Struct 2 - Ass - 1

EVEN SEMESTER, TERM-WORK 2015 Assignment - 1 B-Arch, First Year, Semester: II Name of student: _________________________________________ Roll no : _____________________ Faculty Advisor:- Akash Krupesh Chauhan 2015 BMC Architecture, BMEF, SURAT. GTU, Gujarat


Struct 2 - Ass - 1

Transcript of Struct 2 - Ass - 1


    Assignment - 1

    B-Arch, First Year, Semester: II

    Name of student: _________________________________________ Roll no : _____________________

    Faculty Advisor:-

    Akash Krupesh Chauhan


    BMC Architecture, BMEF, SURAT.

    GTU, Gujarat

  • Q.1 Define following A. Stress B. Strain C. Normal stress D. Tangential stress E. Modulus of Elasticity F. Hook's Law G. Poisson's ratio H. Point of Contra-flexure I. Shear Force J. Bending Moment K. Statically determinate Beam L. Conditions & Equations of Equilibrium

    Q.2 Analyze the Cantilever beam shown in Figure below and Draw shear force and Bending Moment Diagram

    Q.3 Analyze the Simply supported beam shown in Figure below and Draw shear force and Bending Moment Diagram

    Q.4 Analyze the Simply supported beam shown in Figure below and

    Draw shear force and Bending Moment Diagram

  • Q.5 Determine the forces in the member of the plane truss loaded as shown in below figure below.

    Q.6 Analyze the truss loaded as shown in figure below. Find member


    Q.7 Determine the truss as shown in figure below. Find out the forces

    in all member.

    Q.8 Differentiate between Truss and Frame

    Q.9 Explain the determine and indeterminate truss

    Q.10 Write down assumption made in theory of Plane truss

    Submission Date : 1 April - 2015