Student Growth vs. Student Achievement: Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning...

Student Growth vs. Student Achievement: Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning can help March 16, 2011

Transcript of Student Growth vs. Student Achievement: Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning...

Page 1: Student Growth vs. Student Achievement: Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning can help March 16, 2011.

Student Growth vs.

Student Achievement:

Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning can

help March 16, 2011

Page 2: Student Growth vs. Student Achievement: Why we need to measure both and how Assessment FOR Learning can help March 16, 2011.

Growth Models• Parents of students ranging from the

gifted to those with special needs want to know if their child is learning and growing.

• Teachers long to celebrate not just a standardized test score, but how much individual children have progressed in their classroom.

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Growth Models• Expecting every child to learn and grow

is a foundation of our Noble Profession, it resonates with common sense.

• Like every meaningful, significant, and life-changing school experience, it begins with an effective teacher with a heart for children

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Student Growth vs.

Student Achievement What’s the Difference?!

• DVD courtesy of a non-profit based in Ohio


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Our Core BusinessTeaching & Learning

Our FocusContinuous Improvement

Our CommitmentEvery Child • Every Day

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The Traditional Pyramid

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A World View

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AFL: Formative Assessment; Descriptive Feedback; Second

Chances; Flexible Grouping; High Student Engagement

What• SOLs

• SOL Blueprints

• Curriculum Guides

• Best Practices

How• Hire the Best

(student-centered teachers)

• Equip Them

• Support Them

• Empower Them

• Continually Add Tools to their Toolbox

How Well• Extremely Well

• Every Child; Every Day

• Evidenced by:

• External Measures (including test scores)

• Teacher’s Gradebook

• Successful Students

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What about the SOLs?!• The SOLs represent the minimum• A teacher cannot be just the purveyor

of facts and figures, we will not succeed…at least not with the ones who need us the most!

• We must aim for the heart

• We need to be a nation of thinkers and doers not just test takers!

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ESEAThe Elementary and

Secondary Education Act

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When ESEA (NCLB) is reauthorized what will it look like and

what will it mean for us?

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When ESEA (NCLB) is reauthorized:• The name will change• 100% proficiency (everyone passing every

test) will be replaced with 100% College and Career Ready

• Highly Qualified will be replaced with “Highly Effective” (as measured by student growth)

• “AYP” will go away in name, but reporting by subgroups (Ethnicity, SWD, SES, LEP, etc.) will remain

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Where No Child Left Behind doesn’t work today

…first, moving away from this focus on AYP, and focusing on growth and gains. I think this is a much fairer, much more thoughtful way to evaluate progress…

Secretary Arne DuncanJanuary 27, 2011

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Bill Gates: Council of Chief State School Officers

November 19, 2010

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Republicans, Democrats, and Bill Gates agree that…

1. Highly effective teachers help students learn

2. Student growth should be a measure of teacher effectiveness

3. Compensations systems should reflect #’s 1 and 2

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The Virginia DOE has complied with ARRA Mandates

Virginia’s Reaction to ARRA Mandates

Establish a Measure of Student Growth (The SGP)

Adopt a Model Teacher Evaluation withstudent growth as a “significant factor”

Provide Guidelines for Creating aComprehensive Pay System

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The “Salem Way” is to take parts of things we like and

build better solutions for our students and staff

This will not be as “neat and tidy” or nearly as fast as the DOE approach because we desire a high level of

participation in design and individualization in implementation

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Three Inextricably Linked Future Realities for Public Education

Student Growth / Value-Added Analysis

Professional Evaluation withStudent Growth as a “Significant Factor”

Strategic Compensation

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Assessment FOR Learning

Teacher as “Provider of Sit-N-Get”

vs.Teacher as

“Designer of Opportunity”

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Application in The Classroom

• The Classroom is where “the magic” happens

• Change this big can’t be successful without a corresponding change in The Classroom

• To make the appropriate policy changes we must understand how they relate to The Classroom

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Comparing Terminology

Classroom TermsPolicy Terms

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment





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Summative v. FormativeAssessment

Summative Assessment:

Assessing students for the purpose of determining student achievement.

Ex: SOL test

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Summative v. FormativeAssessment

Formative Assessment:

Assessing students for the purpose of increasing student learning

aka: Assessment FOR Learning

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Assessment FOR Learning


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Assessment FOR Learning


…is a planned process in which assessment-elicited evidence of students’ status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust their current learning tactics.

- W. James Popham

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What does it look like in the classroom? Frankly, everything students do has potential value as formative

assessment. Assessments may range from: • oral responses to written responses• physical performances to inactivity• completing practice worksheets to engaging in peer conferences• taking conventional quizzes to creating graphic representations of a concept• computing math problems on personal dry-erase boards to indicating the level of understanding with a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down

It takes myriad forms in the classroom and is as unique to individual teachers as are instructional styles.

Training and Technical Assistance Center at The College of William and Mary

Assessment FOR Learning

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Assessment FOR Learning

It’s about how the results of the assessments will be used – not what the assessments are.

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AFL v. Summative

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Assessment FOR LearningA teacher’s daily reflection:

• Did I leave class today with the assessment data/info I need to know for sure how well my students - as a group and/or individually - understood the lesson I just taught them? 

• Did my students leave class today with the assessment data/info they need to know for sure how well they understood the lesson I taught them?

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The Heart of AFL• Frequent (daily) assessments for

the purpose of helping students learn – as opposed to Assessment FOR Grading only

• Teacher using feedback to guide instruction – that day as well as in the future

• Students using feedback to guide their own learning – that day as well as in the future

• Grading systems that allow for assessments to be used as practice – to help learning

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Experiential knowledge:

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Experiential knowledge:

•After lecturing for a week, your teacher gave you a test and then moved on to the next topic.

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Experiential knowledge:

•After lecturing for a week, your teacher gave you a test and then moved on to the next topic.

•You had a big test scheduled for the following day but you were not positive what information you needed to know for it.

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Experiential knowledge:

•Your teacher gave you a study guide that consisted of two columns worth of information and definitions, and as you studied you ended up having to relearn the majority of the material.

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Experiential knowledge:

•Your teacher gave you a study guide that consisted of two columns worth of information and definitions, and as you studied you ended up having to relearn the majority of the material.

•You earned an A on the large unit test but received a B on your report card because you did not do as well on the class work and quizzes that led to the test.

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On the other hand:

•Your teacher lectured for a week and assessed you daily to make sure you understood the content.

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On the other hand:

•Your teacher lectured for a week and assessed you daily to make sure you understood the content.

•You had a big test scheduled for the following day and knew exactly what you needed to know for it because you had already been assessed many times on the same material.

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On the other hand:

•Your teacher taught your class how to use feedback from assessments to create personalized study guides that only included the information you had not yet mastered completely.

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On the other hand:

•Your teacher taught your class how to use feedback from assessments to create personalized study guides that only included the information you had not yet mastered completely.

•You earned an “A” on a large unit test and received an “A” on your report card. While you had not done as well on the class work and quizzes that led up to the test, those assessments were not averaged into your grade but instead were used by you to guide your learning.

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Assessment FOR Learning

It’s time to move away from a summative/achievement-only world and enter a world of AFL/growth.

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