Student Work Study (SWST). What is SWS? A Ministry of Education inquiry based project that looks at...

Student Work Study (SWST)

Transcript of Student Work Study (SWST). What is SWS? A Ministry of Education inquiry based project that looks at...

  • Slide 1

Student Work Study (SWST) Slide 2 What is SWS? A Ministry of Education inquiry based project that looks at how students approach learning A Ministry of Education inquiry based project that looks at how students approach learning The ultimate goal is to increase the number of students who can work confidently and independently to produce work at and above the provincial standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics The ultimate goal is to increase the number of students who can work confidently and independently to produce work at and above the provincial standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Slide 3 SWS and Student How do they work together? Slide 4 SWST /Student Learning about students: Audio/video Observation Effective Questions Slide 5 SWS and Classroom Teacher How do they work together? Slide 6 SWST/Classroom Teacher Curious Curious Co-learners Co-learners Sharing observations Sharing observations Co-reflect Co-reflect Co-plan Co-plan Slide 7 What is the SWS initiative across the province telling us? Slide 8 Rich Instructional Tasks Assessment for Learning Scaffolding Guided Practice Accountable Talk Successful Instructional Strategies Slide 9 And thats not all . Slide 10 It is about: Process Inquiry Collaboration It is NOT about WHAT they learned Slide 11 We must be confident that if we ask children what they need they will tell us Eleanor Newman Slide 12 Questions? More Information?