Suggestion of thesis projects in environmental science/ s ...

2020-09-22 1 Suggestion of thesis projects in environmental sciences/ Förslag på examensarbeten inom miljövetenskap English Below, you find presentations of suggestions of topics for various degree projects at both bachelor's and master's degree levels. We present first, projects related to various scientific disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, etc.) and research groups that conduct studies in the field of environmental science. If you find a project that interest you, then feel free to the contact persons for each project for a conversation and eventually a meeting. Finally, projects from the Gothenburg Environmental Administration (City of Gothenburg) are presented. Even here you contact the contact person for each project. When it comes to projects that are carried out outside the University of Gothenburg (at e.g. the Gothenburg Environmental Administration), you must also have a supervisor at the university. In these cases, the course leaders can help you to find a suitable supervisor at the University of Gothenburg. Please see the environmental sciences-pages at the Student portal for general information about degree project courses in environmental sciences. My studies /Student in environmental science/ Degree projects And at the Department of Biological and environmental sciences pages at the Student portal you find lists of previous projects. My studies /Biological and environmental sciences/ Degree projects Svenska Nedan presenteras förslag på olika ämnen för examensprojekt på såväl kandidat- som masterexamensnivå. Först presenteras projekt som är knutna till olika basämnen (biologi, kemi, geovetenskaper etc) och forskargrupper som bedriver forskning inom området miljövetenskap. Finner du något intressant projekt kontaktar du kontaktpersonen för respektive projekt för samtal och eventuellt möte. I slutet presenteras projekt från Göteborgs stads Miljöförvaltning. Även här kontaktar du kontaktpersonen för respektive projekt. När det gäller projekt som genomförs utanför Göteborgs universitet (tex Göteborgs stads Miljöförvaltning) skall du även ha en handledare vid universitetet. I dessa fall hjälper kursledarna dig med att hitta en lämplig handledare vi Göteborgs universitet. miljövetenskapssidorna Studentportalen hittar du allmän information om examenskursena inom miljövetenskap Mina studier /Student i miljövetenskap/ Examensarbete Och på institutionen för Biologi och miljövetenskaps sidor på Studetportalen finns listor över tidigare exjobb Mina studier /Biologi och miljövetenskap/ Examenskurser

Transcript of Suggestion of thesis projects in environmental science/ s ...



Suggestion of thesis projects in environmental sciences/ Förslag på examensarbeten inom miljövetenskap

English Below, you find presentations of suggestions of topics for various degree projects at both bachelor's and master's degree levels. We present first, projects related to various scientific disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, etc.) and research groups that conduct studies in the field of environmental science. If you find a project that interest you, then feel free to the contact persons for each project for a conversation and eventually a meeting.

Finally, projects from the Gothenburg Environmental Administration (City of Gothenburg) are presented. Even here you contact the contact person for each project. When it comes to projects that are carried out outside the University of Gothenburg (at e.g. the Gothenburg Environmental Administration), you must also have a supervisor at the university. In these cases, the course leaders can help you to find a suitable supervisor at the University of Gothenburg.

Please see the environmental sciences-pages at the Student portal for general information about degree project courses in environmental sciences.

• My studies /Student in environmental science/ Degree projects

And at the Department of Biological and environmental sciences pages at the Student portal you find lists of previous projects.

• My studies /Biological and environmental sciences/ Degree projects

Svenska Nedan presenteras förslag på olika ämnen för examensprojekt på såväl kandidat- som masterexamensnivå. Först presenteras projekt som är knutna till olika basämnen (biologi, kemi, geovetenskaper etc) och forskargrupper som bedriver forskning inom området miljövetenskap. Finner du något intressant projekt kontaktar du kontaktpersonen för respektive projekt för samtal och eventuellt möte.

I slutet presenteras projekt från Göteborgs stads Miljöförvaltning. Även här kontaktar du kontaktpersonen för respektive projekt. När det gäller projekt som genomförs utanför Göteborgs universitet (tex Göteborgs stads Miljöförvaltning) skall du även ha en handledare vid universitetet. I dessa fall hjälper kursledarna dig med att hitta en lämplig handledare vi Göteborgs universitet.

På miljövetenskapssidorna på Studentportalen hittar du allmän information om examenskursena inom miljövetenskap

• Mina studier /Student i miljövetenskap/ Examensarbete

Och på institutionen för Biologi och miljövetenskaps sidor på Studetportalen finns listor över tidigare exjobb

• Mina studier /Biologi och miljövetenskap/ Examenskurser



Suggestions of topics listed according to main focus

1. Atmospheric science -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2. Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

3. Biology – focusing on ecotoxicology ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11

4. Biology - focusing on biodiversity -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

5. Earth Sciences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

6. Environmental sciences, various projects ---------------------------------------------------------- 32

7. Projects from the Gothenburg Environmental Administration ------------------------------- 34

8. Projekt i samarbete med Lilla Edets kommun inom miljövetenskap samt miljö och hälsoskydd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36



1. Atmospheric science

Atmospheric science covers a wide range of research topics, all connected to the atmosphere in one way or another. Topics include, but are not limited to, how fundamental atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics affects ecosystems, air quality, health, and climate. Atmospheric science research is important to understanding many of the challenges that concern sustainable agriculture, our health, the use of fossil fuel-based energy, the development of urban environments, our ecosystems and our climate. Atmospheric science research is also linked to many of the UN's global sustainability goals.

We offer thesis projects in the fields of • Emission measurements from various transportation means • Secondary organic aerosols • Air quality in urban areas in low and middle income countries • Trace element analysis • Short lived climate forcers • Aerosol – cloud – climate interactions • Combustion processes; fossil or biomass based • Ice nucleation • Development of analytical techniques • Chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere • and related fields

Come talk to us! We are open for discussions of your own project ideas, or clarifications of the above topics! For more information and contact details, please check out our homepage: Atmospheric science

Students who have pursued thesis projects and graduate work within Atmospheric Science have gone on to use their knowledge and skills in careers with environmental and regulatory agencies (RISE, VTI, etc.) and a wide range of private industry (Volvo, IVL, etc.).

Contact persons: Johan Boman, [email protected] and Mattias Hallquist, [email protected]



2. Biology

Novel techniques for sustainable food production through aquaculture

Traditional aquaculture consist of open-cages, with potential negative impact on the environment. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) offer the possibility to achieve a high production with minimal ecological impact, and therefore are of interest to develop a sustainable aquaculture in Sweden. A current downside of RAS is the production and accumulation of various waste, which may negatively affect the welfare of the fish, if not well managed. RAS are pretty diverse and use a series of different treatment processes to maintain water quality and limit water exchanges. In biofilters, ammonium is converted to nitrate, via nitrite through the action of nitrifying bacterias. Nitrate can later be removed by either denitrifying bacterias or water exchanges. Recent studies have shown potential of alternative sources (macro and micro-algae, membranes, annamox) to mitigate environmental problems of aquaculture as efficient biofilters. In addition to those dissolved waste, solid waste must be also treated adequately in RAS in order to avoid unwanted bacterial growth and diseases outbreaks. Concentrating those solids wastes into sludge could latter lead to the valuable new resources.

The aim of current project is to conduce a literature study in order to compile and compare the new advances in RAS research that would help lowering even more the environmental footprint of those systems.

Contact persons: Jonathan Roques ([email protected]) or Kristina Sundell ([email protected]).

Project in the field ecology and ecophysiology of microbenthic and planktonic communities, UV-radiation, climate change

Contact person: Angela Wulff. [email protected]

Compile the environmental impact from boats at Kristineberg's research station

Verksamhet Kristinebergs zoologiska hafsstation byggdes 1877 av Kungliga vetenskapsakademien, och är en av världens äldsta marina stationer för forskning och utbildning. Från och med 2008 drivs stationen av Göteborgs universitet. Kristineberg är beläget vid Gullmarsfjordens mynning, vilket gör det lätt att snabbt nå såväl kustmiljöer som öppet hav. Gullmarsfjorden är 30 km lång med ett största djup på 118 meter. Till de nyckelegenskaper som gör Gullmarn till en viktig marin miljö hör bland annat den utmärkta vattenkvalitén och ett stort antal olika habitat. Branta klippor, djupbottensediment, sand- och lerstränder, ålgräsängar, samt öppna och skyddade kuster - ger en mycket rik flora och fauna. Vetenskapliga studier har ägt rum i Gullmarsfjorden sedan 1830-talet, vilket gör att fjorden är väl dokumenterad. Gullmarn är naturreservat sedan 1983 samt ett EU BIOMARE referensområde.



Uppgift För att komma ut till de viktiga områdena kring stationen har Kristineberg ett antal båtar och mindre fartyg. R/V Oscar von Sydow (12 m) och R/V Alice (12 m) är de viktigaste fartygen och de är utrustade för provtagning av både botten och det fria vattnet. De har en skeppare och en tekniker vid användande. Christine är en mindre båt med vinsch och öppet däck men med hytt och den används för kortare turer av forskare. Det finns dessutom tre mindre styrpulpetbåtar i aluminium, två ekor och en liten aluminiumbåt som får användas av forskare och studenter. Alla mindre båtar servas av lokal personal och de större går på varv en gång per år. Olika typer av bottenfärger används på båtarna och de små har fyrtaktsmotorer som körs på bensin medan de större går på diesel. Service och små reparationer är ganska vanligt på de mindre båtarna och utrustningen som används på dem utsätts för visst slitage. Linor och rep slits och kan släppa ifrån sig fibrer. Daglig användning under minst halva året är typisk.

Uppgiften går ut på att sammanställa den totala miljöbelastningen av forskningsstationens båtar. Aspekter som bränsle, bottenmålning, service, rengöring, slitage på linor och rep, småreparationer mm. kan alla bidra till oönskade utsläpp och bör vägas in. Även nyttan med att modernisera flottan vore bra att få med. Förhoppningen är att få ett underlag för att förändra Kristinebergs båtar och deras användning och kanske motivera ny teknik på det nya fartyg som man planerar att bygga (15-20 m).

Förkunskaper Examensarbetet är lämpligt för dig som läser på högskola/universitet med inriktning mot miljövetenskap, industrial ecology eller annan passande utbildning.

Omfattning Examensarbetet omfattar 15-30 hp och kan anpassas till både kandidat och mastersnivå beroende på vinkling och avgränsning.

Contact person: Peter Tiselius, [email protected]

Link to the project on Miljöbron

Ocean acidification

My laboratory, based at the Kristineberg marine research station, investigate the impact of global changes on marine species and ecosystems. We aim at better understand future environmental changes to be able to inform managers and policy makers.

The ocean provides a vital benefit to human society by absorbing one-fourth of all man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere, thus substantially limiting climate change.



However, oceanic CO2 uptake comes with a cost. Known as the ‘other CO2 problem’, ocean acidification is a new and emerging challenge for sustainable development and ocean governance. In short, the term describes a series of chemical changes occurring when atmospheric CO2 dissolves in seawater, with potentially dire consequences for marine organisms, ecosystems and the services they provide. Over the last 15 years, we have been studying the consequences of this ocean acidification including questions such as:

How can we identify winners and losers? What species are able to cope with ocean acidification and what species are likely to be negatively impacted?

What are the physiological mechanisms allowing acclimation to ocean acidification? What are the transgenerational effects of ocean acidification? Is there enough genetic

variability to adapt to the changes to come? How does ocean acidification interact with other environmental changes? What will be the consequences of ocean acidification on Swedish seafood?

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in joining our team and develop a research project.

Contact person: Sam Dupont, [email protected]

Mechanisms of animal behavior

My laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying animal behaviour to address how physiology underpins behavioural responses and how external factors affect such as climate change affect behavioural and physiological phenotype. My research also explores questions in applied welfare of aquatic animals to understand how the impact of procedures in aquaculture, the laboratory and in the ornamental industry affect fish. These projects are suitable for undergraduate and Masters students.

Projects are varied and include:

1. Welfare of fish using behavioural and physiological techniques 2. Neurobiology of processing external stimuli in larval zebrafish 3. Impact of pharmaceuticals on behaviour of anemones, crustaceans and fish 4. Impact of climate change on aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates

Contact person: Dr Lynne U. Sneddon [email protected]

Fish eco-physiology

Our group‘s research addresses questions in eco-physiology and stress biology of fish, particularly as they relate to integrated cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We are broadly



interested in how fish interact with their environment, and how they respond and acclimate to environmental (e.g. temperature, hypoxia and salinity) and man-made stressors (e.g. climate change, aquaculture-related).

We look for highly motivated students to take on research projects as a masters or bachelors thesis. Most student projects involve animal experimentation and you will receive training in various advanced surgical and in vivo experimental techniques. Experimental work is performed at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (Zoology building, Medicinareberget). Your project will typically be performed and co-supervised within the framework of ongoing research projects of the groups’ PhD students or post-docs. All projects, particularly those at MSc. level (45-60 hec), address novel and relevant questions at the forefront of fish eco-physiological and aquaculture research, and will be designed with the aim to provide data suitable for presentation at scientific conferences and publication in scientific journals.

Examples of current research themes • Mechanisms of temperature tolerance and linkages to cardiorespiratory and neural

functions • Cardiorespiratory interactions and metabolic plasticity to aquatic warming and hypoxia • Role of cardiovascular and metabolic adjustments in osmoregulation and salinity

tolerance • Stress biology and welfare of fish in aquaculture

Please contact Professor Erik Sandblom (Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, GU) for further information and to discuss currently available projects in the group.

Contact person: Erik Sandblom, [email protected] Phone: +(46) 703 286358

AiroPlant – plant-atmosphere interactions in a changing world

AiroPlant is a research group studying the interactions between vegetation and the atmosphere. Our research focus is at the interface between terrestrial eco(physio)logy and atmospheric science, with particular interest in how climate change and air pollution affect plants and ecosystems ranging from arctic to tropical. You can read more about our research at our exteral webpage

We regularly supervise BSc and MSc thesis projects in our various fields of research, i.e. ecophysiology, ecology, ecosystem science and environmental science. Some possible project areas are listed below, but mostly specific projects are formed in discussions between the student and potential supervisor. You can get an idea of what kind of projects that we supervise by looking at the descriptions of the research interests of individual AiroPlant members at, as well as by looking at the list of past BSc and MSc theses at .

Below are listed some areas within which AiroPlant members have research and may supervise thesis projects:

• Ecophysiology and ecosystem processes in tropical forests. Ecophysiological and ecological research on the climate sensitivity of trees in montane rainforest and forest plantations in Rwanda. This is part of a long-term collaboration between the University of Gothenburg and the University of Rwanda. Swedish students may apply for stipend from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to cover costs



associated with field work in Rwanda. Contacts: [email protected] and [email protected]

• Airborne pollen and the ecology of plants that produce them. Research on this include the effect of climate on phenology and reproductive effort as well as meteorology, pollen release and transport. The impacts of allergenic pollen on symptoms and life quality are also studied in cooperation with allergists, including the additive effects of allergenic pollen and air pollution. Contact: [email protected]

• System ecology from a Biogeophysical perspective. Research questions with focus on how human land use and management and environmental change affect the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems. Process-oriented models are used to analyze relationships between management, vegetation, soil, climate and hydrology. Data from long-term experiments and the Swedish national soil inventory are used to test hypotheses and validate models. Contact: [email protected]

• Air pollution effects on vegetation. Research on air pollutants, including their effect on vegetation and the dynamics of their occurrence in ecosystems. Particular focus on the effects of ground-level ozone on crops and trees. Most of this research includes international collaboration with groups in the UK, China, India and Australia. Contacts: [email protected] and [email protected]

• Urban vegetation. Research on the effects of urban vegetation on ecosystem services such as cleaning of the air (by air pollution deposition to vegetation), noise reduction, and creation of favorable microclimatic conditions. Moreover, the vitality of urban trees and how it is affected by the harsh urban environment and human planting methods are also studied. Contacts: [email protected] and [email protected]

• Tree temperature acclimation. Investigation of tree acclimation capacity to increased temperature using controlled experiments and studies along natural temperature gradients. Different types of thesis projects are possible on this topic. Contacts: : [email protected] and [email protected]

Contact persons: see list! Please contact us to discuss possible thesis projects!

Soil microbial responses to changing climate and nitrogen availability

Suitable for a master of science project in Environmental Sciences

Background During last decade nitrogen (N) deposition over Europe declines, whilst air temperature is increasing. Soil microbial functional groups are important decomposers and they are sensitive to both temperature and N availability. Their responses may lead to changes in soil C storage. The soil transplant experiment was carried out between 2013-2017 in collaboration with the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic and Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences. After recollecting the soil transplants, the following soil microbial variables were measured C biomass, N biomass, enzymatic activities and Phospholipid Fatty Acids (PLFA), including metabolic stress defined as the ratio between cyclopropyl and precursor PLFA 2017. We have done a preliminary statistically analysis of the recollected soil cores and found some indications of microbes’ sensitivity to N availability.



The task of the student is to carry out a more complete statistically analysis, this could include Multiple regression, PCA or CCA analysis.

The aim of this MSc-thesis project is to assess by means of statistically analyses the responses of soil microbial functional groups and enzyme activity to

i) change in climate, ii) change in N availability and iii) the combined change of both climate and N availability.

Methods Literature review Data compilation and statistical analysis; Multiple regression, PCA, and CCA. Writing report and presentation

Required knowledge: Environmental Science, Statistics, Biology, Swedish and English.

Description of dataset: The soil transplant experiment was carried out in three Norway spruce field sites; Stråsan (central Sweden), Skogaby (SW-Sweden), and Čertovo (south Czech Republic) on Podzolic soils. The mean annual temperature is 3, 8 and 5 °C and the current N deposition is 3, 15 and 15 kg N/ha.year in Stråsan, Skogaby and Čertovo respectively. In addition, there were N fertilization treatments at both Swedish sites. Intact soil cores were sampled (length 35 cm) and installed in soil at their host site 2013; in coarse mesh bags so that fine roots and fungi’s mycelia could grow in. Cores were exchanged between each site and treatment (n =4) plus two internal controls and recollected 2017.

Contact persons: Annemieke Gärdenäs, [email protected]

Genetic assessments of biodiversity in the Koster National Park

Time effort: 15-60 HP; Earliest possible start: Jan 2020

In this project you will use different genetic monitoring devices to assess status and changes of biodiversity in the coastal environment of the Koster National Park. To this end you will be able to deploy

Artificial Reef Monitoring Structures, so-called ARMS (, as well as take sediment, plankton, and microbial samples. The samples will be processed further for



genetic analysis. Sampling will take place between May and June and you will be able to analyse genetic sequence data from samples collected in 2018. The initial scientific purpose of the project is to identify newly arrived Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) and track the migration of already known NIS. If appropriate you can also focus on alternative or additional scientific questions, such as e.g. compare communities across different environmental gradients, habitats and locations. The project is part of an international network (, which has similar deployments across Europe and in the Polar Regions.

Contact persons: Matthias Obst [email protected]



3. Biology – focusing on ecotoxicology

Ecotoxicology - general

English Never before has the usage of chemicals been larger than today, as is the case with use of fossil energy. Aquatic organisms is the focus of our ecotoxicological research, as the aquatic environment is the end destination for the resulting emissions. Our research range from biochemical mechanisms of toxicity of individual toxicants to the combined effects on populations and communities of chemical cocktails, and includes ocean acidification.

Ecotoxicology is interdisciplinary combining biology, chemistry and toxicology and includes fundamental and applied science. Our research provides strategies and tools for assessing the toxicity of chemicals and consumer products, and for detecting and measuring toxic effects in the ecosystems.

Ecotoxicology at the Department is a complete research environment coupled to education in environmental science and biology, and to an international Master program in Ecotoxicology. MScs and PhDs in Ecotoxicology have a good potential for employment in industry, consultancy and public authorities.

You can read about the ongoing research here

Svenska Idag används fler kemikalier och i större mängd än någonsin tidigare användningen av fossila bränslen ökar. Vattenorganismer är fokus för vår ekotoxikologiska forskning eftersom utsläppen till sist hamnar i den akvatiska miljön. Vår forskning sträcker sig från biokemiska mekanismer för enskilda ämnens toxicitet till effekter på populationer och organismsamhällen av giftiga ämnen i blandningar, och inkluderar effekter av havsförsurning.

Ekotoxikologin är tvärvetenskaplig i gränslandet mellan biologi, kemi och toxikologi och omfattar grundläggande och tillämpad forskning. Forskningen bidrar med strategier och verktyg för att bedöma kemikaliers och kemiska produkters giftighet och för att upptäcka och mäta toxiska effekter i ekosystemen.

Ekotoxikologin vid institutionen är en komplett forskningsmiljö kopplad till grundutbildning i miljövetenskap och biologi och till ett internationellt Masterprogram i ekotoxikologi. Magistrar och doktorer i ekotoxikologi har en lovande arbetsmarknad inom industrin, konsultföretag och vid myndigheter.

Du kan läsa om vår forskning här

Contact person: Ingela Dahllöf, [email protected]



Ecotoxicology, chemical mixtures and microbes

Chemicals are present as mixtures in the environment and they alter the structure of aquatic communities. Overall, chemical mixtures are characterised by pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals among other chemicals. Are you interested to assess the impact of complex contamination on microbial communities?

Here, we will wonder i) about the diversity and the community composition of microbial assemblies; and ii) how they change their structure along a river affected by mixtures.

For this master project, familiarity with the program R is welcome but not required.

Contact person: Pedro Inostroza, [email protected], Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg

Ecology and ecotoxicology of aquatic biofilms for pesticides biodegradation

Project description

Aquatic biofilms are benthic communities of microorganisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, fungi and protozoa) that control many biochemical cycles in aquatic ecosystems, and at the same time are very sensitive to toxicants exposure. To date, the role of biofilms to biodegrade hazardous substances and reduce their toxicity in freshwater ecosystems is not well known. This project aims to quantify the capacity of river biofilms to degrade pesticides, to identify microorganisms associated with higher pesticides biodegradation rates and, to determine enzymes and genes that participate in the metabolic pathways of biodegradation. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide crucial inputs about the potential of aquatic biofilms for pesticides bioremediation in polluted rivers.

Tasks / potential sub-projects: • Isolation and characterization of several benthic microbes from river sediments and

stones, using microbiological and biomolecular techniques

• To quantify the capacity of aquatic biofilms to degrade pesticides when: - exposed to single compounds or mixtures of pesticides - microorganisms growing alone or in microbial consortium - under different temperature and organic matter concentrations

• To assess toxic effects of selected pesticide compounds on microbes (microalgae, bacteria and fungi) when exposed alone or in combination



• To identify microorganisms associated with higher pesticides biodegradation rates, enzymes and genes that participate in the metabolic pathways of biodegradation

Methods Approaches included in this project are: field sampling, microcosms experiments or microbial dose-response toxicity assays. Techniques to be applied, include: isotope and radiolabeled compounds, flow cytometer, chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, microbial DNA/RNA extraction, gene amplification (PCR/qPCR), sequencing, bioinformatics, enzymatic activities.

Application Within this project it possible to find sub-projects for students interested in do an Applied project, Bachelor Degree project or Master Degree project. Interested?

Contact person: Associate Professor Natàlia Corcoll ([email protected]) to discuss possibilities and mutual interests.


Projects suitable for Master, 45 or 60 credits

Are nanoparticles harmful to aquatic organisms?

General background Nanomaterials (nanoparticles) are 1-100 nm large materials (particles) which have extraordinary physicochemical properties. Nanomaterials can be found in a variety of products we use every day. They are, for example, used as antibacterial agents in children’s toys and textiles, as functional ingredients (e.g., as colorant) in food, as UV-filters in cosmetics and sunscreens, as biocides in anti-fouling paints (e.g., for boats and house facades), and as pesticides in agriculture. Many of these nanomaterials enter the sewage system (e.g., they are released during cloth washing, are washed off the body during showering, or are egested with the urine/feces). However, often they cannot be removed by current wastewater treatment technologies and therefore are eventually discharged into the aquatic environment together with the treated wastewater. Furthermore, many nanomaterials are directly released into streams, lakes and the ocean (e.g., due to sunscreens being washed off the body during swimming, due to weathering /disintegration of anti-fouling paints, or due to agricultural runoff). The production, use and release of nanomaterials into the environment it expected to continue to increase. Therefore, exposure of aquatic organisms to nanomaterials is inevitable. This gives rise to concern, as many nanomaterials (nanoparticles) are probably able to surpass biological barriers (e.g., gill and gastrointestinal epithelia, blood brain barrier). Furthermore, nanomaterials have a high surface reactivity, which increases the risk of harmful interactions with biological macromolecules (e.g., proteins, enzymes, lipids). Moreover, many



nanomaterials have a high adsorptive capacity, that is, they may adsorb and carry other pollutants into the organism (Trojan horse-effect). However, Today, we still have very limited knowledge on toxicodynamics and toxicokinetics of nanomaterials in aquatic organisms.

Our research With our research, we aim at filling important gaps of knowledge related with • Molecular and cellular mechanisms of nanoparticle toxicity • Bioaccumulation of nanoparticles • Fate and effect of nanoparticles in aquatic food webs (trophic transfer) • Mixture toxicity effects of nanoparticles and organic chemical pollutants

The increased understanding of how specific properties of nanomaterials are linked to their toxicity will help us to better manage the environmental risk associated with nanomaterials currently used in products and develop nanomaterials which are safe-by-design.

Your project At present, we have several large research projects addressing highly topical research questions in nano-ecotoxicology and we look forward to welcome interested and highly motivated students to carry out their degree project (Bachelor or Master’s thesis) within this novel and exciting field.

Degree projects in our group typically address a well-defined research question (usually a small scientific problem) related with one of the ongoing research projects. The project/study is planned together by the supervisor and the student, offering you the possibility to include your own research interests and learning goals (e.g., interest in a specific method). In general, projects are well structured and comprise a series of experiments, which –depending on the results obtained– may give rise to a conference contribution and or scientific publication. You will receive training in the scientific method and a variety of important laboratory techniques before and during your project. The spectrum of techniques varies dependent on the research question addressed. Typically, it encompasses nanomaterial characterization techniques (dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy), cell culture-techniques and or working with live fish (or aquatic invertebrates), different molecular biology and biochemical techniques (cell/tissue homogenization, preparation of subcellular fractions, RNA isolation and quantification, cDNA synthesis, qPCR, enzyme activity assays, toxicity assays), as well as measurement of physiological and behavioral endpoints. In addition, while carrying out your degree project in our group, you will gain an insight into how it is to work in an international, multi-cultural research environment.

If you are interested in carrying out a degree project in nano-ecotoxicology, would like to have more detailed information on potential projects, and or discuss own project ideas, you are very welcome to stop by and or contact me/us via email.

Visiting Address: Medicinaregatan 18A (Zoology building), Floor: 3; Room number: 556

Contact person: [email protected]



Fish cell-based in vitro methods

Projects suitable for Master, 45 or 60 credits

Can we use alternative methods to predict the toxicity of chemical substances and thus avoid animal testing?

General background Chemical substances placed on the European market need to be assessed if they are hazardous to the environment including aquatic organisms. Most regulatory frameworks (e.g., REACH) demand that chemicals with a specific set of properties and annual production above a given threshold level are tested for their acute toxicity, bioaccumulative potential and long-term toxicity in fish. Acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and long-term toxicity is typically tested on live animals (in vivo-studies). In vivo studies, however, are not only expensive but also, and above all raise strong ethical concerns due to suffering and killing of animals.

During recent years enormous efforts have been undertaken to develop alternative test methods which can help to reduce the amount of animals used in chemical toxicity testing (3R’s = Reduction, Refinement, Replacement of animal tests). However, most efforts have concentrated on developing methods to predict chemical toxicity in humans. Alternative methods that can predict the toxicity of environmental pollutants in aquatic vertebrates are still scarce.

Our research In our laboratory, we aim at developing alternative test methods based on continuous fish cell lines, which can help to reduce the number of fish that nowadays is used in regulatory chemical toxicity testing.

For instance, in the sph3roiD project we aim at developing an organotypic in vitro model from a fish liver cell line which can be used to assess and predict hepatic clearance, bioaccumulation and chronic liver toxicity testing of chemical substances in fish (including manufactured nanomaterials).

For this purpose, we grow (culture) fish liver cells in form of three-dimensional (3D), spherical micro-tissues (so called spheroids or organoids) which assists in restoring liver-specific properties (e.g., high expression levels of detoxification enzymes) and better mimics the original tissue/organ environment.

Your project Each semester (spring and autumn) we offer one highly motivated student to work with us in the sph3roiD project (see above). The student will be directly involved in the ongoing research



activities, i.e., work at the forefront of research in this exciting emerging area. The project will address a well-defined research question (i.e., a small scientific problem), which can be successfully addressed within the time you have available of your thesis. In general, we aim that students get the possibility to convert their results into a conference contribution and or scientific research article, which may give them an advantage during potential later PhD applications. As a Bachelor or Master student in our group, you will receive training in the scientific method and a variety of important laboratory techniques. The spectrum of techniques varies dependent on the specific research question addressed, but typically includes different cell culture-techniques (freezing/thawing of cells, maintenance and sub-culturing of cells, seeding of cells, cell homogenization, preparation of sub-cellular factions, etc.), molecular biology techniques (RNA isolation and quantification, cDNA synthesis, qPCR), biochemical techniques (protein determination, enzyme activity assays, cytotoxicity assays), and microscopy techniques (e.g., sample preparation for light, fluorescence and or electron microscopy, image analysis). In addition, carrying out your degree project in our group, you will gain experience in working in an international, multi-cultural environment.

Contact If you are interested in carrying out a project at the interface of environmental science, cellular toxicology, and tissue engineering, and would like to have more specific information on current projects you are very welcome to stop by or drop me an email.

Visiting Address: Medicinaregatan 18A (Zoology building), Floor: 3; Room number: 556

Contact person: [email protected]

Effects of (micro) plastics and associated chemicals on fish

Plastics are a complex groups of materials that can contain thousands of different chemicals, including those added to products, or environmental contaminants that bind to plastics in marine and aquatic systems. Their presences in the environment, either as large objects or as microplastics, is ubiquitous, and hundreds of different species have been described with plastic particles in their guts. While data describing the impacts of plastics on different organisms in the environment are accumulating, the effects of these exposures, and the most important variables driving impact, are still not well known and many unanswered questions remain. Research in our group is focused on gaining an improved understanding of the effects of microplastics and associated chemicals on fish. To do this, we work with different kinds of materials and particles (e.g. textiles fibers, commercial pellets, microplastics from consumer goods, artificial turf, etc.) and chemical contaminants (plastic additives, endocrine disruptors, metals, pesticides, etc). We address different means of exposure (via water, food, sediment, trophic transfer) and measure effects on levels from regulation of gene expression to physiological parameters to behavioral changes. In addition, we can advise students conducting literature-based studies, e.g. risk assessments of specific chemicals or particles.

Contact persons: Bethanie Carney Almroth [email protected] Agathe Bour [email protected]



4. Biology - focusing on biodiversity

Within the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC) we want to understand how biological diversity has evolved and how it will be affected by on-going climate change and habitat destruction. The scope of our studies range from specific organism groups in isolated regions to global cross-taxonomic patterns.

We attempt to integrate data and methodologies from molecular phylogenetics, palaeobiology, biogeography, climatic modelling, bioinformatics and ecology. Our work has shed further light on the evolution of several taxa and biomes but a lot more remains to be done.

Why are some plants woody but not others?

Evolution, biogeography, macroecology

Woody plants (trees and shrubs) cover 30 percent of the planet's land area and offer crucial ecosystem services. It is unclear, however, why some plants are woody and others herbaceous. As a first step to solve this evolutionary puzzle, our close collaborator, Dr. Frederic Lens (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands) has created a database of nearly 7000 derived woody species that have evolved from herbaceous relatives.

This novel database shows that many of these woody species occur in continental regions with a marked drought period, suggesting that drought may have triggered wood formation in hundreds of independent lineages. In addition to the drought link, a number of broad-scale questions can be tackled, such as (1) When did derived woodiness evolve and is it linked with shifts in net diversification rates (radiations or evolutionary dead-ends)?, and (2) Is derived woodiness adaptive to islands, potentially related to island gigantism?

For this Masters project, we seek a motivated, independent student with a bio-informatics background and familiar with spatial analyses and the program R. The work may involve travels to The Netherlands (Leiden) and Germany covered by the department.

Contact persons: Alexandre Antonelli, [email protected], Frederic Lens, [email protected]



Patterns in the accumulation of genetic data

Diversity, evolution, spatial patterns

Very few organism groups have genetic data for all or even for a large fraction of the species and analyses of diversity patterns therefore have to make assumptions about the placement of the missing species. For computational convenience and due to lack of knowledge it is generally assumed that they are placed randomly in the phylogeny even though there are good reasons to expect this to be wrong.

In this project we wish to analyze the pattern of accumulation of genetic data among species to better understand what determines what species have and does not have genetic data in order to enable researchers to better include the missing species into evolutionary or ecological analyses

For this master project familiarity with spatial analyses, with the program R and with basic bioinformatics or phylogenetics is desired but not required.

Contact person: Søren Faurby, [email protected]

Co-extinction of scavengers and prey

Birds, mammals, diversity, spatial patterns

Highest species richness of scavenging brids is currenty found in east Africa, just at the same area where most of the large mammals occur. Scavenging birds, however, also have seen a massive extinction in the Late-Pleistocne/Early-Holocene and in particular they used to be hihgly diverse in North and South America, feeding on the likewise diverse mammalian megafauna community that used to live there.

The goal of this project is to estimate historic ranges of the extinct scavenging birds and compare these with previously estimated ranges for their mammalian prey. After this we will analyse the correlation between the historical diversities of scavenging birds and prey and compare with the contemporary pattern for both. Many scavenging birds are highly endangered and the resulting knowledge may both improve the understanding of co-extinction patterns as well as hopefully inform ongoing conservation efforts to avoid future extinctions.

This project will be conducted in collaboration with and co-supervised by post-doc Ferran Sayol.

For this master project familiarity with spatial analyses and with the program R is desired but not required.

Contact person: Søren Faurby, [email protected]



Mismatch between pollinators and plants

Extinction, islands, birds, pollination, plant-animal interactions

Oceanic islands have seen very large extinction rates, with as much as 90% of all extinct birds being island dwellers. As a function of this, many other species may potentially suffer in the future, as in the case of red flowered plants, which generally are exclusively bird pollinated.

The goal of this project is to identify the fraction of plant species on various oceanic islands being red (and therefore likely bird pollinated) and compare these ratios with the recent diversity of pollinating birds as well as estimates of historic diversities of birds on islands, which are being estimated by post-doc Ferran Sayol. We will thereby be able to identify islands with a deficit of current pollinators, which therefore may be of particular conservation concern.

This project will be conducted in close collaboration with island biologist Manual Steinbauer (

For this master project familiarity with spatial analyses and with the program R is desired but not required.

Contact person: Søren Faurby, [email protected]

Human alternation of the species-area relationship

Extinction, invasive species, islands, ecological rules, birds

As discussed above, there has been substantial extinctions of birds on islands, but at the same time a large number of non-native species has also been introduced to many islands. This project will analyze the combined effect of these two opposing factors and focus on the species-area relationship, which is one of the fundamental patterns of island biogeography. More specifically, the goal is to compare the relationship between island area and the number of bird species using three different datasets. 1) Current pattern including non-native species, 2) Current pattern only including native species and 3) Estimated pattern including current and extinct native birds.

This project will be conducted in collaboration with and co-supervised by post-doc Ferran Sayol and in in collaboration with bird macro-ecologist Tim Blackburn (

For this master project familiarity with spatial analyses and with the program R is desired but not required.

Contact person: Søren Faurby, [email protected]



Global distribution of palm spinescence and mega-herbivores

Palms, animal-plant interactions, macroecology

To quantify the global distribution of spinescence in palms (e.g. broad-scale patterns of species richness of palms that have spines) and how this is related to the current and historical distribution of mega-herbivores. Many palms are armed, often fiercely, with spines (as in Aiphanes minima, pictured here). These likely evolved as a response to mega-herbivores as defense structures. Here, we will ask, where are global hotpots of spinescence in palms? Is the distribution of spinescence related to the distribution of extant and extinct mammalian mega-herbivores?

For this master project in plant evolution, familiarity with spatial analyses and with the program R is desired but not required.

Contact person: Christine Bacon, [email protected]

Developing models for rainforest evolution

Evolution, tropical forest, diversity patterns

Palms have been recorded in the fossil history of tropical rainforests since they first emerged (see Wing et al. 2009, depicted below). Along with other mega-thermal angiosperms, those that are frost-intolerant and have physiological requirements that largely constrain them to tropical environments, they have been proposed as models for rainforest evolution.

In this project we explicitly test the idea of palms being models for tropical rainforest presence or absence at a global-scale. Using data from transects, we test whether their distribution matches current tropical biomes at various geographical scales.

For this master project in evolution/conservation, familiarity with spatial analyses and with the program R is desired but not required.

Contact person: Christine Bacon, [email protected]



The affect of age on the transient lifestyle of the male African savannah elephant

Behavioural ecology, large mammal ecology

The bull elephant population of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park (MPNP) in Botswana are transient. Individuals do not reside permanently in the Park and are instead spending periods of time in the study area, before leaving and then returning. Personal observations of researchers in the field suggest that there may be differences in length of stay in the MPNP depending on the age of the elephant. This project would investigate patterns in the lengths of stay and periods of absence between elephants of different ages.

For this Masters project, we seek a motivated, independent student with an interest in behavioural ecology. Familiarity with spatial analyses and the program R as well as experience of network analysis is desired but not required. Someone with an artistic background/interest would also be of interest.

Contact persons: Kate Evans, [email protected]; Søren Faurby, [email protected] Using remote observations to understand the affect of time of day on group size and demographics use of major wildlife paths through a National Park in Botswana

Behavioural ecology, large mammal ecology

Camera traps have been used along high traffic ‘elephant highways’ in a male dominated national park of Botswana. During data extraction, group size and age category of the elephants captured are recorded, as well as whether the group is a breeding herd or not. This data is also collected during research drives (during daylight hours) when elephants are sighted, allowing comparisons to be made between the camera traps and human observations. This will test the ability of camera traps to accurately record information about elephant groups and provide insight into their use as elephant population monitoring tools.

For this Masters project, we seek a motivated, independent student with an interest in behavioural ecology. Familiarity with spatial analyses and the program R as well as experience with experience of processing camera trap data is desired but not required. Someone with an artistic background/interest would also be of interest.

Contact person(s): Kate Evans, [email protected]; Søren Faurby, [email protected]



Patterns in the accumulation of genetic data

Diversity, evolution, spatial patterns

Very few organism groups have genetic data for all or even for a large fraction of the species and analyses of diversity patterns therefore have to make assumptions about the placement of the missing species. For computational convenience and due to lack of knowledge it is generally assumed that they are placed randomly in the phylogeny even though there are good reasons to expect this to be wrong.

In this project we wish to analyze the pattern of accumulation of genetic data among species to better understand what determines what species have and does not have genetic data in order to enable researchers to better include the missing species into evolutionary or ecological analyses

For this master project familiarity with spatial analyses, with the program R and with basic bioinformatics or phylogenetics is desired but not required.

Contact person: Søren Faurby, [email protected]

Optimization of Gothenburg's biodiversity conservation efforts

Conservation, urban ecology, sustainable cities

Gothenburg is a growing city with the goal of remaining a sustainable city. According to current strategies, there should be enough green areas that are actively managed to ensure a rich biodiversity. The unit “Park and Nature Administration” is responsible for the green areas.

This project can be done in two different paths: a) Do a mapping of the units´ efforts to promote biodiversity

and an analysis of possible development and coordination opportunities. Such mapping can be used at many different levels in the city´s development, from strategic planning of land use to concrete maintenance measures.

b) Slottsskogen is a large park that promote biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, the biodiversity in Slottsskogen is not yet fully described. Through inventories and mapping of the park we can prioritize the future conservation activities.

We seek independent students with good analytical and writing skills. Experience and interest in inventory are preferred.

Contact persons: Slottsskogen: animal curator, [email protected] or zoologist, [email protected]; Søren Faurby, [email protected]



Promoting biodiversity within deer enclosures in Slottsskogen

Biodiverstiy, conservation, ethology

Zoos aim to promote biodiversity, but they seldom aim to do it through the animal husbandry itself - for example through the animals´ grazing and trampling. Despite this, it can be noted that the animals will affect their surroundings. Studies show that ecosystem effects of deer´s grazing are to a large extent controlled by the population density and that fluctuating population size might be preferably. Applying these results to fenced animals may not be practically feasible, but it is interesting to investigate whether the zoo's holding of deer, regarding to group size and fence design, could be adjusted to achieve a larger species diversity in the park. We seek independent students with good analytical and writing skills. Experience and interest in inventory are preferred.

Contact persons: Slottsskogen: animal curator, [email protected] or zoologist, [email protected]; Søren Faurby, [email protected]

Explore trends in biodiversity with citizen Science and artificial intelligence

Time effort: 15-60 HP; Earliest possible start: Jan 2020

The Kosterhavets National Park is Sweden's first marine national park. The area contains a highly diverse and unique marine ecosystem that is under active protection and management since 2009. Close to the bottom of the Koster Fjord the conditions are very similar to those in the open Atlantic ocean and there are many bottom dwelling species living here, which are otherwise only found in deep Atlantic waters. Large sponges, starfish and cold-water corals are some of them. But how well protected are these communities? Today, we still don't know very much about the health status of the seafloor habitats.



We want to know how climate change and human activities influence the environmental conditions and the fauna of this area. We also want to know, which positive effects the protection of the area had on the seafloor habitats. In order to study the long-term changes on the sea floor and understand what effects the protection status of the park has; we can use the images and movies collected with Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) in the Kosterhavets National Park or other regions on the Swedish West coast.

In this project you will work with data experts and marine biologists to further develop our citizen science platform Koster Seafloor Observatory and further validate artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that recognise key ecological species in the seafloor imagery. The work may also include development of public and academic education modules. You can use these algorithms to explore biodiversity data from the current and past underwater recordings and analyse how the fauna on the sea floor has changed in response to warmer waters, fishing, and protective measures We are a group of marine and social scientists as well as data experts who care about the protection and conservation of marine life, particularly the wonderful marine biodiversity of the Swedish West coast. Partners include, SeAnalytics and Center for Sea and Society, the Ocean Data Factory, and the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure. Contact persons: Matthias Obst [email protected], Per Bergström [email protected]



5. Earth Sciences

Hydrology, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg

Hydrochemical (and microbiological) data are available on private drinking water wells from west Swedish coastal municipalities, and in particular from Uddevalla and Strömstad (Koster islands). The goal would be to do a first screening regarding patterns (spatial, temporal), health aspects (heavy metals, microbiology) and a more general evaluation on private well usage in Sweden. There are a number of theses that have been written around this topic (mostly from a hydro-geological perspective) but my students lack knowledge in environmental questions and above all chemistry. The study would be without field or lab-work based on existing data. But we have several hundred water samples as well. A lot of different angles are possible.

Attention: The data is poor! From private wells, you can never be sure when, how and where the samples were taken, and how they were processed.

What makes this interesting? 1.2 million of the population in Sweden has been drinking water from private wells all year round, plus another 1.2 million in the summer. No municipal or governmental control whatsoever. This question is simply ignored by the agencies … to touch it seems just too difficult.

Contact person: Roland Barthel, e-post: [email protected],

Urban Climate Group, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg

CityAirSim - Visualising and modelling urban air quality - influence of vegetation, building morphology and traffic emissions

A large consortium of partners is currently involved in the research project CityAirSim which aims to investigate and communicate how dense and green urban environments affect air quality. This specific master thesis project is a collaboration between IVL and the Göteborg Urban Climate Group. The overall purpose of this thesis will be to take part in the examination of how different types of vegetation, building designs and emission scenarios affect air quality around Fabriksgatan in Göteborg. This will be accomplished by a modelling approach using the LES model PALM ( The student will use PALM to calculate the dispersion of particles and nitrogen dioxide for different hypothetical development scenarios for Fabriksgatan. The student will thereafter analyze the effect of the different scenarios on air flow and air quality.

This master project gives the student the opportunity to gain experience working with an advanced modelling system and to learn about the dynamics of air quality in an urban environment. The work within CityAirSim will result in a series of scientific publications and the student will therefore be encouraged to produce high quality results fit for publication.

Research focus: • the influence of the urban geometry, urban vegetation and land cover on radiation,

temperature, humidity and wind • spatial modeling and measurements of the thermal comfort conditions in urban

environments • the influence of weather on urban daily life (outdoor activities, place perception), health



and well-being • integration of climate knowledge in urban design and planning • development user-friendly planning tools

Overall Summary of CityAirSim An important future goal is to create sustainable, green and dense urban environments. To ensure good air quality it is crucial to understand how vegetation, denser building structure and future traffic situations, separately and in combination, affect air quality. Our aim is to create tools for identification, visualisation and communication of measures promoting urban air quality with respect to vegetation, buildings and traffic. We will address these questions: How does densification, urban vegetation and traffic affect air quality? How can this type of environmental data visualised and communicated to increase understanding and engagement among citizens, city planners and people working with urban environments? This is achieved by 1) identification and quantification of processes governing the effect of plants on air quality by uptake of pollutants, increased deposition and altered ventilation, 2) integration of relevant vegetation processes in a model for dispersion of air pollutants and application of the model on relevant scenarios, 3) development of tools for digital visualisation of model results representing the urban landscape, and 4) communication for the public, education and as a tool in city planning. This transdisciplinary project links biological and meteorological knowledge with state-of-the-art visualisation and communication in collaboration with stakeholders and supports the realisation of UN sustainability goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Contact persons: Sofia Thorsson [email protected], Fredrik Lindberg [email protected]

It is preferable if the student have basic programming skills and experience of working in a Linux environment.

Contact persons: Fredrik Lindberg, GU, [email protected] , Malin Gustafsson, IVL, [email protected]

Mätningar inom VIRV som kan genomföras som mastersarbete med handledning av forskningsgruppen ’Ekosystemvetenskap’

Vi kan erbjuda som masterarbete att mäta växthusgaserna CO2, CH4 och N2O tillsammans med parametrar som avgör emissionens storlek i Jämtland respektive Småland, preliminärt lokalerna Ånnsjön i Jämtland och Anderstorps Stormosse i Småland. På varje lokal finns dels en restaurerad myr och en referensyta av opåverkad myr.

Alla tre växthusgaserna mäts med hjälp av ramar som placeras ut i transekter med avseende på antingen en tydlig vattennivåskillnad eller vegetationsskillnad. Tre transekter på varje yta med totalt 12 ramar innebär 24 ramar i Jämtland och 24 i Småland. Gaserna provtas eller mäts manuellt på plats. Med hjälp av en LosGatos portabel gas analysator (UGGA) kan CO2 och CH4 mätas både med transparent kammare och med helt mörk kammare (ogenomskinligt lock) på



samma ram. Locket läggs på ramen och under tiden som locket är på ökar (eller minskar) koncentrationen av gaser i kammaren och utifrån det räknas emissionshastighet ut direkt i fält med en app som vi tagit fram. Transparent kammare används till att under 3-5 minuter mäta CO2 och CH4 med UGGA’n, som ger mätning av netto C-utbytet (fotosyntes och respiration) samt metanflöden från mark och genom vegetation. Den transparenta kammaren ger ett mått på ’Net Ecosystem Exchange’ (NEE). När mörk kammare används (i mindre omfattning än transparenta) ger mätning med UGGAN under de första minuterna ett mått på respiration från mark och växter och därefter provtas också för lustgas med hjälp av en liten pump som cirkulerar gasen i kammaren till en gastät flaska vid 4 tidpunkter under de 60 minuter kammaren är stängd. Gasen analyseras vid hemkomsten till laboratoriet i Göteborg med gaskromatografi, och fluxen beräknas. Mörk kammare måste vara isolerad för att inte temperaturen ska höjas under tiden den är stängd eftersom den behöver vara stängd under så lång tid som 60 minuter.

Data som behövs för att förstå gasemissionerna är väder, grundvattennivåns läge, jordtemperatur, vegetationstyp och jordegenskaper. Vid varje kammare installeras grundvattenrör vilka provtas manuellt i samband med gasmätningar. Därutöver behövs några grundvattenrör på varje lokal som samlar data på vattennivå och temperatur automatiskt och kontinuerligt och lagras m.hj.a datalogger. Markvatten kan provtas från grundvattenrören som vi kan analysera med avseende på total DOC/DON (löst organiskt material) och det organiska materialets sammansättning kan analyseras med hjälp av en mycket avancerad masspektrometer (TOF-MS) vid något tillfälle. Kanske kan det också vara intressant att mäta med syrgas/redox-sensorer. Det mesta av den fältutrustning som behövs finns inom forskningsgruppen.

En möjlig omfattning kan vara 4 intensiva mätveckor på respektive plats då data samlas in, från våren strax efter snösmältningen, under sommaren till höst. Vid dessa mätveckor bör mätningar ske vid olika tider på dygnet.

Contact person: Åsa Kasimir [email protected]

How have emission of greenhouse gases, vegetation and environment been influenced by restoration of mires in Småland and Jämtland?

The project GRIP on LIFE aim to improve environment of streams and wetlands in the forest landscape, from Blekinge in south to Västerbotten in north. Many of these streams are Natura 2000-sites, or adjacent Natura 2000-sites. The long term goal of the project is improved and preserved environment in all Natura 2000-sites.

Grip on Life IP runs from 2018 until 2023. The project is funded 60% by the EU environment LIFE IP with a total budget of 150 million SEK. Several Swedish authorities, forest owner organizations and NGO’s are part of the project. The project will develop new methods for use of forest resources without harming important water environments, like forestry with environmental regard. The project also include restoration of disappeared lakes and drained wetlands, by blocking ditches and restoration of streams and rivers earlier cleared. One subproject is VIRV – Växthusgaser i restaurerade våtmarker (Greenhouse gases in restored




The aim of VIRV within GRIP is to perform pilot measurements on carbon dioxide balance, methane and nitrous oxide flux on two earlier drained and now restored mires and compare with undisturbed similar mires. On a longer horizon the aim is to gain more knowledge on the greenhouse gas balance influence of restoring nutrient poor mires, like bogs and blanket bogs. The pilot study will be performed at two mires restored within the LIFE to Addmire-project. One mire in Jämtlands county and one in Jönköpings county, for inclusion of different vegetation- and climate zones.

We present a number of master thesis works.

1) The first and main is to study emission of the three biogenic greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O by measurements of flux and parameters which could influence emission size at the sites Ånnsjön in Jämtland and Anderstorps Stormosse in Småland. At these sites exists both restored mire as well as control areas unaffected. All three greenhouse gases will be measured by chamber techniques using frames placed in transects of water level or vegetation differences, perpendicular to the filled ditch. Three transect with 12 frames on the restored and control respectively gives 24 frames in Jämtland and Småland respectively. Gas samples are taken manually or measured directly in field by use of a LosGatos portable gas-analyzer (UGGA) which measure both CO2 and CH4. Both transparent chambers as well as dark chambers are suggested to be used, to catch the net carbon exchange as well as respiration only. Since we expect small Nitrous oxide flux air needs to be sampled by a little pump, and the air to be anayzed by gas chromatography in Gothenburg. At the same time as gas measurements are made other data needed for understanding fluxes are sampled; like weather, ground water level, soil temperature, vegetation types and soil properties. Suggested field work during 4 weeks, one in early spring and the last in the autumn

2) Master thesis coupled to the above gas studies on analyzing the restoration influence on vegetation with respect to species and ground coverage, both mosses and rooted plants. This can be combined with use of sentinel data and/or drone photos to study vegetation change over the year. Studies on microbial diversity and tree growth rate are other suggestions possible to perform on the sites.

3) Data gained in field can be used in a master thesis on CoupModelling, where data can be extended over time and space and used as a tool for future scenarios.

Probably a need for driving license for short transports on site. However longer travels should be made by train or bus, and accommodation is available. All costs, like materials and travel costs, are covered by the project.

Contact person: Project leader: docent Åsa Kasimir, [email protected]. Contact me if you are interested in any of the suggestions and we can discuss your interests and how we best can connect to the project. Supervising could be made by several researchers/teachers coupled to the project.

Referenser Kasimir Å, He H, Coria J, Nordén A Land use of drained peatlands: greenhouse gas fluxes, plant



production, and economics. Global Change Biology, n/a-n/a.

Leifeld J, Menichetti L (2018) The underappreciated potential of peatlands in global climate change mitigation strategies. Nature Communications, 9, 1071.

Future nutrient limitations across ecosystems

Soil fertility and nutrient availability are among the most important resources. As ecosystems age, nitrogen (N) accumulates in soil through biological fixation, whereas available phosphorus (P) is depleted from the soil through mineral weathering and occlusion during paedogenesis, therefore a shift from N to P limitation progress globally at long term.

Nutrient limitation threatens plant growth and food and fodder production as a consequence of climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2. With a deeper empiric understanding of the changing dynamics of the macro nutrients N and P in response to future climate change, we want to enable predictions of nutrient limitations or richness for a given ecosystem such as grassland, tropical forest or Swedish forest.

Methods: isotope techniques to determine if N or P limitation is present and possibly shifting in a natural terrestrial ecosystem, by measuring gross N and P mineralization rates and N depolymerization rate. Rocks and geological material will be analyzed for N, P and NH4 leaching.

Contact person: Louise C. Andresen [email protected]

Nutrient limitation of forests in the Anthropocene

Forests are globally a sink for anthropogenic CO2, playing an important role in dampening current and future climate change. This terrestrial C sink might diminish over time due to nutrient limitation. We therefore need to understand the biogeochemical mechanisms of forest nutrient limitation.

This MSc project we will experimentally investigate the biogeochemical mechanisms underlying nutrient limitation of forests in Sweden. For that, isotope tools will be used in the laboratory to quantify the gross production (mineralization) of nitrogen and phosphorus, the nutrients mainly limiting forest growth. Soils will be sampled from an experimental forest in which nutrient limitation is manipulated by fertilization.

Research question: How is nutrient mineralization affected by different nutrient status of the forest?

Contact person: Dr. Tobias Rütting, Dept. of Earth Sciences, [email protected]

Townsend et al. (2011)



Importance of snow for albedo of forest areas derived from multi-source remote sensing data

Suitable for a 30-45 hp MSc project.

As part of a MERGE- funded project “Towards improved understanding of albedo-climate interaction of common land uses across Sweden” ( research project, we are looking for a MSc student to work on analysis of albedo as recorded by multi-source remote sensing data over different land cover types in Sweden. Albedo of land cover is an important climate driving force at high latitudes. Snow interception by forest largely affects their albedo, however snow cover period may decline with climate change. The aim is to improve understanding of snow’s importance for albedo of forest areas Sweden using multi-source remote sensing data.

There are readily available albedo data from coarse resolution (500 m grid cell size) MODIS satellite data, however, finer resolution data are available (30 m grid cell size) but need to be converted to albedo from surface reflectance data. The conversion will follow an established method applied to Landsat satellite data. The project aims on the albedo of snow, particularly over forested areas.

The project use as their study areas three to six well-studied areas ( distributed from the north to south of Sweden. Common land covers are forest, arable land, semi-natural pastures, and wetlands.

The research question do we see differences in winter albedo over different forest areas when considering snow-cover over a season for at least three years (relatively snow-poor; snow-rich and normal snow year during 2000-2017), and given a wide-range of geographic and remote sensing data sources? This project may include an assessment of the utility of available remote sensing data sources for understanding albedo.

The MSc-project requires good knowledge of GIS and some experience with remote sensing. A good background in math or statistics as well as plant ecology/forestry/agriculture is desirable.

Contact persons: Main supervisor: Heather Reese, Dept of Earth Sciences, Univ of Gothenburg, [email protected]

Co-supervisor: Annemieke Gärdenäs (Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, [email protected])

Alpine and Polar Ecology group

We have the opportunity to offer several possibilities to conduct BSs or MSc degree project in Swedish mountains with field work and data collection during 2016. Below is a selection of projects that might be of interest:

1) Methane Consumption in the Arctic Field work summer 2019, project period HT19-VT20 Laboratory work autumn 2019



Investigating methane uptake at the Latnjajaure Field Station in connection to the International Tundra Experiment.

2) Landscape soil C and greenhouse gas fluxes Field work summer 2019, project period HT19-VT20 Investigating GHG fluxes on a landscape level in the surrounding of Latnjajaure Field Station.

3) Labeling experiment at Tarfala station: Field work summer 2019, project period HT19-VT20 Tracing nitrogen pathways in plant communities at Sweden's highest research station.

In addition, we have the opportunity to offer a few more possibilities to conduct BSs or MSc degree project in Swedish mountains with field work and data collection during 2019. Below is y 4) The fate of Permafrost Carbon

Laboratory work HT19-VT20 This is an laboratory incubation experiment where we will look at what might happen to the carbon stored in Permafrost soils from the Canadian Arctic.

5) Methane oxidation response rates Laboratory work HT19-VT20 This is an laboratory incubation experiment where we will feed the soil-microorganisms 13C labeled methane to subsequent measure the respiration of 13C in the respired carbon dioxide to evaluate temperature and soil moisture responses. Soils from Abisko region / Canada

Contact persons: Mats Björkman, [email protected] or Robert Björk, [email protected], University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences



6. Environmental sciences, various projects

Preliminära examensarbetsförslag (omfattning 15, 30, 45, 60 hp)

1) Utvärdera vilka åtgärder som är mest relevanta i Sverige för att motverka plast i hav-problemet. Olika perspektiv, en medborgares, privata aktörers perspektiv (inkl ICA), en lokal politikers, en nationell politikers och en NGO:s perspektiv. Mycket baserat på IVL:s stora rapport från 2016, men också andra studier internationellt och i Sverige. Är plastkasseförbud eller liknande relevant, eller ett spel för gallerierna? Studien skall underbyggas med beräkningar, och stödjas av litteratur, osv.

2) En minskning av NOx-utsläpp förbättrar folkhälsan. Detta borde kunna översättas i pengar för staten? Kan staten använda denna möjliga ”vinst” för att sätta in styrmedel för att styra från diesel till el inom transportsektorn. Att samtidigt lösa två problem, dvs NOX-hälsa och klimat, skulle ju kunna löna sig? Även problem med buller och troposfäriskt ozon minskas, och där finns också en del att tjäna. Kan staten göra något som är kostnadseffektivt? Investera för lägre kostnader i framtiden? Lönsam investering?

3) Konsumtionstrender? Elbilar går allt bättre. Finns fler goda exempel, men en hel del går också sämre. Hur ser det ut? Varför? Kommentera också rebound effects, indirekta och ev direkta. Eller tom på samhällsnivå.

Hur hanterar vi olika konsumtionstrender med styrmedel idag och hur skulle man kunna agera, på svensk nivå och på EU-nivå. Grön upphandling – en förändringsfaktor? Jämför med andra länder! Några bra initiativ utanför Sverige som vi kan ta efter? Översätt till svenska förhållanden.

4) Det finns idag s.k. Carbon Offset-system. Man köper t.ex. utsläppsrättigheter, eller investerar i CDM-projekt i Indien. Om/när vattenfrågan slår till globalt sett på bred front, skulle man kunna ha nytta av ett motsvarande Water offset-system? Hur skulle ett sådant system kunna utformas? Kan t.ex. HM eller klädkonsumenter bidra till vattenbristmotverkande åtgärder, för att kompensera för sin direkta och indirekta vattenkonsumtion. Vattenfrågan har dock en lokal dimension. Kan den hanteras i ett sådant system? Dessutom, varför är det som himla billigt att klimatkompensera? Hur fungerar klimatkompensation när vi börjar närma oss nollutsläppen. När upphör det att vara en bra idé, osv. Jämför med ett ev. Water offsetsystem: Kommer det att vara billigt eller dyrt? Finns det motsvarande situation som när koldioxiden närmar sig nollutsläpp?

5) Nu byggs det som aldrig förr. Dessa byggnationer bestämmer miljöprestandan för ganska lång tid, energiförbrukning, osv. Även lokala miljöer i städer, inkl buller. I vilken mån byggs passivhus, osv. Missas miljöperspektiven i hastigheten? Förbereder vi boendet för ett det framtida sättet att leva; sharing, nya sätt att transportera oss, avancerad avfallshantering, förändrade konsumtionsmönster, …?

6) Drönare inom Miljöområdet. Sammanställning, samt minst tre egna nya idéer, som diskuteras.

7) Big data inom Miljöområdet. Sammanställning, samt minst tre egna nya idéer, som diskuteras.

8) Försök kvantifiera miljönyttan av några varianter av cirkulär ekonom; sharing av olika slag, nya transportsätt, funktionsförsäljning, cascading, …



9) Tidsaspekter av biobränsleanvändning 30 år på oss, biobränsle från skogen 100 år? Hur ska vi optimera biomassaanvändningen i ett 30-100 års-perspektiv. Ev. även markanvändning.

10) Klimatmål av olika slag 2045, 2030, osv. Är vi på väg ? GAP-analys. Goda exempel! Vad gör andra länder - goda exempel? Finns det andra aktörer än länder som satt upp egna mål (kommuner, regioner, företag, städer, etc.) Är det mer ”walk the talk” för dessa aktörer? Finns det sätt att skal upp dessa till större skala. Föreslå konkreta åtgärder på ett strukturerat sätt och beskriv ”barriers and drivers” för förslagen!

11) Jämför GU:s utfall i praktiska spörsmål med andra universitet och liknande. Föreslå konkreta åtgärder på ett strukturerat sätt och beskriv ”barriers and drivers” för förslagen! Internationella goda exempel på åtgärder vid universitet! Hur skulle GU kunna ta efter?

12) Agenda 2030 – vem har kommit igång bäst av de nordiska länderna, främst när det gäller konkret handlande, men även i form av tolkande dokument? Vad skulle Sverige kunna göra mer/_bättre/snabbare? Föreslå konkreta åtgärder på ett strukturerat sätt och beskriv ”barriers and drivers” för förslagen!

Contact person: Dan Strömberg, dan.strö[email protected]



7. Projects from the Gothenburg Environmental Administration

Projects that can be written in Swedish or English; a) Develop a “Gothenburg biodiversity index”

Develop a suggestion for a “Gothenburg biodiversity index” (or habitat indices) to show the trend of biodiversity in the municipality in an easily communicated manner.

b) The effects of urban farming on biodiversity In what ways are biodiversity affected by urban farming in Gothenburg? We see a need to map farming in the city (such as allotments, courtyard- and schoolyard farming, roof farming and gardening for food), and analyze the impact that urban farming has on ecosystem services and biodiversity in Gothenburg.

c) How residents of Gothenburg affect biodiversity Collect and analyze data of how the residents of Gothenburg affect biodiversity through their consumption. A final product could find inspiration in our “climate person”,

d) Hot spot analysis Perform a hot spot analysis in the municipality of Gothenburg, identifying areas that are particularly high in biodiversity.

Contact person: Klara Jansson, [email protected], Göteborg miljöförvaltning, Göteborgs Stad. Projekt som med fördel skrivs på svenska: a) Nyckeltal för bostadsnära parker/naturområden

Planering av bostadsnära parkyta. Hur stora ytor behövs per person för att säkerställa att parkens kvaliteter och ekosystemtjänster. Hur många har parken som "bostadsnära" enligt kriterierna i grönstrategin? Hur räknar park och naturförvaltningen på detta?

b) Förändring av markanvändning över tid Hur mycket grönblå yta har vi förlorat över tid? Främst med tanke på exploatering/byggnation – hur mycket hårdgjord yta har tillkommit? En kartläggning med hjälp av flygbilder under ett antal år bakåt i tiden och analys av detaljplaner som är antagna och ska genomföras. Det finns ett äldre underlag som man kan ha som utgångspunkt för utredningen. Ev kan tillkomma att titta på konsekvenser från förslag till ny översiktsplan.

c) Metodutveckling av inventeringsmetoder för att öka inventeringars nytta Exempelvis utveckling av drönarinventering eller övergång till icke-invasiva metoder. Kan anpassas efter studentens intresse och utbildningsområde.

d) Miljökrav arrendeavtal Ta fram förslag på vilka miljökrav staden kan ställa i arrendeavtal (jämför miljökrav i upphandling) med stöd av miljöbalkens grundprinciper och med våra miljömål i fokus. Bör ingå en genomgång av vilka arrendeavtal som görs inom staden och vilka miljökrav som ställs idag, och vad förbättringspotentialen är inom exempelvis lantbruk, småbåtshamnar eller idrottsanläggningar. Det här arbetet behöver göras i samarbete med de förvaltningar som skriver arrendeavtal, eftersom de behöver medverka.



e) Toalettavfall från fritidsbåtar Det behövs fler indikatorer för att följa utvecklingen i marina miljöer. Även om mottagningsanordningar för toalettavfall från fritidsbåtar byggs i hamnarna är det oklart hur mycket de används, och nio av tio fritidsbåtar har ingen toalett ombord. Det vore värdefullt att kunna mäta användningen av de sugtömningsanordningar som installerats. Kanske kan man få fram siffror på hur stor andel av toalettavfallet som hamnar rätt.

Kontaktperson: Klara Jansson, [email protected] Göteborg miljöförvaltning, Göteborgs Stad.



8. Projekt i samarbete med Lilla Edets kommun inom miljövetenskap samt miljö och hälsoskydd

• Kiselalger som indikation på miljökvalitet i vattendrag med avseende på näring och miljögifter. Hur kan inventering och analys av kiselalger hjälpa oss i att prioritera var miljöåtgärder ger bäst effekt? Vilken information kan vi få fram om vattendragens ekologiska status?

• Enskilda avlopp och lokal påverkan på små vattendrag. Miljötillsyn på enskilda avlopp är ofta baserad på schablonberäkningar. För att prioritera rätt åtgärder på rätt plats vore det intressant att fokusera på ett lokalt avrinningsområde och genom återkommande provtagning över en längre säsong utreda tänkbara påverkanskällor och hur de varierar över säsongen.

• Inomhuseldning – vilka miljö- och hälsoskyddsproblem kan kopplas till småskalig eldning och hur ser det ut i kommunen. Enligt nya riktlinjer för luftvård från naturvårdsverket ska beräkningar göras för utsläpp från vedeldning. Hur många eldar med gamla vedpannor, olja och vilka har gått över till pellets för uppvärmning? Vilka faktorer påverkar valet av uppvärmningssystem och hur påverkas omgivningen?


• Återinventering av utvalda naturvårdsobjekt i kommunens naturvårdsplan utifrån NVI-metoden inför uppdatering av naturvårdsplan. Lilla Edets naturvårdsplan börjar bli inaktuell och arbetet med att ta fram en ny naturvårdsplan kommer att kräva fältinventering av tidigare identifierade områden med höga naturvärden. Inventeringen ska genomföras enligt gällande standard NVI (Naturvärdesinventering avseende biologisk mångfald. Projektet kräver intern/extern handledare med kunskap inom inventeringsmetodiken. Förslagsvis riktar projektet in sig på en specifik naturtyp.

• Inventering av skyddsvärda träd. I kommunens databas finns uppgifter om skyddsvärda träd. Denna behöver uppdateras. Projektet innebär förslagsvis en återinventering av tidigare kända lokaler och ett framtagande av ett nytt GIS-skikt med uppdaterad information om status, artförekomst och hotbild. Inventering genomförs förslagsvis efter metodiken framtagen av Hultengren, S. & Nitare (1999) Inom projektet kan även efterträdare inventeras.

• Att bilda kommunala naturreservat. Den tätortsnära naturens vikt för människors hälsa och möjlighet till naturnära rekreation kan inte nog påpekas. Samtidigt är ofta den tätortsnära naturen starkt hotad av exploateringsintressen i en kommun. Den tätortsnära naturen har sällan så höga naturvärden, eller storlek, att den blir aktuell för områdesskydd från länsstyrelsen. I projektet kollar vi på ett av kommunens tätortsnära naturområde och utreder 1. Områdets värden från ett natur-, kultur- och friluftsperspektiv 2. Vilka hot som föreligger. 3. Hur området kan skyddas från exploatering och vilka hinder finns för detta. 4. Förslag på avgränsning och skötselplan som underlag för ett beslut om områdesskydd.

• Inventering av jättebalsamin. Arten jättebalsamin är listad på EU:s förteckning över invasiva främmande arter. Att det finns jättebalsamin i Lilla Edets kommun är känt men



det saknas kartläggning över förekomsterna. Ett möjligt projekt skulle kunna gå ut på att inventera förekomsten och identifiera spridningsrisken och hotbilden gentemot inhemska arter, samt föreslå lämpliga bekämpningsåtgärder.

Även studentens egna förslag välkomnas!

Projekten kan utformas som Master-, kandidat- eller verksamhetsförlagda projekt.

Kontaktpersoner: Anna Tauson extern handledare (se nedan) och Johan Höjesjö intern handledare ([email protected]).

Anna Tauson, Kommunekolog/Miljöinspektör, Samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningen Besöksadress: Järnvägsgatan 12. Postadress: Lilla Edets kommun, 463 80 Lilla Edet Telefon: 0520- 65 95 78, [email protected],