Research Seminar - Thesis Projects for ICTiB

Leiden University. The university to discover. Research Seminar Thesis Projects ICT in Business Dr. Michel R.V. Chaudron, Leiden Ins7tute of Advanced Computer Science Program director M.Sc. ICT & Business



Transcript of Research Seminar - Thesis Projects for ICTiB

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Leiden  University.  The  university  to  discover.  

Research  Seminar  Thesis  Projects  ICT  in  Business  

Dr.  Michel  R.V.  Chaudron,  Leiden  Ins7tute  of  Advanced  Computer  Science  Program  director  M.Sc.  ICT  &  Business  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron


-  Objec7ve  of  this  course  -  Logis7cs  

-  1st  :  What  and  how  thesis  projects  

-  2nd  :  Case  study  research  (next  week?)  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Objec;ve  -  Execu7ng  a  research  project  

-  Learning  through  experience  

-  Start  exploring  &  planning  for  final    M.S.c  research  thesis  project  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Objec;ve  -  Execute  a  small  research  project  

-  Define  a  research  ques7on  -  Define  a  research  approach  -  Get  feedback/review  on  proposal  -  Execute  (collect  data  +  analyze)  -  Report  and  present  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

How  to  get  a  thesis  project  -  The  student  is  responsible  for    

-  crea7ng  a  research  project  -  finding  a  supervisor  

 -  Involvement  of  a  company  is  not  a  university  requirement,  (but  a  possibility);  examples:    -  Effec7veness  of  in-­‐game  adver7sing,    - What  is  the  value  of  Enterprise  Architecture    

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

How  to  execute    -  Get  approval  from  your  university  supervisor  at  the  start  of  your  project  

-  Get  feedback  early  and  o\en    Don’t  show  up  in  July  with  your  final  thesis  a\er  your  last  talk  was  in  march.    Plan  an  intermediate  presenta7on    

-  Make  a  planning  that  can  accommodate  changes  

-  The  risk  of  your  project  should  decrease  over  7me  -  Include  a  trial  phase  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

How  to  execute    -  Mo7va7on  

-  If  you  radiate  that  you  don’t  really  like  your  project,  or  only  complain,  …  

-  Scien7fic  goals  

-  High  standard  on  yourself  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

How  to  not  start  a  thesis  project  -  Company  internships  

-  Internships  ≠  research  project  -  some  work  needs  to  be  done    no  intellectual  challenge    

-  Do  not  combine  internship  with  research  project  by  splibng  7me  across  both  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Guidelines  for  grading  Category Arguments  in  favour  and  against  (pro’s  and  con’s) Grade

Thesis  Work (including  software,  paper)

Publications  that  came  out  of  the  project  (if  any)

Please  mention  authors,  title,  conference/journal  and  whether  the    paper  has  been  accepted

Project  Execution

Final  Presentation


Other  items  delivered  (poster,  exhibit,  …)

Overall  grade

Grades  can  be  ‘halves’  except  for  5.5.

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Components  of  Grading  -  Quality  of  the  thesis  -  Originality  of  the  research  ques7on  -  Crea7vity  in  crea7ng  a  solu7on  -  Depth  of  Analysis    -  Soundness  of  the  approach  -  Systema7c  applica7on  of  methods  and  techniques  -  Quality  of  the  repor7ng  (structure  of  the  thesis,  grammar)  -  Cri7cal  Thinking:  the  student  does  not  take  presented  informa7on  for  

granted,  but  challenges  this.  -  Contribu7on  to  scien7fic  knowledge  (Has  a  publica7on  been  realized?)    -  Characteris7cs  of  execu7ng  the  project  -  The  student  has  made  a  good  planning  and  largely  stuck  to  this  planning  -  Autonomy  (self-­‐propelling):  student  has  performed  the  work  largely  

autonomously  with  lidle  input  required  from  the  supervisors  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

High  Diving  Grade  is  determined  by    

-  Difficulty  of  the  jump  -  Quality  of  the  execu7on  

Image Source: Wikimedia

-  O\en  not  easy  to  increase  difficulty  during  flight    

Image Source: Wikimedia

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Originality  -  A  study  into  success  and  failure  factors  of  …  

-  Best  Prac7ces  in  …    

-  Think  about  the  surprise  factor  of  the  findings  when  you  define  your  ques7on.  

Image Source: Wikimedia

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Contribu;on  -  Most  important:  scien7fic  contribu7on    Which  new  knowledge  does  your  project  discover?  

-  Don’t:  label  your  sec7on  ‘relevance’.    relevance  ≠  contribu7on  

 -  Avoid  the  obvious                                                                      (“open  deuren”).  

Image Source: Wikimedia

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Quality  of  the  thesis  (repor;ng)  -  Quality  of  the  content!    -  Clear  Structure  -  Clear  and  Concise  English  –  Grammar  -  Be  precise  and  to  the  point  

-  Traceability  of  the  argumenta7on  ‘Chain  of  Evidence’  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Example  thesis  outline  -  Introduc7on  

-  Context  -  Problem  descrip7on  -  Mo7va7on  of  relevance/importance  

-  Related  work  -  Exis7ng  State  of  the  Art  /  Literature  study  

-  Approach  -  Process  &  Method  (for  collec7ng  &  analysing  data)  

-  Results  -  Conclusions    

-  Future  work  -  Discussion  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Conclusion  includes:  Chain  of  Evidence  Conclusion  è  

Claim  è  

Evidence  è  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Descrip;on  of  Research  Method  -  Don’t:  

- We  analyzed  according  to  ‘Yin’.  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Analysing  Interviews  -  Yin  -  Coding  Handbook  –  Saldana  

-  Transcribe  –  all/most/important  parts  -  Read  -­‐>  iden7fy  theme’s  -  Link  cita7ons  to  theme’s  -  Analyse  theme’s.  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Using  a  DB  in  analyzing  interviews  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Depth  of  Analysis  -  Don’t    Just  list  the  outcomes  of  the  survey.  

-  Do’s    Try  to  explain  –  build  a  theory!      Find  rela7ons,  contradic7ons,  …    Relate  to  theories/findings  in  related  literature.    Have  the  goal  in  mind  to  publish  your  work  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron


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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Traceability  –  Chain  of  Evidence  

claim claim

claim warrant

warrant warrant

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron


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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Create  a  theory  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Future  work  -  Not:      …  more  case  studies    …  survey  in  addi7on  to  a  case  study  

 -  Suggest  ques7ons  that  delve  deeper:  

-  In  this  thesis  we  found  that  Reviewing  Requirements  is  cost  effec5ve  for  preven5ng  defects.  

-  Future  work:  for  all  types  of  defects?    Maybe  you  have  a  suspicion  about  something…  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Planning  -  A  plan  includes:  

-  Reading  relevant  literature    -  A  phase  of  exploratory  research  

• Either  interviews,  surveys,  …  • Perform  a  trial  before  the  real  thing  

-  A  phase  of  in-­‐depth  research  • This  builds  on  the  findings  of  the  exploratory  research  

-  No  exploratory  research  only  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Manage  risk  -  In  your  planning  you  can  have  some  decision  points  where  you  can  resort  to  ‘plan  B’  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Be  realis;c  -  Is  it  realis7c  to:  

-  Get  access  to  all  CIO’s  of  AEX  companies?  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Finishing  a  research  project  -  The  quality  of  the  work  determines  the  grade  -  Not  how  much  7me  you  spent  on  it  

-  On  average  thesis  projects  take  longer  than  6  months  to  finish.  

-  “Dear  supervisor,  my  project  needs  to  be  finished  by  august.”  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Confiden;ality  -  We  need  to  be  able  to  assess  the  difficulty  (and  amount)  of  work  

-  We  will  sign  an  Non-­‐disclosure  if  asked  

-  We  will  not  sign  off  IP  

-  We  do  not  provide  insurance  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Administra;ve  procedure  -  Send  Judith  Havelaar  an  e-­‐mail  that  you  would  like  to  join  a  diploma  ceremony  

-  Your  last  grade  need  to  be  in  5  weeks  before  the  diploma  ceremony  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Final  Presenta;on  &  Defense  -  Select  a  date  with  your  supervisors  -  Reserve  a  room  

-  Presenta7on:    -  about  30  minutes  -  ques7ons:  un7l  the  commidee  is  sa7sfied  

-  Send  your  presenta7on  to  your  supervisor(s)  for  review    

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

-  BinckBank  –  rela7on  between  corporate  strategy  and  IT  strategy  

-  Walter  Kosters  /  Frank  Taakes  (LIACS)    Social  Networks  (find  company  yourself)  

 -  Pieter  Kwantes  (ABNAMRO)  

Domain  Specific  Language  for  Securi7es  Trading    

-  Thomas  Ba”ck  -  Op7miza7on  ,  Gene7c  Algorithms    


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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

-  Chaudron:  -  Empirical  studies  in  So\ware  Engineering  

•  Cost  of  Quality/Defects  over  lifecycle  

-  Architecture  (value,  offshore,  modeling,  reasoning)  -  Risk  measurement  

-  Katzy  -  E-­‐learning  -  Innova7on  Management,  Entrepreneurship  -  Virtual  Teams    

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Other  contacts  -  ING  -  Na7onale  Nederlanden  -  KPMG  -  Heineken  -  KLM  -  So\ware  Improvement  Group  (SIG)  -  Ministry  of  Finance  -  ChipSo\  -  T-­‐mobile  -  ….  -  Check  out  ICTIB  alumni  on  LinkedIn  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Objec;ve  -  Execute  a  small  research  project  

-  Define  a  research  ques7on  -  Define  a  research  approach  -  Get  feedback/review  on  proposal  -  Execute  (collect  data  +  analyze)  -  Report  and  present  

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron


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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Ideas  TB  -  Give  a  list  of  good  ICTiB  thesis  topics  which  we  consider  of  high  quality  

-  Outline  table  of  contents  of  a  thesis  

-  We  could  introduce  a  masterclass  ICTiB  (similar  to  the  masterclass  CS;  I  am  happy  

to  explain  this  in  further  detail)  

-  I  think  we  should  have  topics  in  collabora7on  with  industry,  may  be  not  

necessarily  combined  with  an  internship  

-  Emphasize  the  idea  to  produce  scien7fically  publishable  work  


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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Ques;ons  to  address  in  your  plan  -­‐      A  Time  plan  with  intermediate  milestones  (to  monitor  the  

progress  of  the  project  ,  and  to  get  early  warning  signals  if  something  goes  wrong)    

 -  What  are  the  necessary  resources  (data,  money,  access  to  

interviewees,  IT)  and  where  do  you  get  them  from?  (to  avoid  surprises  and  delays  in  the  process)  

 -­‐        Project  risks  and  how  to  mi7gate  them    

(e.g.  case/company/person/...  disappears,  etc.)    

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Leiden University. The university to discover. Michel Chaudron

Ques;ons  to  address  in  your  plan  -­‐        What  is  the  scien7fic  domain  and  what  are  the  literature  

keywords  and  the  main  literature?    (make  sure  what  to  contribute  to)  

 -  How  does  your  research  relate  to  the  research  agenda  of  the  

group?  (so  that  they  integrate  and  re-­‐use  work  instead  of  repea7ng  it  endlessly)  

-  What  is  the  intended  academic  contribu7on?    

-  What  is  the  intended  concrete  result?    

-­‐      What  is  the  research  method?    (to  make  sure  the  work  is  scien7fically  credible/rigorous)