Storey board v4

Storey board v4


Storey board v4 . Scene 1. buildings. Opening scene is set on the River Thames in London you are zoomed in on a boat catching fire. There are no characters in this sequence it is merely zooming out to reveal in the background buildings on the shore. Approximate time 0: 30. River bank. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Storey board v4

Page 1: Storey board v4

Storey board v4

Page 2: Storey board v4

Scene 1

Opening scene is set on the River Thames in London you are zoomed in on a boat catching fire.There are no characters in this sequence it is merely zooming out to reveal in the background buildings on the shore.Approximate time 0: 30


River bank

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Scene 2

Zooming out continues until it revealed the back of the main characters head in the far corner of the screen zoom out stops then.Narrator starts to talk in this scene describing what the characters seeing and how the characters feeling.Approximate running time 20 seconds

Far bank

Water (River Thames)

Back of main characters head revealed only

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Scene 3Detail show knuckles whitening as hand tightly grips the railing in frustration.

Scene 2 suddenly cuts to scene 3 the camera just focuses on the hand and it tightly grips the railing and knuckles turn white frustration.No characters are revealed in this scene.running time approximately 10 seconds.

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Scene 3

This scene is a flashback to about three years in the past this is stated by the narrator in the animation. The scene opens up with John Bull the main character walking from his house to his white transit van the character gets into the van and then drive the van out of the camera lensrunning time approximately 30 seconds.

A white transit van (builders van so show some wear) on the side of the van have the words Bull & co local handyman written on the side.

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Scene 4

This scene is a direct continuation of the last scene by the van pulling away from the last scene we immediately cut to this scene showing the van driving through the city.The camera in this shot is fixed on the van while buildings on the road on the pavement move past it for about 10 seconds then camera fixes position where it is and watches van move out of shotFull running time 20 seconds.

A white transit van (builders van so show some wear) on the side of the van have the words Bull & co local handyman written on the side.

The buildings, road and pavement move along with the van but stop moving and changing after 10 seconds

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Scene 5

This scene again is a direct continuation of the last scene the van pulls up and stops at the building site as scaffolding of being pulled up John thing is out of the van and walked underneath scaffolding when all of a sudden the rope snaps on the scaffolding and it falls on top of him.The camera remains set on that scene framing it and does not move.Running time approximately 20 seconds

A white transit van (builders van so show some wear) on the side of the van have the words Bull & co local handyman written on the side.

Scaffolding is lifted and and raised and then partway through the animation the rope snaps at the same point when Johnny and walking underneath it and it all falls on top of him.

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Scene 7

Scene then cuts to hand clutching the bed sheets you can clearly see at the bed sheets drop-off short of where the legs should be.Camera should only be focused on the hand and the lower part of the torso showing the missing legs.

The bedsheet must clearly show that legs are missing.

The hand must grip the bedsheets slowly to show character slowly coming back in the consciousness.

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Scene 8

This scene opens with the main character lying on a hospital bed with a doctor standing over him telling him how they were unable to save his legs.The camera zooms out the hand to pan and focus on this scene.Running time approximately 40 seconds

The doctor’s words will begin loud and noticeable but will fade out into nothingness to make the audience feel the impact this has on the character.

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Scene 9

Flash back to present day to the exact same scene as scene 2 resume zooming out on the scene until you come to scene 10Approximate running time 10 seconds

Far bank

Water (River Thames)

Back of main characters head revealed only

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Scene 10

The big reveal even realise the main character is in a wheelchair watching the boat fire on the River Thames in London.Seen running time 15 seconds



Main character now in a wheelchair

Water River Thames London

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Scene 11

The next scene is the direct continuation of the last scene it shows people struggling in the water including a mother and her child the main character with his dog decides to leave because he can’t just watched this and not do anything and feel so helpless.The camera just pans into this sequence there is no real movement in the camera.Seen running time 10 seconds

Water River Thames London



Main character

Main characters dog

Mother and child struggling to swim

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Scene 12

The next scene is the direct continuation of the last scene it shows people struggling in the water including a mother and her child the main character dog decides to help the mother and child struggling in the water and pulls the owners wheelchair over Ian making it way to the edge of the water.Camera remains in same location as last scene.Running time approximately 10 seconds

Water River Thames London



Main character

Main characters dog

Mother and child struggling to swim

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Scene 13

It then cuts to show a hand with a dog leading in it and then suddenly the hand let’s go of the lead.Camera focuses on hand and lead remains fixed in position so that lead is dragged out of shot.Approximate running time five seconds

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Scene 14

The next scene is the direct continuation of scene 12 in the way of visuals except the dog has now jumped in to the water and is beginning to help the mother and child back towards the bank.Camera remains in same location as scene 12.Running time approximately 15 seconds

Water River Thames London



Main character

Main characters dog

Mother and child struggling to swim

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Scene 15

This next scene shows John leaning over the bank and collecting the baby in his arms to give the mother has a chance of climbing up the bank.The camera made focused on John collecting the baby the mother only appears in the frame briefly.That running time approximately 10 seconds

Make character John

Baby (mothers child)

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Scene 17

Camera pans out in this scene to reveal John leaning over pulling the pulling the baby safely onto the bank and the dog up on the climb up the bank to safety.Camera zooms out from last scene to reveal this scene.Scene running time approximately 15 seconds

Water River Thames London

Bank of the River Thames in London

John holding the baby

Dog Dragon mother of the bank to safety

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Scene 17boat

This next scene return to the same source camera view of previous scenes the only main thing about this scene is it depicts the arrival of dementia services and shows all the previous characters lying exhausted on the bank of the River Thames. The camera angle in this the same sort of angle as shown in scene 9 to scene 12.Scene’ running time approximately 10 seconds


Rescue boat


Water River Thames

banks of the river Thames

John, dog, mother and child all worn out on bank

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Scene 18

This scene is a very similar scene to scene 4 except it shorter and an ambience instead of a van in it.Camera is fixed in this was unlike scene 4 nothing except the ambulance move in and out of the frame.Scene duration approximately 7 seconds

A white ambulance with a Red Cross on the side of it

The buildings, road and pavement stay still and do not move as the ambulance just drives past

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Scene 19

News reporter reporting John Storey. His voice will fade out in a similar fashion to the doctor earlier on.

The camera then cuts to scene 19 revealing a newsroom the news reporter is reporting a local man becoming a hero and saving two people’s lives. An image that appears in the corner revealing it to be John who is the hero the cameras then zooms in on the image.The camera movement in this scene simply quick zoom in the pan shot of the reporter held for about five seconds then continue zooming in on the image of JohnScene running time approximately 20 seconds

An image of John the camera will begin filming in on this image after a five second pan shot of the new supporter.

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Scene 20

John sitting behind the advice desk at B&Q.

This scene the direct continuation of last scene as the camera keeps zooming in on image of John to change to a live shot of John working at B&Q . The narrator then tells you that he is happy with his new job he then realised that the narrator is actually John. end of animationThe camera is very simple and this one it just zooms in until it is zoomed in far enough they just framed the whole scene then the animation ends.scene running time approximately 10 seconds.