Steampunk Cruise Program 2015

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description April 25, 2015- May 3, 2015 We have so much in store for you over the coming week. Fantastic travel, amazing talent to spend time with, live music, and of course visiting far off islands. In these pages you will read about the award winning talented artist we have just for you, as well as the wonderful list of events and happenings we have set up . So with out further ado.. onward to the show!

Transcript of Steampunk Cruise Program 2015

Steampunk Cruise Program
Welcome aboard the Steampunk Cruise April 25, 2015- May 3, 2015
We have so much in store for you over the coming week. Fantastic travel, amazing talent to spend time with, live music, and of course visiting far off islands. In these pages you will read about the award winning talented artist we have just for you, as well as the wonderful list of events and happenings we have set up . So with out further ado.. onward to the show!

Steampunk 101 by G.D. Falksen

What is steampunk?
In three short words, steampunk is Victorian science fiction. Here Victorian is not meant to indicate a specific culture, but rather references a time period and an aesthetic: the industrialized 19th century. Historically, this period saw the development of many key aspects of the modern world (mechanized manufacturing, extensive urbanization, telecommunications, office life and mass-transit), and steampunk uses this existing technology and structure to imagine an even more advanced 19th century, often complete with Victorian-inspired wonders like steam-powered aircraft and mechanical computers.

Where did steampunk come from?
In some sense, steampunk has existed since the 19th century. The Victorian period had its own science fiction, perhaps most famously embodied by the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, and throughout the 20th century there have been later-day science fiction stories set in the Victorian period. However, the term steampunk was not coined until the late 1980s, when author K. W. Jeter used it humorously to describe a grouping of stories set in the Victorian period written during a time when near-future cyberpunk was the prevailing form of science fiction.

Where does the sci-fi come in?
The line between steampunk and period Victorian is extremely narrow, and often the two are indistinguishable. They are separated only by steampunks status as science fiction, albeit heavily inspired by the historical fact of the Victorian period. This is generally accomplished in one of two ways. The proto-steampunk stories of the 19th century can be seen as a parallel to our own science fiction; that is, a view of the future from the present. For the Victorians, this meant imagining a future that looks dramatically un-modern to modern eyes. Submarines, space travel, aircraft and mechanized life were all imagined by the Victorians, but while some of these came very close to the mark they still differed from where the future actually went. For modern writers, with the benefit of modern science, steampunk becomes a re-imagining of the 19th century with a view of where science will one day go. In this way, steampunk often works to translate modern concepts such as the computer revolution, spy thrillers, noir mysteries and even the Internet into a Victorian context using Victorian technology. Steampunk becomes the perfect blending of alternate history and science fiction.

Where does the steam come in?
Steampunks steam references more than simply the technology itself, although steam engines are a vital aspect of life in a steampunk world. Steam more generally signifies a world in which steam technology is both dominant and prolific. During the Victorian era, steam power revolutionized almost every aspect of life. The steam engine made full-scale industrialization possible and produced mechanical power more efficiently and to greater degrees than human and animal labor could manage on their own. Mechanized manufacturing and farming caused an upheaval in the structure of working life, but they dramatically increased societys productivity and freed up an entire section of society to form the modern class of professionals and office workers. The changes in society brought on by steam-driven industrialization allowed for the unprecedented developments in sciences, society and goods that came to be associated with the Victorian era. Steampunk takes inspiration from these changes and applies them to whatever culture it influences.

Where does the punk come in?
Ironically, it doesnt. As was mentioned earlier, the term steampunk is a tongue in cheek reference to the cyberpunk genre rather than a reference to the punk subculture. Moreover, punk in the context of punk rock was the product of very specific circumstances following the Second World War, which makes it fundamentally distinct from the Victorian aesthetic that inspires steampunk. However, individuals interested in exploring a steampunk equivalent to 20th century punk can find a wealth of material in 19th century counterculture groups ranging from the Luddites to utopians to hooligans. Add a dash of Victorian street culture and a sprinkling of ragtime, and steampunk punk comes into focus.

What about gears?
The gear is an easily recognized symbol of steampunk, but it is not unique to the genre. It was invented long before the 19th century and it remains in use today. The gear in steampunk joins related devices such as flywheels and pistons as the power lines of the steam age. Steam power is mechanical power and its transmission demands a network of moving parts in the same way that electrical power transmission demands wires. The gear on its own is not especially steampunk but when put to use in 19th century machinery it becomes a key icon of the genre.

What about goggles?
Goggles are often encountered in steampunk clothing and imagery, and this can create the misleading impression that they are somehow fundamental to the steampunk look. Certainly, goggles are associated with both science and mechanized travel, both of which are common themes in steampunk. However, this does not mean that everyone in a steampunk setting wears goggles; in fact, only people who have a reason to wear them do so, and then only while it is useful. As with scarves, driving coats, aprons and overalls, goggles are a piece of fashion that can help give life to a steampunk world when used properly and in moderation, but can rapidly border upon the ludicrous when turned into an end rather than a means.

What is the appeal of steampunk?
A genre as large as steampunk has a wide-ranging appeal. Some people are drawn to it from a love of the Victorian period. Others enjoy steampunks unique approach to technology: re-imagining modern capabilities with 19th century machines. Many people are drawn to it in light of its fashion aspects, which allow them to sample and even combine a range of clothing styles and accessories from across the 19th century world. One critical aspect of steampunk is the tremendous diversity of appeal it presents, which allows it to offer something for just about everyone. Steampunk is also aided by a more general neo-vintage movement, which has been steadily progressing through mainstream fashion, film and aesthetics, but even this cannot wholly explain steampunks appeal. The genre possesses a life of its own that draws in fans from countless directions and backgrounds into a world where fashion is tailored to the individual, goods are made to last, and machinery is still regarded as a thing of visual majesty.

Steampunk sounds great! Wheres an easy place to start?
The basic rule of thumb for steampunk is start period and then add. One of steampunks great advantages is that the period it is inspired by, the Victorian era, saw the invention of photography and cinematic film. These in turn allowed for a visual record of people from all different classes, cultures and backgrounds, providing an unprecedented amount of reference material. People looking for fashion ideas, character inspirations or scenes to describe can find a wealth of starting points in the countless vintage photographs and film reels left over from the 19th century. All that remains is to add to or modify the depictions to taste, though it must be remembered that many aspects of a steampunk world and its people will likely remain virtually indistinguishable from the period that inspires them.

Our Talent

G. D. Falksen
G. D. Falksen is an author, lecturer, public speaker, and MC. He also studies history, has consulted for Disney, and blogs for and He is the author of The Ouroboros Cycle series, The Hellfire Chronicles, and a YA mystery novel forthcoming from Soho Press in 2016. Other fiction includes The Strange Case of Mr. Salad Monday, Cinema U, An Unfortunate Engagement, and The Mask of Tezcatlipoca. He is a voice actor and co-writer for the animated film Hullabaloo and an accompanying educational series titled Ask The Professor.

Mary Robinette Kowal
Hugo-award winning author, Mary Robinette Kowal is a novelist and professional puppeteer. Her debut novel Shades of Milk and Honey (Tor 2010) was nominated for the 2010 Nebula Award for Best Novel. In 2008 she won the Campbell Award for Best New Writer, while two of her short fiction works have been nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Short Story: Evil Robot Monkey in 2009 and For Want of a Nail in 2011, which won the Hugo that year. Her stories have appeared in Strange Horizons, Asimovs, and several Years Best anthologies, as well as in her collection Scenting the Dark and Other Stories from Subterranean Press.
Kowal is also an award-winning puppeteer. In high school, she took up puppetry as a hobby, but as Kowal says, she never thought of it as something you could get paid for. Instead, she went to East Carolina University to pursue an art degree, minoring in theater and speech. While performing as Audrey II in a performance of Little Shop of Horrors, she learned that a professional puppeteer had come to the show. It was a turning point. Kowal went on to intern at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, GA. With over twenty years of experience, she has performed for LazyTown (CBS), the Center for Puppetry Arts, Jim Henson Pictures and founded Other Hand Productions. Her designs have garnered two UNIMA-USA Citations of Excellence, the highest award an American puppeteer can achieve.
Her career in puppetry consumed the much of Kowals creative energy for over ten years. Although she wrote in high school and college, it wasnt until her brother moved his family to China that she began writing again. Like Lewis Carroll and J.M. Barrie, she started creating childrens fantasy as a way to stay connected to her young niece and nephew. Reminded of how much she enjoyed writing, she began submitting short stories and made her first sale in 2005, and her first professional sale to Strange Horizons in 2006.
When she isnt writing or puppeteering, Kowal brings her speech and theater background to her work as a voice actor. As the voice behind several audio books and short stories, she has recorded fiction for authors such as Kage Baker, Cory Doctorow and John Scalzi. She likes to describe voice acting as puppetry, without the pain.

Our Talent The Cog is Dead
The Cog is Dead is a steampunk band with a bit of a musical identity crisis, playing music of various styles. Their influences range from rock and roll to ragtime to Russian folk music and movie scores. The members all portray steampunk timetravelers from the year 1893. As a time traveling band they travel to various points of time spreading their message to save steam power and analog clockwork while playing their marvelous melodies for all to hear and enjoy. Along the way they have discovered several types of marvelous music which has helped to inspire their own.

Sarah Chernik
Sarah Chernik is a professional dancer and costumer, with nearly a decade of experience in various styles and forms. In particular, she specializes in Middle Eastern dance, commonly known as belly dancing. She is a founding member of the folkloric troupe Nomadic Tapestry and the fusion troupe Raqs Macabre. She has had the great honor of studying with some of the worlds best dancers and instructors, including Jamila and Suhalia Salimpour, the late John Compton, Artemis Mourat, Rachel Brice, Serena Rahmzy, and Mira Betz.

Steampunk Cruise schedule
April 25, 2015 -- FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA5:00pm - Ship departs6:00pm to 7:00pm - Meet and greet in the Labyrinth lounge
Welcome aboard our magnificent vessel, the Independence of the Seas, for our third annual Steampunk Cruise. Join us in the Labyrinth lounge to get your papers, and to meet your fellow voyagers, our performers, and our special guests.8:30pm - Dinner
Your first night and you have already done so much! You must be hungry. At 8:30 we have made reservations for all of us to dine together in the gorgeous dining room of our ship. You are invited to eat and enjoy, or if you wish to take that time and explore the ship you can do so as well. The choice is up to you, but we welcome you at our table.11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party
Everyone meet up at the hot tubs on the pool deck to unwind after a long day. Order a drink and hang out. Be sure to bring your swimsuit!11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown Lounge
For those of you not interested in late night swimming, join us in the Viking Crown Lounge for drinks and relaxing conversation.

April 26, 2015 CRUISING
11:00am to Noon - Steampunk Clothing Swap
We all have things with in our closet that could be better suited hanging in someone elses closet. This is your chance to trade the things you no longer want for the things that you have just seen and need. So bring your bits, bobbles, and such to trade for that new favorite thing you will love for years. There will also be on hand sewing and crafting materials for you to DIY your newfound treasure if you wish to.
The rules of the clothing swap:
1. Everyone who brings something puts it on the table. Please make certain that all the garments, accessories, jewelry, fabric, crafting supplies, etc., that you have brought are clean.
2. Once everyone has put things down, then everyone can start picking things up that they want. If you put one thing down, pick one thing up; if you put two things down, pick two things up; and so forth. Everyone please be polite. No fighting. This is for fun and mostly for cleaning out our craft rooms and closets of gems we no longer love but someone else will.
3. After everyone who has put things down has gotten their trade, anything that's left is fair game for everyone else.

April 26, 2015 CRUISINGNoon to 1:30pm - Lunch1:30pm to 2:30pm - Steampunk 101
One assumes that your coming with us on the Steampunk Cruise means you have some idea of what it is all about, but for those of you looking for more information, join author and historian G. D. Falksen in the Steampunk Salon as he talks about history, the steampunk subculture, and what exactly steampunk is. Always fun and witty, this is sure to be an entertaining educational experience for even the most knowledgeable person on the subject.2:30pm to 3:30pm - The Great Tea Bag Mixer
Everyone has a few boxes of tea in their cupboard, and everyone has a box of tea that they got and may not exactly be in in love with.... Well how about mixing it up? Everyone who participates brings a box of tea. Then everyone dumps their fresh, sealed tea bags on a table and once everyone has done so, everyone takes one of each and refills their box with the variety of teas we have all put down. Thus at the end you go home with an interesting sampler of teas and have passed on your tea that you may not have been in love with. Get to know one another as you bond over your favorite tea. We will also have tea from one of our various tea sponsors so there will be plenty of new tea for everyone.3:30pm to 4:30pm - Vintage Cutie Bathing Suit Contest
Who will win the sash and crown?
This being a cruise, we hope youve all remembered to pack your swimsuits! Now we invite you to put on your vintage inspired swimwear and show off your seaside style. The best of the best will be crowned the Steampunk Vintage Cutie of 2015. You win a sash, a shell crown, and special gift, and of course all the bragging rights that accompany the title! We welcome both ladies and gentlemen to have a try and have fun. Your bathing suit can be handmade or store bought. As long as you feel great in it, enter the contest and have fun.
Even if you decide not to participate, we encourage you to be in the audience to on our contestants.4:30pm - Dressing for Dinner and Captains Night6:45pm - Chrononauts Parade and Group Photos
Tonight the Captain of the Independence of the Seas has sent an invitation for one and all to join him on the Promenade to enjoy a tremendous quantity of free champagne. This is a night to dress our best and show off our finery. Please join us in our Steampunk Salon Conference Room at 6:45 sharp so we can all gather and prepare. This is a great time to take group photos, meet up with all your fellow travelers, and ohh and ahh at how wonderful every one looks. Once all our bustles are bustled, our cravats are straightened, and our feathers are fluffed, we will head en masse in the Chrononauts Parade through the Promenade of our wonderful ship, turning heads as we go the formal Captain's Night Reception.

April 26, 2015 CRUISING7:30pm - Captains Night Begins (including free champagne!)
The Chrononauts Parade begins as we weave our way to the Captain's Welcome Aboard Formal Night Reception. Tonight is a night for finery, so wear your steampunk finest! Please dress your best to impress as this is a rare honor. The champagne at this event will flow freely for all who wish to indulge. Watch as the ship brings out the crew and the entertainment to welcome you aboard this fine week of fun.8:30pm - Dinner11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown LoungeApril 27, 2015 -- CRUISING11:00am to Noon - The Regency as the Birthplace of Steam
Join Mary Robinette Kowal, author, master puppeteer, and Regency expert as she discusses the development of early steam technology during the Regency era, teaches you about Regency life and culture, and answers your questions about the period.Noon to 1:00pm - Lunch1:00pm to 2:00pm - The Noble Razor Shaving Practicum
Join noted gentleman and international shaving connoisseur J. Michael Cobb as he discusses the history of shaving, its purpose and benefits, and imparts his wisdom of key techniques in this informative and entertaining look into the world of wet shaving.2:00pm to 3:00pm - An Hour of History with G. D. Falksen
G. D. Falksen knows far too much about history for us to let him sit idle and let his knowledge be unused. Spend an hour with this author as he talks about history from the Victorian period up to the Second World War. Be amused or amazed as he will lecture and answer your questions.3:00pm to 4:00pm - Book Release Party for Mary Robinette Kowals Of Noble Family
Join us in the Labyrinth lounge for the pre-release party of Mary Robinette Kowals latest Glamourist Histories novel, Of Noble Family (Tor, April 28, 2015). Enjoy all manner of special literary treats, ask Mary your questions about her work, and if were lucky, perhaps she will even reward us with a reading of her work. Come ready for fun, excitement, and tales of daring!4:00pm to 5:00pm - Dancing Lessons and Parlor Games in the Labyrinth lounge
After Marys pre-release party, stay with us for an hour of dancing, fun, and games. The eminently talented Sarah Chernik will be present to give a demonstration of Steampunk Bellydance, following which Mary Robinette Kowal will offer waltzing lessons to anyone interested in tripping the light fantastic. In addition to dancing lessons, there will be board games and cards on hand for anyone interested in playing. If you have any games you would like to play or to share with your fellow travelers, be sure to bring them!

April 27, 2015 -- CRUISING8:30pm - Dinner11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown Lounge

April 28, 2015 -- ST. MARTIN8:00am - Ship arrives in St. Martin
6:00pm - Ship departs St. Martin
6:00pm - Sunset Sail Away TBA
8:30pm - Dinner
11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party
11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown LoungeApril 29, 2015 -- ST. KITTS7:00am - Ship arrives in St. Kitts
5:00pm - Ship departs St. Kitts
8:30pm - Dinner
11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party
11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown LoungeApril 30, 2015 -- SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO7:00am - Ship arrives in San Juan
2:00pm - Ship departs San Juan3:30pm to 4:30pm - Steampunk Music with The Cog Is Dead
Join our musical guests The Cog Is Dead as they talk about steampunk music and answer your questions about their musical work and amazing talent.4:30pm to 6:00pm - Steampunk Film Festival
Join us in the Steampunk Salon and watch in wonder as we bring you the best steampunk films, shows, and shorts from around the world.7:30pm to 8:30pm - Grand High Seas Ball in the Pyramid lounge
Tonight is a night for finery, masks, and revelry. Join us in the Pyramid lounge for this exclusive cocktail party, filled with live music by The Cog Is Dead and entertainment to delight you before dinner.8:30pm - Dinner11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown Lounge

May 1, 2015 -- LABADEE10:00am - Ship arrives at LaBadee2:00pm to 3:00pm - Beauties of the Sea Mermaid Contest
Have you ever wanted to be a mermaid, one of the darling beauties of the sea? Nows your chance! Join us on the beach in your best mermaid inspired swimsuit or costume and show us why you should win the coveted shell crown. The winner becomes the Queen (or King) of the Mermaids! Land dwellers are invited to join us in cheering on their favorite merfolk.3:00pm - The Swimming of the Mermaids
After showing us their grace, beauty, and Atlantean charm, the mermaids are invited to join in a grand group swim in the sea, along with photos and fun for all.6:00pm - Ship departs LaBadee8:30pm - Dinner11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown LoungeMay 2, 2015 -- CRUISING11:00am to Noon - Steampunk Sewing Circle
Interested in the tailors art? Get together with other sewing enthusiasts to work on any bits and bobs you care to, and to share your favorite tricks and techniques with each other. The sewing circle is open to everyone, but be sure to bring your own garments and tools.Noon to 1:00pm - Lunch1:00pm to 2:00pm - Vintage Letter Writing Workshop
Paper, quill, and the art of fine lettering. This is what you will learn with our master teacher Mary Robinette Kowal as she instructs you on the lost art of writing the letter. Materials will be provided for you as you take a walk through history, learning the art of letter writing and helping to preserve it. Take this time to write a keepsake of your trip or to surprise a loved one with a Wish You Were Here letter. Or perhaps write the sweet words of a late Valentines Day forget-me-not to the one who holds your heart most dear.2:00pm to 3:00pm - An Hour With Mary Robinette Kowal
Award-winning author of Shades of Milk and Honey, voice actress, and master puppeteer Mary Robinette Kowal is with us as an honored guest. Spend an hour with her as she talks about Jane Austin, sci-fi, and all the things. This is a rare opportunity to spend such a time with a fantastic artist like Mary, so do enjoy it.3:00pm to 5:00pm - Steampunk and Bellydance Workshop
Join dance expert Sarah Chernik as she leads a workshop about the fusion of the steampunk aesthetic with the art of bellydance. In addition to discussing steamunk bellydance, Sarah will be giving lessons to anyone interested in learning the art. If you decide to participate in the lesson, be sure to dress accordingly (wear sensible shoes and no corsets!)

May 2, 2015 -- CRUISING4:00pm to 5:00pm - Steampunk Film Festival (Part Two)
Join us in the Steampunk Salon and watch in wonder as we bring you the best steampunk films, shows, and shorts from around the world.7:00pm to 8:00pm - The Last Waltz in the Pyramid lounge
Sadly, this is our last night onboard, and the adventure is almost over. Join us in the Pyramid lounge for a last farewell and to take a group photo of all your new friends who cruised with you. With live music with The Cog Is Dead and more. Please remember to bring you own camera so you do not miss out on owning your own copy of the photo. We will also be awarding prizes for your many accomplishments over the past week! Best Dressed for both ladies and gentlemen, Most Adventurous, etc., and other surprises as well!8:30pm - Dinner10:00pm to 11:00pm - End of Trip Music Jam
Join us in the Steampunk Salon and let the fantastic The Cog Is Dead create music as the mood moves them. The unique experience of these artists coming together and playing wherever the muse takes them will certainly be unlike anything you have ever seen or heard before. This is an experience not to be missed. Feel free to join in as we sing away our last evening together.11:00pm - Time Travel Hot Tub Party11:00pm - After-Dinner Meet Up in the Viking Crown Lounge

May 3, 2015 -- FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAShip returns to Fort Lauderdale Disembark

The following events will be available to you during the cruise, but we are still waiting on the ship schedule to give them their time slots. Please see the daily schedule on board for when, where and who.

Steampunk Invades The Farewell Karaoke
The ship has open to all the last chance for karaoke. We invite you to come and take part and show the rest of the ship what Steampunk is all about. You will have to do your own Steampunk spin on a song in the ships Karaoke library!

Open Skate in Studio B-
Hit the ice skating rink on board and see if you remember how to do a figure 8.

Circus Class
Fly with the greatest of ease, fly on the flying trapeze. It might be close to the crack of dawn but it will be worth it if you can awaken on time. Learn the art of the circus in this fun class onboard

Do look at our ships daily planner for fun and amazing ship run activities you can also do.

Thank you for spending time with us we hope to see you next year!
Evelyn , Lisa & Shauna