Student Teaching Abroad. About Me Namaste! My name is Lukas Gohl, SCSU Class of ’14 and Secondary...

Student Teaching Abroad

Transcript of Student Teaching Abroad. About Me Namaste! My name is Lukas Gohl, SCSU Class of ’14 and Secondary...

Student Teaching Abroad

About Me

Namaste! My name is Lukas Gohl, SCSU Class of ’14 and Secondary English Teacher at Oberoi International School in Mumbai (Bombay), India.

My Story

Last year, I was in your same shoes— a candidate teacher who was excited (and terrified) to finally start doing what I’d been preparing for at SCSU. After all those years studying, however, I knew I was ready for a change. I wanted adventure. I wanted a challenge. I wanted to travel the world and learn things I couldn’t in a classroom or even within the United States.

In the Spring of 2014, out of 176 teaching candidates at SCSU, I was one of two who student taught abroad. I think that’s a missed opportunity, and I’m here to tell you why.

1. It’s a life-changing


2. International experience sets you apart in the job


3. Scholarships Are Available

Education Department

Content Area Departments

Study Abroad Office

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

4. It could lead you to a great career abroad working with

amazing kids!

Photo Credits

Slide 1: Courtesy of St. Cloud State University. Slide 4: Courtesy of Evelyn Marolf and Meghan Brautigam.

Slide 5: Courtesy of

Slide 6: Courtesy of the Gilman Foundation.