Storyboard Far From the Madding Crowd

Camera shot: Extreme close-up Sound: Diegetic sound of the woman in the shot’s voice , but not with her singing. It is a very pure sound, suggesting that her character is angelic. Purpose/effect: The effect of the extreme close-up is that it brings the audience closer to her, as a character. It also establishes the relationship between the audience and protagonist. The sound of the woman singing sounds like a


A 9 shot storyboard analyzing the trailer for a recent period drama film.

Transcript of Storyboard Far From the Madding Crowd

PowerPoint Presentation

Camera shot: Extreme close-up

Sound: Diegetic sound of the woman in the shots voice , but not with her singing. It is a very pure sound, suggesting that her character is angelic.

Purpose/effect: The effect of the extreme close-up is that it brings the audience closer to her, as a character. It also establishes the relationship between the audience and protagonist.The sound of the woman singing sounds like a warning which could be a signifier for the rest of the film.

Camera shot: Extreme wide-shot of a farmer in a bright green field with ambient lighting and sheep.

Sound: Dramatic and classical non-diegetic music.

Purpose/effect: This shot sets the scene for the movie and the sound which highlights the nature of a period drama by making it dramatic. The sound also sets the scene of a typical period movie.

Camera shot: A two-shot of the main characters with low-key, ambient lighting.

Sound: The non-diegetic classical music reaches a high and dramatic note during this shot.

Purpose/effect: To establish the relationship between the two lovers and set the scene. The high note could be used to show the importance of the characters relationship.

Camera shot: The titles.

Sound: A single note held which fades out as the shot does.

Purpose/effect: To convince the public to go and see the film and to create hype through the use of the word award.

Camera shot: An over-the-shoulder shot with the father placed in the centre of the shot.

Sound: Dialogue of her father saying I want very much to protect you with no other noise in the background.

Purpose/effect: The lack of background noise highlights the significance and influence of this man on the female protagonist. The fact that the father is central in the shot connotes his importance within the period film.

Camera shot: A wide-shot of someone affluent with a horse and cart, hence the design set and costumes.

Sound: The woman singing Oh when your time is past and gone accompanying the visual shot but not actually happening within it ( non-diegetic sound).

Purpose/effect: To show that the man entering the cart in the previous shot may not be with the woman as he is past and gone , suggesting that this may be a clue to the plot of some sort of tragedy. It also suggests that the film is from the womans perspective as it is her voice which accompanies the majority of shots in this trailer.

Camera shot: A mid-shot of the womans distressed face running for a short time.

Sound: Part of the womans song with the words may bring in this short shot. This sound is fast-paced as well.

Purpose/effect: The briefness of this shot shows that the film has a lot of important parts to it as the last few shots become a quick montage of events in the film. Her distressed face is very significant and therefore easy to remember, another tactic for selling films by making them more easy to recall for a potential audience. The darkness of the colour set design connotes death with dark and earthy hues on screen.

Camera shot: Close-up of the mans sorrowful face.

Sound: Would thou have this woman? non-diegetic voice-over of a vicar.

Purpose/effect: The mans face looks mournful and along with the wedding vow words, could convey a sense of sinful behaviour as he looks upset in the shot. He could even be the father of the bride who is sad to see his daughter go. The overall effect of this shot is to make the viewer think that the marriage did not go to plan.

Camera shot: An extreme close-up of the couples hands during their engagement. It is a very brief shot with a short screen time.

Sound: How my love is sung by the woman loudly.

Purpose/effect: The loudness of the sound in this shot make the love seem like an important factor in the relationship of the two lovers (from her perspective as it is her song). The fact that the shot is an extreme close-up conveys the couples intimacy too.