Stem cell project

Stem Cells Used To Save A Man’s Leg By Jessica Vyzas

Transcript of Stem cell project

Stem Cells Used To Save A Mans Leg

Stem Cells Used To Save A Mans LegBy Jessica Vyzas

Bhadwan DassFifty five years old From Haryana, India A diabetic who was close to losing his leg due to gangreneDass needed to undergo an amputation from his thighs and half of his leg was black

Background InformationDass has blocked blood vessels in his legs and gangreneHe has already experienced a bypass procedure and an angioplastyOnce these surgeries have been done, they cannot be done again. In the past, patients would have no other choice but to get an amputation.

The SurgeryInstead of an amputation, a hospital on the outskirts of Delhi used stem cells to save Dass leg. Last December, he received surgery at the Asian Institute of Medical Science in Faridabad.



Where did the Stem Cells Come From?The stem cells came from the bone marrow in Dass hipbones. 180mL of bone marrow was extracted and processed, which resulted in 48mL of concentrated stem cells.

Next..The stem cells were then injected at several different spots on his legs.These stem cells will become new blood vessels (aka angiogenesis). Blood flow will enhance and Dass condition will get better.

ResultsResults will not be seen until six or eight weeks into the therapy. Dass has already reduced the amount of painkillers and antibiotics he takes a day. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the amputation.

Just for Research, Not TreatmentThe government of India does not support this treatment.'Indian Council of Medical Research's (ICMR) stand is very clear. The director (V.M. Katoch) has said that private hospitals should use the therapy for research, not for treatment,' an ICMR official said.A committee has been recently formed to make rules and regulations regarding stem cell therapy in India.

In ConclusionStem cell therapy may be the new and popular treatment to be done if one is in this situation. There is a 75% chance that this condition will get better through the use of stem cells.