SUB-AGEN- - University of...

Xiv. NO. 27. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. gtishuss Cards. Slipping. 12" 4 O. A. STEVEN, General Agent, Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL PETER HIGH, - IOFFIC E AJNT IVIILL : Oil Alakea and Richards near MOT5LDI3STGS, Doors, Sasli, BIinl Screens, Frames, TURNED AVD C7"Having just received Mine NEW MACHINERY with the latest im- provements from one of the best ihs in the East, we are now prepared to do good work at shorter notice and "i;y?fer rates than ever beforehand having lately engaged several nrst-clas- s mechan , we V. 1 .. 4,4 Counters, Sliefei ra.f '288' 3CT"l'rompt attention t ' -- :o: T K Ij El PHONES: 2724-- q pl Advertiser jf:sLis3i Merchant St. ( France are stead- - We find in their lamentations Jl. t,..t reveal the n p. The Auto- - :JC: Ta the Wind and Im-- of the past has viiml excessive depres-Ti- m fall lias been "tin acting with Bou- - n'V'Y. l'V'--L"m- J r t'.i.L.nnriL'ement throw fs3nJliopeless note. At ... ut twenty years "7;r.,l of the Conservative !JssfOuraKins!; we must '.Ltto recognize it. Were ,n general elections we - .fnnthiri-- ' but disaster. Jj.iir the Soleil, another .ipSOiltlOa. appcaicu mm -- 'the same conclusions, radical spirit. M. Herve, tiip Conservatives to ac- - 'hi;c as the government of by the people. lhe sensational paper of the av,- - "The truth, which to be recognized, is that s are many Conservatives rcfcists." rials have a sort of funeral 'z'A like the necrologies of topes of .uonarc lusts :;.flStitutional right as sucn a iormea, its principles ason? the Conservatives. Live never had the conr- - iy from the Conservative : small political section, ued to help its reforma-i- i exception of twelve whists who will speak us right of kings, of even Boulangists and i2ts it is very aiceiy jetties of France will ac- - iiaiacfrtibiwan Constitution r. I'urino; a recent discu3- - tirt, M. Dugue de la !cmo3t in the coalition of ft'iage of his speech on 's the House to voice the iiot the reactionaries, and i party to become frankly iPelietan, the editor ot -- Iia oi the extreme Left. pities to facilitate, in so 4 the acceptance of the tonservative3. Paul de militant and brilliant &onte, struck the truest with unusual calm, he the great difference be-'- -t and Left i3 a religious Vattitude of both towards 1 hero. Una the Aim. n that, until last year, France oimnsprl tli T?a- - ! Sl'int nn.l r inbound to clash with the ; w tne new gover- nor cleray organized the .y?e last parliamentary 5 ecclesiastical and per-?iin-st it. The dpfPfit. nf jW, ,nPes brought a .j en rresi- - " lu u,u east, Jje tone of the addresses W, r?he first time, con- -' ventvof ih pneats of their u"t Ot exop:eii'ft v.4:.. aPPhcation of the 4" 1 at lias lately sent into the armv. i,av tgJWa new attitude of oi the Seminarists ...V'e Patrintio ' s to ti .""freu no uncer- - 'h?intV gaVC s u i y1 l"e reres i,livrseillai,'' and It omm; 1' f 1113 created H" V1 Catholic agreatr Algerian nSng the last ::Cy, twice com- - jnen the Count de .SWthetri. Vmt S efforts. the Sy i France. Karieri P.of Annecv 'ro?HalsPirit being :C ue College ;Vfi25 and voiced these toi, e,ht with Viits Jlice arp n AUu- - CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, r P.O. Box 40. Telephones : Bell , 274 ; Mutual, 419. Dealer In Real Estate. Houses Rented. Loans Negotiated. Stocks Bought and Sold. SUB-AGEN- T FOR "Royal" and "Union" Fire and Marine. For Sale. Choice Lot on Beretania street; 84x170. Water laid on. Fenced with picket fence. Shade trees. Lot on Kinau Street (corner); 75x200, with cottage of three rooms and outbuild ings. Bents for $10 per month. Water laid on and improvements. Quiet locality. Price $500. Several Lots on King street. For Rent. House of 5 rooms and Bathroom. Hot and cold water. Large Lot. Fowl House; Stabling; Garden in First Class Order. Situate near Base Ball Grounds. Rent $35. Wanted. Small Furnished Cottage in town. Houses of all descriptions for rent. Land for sale. Stocks For Sale and Wanted. Hawaiian Street Car. Reciprocity. Inter-Islan- d. Olowalu. E. O. Hall & Son. 2881 1395--q Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. b HORN Practical Coniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 1356 2651 LOVE'S BAKERY. So 73 Nnnana Street. MBS. BOBT. LOVE, - - Proprietress Etery Description of Plain and Janey; Bread and Crackers, - V BS S H Soda Crackers A H E Saloon Bread - Always) on Hand. MILK BEEAD - A SPECIALTY. Island Orders Promptly Attended to. 2CCl-- q C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST 07 OrrlGEBB J. O. Carter : President Geo. H. Robertson. Treasurer E. F. Bishop Secretary lion. W. F. Allen Auditor DLBXOTOBBi Bon. 0. B. Bfjfcop. Bon H Wathoiu 12651 Clans Bpreckels Wm. G. Irwin. CLADS SPRECKELS & CO., BANEEE8. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Kxchanga on the principal parts o iht world. Will receive depoalts on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking; and' exchange business. M. PHILLIPS CO. Fort, Cor. Queen St. Are now located at their NEW SPA CIOUS STORE, and have the best facilities to offer to the trade. A Full Line of Desirable Goods! CONSISTING OF Prints, Cambrics, Batistes, Challies, Brown and White Cottons and Sheet ings PJaiu and Striped Denims, White, Colored and Fancy Flannels, SATINS, VELVETS - and RIBBONS Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Linings, ; And a Full Stock of all TAILOES' GOODS, White Percale and Fancy Oyershirts, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Men's, Boys' and Childrens Clothing HATS AND CAPS, Misses', Ladies', and Childrens' Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Stationery and Perfumery, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, and the Choicest Brands of . AMERICAN and HAVANA CIGARS, ErAnd many other articles too numerous to mention. M. PHILLIPS & CO, FORT, COR. QUEEN ST. 2S84-l- m N k LDNDY, DE3STTXSTS, Hotel St., opp. Dr. J. S. McGrew's GAS ADMINISTERED. 2G51 1338-- y R. W. M'CHESNEY, J. M. A F. W. M'CHKSNKY. 121 Clay St., S. F. 4U tueen oc, iionv. M. W. IfiEcCHESNEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer chants and Importers. 40 Queen St., Honolulu. 2810-l- y n k 1.VV1VH RRADY TO (tIYIU UU1 J ita full nnwer the Reizan Vapor ; c l 4 ,1 Jnotontlir nn illgllie. OtarLCU Uiotaiinj , w o to get up eteam. 0. B. RIPLEY, Ao?cliitect5 Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block. (Mutual Tel 203). i ! New Designs Modern' 'Buildings. n Tinna ami Snpnifications for vuiii uictc x 44440 - " TrTT tt i. : 4 : l?n i mi n (T. 4 i i nnrpi ill niiuciiu voniracis urawu tendence of construction given when re- - quirea. ' EST' Call and examine plans. 2753-3m- tf Pianos For Rent! !? i - or a xm T"N OOOD ORDER f rom $4 00 to $7.00 per month. T tt K xl A w Auni' - n-- 7 Furnished Rooms. 1 I L. A. THUB&TOK. W. F. FRKAK. THURSTON & FREAK, A1 torneys - at - Law, HONOLULU, H. I. SOffice over Bishop's Bank. April 2. 1891. 2730-- q ALFRED S. HARTWELL, Counsellor - at - Law OmoE in Cartwright Building, opposite Post Office, Honolulu, H. 1. 2789 1379-t- f J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 1651-l- y Rogers). J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant-Offic- e Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I. ' 2651-- y WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AHD Agent to take Acknowledgment. Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - G9--y lulu, M. 1. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781-- g HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, ItoilerH. Sugar Mills, Coolers ttrass ftud Lead Castings, And michlnfiry of every description made to oraer. Particular attention paid to ahlpa' black- - sjaitLing. Job wor executed on tne inonwi notice. miss r. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-writ- er, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 2753 DR. EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc ker's office). Office Houjbs 9 to 11 a. m4 and 2 to 3 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m. Bell Telephone No. 51. .Residence 5 School street. 2782-3m- q LEWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lewera h Dickson) fmiwrtera and. Dealers In Lumber And all Kinds of Building Material. No. ts2 i'OET STREET. Honolulu. 2728 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, importer and Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2728 H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Gor. Fort tt Queen Sts., Honolulu. 2728 W. E. ROWELL, Engineer and Surveyor Room 5, Spreckels' Block. 82-- y WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Keal Katt Broker. Oiricr 36 Merchant Street. 2728 BEAVER SALOON, Fort Street. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s, H. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. First-la- ss Lunches Serred wltn Tee, Oollee, ' boua waier, uunso Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. bb. Bequlsltes a Specialty. 2728 THE ROYAL SALOON, Cor. Nttnnun and Merchant Streeta Under the Management of E. HE. F. Wolter, i ...rr. i n .toek a variety of the best Wl nes. Liquors, ueers.auu ttw v 10 cents per buu. TCall and Sea U.-- g zwi i LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Shipping and Commission Merchants, Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service TIME TABLE OF THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (subject to change.) The Australia Leave 8an Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. Leave Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Leave Ban Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. - LEAVE AKB1VE STEAMER. BAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. Australia Oct. C Oct. 13 Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22 LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. HONOLULU. SAN FRANCISCO. Australia.. . Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Alameda ... Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Australia... Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Mariposa... Nov. 19 Nov. 26 2690-3- m Australian Mail Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO. I'be new and flna Al steel steamiblp a c 99 ALAMEDA Ot tli Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland . on or about Oct. 22,-189- 1, And wlilleave for ineabeve port with malls and passengers on or about that date. ' For freight or passage, having HUPEUIOH ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wmvarll'wiir&XoT," AGENTS. .5 S For Sydney and Auckland. , The new and fine Al steel steamship ; --LVJLVJLN W JJL Ot theOoeanlo Hteamsblp Company, will be due at Honolulu from Ban Francisco or or about Oct. 22, 1891. And wUl have prompt dlapatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Win. Qt. Irwin & Co., 2Cni-- q AGENTS. FURNISHED ON ESTIMATES Jos. Tinker for any size Regan Vapor Engine. ; See cotalogue and testimonials before purchasing an engine elsewhere. WM. G. IRWIN 1 COMPANY, i (Limited.) Wm. G. Irwin, President and Manager Claus Spreckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Giffard, - - - . - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter, ... Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will continue the general business formerly carried on by that house. 1364-2708-- q CASTLE & COOKE. HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants , IXPOBTXBS AND DEALERS IN t GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S Boston Line of Packets. IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE take notice that the fine BARK EDWARD MAY CAPT. MAHANY. . r Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave for this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if sufil cient inducement offers. " Xy"For further particulars apply to I 320,51156-- q O. BREWER & CO. PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DEALERS IN BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Proprietor. Queen Street, Honolulu, H, I. Etc He SAWED WORK. will make a specialty of - f , Stairs, Etc., Etc. Ul4 fi"BELL 498. Jj ; d Mutual Tel. No. 90 : and. King Streets, , Sold on Commission. iJ3 Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks, Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard Brooms Crockery and Glassware, Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads. Brown and Bine Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc. at the I X L Auction and Commission Proprietor. 2823-- y HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and G-ener- al ilVTercliandise. Blake 's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, , - Wileox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines, .Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines, 2651 1356-- q P. 6. Box No. 480. : J West Cor. Nuuaiiu ; o CT'All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheap for cash at the I X L. $C7-Th- e I X L pays the HIGHEST CASH; PRICE, for all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc j J ; ; 1 ; ' " ' ' CT"IF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in its call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts. DC3"Prompt returns made on goods Steamer and Veranda Chairs for sale Single and Double Bedroom Sets for sale Single and Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles Saddles for sale :v! 4 Books, by standard authors, only 50 cents, foj sale Extra quality Safety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for sale. , All makes of second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale h - ( - ' f Meat Safes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rugs, Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, . Mirrors. Haneine LamDS. Chandeliers, Feather Pillows. Bed Lounees. Sofas, Spring & Hair Mattresses. Wardrobes, Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES Deposit bearing Interest received In their Say Ings Department subject to published roles and regulations. ' , 2851--q : PAPER HANGING ! House, corner of Nnuanu and King Streets. sa S. W. LEDERER, QIVE J. L. MEYER,THE PAINTER ; and have your paper hanging done promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St. P.O. Box 387. 2743-- 1 I IJSStobb Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 O'clock. Ptf niOIlth. PPLY AT NO. 4 GAEDEN LiNKt V 1

Transcript of SUB-AGEN- - University of...

Page 1: SUB-AGEN- - University of · ft'iage of his speech on 's the House to voice the iiot the reactionaries,


gtishuss Cards. Slipping.12"


O. A. STEVEN,General Agent,

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets



Oil Alakea and Richards near

MOT5LDI3STGS,Doors, Sasli, BIinl Screens, Frames,


C7"Having just received Mine NEW MACHINERY with the latest im-provements from one of the best ihs in the East, we are now prepared to dogood work at shorter notice and "i;y?fer rates than ever beforehand having latelyengaged several nrst-clas-s mechan , we

V. 1 .. 4,4

Counters, Sliefeira.f'288'

3CT"l'rompt attention t '

-- :o:

T K Ij El PHONES:2724--q

pl Advertiser


Merchant St.(

France are stead- -

We find in theirlamentations

Jl. t,..t reveal then p. The Auto- -

:JC: Ta the Wind andIm-- of the past has

viiml excessive depres-Ti- m

fall lias been"tin acting with Bou- -

n'V'Y. l'V'--L"m- J r

t'.i.L.nnriL'ement throwfs3nJliopeless note. At... ut twenty years

"7;r.,l of the Conservative!JssfOuraKins!; we must'.Ltto recognize it. Were,n general elections we- .fnnthiri-- ' but disaster.

Jj.iir the Soleil, another.ipSOiltlOa. appcaicu mm

-- 'the same conclusions,radical spirit. M. Herve,

tiip Conservatives to ac- -

'hi;c as the government ofby the people. lhe

sensational paper of theav,- - "The truth, which

to be recognized, is thats are many Conservativesrcfcists."

rials have a sort of funeral'z'A like the necrologies of

topes of .uonarc lusts:;.flStitutional right as sucn

a iormea, its principlesason? the Conservatives.Live never had the conr- -

iy from the Conservative: small political section,ued to help its reforma-i- i

exception of twelvewhists who will speakus right of kings, of

even Boulangists andi2ts it is very aiceiyjetties of France will ac- -iiaiacfrtibiwan Constitutionr. I'urino; a recent discu3- -

tirt, M. Dugue de la!cmo3t in the coalition offt'iage of his speech on

's the House to voice theiiot the reactionaries, andi party to become franklyiPelietan, the editor ot

--Iia oi the extreme Left.pities to facilitate, in so4 the acceptance of the

tonservative3. Paul demilitant and brilliant

&onte, struck the truestwith unusual calm, he

the great difference be-'- -t

and Left i3 a religiousVattitude of both towards

1 hero. Una the Aim.

n that, until last year,France oimnsprl tli T?a- -

! Sl'int nn.l rinbound to clash with the

; w tne new gover-nor cleray organized the

.y?e last parliamentary

5 ecclesiastical and per-?iin-st

it. The dpfPfit. nf

jW, ,nPes brought a.j en rresi--

" lu u,u east,Jje tone of the addressesW, r?he first time, con- -'

ventvof ihpneats of their

u"t Ot exop:eii'ft v.4:..aPPhcation of the

4" 1 at lias lately sentinto the armv. i,av

tgJWa new attitude of

oi the Seminarists...V'e Patrintio

' s to ti .""freu no uncer- -

'h?intV gaVC s

u i y1 l"e reresi,livrseillai,'' and

It omm; 1' f 1113 createdH" V1 Catholicagreatr Algerian

nSng the last::Cy, twice com- -

jnen the Count de.SWthetri.

Vmt S efforts.

the Sy i France.Karieri P.of Annecv

'ro?HalsPirit being

:C ue College

;Vfi25 and these

toi, e,ht withViits Jlice arp n AUu- -



P.O. Box 40. Telephones : Bell , 274 ;

Mutual, 419.

Dealer In Real Estate.Houses Rented.

Loans Negotiated.Stocks Bought and Sold.


"Royal" and "Union" Fire andMarine.

For Sale.Choice Lot on Beretania street; 84x170.

Water laid on. Fenced with picket fence.Shade trees.

Lot on Kinau Street (corner); 75x200,with cottage of three rooms and outbuildings. Bents for $10 per month. Waterlaid on and improvements. Quiet locality.Price $500.

Several Lots on King street.

For Rent.House of 5 rooms and Bathroom. Hot

and cold water. Large Lot. Fowl House;Stabling; Garden in First Class Order.Situate near Base Ball Grounds. Rent $35.

Wanted.Small Furnished Cottage in town.Houses of all descriptions for rent.Land for sale.

Stocks For Sale and Wanted.Hawaiian Street Car. Reciprocity.Inter-Islan- d. Olowalu.E. O. Hall & Son.

2881 1395--q


b HORN Practical Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.

1356 2651

LOVE'S BAKERY.So 73 Nnnana Street.

MBS. BOBT. LOVE, - - Proprietress

Etery Description of Plain and Janey;

Bread and Crackers,- V B S S H

Soda CrackersA H E

Saloon Bread- Always) on Hand.


Island Orders Promptly Attended to.2CCl-- q






J. O. Carter : PresidentGeo. H. Robertson. TreasurerE. F. Bishop Secretarylion. W. F. Allen Auditor


Bon. 0. B. Bfjfcop. Bon H Wathoiu12651

Clans Bpreckels Wm. G. Irwin.



Draw Kxchanga on the principal parts o ihtworld.

Will receive depoalts on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking; and'exchange business.


Fort, Cor. Queen St.

Are now located at their NEW SPACIOUS STORE, and have the best

facilities to offer to the trade.

A Full Line of

Desirable Goods!CONSISTING OF

Prints, Cambrics, Batistes, Challies,Brown and White Cottons and Sheet

ingsPJaiu and Striped Denims,White, Colored and Fancy Flannels,


Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns,Tweeds, Cassimeres, Linings, ;

And a Full Stock of all


White Percale and Fancy Oyershirts,Gent's Furnishing Goods,

Men's, Boys' and Childrens Clothing


Misses', Ladies', and Childrens' Bootsand Shoes,

Hosiery, Fancy Goods,Stationery and Perfumery,

Tobaccos, Cigarettes,

and the Choicest Brands of .


ErAnd many other articles too

numerous to mention.





Hotel St., opp. Dr. J. S. McGrew's



121 Clay St., S. F. 4U tueen oc, iionv.


Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer

chants and Importers.

40 Queen St., Honolulu. 2810-l- y


J ita full nnwer the Reizan Vapor; c l 4 ,1 Jnotontlir nn OtarLCU Uiotaiinj , w o

to get up eteam.


Ao?cliitect5Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.

(Mutual Tel 203). i !

New Designs Modern' 'Buildings.

n Tinna ami Snpnifications forvuiii uictc x 44440 - " TrTTtt i. : 4 : l?n i mi n (T.

4 i i nnrpi ill niiuciiuvoniracis urawutendence of construction given when re--

quirea. 'EST' Call and examine plans.

2753-3m- tf

Pianos For Rent! !?

i -

or a xm T"N OOOD ORDERfrom $4 00 to $7.00 per month.

T tt K xl A w Auni' -n--7

Furnished Rooms.1 I



A1 torneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, H. I.

SOffice over Bishop's Bank.April 2. 1891. 2730--q


Counsellor - at - LawOmoE in Cartwright Building, opposite

Post Office, Honolulu, H. 1.2789 1379-t- f


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C1651-l- y Rogers).


Commission Merchant-Offic- e

Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.'

2651-- y



Agent to take Acknowledgment.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- -

G9--y lulu, M. 1.


Typewriter and Notary Public.

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781-- g


Steam Engines,ItoilerH. Sugar Mills, Coolers ttrass

ftud Lead Castings,And michlnfiry of every description made tooraer. Particular attention paid to ahlpa' black- -sjaitLing. Job wor executed on tne inonwinotice.

miss r. LAMB,

Stenographer and Type-writ- er,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 2753


OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tucker's office).

Office Houjbs 9 to 11 a. m4 and 2 to 3p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.

Bell Telephone No. 51. .Residence 5School street. 2782-3m- q


(Successors to Lewera h Dickson)

fmiwrtera and. Dealers In LumberAnd all Kinds of Building Material.

No. ts2 i'OET STREET. Honolulu. 2728


importer and Dealer in


No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2728


General Commission Agents

Gor. Fort tt Queen Sts., Honolulu. 2728


Engineer and SurveyorRoom 5, Spreckels' Block.

82-- y

WILLIAM O. AOHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Keal KattBroker.

Oiricr 36 Merchant Street. 2728


Fort Street. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s,H. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB.

First-la- ss Lunches Serred wltn Tee, Oollee,' boua waier, uunso

Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. bb.Bequlsltes a Specialty. 2728


Cor. Nttnnun and Merchant StreetaUnder the Management of

E. HE. F. Wolter,i ...rr. i n .toek a variety of the best Wl nes.

Liquors, ueers.auu ttw v

10 cents per buu.TCall and Sea U.-- g zwi

i LEWIS & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


Shipping and Commission Merchants,

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service


Oceanic Steamship Co.(subject to change.)

The AustraliaLeave 8an Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.

Leave Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays.The Through Steamers Leave Ban Fran-

cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.


Australia Oct. C Oct. 13Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22


Australia.. . Oct. 20 Oct. 27Alameda ... Oct. 22 Oct. 29Australia... Nov. 17 Nov. 24Mariposa... Nov. 19 Nov. 26

2690-3- m

Australian Mail Service


I'be new and flna Al steel steamiblp

a c 99ALAMEDAOt tli Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe

at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland. on or about

Oct. 22,-189- 1,

And wlilleave for ineabeve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date. '

For freight or passage, having HUPEUIOHACCOMMODATIONS, apply to


.5 S

For Sydney and Auckland.

, The new and fine Al steel steamship

; --LVJLVJLN W JJLOt theOoeanlo Hteamsblp Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Ban Franciscoor or about

Oct. 22, 1891.And wUl have prompt dlapatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Win. Qt. Irwin & Co.,2Cni-- q AGENTS.

FURNISHED ONESTIMATES Jos. Tinker for any sizeRegan Vapor Engine. ; See cotalogueand testimonials before purchasing anengine elsewhere.



Wm. G. Irwin, President and ManagerClaus Spreckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. Giffard, - - - . -- - - - Secretary and Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 1364-2708-- q


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and MarineInsurance Agents.

1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine



Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if sufilcient inducement offers. "

Xy"For further particulars apply toI 320,51156-- q O. BREWER & CO.




PLANTATION SUPPLIESCarpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,


Queen Street, Honolulu, H, I.

Etc He


will make a specialty of - f ,

Stairs, Etc., Etc.Ul4

fi"BELL 498.

Jj ; d Mutual Tel. No. 90 :

and. King Streets,,

Sold on Commission.


Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks,Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard BroomsCrockery and Glassware, Towels,Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads.Brown and Bine Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc.

at the I X L Auction and Commission


HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

G-ener- al ilVTercliandise.

Blake 's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, ,-

Wileox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines,

.Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines,2651 1356--q

P. 6. Box No. 480. : JWest Cor. Nuuaiiu

; o

CT'All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheapfor cash at the I X L.

$C7-Th- e I X L pays the HIGHEST CASH; PRICE, for all kinds ofSecond-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc j J ; ; 1 ;

' " ' '

CT"IF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in itscall at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts.

DC3"Prompt returns made on goods

..itSteamer and Veranda Chairs for saleSingle and Double Bedroom Sets for saleSingle and Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles

Saddles for sale :v! 4

Books, by standard authors, only 50 cents, foj saleExtra quality Safety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for sale. ,All makes of second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale h

- (

- 'f

Meat Safes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rugs,Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, .

Mirrors. Haneine LamDS. Chandeliers,Feather Pillows. Bed Lounees. Sofas,Spring & Hair Mattresses. Wardrobes,


Deposit bearing Interest received In their SayIngs Department subject to published roles andregulations. '

, 2851--q :


House, corner of Nnuanu and King


and have your paper hangingdone promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St.P.O. Box 387. 2743-- 1I IJSStobb Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 O'clock.Ptf niOIlth. PPLY AT NO. 4 GAEDEN LiNKt


Page 2: SUB-AGEN- - University of · ft'iage of his speech on 's the House to voice the iiot the reactionaries,

OCTOBER 7, 1891.APVEBMSEB.DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL1 3Jnu atertiscnunts.Auction Saks. io nerform the last merciful service 3 !

Auction Sales.. . .... .. i

without ceremony or any louowing omerTHE DAILY

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERBY JAS. F. MORGANthan yourself. May you ana your wne

and children be ever happy. Yours, BY J. F. MORGAN.Co,, I'd.HardwareHawaiianJ. M. rALMACEDA.

Attached to the letter there was SEASIDE Union Assurance Socj--A.nction Sale ofanother brief postcript, calling attention,0

0to the fact that other letters wouia dcfound addressed to his wife and mother.

Be just and fear not;Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. HOUSEtlOLD FDRN1TCREMonday, Oct. 5.

Laugh and the world laughsand requesting that they be delivered.The letters simply contain the unfortu RESIDUE SITES FIREnate man's farewell.OCT. 7, 1891.WEDNESDAY, Minister Egan assures your the N. Y.Herald's correspondent that in neither I have received instructions to sell at with you; weep, and every-

one else who hasn't bought aPublic Auction, at the HAMILTONHOUSE, King Street,letter is there the leaEt reference to me

motives that drove Balmacedato suicide.London. SeDtember 22. The English Fischer Steel Range joins in

vour sorrow. We're sellingOn Friday, October 9thOn the first page is printed an article

from a New York paper showing thegrowth and epread of republicanism inFrance, which has compelled the Romanhierarchy to accept it as one of the per

Government has officially recognized thei i. e iu:i At lO O'clock A.. M.provisional goveriinieui. vu vuue.

The whole letter is manlv and moder Stoves, and we tell you 01I N QTITITTRT1 IN THP nPir.M r,- j...The Entire Household Furniture and -- .vi, vjr uuFtMate in tone, with no reproach or incrim- -


Effects, comprising in part: INNE, An nination levelled at personal enemies, xi their good qualities. Therewould be no use wasting time

manent institutions of Europe. But thebasis of the success of French republi-

canism is the intelligence of the people,is the letter of a brave man overwneimea 1 Westermayer Pianoby the arbitration of war.



At Aactionon whom devolves its maintenance andperpetuity. The ruler is their choice, Los Angeles. September 22. United (A fine instrument); .

Wicker Sofas and Rockers,Wicker Parlor Chaira,Center and Sofa Rugs,

states Attorney uoie, acting unaer instructions from Washington, to-da- y disand if they are satisfied, the Government

ialikelv to remain firm. The French HEAD OFFICE: 81, OORNHILL, LONDON

talking of their bad . qualities

even if , they had any. You

can't find 'em in a FischerRange, no matter where youlook for them ; great bakers,fuel savers and everything

missed the second libel against theltata.people are satisfied with their Govern Mr. Cole states that the action taken by

him was in entire accord with the Gov Oak and Ash Bedroom Setsernment's handling of the case. Thement because they share in the chie of

their ruler, and because the Governmentis less extravagant than when th mon District Attorney has a right to institute WKDNESDproceedings for violation of the laws of

the United States, especially in cases ofSpring and Hair Mattresses,Feather Pillows, Mo?quito Nets, else that's good. We don't

emergency, subject to the control of thearchy or empire existed. The Swissrepublic is the oldest in Europe or theworld, having lately celebrated its fourth B. W. WARDROBES, tell you this because we are

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1891.Law Department at Washington.WAR PKEPABATIONS IN EUEOPE.

Paris. September 22. The Siecle pubtrying to sell ranges ; it's whathundredth anniversary. The French re Three-quart- er Bedroom Sets,

Diningroom Chairs and Tables,

Capital Fully Subscribed,

Capital Paid Up,

Total Invested Funds Exceed,

Total Annual Income,

people who are using them



A1 50,000!


public is twenty years old, and nevermore firmly established than to-da- y.

lishes a dispatch from its correspondentin Baden, giving the substance of a Crockery and Glassware

Portugal is restless, and it will surprise speech said to have been made by the tell us. Don't imagine, be-

cause they are ranges thatKitchen Utensils, Etc.. Etc.Grand Duke at the close of the recentno one to hear of its having established arepublic. Then may follow Spain, Belgium manceuvers of the Southwest Army.

According to the dispatch he said in part :S7-Prem-

ises open on THURSDAY,"We must meet the future with energyand Italy, in the former of which countries, the republican sentiment is becora

they're as big as all out doors.They run in sizes from No. 7

to a good deal higher.October 8;h, from 9 a. at. to 1 p. m.and resolution .

ing stronger every year, though the ignor "The time is near when Germanymust again unsheath her sword in deance of the common people in politica Jas. P. Morgan,fense of her independence against anenemy who has not learned prudence bymatters in both Spain and Italy may There's been a run on Bird

Cages since the arrival of theJOTThe undersigned, having been appointed Aqkst of thiAUCTIONEER.2886-- 4tbe against the success of any efforts to

Society for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to iesue Policies iJestablish a republic in either at presentbloody defeat. It will be the duty of thevaliant corps of Baden to support thefirst onset, to fire the first shot and carrythe palm of victory." He referred to the

Belgic. If you happen to getAUCTION SALE on the usual terms. (Signed)a good bird, get a good cage.Washington, September 22. Many

By order of the Oahu Railway andLand Company, I will offer for

sale at Public Auction, atmy Salesroom,


On Wednesday, Oct 21, 1891

JVt lO o'clock --A.. M.,



The Peninsula of

Pearl City!

"culpable proceedings oi our neignoors,who are onlv awaiting a propitious ocrumors are in circulation in the neigh Those with the wire safetyborhood of the State Department on the casion to again open an era of bloody

subject of Hawaiian annexation, it is net in the bottom will preventWednesday, Oct. 21st.believed that in the near luture the ques J. T. WATERHOUSE, JR.conspiracy. .

London, September 22. The Stan-dard's correspondent at Sebastopol saysA party of officers has been sent from St

your bird getting away whention will become the most engrossing onebefore the American people. There arethose who think they can foresee trouble you clean the cage. We have 2881 1395-l- mBy Order of the OAHU RAILWAY & u)HONOLULUbetween tne United fetates and urea Petersburg to survey the Crimea and pre-

pare topographical plans for the War LAND CO., and in accordance witn myadvertisement now before the public, I breeding cages as wejl.Britain, in which the cluster of islands in

the Pacific ruled over by Queen Jiliuo By late advices we learn ofDepartment. This fact is much commented upon in military circles.

THE CHARLESTON AT YOKOHAMA.kalani will prominently figure. They

snail oner for sale at rubiic Auction,

On WEDNESDAY, October 2istlook with feelings of apprehension upon a shipment of Ice CreamWashington, September 22. A cable PACIFIC HAEDWARE CO, iFreezets that will probablegram received at the riavy Department

from Admiral Belknap to-da- y announces astonish this part of the world.the arrival of the Charleston at YokoA.t lO o'clock A.. M.

At my Salesroom, Queen Street, the.following Fort Street, Honolulu,One of a new sort thathama, Japan, yesterday.

Shanghai, September 22. The situafreezesi while you wait, andtion here is much worse. Disorders are This truly enchanting location for sub

urban homes must be seen to be appreHouse Lots BEFMGEMyou don't have to wait anylonger either. It'll freeze any IF--- . t r 7 -- .. r AND

thing from a glass of water toOccupying that most desirable locationknown as the ICE GHESKa bottl of hard cider. They

may arrive on the first sailingPeninsula of Pearl City!vessel, Ipossibly not until the After an importing experii

yeais, and coriHilerable ill

buying the " latent end test,Australia, but you'll hear of itNo. of BLOCK LOTS as FOLLOWS

the plans for strengthening the Halifaxfortifications, the perfection of the Can-adian Pacific system along the northernboundary of this country, the new cableto the Bermudas, the seizure by redcoats of the territory in Venezuela, andthe concentration of British influences atother points on the American continent,and more conspicuously of late in the vi-

cinity of the Hawaiian Islands. It isconceded that the nation in control ofthose islands of the sea would have agreat advantage over other nations con-tending for the mastery in Pacific waters,especially Great Britain, since they liedirectly in the path of vessels plying be-tween the principal North Americanports and Australia.

Mere than anything else is feared apossible revolution upon the islands. Itis known here that the policy of theQueen in pandering to the foreign popu-lation rather than the native element isarousing much feeling among the people.In the event of an uprising it is probablethat the foreign ships in the harborwould be called upon to land foreignerssufficient to maintain order. Naturallythe ships of the United States would beexpected to perform this duty ratherthan any other, though the Englishwould welcome an opportunity to do so.For this reason an American war shipwill hereafter be stationed at Honolulu,and should a protectorate be demandedthe officials of the State Departmentthink the Stars and Stripes should beunfurled rather than the Union Jack.

The above is a special dispatch to the

Diy a libre-Jine- u Ke&igeri

w hich ve had to take lickwheiv 5eY come.Block 25 Lots 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19W, 21, Tl, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34. - t p Aaumr word on refriger on account of ibcii ii'e w

any cf the r( quirt menta ol

fricerator. Me have at lirtBlock 2&--Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18,19Block 27 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21'. 22

pemet hinff. made on jciettifie;Block 27 Lots 26. 27, 28, 29, 37, 3G, 35, 34

ators; The one we mentionedsome time ago as having acompartment for water, is

Block 28 Lots 5. G, 7, 8. ciples, which Mill keep ic

and jour focd in better coir

than anything jet introduce?A A i

Block 28 Lots 12. 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, SO, 3136, 37, 38.

Block 28 Lots 20, 21, 22, 23.

increasing at Ichang, and this is the pre-lude to other disorders. The Valley ofthe Yang-tse-Kian- g is in rebellion. Wu-chang, the central seat of the Viceroy, isready to revolt, and Hankow and Chan-kin- g

are likely to follow. The lattertown is difficult to defend by war-ship- s,

owing to the shallowness of the riverGreat excitement prevails. Strangersare fleeing from Shanghai, which isamong the threatened towns, but mea-sures of defense are being taken. Threeships of war are at Wuchang, and fleetsare concentrating at Shanghai. MinisterLemaire, of France, has left here forPekin.

iNetu tocrtisctiunts.


It is hardly necessary to direct theattention of the public to the fact thatpure water is one of the principal agentsin preserving health and insuring per-

fect comfort in a household. The germof our most malignant diseases can betraced back to impure water.

The filter works easily, and, likemagic, turns the impurest water into aperfectly colorless and absolutely pureliquid.

This apparatus is attached to the or-

dinary water-pip- e and filters rapidly. Itis displacing the old slow-worki- ng filtersin the United States.

Call and examine the above at thePACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Lt'd..

FORT STREET.1377 2776--q

mis marker.

lhe Girniey,Block 29 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, H, 14,15, 16really a very good style. Thetemperature in the box belowthe ice is always very low andthe meats and vegetables are

if rh'h thin riiflprsm tl.OVC

ciated ; a lovely grove of algeroba treescovers the entire grounds, streets 80 feetin width are laid out, and 6 inch pipesare being laid to conduct water from a10-in- ch artesian well which is pro-nounced by McCandless Bros, to flowthe sweetest water of all the wells theyhave bored on this island. The RailwayCo. have constructed two reservoirs witha storage capacity of over two milliongallons, and built a flume extending 3)miles into Waiawa Valley, wiich inyears of ordinary rainfall a ill supply anabundance of pure water for a largepopulation ; to guard again&t suchdroughts as we have experienced duringthe present year, the Company have or-

dered a Blake Pump with a capacity of450,000 gallons per day, which will bereplaced by one or more of larger capa-city when needed. This pump now duefrom the manufacturers will be placed atonce at the artesian well from whichwater will be forced into the reservoirs,when not supplied from the mountains.

A block containing an area oi fiveacres has been reserved for a Hotel, andanother beautiful lot of the same area isalso reserved for a Public Park, whichthe Company propose to make one of themost delightful and attractive resorts tobe found anywhere.

This place has all the charms of Wai-kik- i,

with the addition of an inland seaseven miles long and four miles wide,affording boating and yachting facilitiessecond to none in the world.

Pearl City is situated about half-wa- y

between the extreme eastern and west-ern points of Pearl Harbor. The makaiend of Pearl City Peninsula points tothe entrance of the harbor,and is destinedsome day (not so remote as some peoplemay think) to be the great commercialemporium of the Pacific. The PearlCity Branch of the Company's line ex-tends down the centre of the Peninsulawithin say 1,000 feet of the shore oneither side.

Btiuction and circulation,in everv respect, 86 mmypn

as cold as you want to have who nave sudbihuicu uitmers can testify'.

them. Butter kept in one o

l, 21, 22.Block 29 Lot 17.Block 35 Lots 3, 4, 5.Block 35 Lots 8, 9, 12, 13.

Block 35 Lots 16, 17.Block 35 Lots 18, 19.

Block 36 Lots 1, 2.Block 36 Lots 5, 6, 9, 10.

Block 40 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9.Block 40 Lots 21. 20, 16, 15, 14, 13.

Block 41 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10. 11, 12.

Block 41 Lots 17, 18, 19, 20.Block 42 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8.Block 42 Lots 13, 14, 17, 18,21, 22.

The EDDY Refrigerators and Ice Chests, of which we carry aline, UtSan Francisco Chronicle of September

Tha WCTfTP Ttfr.TTXTT A TXT TOW PDfl AT S nf VD1CQ fsold hundreds, are generally known and appreciated, We have an MB0rtm

l : i : J iU Tl,aoo are th Jf

23, and we find no allusion to thematter in any other paper. It soundsvery much as though it emanated from

these refrigerators keeps hardas longas you have ice in thebox. We have other stylerefrigerators and ice boxes

uauu iiuui a large iiivuich juisi receiveu iruui mo im;ivij . - - ipatterns. J

3"We keep reliable goods and sell at reasonable prices. Jthe pen of Moreno, who at stated periodspublishes scraps tending to create a belief that we are on the verge of a revolu galore ; you can get anythingBlock 43 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16

17, 18.tion, for which there is no foundation in you want in that line if youBlock 44 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21fact. No doubt there is a growing desire 22, 23, 24. come to us.

Honolulu is enjoyingamong the natives to have all public offi-

cers elected by popular vote, in the hopethat as they control a majority of thevotes they could elect all the government

building boon notwithstandJ"as. .3J Morgan.2886-t- d AUCTIONEER.


Is the Most Wonderful Medical Discovery

Modern Times.

CXJRMS BACKACHEILLUSTRATED BOSTONofficers, or at least secure a majority. If

ever the day arrives when cabinet mining Mr. McKinley's efforts toput down the interests of theQuarterly Meeting.isters and supreme court judges are islands. You can't buildThe Hawaiianelected by the people and made subser

--A. N X)fTlHE REGULAR QUARTERLY MEET-- Intending nurnhaRPrH are invient to the popular will, that day thedoom of Hawaii will be sealed. The CAMERA CLUB vited bv the O. R. & L. Co. t.n rail nf mv KIJ31STEY TEOTJBL

houses without lumber. Wedon't sell it. You can't putthe lumber together without

ing of the U. Urewer & Company. L'd.,will be held at, the Company's office onQueen street, on FRIDAY, the 9th inst.,election by the people of a ruler king,

WILL GIVE AN --o-queen or president, is a different thingT : i t ininrA the HBalltttE. F. BISHOP,

2883--1 w Secretary C. B. & Co., L'd.altogether. Illustrated lecture nails. We sell 'em. Y01nor the most delicate woman, but will cure pain in the back and

can't hang your doors or yourON THEFOREIGN NEWS. . incuuuu oi urine, aiaDeies, mnammauon oi iue uiauuc. r nerTOomfdeposit in urine, leucorrhoea. painful or suppressed menstruation,and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated etate of me

Meeting Notice.

fllHE ANNUAL MKKTTKO flTOPITCity of Boston ! shutters without hinges. We

can accommodote you, andBy the barkentine S. G. Wilder fromJ-- holders of the Wailuku Sugar Co.,San Francisco, foreign papers have been AT THE

Y. M. C. HALL,Many mistake the pains arising from defective action o u

rheumatism, and in attempting to cure the latter by outward appjentirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do not offer tneNRY 'rRA oo a ana;;,. f v.m o fior Knt or Bntifified that man w

office for free tickets and maps of PearlCity.

The Company will bind themselvesin the deed to carry purchasers, theirfamilies and servants for a term of nineyears from date of purchase at centsper mile first-clas- s, and 1 cent per milesecond-clas- s. Those who build on theirlots within 12 months from date of pur-chase will thereby secure a reductionfrom the above rate, for the whole time,of say 20 per cent., making the fare eachway 15 cents first-clas- s and 10 centssecond class.

Thi3 rare spot of earth is quite limitedin area, and those who would secure alot valuable now but destined in the nearfuture to be worth many times its pres-ent value, will be wise to improve theirpresent opportunity.

received to the 23d September. wui ue iiem at tne omce oi u. Brewer sCo., on MONDAY, October 12, 1891, at 10

when you've hung them you'lwant bolts and' locks and al

ONThe most important item is the death

by suicide of ex-Presid- Balmaceda,who appears to have been under the

o CIOCK A. M. j. u. WHITE,Secretary Wailuku Sugar Co.

2879 1394-2- W that sort of thing. We have called rheumatism would yield to its remedial virtues. ... gThe leaf is put up in air tight tin caddies which preserve ci


properties and the decoction is made by the person using it, tnus w .Saturday Evening, - October 10thprotection of the Minister of the Argen an elegant assortment in iron,tine Republic at Santiago, the Chilean Notice to Stockholders. buiuuj parity. nrinarfor;

Thorn ara fVirkiioanrla affHMml rrrWTi Aiaaaapa nf the kidneys or un"'v rerAT 8 O', and was not conveyed to Peru brass or bronze, and a fewby Admiral Urown, as before reported.He left a letter to his friend (the Min mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF RTOfilt

who suffer in silence rather than make known their troubles, fj1 gtette5by the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not agi hJtMease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice fl

ttoftpn fail tn crot Tai;af nlipflted and aeCBlc I

in nickel. May be you'll wanta chain bolt for your front

holders of the Paukaa Sugar Co. willbe held at the ofiBceof CBrewerAfn..

ister), dated September 19th, the day onwhich he took his own life. He says "Imust find a solution of the situation in L'd., in this city, on October 27, 1891, at 10which I am placed, and I ought not to o ciock a.m. JKJUA. AUDI IN,

2879-l- m President.organs affected.

It Has no Equal!prolong any further the asylum which ineventful moments you have so generously given me." The ex-Presid- does PALM! ft RICHARDSONnot refer to past events, but confineshimself mainly to the prospect beforehim, which impels him to the step he BENSON, SMITH & CO., 113 & 115 Wj

The proposed Lecture was written underthe auspices of the Boston Camera Club,and will be illustrated bv 104 MAGICLANTERN VIEWS, from slides preparedby that club, in the highest style of theart.

Lecture and Illustrations deal with thecity and vicinity of Boston, from the timeof its founding two centuries since to theyear 1890, and graphically describe all thatwas and is of most beauty or prominencein that classic locality. They will afford toformer residents of that city a pleasant op-portunity to revisit familiar scenes, and tothe stranger, will give a pleasing and ac-curate idea of what Boston was and reallyis.

This Lecture with Illustrations, afterhaving being delivered in the chief cities ofthe United States, is now on its wavaround the world. It goes hence to NewZealand, Australia, india, China andJapan.


1381 2651-- q

door an elegant thing to keepout intruders. When you'veprovided yourself with allthese articles "come in againand get your paints, oils andvarnishes.

We told you once about theVictor Flour Sifter and per-haps you bought one. If youare not prejudiced against newfangled ideas you'll get apatent sifter.


EGANStyles of Architecture:

TERMS:ONE-FOUPiT- H CASH!One-fourt- h i Year,

One-four- th z Years,One-four- th 3 Years,

Secured by Mortgage, Interest at 7 Per cent.

Per Annum, Payable Semi-annual- ly.

gXT Company will furnish Deedsand Mortgage free of charge.

XT" Stamping, Recording and Ac-knowledging at expense of purchaser.

Mu Eastlake, Queen Anne.Renaissance, Gothic, Italian,Classic and Norman, 100 Fort St., : Brewer Bio


was then about to take. He says : "Theexasperation of my enemies rendersthem liable, should my residence befound out, to go to extremities, which Ishall avoid by the greatest sacrifice acourageous man can make." ihad decided, of my own volition, to placemyself in the hands of the Junta deGobierno, hoping that the Constitutionand laws would in the end prevail andErotect every one ; but I lost all

justice would be accorded." Seeing the spirit and tendencies of

revolution have become controlling, I donot seek to further prolong my asylum,which I neither can nor ought to do. Iam ready to make the sacrifice. Wouldto God this sacrifice would lessen thepersecutions of my friends by those whothink in this way they can humiliateand wound me more keenly. May GodJiave mercy on the man thrown down bythe blows of misfortune. As I bless youand your virtuous wife, I hope my child-ren will also bless you. Tell Arriettabe is good and stays near my kindred

In Stonex Brick, Iron or Wood

Best Modern Designs in Residences.Doors onen at 7 ;30 ? TArtnrp trilluneap Artistic cottages a Specialty.begin at 8.

FlF Tickets can Va nVfn?ne1 nf f CHOICE PATTERN INDIAbers of the Clnb and at the Drag Stores.2888-4- L given ; also superintendence of ad Street BM

Tn nnA FlrAoa Tinotli nf ooli "HoQitm EveninSFor Kent! at 60 cts. per Yar.Room 3,

officeSpreckela Block.

2367-- q . --tTG.


(Opp. Spreckels Block),


fCiTTT?, A.BLACK yj -m NICELY FURNISHED ROOMat No. 6 Garden Lane.

2886-- 3t

Daily Advertise? 50c pgr leatk Jas. E Morgan,2867-1392-- tf AUCTIONEER.

Colored SarabBIn three Qualities: fl.00. 1.25. $1.50.2843 1389-- q


Page 3: SUB-AGEN- - University of · ft'iage of his speech on 's the House to voice the iiot the reactionaries,


X7 "O V2 C2SRTSDOJNT IliOJSJGerman sjst FRA-isrcisco- ,



WROT IRON and STEEL RIVETED PIPE,The Largest Manufacturers over 250 Miles Made, varying

from 6 inch to 6 feet in diameter.


THE MATHKrfON JOINT is made by enlarging or belling one end ofthe rot iron tube (as shown in the cut), thereby requiring one half the lead

i any other pip joint and one half the chance of leakage.

THE VlVv. is made of any thickness necessary for the desired pressureor head and


Elbows, Tees, Grates, and allSUPPLIED FOR THE SAME.

Qf For tnrther particulars, apply to

JOELTST DYER,2858 Room it, Spreckels Block.


That a good Tooth Brush and a good Hair Brush are

necessary luxuries of the toilet. Yet how often is it the caFe that your

Tooth Brush leaves half the brstles in your mouth, and your Hair

Brush gets limp and flimsy the first time you use them. We have been

promising our customers

Some Good BrushesAnd now we have them, an extra fine

before the Aesortment'is broken.


1 ,,FTEB

rP.- - P'M-75- '.

Ait A.M.

g:45 1:45 4:30t

'''.O- - 9: 2:49 5:35t

''.Hl 3:51 5:45tL011' ' ..r 4:53 6:50t



5:30J ........ 6:07J ....

V"it. 4 A



tl!K! ALS.

Tuesday, Oct. G.

Cbaney, from Kilauea

g Wilder, Griffiths, 12 days

'frincisco- -

n,,AKTUIiES.Tuesday, Oct. C.

for AlauiFreeman,Hall.f G

Aamnndsen, for Maui.

Ki Campbell, tor Kauai..ihineior nnop'-rv-i

CTTeavino to-da- y.

Haglund, for Nawiliwili,jfl'analei, at 4 p in.

fnr Kannakakai.lWBcit5io for Wairuea and Hana--

for Makaweli.

not include coasters.).

-- B!a. Kauiz, can r ramascusebu. Burns, iawiua.

Stone. Cuthell, Glasgow.l lSier yOW, Call r laui-iov- u.

ikteld, Hilgerloh, Liverpool.K' UnKorth RrPTIIPn.

aeit, Robinson, Port Townsend .

3!e, Gill, Melbourne.Lattie Carson, Piltz, Eureka.j wilder, urirams, omi f ran.

iS VESSELS EXrEUXKU.therefrom. Dut.

San Francisco.. Oct 10

nl OHIl r i auuiawu. .vi.t oirrester....!3an r itiuo;. . .uci odine.... Sail r ( iillo). . .UCt 15

toSpreckels.S F(Kah).Oct 12scovery . . .can r rauci&cu..uiL

--ncard '....San Franciscc.Oct 319irreckels..J F (Kah). .Oct 30c San Francisco.. Oct 15lGnfli!h?,Puget bound.. Oct loria Davis. Huston Oct 2os Bearing Sea. ..Oct 3Jjhnsoiu.New lork... Iiov 4

?HTalbot.PortTown'd..Nov 1GIkiiberg-Liverpoo-

l Nov 28fitiLtny... Glasgow rsov 27



?rencisco,perbktS G Wilder,1 Brown, Oeo Kicknell, Frank

5 Cooke, Captain J Duncan and


'ffl, per stmr Likelike. Oct G

Miss R Machado, Mrs Tasaliilii, A Franca. Miss Ld about 40 deck passengers.Si and HaWRM. nir utmr W (1:HooV H Com well, Col Sara

3 K Test.l. .1 Mrnarrnf nnrlpwke.Mr Koch, Ed Norrie,f a Anderson and wife, CLU Howell. Mrs f, Imips (ir.hi.

Moil deck.

H Per btnir Mikahala, Oct G

w4wiftf,aud a few others.


fR!iila leaves this afternooni"e auieaie s route.

JUua leavesI

this. afternoon...

t, ,auuau- - Sne will touchwakai, and will transferhereto Kalawao.5rWaia!eale arrived on Tues- -

Z , --lu 050 nee, 128

fe8 Povery and bark Cey- -kStco el3days out to-da- y

2ti""gard'C.aPt. Schmidt.h.;. 'auu5C0 uu epieniDer wzz,

up from this port in

purser on the

weeK lo workr office

ph-i3,nowdaea-t Hil

plSib. Port she left on

fifui'?- - who took the mis--

UJ IDe Darken-tl- d

I vllmLrovemets?lUe6da''


theliavprUKressinS rapidlv.

i K?U takes lQniber

ri&i-G- . Wilder,rmemnr; ::"l om can

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KC'llw 1 cus- - oarlev,

;lc?r"'.1.Sl ctls. oati!

N ra,ntned Koods.MS '.moderate


' :f Of f t. o.

Slt&" Mrs. K. La-4SCt- V


HS'Cghfl1 maintaining


Our local amateur photographers, asalready announced in these columns andas now advertised, will exhibit in thehall of the Y. M. C. A. on Saturday even-ing next the hundred odd scenes whichillustrate the very interesting lecture onBoston, now on its way to enlighten thepeople of the Antipodes, the Indies andthe Orient. A couple of years ago theBoston Camera Club conceived and actedupon the idea of preparing an historicaland descriptive lecture of their city,which should be fully illustrated bymagic lantern views. Their plan, in thehands of those possessing high literaryability and photographic skill, has re-sulted in a most interesting scheme of atonce entertaining and instructing anaudience. The lecture is read from thestage while the views whi n illustratethe text are thrown upon a screen infront of the assemblage. One of the ob-jects sought in the inception of this planwas to secure an interchange of such lec-tures among the amateur photographicclubs of the Union and of foreign landsThat object is being constantly attained,to the instruction of all concerned, andnow many of the large American citiesand other localities, such as Yosemite,the White mountains, the St. Lawrence,etc., are traveling on screens" through-out the Union and abroad.

The lecture, "Illu.-trate- d Boston,"which will be presented here next Satur-day evening, is different from anythingour community has seen in that line.The pioneer of its kind, "II ustratedBoston' crossed the Atlantic soonafter its birth, and for somemonths delighted and educatedour English cousins. Then it wasreturned to its home, the lecture re-written and improved, and many scenesof interest and beauty added to the list,after which it was sent to the PacificCoast, whence, after repeated and suc-cessful exhibitions there, it was startedon the Hawaiian-Australian-Indian-Ori-en- tal

route, and is now in Honolulu.On May 27th it was exhibited by the

California Camera Club in San Fran-cisco, and the Call and Chronicle of thefollowing day rave illustrated reportsthereof. From" the report in the Callwe cull the following: " The CaliforniaCamera Club scored a signal success atMetropolitan Hall last night, when ittransported about 600 intelligent citizensacross the Continent, and showed themBoston the modern Athens exactly asits narrow streets and historic monu-ments appear in the broad glare of noon-day. The first slides exhibitedwere maps of Boston in 1722 and 1888

The lecturer dwelt tenderlyand patriotically on Faneuil Hall, " thecradle of liberty." Next camethe scene of the Boston massacre; theold State House, from which were an-nounced at different times, two momen-tous events the death of George II. andthe Declaration of Independence. Thencame Washington street, show-ing the portion re-bui- lt in 1872, after thegreat fire, and a number of churchesand literary and scientific institutions.

The patriotic sentiment of theaudience bubbled up when the lecturerinvited inspection of the Washingtonelm the venerable tree under which theGeneral stood when he assumed com-mand of the Revolutionary Array.Scarcely less applause greeted the ap-pearance on the screen of the plain old-fashion- ed

homestead in which JohnAdams and John Quincy Adams wereborn, but when the Concord . Bridgecame the patriots broke out again."

Our club hope, ere many months, tohave a similarly illustrated lecture ofHawaii "on the road."

Executor's Notice.

IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALLNOTICE having claims against the es-

tate of JOHN OWEN DOMIN1S, late ofHonolulu, deceased .to pre-en- t the same tothe undersigned within six months fromthe date of the publication of this notice,or they will b forever barred. And thoseindebted to said estate are requested tomake immediate payment at my office,over the bank of Bishop & Co., Kaahuma-n- n

street. W. F. ALLEN,Executor Will of John O. Dominis.

Honolulu, Oct. 1, 1891. 2895-4- t 2838 lw


stockholders of the Mutual TelephoneCo. will be held on FBI DAY, October 16;h,at 2 o'clock p. M., at the Company's build-ing. CO. BERGEB,

2886-t-d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.

ANNUAL MEETING OFSTOCK-holder- sof the Paia Plantation will be

held at the office of Messrs. Castle &Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October 26,1891, at 10 o'clock a. v.

Per ordr. T. W. HOBRON,2886-t- d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.


rsof the Haiku Sugar Companywill be held at the office of Messrs. Castle& Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October26, 1891, at 11 o'clock A. M.

Per order. J. B. ATHERTON,2886-t- d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.


of the Kohala Sugar Companywill be held at the office of Messrs. Castle& Cooke, Agents, on TUESDAY. October27, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Per order, J. B. ATHERTON,2886-t- d Secretary.


day sold the whole of the store known bythe name of Kwong Sun Chong, at theabove mentioned place to the undersigned.L. Ake will pay his own debts and collecthis own accounts. TONG HOP,

Kamaole, Maui.October 1,1891. 2896-3-w


A CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPunchbowl Hill, commanding-- agrana view oi me uarwr ana uia--

niondHead. Apply toJ. ALFRED MAUUUxN,

2823-t- f Merchant street.

TO. MT!A NEWLY FINSHED COTTAGEat Palama, near King street, andninse to the tramcars. Apply to C.

F. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'s Bank,2884-t- f


Dr. Hammond at Emma Hall to-night. Subject; " Self flatteiies."

The band will give a concert atQueen Emma Hall to morrow even-ing, at 7:30.

A young man is looking for em-ployment as a teamster or otherwiseInquire at this office.

Several communications have beenreceived which will be printed assoon as space permits.

His Excellency the Minister of theInterior was confined to his housethrough illness yesterday.

V. h Allen, executor of the estateof the lato Prince Consort John O.Doininis, has a notice in this issue.

Up to the sailing of the S. G.Wilder from San Francisco, theAustralia was advertised to leave forHonolulu on October 3.

Mr. Arthur Genns and Miss StellaKeneke will be united in marriagethis evening at G:30 o'clock at St.Andrew's Cathedral, the Rev. Alex.Mackintosh officiating.

The barks W. H. Dimond and For-est Queen are supposed to be tendays out from San Francisco, andshould arrive during the week withtwo or three days later news.

The departure of the Hall gener-ally furnishes an opportunity forsome exciting scene or other. Yes-terday a woman fainted on the dock.She became the center, of course, ofa large crowd.

Attention is called to the adver-tisement of O. A. Steven, generalagent, on the first page. His placeof business is corner of Fort andMerchant streets, and he makes aspecialty of real estate, stocks andbonds, insurance, etc.

There-wil- l be the usual missionaryconcert to night at the Central UnionChurch. A paper will be read byMr. A. V. Gear on the "ReligiousCondition of Russia," and by MissWinter on the "Condition of theRussian Jews." Regular quarterlybusiness meeting at the close of themissionary concert.

In the Police Court yesterday two"drunks" were punished as usual.Mike was fined $5 for common nui-sance; Aiona was sentenced to oneyear's imprisonment at hard labor,besides $16 fine and 1.20 costs, forlarceny of S; Kaluna, charged withan assault, was discharged and othercases were remanded,.

To Plead His Own Case.A veiy amusing incident took place in

Court yesterday morning: when Bare-footed Bill was called. He was askedby the Court whether he had any coun-sel ? No. Had he no friends? Yes.Did he expect the Court to appointcounsel when he was able fo provide onefor himself? Well, he had not been per-mitted to o out and see his friends. Atthis point a discussion of some lengthensued, and a lawyer who was impa-tiently waiting for a case to be called,whispered to the interpreter: " Ask himwhether he wants counsel at all." Theprisoner electrified the Court by an-nouncing that he did not want any counselif he 'were permitted to address the juryhimself. The presiding Justice explainedthat he might do so of course. So nowthere will be one exciting day this term,when Barefooted Bill addresses a jury ofhis countrymen, calls upon them to pro-

tect hiui as a Hawaiian and a brother,and is unanimously acquitted on all fiveindictments.

Not Wanted Here.About two years and a half ago a

German by the name of Schneider wasin Honolulu endeavoring to start aGerman Church here. Inquiries abouthim were sent at the time by Germanresidents to Germany, and the informa-tion obtained was not satisfactory. Nowit is stated that he is going to return tothis city. In this connection it may bewell to inform German residents ofHonolulu that the New York Staats-zeitun- g

contains a despatch stating thatSchneider is now in Schenectady, NewYork, collecting funds ostensibly for theMorgenstern Mission of Benin, but inreality for his own poeket, as advicesfrom Berlin state that the man Schneideris not in very good odor in that cityand that there is no " Morgenstern "mission there.

Pearl City Peninsula.Invitations are out for another

luncheon and excursion to the Penin-

sula, to be given by the Oahu Railway& Land Co. on Saturday next, October10th.

It is requested and hoped by the man-agement that all those desirous of avail-ing themselves of the opportunity willpresent their invitations at the store otA. L. Smith, Fort street, on Thursdaynext, between the hours of 10 a. m and2 p.m., and receive tickets for the journey.

By the tickets being called for onThursday, the management will be en-

abled to estimate the number intendingto participate, and provide accordingly.

The Pensacola.The San Francisco Call thus noticed

the departure of this ship : " The United

States steamer Pensacola left for Hono-

lulu vesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock.The "long-expecte- d orders arrived fromWashington on Wednesday night, andher entire crew was bard at work yester-

day forenoon receiving a supply of storesfor the run down to the islands, whereshe will in all probability remain for along time. The probabilities are thatthis will be the last cruise of the oldcraft, as she will no doubt De conueumcuon her return to the United States

Fire Department Nominations.Engine Company No. 4, Honolulu

Fire Department, at a meeting held

yesterday evening at their hall, madethe following nominations for engineersof the Department: Chief, Julius Asche,First Assistant, Jas. H. Hunt; SecondAssistant, D. L. Kalawaia. The elec-

tion takes place on the first Monday inDecember next, and the term of office isfor two years.

99yrapWe have selected two or

Croup, three lines from lettersfreshly received from pa-

rents who have given German Syrupto their children in the emergenciesof Croup. You will credit these,because they come from good, sub-stantial people, happy in findingwhat so many families lack a med-icine containing no evil drug, whichmother can administer with con-fidence to the little ;ones in theirmost critical hours, safe and surethat it will carry them through.

Ed. L. Wiixits. of Mrs. Tas.W. Kirk.Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' my children when Jtiarrodsburg, Ky. Itroubled with Croup have depended uponand never saw any it in attacks of Crouppreparation act like with my little daugh-

ter,it. It is simply mi-raculous.

and find it an in-valuable remedv.

Fully one-ha- lf of our customersare mothers who use Boschee's Ger-man Syrup among their children.A medicine to be successful with thelittle folks must be a; treatment forthe sudden and terrible foes of child-hood, whooping cough, croup, diph-theria and the dangerous inflamma-tions of delicate throats and lungs.


Royal Hawaiian Hotel Co.


THE MANAGEMENT OF THEHotel and Wa'ikiki Villa has

been assumed by Mr. Hamilton Johnsonfrom this date.

Honolulq, October 1. 1891. 2882-l- w

Notice of Election.

AT A MEETING OF THE HAW Allan Agricultural Companv held this

da , the following persons were e ected toomce:Geo. II. Robertson as Treasurer, in place

of P. C. Jones, resigned:Wm. O. Smith as Director, in place of P.

C. Jones, resigned. -J. O. CARTER,

Secretary Hawn. Agricultural.Honolulu, Sept. 30, 1891. 288&1 w

.tTO LE I! !.?


and Keaumoko stfeets,containing 10 rooms, diningroom,kitchen and out houses. Apply

to David Dayton, 91 King street, upstairs.2872-t- f :

Comfortably Furnished Rooms !


No. 8 Union Street, (next to Bell Tower).

Mutual Telephone 394. P. O. Box 475.

28C9-3- m T. A. SIMPSON, Paop.

MILLS AND ROASTERSCOFFEE all kinds of machineryrun at a low cost by uaing the ReganVapor Engine. Jos. Tinker, sole Ag


Commission Agent.Honolulu, : Hawaiian Islands.

Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com-pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

He will attend to any business en-

trusted to him.


Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O. Box 338. 2793-3- m

REGAN VAPOR LAUNCHES, 16feet long, furnished on the-shortes- t

notice. Jos. Tinker, sole Agt.for the Hawaiian Islands.


ft f1 ?resent occupied by the Unionin ce Company, on the Esplanade.

Size of Building, 40x80 feet in theclear. Up and down stairs connected byelevator, For particulars enquire on tnepremises 2878-t- f


THE STORE NOW OCCUPIEDft by the Pacific Hardware Companyin the Mclnerny Block. Posses

sion given about November 1st. This isthe very best business site in the city.

Also, the Cellar under the corner store.Rents moderate.

M. McINERNY,Sept. 30, 1891. 2882 -- lm


THE SHIP STRATHBLANE WILLbe responsible for any debts con-

tracted by the crew without the writtenauthority of J. CUTHELL,

2863--3 w Captain.

Assignee's Notice.

MARIANNO MONIZ OF HONOMU,made an assignment

of his property to the undersigned for thebenefit of his creditors, all persons claim-ing against him are hereby requested topresent their claims to me at my officewithin sixty days; and all persons in-debted to him must make immediate pay-ment to M. M. Lendinha at Honorau, orto me. -- M. A. GON8ALVES.

Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1891. .2880-2- w

Matheson Patent Lock Joint.



I - i

f --lit i r 'nmws:

!! ig;!in M?i N

aifliii imm. a

si i imm iI 111! I

B Bell end Pipe.C C Body PipeDD Lead Space.showing point Lock J oint.E Lead Snae

Royal Hawaiian Opera House

L. J. Levey - Lcesee.Prof.AUG.SciIMIDT - Musical Director.George Allen - Stage Manager.


Honolulu Zither and Musical Club

With kind Assistance of the

ROYAL HAWAIIAN BAND (String Orchestra)

For the Benefit of Prof. Aug. Schmidt,

Friday Evening, Oct. 9th, at 8 P. M.

Box Plan now open at the Office ofL. J. Levey.

Programme:1. Overture Semiramede Rossini

Royal Hawaiian Band.2. Medley..Arranged by Prof.Aug. Schmidt

Zithers: Prof. Au?. Schmidt. Mr. Wolff,Mr. Wolters; Bow Zither: Mr. Urau;Violin: Mr. C. Widemann; Guitars:Hon. A. Marques, George Allen.

3. Fantasie II Trovatore VerdiZithers: Prof. Aug. Schmidt, Mr. Wolff ;

Violin: Mr. C. Widemann; Piano:Mr. H. Widemann. .

4. Zither Solo Poet and Peasant. . .SuppeProf. Aug. Schmidt.

5. Concert Polka Queen of HeartsTwo Zithers: Prof. Aug. Schmidt,

Mr.WohT.6. Song Trumpeter of Sackingen

Hon. Paul Isenberg.7. Dream of Roses

Bow Zither : Prof. Aug. Schmidt ; Piano :

Mr. H. Widemann.8. Waltz Danube Waves Ivanovici

Royal Hawaiian Band.9. Song Farewell Marguerite

Mr. W. H. Hoogs.10. Fantasie Schmerz Vergessen

von UmlaufZithers: Prof. Aug. Schmidt, Mr. Wolff;

Violin: Mr. C. Widemann ; (Guitar:Hon. A. Marques.

11. Fantasie In Quiet Evening Hours. .- . .Arranged by Prof. Aug. Schmidt

Bow Zither: Prof. Aug. eichmidt; Zither:Mr. Wolff; Violin: Mr. C. Wide-mann; Guitars: Hon. A. Marques,Mr. George Allen.

12. Song Like no a LikeHon. Paul Isenberg.

13. Zither Solo Belles and HarpesProf. Aug. Schmidt.

14. Fantasier--I love you still. . Arranged by Prof. Aug. Schmidt

Bow Zither: Prof. Aug. Schmidt ; Zithers:Mr. Wolff, Mr. Wolters; Violin: Mr.C. Widemann; Guitars: Hon. A.Marques and Mr. George Allen.

15. March King John SachsRoyal Hawaiian Band.

. 2884-3t-s,w- ,f

Furnished Rooms and Board

COOL, AIRY ROOMS AND FAMILYto be had at Ka Palama, King

street, within 15 minutes' walk of town.Address " R," Advertiser office. 2843-t- f


Ladd is no longer connect-ed with the Crystal Soda Works, and thatJohn Grace will continue the businessunder the name of the Crystal SodaWorks as heretofore. 283G-l- w




BUTTEJrtNew Pack Just Received !

Quality Unsurpassed!23--0 UR NEW CATCH EASTERN

MACKERELShould be on every Hawaiian table. Ready

for delivery October 1st.

S. FOSTER & CO., Sole Agents,26 and 2S California St., San Francisco.

. 2680 1360-- y


A FIRST-CLAS- S JAPANESE COOKhotel or family just from San Fran-

cisco, and his wife, desire a positio-- i ascook and servant for general house work,or will work as cook alone. Address " A.T.," care Love's Uakery; telephones:Mutual 241, Bell 252. 2833-- 6t


jock Joint Pipe!


lot. Better call and supply yourself

a Honolulu, H. I.-q

lb EilisoD Itinieofflpli!



tus invented for manifolding auto-graphic and typewriting.

No practice whatever is required toproduce excellent work.

The writing can be done with thesame facility and ease as though pencilor pen were used on common paper and '

in the same flowing or flourishing style.At least 3000 copies can be made from

one writing at the rate of 600 an hour.Music, sketching, mechanical draw-

ings, maps, and in fact anything thatcan be done with a lead pencil can beproduced by the Mimeographio pro-cess.

Its range or scope of work is practi-cally unlimited. Copying in colors isdone to perfection in addition to thevariety of work mentioned above.

OTCall and see the machine inoperation.

T. W. HOBRON, Agent,For the Hawaiian Islands,

2824--y 66 Fort St.. Honolulu.

Landlord's Sale! -

BY ORDER OF J. T. WATERHOUSE,will sell at public auction at my

Salesroom, Queen street, ON WEDNES-DAY, Ootober 21, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon,the following Goods, distrained for non-payment of rent, from the residence ofMrs. Sinclair:

1 Parlor Sofa,4 Parlor Chairs,1 Lounge,1 Bent Pine Cane Seat Chair,1 Step Ladder,4 Bedsteads,2 Mattresses.1 Single Bed (wood),1 Single Bed (iron),2 Arm Chairs,1 Rocker,3 Cane Seat Chairs,1 Whatnot,1 Small Table,1 Bedroom Set (3 pieces),1 Wash Stand,1 Picture, . .

1 Looking Glass, -

1 Shelf Bracket,1 Table,2 Large Shells,1 Hall Lamp,2 Stand Lamps,1 Pair Vases,1 Flower Pot, v ......3 Toilet Sets as is.

Jas. E. Morgan, '-- '

2883-t- d AUCTIONEER.


Planters' Labor k Supply Company.

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THELabor and Supply Company

will be held in Honolulu, MONDAY.October 26, 1891, at 10 A. m., in the Roomsof the Chamber of Commerce.

Per Order Board of Trustees. 5 :A 'r: WILLIAM O. SMITH,

. - Secretary..Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1891. , ,

- Z377--8t 13S0t

109 Fort Street2651

Algeroba Fire Wood!

HAVING ON HAUD A LARGEWood from Pearl City, and

wishing to clear the said land of same, wehereby offer, for the term of 30 days, todeliver within the City limits, Fire Woodat the rate of $9 per cord, Cash.



Assurance CompanyFOUNDED 1808.


Capital, Q 6,000,000Assets, $ 9,000.000

Having been appointed Agents of thaabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.1361 2684--q

VAPOR ENGINE STARTSREGAN without even a match.

Pacific Transfer Co.

TF YOU WANT A WAGON OR A1 Furniture or Piano Drav. don't thinktwice, but ring up PACIFIC TRANSFERCO., which you will find always on hand,and to your advantage.



T. C. McGuiek, Manager.2863-l- m

Rice Straw For Sale.


2875-l- m 22 Nuuanu Street.

Fashionable Dressmaking.

liriSS BURROW, 15 EMMA STREET.1U- - First-clas- s Cutting and Fitting. AlsoDy tne oay or week. Prices moderate.

2S40-lm- tf

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOIjjij j street, at present occupied by Mr.

J. A. Kennedy, containing doubleparlors. 4 bedrooms, dressinrand

bath room a, dining room, pantry andkitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout; servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building. Vacanton August 14th. R. 1. LILLIE,

2822-t- f with Theo. H. Davies & Co.

JOS. TINKER, NUTJANH STREET,sole agent in these Islands for the

Began Vapor Engine.


fflkVS- - levators.

2834-t- f


Page 4: SUB-AGEN- - University of · ft'iage of his speech on 's the House to voice the iiot the reactionaries,



(Dciural 2HDcrttscincnts. The Rain-Makin- g Project and j

Its Inventor. -- ;".

Washington, Sept. 14. The real j

inventor of the rain-produci- ng pro- -j

cess has been discovered in the per-- 1Baldwin Locomotives !

l PIANOS !JOHN NOTT, nPIANO f Ison of General Daniel Haggles,- - ofFredricksburg, Va., to whom a pat


The undersigned having been appointedCL1. 1 A- .- il TT Tl 1 Naiitia

ent, was issued auoui ten yearoagu.He served in the Mexican war, andat the breaking out of the civil warcast his fortunes with the South,the result being that be came outof the army impoverished andbroken in health. He is now oyer80 years old, and .for a number of


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ienix.,

winters- - he has been endeavoringto enlist aid from Congress to makethe very experiments that havebeen made and are to be continued

Coast of Califs,.South Pacific Oeeai,Western Pacific OceanCoast Of (Wnn

and.-- Muu ncouver'Junder the supervision of General

Dyrenforth. Ho finally securedthe assistance nf Senator Farwell.

Just Arrived per Woosung, 135 days from Bremen, three of those Fine

W KSTERMA YER'S PIANOS,Celebrated for their sweet tone and durability in this climate. Also on hand,

two Fine

JParlor Organs ICornish & Co., Washington, N. J., Makers. For Sale at

E. HQFFSCHLAEGER & CO.'S,2G51 1309-- q Corner of King and Bethel Streets.

For Bargains of Superior Goods

B. IT. Enlers & Co.99 FORT STREET.

All our Goods Greatly Reduced in order to make room for New

Importations to Arrive.

D9"Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be tilled at the samelow prices.

an .Bias. " ranan4'who offered an amendment to thegeneral Appropriation bill whereby

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

quarts ofaui and Sa?" Haii, o,aiu,uuu was set apart ior ino pro-

posed experiments. It was stipu- -The Baldwin Locomotive Works are

Wiarta of HarborPearl Itiver.

of Hono!Qitt

Norie's and Thorn' vlatea in ine amendment, nowever,that the experiments should beconducted under the auspices of theDepartment of Agriculture. It isunderstood that a syndicate of

now manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which havfi rpppntlv hom

Bowditch;;;zsrigatioaLog Books.American Nantioal um

received at these Islands, and we will

Steel and Iron Kanges, Stoves and Fixtures,HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AND KITCHEN UTENSILS,


White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.


STAlso, all artid ,n U"CHANDLERY LINK

nave pleasure in urnisning PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout the

Washington capitalists, satisheclthat the invention has proved asuccess, have offered General Rug-gle- s

75,000 for his patent, theiridea being to sell it' either to thegeneral Government or to the sev-eral States. It has been ascertainedthat seventeen of the forty fourStates of the Union, particularlythose in the far West, are subjectto severe droughts, and they wouldprobably be willing to pay liber-ally for the use of the invention.

iFor Sale bvumiea states. Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. Clark.2G51-- q


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

WM. G.IRWIN & CO.,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

2651-- q

H. S. TREULOAN & SON,Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.," What 1 you say that Mr. Smith,

m nfft V t r 4-- linn rnrn 1 . ? I ,1 I

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Here's a pretty how d ye d0. rTOt a bill on the man which is mario MEECH ANT TAILOKS! bosbhsoiJIt G. Irwin $ Company, out 4 payable at sight V "

Sanso : I want to buy one ofDIMOND BLOCK, 95 aHd 97 KING STREET.1356-2651-- q

Ot high ti . wmlawly , ,

u r Eale for

those unbreakable lamp chimneysyou have advertised." Cierk :

"I'm very sorry, sir, but wo acci-dentally got our whole stocksmashed this afternoon."



Xiime and Cement,

Dealers in Gent's Fine Furnishing-- Goods.2741-3m- q



S.OO per CaJ


Compounds and RoofingIlinei E. 0. HALL & SO


Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. Cor. FORT & KING STREETS.

THIS SPACE IS KESERVEDFor the Announcement of


Lemonade, Soda, Cream Sofia,



"Wool Dust,Bone IVIeal,


VIOHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC.Fert tTie Popular Millinery House, 104 ETC., ETC., ETC.,ALSO

BUCK Ac OTTTj A.NDT'8 ring s wan, iifJust Arrived pav AustraliaHigh Grade Chemical Cane Manure. flavti on Hand and For XN.- - s.;sachs Absolutely Pure ! Kefreshing ! Delicious ! Fresh every month from the Coast--AT-

2651-- qthe very best quality of


Oocksloot, Bye Grass and Clovers.



Of all kinds, at the very lowest priceTELEPHONES :

"Mutual 360. 2749-- a m--Ti ornMclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2709-3m- qFairbank Canning Oo.'s CornedDelivered promptly to any pan

of the city.


CALL AT THE CITY MEATandsee the Regan Vapor En-

gine at work. It is a' little wonder. GEO. W. LINCOLN, Warehouse. Leleo Mutual TelepholHe Honolulu Soap Works

Boef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


NOTICE.121 : T5ell Tolnnhone 129. I

RTTTT .TTr O -r--m- . Office with C. TGulick-B- ell Te

w VVJJN X JtLVC r I ) phone 348; Mutual Telephone mI lore 9CM--

til kinSrS BtiMin "Ki PlaS3- -Specifications for, and Construct all

MM manner Stone, Iron or Wood, in a Batisfactory


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.




Contractor and BuilderUrlok, Stone and Woodon Uniidms

Estimates Given.

Jobbing promptly Atteucied 4,76 KING STREET.

The undersigned have just completedtheir NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS,and are prepared to supply the trade a

Pure Laundry Soap!this date we will not be Iron and Locomotive Workresponsible for any

Corner of Beal and UowarJ Streeto-- 'b"ii t1iti oaixic liasbeen landed. Parties tnnhnm fnioht .consigned must be at the landing to receive

faction.,pioyin comPetent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis-- w.f- -J KS SJi S. 1 (01IVOVJPut up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO:

Honoluln. Sept. 5. 1890. H2-- q--Etna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. TjV. 1WKOfficer .neatness and dispatch.of 42 and 50 Bars each . IUNION Bell Telephobe No. a.

2850-- q Gr. W. LINCOLN,We guarantee our Soap to be pure,-- 1 1.1. il XI x. "I Iniiiaiico Company of SBuildersBell Telephone 275.u uiwu ueiwr in tue imporiea. iMpol-q- J 75 and 77 Kin


TINSMITH & PLUMBERComer of Klnj and AIake BU,

In all Us branch.'afCF:Each box is stamped "Soap Co.," and is flteamboat, Steamship. Land InBijV"




UNION IRON WORKS CO. Il"u'" " "xiiK" JFor Sale by aU Ketailers. BTEAM VESSELS cf all kinds bnii wn

with nulla ot wooa, iron or vu"r"" JORDINARY ENGINES compounded w


Honolulu, H. I.TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261

residence, Mutual, 236.

Manager.Superintendent.Contractor and Builder.HONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO., ctpi?a T irrvPTirH. Barseii and Steam

Btructedwith reference to than"


w82 King Street,


Has on Hand For Sale

Departure Bay Coal,

Nanaimo OoaJ,

"Estimates furnished on all classes IL W. 1they are to be era rloyea. epeeu jdraft of water guaranteed. tiwif


made aftoirtho most 1u iriumDing ana Tinsmithing work. First



ESTIMATES GIVEN ONall kinds of Brick, Iron,Stone and Wooden Build-ings. All kinds of Jobbing

Engineers and Iron Founders,Office and ' .Works, - . Esplanade, Honolulu,


- " '-- aux uiawnu guaran-teed In all the above branches of my busi-nes-sat reasonable rates. 79q

2778-3- m

WATER riPE, of Boiler ox "'wetttjBize, made . I?J ffiMffiflltended to. Keens fnrKl. Knot iv. tocfiiner. or oaooiu ik"ir abfor Bhlpment. ready to taLUT erent' V,on btone 1 xPe and Sittings, oldIN GrOODS tLOTTUg&tedon-- Linton Tiles. ground. a.W IfQ W

ot7r.TT7T in niVF.TIXG. Boile' 0:..Ai fcJ

Bis la acknowledscJthe leading: remedy forCtonorrhcea A Gleet.The only sate remedy forJuencorrhcea orWhites.I rtresrrfho it an A fool

California and Mnntorov KonH n-- : Pipes mafie by this csUbllsnenyA Fine Assortment. urbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc.

Office and Vnrrl fVr TT i i rr BnAiuu6 aim lull 11DtS. Umce Hours 8 tn!2i w 1 in A w work beinc far superior --- .01, lJSHIP TOM, Ship and !Staag

KHwifbj safeinreconmendingUi TheA)(S ChemicuCo. to all sufferers.

Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,Canr'rJU5CeJankS' C00,er8' MlaS2es Tanks' Cars,

Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,Wro8ht and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,

. . .Water Wheels and Gearing, Rar Iron, Etc.

Telenhones T5oil Rrt n(.,i jit d.--'We ha?e just received per S. S. Australia,A firm ctalatiAn rf Vont rirr4 a dence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117..DECATUR. IU comprising, oneSold ! UruuitlmtA.

after the mosi aFPr c-- "7 tb lsnnSOLE Agents and "'"ftS' JCowt of thf HeJne Safety

2832--q Newcastle Coal,M PS1C fil.00. elegantHand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set. city works' pwpof". Jto 6ti!iJust HeceivedHollistib & Co., Wholesale AgentaT

Bxjxsoir, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents1365 2711-- q

Davy vaive uwi "- -r


A few of Chose fine hand-embroider- ed pump..0OB


Delivered in anypari of the town.Per Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number ofSIXjK and SATIN SCREENS, JOHN DYKU

EBONY FRAMES, No.S.upStaIrs.SfrK",t!Helton Water Wheel. Boom26515.PianosAasorted colors and patterns of Crepe WW Pianos !

ouz. Dnawis. xaegani xete-- a te cupsand Saucers. A fine lot of1) TH0MS LINDSAY

.SP-Bo- th Telephones 187. -r2S52-3mt- f

NOTICE TO SHIPPERS.From the Celebrated Factory ofV 1X rC MAGNETIC Manila Cigars and CherootsTRUSS. I'D! IManufacturC. BECHSTEIN, LONDON and BERLIN 3,100 in a Box.

Scarf Pins in great variety,Lily Bulbs.

1 1 sSt aC1. the assnrance iagiven that w arenffarinir RA St.H. E. M'lNTYRE & BRO., , Thomas Block, KMTrass In t lie World.

vThis Celebrated Appli- - i7Now ready for inspection, for saleA few of those handy Mosauito Urns. illinMniB IV.AnATf4n.iva .rpHE PATRONS OF THE OAHU

- Kailway & Land Go. are hereby notifiedthat hereafter no freight will be carried onPassenger Trains.4 1 i1by ...111 IVaxsu, mi assortment oi new styles oi '

T,...-io-r Attention F-- 4J-t

i ' lilFOIJTJElUJ AND nwTo.oRattan Chairs and. Tables II. HACKFELD & CO., kinds cf Repairingiaeetrie Truss (the only successful octtTr inreztsd); bas no Iron Hoops or SteelSBrlllM lhnni t anil haiiiAlil a rr ka

Freight Trains Leave Honolulu Daily(Sundays Excepted) at 10 o'clock A. ar.

No frpipllf. Will Via rartivra1 n f V, II&UJiJ!?111 selection of JAPANESE INTERSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.13 PiaCCall early and examine this fin 2712-- q

Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST U JUR PORT AND KING STHBETS.

frith saae and comfort Klsbt and Day. It's a pervvtreiktlntsr I DC-- farther particulars o

send 4c. ia stamps for Pamphlet No. amHFn PF? that Dr.Pierce's Genuine Electrt1 1 fc i Jtli i0 L II Trasses contain our Private Slyaaiasf. exactly lilce that shown at top of thisa4SVMjATnjnana Ravim of infarinv imitjLtinna

lain Freight Depot between the hours of9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.The Honolulu Freight Office will be opendaily fSundars ort

Bssuxuneni oi ixew UOOdS.

ESTIMONIAL5? FROM PEOPLEWING WO CHAN & CO. T on these islands who are usinu thii.v n.f of any uv..:for.?evc Good received bvMAGNETIC E

rf vwva a a vm Ai 1Up. m. with the above exception.OAHU RAILWAY. & LAND CO.,

yj G Ashley, Supt.Honolulu, Sept. 8, 1891. 2363-l- m

MeNo. M Nuuanu Street.wvmi oil I a Regan Vapor Engine can be seen uponapplication to Jos. Tinker, eole Agent. call on the practical

MEYER only. 1 (

- 2651 IBox387.r--1