Study guide – canada test

Study Guide – Canada TEST 1) How does location and climate affect where people live in Canada? 2) How does Canada’s location affect trade? 3) What are the major environmental concerns of Canada? 4) Who discovered Canada and colonized for the British? 5) Who set up a settlement for the French? 6) What was the influence of the French and English on the language and religion of Canada? 7) How did Canada become an independent nation? 8) Explain the Quebec Independence movement and what separatists were. 9) What type and system of government `does Canada have?

Transcript of Study guide – canada test

  • 1. Study Guide Canada TEST1) How does location and climate affect where people live in Canada?2) How does Canadas location affect trade?3) What are the major environmental concerns of Canada?4) Who discovered Canada and colonized for the British?5) Who set up a settlement for the French?6) What was the influence of the French and English on the language and religion of Canada?7) How did Canada become an independent nation?8) Explain the Quebec Independence movement and what separatists were.9) What type and system of government `does Canada have?10) What kind of economic system does Canada have?