Statement of level of Confidentiality · Web view3.061-.004 Organizational culture and value...

Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 1 AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES WORKING FROM HOME IN THE IT SECTOR IN THE UK by [Name] Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the MSc Management Date

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Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 1



by [Name]

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

MSc Management


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Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, many business organizations, especially in the IT

industry are forced to implement health advisories entailing working from home to minimize

the spread of the virus. While committing employees to work from home in adherence to

government regulations, literature is scarce on how working from home as a consequence of

lockdown and social distancing policy amid the Covid-19 crisis affects the motivation of

employees in the IT sector with the UK economy. This study, therefore, purposed to establish

how IT business organizations are motivating their virtual teams and exploiting the

motivation strategies to influence their performance while adopting the new work

environment. Based on a positivist paradigm in tandem with a deductive logic in the

interpretation of the collected data, a quantitative explanatory study was developed. Using the

Qualtrics platform, 150 questionnaires were issued to randomly selected IT executives. On

subjecting the responses to descriptive and inferential analysis, the findings demonstrated that

strategies to employee motivation point to the creation of an ample working environment and

recognition, in addition to a competitive remuneration package. Moreover, the findings

established that maintaining a conducive organizational culture and organization management

system directly influences employee performance while emphasizing the need for autonomy,

promoting IT employees to remaining true to their values and beliefs, as well as instilling a

sense of competence sustains the overall motivation of IT sector employees and their

performance level amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Working from home, Employee motivation, Employee performance,

Productivity, Work environment, Employee recognition and Monetary reward

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GDP - Global Development

HRM - Human Resource Management

IT - Information Technology

SMBs - Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

SPSS – Statistical Package for Social Scientists

UK – United Kingdom

WFH – Working from Home

Table of Content

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Chapter One: Introduction........................................................................................................10

1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................10

1.2 Background.....................................................................................................................10

1.3 Problem Statement..........................................................................................................14

1.4 Aim and Objectives........................................................................................................15

1.4.1 Research Aim...........................................................................................................15

1.4.2 Research Objectives.................................................................................................15

1.5 Research Questions........................................................................................................15

1.6 Research Significance....................................................................................................16

1.7 Background and Relevance of the Topic........................................................................16

1.8 Justification of the Approach..........................................................................................17

1.9 Summary.........................................................................................................................17

Chapter Two: Literature Review..............................................................................................19

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................19

2.2 Theoretical Review.........................................................................................................20

2.3 Employee Motivation.....................................................................................................22

2.4 Indicators of Employee Performance.............................................................................24

2.5 Work Environment in the IT Sector...............................................................................26

2.6 Working from Home and COVID-19.............................................................................28

2.6.1 Strategies Adopted at IT Business Organizations for Employees...........................30

2.6.2 Accountability..........................................................................................................32

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2.6.3 Sustainability...........................................................................................................34

2.7 Gap Literature.................................................................................................................36

Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Research Design.................................................37

3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................37

3.2 Research Philosophy......................................................................................................37

3.3 Research Design.............................................................................................................38

3.4 Research Strategy...........................................................................................................39

3.5 Research Approach.........................................................................................................40

3.6 Research Method............................................................................................................41

3.7 Sampling Procedure........................................................................................................42

3.8 Research Instruments......................................................................................................43

3.9 Data Collection...............................................................................................................44

3.10 Data Analysis and Interpretation..................................................................................45

3.11 Ethical Considerations..................................................................................................46

3.12 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments..................................................................47

3.13 Limitations....................................................................................................................48

3.14 Summary.......................................................................................................................48

Chapter Four: Data Collection, Analysis and Synthesis..........................................................49

4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................49

4.2 Findings..........................................................................................................................49

4.2.1 Demographics..........................................................................................................49

4.2.2 Strategies Adopted at IT Firms for Employees Operating from Home During

COVID-19 Pandemic........................................................................................................53

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4.2.3 Effects of the Strategies on Motivation and Productivity of Remote Teams in IT


4.2.4 Sustainability of Overall Motivation and Performance Levels of Employees

Working in IT Firms.........................................................................................................58

Chapter Five: Discussion of Data And Self-Critical Reflection On The Research.................60

5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................60

5.2 Discussion.......................................................................................................................60

5.2.1 Strategies adopted at IT Sector for employees working from home.......................60

5.2.2 Effects of the Strategies on Motivation and Productivity of Remote Teams at IT


5.2.3 Sustainability of Overall Motivation and Performance Levels of Employees

Working in the IT Sector..................................................................................................67

Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations for Theory and for Practice.......................70

6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................70

6.2 Conclusion......................................................................................................................70

6.3 Recommendations for Theory and Practice...................................................................73



Appendix I: Questionnaire survey........................................................................................88

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List of Tables

Table 1. Distribution of academic qualifications and job level...............................................51

Table 2. Preferences for motivational factors..........................................................................53

Table 3. Comparison between preference for remuneration packages and working


Table 4. Regression model summary of employee motivation factors....................................56

Table 5. Regression coefficients of employee motivation factors on their performance.........58

Table 6. Sustainability domains of motivation factors.............................................................59

List of Figures

Figure 1. Distribution of marital categories.............................................................................50

Figure 2. Distribution of years in employment........................................................................52

Figure 3. Preference for motivation factors other than money................................................55

Figure 4. Rating of motivation factor on performance............................................................57

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Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

The spread of COVID-19 pandemic across the globe has resulted in diverse economic

issues. Many governments around the world have been forced to implement health advisories

to decrease the spread of the virus, among which social distancing was actuated (Alghaithi

and Sartawi, 2020). Consequently, following the implementation of social distancing policy,

spheres of public interaction, such as schools, tourist attraction sites, workplace and some

public transport services were closed indeterminately. As such, diverse business

organizations, especially small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), including those in the

IT (information technology) sector, have adhered to the government regulations and

committed their employees to work from home (Bonacini, Gallo, and Scicchitano, 2021).

This chapter explores the background on the impact of working from home on the

performance and motivation of IT employees. Further, the chapter identified the problem

statement and purse of the study including the target groups capped in the significance of the

study. The chapter sums with a summary outlining the contents of each chapter.

1.2 Background

Working from home in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic has been demonstrated to

be possible through the use to video conferencing platforms to facilitate communication.

Hickman and Robison (2020) have linked working from home to provision of a safe working

environment that presents decreased risks of contracting COVID-19 virus. Bonacini, Gallo,

and Scicchitano (2021) concurred with Hickman and Robison (2020) that home-based work

posits to allow employees enhance their flexibility in delegation balancing it with making

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personal errands. Basically, there is limited expenses on commuting saving money and more

time to work. Employees in the IT industry, who are working from home, have exhibited

increased autonomy, such that they have increase control over the extent to which one is

allowed to make decisions in their job description over the methods and procedures of how to

accomplish their work (Manko and Rosinski, 2020). Patil and Gopalakrishnan (2020) shared

the view of Manko and Rosinski (2020) adding that working from home has defined to

employees the possible approaches of modifying own workplaces. Accordingly, as Allen,

Golden and Shockley (2015) stated, telecommuting is feasible in the IT industry where jobs

are portable in nature or where they can be integrated in online platforms. Employee

motivation and job performance are directly influenced in a telecommuting environment

depending on the particulars and characteristics of IT job.

Working from home has been demonstrated to harbour major disadvantages related to

employee motivation. Madell (2019) demonstrated that working from home is negatively

affected by lack of supervision leading to an increased possibility of miscommunication.

Susilo (2020) agreed with the sentiments of Madell (2019) arguing that home-based working

presents no clear physical demarcation between work and personal time. Moreover, the home

environment may be boring for work. As Chandra (2016) and Como, Hambley and Domene

(2021) established, the named disadvantages directly impact on job satisfaction which is a

direct indicator of employee motivation. Further, negative effects on motivation of employees

are associated with lowered performance and productivity among employees, as evidenced by

the key performance indicators in the IT industry. Employee motivation is crucial to the

success of a business organization considering that, as Khan et al. (2016) established, a

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satisfied employee in their work elicits a better performance than a demotivated one. Inuwa

(2016) explored the findings of Khan et al. (2016) further and affirmed that employees

working from home are highly motivated in consideration of two major reasons including

personal life and productivity. Employees associate with increased individual productivity

when they telecommute in their work since there is limited interaction with transport

expenses and traffic jams (Ingraham, 2016). Moreover, such a working environment allow

employees to relocate to cheaper suburbs, irrespective of the distance from the physical

office. Employees working from home have an increased opportunity of partaking private

undertakings in the course of working hours, which is considered an accomplishment that

highly fulfil personal lifestyle. Pattnaik and Jena (2020) agreed with the sentiments of

Ingraham (2016) asserting that employees may not acquire support or recognition from their

leaders in fulfilment of their social needs, which may negatively affect their job satisfaction

and motivation working from home.

Working from home during the spread of COVID-19 pandemic has also been

implicated in effects on the performance of employees. Zhang (2016) demonstrated negative

consequences working from home where employees were depicted to feel left out irrespective

of their achievement. Patil and Gopalakrishnan (2020) shared the perspective of Zhang

(2016) that employees find it difficult exercising their work ethics from home with expanded

lack of recognition from their managers amid electronic communication. The limitation is

exacerbated by the fact that working from home renders employees to submit their work after

it is completed with managers not having to assess the progress and/or processes involved in

the development of the deliverable. Su, Lin and Ding (2019) have showed that some

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employees are obligated to work overtime, yet their efforts are only judged based on the

resulting deliverable, and not by the difficulties associated with the development process.

Consequently, working from home, not only affects motivation, but also the performance of

the affected employees. Furthermore, there are changes affecting the work-life balance. As

Willcocks (2020) intuited, employees working from home find it challenging for them to

exemplify their work from family time since all family members are at home, and have the

liberty of structuring their time and activities. The findings of Mishra and Jena (2020) were

consistent with those of Willcocks (2020) that in the event the work-life balance boundary

blurred, an employee is subjected to diverse disturbances related to family matters hampering

their focus on the work. Consequently, their performance is negatively affected when they are

incapacitated to fulfil their role in the respective business organization completely. Other

studies have shown that there is a high probability that family engagements and problems

have a direct influence on the mood of an employee at work where work and family are

merged in the same place and time, equally affecting individual performance.

Based on the premise that working from home has a significant effect on the work

environment, previous studies have demonstrated that telecommuting elicits positive

influence on the work environment (Jalagat and Jalagat, 2019). Rupietta and Beckmann

(2016) concurred with Jalagat and Jalagat (2019) that working from home builds a more

flexible work environment considering that the affected employees are able to freely organize

their work schedule as well as the working space. Additionally, Mishra and Jena (2020)

argued that the personal preferences and taste may be fulfilled since the employees are able to

tailor their working environment according to their preferences and personality. In

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consideration of the above tenets surrounding working environment while working from

home, the potential effects on motivation and subsequently the performance, the results of

previous studies lead to the development of hypothesis that working from home has a positive

overall motivation and increased performance level of employees working within the IT

sector. The present study is developed based on this premise to evaluate the associated factors

leading to increased motivation and performance of IT employees in home-based working

environments in the United Kingdom.

1.3 Problem Statement

Previous research has shown the potential for telecommuting and virtual workplaces

(Zhang, 2016; Mishra and Jena, 2020). It has also been demonstrated that the implementation

government policies commanding working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

posits some constraints outside typical telecommuting, entailing constraining employees to

only work from home (Thorstensson, 2020; Alghaithi and Sartawi, 2020). Hearn (2020)

argued that IT employees working from home are challenged by distraction by family issues

and from other family members since the lockdown affected all people in a family including

those in other employments. On the other hand, there is literature paucity on how working

from home due to lockdown and social distancing policy amid COVID-19 crisis influenced

the motivation of employees in IT industry in the UK. Moreover, there is scarcity of literature

on how the performance of IT employees is affected by working from home amid the

implemented health guidelines against the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. This study,

therefore, seeks to not only collect data from IT employees and IT business organizations on

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telecommuting, but also on the effects of motivation and performance from IT companies

struggling to adopt the new work phenomenon.

1.4 Aim and Objectives

1.4.1 Research Aim

The current study purposed to explore the factors that can motivate employees and

influence their performance and productivity while working from home in the IT sector in the

United Kingdom.

1.4.2 Research Objectives

i. To examine the strategies adopted in the IT industry for employees operating from home

at this unprecedented time of COVID-19.

ii. To determine whether the adopted strategies noted under objective 1 above have positive

effects on the motivation and productivity of employees working from home in the IT

sector in the UK.

iii. To assess the sustainability of overall motivation and performance levels of employees

working from home in the IT sector in the UK.

1.5 Research Questions

i. What factors do business managers in the IT industry consider in the adoption of

telecommuting technologies to assist working from home amid COVID-19 crisis?

ii. What are the effects of the factors influencing the adoption of telecommuting on

motivation of the affected employees working from home during COVID-19 crisis?

iii. How can the factors impacting employee motivation be modelled to enhance the

performance and productivity of employees working from home in the IT sector in the


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1.6 Research Significance

The findings from the present study are important to the management and employees

of business organizations in the IT sector in the UK, as well as to the UK government policy

stakeholders with regard to working from home. The findings identify diverse strategies that

have been implemented to support employees working from home, especially telecommuting

technologies, identifying their potential in affecting employee motivation. IT managers and

their employees will use the findings to model their working environment that ensures

optimal motivation. Secondly, considering the role of motivation on productivity, the findings

address how the strategies influencing motivation can be streamlined to increase the

performance of the IT employees working from home in the course of COVID-19 pandemic.

1.7 Background and Relevance of the Topic

The topic is based on the premise of working from home amid COVID-19 pandemic.

The study targeted employees in the IT industry, especially because the majority of IT

business organizations have online platforms to actuate telecommuting. Considering the

increased inclination of more and more companies transiting into virtual teams, the study

examined the necessity for motivation for virtual employees using IT employees as the case

study. moreover, the study examines the potential of sustaining motivation strategies to

warrant positive influence on employee performance and productivity. The relevance of the

present study is based on the position that IT employees are more likely to be interrupted by

working platforms while working from home. As such, on exogenous factors arising from the

working environment and managerial inputs are deemed to have direct consequences on IT

employee motivation and performance. This study therefore, seeks to establish the role of

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other factors in impacting motivation and the sustainability of these factors to stimulate

increased performance.

1.8 Justification of the Approach

The current study uses a quantitative approach in the exploration of motivation and

performance of employees working from home in the IT industry. The quantitative approach

was adopted because it examines the experiences of people to build conclusions from the

analysis of the real-life opinions, perspectives and views. From the position of an insider, the

quantitative approach allowed the integration of the experiences of the researcher, as an IT

manager, evaluating the motivation strategies and opinions over sustainability of the

strategies to institute increased performance of other IT employees.

1.9 Summary

This dissertation is developed into six chapters. First, concepts introducing the study

have been defined in the introduction chapter, identifying the associated background

information towards the effects of working from home on motivation and performance of

employees in the IT sector in the UK during COVID-19 crisis. The problem statement is

underscored, as well as the research aim, objectives, and questions guiding the study. Second,

a review of literature is provided beginning with an exploration of the theoretical foundations

of the study. The theoretical review is followed by an empirical review that examined

working from home and IT sector workplace environments, employee motivation, employee

performance, and the strategies adopted at IT businesses for employees, especially towards

accountability and sustainability. The chapter is concluded by identification of the gap in

literature. Third, the materials, methods and procedures that were used in the collection,

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analysis and interpretation of relevant data have been explored. In addition, the justification

for the choices made in each of the research processes is highlighted. Fourth, the findings

from the collected data are presented accompanied by their analysis and synthesis. Five, a

discussion of the presented findings is provided relating the results to the previous literature.

Moreover, a self-critical reflection on the findings is provided. Lastly, in the sixth chapter,

conclusions developed are provided accompanied by recommendations for theory and

practice, as well as inferences for future research. The chapter below presents the literature


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Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Nowadays most firms encourage their employees to work from home (WFH).

Harrington and Emanuel (2020) reported that although most of the employees have accepted

the reality of WFH, there are concerns over employees who are yet to be convinced of WFH.

In agreement with this view, Colbert, Yee, and George (2016) inferred that there are cited

suspicions of employees misusing the freedom over the tasks given which reduces

productivity. However, with the current COVID-19 pandemic governments have put in place

stunning measures to observe social distance rule and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus,

including the directive to WFH. The adoption of WFH initiative has forced innovation by

social scientists on the influence of WFH on the employees' performance, given the fact that

WFH is here to stay even after the pandemic (Hearn, 2020). According to Patil and

Gopalakrishnan (2020), employee performance can be assessed through the quantity and time

taken to complete a specific task, quality of work produced, the number of active hours, and

availability over the working period. Studies have indicated that WFH affects the

productivity of employees which gives the need to come up with motivational strategies to

maintain efficiency at work.

The literature review aims at covering the various strategies that could be adopted by

the IT sector in enacting the WFH initiative. The researcher also focuses on the impact of the

strategies on the motivation and productivity of employees. According to enthusiasm creating

a positive culture that improves the productivity of the firm. Colbert, Yee, and George (2016)

contend that an increase in the use of WFH strategy is associated with the increased weekly

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working hours of employees and productivity per hour. Furthermore, employees who

previously commuted for longer distances to work improved productivity due to increased

autonomy. Harrington and Emanuel (2020) added that increased family responsibilities with

parents negatively reduced the productivity of employees and increased delays and piling up

of tasks awarded. Sunarsih (2017) pointed out that prompt and effective communication

enhances the sustainability of motivation and performance among the employees. Al Mamun

and Hassan (2017) agrees to the conclusion by Sunarsih (2017) concurring that enhanced

communication reduces the amount of workload and anxiety among employees, improving

performance. Researching on the models of adopting WFH, Hassan (2017) demonstrated the

potency of research aiming at analysing the effect of motivation on the employees WFH and

the various strategies which could be adopted to increase accountability and sustainable WFH

environment. The researcher used the explanatory research design to discuss the different

motivation strategies to adopt, a quantitative review was conducted on various e-books and

journals to come up with the adopted assumptions and theories. The findings show evidence

of a positive influence of WFH on the productivity of employees in the I.T sector in the UK

through enhanced sustainability strategies in the working environment.

2.2 Theoretical Review

The present study was built on optimal-level, psychoanalytic and humanistic theories,

which address motivation in the workplace, and by extension, working from home amid the

implemented COVID-19 measures to curb the spread of the crisis. The optimal-level theory

which is also referred to as homeostasis explains the state in which a body requires to reach

and maintain a given state of equilibrium (Faust and Foglio, 2020). Further, Faust and Foglio

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(2020) noted that a body can maintain and monitor internal states like blood sugar and

temperature at a stable and constant level. As such, a body has a certain optimal level in

which its functions are considered to be normal. Niemiec and Spence (2017), on the other

hand, established that when an optimal level is maintained, it results in equilibrium which

gives pleasure to the body. Faust and Foglio (2020) countered the view of Niemiec and

Spence (2017) arguing that it is from displeasure that people seek to overcome disequilibrium

through optimizing levels of the need like body temperatures, food, and water. Optimal-level

theory is used in knowing when persons have reached the optimal level by telling peoples’

physical comfort intellectually and emotionally. In this study, the review of optimal-level

theory seeks to examine how peoples working from home can attain optimal levels as by

achieving this their performance can be at best.

Secondly, the psychoanalytic theory of motivation has been used, which models

motives and hidden desires defined by the behaviour of people, such as their workplace

behavioural patterns (Nuckcheddy, 2018). This theory commonly is applied in disciplines

like marketing and management to assist in understanding the motivations of people on the

espousal of their behaviour (Piniel et al. 2019). Redekop et al. (2017) explain that this theory

also expounds processes involved in defining employee conscious functional assessments, as

well as unconscious needs fulfilment. The aim of reviewing this theory is to assist in

examining how to release repressed emotions and experiences of the employee working from

home in order to make conscious inferences towards employee motivation and performance.

Thirdly, the humanistic theory of motivation has been explored centred on the

knowledge that peoples have stout thought in doing their actions (DeRobertis and Bland,

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2018). This has been explained in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Hopper, 2020),

which designates levels of incentives and needs. This hierarchy indicates that peoples are

inspired to accomplish elementary needs before getting on to more radical needs. Hopper

(2020) concurred with DeRobertis and Bland (2018) contending that when these desires have

been accomplished, the primary motivator develops the need for becoming all one is capable

of. Maslow's interest was to learn what makes people contented and what they do to achieve

that aim instead of considering challenging behaviours. In this study, review of humanistic

theory was considered in order to find the uniqueness of individual person by looking at each

as a whole for a better recommendation on the best way to ensure motivation of working

from home for self-actualization.

2.3 Employee Motivation

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the operation and performance of work in

companies, the management staff has a role in retaining the employees in a positive attitude

and provide motivation. The ability of a manager to motivate employees is the most

challenging and at the same time the most important role in an organization. Bonacini, Gallo,

and Scicchitano (2021) sugges that successful and competitive enterprises can retain

employees by attaining worker's satisfaction and motivation. However, the demands by

employees toward achieving satisfaction and motivation differ, some are driven by success

while others consider job security being more important (Inuwa, 2016). Rožman et al. (2017)

supported the view of Inuwa (2016) proposing that the motivation of employees is influenced

by factors such as age, gender, level of education, and stability at the position of work. With

the adoption of WFH initiative there are employees whose turnover rate is high while others

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have a low turnover rate, the management staff is responsible for identifying the factors

behind the performance of employees (Su, Lin, and Ding, 2019). Hearn (2020) agreed with

the perception of Su, Lin, and Ding (2019) that though motivation is very vital in the

performance of an organization there are no standard ways of motivation to every situation

encountered by employees. The postulates above show a positive relation between motivation

and the turnover rate of the employees in IT firms. For an enterprise to achieve the set goals

and objectives, motivation is one of the important tasks in regulating and managing employee


Managerial support through the implementation of regulations and policies to

facilitate smooth working from home increases employee's motivation. Chandra (2017)

postulates that operational procedures and standards which appreciate the practical presence

at work increases the level of comfort and satisfaction in employees. MacRae and Sawatzky

(2020) shared the opinion of Chandra (2017) adding that improving on the compensation of

employees is important during the pandemic due to the increased cost of standards of living

which will increase the employees' morale to work. Inuwa (2016) in his interview with

employees from I.T sector in UK noted that sharing information through effective

communication means between employees will increase employee motivation in completing

task awarded. Sunarsih (2017) concurred with Inuwa (2016) accentuating the importance of

efficient communication between leaders and employees, maintaining that listening to the

opinions of employees virtually will increase the employees' sense of acceptance and

belonging to the organization. Al Mamun and Hasan (2017) assert that basic needs,

competence, and autonomy of employees affect their morale, job satisfaction, and intrinsic

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motivation. Intrinsic motivation is influenced by emerging emotions when engaging in daily

job activities. Su, Lin, and Ding (2019) affirmed to the postulation by Al Mamun and Hasan

(2017) inferring that employees feel a sense of security when they are connected to the firm

which increases the individual's intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, praise and rewards and

positive encouragement is a remarkable strategy adopted in the IT sector to motivate

employees and increase competency (Hearn, 2020). Organizations motivate the employees to

achieve the full realization of the potential productivity and growth of the firm towards

achieving the envisioned goals.

2.4 Indicators of Employee Performance

There are diverse pointers to performance that IT firms use to ascertain whether their

employees are achieving the set-out objectives and performing as desired. They include

financial or cost-based performance, quality of work, and services offered, and time.

Nastasiea and Mironeasa (2019) demonstrated that financial measures are the best indicators

to evaluate the employee's and IT employees’ performance, such as the increase in the values

of profits and sales, and increase the percentage return on assets and equity. The studies on

financial motivational measures adopted at firms are significant in the current review giving

the various forms of monetary measures that are used to evaluate the performance and

improve the quality of work by employees in the IT sector. Jetter, Eimecke, and Rese (2018)

established that other financial measures like an increase in cashflows, sales growth rate,

account receivables, turnover, and return on capital have been employed as indicators of IT

companies financial and employee performance. Reduced costs and expenses in running the

businesses are also an indicator that the employees are effectively working and using the

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available resources, indicating performance in their duties (Odintsova, 2021). Financial

evaluation gives a clear picture of the success of IT business and employees, and may help

the leaders in the planning and control processes.

The quality of services is the key to the success of every IT firm since every customer

deserves and demands quality products and services at lower costs and therefore it can be

used as a test and indicator of employee's performance. Nastasiea and Mironeasa (2019) have

enumerated increased customer satisfaction, output quality, and reduced customer complaints

as a measure of quality which shows that the employees are working at their best. Similarly,

in an explanatory research, Sofiyabadi et al. (2016) noted that increased reliability,

conformance to the desired standards and perceived quality signifies employee's success and

productivity in their jobs. Zare et al. (2019) concurred with Sofiyabadi et al. (2016) affirming

that the capacity of employees to work under minimal or no supervision from the upper-level

managers and still being able to achieve the set objectives and produce quality products and

services is another indicator of employee's performance. These quality indicators can be used

by the IT in making decisions and control the various operations in the business and other


Wulansari et al. (2018) suggested that time and operations flexibility are important

indicators of the IT firm’s employee's performance as flexibility shows the ability of the

organization employees to perform multiple tasks at given levels of resources like machine,

capital, and labour. Odintsova (2021) inferred Wulansari et al. (2018) conducted a research

survey identifying increased volume flexibility, product modification flexibility, mix

flexibility, and process modification flexibility as indicators of employee performance and

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productivity. These findings are reliable in the present analysis by outlining the benefits of

having a flexible remote team on the overall performance of IT firm. In the same way,

Lundgren et al. (2020) supported the Wulansari et al. (2018) research and further indicated

that increased delivery frequency, and good due date management as more indicators that

employees are efficiently performing at every level. In an explanatory research by Lundgren

et al (2020) the findings showed improvement on the performance of employees out of better

time management skills and balance of life. In addition, Sofiyabadi et al. (2016) suggested

that reduced time from customer recognition of the need to delivery, reduced order

processing time, reduced decision cycle time, and reduced breakeven time shows employees

cooperation, productivity, and good performance, and helps organizations to enjoy

competitive advantages over their competitors.

2.5 Work Environment in the IT Sector

The work environment entails the safety of employees in terms of the conditions

encountered at field, which is the most vital aspect of the work environment. Chaudhry et al.

(2017) explained that organizational success can be measured in terms of the working

environment conditions which influence the work results. The findings of Sunarsih (2017)

were consistent with those of Chaudhry et al. (2017) demonstrating that the work

environment is not only composed of physical factors but also the members of staff of the

organization too. The work environment comprises the human environment, the technical

environment, and the organizational environment According to Patil and Gopalakrishnan

(2020), IT sector has improved organizational management by including a supervisor who is

an experienced leader to help in problem-solving and act as a role model to new members.

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Hearn (2020) accepted the suppositions of Patil and Gopalakrishnan (2020) proposing that

the supervisor organizes training programs for new employees to guide them on operational

procedures which leads to increased competency of employees. The IT industry has

employed technological tools such as the use of social media platforms like Facebook,

Twitter, and other teleconferencing options to enhance communication and online

supervision for employees working from home. The IT industry play a significant role the

development of the UK economy which gives the need to focus on improving the working

environment in the firms to enhance productivity.

According to Bonacini, Gallo, and Scicchitano (2021), IT have emphasized on

performance feedback between employees WFH and the supervisors to exchange information

and resolve the differences to enhance efficiency during the work process. Watermeyer et al.

(2021) supported the opinion of Bonacini, Gallo, and Scicchitano (2021) intimating that the

feedback includes positive remarks on completed tasks and the required technological

advancements required to advance the efficiency of organizational operations. In addition,

Chaudhry et al. (2017) proposed that though, the process is formal, closer relationships

between the two parties enable the employee to share thoughts about the requirements and

suggestions on how to improve the work results. As with the current findings, it is

demonstrated that prompt feedback improves the innovation and research development in IT

companies. Taheri (2020) noted that IT companies provides job aid for the employees

working at home to direct the employee and improve their performance. The well-facilitated

environment in IT industry increases the productivity of employees while enhancing the

satisfaction and comfortability of employees.

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2.6 Working from Home and COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IT organizations begun to operate in a Working

from Home (WFH) environment. Duncan (2020) through a survey conducted noted that 37%

of jobs available in the UK can be performed at home within a wide range of variety of cities

and industries. Duncan conducted his survey in London where he interviewed 50 employers

in IT sector from the education industry and 20 employers from the banking industry. Zhang

et al. (2020) averts that while IT industry employ 35% of the working population in the UK,

the businesses are more vulnerable to the economic crisis. The findings of Elavarasan (2020)

were consistent with those of Zhang et al. (2020) demonstrating that the financial fragility of

IT organizations becomes a barrier to WFH due to costs incurred. Research indicates that

small IT firms have inadequate resources to build efficient WFH infrastructure (Aladejebi

2020). Ratten (2021) shared the opinion of Aladejebi (2020) suggesting that workers are

equipped with skill and abilities depending on the level of technology available at work and

better technology increases the productivity of employees. The business owners and top-level

managers consider WFH as a rational choice to maximize the firm's utility compared to the

traditional offices (Kawaguchi et al. 2020). Duncan, (2020) agrees to the opinion of

Kawaguchi et al. (2020) pointing out that employers will choose WFH if it has a greater

marginal benefit to the firm than traditional offices. Long and Reuschke (2021) concurred

with Duncan (2020) inferring that in a traditional office setup, the business owners cater for

capital and general administrative costs like equipment, utilities, office furniture, and salaries.

In contrast, the WFH has a lower cost on the employer, the potentially saved office cost helps

cater for the technological advancement in small business. The WFH initiative has proved to

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be more economical to many IT organizations since it minimizes the overhead costs

increasing the firm’s productivity.

To adopt an effective WFH strategy organizational changes are required such as

management of the psycho-sociological distance from the work environment and surveillance

models. Bartik et al. (2020) noted that WFH increases the turnover rate of employees in IT

companies because WFH increases employee wellbeing by reducing fatigue from commuting

and providing a less stressful environment. Kawaguchi et al. (2020) agreed with the

perspective of Bartik et al. (2020) proposing that employees WFH have a better balance

between family life and work and have higher productivity because of reduced absenteeism.

Kurmann et al. (2020) in his study showed that firms using the WFH strategy have

maintained productivity during the pandemic, and adoption of WFH reduced the drop in GDP

resulting from the crisis. In support of this view Reuschke (2021) confirmed that industries

that are fit to adopt the WFH strategy seemed to experience low productivity loss when

switching to WFH. Fairlie (2020) concluded that WFH helps mitigate the negative economic

impact of the COVID-19 pandemic while improving the survival chances for small

businesses. Fairlie (2020) in his exploratory research showed that since WFH is a rational

choice for IT businesses, the popularity of WFH has increased and is expected to remain even

after the end of COVID-19 crisis. Because firms have now paid the fixed costs of setting up a

functional WFH program, and are aware of the benefits and potential of WFH, many firms

consider the WFH as a long-term strategy to improve productivity.

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2.6.1 Strategies Adopted at IT Business Organizations for Employees

Over the last few years, IT businesses have experienced numerous economic changes,

leaving organizations around the world to try to maintain a competitive advantage in the

economic era. Consequently, employee engagement has become a popular organizational

initiative (Howe, 2020). According to Rucker (2017), employee engagement is termed as a

psychological state where employees align personal interests toward achieving organizational

success or even exceeding the job requirements. In addition, Wang, Wang, and Chang (2019)

concurred with Rucker (2017) that in an engaged state employees are willing to indulge

themselves in the roles awarded to provide results for the organization. Various factors affect

the level of engagement of employees in the IT business. Schmidt and Pohler (2018) pointed

out reward strategy as one way the IT sector management uses to increase the level of

engagement for employees in the firms. Howe, (2020) complements Schmidt and Pohler

(2018) arguing that rewards could be in form of monetary or non-monetary remuneration

given to the employee for work and service provided at the workplace. Further, Ward (2019)

through a survey conducted noted that leadership has a direct link to employee engagement

and level of commitment. Kurmann et al. (2020) shared the opinion of Ward (2019)

demonstrating that the managers have the responsibility of communicating to employees and

provide the necessary support to increase the performance of the job. Employees gain a sense

of satisfaction when their roles are considered important and meaningful resulting to more

effort and innovation in the IT industry. Employee engagement enhances employee

sustainability in the IT firm which promotes innovation and research in the firm increasing

the growth of the company.

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Employee involvement in IT sector provides an opportunity for workers to present

suggestions to the management. Employee involvement is described as the inclusion of

employees in the decision-making process and implementation of new interventions that

influence the employees working environment (Hakmaoui and Loukili, 2017). Howe (2020)

agrees with the view of Hakmaoui and Loukili (2017) who posit that the work environment

comprises of a two-way model of relationship between the employee and employer.

Employee involvement is one of the major principles of soft Human Resource Management

(HRM) which aims at securing ideas by the employees to attain their commitment (Arthur,

Osei-Agyemang, and Arthur, 2019). In support of this view, Adeoye and Hope (2020)

contended that effective communication between the managers and employees increases the

level of engagement in IT organizations. Training and development of skills for employees

are a major factor contributing to employee engagement in IT industry (Bogatova, 2017).

Klein and Todesco (2021) agreed with the findings of Bogatova (2017) proposing that

training improves the quality of service provided by employees which impacts the

performance of work and employee engagement. Rucker (2017) conducted a case study on an

IT firm that enrols the employees for training programs to determine their performance after

the training sessions. Rucker (2017) in his case study demonstrated that training and

development programs develop the confidence of employees, which gives them the feeling

that the organization is interested in increasing the productivity of employees and

professional advancement of workers. Training on effective engagement strategies gives the

employees a chance to grow and develop their talents giving them the motivation to put an

extra effort which promotes the performance of the organization.

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2.6.2 Accountability

For home-based employees, accountability is the means of delivering on a

commitment by completing the working assigned set of tasks and also providing quality

output and this involves taking responsibility for their duties and performance, delivering

projects with the desired output, and within the given timeline, keeping to their promises and

owning their roles and duties towards their organizations. Roberts (2017) argued that to build

accountability with employees working in a remote workplace, managers should create a

work from home policy and set clear expectations so that they can understand what is

expected from them. Jamal and Tilchin (2019) supported the findings of Roberts (2017) and

noted that working from home policy lays out how the remote employees should operate and

outlines the set of established guidelines and norms between an employer and their

employees that covers the various aspects of working from home. Cardillo and Queens

(2019) further indicated that policies should consider aspects like who is eligible to work

from home based on factors like equipment needs, nature of job duties, employee personality,

and legal implications. Pedersen and Nielsen (2019) who shared the point of view by Cardillo

and Queens (2019) added that policies should be clear on the working hours of the

employees, productivity measures and timekeeping guidelines, communication expectations,

cybersecurity, and confidentiality. Remote working policies have proved to be important in

maintaining the accountability in IT firms by controlling the operations of employees.

Communication is a vital component in the management of business for it enhances

smooth cooperation in the organization. Pedersen and Nielsen (2016) in his study showed that

making communication a priority can help the employees to have their tasks completed

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accurately and efficiently by setting communication expectations between managers and

direct reports. Kristiansen et al. (2018) agreed to the assertion by Pedersen and Nielsen

(2016) further concluding that a morning call between employees and their managers can be a

more direct and clear communication channel where employees’ specific questions can be

answered before getting into work and managers can adjust deadlines and individual's

priorities without creating unnecessary confusion. Additionally, Jamal and Tilchin (2019)

suggested that organizations should invest in tools and technology that can smooth out

indirect communication in the course of the workday like using Slack and Google Hangouts

which are excellent tools for instant messaging. Jamal and Tilchin (2019) were supported by

Stewart (2020) who also indicated that managers should set other face-to-face

communication technology such as Skype and Zoom and keep track of assignments and

monitor productivity by implementing a task management platform. Telecommunication in

the IT industry increases the efficiency of communication enhancing engagement of

employees and management in the decision-making process.

To increase accountability, organizations should make employees a part of the process

and create a culture of unity and support by prioritizing the employee's dignity. Cardillo and

Queens (2019) indicated that by bringing the employees in the process, employers get to

discover more about what motivates, challenges, satisfies, and scares the employees and this

helps the organizations to offer support to their employees. Stewart (2020) further suggested

that involving the employees in all the activities like setting the standards they are measured

against, not only establishes a shared acknowledgment of the metrics but also puts them in

the co-pilot role. Aithal and PM (2016) concluded that employees who get support from their

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organizations and those who feel trusted have been found to put more effort and perform at

levels higher than what is required of them. Stannard (2017) agrees to the opinion of Aithal

and PM (2016) concurring that promoting honest, open, and judgment-free communication is

a great way to nurture trust which makes the employees comfortable in their working

environment and this enhances accountability amongst the team. Showing employees

commitment to their success and not documenting their shortcomings makes them more

inclined to open about their inadequacies and welcome guidance and help positively hence

building accountability.

2.6.3 Sustainability

Sustainable employment is the ability of the employee to provide added value for an

organization now and in the future, while also experiencing added value for themselves. Del

Giudice et al. (2017), in his study insisted that one of the things that employers can do to

increase employee's sustainability is by being concerned about the health and working

environment of the employees. Del Giudice conducted a case study on IT firms in UK to

assess the strategies put in place to maintain a healthy environment for employees. Alipour,

Safaeimanesh, and Soosan (2019) supported the views of Del Giudice et al. (2017) and noted

that organizations should set out a safe environment and a good clear policy for working

conditions, both physically and in terms of atmosphere in the workplace by offering annual

health check and promoting sports. A healthy work-life balance should be part of an

organization's policy, not only profitability or continuity but precisely the human capital that

this must achieve deserves more attention. Casey and Sieber (2016) learned that

organizations should also set guidance and counselling centres where employees can get

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phycological and mental health support. Further, Singh et al. (2019) agrees to the postulation

by Casey and Sieber (2016) revealing that employers should also consider having good

practices of age management by setting up those measures that combat age barriers and

promote age diversity to maintain the capability and willingness of workers to remain in work

beyond ages at which they previously retired. Another study conducted by Farooq, Farooq,

and Reynaud (2019) suggested that providing essential tools and working equipment can

improve the workplace and make the employees ready and comfortable to work for the

organization and this can make them productive which in turn may help in sustaining them.

Adopting safe working environment policies in IT companies’ increases job satisfaction of

employees which has contributed to growth of the industry in UK.

To sustain employees, there is a need to give them the motivation of different nature

by setting realistic company goals, rewarding employees who have performed better in their

tasks, and engaging them in different organizational activities. Kucharska and Kowalczyk

(2019) contend that a motivational program focuses on the optimal use of the available

workforce to meet company goals and at the same time on knowing and developing the

personality of the employee. Merriman et al. (2016) indicated that an effective motivational

program covers the areas with low performance in a given period or those areas which seem

to be significant for work activity due to another reason. Polman and Bhattacharya (2016)

supported the findings of Merriman et al. (2016) and further noted that motivational programs

that are used as part of adaptation program affects the employees psychologically and

economically hence sustaining their day-to-day activities. Pradhan et al. (2020) suggested

that equipping employees with proper monetary and non-monetary motivation and effective

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coaching and development opportunities provides organizations with the fuel needed to

achieve high performance, sustained employment, and growth. Biedenbach and Manzhynski

(2016), in their research found that employees should maintain consistent communication

which is honest, transparent, and two-way about the overall progress of the organization and

any changes being made since it will make them feel like a part of it and this may further

encourage them to embrace changes positively. Biedenbach and Manzhynski (2016)

conducted their research through an interview with 40 employees who gave the effect of clear

communication on improving their performance and quality delivery. Good leadership and

management and observing all the functions of management like planning, organizing,

staffing, directing, and controlling, can increase the confidence of employees in their

employers and this may increase their motivation, productivity, and sustainability.

2.7 Gap Literature

According to research conducted, some business organizations in the IT industry have

less financial ability which reduces the potential in investing in the required technological

equipment to improve the efficiency of employees WFH (Bonacini, Gallo, and Scicchitano,

2021). The literature did not cover the proposed models in which IT firms should offer

financial support to increase the employees' motivation and performance. Rožman et al.

(2017) argue that there is a great need to offer financial incentives to employees WFH

especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where people are experiencing economic crisis

and increased expenditure on health. The research has not embarked on recommending the

appropriate combination of strategies that may be used to improve the performance of

employees with low operational cost challenges.

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Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Research Design

3.1 Introduction 

The current section of the study explains the methods, procedures, and materials used

in the process of collection, analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data to respond to the

set research questions. In this regard, this chapter is important because it explicates the

rationale and the methodological procedures of the study while giving an outline of how and

where the researcher gathered data. Besides, the chapter illuminates the research strategy,

population of the study, sampling procedures, and the sample size incorporated in the current

study. Research philosophy, research design, research approach as well as the ethical issues

put into consideration in the current study have been explicated in the current section. Lastly,

justification for any methodological selection made is clearly explained in the current section

of the study.

3.2 Research Philosophy 

A positivism paradigm was exploited in the current study to guide the research

process. According to Ali (2020) positivism philosophy is based on the basic concept that any

trustworthy and factual knowledge is gained through measurement and evaluation of data. In

addition, Marsonet (2019) intimated use of the positivism paradigm enables the researcher to

analyze quantitative data deductively leading to the development of reliable results from the

collected information because the researcher focuses on discrete elements that can be easily

analyzed statistically. In this regard, positivism philosophy was found suitable in the current

study because it involved the collection, analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data that

is measurable and its presentation can be made statistically. Positivism paradigm is important

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in research studies that entail the use of questionnaires, survey as well as studies based on an

experimental strategy. Considering that positivism philosophy is linked with the use of

quantitative strategy, the paradigm was found suitable in this study because it offered the

researcher an opportunity of remaining independent in the process of collection of

quantitative information. According to Khanna (2019), the positivist construct incorporates

the social facts the help in shaping the beliefs in the society through the provision of trusted

knowledge obtained from measurements and observations. Consequently, the paradigm was

found effective in the current study since it entails the use of research processes that depend

on measurement and evaluation of facts to develop variables observed from the experimental

tests leading to the achievement of the set research objectives.

3.3 Research Design 

The current study embraced the use of an explanatory design. Bowen, Rose, and

Pilkington (2017) asserted the use of explanatory design enables the researcher to examine

the problem under study in-depth leading to a deeper understanding of the relationship

between the variables established in a more detailed way. As such, the design was found

suitable in the current study since it helped in the evaluation of the gathered data in a detailed

way promoting an efficient understanding of the problem under study. Further, Akhtar

(2016) posited use of explanatory design offers an opportunity for the researcher to

familiarize with the topic under study through the examination of established theories to test

the established theories. From this point of view, the explanatory research design was found

useful in the current study because it helps in an in-depth examination of the topic understudy

in a timely and effective way. Considering that the current study aimed at exploring cause-

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effect correlation given establishing the existing effect of working from home on the

motivation levels and performance among employees in the IT sector, the explanatory

research design was found suitable because it offered an opportunity of predicting the

relationship between variables. According to Agranoff, and Kolpakov (2019) explanatory

research design does not only focus on the explanations of the phenomenon under exploration

but also ensures detailed analysis of existing theories on the causative agents and the effects

of the occurrence of the problem under study. Consequently, the design was found effective

in the current study due to its ability to analyze specific problems under study through

interpretations of the collected quantitative data statistically. 

3.4 Research Strategy

Based on the considerations of explanatory research design and deductive approach of

analyzing quantitative data, the current study embraced the use of the grounded theory

strategy. Grounded theory strategy lays the foundation for the development of effective

strategies which are sequentially deductive in gathering, tabulation, and interpreting data

intending to a build-up of the study objectives (Bryant, 2017). According to Wiesche, et al.

(2017) argued grounded theory strategy is a methodological strategy that emphasizes the need

of exploring existing theories to lay the basis for inferring the relationship between variables

established from the collected data resulting in the achievement of study objectives.

Grounded theory strategy was found appropriate because it enabled analysis of gathered data

based on previous knowledge gained from the analyzed theories hence promoting easy

development of dependable conclusion on the problem under study from the inferred

implications of challenges encountered while working from home by employees working

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with the IT industry on their motivation and performance. Furthermore, Flick (2018)

augmented use of grounded theory strategy offers an opportunity of evaluating social studies

through the collection of data that can be measured and tabulated statistically from the real

world hence defining the links in concert among the explored research question leading to the

attainment of dependable responses that promote the achievement of study objectives.

Consequently, the strategy was found suitable in the current study because the synergy

between research strategy based on grounded theory and deductive approaches enhances the

collection of accurate and credible data leading to the achievement of findings that are not


3.5 Research Approach

Considering that the current study entailed the gathering of quantitative data, the

current study incorporated the use of a deductive approach. Azungah (2018) asserted

deductive approach of reasoning entails deriving theories from the problem under exploration

and the process of their testing to confirm their credibility. In this regard, the deductive

approach of reasoning is depicted as a form of reasoning that aims at measuring and

evaluating existing literature related to the topic under study since they build in the

development of dependable findings from the analysis performed on the collected data

(Hewson, 2017). The approach was found suitable in the current study considering the basis

of the study on the psychoanalytic theory of motivation and optimal-level theory which

postulate the espousal of hidden desires and motives depends of behavioural patterns and

related haemostasis. Moreover, the use of deductive logic of inquiry was considered because

it enabled the achievement of reliable findings and conclusions. Centering on the humanistic

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theory of motivation, the researcher applied the prior knowledge gained through testing and

evaluation of related theories to develop more insights on the interpretation and analysis of

the gathered data. Further, the deductive approach was found effective in the current study

because it enabled the researcher to establish the causal relationship between variables and

concepts resulting in a gathering of accurate and reliable findings that promote effective and

efficient responses to the research questions. The use of the deductive approach alongside

explanatory design helps in close examination of concepts under study quantitatively

enhancing generalization of the established findings from the collected data (Cash, Stanković

and Štorga, 2016). Conversely, the use of the deductive approach was incorporated in the

current study because it promoted the monitoring of causal-effect concepts through

predefined experimental tests.

3.6 Research Method

Based on the use of the deductive approach of reasoning, this study adopted the use of

quantitative methods of data collection. According to Kan and Gero (2017), quantitative

methods of research encompass methodological processes that are geared towards facilitating

the effective and efficient gathering and tabulation of numerical data through statistical

processes to develop meaning and inferences from established findings. Additionally,

quantitative methods of data gathering and analysis are perceived to entail testing of

formulated hypotheses and theories based on the collected information enhancing the

development of systematic analysis (Kan and Gero, 2017). Quantitative methods of research

were found suitable in the current study due to their potency of promoting the development of

statistical measures and tests of gathered data through source monitoring from the identified

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influences of working from home to the motivation and performance of employees working

with the IT sector to gain responses to the set study questions. Schutt (2019) intimated

quantitative methods of data collection and analysis promote the gathering of numerical data

directly from the study population through survey approaches leading to the gathering of

accurate numeric data that can easily be tabulated and interpreted statistically. Equally, the

method was found appropriate in the current study because numerical data gathered can be

objectively tested to promote the generalizability of the established study variables to develop

dependable conclusions that enhance the achievement of study objectives.

3.7 Sampling Procedure

Location of the Study/Setting - The current study was based in the United Kingdom

among the IT firms. In addition, the study focused on a population of employees working in

the IT industry, particularly those employees working from home due to the outbreak of the

COVID-19 pandemic.

Population - The study population incorporated in the current study entailed

employees working in IT firms located in the United Kingdom. Specifically, the population

comprised only of employees working in the IT sector and who were allowed to work from

home due to the rising number of COVID-19 pandemic patients.

Sample - The current study targeted a sample of 150 participants who were selected

through the random sampling strategy. According to Sharma (2017), random sampling

method involves the use of non-probability selection of participants allowing all the elements

in the population and equal opportunity for selection. As such, random sampling approach

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allowed effective isolation of participants based on the laid down inclusion-exclusion criteria

for apposite gathering of quantitative data that allowed comparison and generalization.

Inclusion-exclusion criteria - Stringent inclusion and exclusion were incorporated in

the current study. Particularly, the participants were required to be active employees working

in IT firms located in the United Kingdom. Besides, the participants were required to have

been working virtually from home for a period of more than six months since they were

considered to have vast experiences regarding the impact of working from home on their

motivation and performance. The study excluded employees in other sectors of the economy

irrespective of working from home since they were perceived to have little experience on

online platforms associated with working from home.

Recruitment - The participants were recruited via invitation emails that were sent

through the respective Human Resources department. The HR department played a role in

acquiring official emails to their business executives who were selected and included in the

study. The candidate participants were contacted through the emails from where invitation

letters were sent debriefing them on the rationale of the study, the objectives and potential

benefits individually and the IT sector. Participation rights were outlined to enlighten them of

their obligation and those of the researcher.

3.8 Research Instruments 

The current study used survey questionnaires as the primary tool for data gathering.

The questionnaires were structured to entail closed-ended questions that required the

respondents to pick answers from the multiple-choice options provided. As such, the majority

of the multiple-choice type of questions encompassed in the survey questionnaires used in the

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current study featured scaled questions embedded on the Likert Scale ranging from strongly

agree to strongly disagree. In addition, the closed-ended questionnaire embraced in the

current study encompassed yes/no answer questions as well as open-ended questions to offer

the respondents an opportunity to provide their points of view on the variables of the study.

Zang et al. (2017) postulated the use of a questionnaire enables the collection of data from a

relatively large number of study participants in a cost-effective way. In this regard, the use of

close-ended survey questionnaires in the current study was found effective because it allowed

the gathering of data from a large number of participants in a standardized manner. Further,

the use of closed-ended questionnaires in the current study was found suitable due to its

flexibility in quantifying and analyzing responses from study participants.

3.9 Data Collection 

The process of data collection was made possible using survey questionnaires

considering that data was gathered from a large sample with every respondent providing

related experiences on the impact of working from home on the motivation and overall

performance. The participants were contacted through the emails from where they were

recruited, and issued with the defined research instrument capturing the research objectives as

pertained to motivating IT sector employees who were working from home. According

to McCusker and Gunaydin (2015) there is a need to ensure the existence of well-coordinated

and mutual effort between the researcher and the study participants to collect accurate and

reliable data that depicts the actual picture of the phenomena under exploration. In the

process of data collection, the participants were emailed both an informed consent form for

filling and signing, and links to the survey questionnaire redirecting them to the Qualtrics

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platform. The informed consent form clearly outlined the benefits accrue to the participants,

the rights, obligations, and the terms of participation. Upon completion of the questionnaire

and clicking the submit button, the participants were redirected to their emails for signing and

returning of the informed consent forms. The participants were required to email back the

signed consent forms for their questionnaire responses to be included in the analysis. The

gathered data was considered true and objective because it was directly obtained from actual

participants hence giving their real experiences regarding the problem under study. Lastly,

the collected data from the respondents was stored in a password-protected personal

computer of the researcher for reference during the process of data analysis.

3.10 Data Analysis and Interpretation 

Upon ordering all the collected responses, data were sort and scored accordingly.

Further, the quantitative responses were filled in the spreadsheet tables after coding for

statistical analysis. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) was used embedded in

both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis methods. According to Mishra et al.

(2019), the use of descriptive analysis enables demonstration of the key features of the

collected data based on their sources enhancing easier response to the set study questions.

Additionally, Kaur, Stoltzfus, and Yellapu (2018) augmented descriptive analysis promotes

summarization of quantitative data for easy description of their features leading to the

development of efficient study variables. In this regard, with the use of descriptive statistics

the researcher simply described the content of the data in a more manageable form thus

developing unique types of measures. Mishra et al. (2019) asserted descriptive analysis

entails measures of central tendency, dispersion, frequency, and position reducing chances of

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data manipulation for the development of dependable variables. Consequently, the choice of

descriptive analysis was catalyzed by the need to analyze quantitative data based on

demographic features of the sample and relational percentage within and between groups

under study.

Since the current study involved a relatively large population, the inferential analysis

method was performed since it offered an opportunity for generalizing established findings in

the study helping the researcher to identify the relationship between isolated variables

(Andereck, 2017). Further, Andereck (2017) stated that inferential analysis is a statistical

process that promotes the development of a clear distinction between variables. As such, the

use of inferential analysis led to easy development of conclusions on the strength of

relationships between variables of the study enhancing easy response to the established study

questions. From this point of view, the use of inferential analysis offered a clear guideline on

the best ways of interpreting the results from the quantified performance of variables inferred

in the study. Further, inferential analysis was incorporated in the current study because it

facilitated understanding of the results developed from the tabulation of gathered data while

clearly outlining what the results mean and the limitations of the results.

3.11 Ethical Considerations 

Before embarking on the actual process of data collection, the researcher sought

ethical approvals from the university ethical research committee and review board who

offered the procedures on the gathering of information from human participants and the best

ways of handling such type of data. Further, the participants were issued with debriefing form

containing detailed explanations on what was entailed in the current study and the benefits

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that would arise from their participation in the study. Besides, the debriefing form informed

the participants that participation was voluntary and that no consequences would be vested to

them even if they decided to quit the study. The debriefing letter also indicated that

participants were at liberty of responding or failing to respond to any question without any

negative effects. As such, a debriefing form was sent to all participants a week before the

actual day of data collection to give the participants enough time to read the content and

make an informed judgment. Later, the researcher sought consent for participation from the

participants by requesting them to sign an informed consent form before starting to respond

to survey questions. Considering that data was being collected virtually through Qualtrics, the

data provided was treated with the utmost confidentiality. All responses and excerpts

identified in the write-up were coded to mask the identity of the participants.

3.12 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

In order to ensure generalization of the findings to the entire employee population

within the SMB sector, there was need to establish validity and reliability of collected data.

The research process commanded the maintenance of the data validity. In particular, in the

process of data collection using survey questionnaires, Likert scale was used for conversion

of data into numerals, as Subedi (2016) had argued in their favor in data conversion. In the

process, as Heale and Twycross (2015) argued, the precision of the collected data was

increased in addressing the research questions. Tools for statistical analysis of data were used

in a bid to increase and/or maintain the accuracy of the data. Further, the application of

statistical decision rules advanced the validity of the findings in the course of hypothesis

testing. Importantly, the adoption of a positivist research paradigm coupled with a deductive

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approach entailed in data interpretation enhanced the reliability of the research process,

subsequently increasing the research objectivity. Consequently, the findings were deemed

highly dependable and reproducible.

3.13 Limitations

One of the major limitations was that the participating employees working from home

showed demoralized to provide honest and accurate answers, especially when providing

responses about themselves. In order to counter this limitation, the research used a large

sample which was able to absorb any form of response bias from the collected data.

Secondly, there was potential for respondents to misunderstand some of the questions since

they were offered online via the Qualtrics platform. The limitation was countered by

designing all questions with multiple choices to make it easier for the participants to respond.

3.14 Summary

The chapter above has provided different research materials accompanied by the

relevant processes and procedures considered apt for the collection, analysis and

interpretation of quantitative data. specifically, the study was based on a positivist research

paradigm and guided by a deductive logic in the interpretation of the collected data.

moreover, the study adopted an explanatory research design to build a quantitative study. The

researcher issued questionnaires to 150 participants via Qualtrics, an online platform to

facilitate collection of survey responses. The collected data was subjected to descriptive and

inferential analysis. The chapter below outlines the findings from the analysis, as well as their


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Chapter Four: Data Collection, Analysis and Synthesis

4.1 Introduction

This chapter outlines the findings from the analysis of data that was collected in the

survey questionnaire delivered via Qualtrics. All filled questionnaires were sorted, scored,

and exported to SPSS spreadsheet for analysis. The researcher invited 150 participants to fill

in the questionnaire but only 138 questionnaires were considered for analysis translating to a

92.0% response rate. Data analysed examined the virtual teams working in the IT business

organisations in the United Kingdom that were randomly selected and stratified by gender,

marital status, academic qualifications, years of service in the respective company, and job

level and positioning of an employee to ensure sufficient responses addressing the pointers of

motivation or performance of employees skewed towards the identified domains.

4.2 Findings

4.2.1 Demographics

The consideration for the need to design and develop variants of motivational

programs for teams working from home during and after COVID-19 crisis was made on the

gender of a particular employee to define the most preferred motivational strategies.

Altogether, the majority of the respondents were females (n = 48, f = 34.8%) and the

remainder constituted the males (n = 90, f = 65.2%) included in the study. The stratification

of the sample with respect to the sex of the participants resulted in weighting of the data to

the opinions of the men and women in the analysis reflected the IT sector gender distribution.

In this regard, the descriptive data generated from the analysis could be generalized to the job

market as a whole, enabling comparisons of the demographic data to employees working

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from home in the UK. Importantly, gender characteristics of employees working from home

was assessed considering the quality of relationships between employees and their managers

that point to the influence of gender as a pivotal element impacting on motivation and


Another demographic assessed was the marital status considering its bearing on job

satisfaction and consequently motivation, especially while working from home. As illustrated

in Figure 1 below, the majority of the employees are either married (n = 88, f = 63.8%),

separated (n = 22, f = 15.9%) or divorced (n = 14, f = 10.1%).






0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0

Frequency (%)


ital C




Figure 1. Distribution of marital categories

Only a small fraction of less than 10% constituted the single and windowed

categories, which was consistent with the intuition that employees who are married tend to be

more satisfied with their jobs more than the unmarried counterparts. Further, there are

postulates that being married imposes an increase in the responsibilities, which transform a

steady employment to become more important and valuable. Consequently, the consideration

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of more responsibilities at home and on the job requirements while working at home made

the demographic worth evaluating.

Academic qualifications were assessed because of the fact that employee performance

is significantly and positively related to their academic qualifications. From the studied

participants, Table 1 demonstrated the distribution of the participants with respect to their

qualifications. Importantly, the employment level and position of an employee were also

considered significant correlating with both academic qualifications and performance.

Table 1. Distribution of academic qualifications and job level

High school College diploma Bachelor Master Doctorate

Frequency 1 21 73 28 15

Percentage 0.7% 15.2% 52.9% 20.3% 10.9%

Staff/Officer Supervisor Manager Management level

Frequency 61 44 27 6

Percentage 44.2% 31.9% 19.6% 4.3%

The findings suggest that the largest fraction of IT firms employ people with

bachelors’ degrees and post-graduate qualifications. Moreover, the majority have shown to

lie between staff officer and supervisor levels. On examination of the years of service, which

connotes job satisfaction of employees, it was noted that more employees were working with

their respective IT for between 6 and 10 years (n = 53, f = 38.4%).

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1 - 5 years 6 - 10 years 11 - 15 years 15 years and above

Figure 2. Distribution of years in employment

As depicted in Figure 2, the aspects of years of working experience were examined,

and how they relate with the working position, or not. From the demographic analysis, it is

argued that employee motivation may be demonstrated via gender, academic level, job

position, or the number of years in a particular IT firm, which denote employee engagement

in tandem with the goals of the business organization, especially while working from home. It

is, therefore, inferred that men working in IT firms today are the majority workers across the

industry. In addition, most companies are skewed to hiring more employees with

undergraduate and post graduate degrees, who are relatively satisfied with their jobs working

with their respective business organizations between 6 and 10 years. Only a small fraction of

employees stays with their companies for more than 15 years or more, which is argued to

predict that employees identify the importance of doctorate degrees as their reputation to seek

more satisfying or motivating jobs and individual improvement.

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4.2.2 Strategies Adopted at IT Firms for Employees Operating from Home During

COVID-19 Pandemic

In the examination of the first research question, the researcher questioned the

strategies that IT firms were using to motivate employees working from home in the course

of COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were at liberty of choosing more than one response

from the given choices. Different choices are as depicted in Table 2, which demonstrated the

percentages of the selections pointing to the individual preferences for motivation factors.

Table 2. Preferences for motivational factors

Motivational Factor f (%)

Remuneration packages 94.9

Employee recognition 84.8

Working environment 96.4

Organizational culture and value 80.4

Organizational management system 67.4

The responses from the 138 participants have clearly indicated that the most important

factor that employees regard to influence their motivation to work in IT business

organizations is the provision of an ample working environment (f = 96.4%, SD = 1.92, p

= .005) and a good remuneration package (f = 94.9%, SD = 2.31, p = .005). The remuneration

package was equated to the salaries, monetary incentives and allowances, including corporate

bonuses, which represented the second highly preferred motivational factor behind an ample

working environment. The findings showed that the majority of employees regard a good

working environment as the major preference defining their motivation. In this regard,

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employees working from home preferred, in addition to monetary reward, to be motivated

through the creation of a conducive working conditions.

The responded identified more than one motivation factor that IT firms implement as

motivation strategies, which resulted in the development of a motivation index by acquiring a

mean score for all motivation factors to allow for inferential analysis. As such, on carrying

out a t-test on the results, it was demonstrated that both remuneration packages and good

working environment as defined by the implemented conditions are statistically significant in

stimulating motivation among employees as reflected in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Comparison between preference for remuneration packages and working


Test Value = 0

t df Sig. (2-tailed)



Remuneration packages 3.814 131 .001 .013

Working environment 4.188 133 .000 .037

Evidently, the use of employee recognition by IT companies as a motivation tool

elicited a strong preference among 84.8% (SD = 1.93, p = .005) of the employees at work

from home, accordingly. Moreover, the responses towards organizational culture and values

scored 80.4% (SD = 1.87, p = .005) demonstrating that extending some organizational culture

and working styles in the working from home environment was deemed indispensable in

motivating home-based employees to gain attention and perform exemplarily in their

organization remotely.

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On further evaluation, the study examined important motivation strategies that IT

firms are using to motivate their customers outside the monetary rewards. The participants

were asked of motivational factors they considered necessary to stimulate motivation other

than those related to financial gains. Descriptive analysis of their responses is as depicted in

the Figure 3 below.

Employee re


Working envir


Organizational c

ulture and va


Organizational m

anagement syst


None of them

Any of t


87.0 90.6


0.0 5.8

Motivation factors other than money



y (%


Figure 3. Preference for motivation factors other than money

The findings from Figure 3 clearly identify working conditions and recognition as

important factors pointing to higher motivation and job satisfaction index in their respective

IT firms while working from home. Demonstrating their relative effects on motivation, the

regression model summary in Table 4 showed that the four factors under consideration are

important in motivating home-based IT employees.

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Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of

the Estimate



1 .428a .183 -.006 4082.9233 2.044

a. Predictors: (Constant), Employee motivation

b. Dependent Variable: Employee recognition, Working environment,

Organizational culture and value, Organizational culture and value,

Organizational management system

Table 4. Regression model summary of employee motivation factors

Inferences from the table are that there is a 18.3% chance that the employee

recognition, working environment, organizational culture and value, organizational culture

and value, and organizational management system influence employee motivation and

subsequent their performance.

4.2.3 Effects of the Strategies on Motivation and Productivity of Remote Teams in IT


The examination of the second research question featured how the identified

strategies elicit positive effects towards motivation and productivity of the remote teams in IT

firms. The researcher used a Likert scale to identify the level at which each of the motivation

factors isolated in the first objective influences the performance and productivity of the

participants as they work from home for their respective IT firms.

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Remuneration packages

Employee re


Working envir


Organizational c

ulture and va


Organizational m

anagement syst


No effect at all No much effect Relative effects Extreme effects

Motivation factor rating



y (%


Figure 4. Rating of motivation factor on performance

The results showed that the scores on the effect of organisational management system

and organizational culture and value were mixed across the entire cohort inferring to their

performance and productivity while working from home. More participating employees

pointed out that they felt no effect at all (4.3%, SD = 0.71, p = .005) or no much effect

(23.2%, SD = 2.99, p = .005) from organizational culture and value on their performance.

Gauging these responses from regression analysis, a negative minimal statistical significance

was demonstrated showing that, while working from home, employees do not enjoy the

benefits of the management systems and/or the culture and values of the organization as

much as they would have in the office environment, and therefore are not largely motivated

to positively influence their performance, as illustrated in Table 5.

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t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 1.566 .085 .329 3.061 -.004

Organizational culture

and value


management system2.047 .016 .513 1.859 -.004

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Table 5. Regression coefficients of employee motivation factors on their performance

Examining the effects of remuneration package on motivation and subsequent

motivation, the participating employees that financial gains elicited relative to extreme effects

on their performance since it largely motivated them irrespective of working from home. The

analysis showed that the majority of the participants (n = 106, f = 76.8%) experienced

extreme effects on their performance from receiving good renumeration packages while

working from home. Other significant factors included the recognition of employees and

provision of a good working environment irrespective of working from home where more

than half of the employees elicited satisfaction with their jobs and performance.

4.2.4 Sustainability of Overall Motivation and Performance Levels of Employees

Working in IT Firms

The study evaluated the sustainability of the motivational factors to influence a

positive performance level among the IT employees. Three sustainability forces were

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examined including autonomy, value of the employment, and competence of an employee.

Using regression analysis across the three sustainability domains, the findings are as

demonstrated in Table 6 below.


Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1.231E7 1 1.231E7 .738 .003a

Residual 6.668E8 40 1.667E7

Total 6.791E8 41

a. Predictors: (Constant), Autonomy, Value, Competence

b. Dependent Variable: Performance

Table 6. Sustainability domains of motivation factors

From the analysis, it was demonstrated that the sustainability domains were

statistically significant in maintaining motivation and subsequent performance of the IT

employees. The rationale was that IT employees are autonomous in their job responsibilities

pursuing their activities outside the external forces. Moreover, it was inferred that motivation

is congruent with staying true to individual beliefs and values. Lastly, it was argued that IT

employees are more motivated when their skills and experience rhyme, defining the

acquisition of a sense of competence.

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Chapter Five: Discussion of Data And Self-Critical Reflection On The Research

5.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the various strategies adopted at IT firms to improve the

motivation of employees working from home. The research analysed the effect of

motivational strategies on the performance of employees, establishing a positive relationship

between employee attitude, open feedback sharing and the productivity of employees. The

study has identified that organizational values developed in IT firms influence the employee

competency in promoting the awarded tasks. The researcher has outlined the appropriate

organizational practices adopted to promote moral dependence and autonomy of remote

teams. The findings were made from results on the employee strategies employed in IT firms

in the United Kingdom.

5.2 Discussion

5.2.1 Strategies adopted at IT Sector for employees working from home

The current study findings indicate that the work environment is a significant factor in

motivating the employees to work from home. Employee job security is an essential aspect in

the working environment for it gives the probability of whether an individual keeps or loses

his job. The job security of employees working from home is affected by the challenging

economic conditions during the pandemic and the legislation governing the termination of the

employment contract and retrenchment of employees (Taheri et al., 2020). Sunarsih (2017)

agrees with the current findings suggesting that IT firms enrol their employees in labour

unions, which protect the employees from exploitation by the employers and advocate for

better employment terms for the workers to enhance job security. The findings suggest that

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employee welfare is another motivating factor in employees' working environment.

Employee welfare includes the services and benefits provided by the employer to make life

worth living for the employees. The welfare programs aim to create a healthy, efficient

satisfied, and loyal labour force. The objective of the services is to improve the living

standard of employees, which motivates them towards giving better results and better

performance at work.

The present study indicates a positive relationship between organizational culture and

organizational performance improvement. Jalagat and Jalagat (2019) share the perception in

the research findings showing that the corporate earnings of a firm are affected by the

organizational culture effectiveness indicating that training and development help improve

the performance of employees. The organization offers training programs for employees to

enhance their efficiency in carrying out tasks awarded using the newly developed technology

and applications used when WFH. According to Stewart (2020), who supports these study

findings, organizational culture provides identity to employees in the IT industry, creating a

collective commitment to achieving corporate objectives. Organizations provide adequate

workload for employees to ensure optimal productivity and maintain the quality of results

provided. The single employees WFH have fewer responsibilities than married individuals

who dedicate more time to childcare. Therefore, there is a need to give a reasonable number

of tasks depending on employees' working environment. In support of the present findings,

Rupietta and Beckmann (2016) propose that IT firms offer job aid to help them perform

tasks. Organizations offering job aid were found to have higher turnover rates among the

employees because the guidance provided reduces the time spent tackling the tasks.

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Supportive organizational culture proved to be an efficient strategy in promoting the

performance of remote teams in the IT sector, which maintained high production rates among

the employees.

The current study indicates that employees believe that IT organizations can

recognize their performance by offering monetary incentives. In support of these findings,

Manko and Rosinski (2020) infer that a pay-for-performance incentive system rewards

employees according to their contribution to the firm and their performance, attracting,

retaining, and motivating employees in the organization. He reports that organizations use the

merit pay incentive to reward employees for better performance by increasing the basic salary

of well-performing employees. Inuwa (2016) shares the opinion in the findings, asserting that

organization-wide incentive plans are used where a payment plan is developed. All

employees are rewarded as a result of improvement of the organizational performance.

Hakmaoui and Loukili (2017) support the present findings, inferring that the plan includes

profit sharing, gain sharing, and employee stock ownership programs where all organization

members are rewarded irrespective of their performance. The organizational incentives

develop a sense of loyalty, commitment, and job satisfaction among employees.

Organizational management is another aspect addressed by the IT sector in the UK to

improve the coordination and control of remote teams. The leaders play an essential role in

improving employee engagement; a review of the company policies indicates that a strong

relationship between employees and the leader creates a healthy environment increasing

productivity and job satisfaction. In agreement with these findings, Bonacini, Gallo, and

Scicchitano’s (2021) study shows that effective communication between employees and

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leaders plays a significant role in employee motivation which is critical in meeting the

company goals. Allen, Golden, and Shockley (2015) complements the current findings noting

that companies use teleworking technology to help employees stay connected with

colleagues, supervisors, and the organization as a whole. Teleworking offers a solution to the

communication challenges arising from working apart due to COVID 19 pandemic;

teleworking technology uses electronic communication to enhance collaboration,

transparency, and trust. The findings deduce that the organizations are introducing informal

opportunities for workers to socialize through telework, reducing the rate of isolation among

employees, increasing their motivation at work. Furthermore, Farooq, Farooq, and Reynaud

(2019), in support of their findings, infer that telework enables the management to receive

feedback from the employees on the appropriate strategies to implement for improved

employee performance that contributes to increased profits. The leaders at small businesses

offer full support to their employees to promote continuous learning and transparent decision-

making, which significantly impact employee motivation. Communication between the

employees WFH and the leaders through the newly adopted telework platforms increases the

quality of the IT firm's product, increasing the competitive advantage in the market, which

enables the firm to grow.

5.2.2 Effects of the Strategies on Motivation and Productivity of Remote Teams at IT


The employee's belief about their job security was found to positively impact the

motivation and performance of remote teams. According to Odintsova (2021), who supports

the research findings, perceptions of job security affect employees' zeal, attitude, and morale

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Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 64

in a positive manner. During the pandemic, many companies experienced reduced business

activities, resulting in the implementation of revised employment contracts and terms, which

included reducing. The research indicates that employees perceived that the future of their job

continuity is uncertain during this period, which decreased their intrinsic motivation. In his

survey, the findings offered to the present study findings noted an increase in the inherent

reason after the firm's affirming the retention of employees after the pandemic, which created

logical relation and belongingness to the firm, translating to increased motivation. Rupietta

and Beckmann (2016) are consistent with the findings of this research, inferring that an

employer's socially responsible behaviour enhances employees' productivity and performance

in the workplace. In addition, employees are attracted and motivated to work with socially

reliable and trustworthy employers. A good relationship between the employee and the

employer has a positive impact on the motivation of employees, which increases the

performance of employees.

The research findings show that training and development contribute to positive

attitudes and improved job proficiency. The analysis indicated a significant relationship

between exercise and subsequent increase in working attitude and increased job competency.

The results showed that the employees who fully participated ineffective coaching

demonstrated a rise in job proficiency. These findings are consistent with Thorstensson's

(2020) opinion, suggesting that training positively impacts the employee's feeling of

belonging and concern for the job. The literature explained that exercise affects psychological

factors such as motivation and commitment, which influences employees' loyalty and trust in

the organization and the will to perform beyond the set job requirements. Aithal and PM

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(2016) support the research findings, contending that it's clear that practical training is

significant in forming a positive attitude leading to increased proficiency; hence inadequate

training is associated with a perception of reduced competency, which results in poor

attitudes about performance leading to poor productivity in the firm. Furthermore, the

potential consequences of poor performance and lack of organizational trust are conflicts in

the workplace. Manko and Rosinski (2020) agree with the current findings asserting that

employees feel unfairly treated for not receiving practical job training functions, leading to

termination or loss of resources in the firm. There are performance gaps related to the

effectiveness of employee training, thus the need for conflict management strategies to be

enhanced at all levels of the firm.

The research found that employers give remuneration information of extrinsic and

intrinsic rewards to motivate employees. The findings of Pattnaik and Jena (2020)

complements the present study findings showing that when employees are intrinsically

motivated, the individuals work effectively to the expected standards of the job. The study

further illustrates that if individuals are extrinsically motivated, they work effectively to limit

the external rewards provided by the job. In support of the present findings, MacRae and

Sawatzky (2020) conclude that employees' intrinsic motivation is increased if the

remuneration is inherent to the job. If the remuneration is irrelevant to the job, the extrinsic

motivation to the job is increased. The study of Merriman et al. (2016) supported the study

findings averting that an effective reward system influences the performance of employees

through bonuses, incentives, commission, fringe benefits, monetary and non-monetary

rewards. In addition, (Khan et al., 2016) support the research findings on employee retention

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and organizational performance, indicating that remuneration is a significant factor in

motivating employees' behaviour and performance. It is evident that remuneration directly or

indirectly affects employees' motivation, and a well-structured compensation program leads

to increased employee motivation, which further implies increased productivity.

The current findings show a positive relationship between the productivity of

employees and the use of telework. Stewart (2020) supports these findings arguing that

telework improves worker satisfaction through better work-life balance, reduced time on

commuting, and reduced destruction leading to more focus and less absenteeism at work.

Zhang et al. (2020) agree with the current findings in his study conducted in Germany,

providing evidence on the perception that telework increases employee performance,

illustrating that self-managed working time enhances more robust innovation initiatives,

higher productivity, and increased employee effort. In support of these research findings,

Patil and Gopalakrishnan (2020) avert that telework reduces the cost incurred by firms on

office space and office equipment. Hickman and Robison (2020) agree with the research,

suggesting that telework increases the efficiency of employees in IT firms since employers

have a large pool of employees to choose from and employ high-skilled workers to match the

job requirements. Consequently, through personal interactions, knowledge is shared among

employees, increasing the efficiency and performance of employees. Telework enhances

innovation and long-term productivity in the firm by providing a link for essential knowledge

sharing for research purposes among the employees. In contrast, telework was found to limit

the supervision of employees where employees get to consider free time over the task given.

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The implemented strategies in the IT sector proved to increase the efficiency and productivity

of employees WFH.

5.2.3 Sustainability of Overall Motivation and Performance Levels of Employees

Working in the IT Sector

Employees in the IT sector will be motivated to perform well at work if their safety in

the organization is assured, reducing anxiety and discomfort experienced. Al Mamun and

Hasan's (2017) conclusions correspond to the present study's findings, maintaining that

companies that have established management policies to enhance employee job security have

reported tremendous growth in the intrinsic motivation of employees during the COVID-19

pandemic. This illustrates the organization's critical role in improving employees' motivation

and upholding their sense of security at work. The research findings indicate that virtually

working from home provides a sense of job security for employees in IT firms, motivating

them because of the work-life balance attained. Kucharska and Kowalczyk (2019)

complement the present findings inferring that the managerial support given by the IT

companies through the formulation of regulations and policies to allow smooth working from

home maintains the motivation in employees. The employees feel comfortable under the

given company policies outlining the operational standards, work assessment procedures, and

the compensation rewards to sustain employees' productivity. The findings show that

effective communication between the employees through teleconferencing platforms

increases the motivation of employees. Manko and Rosinski (2020) support the results,

arguing that sharing knowledge among employees is made easier through the telework

platform, eliminating the challenge of isolation and low esteem brought about by working

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from home. Therefore, organizational culture adopted by firms has proven to influence the

beliefs and values gained by employees working from home, hence the need to establish

managerial policies to maintain employees' comfort and job satisfaction.

The research has tested the effect of competency on the sustainability of virtual teams

in IT. The results show that highly competent members are comfortable using the

teleconferencing resources to interact, share, and manage friendly experiences, enhancing

engagement in the team. Merriman et al. (2016), congruent to the study findings asserting

that virtual teams need to establish competence in the affective relationships because the

teleconferencing mode of communication is different from the face-to-face communication

where informal communication competency is required. The skills gained act as supportive

resources in the virtual environment, and so competent virtual training is a practical approach

to promote sustainability in remote teams. As such, technology assists in development and

learning where, if properly managed can help avoid inconveniences caused by illiteracy

leading to disengagement. The research focuses on the management of affection in virtual


Employees working from home require independence on the autonomy of performing

their roles by developing moral values to increase the motivation of employees. The research

showed the need for open-end communication in the training of employees working from

home to create a positive and strong relationship in the virtual team with a high level of

frankness and low diversity. The open-end communication strategy increased the

effectiveness of training while other models proved to be less effective. These findings are

consistent with a prior study by Casey and Sieber (2016), who showed that members who are

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open with their experience improved group engagement in training. Teams with a higher

level of openness were more adaptable to the changing environment associated with working

from home. The research findings show the significance of group affection in maintaining

welfare wellbeing in virtual teams. The researcher has focused on identifying how wellbeing

is established in a remote team, emphasizing team engagement as a tool for welfare upkeep.

In support of these findings, a prior study by Singh et al. (2019) indicates the importance of

sustainable teamwork primarily due to the digitalization of work due to the inconveniences

caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, to develop a sustainable virtual team, it is

essential to focus on engagement in the group. The research findings indicate the importance

of providing resources for online working to reduce the effects of faults experienced through

virtual working. The research has identified the emotional and technological demands

associated with virtual working and the possible adverse impacts on team engagement. In

their survey, Manko and Rosinski (2020) complement the present findings arguing that affect

management will provide the team members with the appropriate facilities to combat the

adverse effects of virtual working and increase team engagement. Therefore, promoting

wellbeing in teams is essential in overcoming the challenges of motivating virtual teams and

promoting open engagement among the members.

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Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations for Theory and for Practice

6.1 Introduction

In this chapter, inferences are made on the findings and discussion to build

conclusions. Specifically, the chapter underscores the answer to the research questions

exploring the factors that do motivate employees in the IT industry while working from

home, and how they influence their performance and productivity in their firms. From the

analysis, the strategies that are adopted in the IT sector to motivate employees working from

home during the COVID-19 pandemic have been established. Moreover, the findings have

demonstrated how the established motivation strategies impact elicit the positive effects on

the performance of employees working from home in the IT sector in the UK. Lastly, the

study established diverse domains to institute sustainability of the overall motivation of IT

sector employees while maintaining the performance level of employees working from home

amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

6.2 Conclusion

The study inquired the factors that business managers in the IT sector consider in the

adoption of telecommunication technologies to assist in motivating employees working from

home in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the analysis, it has been established

that financial incentives, working environment, and employee recognition are a major

motivation tool that positively impacts employee job satisfaction and motivation, implying

overall positive employee and organizational performance. Essentially, when effective

recognition programs are enhanced in the workplace, a favourable working environment is

created, motivating the employees to become more committed. Outside monetary reward, an

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ample working environment while working from home may be developed through

recognition programs, including formal recognition, where the program clearly defines the

processes, objectives, and criteria linked toward rewarding and recognizing individuals in an

organization for achieving specific business goals, exemplifying specific organizational

values or performing beyond regular targets. Additionally, informal recognition may be used

on the goals accomplished and other remarkable improvements in the organization, which

may involve the issuance of gift cards and certificates. Through frequent use of the formal

and informal recognition programs, the IT companies can influence the employees to uphold

the organizational values and highlight the desired actions, thereby creating a role model for

employees as they work from home. Further, a culture of an enabling working environment

through recognition in the organization is deemed to help align the corporate strategy and be

more responsive to motivation, thereby increasing the performance and productivity of the

affected employees. It is argued that employee recognition, coupled with a modelled

organizational culture and value, and organizational management system lead to a motivated

IT employee.

The second research question asked on the effects of the factors influencing the

adoption of telecommuting on the motivation of the affected employees working from home

during the COVID-19 crisis. In response, the analysis established that sharing feedback and

working on them between IT managers and employees working from home increases their

productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed a minimal increase in the

motivation of remote teams at the team level but, upon further analysis at an individual level,

indicated increased cause with feedback strategy. It has been established that firms create an

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online feedback system to help the less motivated employees to adjust their opinion on their

working conditions. Another motivation factor noted to directly impact employee

performance was the work environment, which may be accentuated by job security. Through

enhanced job security, the perception of IT employees working from home is modelled from

a social comparison on the goal achievement approach. Employees from different remote

teams compare their performance to assess the expected performance level. The performance

comparison among the IT employees working from home examining non-monetary rewards,

especially restructured employee recognition, and organizational management system

demonstrate the creation of an organizational culture that induces pressure towards increased

performance. The performance of employees is assumed to increase for motivated virtual

teams in an effort to match the performance to the firm's productivity.

The third research question evaluated how factors impacting employee motivation to

be modelled to enhance the performance and productivity of employees working from home

in the IT sector in the UK. The analysis exemplified sustainability domains that are important

in the maintenance of motivation in addition to bettering the performance of employees in IT

firms. Of significant reference was the maintenance of autonomy in the job responsibility of

employees augmenting their pursuit based on exogenous factors. Secondly, the analysis

demonstrated that employee motivation is emphasized by creating a work environment that

supports employees to be true to their values and beliefs while working. Importantly,

moulding the skills set of IT employees to be parallel to their duties and responsibilities

makes employees identify with their competence in the virtual working platforms motivating

them and simultaneously bettering their performance. 

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6.3 Recommendations for Theory and Practice

Based on the analysis above, it is recommended IT managers make inputs that induce

supportive gains towards employee motivation and performance in IT organizations. The

findings deduce that IT firms develop employee motivation, performance, and appraisal

feedback platforms. In practice, it is recommended that IT firms establish systems of

development where virtual employees at all levels are able to help each other develop their

talent and skills to be motivated. Secondly, it is recommended that since employee work

environment and recognition are depicted as significant motivation factors affecting many

IT employees, in addition to monetary factors, it is IT firms develop recognition and

appreciation strategies because they are valuable and not just a favour extension to gain more

employee commitment. Lastly, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are motivated by

the flexible working culture considering their additional responsibility to family and/or for

safety and social distancing. It is recommended to uphold motivation for IT employees while

attracting their safety while emphasizing work-life balance.

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Appendix I: Questionnaire survey

The questionnaire is developed purposing to gather in-depth information how working

from home influences motivation and subsequent performance of employees in IT industry

during the COVID-19 crisis. The questionnaire will assess the employee motivation factors

that elicit a direct impact on their performance and corporate productivity by working from

home. Please select the most appropriate answer to all questions.

Part I: Personal details

1. What is your sex?

[1] Male

[2] Female

2. What is your marital status?

[1] Single

[2] Married

[3] Separated

[4] Divorced

[5] Widow

3. Which academic qualifications do you have?

[1] High school

[2] College Diploma

[3] Bachelor 

[4] Master

[5] Doctorate

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Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 88

4. How many years of service have you been working with the company?

[1] 1 - 5 years

[2] 6 - 10 years

[3] 11 - 15 years

[4] 15 years and above

5. Please indicate job level and positioning

[1] Staff/Officer

[2] Supervisor

[3] Manager

[4] Management level

Part II: Employee’s motivation

6. Which of the following factors is the most motivated/affected to you and your job?

[1] Remuneration packages

[2] Recognition

[3] Working environment

[4] Organizational culture and value

[5] Organizational management system

7. Are there other motivation factors that are necessary to you but not monetary related?

Which one?

[1] Yes, recognition

[2] Yes, working environment

[3] Yes, organizational culture and value

[4] Yes, organizational management system

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Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 89

[5] No, not any of them

[6] May be any of them but cannot decided

Part III: Employee’s performance and productivity

8. Please rate the level at which each of the factors identified in Q6 impact on individual

performance and productivity.

Motivation Factor [1] No

effect at all

[2] No

much effect

[3] Relative


[4] Extreme


Remuneration packages


Working environment

Organizational culture and value

Organizational management system

9. Do you think the strong employee’s motivation results in higher employee performance

and productivity?

[1] Strongly disagree

[2] Disagree

[3] Not sure

[4] Agree

[5] Strongly agree

Part IV: Sustainability of employee’s performance and productivity

10. Please rate the level at which each of the motivation sustainability domains impact on

individual performance and productivity.

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Working From Home, Overall Motivation and Performance 90

Motivation sustainability domains [1] No

effect at all

[2] No

much effect

[3] Relative


[4] Extreme



True to values and beliefs

Sense of competence

Thank you for your time