA 0.1.2 130/2/132

qp noData NA 0.3-2 0/0/0

qpcR failure NA 1.3-7.1 48/181/229

qPCR.CT success YES 1.1 11/0/11

qrfactor timedOut NA 1.3 0/0/0

QRM failure NA 0.4-9 18/14/32

qrnn failure NA 1.1.2 9/3/12

QSARdata success YES 1.3 12/0/12

QT success NO 1.3 3/0/3

qtl cantLoad NA 1.28-19 0/0/0

qtlbim failure NA 2.0.7 14/38/52

qtlbook cantLoad NA 0.18-1 0/0/0

qtlDesign success YES 0.941 11/0/11

qtlhot cantLoad NA 0.9.0 0/0/0

qtlmt success YES 0.1-3 28/0/28

qtlnet timedOut NA 1.3.5 0/0/0

QTLRel failure NA 0.2-12 26/5/31

QuACN failure NA 1.7.4 93/417/510

quadprog success NO 1.5-5 13/0/13

quadrupen cantLoad NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

qualityTools failure NA 1.54 88/219/307

qualV failure NA 0.3 25/16/41

Quandl cantLoad NA 2.1.2 0/0/0

quantchem failure NA 0.13 11/2/13

quantmod success NO 0.4-0 31/0/31

QuantPsyc failure NA 1.5 37/2/39

quantreg failure NA 5.05 105/28/133

quantregForest success NO 0.2-3 4/0/4

quantregGrowth success NO 0.1-2 1/0/1

quantspec timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

QuasiSeq timedOut NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

questionr fatalError NA 0.3 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

queueing fatalError NA 0.2.2 0/0/0

QUIC noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

quint cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

qvcalc failure NA 0.8-8 16/7/23

QZ noExamples NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

R.cache cantLoad NA 0.9.0 0/0/0

R.devices cantLoad NA 2.7.2 0/0/0

R.filesets cantLoad NA 2.3.0 0/0/0

R.huge cantLoad NA 0.6.0 0/0/0

R.matlab cantLoad NA 2.0.5 0/0/0

R.methodsS3 failure NA 1.5.2 8/9/17

R.oo cantLoad NA 1.15.8 0/0/0

R.rsp cantLoad NA 0.9.28 0/0/0

R.utils cantLoad NA 1.27.1 0/0/0

R0 failure NA 1.2-3 52/18/70

R1magic failure NA 0.2 3/2/5

R2admb success NO 0.7.10 13/0/13

R2BayesX failure NA 0.3-1 137/34/171

R2Cuba success NO 1.0-11 13/0/13

r2dRue success YES 1.0.4 2/0/2

R2G2 failure NA 1.0-2 56/4/60

R2HTML failure NA 2.2.1 48/3/51

R2jags cantLoad NA 0.03-11 0/0/0

r2lh failure NA 0.7 38/7/45

R2MLwiN noExamples NA 0.1-6 0/0/0

R2OpenBUGS success NO 3.2-2.2 22/0/22

R2PPT noExamples NA 2.1 0/0/0

R2STATS cantLoad NA 0.68-32 0/0/0

r2stl success YES 1.0.0 5/0/5

R2SWF cantLoad NA 0.6-1 0/0/0

R2wd noExamples NA 1.5 0/0/0

R2WinBUGS success NO 2.1-19 32/0/32

R330 failure NA 1 116/5/121

r4ss success NO 1.2 1/0/1

race success YES 0.1.59 4/0/4

RAD failure NA 0.3 18/15/33

RadialPlotter failure NA 2.1 37/2/39

RadioSonde failure NA 1.3 10/6/16

RadOnc cantLoad NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

RAFM noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

rainbow failure NA 3.2 9/5/14

rAltmetric noExamples NA 0.3 0/0/0

Rambo cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

RAMpath failure NA 0.3.7 11/32/43

ramps cantLoad NA 0.6-12 0/0/0

randaes success YES 0.3 1/0/1

random noExamples NA 0.2.1 0/0/0 success NO 4/0/4

RandomFields cantLoad NA 2.0.66 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

randomForest success YES 4.6-7 57/0/57

randomForestSRC success NO 1.3 10/0/10

randomGLM success NO 1.02-1 7/0/7

randomizationInference failure NA 1.0.0 76/4/80

randomizeBE success NO 0.3-1 7/0/7

randomLCA failure NA 0.8-6 4/10/14

randomNames cantLoad NA 0.0-6 0/0/0

randomSurvivalForest success YES 3.6.4 16/0/16

randtoolbox success NO 1.14 53/0/53

RandVar cantLoad NA 0.9.2 0/0/0

rangeMapper failure NA 0.2-4 50/44/94

RankAggreg success NO 0.4-3 9/0/9

Rankcluster cantLoad NA 0.91 0/0/0

rankhazard success NO 0.8-1 4/0/4

RANN success YES 2.3.0 0/0/0

RAP failure NA 1.1 7/2/9

rapport success NO 0.51 30/0/30

RArcInfo failure NA 0.4-12 42/2/44

Rarity failure NA 1.2-1 31/1/32

RaschSampler success YES 0.8-6 21/0/21

rasclass cantLoad NA 0.2.1 0/0/0

raster failure NA 2.1-66 709/72/781

rasterVis failure NA 0.24 36/43/79

rateratio.test failure NA 1.0-1 1/1/2

rationalfun failure NA 0.1-0 25/4/29

RAtmosphere success YES 1 10/0/10

rattle failure NA 2.6.26 22/1/23

rAverage noExamples NA 0.3-6 0/0/0

rawFasta failure NA 1.0.0 22/1/23

rbamtools failure NA 2.6.0 194/176/370

rbefdata cantLoad NA 0.3.5 0/0/0

rbenchmark success NO 1.0.0 8/0/8

rBeta2009 success NO 1 2/0/2

rbiouml noData NA 1.4 0/0/0

Rbitcoin cantLoad NA 0.5.1 0/0/0

rbmn failure NA 0.9-2 94/1/95

rbounds success NO 0.9 32/0/32

rbugs success YES 0.5-9 31/0/31

rbundler cantLoad NA 0.3.4 0/0/0

RC timedOut NA 0/0/0

RCA timedOut NA 1.4.5 0/0/0

RCALI cantLoad NA 0.2-6 0/0/0

Rcapture failure NA 1.3-1 140/2/142

rCarto failure NA 0.8 24/2/26

RCassandra noExamples NA 0.1-2.1 0/0/0

rcdd cantLoad NA 1.1-7 0/0/0

rcdk cantLoad NA 0/0/0

rcdklibs noData NA 1.5.4 0/0/0

Rcell cantLoad NA 1.2-6 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

Rcgmin success NO 2013-02.20 101/0/101

rChoiceDialogs cantLoad NA 1.0.4 0/0/0

RCircos success NO 1.1.2 174/0/174

RClimMAWGEN failure NA 1 19/9/28

Rclusterpp cantLoad NA 0.2.3 0/0/0

rCMA cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

Rcmdr cantLoad NA 2.0-1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.BCA noData NA 0.9-6 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.coin noData NA 1.0-21 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.depthTools noData NA 1.3 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.doBy noData NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.DoE timedOut NA 0.12-2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.doex noData NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.EACSPIR noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.EBM noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.epack noData NA 1.2.5 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.EZR cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.HH cantLoad NA 1.1-40 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR failure NA 0.1-8 3/6/9

RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 cantLoad NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.lfstat noData NA 0.5 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.MA cantLoad NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.mosaic noData NA 1.0-7 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.MPAStats cantLoad NA 1.1.3 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.orloca noData NA 4.1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.plotByGroup noData NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.qcc noData NA 1.0-6 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.qual noData NA 2.2.6 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.sampling noData NA 1.1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.SCDA noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.seeg failure NA 1 0/1/1

RcmdrPlugin.SLC noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.SM noData NA 0.3.1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.StatisticalURV noData NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.survival cantLoad NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos noData NA 1.0-7 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.temis cantLoad NA 0.6.2 0/0/0

RcmdrPlugin.UCA noData NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

Rcolombos noExamples NA 1.4 0/0/0

RColorBrewer success NO 1.0-5 4/0/4

RCPmod failure NA 1.4 14/1/15

Rcpp cantLoad NA 0.10.6 0/0/0

RcppArmadillo cantLoad NA 0.3.920.1 0/0/0

RcppBDT noData NA 0.2.1 0/0/0

rcppbugs cantLoad NA 0.1.4 0/0/0

RcppClassic noData NA 0.9.4 0/0/0

RcppClassicExamples cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

RcppCNPy cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

RcppDE cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

RcppEigen cantLoad NA 0/0/0

RcppExamples cantLoad NA 0.1.6 0/0/0

RcppGSL cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

RcppProgress noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

RcppRoll cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

RcppSMC cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

RcppXts noData NA 0.0.4 0/0/0

RcppZiggurat cantLoad NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

Rcsdp success NO 0.1.52 12/0/12

rCUR success NO 1.3 32/0/32

RCurl cantLoad NA 1.95-4.1 0/0/0

Rd2roxygen failure NA 1.3 16/5/21

rda success YES 1.0.2-2 7/0/7

rdatamarket cantLoad NA 0.6.4 0/0/0

RDCOMClient noData NA 0.93-0.1 0/0/0

rdd success NO 0.56 3/0/3

rdetools success YES 1 16/0/16

RDIDQ success NO 1 20/0/20

Rdistance success NO 1.1 20/0/20

rDNA cantLoad NA 1.30.1 0/0/0

Rdpack failure NA 0.4-4 69/98/167

Rdrools cantLoad NA 0.0.2 0/0/0

Rdroolsjars noData NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

rdryad cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

RDS success NO 0.01 3/0/3

Rdsm noData NA 1.1.0 0/0/0

RDSTK cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

rdyncall failure NA 0.7.5 31/7/38

ReacTran failure NA 1.4.1 262/1/263

Read.isi noData NA 0.5.1 0/0/0

readbitmap noData NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

readBrukerFlexData success NO 1.7 19/0/19

reader failure NA 1 98/2/100

readMETEO success YES 1.2 19/0/19

readMLData failure NA 0.9-6 40/3/43

readMzXmlData failure NA 2.7 4/6/10

reams failure NA 0.1 5/16/21

Rearrangement failure NA 1 72/14/86

rebird cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

rebmix success NO 2.5.1 118/0/118

reccsim failure NA 0.9-1 9/9/18

ReCiPa noExamples NA 3 0/0/0

recluster cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

recommenderlab failure NA 0.1-3 20/3/23

recommenderlabBX success NO 0.1-0 2/0/2

recommenderlabJester success NO 0.1-0 2/0/2

RecordLinkage failure NA 0.4-1 31/64/95

Records success YES 1 4/0/4

REEMtree failure NA 0.90.3 17/41/58

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

ref success NO 0.98 53/0/53

referenceIntervals success NO 1 29/0/29

refGenome failure NA 1.1.2 113/13/126

refund cantLoad NA 0.1-8 0/0/0

REGENT failure NA 1.0.5 13/4/17

registry success NO 0.2 35/0/35

reglogit success NO 1.2-1 8/0/8

regpro success YES 0.1.0 207/0/207

regress failure NA 1.3-10 15/9/24

regsubseq success YES 0.1 12/0/12

regtest success YES 0.05 4/0/4

rehh success NO 1.11 21/0/21

rela failure NA 4.1 4/8/12

relaimpo failure NA 2.2-2 21/14/35

relations cantLoad NA 0.6-2 0/0/0

RelativeRisk failure NA 1.1-1 12/18/30

relax success YES 1.3.13 4/0/4

relaxnet success NO 0.3-2 11/0/11

relaxo timedOut NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

reldist failure NA 1.6-2 4/5/9

relevent noExamples NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

Reliability success NO 0.0-2 21/0/21

ReliabilityTheory timedOut NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

reliaR failure NA 0.01 165/20/185

relimp failure NA 1.0-3 10/2/12

relSim success YES 0.1-47 43/0/43

relsurv failure NA 2.0-4 45/6/51

remix success NO 2.1 14/0/14

rEMM timedOut NA 1.0-7 0/0/0

remMap success NO 0.1-0 101/0/101

Renext failure NA 2.1-0 66/26/92

RenextGUI noExamples NA 1.0-2 0/0/0

rentrez failure NA 0.1.1 1/6/7

Reol cantLoad NA 1.41 0/0/0

RepeatedHighDim failure NA 2.0.0 12/2/14

repmis cantLoad NA 0/0/0

repolr success NO 2 40/0/40

reportr success YES 1.0.1 11/0/11

reports failure NA 0.1.2 0/2/2

reporttools failure NA 1.1.1 51/5/56

REPPlab cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

represent success NO 1 7/0/7

REQS noExamples NA 0.8-12 0/0/0

ResearchMethods noData NA 1.4 0/0/0

reshape success NO 0.8.4 124/0/124

reshape2 success YES 1.2.2 55/0/55

reshapeGUI success NO 0.1.0 2/0/2

ResistorArray success NO 1.0-28 26/0/26

ResourceSelection failure NA 0.2-3 24/4/28

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

restlos cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

restorepoint noExamples NA 0.1 0/0/0

retimes failure NA 0.1-2 2/1/3

review noData NA 2.5 0/0/0

reweight success YES 1.2.1 7/0/7

rexpokit success NO 0.24.1 95/0/95

Rfacebook cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

rFerns success NO 0.3.1 10/0/10

RFGLS fatalError NA 1.1 0/0/0

rfigshare cantLoad NA 0.2-6 0/0/0

RFinanceYJ noExamples NA 0.3.1 0/0/0

rfishbase cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

rfisheries cantLoad NA 0.0.5 0/0/0

Rfit failure NA 0.17 38/3/41

RFLPtools failure NA 1.5 60/56/116

RfmriVC success YES 1.0.4 6/0/6

RFOC failure NA 3.2 290/7/297

RForcecom noExamples NA 0.7 0/0/0

rforensicbatwing cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

rfPermute success YES 1.5.2 1/0/1

rgam cantLoad NA 0.6.1 0/0/0

rGammaGamma success YES 1.0.12 0/0/0

rgauges cantLoad NA 0.1.5 0/0/0

rgbif cantLoad NA 0.3.0 0/0/0

Rgbp success NO 1.0.2 149/0/149

RGCCA success NO 2 15/0/15

rgcvpack cantLoad NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

rgdal failure NA 0.8-11 114/178/292

RGenetics success NO 0.1 6/0/6

rgenoud timedOut NA 5.7-12 0/0/0

rgeos cantLoad NA 0.3-2 0/0/0

rgexf timedOut NA 0.13.8 0/0/0

rggobi cantLoad NA 2.1.19 0/0/0

RGIFT success NO 0.1-4 12/0/12

rgl cantLoad NA 0.93.991 0/0/0

Rglpk success YES 0.5-1 30/0/30

Rgnuplot failure NA 1.0.0 29/38/67

RgoogleMaps cantLoad NA 0/0/0

rgp cantLoad NA 0.3-4 0/0/0

rgr failure NA 1.1.9 481/8/489

RGraphics noData NA 2.0-6 0/0/0

rgrs failure NA 0.3 2/2/4

RGtk2 cantLoad NA 2.20.25 0/0/0

RGtk2Extras failure NA 0.6.1 7/37/44

RH2 noExamples NA 0.1-2.10 0/0/0

rHadoopClient noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

Rhh noData NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

RHive noData NA 0.0-7 0/0/0

RHmm failure NA 2.0.3 46/3/49

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

rhosp failure NA 1.04 45/3/48

rHpcc success YES 1 2/0/2

RHRV noData NA 3.0.3 0/0/0

RHT success YES 1 19/0/19

ri success NO 0.9 63/0/63

rich success YES 0.3 43/0/43

ridge success YES 2.1-2 15/0/15

RidgeFusion success NO 1.0-2 49/0/49

Ridit failure NA 1.1 8/1/9

RiDMC failure NA 0.10-15 108/1/109

RIFS success YES 0.1-5 0/0/0

RIGHT cantLoad NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

rImpactStory noData NA 0.05 0/0/0

rindex success YES 0.12 207/0/207

ringbuffer success YES 1.1 10/0/10

ringscale noExamples NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

RInside noData NA 0.2.10 0/0/0

RInSp failure NA 1 55/6/61

rio success YES 0.1.2 7/0/7

rioja failure NA 0.8-5 80/11/91

risaac noData NA 0.1 0/0/0

riskRegression cantLoad NA 0.0.8 0/0/0

risksetROC success NO 1.0.4 38/0/38

RISmed success NO 2.1.0 82/0/82

Ritc success YES 1.0.1 16/0/16

rite noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

RItools failure NA 0.1-11 32/6/38

riv success NO 2.0-4 2/0/2

Rivivc success NO 0.9 27/0/27

RJaCGH success NO 2.0.2 45/0/45

rjags cantLoad NA 11-Mar 0/0/0

rJava cantLoad NA 0.9-4 0/0/0

RJDBC noExamples NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

rje success NO 1.6 62/0/62

Rjms cantLoad NA 0.0.5 0/0/0

Rjmsjars noData NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

rJPSGCS cantLoad NA 0.2-6 0/0/0

Rjpstatdb cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

rjson success NO 0.2.13 27/0/27

RJSONIO cantLoad NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

rJython cantLoad NA 0.0-4 0/0/0

RKEA noData NA 0.0-3 0/0/0

rknn success YES 1.2 6/0/6

Rknots cantLoad NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

rkt success YES 1.2 23/0/23

Rlab cantLoad NA 2.15.1 37/5/42

Rlabkey noExamples NA 2.1.123 0/0/0

rLakeAnalyzer failure NA 1 49/8/57

rlandscape cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

RLastFM fatalError NA 0.1-5 0/0/0

rlecuyer fatalError NA 0.3-3 0/0/0

rLindo cantLoad NA 8.0.1 0/0/0

rlme failure NA 0.2 9/2/11

RLRsim failure NA 2.1-1 8/20/28

RM2 success YES 0 26/0/26

rmac success YES 0.9 26/0/26

RMallow success YES 1 13/0/13

Rmalschains cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

RMark cantLoad NA 2.1.6-1 0/0/0

RMAWGEN failure NA 47/3/50

RMC failure NA 0.2 31/75/106

RMediation cantLoad NA 1.1.2 0/0/0

RMendeley cantLoad NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

RMessenger cantLoad NA 0.1.3 0/0/0

rmeta failure NA 2.16 41/2/43

RMETAR noData NA 1 0/0/0

rmgarch cantLoad NA 1.2-0 0/0/0

rminer timedOut NA 1.3.1 0/0/0

Rmisc failure NA 1.5 13/6/19

Rmixmod cantLoad NA 1.1.3 0/0/0

rmmseg4j cantLoad NA 0.2-0 0/0/0

RMongo cantLoad NA 0.0.25 0/0/0

rmongodb success NO 1.1.3 506/0/506

rmp failure NA 1 2/9/11

Rmpfr cantLoad NA 0.5-4 0/0/0

rms.gof success YES 1 1/0/1

RMTstat noData NA 0.2 0/0/0

RnavGraph cantLoad NA 0.1.6 0/0/0

RnavGraphImageData success YES 0.0.3 0/0/0

RNCBI cantLoad NA 0.9.1 0/0/0

RNCBIAxis2Libs noData NA 0.9 0/0/0

RNCBIEUtilsLibs noData NA 0.9 0/0/0

RNCEP cantLoad NA 1.0.6 0/0/0

RND failure NA 1 196/2/198

rneos cantLoad NA 0.2-7 0/0/0

RNetCDF success NO 1.6.1-2 213/0/213

RNetLogo cantLoad NA 0.9-6 0/0/0

rngSetSeed success YES 0.2-3 7/0/7

rngtools failure NA 1.2.3 76/11/87

rngWELL success YES 0.10-2 3/0/3

rngwell19937 failure NA 0.5-4 0/1/1

Rniftilib failure NA 0.0-32 8/1/9

RNiftyReg success YES 1.1.2 0/0/0

rNOMADS failure NA 1.2.0 14/13/27

ROAuth noExamples NA 0.9.3 0/0/0

RobAStBase cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

robCompositions failure NA 1.6.3 178/10/188

robeth failure NA 2.7 274/11/285

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

robfilter cantLoad NA 4 0/0/0

RobLox cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

RobLoxBioC cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

RobPer failure NA 1 22/3/25

RobRex failure NA 0.9 0/10/10

RObsDat cantLoad NA 13.09-1 0/0/0

robust failure NA 0.4-15 81/11/92

RobustAFT failure NA 1.2 71/6/77

robustbase failure NA 0.9-10 340/27/367

robustfa failure NA 1.0-5 49/62/111

robustgam cantLoad NA 0.1.7 0/0/0

robustHD cantLoad NA 0.4.0 0/0/0

robustlmm cantLoad NA 1.3-1 0/0/0

robustloggamma failure NA 0.4-22 8/10/18

RobustRankAggreg success YES 1.1 5/0/5

robustreg success YES 0.1-3 6/0/6

robustX failure NA 1.1-4 19/6/25

rocc success NO 1.2 18/0/18

rockchalk failure NA 1.8.0 243/128/371

RockFab cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

rococo cantLoad NA 1.1.0 0/0/0

rocplus success NO 1.0-0 7/0/7

ROCR success NO 1.0-5 25/0/25

ROCwoGS success YES 1 9/0/9

RODBC failure NA 1.3-9 2/6/8

RODM noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

ROI noData NA 0.0-7 0/0/0

ROI.plugin.glpk noData NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

ROI.plugin.quadprog noData NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

ROI.plugin.symphony noData NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

rolasized success YES 1 1/0/1

Rook failure NA 1.0-9 45/20/65

rootSolve failure NA 1.6.4 181/4/185

ropensnp cantLoad NA 0.0.3 0/0/0

ROptEst cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

ROptEstOld cantLoad NA 0.9.2 0/0/0

ROptRegTS cantLoad NA 0.9.1 0/0/0

ror timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

ROSE failure NA 0.0-2 25/17/42

rotations cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

roxygen failure NA 0.1-3 6/2/8

roxygen2 success NO 2.2.2 6/0/6

roxyPackage noData NA 0.03-6 0/0/0

royston failure NA 1 3/2/5

rpanel noExamples NA 1.1-2 0/0/0

rpart success NO 4.1-3 8/0/8

rpart.plot failure NA 1.4-3 6/7/13

rpartScore success YES 1.0-1 4/0/4

RPCLR success YES 1 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

rpf cantLoad NA 0.17 0/0/0

rphast cantLoad NA 1.4 0/0/0

rPlant cantLoad NA 2.7 0/0/0

rplos cantLoad NA 0.3.6 0/0/0

rplotengine success YES 1.0-3 2/0/2

RPMG failure NA 2.1-4 110/22/132

RPMM success YES 1.1 7/0/7

rportfolios success YES 1 2/0/2

RPostgreSQL noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

RPPanalyzer cantLoad NA 1.0.5 0/0/0

rpsychi success NO 0.8 93/0/93

rpubchem cantLoad NA 1.4.3 0/0/0

RPyGeo noExamples NA 0.9-3 0/0/0

RQDA timedOut NA 0.2-3 0/0/0

Rquake success NO 2.1-1 99/0/99

RQuantLib cantLoad NA 0.3.10 0/0/0

Rramas success YES 0.1-3 1/0/1

rrBLUP failure NA 4.2 21/9/30

rrBlupMethod6 success NO 1.3 8/0/8

rrcovHD failure NA 0.2-2 51/10/61

rrcovNA cantLoad NA 0.4-4 0/0/0

rrdf cantLoad NA 1.9.2 0/0/0

rrdflibs noData NA 1.2.2 0/0/0

rredis noExamples NA 1.6.8 0/0/0

RRF success NO 1.6 53/0/53

rriskBayes noData NA 2.3 0/0/0

rriskDistributions failure NA 1.8 71/39/110

rrlda failure NA 1.1 0/2/2

rrules success YES 0.1-0 2/0/2

RSA failure NA 0.8 17/9/26

RSADBE failure NA 1 28/1/29

rsae cantLoad NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

RSAGA failure NA 0.93-6 7/1/8

RSclient cantLoad NA 0.7-2 0/0/0

rscproxy noData NA 2.0-5 0/0/0

RSDA failure NA 1.1 256/21/277

RSearchYJ success YES 0.0.1 2/0/2

RSeed cantLoad NA 0.1.31 0/0/0

rseedcalc failure NA 1.2 0/2/2

RSEIS failure NA 3.2-5 514/15/529

rsem failure NA 0.4.5 18/5/23

Rserve cantLoad NA 1.7-3 0/0/0

rSFA success NO 1.02 3/0/3

rsgcc success NO 1.0.6 12/0/12

RSGHB success YES 1.0.1 26/0/26

RSiena failure NA 1.1-232 140/15/155

rsig cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

RSiteCatalyst cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

RSKC failure NA 2.3 23/2/25

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

rsm failure NA 2.03 39/19/58

RSNNS cantLoad NA 0.4-3 0/0/0

rsnps cantLoad NA 0.0.5 0/0/0

RSocrata failure NA 1.2 1/1/2

RSofia cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

Rsolnp success YES 1.14 4/0/4

rspa timedOut NA 0.1-4 0/0/0

rspear failure NA 0.1-1 3/3/6

rsprng success NO 1 24/0/24

RSQLite success NO 0.11.4 120/0/120

RSQLite.extfuns success NO 0.0.1 7/0/7

Rssa cantLoad NA 0.10-1 0/0/0

Rstem noData NA 0.4-1 0/0/0

rstiefel success NO 0.9 16/0/16

RStorm success NO 0.902 89/0/89

rstream success NO 1.3.2 37/0/37

Rsundials success YES 1.6 3/0/3

RSurvey cantLoad NA 0.7-9 0/0/0

Rsymphony success YES 0.1-17 15/0/15

rSymPy cantLoad NA 0.2-1.1 0/0/0

rtape success YES 2.2 41/0/41

RTConnect success NO 0.1.4 10/0/10

RTDAmeritrade cantLoad NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

rtematres cantLoad NA 0.2 0/0/0

RTextTools cantLoad NA 1.4.1 0/0/0

rtf cantLoad NA 0.4-11 0/0/0

rtfbs failure NA 0.2 46/38/84

rtiff failure NA 1.4.2 12/6/18

RTisean noData NA 3.0.14 0/0/0

RTOMO failure NA 1.1-0 49/1/50

rtop cantLoad NA 0.3-42 0/0/0

RTriangle noData NA 1.6-0.6 0/0/0

rts failure NA 1.0-3 55/16/71

Rttf2pt1 noData NA 1.2 0/0/0

rugarch cantLoad NA 1.2-7 0/0/0

RUnit failure NA 0.4.26 45/3/48

Runiversal success YES 1.0.2 19/0/19

runjags failure NA 1.2.0-3 28/5/33

Runuran cantLoad NA 0.20.0 0/0/0

RunuranGUI failure NA 0.1 0/1/1

rv failure NA 2.3.1 66/44/110

RVAideMemoire cantLoad NA 0.9-29-2 0/0/0

Rvelslant success NO 0.2-3 11/0/11

rvertnet cantLoad NA 0.0-5 0/0/0

rvgtest failure NA 0.5.0 1/22/23

rvHPDT noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

RVideoPoker success YES 0.3 2/0/2

Rvmmin success NO 2013-11.11 101/0/101

RVsharing success NO 1.1.0 13/0/13

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

RVtests success NO 1.2 7/0/7

Rwave failure NA 2.1 11/2/13

RWeather noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

RWebMA success YES 0.0.2 1/0/1

RWeka cantLoad NA 0.4-21 0/0/0

RWekajars noData NA 3.7.10-1 0/0/0

RWiener failure NA 1.1-0 0/11/11

RWinEdt noData NA 2.0-2 0/0/0

Rwinsteps success YES 1.0-1 14/0/14

rwm success NO 1.53 47/0/47

rworldmap cantLoad NA 1.3-1 0/0/0

rworldxtra success NO 1.01 2/0/2

rwt success YES 0.9.4 25/0/25

RxCEcolInf cantLoad NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

RXKCD failure NA 1.7-5 1/1/2

RXMCDA failure NA 1.4.4 86/50/136

RXshrink success YES 1.0-7 45/0/45

Ryacas noExamples NA 0.2-11 0/0/0

rysgran failure NA 2 56/6/62

Rz cantLoad NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

s20x failure NA 3.1-10 81/4/85

s4vd failure NA 1 39/20/59

sabreR noData NA 2 0/0/0

sac success NO 1.0.1 43/0/43

sae failure NA 1.0-2 128/13/141

saemix failure NA 0.96.1 144/14/158

SAFD success YES 0.4 231/0/231

safeBinaryRegression success YES 0.1-2 4/0/4

SAM success YES 1.0.4 16/0/16

SamplerCompare cantLoad NA 1.2.4 0/0/0

sampleSelection failure NA 0.7-2 42/33/75

samplesize success YES 0.1-8 3/0/3

SampleSizeMeans success NO 1.1 15/0/15

SampleSizeProportions success YES 1 5/0/5

sampling failure NA 2.6 237/29/266

samplingbook success NO 1.2.0 116/0/116

samplingEstimates success NO 0.1-1 21/0/21

SamplingStrata failure NA 1.0-1 24/4/28

samplingVarEst success YES 0.9-6 308/0/308

sampSurf failure NA 0.6-8 96/156/252

samr failure NA 2 147/2/149

SAMURAI failure NA 1.2.1 14/26/40

sandwich failure NA 2.3-0 11/17/28

sanon success NO 1.2 46/0/46

sapa timedOut NA 1.1-0 0/0/0

SAPP success NO 1.0.3 28/0/28

sas7bdat success YES 0.3 1/0/1

SAScii failure NA 1 25/2/27

SASmixed success NO 1.0-3 22/0/22

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

SASPECT failure NA 0.1-1 2/3/5

SASxport failure NA 1.3.6 62/6/68

SAVE noExamples NA 0/0/0

saves noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

saws success NO 0.9-6.0 22/0/22

sBF failure NA 1.1 0/1/1

sbgcop success NO 0.975 4/0/4

SBSA cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

sca success NO 0.8-9 24/0/24

scagnostics cantLoad NA 0.2-4 0/0/0

scaleboot failure NA 0.3-3 48/9/57

scales failure NA 0.2.3 70/31/101

scam failure NA 1.1-6 11/3/14

scape success NO 2.1-0 56/0/56

scapeMCMC failure NA 1.1-3 4/4/8

scar failure NA 0.1-0 6/3/9

scaRabee success NO 1.1-2 6/0/6

scatterplot3d failure NA 0.3-34 9/14/23

SCEPtER success YES 0.1-0 7/0/7

SCEPtERextras noData NA 0.1-0 0/0/0

SCGLR noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

scholar cantLoad NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

schoolmath success YES 0.4 40/0/40

schoRsch success NO 1 21/0/21

schwartz97 failure NA 0.0.4 47/2/49

scidb success YES 1.1-0 1/0/1

SciencePo noData NA 0/0/0

SciencesPo success NO 77/0/77

scio success YES 0.4.1 2/0/2

sciplot success NO 1.1-0 2/0/2

SciViews failure NA 0.9-4 8/7/15

SCMA success YES 0 4/0/4

scoring success NO 0.4 7/0/7

ScottKnott failure NA 1.2-0 120/51/171

scout failure NA 1.0.3 3/3/6

SCperf failure NA 1 9/3/12

ScrabbleScore success YES 1 14/0/14

scrapeR failure NA 0.1.6 1/4/5

ScreenClean success NO 1.0.1 13/0/13

scrime noExamples NA 1.3.3 0/0/0

scriptests success NO 1.0-9 2/0/2

SCRT success YES 0.1 10/0/10

scuba success NO 1.5-0 97/0/97

SCVA success YES 0.1 5/0/5

sda success NO 1.3.1 47/0/47

SDaA noData NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

SDBP success NO 1 4/0/4

sdcMicro cantLoad NA 4.1.0 0/0/0

sdcMicroGUI cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

sdcTable cantLoad NA 0.10.3 0/0/0

SDD cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

SDDA success NO 1.0-5 9/0/9

sddpack success YES 0.9 0/0/0

sde failure NA 2.0.10 93/11/104

sdef success NO 1.5 4/0/4

SDisc failure NA 1.24 24/3/27

SDMTools success NO 1.1-13 125/0/125

sdnet success NO 2.01.2 17/0/17

sdprisk success YES 1.0-0 3/0/3

sdtoolkit success NO 2.31 11/0/11

SE.IGE success YES 1 59/0/59

seacarb failure NA 2.4.10 92/1/93

sealasso success YES 0.1-1 9/0/9

SearchTrees success NO 0.5.2 12/0/12

seas cantLoad NA 0.4-2 0/0/0

season failure NA 0.3-2 51/3/54

SEchart failure NA 0.1 5/1/6

SECP success NO 0.1-4 70/0/70

secr cantLoad NA 2.7.0 0/0/0

seeg failure NA 1 20/2/22

seem success YES 1 37/0/37

SEER2R success YES 1 22/0/22

SEERaBomb success NO 2013.4.1 1/0/1

seewave failure NA 1.7.2 166/58/224

seg cantLoad NA 0.3-3 0/0/0

segmented success NO 0.3-0.0 19/0/19

Segmentor3IsBack success NO 1.8 36/0/36

Sejong noData NA 0.01 0/0/0

SEL failure NA 1.0-2 52/56/108

selectiongain success NO 2.0.28 26/0/26

selectMeta noExamples NA 1.0.5 0/0/0

selectr failure NA 0.2-1 3/16/19

SeleMix success NO 0.9.0 18/0/18

sem failure NA 3.1-3 55/2/57

semdiag noExamples NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

semGOF success NO 0.2-0 8/0/8

SEMID timedOut NA 0.1 0/0/0

SemiMarkov success NO 1.2 55/0/55

SemiPar failure NA 1.0-4 93/15/108

SemiParBIVProbit timedOut NA 3.2-8 0/0/0

SemiParSampleSel cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

semisupKernelPCA success YES 0.1.5 42/0/42

SEMModComp success YES 1 15/0/15

semPlot cantLoad NA 0.3.3 0/0/0

semPLS failure NA 1.0-10 40/31/71

semTools failure NA 0.4-0 82/112/194

sendmailR noExamples NA 1.1-2 0/0/0

sendplot failure NA 4.0.0 140/10/150

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

sensitivity failure NA 1.7 35/6/41

SensitivityCaseControl success YES 1 33/0/33

sensitivityPStrat failure NA 1.0-5 8/1/9

SensoMineR failure NA 1.18 47/8/55

sensR failure NA 1.3-1 115/84/199

SenSrivastava success NO 2012-04-0 146/0/146

separationplot failure NA 1 10/3/13

seq2R success NO 1 18/0/18

seqCBS failure NA 1.2 10/9/19

SeqGrapheR cantLoad NA 0/0/0

seqinr failure NA 3.0-7 423/31/454

seqMeta cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

seqminer success NO 1.9.1 30/0/30

seqmon success YES 0.2 4/0/4

seqPERM noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

seqRFLP success NO 1.0.1 126/0/126

sequences cantLoad NA 0.5.7 0/0/0

Sequential success YES 1 2/0/2

seriation failure NA 1.0-11 51/15/66

servr cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

SesIndexCreatoR failure NA 1.0-2 24/34/58

session success NO 1.0.3 8/0/8

sessionTools failure NA 0.9-2 18/9/27

SetMethods failure NA 1 33/2/35

setRNG failure NA 2011.11-2 1/1/2

sets cantLoad NA 1.0-13 0/0/0

severity success NO 2 12/0/12

sExtinct success NO 1.1 15/0/15

sfa failure NA 1.0-0 2/10/12

sfsmisc failure NA 1.0-24 265/55/320

sft failure NA 1.0-1 43/4/47

SGCS noData NA 1.7 0/0/0

sgeostat failure NA 1.0-25 22/5/27

SGL success YES 1.1 21/0/21

sgof failure NA 1 17/6/23

SGP cantLoad NA 1.1-0.0 0/0/0

sGPCA failure NA 1 4/33/37

SGPdata noData NA 7.0-0.0 0/0/0

sgr success YES 1.0.2 40/0/40

shape failure NA 1.4.0 10/47/57

shapefiles noExamples NA 0.7 0/0/0

shapes cantLoad NA 1.1-8 0/0/0

SharpeR failure NA 0.131 79/23/102

sharx cantLoad NA 1.0-3 0/0/0

sheldusr success NO 0.1 2/0/2

shiny fatalError NA 0.8.0 0/0/0

shinyAce cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

shinyRGL cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

SHIP success YES 1.0.1 37/0/37

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

shotGroups cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

shrink failure NA 1.1 13/9/22

siar noExamples NA 4.2 0/0/0

sideChannelAttack cantLoad NA 1.0-6 0/0/0

sidier timedOut NA 2.3 0/0/0

sifds success YES 0.9-1 8/0/8

sig success NO 0.0-4 37/0/37

sigclust failure NA 1.0.0 12/4/16

SightabilityModel failure NA 1.2 33/2/35

signal failure NA 0.7-3 90/11/101

signalextraction success YES 2.0.3 10/0/10

sigora noExamples NA 0.9.2 0/0/0

SigTree failure NA 1.3 30/8/38

SigWinR failure NA 1.0.2 1/20/21

SII success NO 1.0.2 29/0/29

simba failure NA 0.3-5 101/7/108

simboot failure NA 0.2-4 37/1/38

SimComp success NO 1.7.0 39/0/39

SimCorMultRes failure NA 1.1 21/4/25

simctest failure NA 2.3 61/21/82

simecol failure NA 0.8-4 138/8/146

simex failure NA 1.5 33/3/36

simexaft success NO 1.0.6 17/0/17

simFrame cantLoad NA 0.5.0 0/0/0

SimHap failure NA 1.2.0 198/26/224

Simile failure NA 1.3 4/13/17

SIMMS failure NA 0.0.1 51/2/53

simMSM failure NA 1 204/8/212

simPH cantLoad NA 0.8.5 0/0/0

simpleboot failure NA 1.1-3 20/3/23

SimpleTable success NO 0.1-2 1/0/1

simPopulation failure NA 0.4.0 32/1/33

Simpsons noExamples NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

simsalapar failure NA 1.0-1 41/28/69

simsem failure NA 0.5-3 447/66/513

simSummary success NO 0.1.0 5/0/5

SimuChemPC failure NA 1 9/1/10

SimultAnR success NO 1.1 50/0/50

SIN success YES 0.5 129/0/129

sinartra noData NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

SINGLE timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

sirad failure NA 2.0-7 108/2/110

sirt cantLoad NA 0.39-30 0/0/0

SIS success YES 0.6 75/0/75

sisus cantLoad NA 0.09-011 0/0/0

sitools success NO 1.4 12/0/12

SixSigma failure NA 0.7-0 76/14/90

SiZer failure NA 0.1-4 18/4/22

sjdbc cantLoad NA 1.5.0-71 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

SKAT failure NA 0.93 22/4/26

skatMeta failure NA 1.4.3 27/22/49

SkewHyperbolic failure NA 0.3-2 27/24/51

skewt success YES 0.1 0/0/0

skewtools failure NA 0.1.1 84/46/130

Skillings.Mack success YES 1.0-2 6/0/6

skmeans failure NA 0.2-4 6/10/16

slam failure NA 0.1-30 37/10/47

SLC success YES 0.3 2/0/2

Sleuth2 failure NA 1.0-7 220/11/231

Sleuth3 failure NA 0.1-6 642/40/682

SLHD success YES 1.2-1 0/0/0

SlimPLS noExamples NA 0.3 0/0/0

sltl failure NA 1 1/9/10

sm failure NA 2.2-5.3 6/2/8

smaa success NO 0.2-1 48/0/48

smacof cantLoad NA 1.2-1 0/0/0

smam success YES 0.2-2 10/0/10

smart timedOut NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

SmarterPoland noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

smatr failure NA 3.4 62/3/65

SMC failure NA 1.1 14/9/23

smco success YES 0.1 12/0/12

SMCP success YES 1.1.3 0/0/0

SMCRM success YES 0.0-3 14/0/14

smcure success NO 2 6/0/6

smcUtils success NO 0.2.2 1/0/1

smdata success YES 1.1 22/0/22

smdc failure NA 0.0.2 13/1/14

sme failure NA 0.8 25/3/28

SMFI5 failure NA 1 11/7/18

smfsb failure NA 1 47/1/48

SMIR failure NA 0.02 20/1/21

smirnov success YES 1.0-1 3/0/3

SmithWilsonYieldCurve success NO 1.0.1 3/0/3

SML success YES 0.1 4/0/4

SMNCensReg noExamples NA 2.2 0/0/0

SmoothHazard success YES 1.0.9 6/0/6

smoothHR success YES 1 21/0/21

smoothie success YES 1.0-1 27/0/27

smoothmest failure NA 0.1-2 6/10/16

smoothSurv failure NA 1.3-2 39/12/51

smoothtail success YES 2.0.1 15/0/15

SMPracticals failure NA 1.4-2 180/25/205

SMR success NO 1.0.0 7/0/7

sms failure NA 2.1 63/8/71

smss success NO 1.0-1 2/0/2

SMVar failure NA 1.3.3 13/3/16

sn failure NA 0.4-18 73/28/101

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

sna cantLoad NA 2.3-1 0/0/0

snapshot noExamples NA 0.1.2 0/0/0

snort cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

snow failure NA 0.3-13 24/42/66

Snowball cantLoad NA 0.0-10 0/0/0

SnowballC success YES 0.5 3/0/3

snowfall noExamples NA 1.84-4 0/0/0

snowFT noExamples NA 1.3-0 0/0/0

snp.plotter noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

SNPassoc failure NA 1.9-1 38/54/92

snpEnrichment cantLoad NA 1.2-3 0/0/0

SNPmaxsel failure NA 1.0-3 1/2/3

SNPMClust success NO 1 5/0/5

SNPRelate failure NA 0.9.18 249/15/264

SNPtools failure NA 1.1 11/3/14

SNSequate failure NA 1.1-0 52/33/85

SOAR success NO 0.99-10 57/0/57

SoDA failure NA 1.0-6 36/5/41

SODC failure NA 1 3/5/8

softclassval failure NA 1.0-20130317 42/1/43

softImpute success NO 1 58/0/58

soil.spec noExamples NA 2.1.3 0/0/0

soilDB failure NA 1 5/2/7

soilprofile failure NA 1 16/1/17

SoilR failure NA 1.0-7 170/100/270

soiltexture failure NA 1.2.9 14/34/48

soilwater success NO 1.0.1 14/0/14

solaR failure NA 0.37 169/49/218

SOLOMON noExamples NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

som success NO 0.3-5 5/0/5

soma success YES 1.1.0 1/0/1

someKfwer success YES 1.1 2/0/2

someMTP failure NA 1.4.1 12/18/30

somplot success NO 1.6.4 0/0/0

soobench success YES 1.0-73 18/0/18

SortableHTMLTables success NO 0.1-3 2/0/2

sorvi success NO 0.4.05 6/0/6

sos failure NA 1.3-8 21/36/57

sos4R cantLoad NA 0.2-11 0/0/0

sound noData NA 1.3 0/0/0

soundecology failure NA 1 15/3/18

source.gist noData NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

sp failure NA 1.0-14 412/38/450

spa failure NA 2 26/24/50

SPA3G success YES 1 12/0/12

spaa success NO 0.2.1 68/0/68

space timedOut NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

SPACECAP success NO 1.0.6 0/0/0

spaceExt success YES 1 5/0/5

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

spacejam timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

spacetime failure NA 1.0-9 115/38/153

spacodiR cantLoad NA 0.13.0115 0/0/0

spacom noData NA 1.0-0 0/0/0

spam failure NA 0.40-0 198/8/206

spaMM failure NA 1 23/11/34

sparc success NO 0.9.0 3/0/3

sparcl failure NA 1.0.3 4/15/19

sparkTable failure NA 0.9.6 76/89/165

sparktex success NO 0.1 2/0/2

SPARQL noExamples NA 1.16 0/0/0

sparr cantLoad NA 0.3-3 0/0/0

sparseBC failure NA 1 21/7/28

sparsediscrim success NO 0.1.0 30/0/30

SparseGrid success NO 0.8.2 29/0/29

sparseHessianFD noData NA 0.1.1 0/0/0

sparseLDA success YES 0.1-6 21/0/21

sparseLTSEigen cantLoad NA 0.2.0 0/0/0

SparseM failure NA 1.03 58/18/76

sparseMVN success YES 0.1.0 0/0/0

sparsenet failure NA 1.1 0/9/9

SparseTSCGM timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

spartan success NO 1.2.1 171/0/171

spatcounts failure NA 1.1 30/44/74

spate success NO 1.2 62/0/62

spatgraphs timedOut NA 2.62 0/0/0

spatial success NO 7.3-7 58/0/58 cantLoad NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

spatialCovariance failure NA 0.6-8 18/19/37

SpatialEpi timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

SpatialExtremes cantLoad NA 2.0-0 0/0/0

spatialkernel success YES 0.4-19 0/0/0

SpatialNP success YES 1.1-1 13/0/13

SpatialPack failure NA 0.2 0/19/19

spatialprobit cantLoad NA 0.9-9 0/0/0

spatialsegregation success YES 2.38 1/0/1

SpatialTools cantLoad NA 0.5.4 0/0/0

SpatialVx cantLoad NA 0.1-7 4/6/10

SpatioTemporal cantLoad NA 1.1.7 0/0/0

spatstat cantLoad NA 1.34-1 0/0/0

spBayes cantLoad NA 0.3-8 0/0/0

spc cantLoad NA 0.4.2 0/0/0

spcadjust fatalError NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

spclust noData NA 1.2 0/0/0

spcosa cantLoad NA 0.3-5 0/0/0

spcov success YES 1.01 14/0/14

spd success YES 1.9 1/0/1

spdep cantLoad NA 0.5-68 0/0/0

spe success NO 1.1.2 3/0/3

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

speccalt failure NA 0.1.1 4/2/6

SPECIES success NO 1 37/0/37

SpeciesMix failure NA 0.3.1 9/4/13

specificity success NO 0.1.1 9/0/9

spectralGP failure NA 1.3.1 40/3/43

speedglm success NO 0.2 1/0/1

speedRlibs noData NA 1.1-36 0/0/0

speedRlibTF noData NA 0.3-39 0/0/0

speff2trial timedOut NA 1.0.4 0/0/0

SPEI success NO 1.6 6/0/6

sperich success NO 1.5-5 23/0/23

sperrorest failure NA 0.2-1 30/3/33

spGoogle noData NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

spgrass6 success NO 0.8-3 5/0/5

spgwr failure NA 0.6-24 25/29/54

sphereplot failure NA 1.5 1/16/17

SphericalCubature failure NA 1.0.1 21/3/24

SpherWave failure NA 1.2.2 27/9/36

sphet cantLoad NA 1.4 0/0/0

spi success NO 1.1 3/0/3

SPIAssay success NO 1.0.0 26/0/26

spider timedOut NA 1.2-0 0/0/0

spikeslab success YES 1.1.5 4/0/4

spikeSlabGAM cantLoad NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

SPIn failure NA 1.1 0/2/2

splancs success NO 2.01-34 53/0/53

splitstackshape failure NA 1.2.0 71/9/80

splm cantLoad NA 1.1-0 0/0/0

spls success NO 2.2-1 17/0/17

splus2R failure NA 1.2-0 70/1/71

splusTimeDate success NO 1.5.0-72 101/0/101

splusTimeSeries success NO 1.5.0-73 55/0/55

spMC failure NA 0.3.1 69/17/86

SPmlficmcm timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

SPMS success YES 2 20/0/20

SPODT success NO 0.6.32 24/0/24

sporm success YES 1.1 46/0/46

SportsAnalytics success NO 0.2 6/0/6

SPOT failure NA 1.0.4184 20/2/22

sprsmdl success NO 0.1-0 5/0/5

SPSL success YES 0.1-8 32/0/32

spsmooth failure NA 1.1-0 4/4/8

spsurvey cantLoad NA 2.6 0/0/0

spt success YES 1.13-8-8 6/0/6

spTimer cantLoad NA 0.8 0/0/0

spuRs success NO 1.0.5 43/0/43

sqldf success NO 0.4-6.4 72/0/72

sqlshare cantLoad NA 1.0.2 0/0/0

sqlutils noData NA 1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

SQN failure NA 1.0.5 3/1/4

SQUAREM success NO 2012.7-1 20/0/20

squash failure NA 1.0.1 36/49/85

sra failure NA 0.1 24/26/50

SRMA success NO 1.0.0-2 11/0/11

sROC fatalError NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

SRPM cantLoad NA 0.1-7 0/0/0

SRRS fatalError NA 0.1 0/0/0

ssanv failure NA 1.0-2 11/3/14

SSDforR failure NA 1.4 164/14/178

ssfit success YES 1.1 2/0/2

ssize.fdr failure NA 1.1 75/24/99

ssmrob success YES 0.3 22/0/22

SSN timedOut NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

sspir failure NA 0.2.10 64/13/77

sspline success NO 0.1-6 17/0/17

sss noExamples NA 0.0-11 0/0/0

SSsimple success YES 0.6.1 31/0/31

ssvd success YES 1 0/0/0

st success NO 1.2.1 80/0/80

stab noData NA 0.1.6 0/0/0

stabledist failure NA 0.6-6 6/5/11

Stack success YES 1.0-1 4/0/4

stacomirtools success NO 0.3 5/0/5

stam noExamples NA 0.0-1 0/0/0

StAMPP timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

StandardizeText failure NA 1 14/8/22

standGL success NO 1.1 21/0/21

STAR cantLoad NA 0.3-7 0/0/0

stargazer failure NA 4.5.3 5/4/9

STARSEQ noData NA 1.02 0/0/0

startupmsg failure NA 0.9 20/15/35

stashR cantLoad NA 0.3-5 0/0/0

Stat2Data success YES 1.6 1/0/1

StatDA cantLoad NA 1.6.7 0/0/0

StatDataML success NO 1.0-24 22/0/22

StateTrace success NO 1.0-4 1/0/1

StatMatch failure NA 1.2.0 119/27/146

statmod failure NA 1.4.18 55/6/61

statnet cantLoad NA 3.1-0 0/0/0

statnet.common failure NA 3.1-0 21/3/24

StatRank failure NA 0.0.1 28/1/29

SteinerNet noData NA 1.3 0/0/0

stellaR failure NA 0.3-3 1/1/2

Stem failure NA 1 53/27/80

stepp failure NA 2.3-2 31/5/36

stepPlr success NO 0.92 19/0/19

stepwise success YES 0.3 2/0/2

stima failure NA 1.1 17/2/19

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

stinepack success YES 1.3 0/0/0

StMoSim noData NA 2.2 0/0/0

stocc success NO 1.0-7 4/0/4

StochaTR success NO 1.0.4 2/0/2

stochmod noData NA 1.2.1 0/0/0

stochvol cantLoad NA 0.7-1 0/0/0

stockPortfolio success YES 1.2 82/0/82

stoichcalc success YES 1.1-3 22/0/22

stpp failure NA 1.0-3 15/5/20

stppResid failure NA 1.1 86/1/87

StrainRanking failure NA 1 21/8/29

stratasphere failure NA 1 37/9/46

stratification success NO 2.2-3 49/0/49

stratigraph success NO 0.64 37/0/37

StratSel failure NA 0.1 13/4/17

straweib success NO 1 19/0/19

stream cantLoad NA 0.1-1 0/0/0

StreamMetabolism success NO 1 29/0/29

streamR cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

stremo failure NA 0.2 49/3/52

StressStrength success YES 1 13/0/13

stringdist timedOut NA 0.7.0 0/0/0

stringr failure NA 0.6.2 120/8/128

strucchange failure NA 1.5-0 183/64/247

StructR cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

structSSI timedOut NA 1.0.4 0/0/0

strum cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

strvalidator cantLoad NA 0.3.0 0/0/0

StVAR success NO 1 6/0/6

stylo cantLoad NA 0.5.2 0/0/0

SubCultCon failure NA 1 20/9/29

subplex timedOut NA 1.1-3 0/0/0

subselect success NO 0.12-3 137/0/137

subtype failure NA 1 10/4/14

sudoku success YES 2.5 1/0/1

SUE success NO 1 6/0/6

sugaR success NO 0.0-5 1/0/1

SunterSampling success YES 1 12/0/12

supclust success NO 1.0-7 39/0/39

superbiclust cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

superdiag noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

SuperLearner success NO 2.0-10 11/0/11

superMDS success YES 1.0.1 4/0/4

superpc success YES 1.09 28/0/28

SuppDists success NO 1.1-9.1 24/0/24

support.BWS success YES 0.1-0 13/0/13

support.CEs failure NA 0.3-0 14/18/32

surface noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

suRtex noData NA 0.9 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

surv2sampleComp failure NA 1.0-1 1/6/7

survAUC success NO 1.0-5 71/0/71

survBayes success NO 0.2.2 4/0/4

survC1 success YES 1.0-2 30/0/30

surveillance cantLoad NA 1.6-0 0/0/0 failure NA 1 9/2/11

survey failure NA 3.29-5 573/34/607

surveydata failure NA 0.1-14 137/20/157

Survgini success NO 1 8/0/8

survIDINRI success YES 1.1-1 18/0/18

survival failure NA 2.37-4 180/4/184

survivalBIV failure NA 1.3 21/1/22

survivalROC success YES 1.0.3 10/0/10

survJamda cantLoad NA 1.1.2 0/0/0 success YES 1.0.1 6/0/6

survMisc failure NA 0.4 121/23/144

survnnet success NO 1.1-3 17/0/17

survPresmooth noExamples NA 1.1-8 0/0/0

survrec success YES 1.2-2 51/0/51

survsim cantLoad NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

survSNP cantLoad NA 0.21-5 0/0/0

svapls failure NA 1.4 19/2/21

svcm success NO 0.1.2 14/0/14

svd noExamples NA 0.3.3 0/0/0

svDialogs success YES 0.9-54 17/0/17

svDialogstcltk noData NA 0.9-3 0/0/0

svdvisual success YES 1 2/0/2

SVGMapping cantLoad NA 1.43 0/0/0

svGUI success YES 0.9-54 13/0/13

svHttp noData NA 0.9-54 0/0/0

svIDE success NO 0.9-50 3/0/3

svKomodo noExamples NA 0.9-59 0/0/0

svMisc failure NA 0.9-69 86/29/115

SVMMaj failure NA 0.2-2 23/11/34

svmpath success YES 0.953 26/0/26

svSocket success NO 0.9-55 20/0/20

svSweave noData NA 0.9-8 0/0/0

svTools failure NA 0.9-3 10/2/12

svUnit failure NA 0.7-11 68/1/69

svWidgets noExamples NA 0.9-43 0/0/0

SvyNom failure NA 1 18/1/19

svyPVpack failure NA 0.1 20/4/24

swamp failure NA 1.2.3 29/118/147

SWATmodel success YES 0.5.9 2/0/2

SweaveListingUtils cantLoad NA 0.6.1 0/0/0

SwissAir failure NA 1.1.4 3/1/4

switchnpreg failure NA 0.8-0 5/5/10

sybil failure NA 1.2.4 73/38/111

sybilDynFBA success NO 0.0.2 1/0/1

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

sybilEFBA noExamples NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

sybilSBML cantLoad NA 2.0.6 0/0/0

symbolicDA cantLoad NA 0.4-1 0/0/0

symbols failure NA 1.1 1/2/3

symmoments failure NA 1 1/9/10

synbreed timedOut NA 0.9-7 0/0/0

synbreedData noExamples NA 1.3 0/0/0

SynchWave failure NA 1.1.1 65/2/67

SYNCSA success NO 1.3.1 12/0/12

SynergizeR noExamples NA 0.2 0/0/0

SyNet failure NA 2 81/4/85

Synth cantLoad NA 1.1-4 0/0/0

systemfit failure NA 1.1-14 334/16/350

table1xls failure NA 0.2 12/29/41

tableplot success NO 0.3-5 30/0/30

tables failure NA 0.7.64 22/29/51

TableToLongForm failure NA 1.2.1 4/1/5

tabplot failure NA 1 14/16/30

tabplotd3 noData NA 0.3.3 0/0/0

tabuSearch success YES 1.1 4/0/4

TAHMMAnnot noData NA 2 0/0/0

TAM cantLoad NA 0.99-7 0/0/0

TANOVA noExamples NA 1.0.0 0/0/0

TapeR failure NA 0.3.0 19/4/23

taRifx success NO 1.0.5 40/0/40

taRifx.geo failure NA 1.0.4 2/3/5

tau cantLoad NA 0.0-15 0/0/0

TauP.R failure NA 1.1 66/1/67

tawny failure NA 2.1.0 4/16/20

tawny.types noExamples NA 1.1.0 0/0/0

taxize cantLoad NA 0.1.0 0/0/0

Taxonstand success YES 1.2 2/0/2

tbart cantLoad NA 0.9 0/0/0

tbdiag success YES 0.1 10/0/10

TBEST cantLoad NA 1 0/0/0

TCC noData NA 1.1.3 0/0/0

tcltk2 cantLoad NA 1.2-5 0/0/0

tclust success NO 1.1-03 27/0/27

TDD success NO 0.4 39/0/39

tdm noData NA 3.0.1 0/0/0

TDMR failure NA 1.0.1 48/9/57

tdthap noExamples NA 1.1-6 0/0/0

TeachingDemos failure NA 2.9 114/12/126

TeachingSampling failure NA 2.0.1 579/13/592

teigen failure NA 2.0.1 6/6/12

tempdisagg success YES 0.22 22/0/22

tensor success YES 1.5 12/0/12

tensorA failure NA 0.36 89/115/204

TEQR success YES 2.0-0 11/0/11

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

TERAplusB success NO 1 5/0/5

tergm cantLoad NA 3.1-0 0/0/0

termstrc cantLoad NA 1.3.7 0/0/0

ternvis success NO 1.1 2/0/2

TESS failure NA 1.2.1 41/4/45

tester failure NA 0.1.7 351/2/353

testit failure NA 0.3 12/2/14

TestScorer noExamples NA 1.3 0/0/0

TestSurvRec success NO 1.2.1 49/0/49

testthat failure NA 0.7.1 57/4/61

texmex failure NA 1.3 44/1/45

TExPosition failure NA 2.0.2 3/4/7

texreg failure NA 1.3 17/16/33

textcat fatalError NA 1.0-0 0/0/0

textir failure NA 1.8-8 14/21/35

textometry success NO 0.1.2 9/0/9

TextRegression noData NA 0.1-3 0/0/0

tfer success NO 1.1 10/0/10

tfplot failure NA 2013.4-1 3/3/6

tframe success NO 2012.8-1 43/0/43

tframePlus failure NA 2013.9-1 17/4/21

TFX success YES 0.1.0 3/0/3

tgp cantLoad NA 2.4-9 0/0/0

tgram success NO 0.2-2 3/0/3

TGUICore noExamples NA 0.9.15 0/0/0

TGUITeaching noData NA 0.9.14 0/0/0 success NO 1.0-2 9/0/9

thgenetics success YES 0.3-4 20/0/20

Thinknum cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

ThreeWay success NO 1.1.1 186/0/186

threg failure NA 1.0.2 6/7/13

ThresholdROC failure NA 1 236/10/246

tibbrConnector noExamples NA 1.5.0-71 0/0/0

TiddlyWikiR success NO 1.0.0 15/0/15

Tides success NO 1 2/0/2

tiff failure NA 0.1-5 4/1/5

tiger failure NA 0.2.3 40/6/46

tightClust failure NA 1 1/4/5

tileHMM failure NA 1.0-5 138/9/147

TilePlot failure NA 1.3 0/1/1

tilting success YES 1 0/0/0

timeDate failure NA 3010.98 263/10/273

timeit noExamples NA 0.2.1 0/0/0

timeline success NO 0.9 3/0/3

TimeMachine failure NA 1.1 20/5/25

timeordered timedOut NA 0.9.3 0/0/0

TimeProjection success NO 0.2.0 4/0/4

timereg cantLoad NA 1.8.1 0/0/0

timeROC failure NA 0.2 42/38/80

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

timesboot failure NA 1 4/1/5

timeSeries failure NA 3010.97 129/113/242

timetools failure NA 1.5.2 27/12/39

TimeWarp failure NA 1.0-7 56/25/81

TIMP failure NA 1.10.3 45/12/57

timsac success NO 1.3.0 96/0/96

Tinflex success NO 1 35/0/35

TinnR noExamples NA 1.0-5 0/0/0

TInPosition failure NA 0.10.4 9/4/13

tipom success YES 1.0.2-1 3/0/3

tis failure NA 1.23 83/4/87

titan failure NA 1.0-16 7/2/9

tkrgl success YES 0.7 2/0/2

tkrplot noExamples NA 0.0-23 0/0/0

tlemix success YES 0.1.3 7/0/7

tlmec noExamples NA 0.0-2 0/0/0

tlnise success YES 2 0/0/0

tm failure NA 0.5-9.1 160/4/164

tm.plugin.dc failure NA 0.2-5 5/14/19

tm.plugin.factiva failure NA 1.2 3/3/6

tm.plugin.mail failure NA 0.0-7 8/13/21

tmg cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

tmle failure NA 1.2.0-3 16/10/26

tmvtnorm failure NA 1.4-8 71/9/80

tnet timedOut NA 3.0.11 0/0/0

tolerance cantLoad NA 0.5.3 0/0/0

tonymisc cantLoad NA 1.1.1 0/0/0

topicmodels failure NA 0.1-12 2/4/6

topmodel success NO 0.7.2-2 2/0/2

topologyGSA cantLoad NA 1.4.0 0/0/0

topsis success YES 1 2/0/2

tourr failure NA 0.5.2 35/1/36

tourrGui noExamples NA 0.4 0/0/0

ToxLim failure NA 1 10/4/14

TPAM success YES 1 20/0/20

tpe noData NA 1.0.1 0/0/0

TPmsm success NO 1.1.0 90/0/90

tpr cantLoad NA 0.3-1 0/0/0

track failure NA 1.0-15 132/21/153

trackObjs failure NA 1.0-18 104/23/127

tractor.base success NO 2.4.2 10/0/10

traitr success NO 0.13 77/0/77

TraMineR failure NA 1.8-6 221/118/339

TraMineRextras failure NA 0.2.2 81/46/127

TRAMPR failure NA 1.0-7 71/21/92

transmission cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

transnet cantLoad NA 0.1 0/0/0

trapezoid fatalError NA 2.0-0 0/0/0

tree success NO 1.0-34 44/0/44

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

treebase cantLoad NA 0.0-6 0/0/0

treecm success NO 1.2 47/0/47

treelet success YES 1 5/0/5

treemap timedOut NA 2.0.1 0/0/0

TreePar cantLoad NA 2.5 0/0/0

TreeSim cantLoad NA 1.9 0/0/0

TreeSimGM cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

treethresh cantLoad NA 0.1-7 0/0/0

trex noData NA 0.5 0/0/0

TrialSize failure NA 1.3 48/4/52

TRIANG success YES 1.2 9/0/9

TRIANGG success YES 1 23/0/23

triangle success YES 0.8 4/0/4

trifield noExamples NA 1.1 0/0/0

TriMatch success NO 0.9.1 8/0/8

trimcluster success NO 0.1-2 13/0/13

trio noData NA 2.1.1 0/0/0

trioGxE failure NA 0.1-1 9/6/15

trip cantLoad NA 1.1-17 0/0/0

tripack success NO 1.3-6 76/0/76

tripEstimation success YES 0.0-41 8/0/8

TripleR success NO 1.2.1 34/0/34

trueskill failure NA 0.1 41/2/43

truncdist failure NA 1.0-1 3/2/5

truncgof failure NA 0.6-0 28/3/31

truncnorm noData NA 1.0-6 0/0/0

truncreg success NO 0.1-1 4/0/4

truncSP failure NA 1.2 31/15/46

trust success NO 0.1-4 9/0/9

trustOptim noData NA 0.8.2 0/0/0

TSA failure NA 1.01 135/18/153

TSAgg failure NA 1.0.1 20/12/32

tsbridge noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

tsbugs failure NA 1.2 33/3/36

TSclust cantLoad NA 1.1 0/0/0

TScompare noData NA 2013.9-1 0/0/0

TSdata noData NA 2013.9-1 0/0/0

TSdbi noData NA 2013.9-1 0/0/0

tsDyn cantLoad NA 0.9-32 0/0/0

TSEN success NO 1 4/0/4

tseries failure NA 0.10-32 69/11/80

tseriesChaos failure NA 0.1-13 3/1/4

tsfa failure NA 2012.4-1 8/9/17

TSfame failure NA 2013.8-2 2/1/3

TSgetSymbol success NO 2013.9-1 1/0/1

TShistQuote failure NA 2013.9-1 3/2/5

TSHRC success NO 0.1-3 5/0/5

tslars success YES 1 4/0/4

tsModel success YES 0.6 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

tsne noExamples NA 0.1-2 0/0/0

TSodbc failure NA 2013.9-1 3/2/5

TSP success NO 1.0-8 28/0/28

TSPC success YES 1 16/0/16

Tsphere success YES 1 8/0/8

tspmeta failure NA 1.0-352 0/1/1

TSPostgreSQL timedOut NA 2013.9-1 0/0/0

TSsql noData NA 2013.9-1 0/0/0

TSSQLite failure NA 2013.9-1 3/2/5

TSTutorial failure NA 1.2.2 3/0/3

TSxls success YES 2013.8-2 2/0/2

TSzip failure NA 2013.9-1 2/4/6

TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis noData NA 1.5 0/0/0

tth failure NA 4.3-1 1/2/3

ttime noExamples NA 1.2.5 0/0/0

TTR success NO 0.22-0 46/0/46

ttrTests noData NA 1.7 0/0/0

ttScreening cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

ttutils success YES 1.0-1 22/0/22

ttwa cantLoad NA 0/0/0

TukeyC failure NA 1.1-0 37/122/159

TunePareto failure NA 2.3 17/7/24

tuneR failure NA 1 49/51/100

turboEM failure NA 2012.2-1 11/19/30

turner success YES 0.1.5 48/0/48

TUWmodel success NO 0.1-2 5/0/5

twang success YES 1.3-20 2/0/2

tweedie failure NA 2.1.7 25/4/29

twiddler noExamples NA 0.5-0 0/0/0

twitteR cantLoad NA 1.1.7 0/0/0

TWIX cantLoad NA 0.2.19 0/0/0

TwoCop success YES 1 2/0/2

twoStageGwasPower failure NA 0.99.0 0/8/8

twostageTE success YES 1 21/0/21

TwoStepCLogit success YES 1.2.2 16/0/16

txtplot failure NA 1.0-3 7/3/10

ucminf success YES 1.1-3 3/0/3

udunits2 failure NA 0.6 15/3/18

ump success NO 0.5-3 4/0/4

unbalhaar failure NA 2 4/4/8

Unicode failure NA 0.1-3 35/1/36

uniCox success NO 1 5/0/5

unmarked cantLoad NA 0.10-2 0/0/0

untb failure NA 1.6-9 95/5/100

upclass success NO 1 32/0/32

urca failure NA 1.2-8 137/16/153

UScancer success YES 0.1-1 9/0/9

UScensus2000blkgrp failure NA 0.03 46/46/92

UScensus2000cdp failure NA 0.03 68/68/136

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

UScensus2000tract failure NA 0.03 74/74/148

UScensus2010 success YES 0.11 5/0/5

usdm failure NA 1.1-12 44/9/53

useful failure NA 1.1.6 50/12/62

UsingR failure NA 0.1-18 226/16/242

uskew noData NA 0.11-3 0/0/0

usl success NO 1.2.1 36/0/36

USPS noData NA 1.2-2 0/0/0

utility failure NA 1.1 89/1/90

uuid success YES 0.1-1 0/0/0

UWHAM success YES 1 44/0/44

vacem success YES 0.1-1 14/0/14

validator failure NA 1 0/2/2

varbvs success NO 1 3/0/3

varComp cantLoad NA 0.1-317 0/0/0

varcompci failure NA 1.0.1 12/2/14

vardiag success NO 0.2-0 6/0/6

VarEff failure NA 1 0/6/6

VaRES failure NA 1 21/111/132

VariABEL cantLoad NA 0.9-1 0/0/0

VarianceGamma failure NA 0.3-1 39/16/55

vars failure NA 1.5-2 99/1/100

varSelectIP failure NA 0.2-1 8/2/10

varSelRF success NO 0.7-3 12/0/12

VarSwapPrice success YES 1 24/0/24

vbdm cantLoad NA 0.0.1 0/0/0

VBLPCM cantLoad NA 2.4.2 0/0/0

vcd failure NA 1.3-1 202/139/341

vcdExtra failure NA 0.5-11 288/134/422

vcf2geno noData NA 2 0/0/0

VDA cantLoad NA 1.3 0/0/0

Vdgraph success NO 2.1-3 3/0/3

vec2dtransf success NO 1 34/0/34

VecStatGraphs2D success YES 1.6 66/0/66

VecStatGraphs3D cantLoad NA 1.5 0/0/0

vegan failure NA 2.0-9 370/194/564

vegclust failure NA 1.6.0 82/32/114

vegdata noExamples NA 0.6.4 0/0/0

vegetarian failure NA 1.2 23/23/46

VennDiagram failure NA 1.6.5 0/36/36

venneuler cantLoad NA 1.1-0 0/0/0

verification failure NA 1.35 84/11/95

VGAM failure NA 0.9-3 856/173/1029

VGAMdata success NO 0.9-3 53/0/53

VHDClassification failure NA 0.2 44/3/47

VIF success YES 1 6/0/6

VIM cantLoad NA 4.0.0 0/0/0

vimcom noExamples NA 0.9-91 0/0/0

VIMGUI cantLoad NA 0.9.0 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

VineCopula timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

vines cantLoad NA 1.0.8 0/0/0

violinmplot success NO 0.2.1 15/0/15

vioplot timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

viopoints timedOut NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

VisCov timedOut NA 1.3 0/0/0

visreg timedOut NA 2.0-4 0/0/0

visualFields failure NA 0.3-5 5/28/33

visualizationTools failure NA 0.2.05 11/9/20

visualize success YES 4.2 1/0/1

VisuClust timedOut NA 1.1 0/0/0

vitality noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

VizCompX timedOut NA 0.1 0/0/0

VizOR failure NA 0.7-9 11/3/14

VLMC success NO 1.3-13 8/0/8

vmv timedOut NA 1 0/0/0

Voss failure NA 0.1-4 5/8/13

vowels success NO 1.2 7/0/7

vows cantLoad NA 0.2-1 0/0/0

VPdtw success NO 2.1-10 7/0/7

vrmlgen failure NA 1.4.8 77/37/114

vrtest success NO 0.95 6/0/6

vscc timedOut NA 0.2 0/0/0

VSURF timedOut NA 0.7.6 0/0/0

vwr failure NA 0.3.0 7/2/9

W2CWM2C success NO 1 10/0/10

waffect cantLoad NA 1.2 0/0/0

walkscoreAPI noExamples NA 1.2 0/0/0

WARN failure NA 1 9/9/18

wasim failure NA 1.1.2 22/9/31

waterData failure NA 1.0.2 16/2/18

waterfall success NO 5/0/5

waveband timedOut NA 4.6 0/0/0

WaveCD success YES 1 7/0/7

waveclock timedOut NA 1.0-4 0/0/0

waved success NO 1.1-2 11/0/11

WaveletCo noData NA 1 0/0/0

wavelets failure NA 0.2-9 62/2/64

wavemulcor timedOut NA 1.2 0/0/0

waveslim failure NA 1.7.1 44/4/48

wavethresh failure NA 4.6.6 147/1/148

wccsom success NO 1.2.8 21/0/21

WCQ failure NA 0.2 11/2/13

WDI success NO 2.4 2/0/2

weathermetrics success YES 1 17/0/17

WebDevelopR noExamples NA 1 0/0/0

websockets noExamples NA 1.1.7 0/0/0

webvis success NO 0.0.2 85/0/85

WeightedCluster failure NA 1 26/24/50

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

weightedKmeans failure NA 1.2.0 10/1/11

WeightedPortTest success YES 1 1/0/1

weightedScores success YES 0.9 5/0/5

weights failure NA 0.75 35/1/36

weirs timedOut NA 0.21 0/0/0

wethepeople fatalError NA 0.6.1 0/0/0

wfe fatalError NA 1.2 0/0/0

wgaim fatalError NA 1.4-0 0/0/0

WGCNA cantLoad NA 1.34 0/0/0

wgsea failure NA 1.8 14/5/19

WhatIf success YES 1.5-5 0/0/0

whisker success YES 0.3-2 20/0/20

widals failure NA 0.5.1 257/28/285

widenet failure NA 0.1-2 4/4/8

wikibooks success YES 0.2 13/0/13

WilcoxCV success NO 1.0-2 4/0/4

wild1 timedOut NA 1.09 0/0/0

witness failure NA 1.1 9/4/13

wle failure NA 0.9-7 90/4/94

WMCapacity cantLoad NA 0/0/0

WMDB success YES 1 20/0/20

WMTregions failure NA 3.2.6 15/3/18

wmtsa success NO 1.1-1 12/0/12

wnominate failure NA 0.98 28/6/34

wombsoft noData NA 2 0/0/0

wordcloud cantLoad NA 2.4 0/0/0

wordmatch noData NA 1 0/0/0

wordnet cantLoad NA 0.1-9 0/0/0

WordPools success NO 1.0-2 24/0/24

wpp2008 failure NA 1.0-0 0/15/15

wpp2010 failure NA 1.2-0 0/19/19

wpp2012 failure NA 2.0-0 0/19/19

wppExplorer cantLoad NA 1.1-1 0/0/0

wq cantLoad NA 0.3-11 0/0/0

write.snns success YES 0.0-4.2 2/0/2

WriteXLS failure NA 3.2.2 0/1/1

wSVM success NO 0.1-7 24/0/24

WWGbook success YES 1.0.1 23/0/23

x12 failure NA 1.2-0 16/7/23

x12GUI cantLoad NA 0.9-3 0/0/0

xgrid noData NA 1.0-1 0/0/0

XiMpLe success NO 0.03-20 12/0/12

xkcd failure NA 0.0.1 28/5/33

XLConnect cantLoad NA 0.2-5 0/0/0

xlsx cantLoad NA 0.5.1 0/0/0

xlsxjars noData NA 0.5.0 0/0/0

XML failure NA 3.98-1.1 549/139/688

XML2R failure NA 0.0.1 4/17/21

xoi cantLoad NA 0.61-1 0/0/0

Tests stats

Package TERR result Matches R package version Passed/Failed/Total

xpose4 noData NA 4.4.1 0/0/0

xpose4classic noExamples NA 4.4.1 0/0/0

xpose4data failure NA 4.4.1 4/1/5

xpose4generic noExamples NA 4.4.1 0/0/0

xpose4specific failure NA 4.4.1 171/13/184

xtable success NO 1.7-1 48/0/48

xtermStyle failure NA 2.2-4 28/9/37

xts success NO 0.9-7 171/0/171

yacca success YES 1.1 15/0/15

yags success NO 4.0-2.2 13/0/13

yaImpute failure NA 1.0-19 150/48/198

YaleToolkit failure NA 4.1 19/2/21

yaml cantLoad NA 2.1.7 0/0/0

yhat success NO 2.0-0 64/0/64

yhatr failure NA 0.5 17/5/22

YieldCurve success YES 4.1 25/0/25

YjdnJlp cantLoad NA 0.9.8 0/0/0

YourCast failure NA 1.6 6/9/15

YplantQMC failure NA 0.5 6/8/14

YPmodel failure NA 1 20/7/27

YuGene success YES 1 1/0/1

ZeBook failure NA 0.5 15/8/23

Zelig failure NA 4.2-1 4/3/7

ZeligChoice failure NA 0.8-1 0/5/5

ZeligGAM noData NA 0.7-1 0/0/0

ZeligMultilevel fatalError NA 0.7-1 0/0/0

zendeskR timedOut NA 0.3 0/0/0

zic noData NA 0.7.5 0/0/0

ZIM success YES 1 4/0/4

zipcode success YES 1 6/0/6

zipfR failure NA 0.6-6 247/51/298

zoeppritz success NO 1.0-4 43/0/43

zoo failure NA 1.7-10 332/9/341

zooimage cantLoad NA 3.0-3 0/0/0

zoom success YES 2.0.4 0/0/0

zyp success YES 0.10-1 7/0/7