Strategy Note Mozambique WASH Programme

Strategy Note Mozambique WASH Programme 2017-2020 1. Introduction Mozambique has made steady but inadequate progress to achieve MDG targets. Despite advances in institutional and policy frameworks backed by significant external donor support, it still remains that only half of Mozambicans have access to improved water supply and only 1 in 5 use improved sanitation facilities. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is a priority area under the Social and Human Capital Development pillar of the Government Five-Year Plan (PQG 2015-2019). By 2019, the country intends to increase drinking water coverage to 75% (rural) and 90% (urban). For sanitation, the coverage targets, over the same time period, are 50% (rural) and 80% (urban). In addition, Mozambique is committed to eliminating open defecation by 2025 and achieving universal access to adequate and sustainable sanitation and hygiene services by 2030, including effective services for the management of wastewater and faecal sludge 1 . Given the current low coverages, achieving these ambitious goals will require considerable efforts in capacity building, greater sector investments and effective collaboration between the Government of Mozambique (GoM), Mozambican citizens, and development partners. UNICEFs WASH programme will support the national priorities set out in the Governments Five Year Plan, which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including SDG 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all . UNICEF will work in partnership with the government to ensure vulnerable groups have access to safe water supply and sanitation infrastructure in rural, small towns and peri- urban areas. UNICEFs work on water, sanitation and hygiene will contribute to its overall mandate to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Interventions on WASH will make significant contributions to reducing preventable child deaths, reducing under-nutrition, helping girls and boys to fulfil their right to education and to reduce the burden on women and girls of fetching water. UNICEFs WASH pƌogƌaŵŵe ǁill ǁoƌk ĐloselLJ ǁith the MiŶistƌLJ of PuďliĐ Woƌks, HousiŶg aŶd Wateƌ ResouƌĐe ;MOPHRHͿ aŶd its NatioŶal Wateƌ SupplLJ aŶd SaŶitatioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌate ;DNAASͿ. The DNAAS is ƌespoŶsiďle, at ĐeŶtƌal leǀel, foƌ oǀeƌsight, poliĐLJ aŶd stƌategLJ deǀelopŵeŶt foƌ ƌuƌal, peƌi -uƌďaŶ aŶd uƌďaŶ ǁateƌ supplLJ aŶd saŶitatioŶ. IŶ peƌi -uƌďaŶ aŶd sŵall toǁŶs, UNICEF ǁill ǁoƌk ǁith the AdŵiŶistƌatioŶ foƌ Wateƌ SupplLJ aŶd SaŶitatioŶ IŶfƌastƌuĐtuƌe ;AIASͿ aŶd the Wateƌ RegulatoƌLJ CouŶĐil ;CRAͿ. Otheƌ goǀeƌŶŵeŶtal paƌtŶeƌs ǁill iŶĐlude the MiŶistƌLJ of Health ;MISAUͿ; MiŶistƌLJ of EduĐatioŶ aŶd HuŵaŶ DeǀelopŵeŶt ;MINDEHͿ; MiŶistƌLJ of FiŶaŶĐe; aŶd the MiŶistƌLJ of State AdŵiŶistƌatioŶ. At pƌoǀiŶĐial leǀel, UNICEF ǁill ǁoƌk ǁith the PƌoǀiŶĐial DiƌeĐtoƌates of PuďliĐ Woƌks, HousiŶg aŶd Wateƌ ResouƌĐe ;DPOPHRHsͿ; aŶd ǁith distƌiĐt aŶd ŵuŶiĐipal goǀeƌŶŵeŶts at loĐal leǀel. Otheƌ keLJ paƌtŶeƌs iŶĐlude UŶited NatioŶs ageŶĐies suĐh as UN-Haďitat aŶd the Woƌld Health OƌgaŶizatioŶ ;WHOͿ; ŵultilateƌal paƌtŶeƌs suĐh as the AfƌiĐaŶ DeǀelopŵeŶt BaŶk ;ADBͿ, Woƌld BaŶk ;WBͿ, Wateƌ aŶd SaŶitatioŶ Pƌogƌaŵ ;WSPͿ, aŶd the IslaŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt BaŶk ;IDBͿ; ďilateƌal doŶoƌs aŶd paƌtŶeƌs iŶĐludiŶg The NetheƌlaŶds, Sǁiss AgeŶĐLJ foƌ DeǀelopŵeŶt aŶd CoopeƌatioŶ ;SDCͿ, EuƌopeaŶ UŶioŶ, UK DepaƌtŵeŶt of IŶteƌŶatioŶal DeǀelopŵeŶt ;DFIDͿ, DFAT/CaŶada, IĐelaŶdiĐ IŶteƌŶatioŶal DeǀelopŵeŶt CoopeƌatioŶ ;ICEIDAͿ, KoƌeaŶ IŶteƌŶatioŶal CoopeƌatioŶ AgeŶĐLJ ;KOICAͿ, AustƌiaŶ CoopeƌatioŶ, aŶd JapaŶ IŶteƌŶatioŶal CoopeƌatioŶ AgeŶĐLJ ;JICAͿ, aŵoŶg otheƌs. UNICEF WASH ǁill ǁoƌk also ǁith iŶteƌŶatioŶal ŶoŶ - goǀeƌŶŵeŶtal oƌgaŶizatioŶs ;INGOsͿ suĐh as WateƌAid, Woƌld VisioŶ, SNV, WASTE, Helǀetas, OXFAM, COSACA, aŶd otheƌ WASH Clusteƌ paƌtŶeƌs; ŶatioŶal ŶoŶ- goǀeƌŶŵeŶtal oƌgaŶizatioŶs ;NGOsͿ, aĐadeŵiĐ/tƌaiŶiŶg iŶstitutioŶs, aŶd ĐoŵŵuŶitLJ ďased oƌgaŶizatioŶs ;CBOsͿ. The WASH pƌogƌaŵŵe ǁill also ǁoƌk ĐloselLJ ǁith the pƌiǀate seĐtoƌ, iŶĐludiŶg fiŶaŶĐiŶg iŶstitutioŶs, sŵall aŶd ŵediuŵ eŶteƌpƌises, ĐoŶtƌaĐtoƌs aŶd ĐoŶsultaŶts. 1 National Sanitation Conference Declaration -2014; and AfricaSan IV Declaration - 2015

Transcript of Strategy Note Mozambique WASH Programme

  • Strategy Note

    Mozambique WASH Programme 2017-2020

    1. Introduction

    Mozambique has made steady but inadequate progress to achieve MDG targets. Despite advances in institutional

    and policy frameworks backed by significant external donor support, it still remains that only half of Mozambicans

    have access to improved water supply and only 1 in 5 use improved sanitation facilities.

    Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is a priority area under the Social and Human Capital Development pillar of

    the Government Five-Year Plan (PQG 2015-2019). By 2019, the country intends to increase drinking water

    coverage to 75% (rural) and 90% (urban). For sanitation, the coverage targets, over the same time period, are 50%

    (rural) and 80% (urban). In addition, Mozambique is committed to eliminating open defecation by 2025 and

    achieving universal access to adequate and sustainable sanitation and hygiene services by 2030, including effective

    services for the management of wastewater and faecal sludge1.

    Given the current low coverages, achieving these ambitious goals will require considerable efforts in capacity

    building, greater sector investments and effective collaboration between the Government of Mozambique (GoM),

    Mozambican citizens, and development partners.

    UNICEF s WASH programme will support the national priorities set out in the Government s Five Year Plan, which

    are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including SDG 6 Ensure availability and sustainable

    management of water and sanitation for all . UNICEF will work in partnership with the government to ensure

    vulnerable groups have access to safe water supply and sanitation infrastructure in rural, small towns and peri-

    urban areas. UNICEF s work on water, sanitation and hygiene will contribute to its overall mandate to advocate

    for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach

    their full potential. Interventions on WASH will make significant contributions to reducing preventable child

    deaths, reducing under-nutrition, helping girls and boys to fulfil their right to education and to reduce the burden

    on women and girls of fetching water.

    UNICEF s WASH p og a e ill o k losel ith the Mi ist of Pu li Wo ks, Housi g a d Wate Resou e MOPHRH a d its Natio al Wate Suppl a d Sa itatio Di e to ate DNAAS . The DNAAS is espo si le, at e t al le el, fo o e sight, poli a d st ateg de elop e t fo u al, pe i -u a a d u a ate suppl a d sa itatio . I pe i-u a a d s all to s, UNICEF ill o k ith the Ad i ist atio fo

    Wate Suppl a d Sa itatio I f ast u tu e AIAS a d the Wate Regulato Cou il CRA . Othe go e e tal pa t e s ill i lude the Mi ist of Health MISAU ; Mi ist of Edu atio a d Hu a De elop e t MINDEH ; Mi ist of Fi a e; a d the Mi ist of State Ad i ist atio . At p o i ial le el, UNICEF ill o k ith the P o i ial Di e to ates of Pu li Wo ks, Housi g a d Wate Resou e DPOPHRHs ; a d ith dist i t a d u i ipal go e e ts at lo al le el.

    Othe ke pa t e s i lude U ited Natio s age ies su h as UN-Ha itat a d the Wo ld Health O ga izatio WHO ; ultilate al pa t e s su h as the Af i a De elop e t Ba k ADB , Wo ld Ba k WB , Wate a d

    Sa itatio P og a WSP , a d the Isla i De elop e t Ba k IDB ; ilate al do o s a d pa t e s i ludi g The Nethe la ds, S iss Age fo De elop e t a d Coope atio SDC , Eu opea U io , UK Depa t e t of I te atio al De elop e t DFID , DFAT/Ca ada, I ela di I te atio al De elop e t Coope atio ICEIDA , Ko ea I te atio al Coope atio Age KOICA , Aust ia Coope atio , a d Japa I te atio al

    Coope atio Age JICA , a o g othe s. UNICEF WASH ill o k also ith i te atio al o -go e e tal o ga izatio s INGOs su h as Wate Aid, Wo ld Visio , SNV, WASTE, Hel etas, OXFAM, COSACA, a d othe WASH Cluste pa t e s; atio al o - go e e tal o ga izatio s NGOs , a ade i /t ai i g i stitutio s, a d o u it ased o ga izatio s CBOs . The WASH p og a e ill also o k losel ith the p i ate se to , i ludi g fi a i g i stitutio s, s all a d ediu e te p ises, o t a to s a d o sulta ts.

    1National Sanitation Conference Declaration -2014; and AfricaSan IV Declaration - 2015

  • 2

    2. Situation of water and sanitation access in Mozambique

    The hu a ights to ate a d sa itatio a e at the o e of the UNICEF a date fo hild e . WASH is fu da e tal to i p o e e ts i health, ut itio , edu atio , ge de e ualit a d sustai a le e o o i g o th. UN Resolutio / , adopted i Jul , fo all e og ized the ight to ate a d sa itatio , a k o ledgi g that lea d i ki g ate a d sa itatio a e esse tial to the ealizatio of all hu a ights.

    I Moza i ue, the e a e oto ious a d la ge i e uities i ate a d sa itatio se i es et ee people ho li e i u al a d u a a eas. Natio all , the p opo tio of people ithout a ess to i p o ed ate

    sou es de li ed f o % i to % i 2, ith g eat dispa ities et ee those ithout o e age i u al a d i u a a eas, esti ated at % a d % espe ti el . I the u al a eas, o e i fi e use su fa e ate as thei p i a d i ki g ate sou e3.

    A su sta tial % of the populatio do ot ha e o use i p o ed sa itatio fa ilities, % i u al a eas a d % i u a a d pe i-u a a eas. Moza i ue has highe ope defe atio ates, %, tha a othe ou t i su -Saha a Af i a.

    While household a ess to ate a d sa itatio is aptu ed i atio al su e s, the atio al o e age of WASH i s hools a d at health fa ilities e ai s u k o . Neithe is o ito ed the edu atio o health se to s.

    St o g e ide e suggests that u al a eas a e the ost affe ted the la k of asi WASH se i es. Ho e e , e e the ode atel positi e u a WASH i di ato s ask se ious se i e gaps fo the poo i fast-g o i g ities a d to s he e la k of s ste ati ai te a e, lo i est e t a d u lea i stitutio al a dates ha e ha pe ed se i e deli e . Geog aphi all , WASH o e age a d se i es ge e all t e d to e eake i No the p o i es, Figu e .

    Figure 1. % Households with

    improved water & sanitation

    access, by province

    The f e ue a d i pa t of atu al disaste s a e ei g

    e a e ated lo g-te li ate ha ge, putti g illio s

    of Moza i a s at isk of li elihood losses a d i eases i ul e a ilit 4. Cli ate ha ge is alte i g h d ologi patte s esulti g i i eased f e ue

    of d oughts a d floods. Adapti g to these e isks ill halle ge the WASH se to to i p o e i f ast u tu es a d se i es fo g eate esilie e.

    While Moza i ue is ot o side ed a ate -st essed ou t , the a aila ilit a d ualit of its f esh ate esou es, oth su fa e a d g ou d ate , a e i easi gl at isk f o ha gi g li ati o ditio s a d

    i eased de a d. With % of Moza i ue s populatio li i g elo the po e t li e5 su h sho ks ha e

    2WHO-UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme, 2015 report.

    3 The 2011 DHS data for water and sanitation in rural areas are similar to the results of the baseline survey of the National Programme for Rural Water Supply and

    Sanitation (PRONASAR), conducted in the same year (MOPH, 2012a). This found a slightly higher proportion of the rural population using improved water sources

    for drinking (45%) and slightly less with improved sanitation (12%) 4 Annual report UNICEF Mozambique, 2014.

    5Household Budget Survey, 2008/2009

    0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    Cabo Delgado










    Maputo City




    Improved sanitation (%) Improved Water (%)

  • 3

    d a ati o se ue es o the li elihood a d health of the affe ted populatio due to al ead li ited WASH se i es, a d i ease the eal of ate - o e diseases out eaks su h as dia hoea a d hole a. Fo e a ple, i , hole a ases a d deaths e e egiste ed i dist i ts of si p o i es.

    You g hild e a e ost at isk f o poo WASH o ditio s. Although Moza i ue has see p og ess i the edu tio of u de -fi e o talit , to pe thousa d li e i ths, dia hoeal diseases e ai a o gst o e of leadi g auses of death a o g hild e . Additio all , st o g e ide e i di ates that WASH is a esse tial i te e tio to edu e u de ut itio , ith % of hild e u de -fi e ei g se e el o

    ode atel stu ted i Moza i ue6. Wo e a d gi ls a e also pa ti ula l affe ted poo a ess to ate a d sa itatio , ith egati e i pa ts o thei health, se u it , ell ei g, edu atio , a d o t i utes

    to the loss of dig it a d the th eat of se ual assault due to the la k of toilets, oth i ti es of e e ge a d sta ilit 7. Also, hild e ith disa ilities a e de ied a ess to a s hool edu atio he a essi le WASH fa ilities a e u a aila le o i ade uate.

    Although the e o o has g o at a ate of % pe ea fuelled the e t a ti e i dust ies oo eg. oal, gas , the go e e t s sha e of WASH se to i est e ts is still o l a out %, aki g the se to

    highl depe de t o e te al fu di g. Mo eo e , o e all i est e t i the se to has ee i suffi ie t to add ess the eed, u elia le a d poo l ta geted. Se to i est e ts flo disp opo tio atel to eeti g the eeds of the ai ities, lea i g u al o u ities a d s all to s u de se ed.

    G eate effo ts a d i est e ts a e e ui ed to a hie e u i e sal a ess as e isio ed i SDG . Populatio g o th a d apid u a izatio ill halle ge the e pa sio of WASH se i es i the fo esee futu e. The u a populatio of Moza i ue a ea h % . Cities a d thei poo l se ed pe i -u a a eas a e ag ets fo u al ig a ts. Also, g o i g u al to s up to , i ha ita ts ep ese t oughl % of the total u a populatio a d ill e ui e u h g eate i est e ts to e o e health

    li i g spa es fo hild e .

    3. Theory of change

    This se tio p o ides details of the theo of ha ge de eloped fo the WASH p og a e o po e t.

    The p oposed WASH out o e fo the Moza i ue Cou t P og a e - is: B , People i ta geted u al, s all to s, a d pe i-u a a eas use sustai a le a d safe d i ki g ate se i es, ade uate sa itatio a d i p o ed hygie e p a ti es .

    I o de to a hie e this a itious out o e, se e al ottle e ks eed to e add essed, i ludi g:

    I suffi ie t se to leade ship a d oo di atio at the atio al le el

    The la k of ke se to poli ies, i ludi g fo u al sa itatio

    I suffi ie t i est e t fo u al a eas a d s all to s

    Weak i stitutio al apa ities at su - atio al a d lo al le els fo pla i g, o ito i g, udgeti g a d se i e deli e , i ludi g fo hu a ita ia assista e

    The lack of sustainable systems to maintain WASH services in rural areas and small towns

    St ategi fo us i the Cou t P og a e - ill e o apa it de elop e t of atio al, su -atio al a d lo al go e e t i stitutio s to eate a e a li g e i o e t fo o e age a d s ale up of ate a d sa itatio i te e tio s.

    E uall i po ta t ill e le e agi g of fu di g f o atio al sou es a d do o s due to the ig gap i the fu di g eeds to eet the ta gets p oposed i the Go e e t s st ategi Fi e-Yea Pla PQG

    6 State of the Wo ld s Child e Repo t, UNICEF

    7 UNICEF Global Wash strategy 2016-203 - Draft for Comments, 2015.

  • 4

    The p og a e ill o k at the atio al le el, to i flue e poli a d e ide e- ased pla i g a d udgeti g, ith a o u e t foot o the g ou d ith othe UNICEF s p og a es i Za ézia a d

    Na pula p o i es – the ost populous o es ith o siste tl poo pe fo a e agai st hild i di ato s.

    WASH ill uild st o ge li kages pa ti ula l ith the Health a d Nut itio , Edu atio a d CAPP p og a es. Fu the o e, as e ide e i di ates that ate , sa itatio a d h gie e o stitute esse tial i te e tio s to edu e al ut itio , WASH ill e a ti el i ol ed i the Natio al Multi-se to al Pla of A tio fo the Redu tio of Ch o i Mal ut itio PAMDRC i Za ezia a d Na pula p o i es. The WASH p og a e ill o k alo g ith the ut itio out o e to de elop epli a le, sustai a le o u it - ased eha iou ha ge odels i the t o p o i es, ai i g to s ale up at atio al le el.

    The follo i g fou outputs eed to e a hie ed to attai the p oposed out o e:

    The apa it of the Go e e t at atio al a d de e t alized le el has ee i p o ed i poli de elop e t, pla i g, o ito i g, oo di atio , p og a e i ple e tatio , fi a ial esou e le e agi g a d udgeti g. fo e uita le a d sustai a le a ess to WASH se i es at s ale

    Co u ities i ta get u al a d pe i-u a a eas, s all to s, s hools a d health e t es, ha e a ess to sustai a le ate se i es a d s ala le se i e deli e odels.

    Co u ities i ta get u al a d pe i-u a a eas, s all to s, s hools a d health e t es, a hie e ope defe atio f ee ODF status, ith i eased a ess to ade uate sa itatio se i es, i p o ed h gie e p a ti es, the appli atio of s ala le app oa hes a d a ess to alte ati e fi a i g

    e ha is s.

    The go e e t has i eased apa it to lead a d oo di ate Hu a ita ia WASH pa t e ships to eet the eeds of the i pa ted populatio s.

    Output 1

    By 2020, the capacity of the Government at national and decentralized level has been improved in policy

    development, planning, monitoring, coordination, programme implementation, financial resource leveraging

    and budgeting. for equitable and sustainable access to WASH services at scale

    The follo i g st ategies a e p oposed to a hie e this output.

    E ide e ge e atio a d e ide e ased poli dialogue to esta lish a solid fou datio fo e pa di g WASH se i es at s ale. UNICEF ill uild o the e pe ie e gai ed f o the do st ea i ple e tatio

    o k to uild e ide e ased poli ies a d pla s. A u al sa itatio poli eeds to e de eloped that ill guide the p epa atio a d i ple e tatio of sa itatio pla s a d le e age i est e ts at atio al, su -

    atio al a d lo al le els. UNICEF ill the suppo t the i ple e tatio of the e sa itatio poli th ough the eatio of a s ala le a tio pla that o tai s iti al o po e ts at the atio al, p o i ial, dist i t a d o u it le els. Due to o ple i stitutio al a a ge e ts i WASH a d eak i te se tio al olla o atio , effo ts ill also e ade to a hie e a o e o ust oo di atio a d i fo atio sha i g ultu e. I additio , UNICEF ill o ti ue to suppo t the Sa itatio a d Wate fo All pa t e ship as a ea s to d i e a ou ta ilit fo esults o the g ou d.

    Ad o a fo , a d the de elop e t of, i o ati e fi a i g e ha is s that le e age esou es f o GoM, do o s, a d the p i ate se to to suppo t the s ale up of sustai a le WASH se i es. Cu e t fu di g allo atio s fo the se to a e g ossl i suffi ie t to ea h the go e e t defi ed se to goals. Assess e ts a d pote tial i ple e tatio of e fu di g e ha is s a e e essa to allo fo as si e s ali g of e isti g, p o e sustai a le i te e tio s. I o de to a hie e this, UNICEF ill o k losel ith

    e a d e isti g pa t e s, i ludi g i te atio al fi a e i stitutio s, go e e t i ist ies, i ludi g the i ist of fi a e, a d the p i ate se to , oth atio al a d i te atio al. Pote tial e ha is s ould

    i lude the esta lish e t of a le ded o d + ilate al g a ts atio al WASH fu di g fa ilit . UNICEF ill also ad o ate fo ette fi a ial i fo atio a age e t ith t a spa e t e pe ditu e t a ki g a d

    ta geti g to e su e p ope a age e t a d g eate e uit WASH se i es.

  • 5

    Capa it de elop e t of se to i stitutio s to pla , a age, i ple e t, o ito a d deli e WASH se i es. Capa it eeds assess e t ith fo us at su atio al le els, ill e u de take leadi g to de elop e t a d i ple e tatio of apa it de elop e t pla s. Based o the e pe ie es gai ed i o goi g field o k, UNICEF ill suppo t a th ee-fold app oa h as follo s: ad o a ith the GoM fo the e uit e t of ualified te h i ia s pa ti ula l at su - atio al a d lo al le els; suppo t the de elop e t

    a d i ple e tatio of t ai i g pa kages ith a ade i a d t ai i g i stitutio s; a d st e gthe the delegated a age e t f a e o k fo ate a d sa itatio p o isio i s all to s a d pe i-u a a eas. This o k ill i lude the st e gthe i g of the se to atio al o ito i g s ste SINAS , a d the i lusio of WASH i di ato s i the Edu atio a d Health o ito i g s ste s. UNICEF ill ad o ate a d p o ide suppo t to i stitutio alize sustai a ilit o ito i g he ks a d e ha ed data a al sis fo e ide e ased pla i g a d e uita le esou e allo atio s fo deli e of WASH se i es.

    With the a o e e tio ed suppo t, the Natio al Ru al Wate Suppl a d Sa itatio P og a e PRONASAR 8 should e o e a flagship p og a e ith a d a i leade ship, a o it e t to

    de e t alized i ple e tatio a d a fo us o the sustai a ilit of WASH se i es. Rega di g pe i -u a a d s all to s WASH, ate s ste e te sio s ill ea h g eate u e s of poo eside ts a d a hie e i p o ed ope atio al effi ie ies e.g. edu i g o - e e ue ate , i p o i g ta iff olle tio s i o de to eet e u e t ost e o e a d i p o e sustai a ilit . These effo ts il l e losel li ked ith i o ati e fi a i g e ha is s that el o a p og essi e poli e i o e t a d a elia le Delegated Ma age e t F a e o k DMF 9 i o de to att a t i est e t.

    Fo us o the spe ifi WASH elated eeds of o e a d gi ls. As o e a d gi ls a e affe ted disp opo tio all poo a ess to ate a d sa itatio a d, i the o te t of Moza i ue, the a e o e likel tha e to e poo , illite ate a d e luded f o de isio aki g p o esses, UNICEF ill ai to add ess thei spe ifi eeds. This i ludes e su i g o e a e i luded i the de isio aki g p o ess fo pla i g a d o e seei g ope atio s a d a age e t of WASH se i es.

    Mai esults that ill e attai ed i this output i lude:

    Result Whe it ill e attai ed

    Mai pa t e s

    Natio al st ateg to eli i ate ope defe atio ag eed a d i ple e ted

    I te se to al sa itatio g oup DNAAS, MISAU, MINEDH, MEF,

    MAEFP , se to pa t e s

    Natio al sta da ds fo WASH i s hools a aila le a d i ple e ted fo s ali g up

    MINEDH/DIPLAC, DNAAS, DPOPHRHs, se to pa t e s

    Natio al sustai a ilit o ito i g s ste adopted a d i ple e ted i t o p o i es

    DNAAS, DPOPHRHs, dist i t go e e ts, se to pa t e s

    Capa it de elop e t pa kage at atio al, su - atio al a d lo al le els de eloped a d i ple e ted

    DNAAS, AIAS, CRA, DPOPHRHs, se to pa t e s

    8 To achieve its rural WASH goals, the GoM established the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (PRONASAR) under the DNAAS, which includes a

    Common Fund financing modality, currently with four contributing partners (SDC, DFID, UNICEF and Austria). DNAAS has responsibility for management and

    implementation of PRONASAR.

    9 The GoM s Delegated Ma age e t F a e o k fo u a ate suppl se i es is ased o a pu li -private partnership, whereby assets are owned by the

    government, and their operation are managed by the private sector under a concession, lease or management contract. FIPAG (Fundo de Investimento e Património do Abastecimento de Água) and AIAS are the investment and asset management institutions for urban/peri-urban WASH. The regulatory institution is CRA. The DMF centralizes responsibility for asset management and the award of contracts for operations; it foresees the eventual decentralization of these responsibilities to


  • 6

    Output 2

    Communities in target rural and peri-urban areas, small towns, schools and health centres, have access to

    sustainable water services and scalable service delivery models.

    E po e o u ities to de a d fo ate suppl se i es a d ake i fo ed de isio s. Co u ities a e at the hea t of WASH se i e. Thei i ol e e t a d u de sta di g of the sele tio , a age e t a d

    o ito i g of WASH se i es is iti al to gua a tee sustai a le a ess. Co u it o s defi e use eha iou s a d a e iti al fo sustai a ilit . Co u ities eed to u de sta d the se i es a e ot f ee ut should e p o ided at a affo da le ost. Clea a ou ta ilit e ha is s of se i e p o ide s a d

    lo al autho ities ill o t i ute to i p o ed a d sustai a le se i e deli e .

    A ke assu ptio is that ith i p o ed ualit of se i e, o e households ill e illi g to pa fo the se i es, the e i easi g e e ue fo ate o ittees o p i ate se i e p o ide s. Ho e e , this assu ptio a e o st ai ed the fa t that so e households ight e illi g to pa ut do ot ha e the ea s o esou es to do it. This i gs to the fo e the i po ta e of p o -poo se i e p o isio , to e a le the e poo to affo d the se i es. I o ati e fi a i g e ha is s ill e e plo ed, i ludi g lifeli e ta iff st u tu es a d o t a tual o ligatio s fo p i ate ope ato s to e pa d the ate dist i utio

    et o ks a d i ease the u e of e efi ia ies.

    Suppo t the p io itizatio of WASH i i stitutio s, spe ifi all at s hools a d health a e fa ilities. As pa t of the SDG age da of u i e sal a ess, as ell as i suppo t of SDG ta gets elati g to health a d edu atio , UNICEF ill le e age its e pe ie e a d leade ship to p o ote lose olla o atio et ee

    i ist ies to de elop app op iate sta da ds fo WASH i i stitutio s. Fo used effo ts ill e i ested to i teg ate WASH i di ato s i to u e t Edu atio a d Health i fo atio s ste s. This o k ill i lude ad o a a ou d the s ste atizatio of h gie e p o otio espe iall ha d ashi g ith s hool hild e a d health o ke s as ell as the de elop e t of e ha is s that suppo t sustai a le use a d

    ai te a e of WASH fa ilities i i stitutio s.

    Mai esults that ill e attai ed i this output i lude:

    Result Whe it ill e attai ed

    Mai pa t e s

    , e use s ith i p o ed d i ki g ate sou es DNAAS, AIAS, CRA, DPOPHRHs, u i ipalities a d dist i t

    go e e ts

    s hools ith o st u ted o eha ilitated ate suppl fa ilities

    DNAAS, DIPLAC, DPOPHRH a d DPE, dist i t go e e ts

    health e t es ith o st u ted o eha ilitated ate suppl fa ilities

    DNAAS, MISAU, DPOPHRH a d DPS of Za ezia a d Na pula

    Wate suppl pla s i ple e ted i all ta geted o u ities

    DNAAS, DPOPHRH, u i ipalities, dist i t

    go e e ts, MISAU

    Output 3

    Communities in target rural and peri-urban areas, small towns, schools and health centres, achieve open

    defecation free (ODF) status, with increased access to adequate sanitation services, improved hygiene

    practices, the application of scalable approaches and access to alternative financing mechanisms.

    Sti ulate o u it de a d fo safe sa itatio . UNICEF ill p o ote a d suppo t the p i iples of o u it app oa hes to total sa itatio CATS . CATS ai s to a hie e ope defe atio f ee ODF o u ities th ough the eatio of e so ial o s a ou d lat i e use. Th ough the appli atio of e

    se to sa itatio poli ies, CATS app oa hes ill e olled out at the atio al le el. Coupled ith t he

  • 7

    eatio of e de a d fo i p o ed sa itatio , lo - ost sa itatio a keti g app oa hes ill allo fo fa ilies to o e up the sa itatio ladde to i p o ed, o e du a le sa itatio solutio s.

    A iti al oppo tu it fo a hie i g esults at s ale il l e to e po e dist i t go e e ts to ide tif a aila le hu a a d i stitutio al esou es that a e deplo ed to ta kle sa itatio i a i teg ated

    a e . UNICEF s effo ts ill suppo t the dist i ts to de elop apa ities a o g f o t -li e o ke s a d ke de isio - ake s at a o u it le el. UNICEF ill suppo t lo al go e e ts to o k ith pa t e s a d ke i flue e s i ludi g o u it health o ke s APEs , o u it health o ittees, ate o ittees, ut itio a ti istas, PEC a ti istas, t aditio al leade s, eligious leade s, t aditio al heale s, ad i has, et to sti ulate so ial ha ge. This effo t ill seek to edu e depe de o e te all

    o t a ted NGOs o o sulta fi s, hi h a e o e of the fa to s that a e hi de i g the effo ts to go s ale ith sa itatio i Moza i ue.

    UNICEF ill add ess the halle ges of ai tai i g ODF status. E pe ie es i Moza i ue a d othe ou t ies i Af i a a d Asia, sho that it is ital to ha e sustai ed follo -up a d o ito i g a ti ities to

    p e e t eg essio to o -ODF situatio . The lo g-te eadi ess a d i ol e e t of dist i t a d su -dist i t go e e ts as ell as st u tu ed atio al o u i atio st ategies ill e ke to gua a tee the e ui ed suppo t ea hes u al o u ities.

    Suppo t pa t e s at a p o i ial a d dist i t le el to sti ulate the adoptio of ke h gie e p a ti es. UNICEF ill uild o a ag eed i teg ated se i e deli e platfo to i g togethe ut itio , WASH a d Co u i atio fo De elop e t C D to e pa d positi e e pe ie es fo so ial eha iou ha ge de eloped the WASH se to th ough CATS. This app oa h ill e ou age so ial o ilizatio at a o u it a d household le el to e gage ke i flue e s ithi thei o u it , i o po ati g CATS a d uildi g o the MISAU s Model Fa il . Beha iou ha ge essages ill all e fu the st e gthe ed

    th ough ass- edia a d othe la ge s ale ha els.

    Suppo t the p io itizatio of WASH i i stitutio s, spe ifi all at s hools a d health a e fa ilities. See output .

    Fo us o the spe ifi WASH elated eeds of o e a d gi ls. To suppo t gi ls e ol e t a d ete tio i the edu atio s ste , s hool lat i es ill e ge de sepa ated a d sta da ds ill e esta lished to e su e gi ls a p a ti e safe e st ual h gie e a age e t i s hool setti gs. UNICEF ill also e ui e all i ple e tatio pa t e s to epo t ge de -disagg egated data.

    Mai esults that ill e attai ed i this output i lude:

    Result Whe it ill e attai ed

    Mai pa t e s

    , e use s ith i p o ed sa itatio fa ilities

    DPOPHRHs, dist i t go e e ts, u i ipalities, MISAU

    # of o u ities a d populatio e tified f ee of ope defe atio

    DNAAS, DPOPHRHs, dist i t go e e ts, MISAU, MINEDH, se to pa t e s

    s hools ith o st u ted o eha ilitated sa itatio fa ilities

    DNAAS, DIPLAC, DPOPHRHs, dist i t go e e ts

    health e t es ith o st u ted o eha ilitated sa itatio fa ilities

    MISAU, DNAAS, DPOPHRHs a d DPS of Za ezia a d Na pula

  • 8

    Output 4

    The government has increased capacity to lead and coordinate Humanitarian WASH partnerships to meet the

    needs of the impacted populations.

    I teg atio of hu a ita ia a d de elop e t o po e ts to i p o e the lo g -te sustai a ilit of WASH se i es a d the effe ti e ess of hu a ita ia espo ses. UNICEF ill o ti ue to e the WASH luste lead a d suppo t GoM e ha is s fo WASH hu a ita ia oo di atio , p epa ed ess a d espo se at oth the atio al a d de e t alized le els. Spe ifi a eas of atte tio fo p epa ed ess ill e

    u de sta di g a d a agi g isks a ou d the p ote tio of g ou d ate a d supe fi ial ate esou es, adaptatio to dete io ati g ate ualit , i ludi g i eased sali izatio , a d disaste - esilie t ate a d sa itatio te h ologies a d s ste s.

    Mai esults that ill e attai ed i this output i lude:

    Result Whe it ill e attai ed

    Mai pa t e s

    Se to / luste oo di atio e ha is ope atio al

    DNAAS, WASH luste e e s

    , people i hu a ita ia situatio s ho a ess safe d i ki g ate , app op iate sa itatio a d ha d ashi g fa ilities

    DNAAS, WASH luste e e s, HCT

    Natio al WASH e e ge espo se sta da ds e ist a d a e et i e e ge espo se situatio s.

    DNAAS, WASH Cluste pa t e s, HCT

  • 9

    Figure 2. Results structure and implementation strategies

  • 10

    4. Results structure: outputs, outcomes, and indicators

    Key results Progress indicators Baseline Target Means of verifications Key partners

    Sustainable development Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

    National development Plan Priority – PQG (2015-2019): Priority II: Social and Human Capital Development; Strategic Objective iii: Increase the provision of and access to water supply and sanitation services. UNDAF Outcome 6: People equitably access and use quality health, water and sanitation services

    UNICEF WASH Programme Outcome

    By 2020, people in targeted rural, small towns, and peri-

    urban areas use sustainable and safe drinking water

    services, adequate sanitation and improved hygiene


    % people using safe and

    sustainable water supply

    facilities in rural and urban

    areas of target Districts

    Rural-52%; Urban - 85%


    Rural- 75%; Urban-90% National household




    % people using safe and

    sustainable sanitation

    facilities in rural and urban

    areas of target Districts

    Rural: 15%; Urban -50%



    Urban -80%

    National household




    % people practicing Open


    Rural-52%; Urban-13%;

    Total-39%; (2015)

    Rural – 30%; Urbano-8% (TBC)

    National household



    Intersectoral Sanitation


    UNICEF WASH Programme Outputs

    1. By 2020, the capacity of the Government at national

    and decentralized level has been improved in policy

    development, planning, monitoring, coordination,

    programme implementation, financial resource leveraging

    and budgeting for equitable and sustainable access to

    WASH services at scale.

    1.1 National budget allocated & spent for WASH(as % of

    annual state budget)

  • 11

    Key results Progress indicators Baseline Target Means of verifications Key partners

    2.3 # of health centres with

    constructed or rehabilitated

    water supply facilities

    0 50 Programme reports MoH, DPOPHRHs,


    2.4 Water safety plan implemented at community


    NA Water safety plan

    implemented in all

    targeted communities

    Programme reports DPOPHRHs,

    Municipalities, District

    Governments, MISAU

    3. By 2020, communities in target rural and peri-urban

    areas, small towns, schools and health centres, achieve

    open defecation free status, with increased access to

    adequate sanitation services, improved hygiene practices,

    the application of scalable approaches and access to

    alternative financing mechanisms.

    3.1 # of new users with

    improved sanitation facilities

    Rural-0; peri-urban/small


    Rural-500,000; peri-

    urban/small towns-


    Programme reports DPOPHRHs,

    Municipalities, District

    Governments, MISAU

    3.2 # of communities and

    total population certified free

    of open defecation under the


    0 10,000 National ODF annual



    District Governments,

    MISAU, MINEDH, sector


    3.3 # of schools with


    sanitation facilities

    0 200 Programme reports DNAAS, DPOPHRHs,

    DIPLAC; District


    3.4 # of health centres with

    constructed and rehabilitated

    sanitation facilities

    0 50 Programme reports MISAU, DNAAS,


    4. By 2020, government has increased capacity to lead and

    coordinate Humanitarian WASH partnerships to meet the

    needs of the impacted populations.

    4.1 Operational

    cluster/sector coordination

    mechanism for WASH

    Operational however with

    limited Government



    coordination mechanism

    operational under

    Government leadership.

    Sector/Cluster minutes

    and 4W matrices

    DNAAS, WASH Cluster


    4.2 # people in humanitarian

    situations who access safe

    drinking water and

    appropriate sanitation &

    handwashing facilities.

    0 At least 50,000 affected


    Humanitarian reports DNAAS, WASH Cluster

    partners, HCT

    4.3 National WASH

    emergency response

    standards exist and are met

    in emergency response


    WASH emergency standards

    available however needs


    Updated and being

    applied WASH

    emergency standards

    Sector/Cluster tools,


    DNAAS, WASH Cluster

    partners, HCT

  • 12

    5. Monitoring outputs and demonstrating UNICEF’s contribution to outcomes The p og a e ill follo the pla i g a d e ie p o esses o o to all a eas of assista e u de the UNICEF P og a e of Co-ope atio fo - . P og a e i ple e tatio ill e o ito ed th ough the Go e e t-UNICEF A ual Wo k Pla s AWPs . UNICEF ill p o ide i stitutio al suppo t a d te h i al assista e fo field o ito i g a d oo di atio a ti ities. As pa t of the te h i al suppo t p o ided to DPOPH a d dist i ts, the atio al o ito i g s ste fo WASH SINAS ill e fu the i teg ated a d ope atio alized.

    Also, he atio al household su e s take pla e, e data ill e used to update o ito i g aseli es. AWP o ito i g ill i lude pe iodi olle tio of i fo atio . A ual joi t e ie s ith the

    GoM a d do o s ill se e as the fo al e ha is th ough hi h all pa ties a ag ee to odif the p og a e. Follo i g the ag ee e t to i teg ate WASH o e age i to Mi ist of Health a d Mi ist of Edu atio statisti s, the data ill e t a ked to o ito i p o e e ts.

    The esults ased f a e o k a d its theo of ha ge e ui es that a set of o e i di ato s e ide tified at ea h le el to e su e the e is ade uate epo ti g o p og ess a d i pa ts. I li e ith the e ui e e ts of a sou d o ito i g a d e aluatio s ste , st ategi uestio s eed to e ide tified to

    p o ide guida e fo adapti e a age e t fo i pa t. It is i po ta t to p io itize the st ategi uestio s as esou es a ot allo all uestio s to e o e ed i p oposed studies. Ke st ategi uestio s a i lude:

    A e the app oa hes e plo ed fo h gie e a d sa itatio p o otio effe ti e i i flue i g sustai a le eha iou ha ge at the household le el a d so ial o eatio at the o u it le el? What ha e ee the ost a d least su essful app oa hes to h gie e

    p o otio ?

    Has the i stitutio al apa it de elop e t suppo t esulted i s ala le i ple e tatio of sustai a le WASH?

    A e i o ati e fi a i g odels a d app oa hes appli a le i Moza i ue? Is the p i ate se to illi g to i est? Is the Mi ist of Fi a e illi g to suppo t a WASH fa ilit ?

    Does the i ease i ualit of ate suppl se i es t a slate i to i p o ed pa e ts fo se i es? What othe fa to s a e i po ta t? What p o-poo app oa hes a e adopted lo al autho ities?

    Ho has the apa it of i il so iet ee i eased to suppo t thei ole i so ial a ou ta ilit , fa ilitatio a d ad o a fo ette ate , sa itatio a d h gie e se i es?

    What is the elati e effi ie a d effe ti e ess of the diffe e t odalities suppo ted UNICEF to a hie e esults fo the poo a d ul e a le?

    A e WASH elated e e ge ies espo ded to i a hild-f ie dl , effi ie t a e ? Ca p ope p epa ed ess help edu e the a ou t of hole a ases i Moza i ue?

    A ual sustai a ilit he ks ith its o posite set of sustai a ilit pa a ete s -te h i al, so ial, i stitutio al, fi a ial-, ill e i ple e ted as pa t of the atio al Sustai a ilit Che k fo WASH i f ast u tu e, fo hi h UNICEF suppo ts the atio al go e e t.

  • 13

    6. Resource requirements (values in USD)

    WASH output Staff osts Total

    Output . B , the apa it of the Go e e t at atio al a d de e t alized le el has ee i p o ed i poli de elop e t, pla i g, o ito i g, oo di atio , p og a e i ple e tatio , fi a ial esou e le e agi g a d udgeti g fo e uita le a d sustai a le a ess to WASH se i es at s ale.

    RR , , , , , , ,

    OR , , , , , , , ,

    Total , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    . B , o u ities i ta get u al a d pe i-u a a eas, s all to s, s hools a d health e t es, ha e a ess to sustai a le ate se i es a d s ala le se i e deli e odels.

    RR , , , , , , , , , , ,

    OR , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    Total , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    . B , o u ities i ta get u al a d pe i-u a a eas, s all to s, s hools a d health e t es, a hie e ope defe atio f ee status, ith i eased a ess to ade uate sa itatio se i es, i p o ed h gie e p a ti es, the appli atio of s ala le app oa hes a d a ess to alte ati e fi a i g e ha is s.

    RR , , , , , , , ,

    OR , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    Total , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    . B , go e e t has i eased apa it to lead a d oo di ate Hu a ita ia WASH pa t e ships to eet the eeds of the i pa ted populatio s.

    RR , , , , , ,

    OR , , , , , ,

    Total , , , , , , ,

    Total WASH , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    7. External risks and planned responses

    E te al isks hi h ould sig ifi a tl i pede the a hie e e t of outputs a d o se ue tl the WASH out o e a e p ese ted elo alo gside p oposed itigatio easu es.

    Despite the g o i g fis al spa e i Moza i ue, the go e e t allo atio fo WASH se to i est e ts e ai s i ade uate to eet the g o i g eeds . As al ead highlighted i the do u e t, populatio g o th a d apid u a izatio a e halle gi g the e pa sio of ate a d sa itatio se i es. Fu the o e, i eased i est e t osts oupled ith outdated desig sta da ds a hi de effo ts to i ease ate suppl o e age. The p oposed itigatio easu es i lude poli dialogue to le e age esou es f o the GoM a d do o s, a d e plo e i o ati e fu di g e ha is s i ludi g the p i ate se to –e t a ti es as ell as ulti o ilate al a ks-. The de elop e t of app oa hes like a u al‐u a o ti uu – u al, s all to s, pe i‐u a , a d u a - should allo fle i ilit i de elopi g diffe e tiated te h ologies, odula desig s a d se ue tial upg adi g alo g this o ti uu , to e su e also that the se i es p o ided a e affo da le to all populatio g oups.

    Co it e t to ake of sa itatio a d h gie e a p io it i the go e e t age da. So fa , the GoM a d se to stakeholde s ha e sho thei illi g ess to add ess these halle ges, ut the e has ee a

    ig gap i te s of fi a ial a d hu a esou es allo atio to eet the p oposed ta gets.

    The e is agai the eed of o ti uous poli dialogue a d ad o a to se u e the i te est of the GoM a d pa t e s ut, fu the o e, se u e the o it e t a d i te est of p o i ial a d lo al go e e ts hi h a e lose to the eeds of u al o u ities a d s all to s

    The politi al e i o e t. Whi h a di e t u h eeded esou es i WASH a d also slo do the pa e of WASH se i es p o isio to eet the p oposed ta gets.

    1. Introduction2. Situation of water and sanitation access in Mozambique3. Theory of changeFigure 2. Results structure and implementation strategies4. Results structure: outputs, outcomes, and indicators5. Monitoring outputs and demonstrating UNICEF’s contribution to outcomes6. Resource requirements (values in USD)7. External risks and planned responses