fileAsana Sthira sukham asanam - A comfortable and steady pose is an asana. Othen described as...


Transcript of fileAsana Sthira sukham asanam - A comfortable and steady pose is an asana. Othen described as...

Page 1: fileAsana Sthira sukham asanam - A comfortable and steady pose is an asana. Othen described as "posture", asana means "seat". Yogasanas are different ways to shape our body and take
James Maxwell
Page 2: fileAsana Sthira sukham asanam - A comfortable and steady pose is an asana. Othen described as "posture", asana means "seat". Yogasanas are different ways to shape our body and take
James Maxwell
Page 3: fileAsana Sthira sukham asanam - A comfortable and steady pose is an asana. Othen described as "posture", asana means "seat". Yogasanas are different ways to shape our body and take