State Emergency Coordination Center (SECC) Overview & SECC Resource Management Steve Knecht, Chief...

State Emergency Coordination Center (SECC) Overview & SECC Resource Management Steve Knecht, Chief of Operations Tam Kolar, Logistics Section Chief Disaster & Emergency Services Division

Transcript of State Emergency Coordination Center (SECC) Overview & SECC Resource Management Steve Knecht, Chief...

State Emergency Coordination Center (SECC) Overview

& SECC Resource Management

Steve Knecht, Chief of OperationsTam Kolar, Logistics Section Chief

Disaster & Emergency Services Division

MCA Title 10, Chapter 3• 10-3-105. Division of disaster and emergency services -- duties.

(4) The division shall:(c) advise and assist the political subdivisions of this state in executing

their disaster and emergency services responsibilities;(j) direct emergency response and disaster preparation activities as

authorized by the governor;(k) direct disaster response and recovery activities as authorized by the

governor;(l) prepare, for issuance by the governor, executive orders or

proclamations as necessary or appropriate in coping with incidents, emergencies, and disasters;

(n) assume any additional authority, duties, and responsibilities authorized by parts 1 through 4 of this chapter as may be prescribed by the governor.

What is the “SECC”?

• The Montana SECC has been established to coordinate support for response and recovery to multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional emergencies across the state.

• By standardizing key elements of the emergency management system, the ECC is intended to:

What is the “SECC”? (cont.)

• Facilitate the flow of information within and between agencies and levels of the government (Local, County, State, and Federal) during times of emergency/disaster.

• Facilitate the coordination of resources among all responding state and federal agencies during an emergency/ disaster.


• OPERATIONS– Similar to an expanded dispatch – Filter resource requests– Gather intel from the field– ESF Divisions (Public Health, Public Safety & Public

Works)• Mission assignments to Emergency Support Functions


– Assumes role of the DES Duty Officer when activated


• PLANNING– Develops daily Incident Action Plan (IAP) – Situation Reports– Documentation– Facilitates planning meetings


• Logistics– Tracks deployed state owned resources including the

National Guard– Supports state owned deployed resources– Supports the SECC and staff– Communications– Emergency Management Assistance Compact

(EMAC)– Works closely with Finance for daily cost estimates,

financial documentation, etc.


• FINANCE– Liaison to Governor’s Budget Office to ensure

funding for activation– Assigns task profiles for tracking costs– Develops daily costs estimates– Documents costs for potential reimbursement

from FEMA, responsible party, etc.


• 5 Levels of activation– Level 5 – Day to Day (DES Duty Officer)– Level 4 – DES Duty Officer and supervisory staff– Level 3 – SECC staffed to a minimal level, can be

extended shift– Level 2 – SECC Sections all staffed, may be 24 hour

operations– Level 1 – Same as Level 2 except the Multi-Agency

Coordination (MAC-G) is activated to prioritize incidents when resources are scarce

SECC Activation (cont.)

• Daily planning cycle – 12 or 24 hour activation• Planning meeting(s)• Situation Report(s)• Scheduled incident briefing(s)

SECC Activation (cont.)

• Emergency Support Functions (ESFs)– ESF-1 Transportation (MDT)– ESF-2 Communications (DOA)– ESF-3 Public Works and Engineering (MDT)– ESF-4 Fire Fighting (DNRC)– ESF-5 Emergency Management (DES)– ESF-6 Mass Care (DPHHS)– ESF-7 Logistics Management and Support (DES)– ESF-8 Public Health and Medical Services


SECC Activation (cont.)

• Emergency Support Functions (ESFs)– ESF-9 Search and Rescue (DES)– ESF-10 Oil and Hazardous Waste Response

(DEQ)– ESF-11 Agriculture and Natural Resources

(AGR)– ESF-12 Energy (DEQ)– ESF-13 Public Safety and Security (DOJ)– ESF-14 Long Term Community Recovery (DES)– ESF-15 Public Affairs (GOV)

WebEOC • Crisis / Consequence Mgmt

System• Web Enabled• Enterprise Licensed• Real-Time information

sharing• Ability to track multiple

events• Extensive information

retrieval capability

• Mission/Tasking tracking capability

• Automated IAP building• FEMA ICS Forms• Meets NIMS standards• Message/Chat capability• Position Checklists• MapperPro• File Library• Simulator• Hosted Environment

SECC Activation (cont.)

SECC Resource Mgmt

• All resources ordered through the SECC are on behalf of the local or tribal jurisdiction.

• Local / Tribal jurisdictions are financially responsible for all resources ordered by them and deployed through the SECC.

• 10-3-311 – “Emergency or disaster expenditures -- restrictions. (1) The governor may authorize the incurring of liabilities and expenses to be paid as other claims against the state…………….”

• We cannot compete against local or private enterprise with state or federal resources…..

• Mission definition is critical when ordering resources.– Who, What, Where, When, Why– May not be able to get what you want when you

want it.– Can’t be pro-active without knowing what you are

doing. INTEL– When resources are scarce….. May need to paint

a picture for the MAC-G and others to get you what you need.

SECC Resource Mgmt (cont.)

• Types of Resources– Communications– Aviation– Transportation– Security– Supplies– Technical Assistance– Regional Hazmat– Regional EOD

– Mobile Command Post

– T3 IMATs– ICS Coaches– Agency

Representatives– Resource brokering– Etc.

SECC Resource Mgmt (cont.)

Montana National Guard Deployment

– Immediate support authority (72 hour rule)• Requested by local government• Authority of the Adjutant General or local commander• Immediate life safety and/or major property loss• Utilize immediately available resources• Soldiers may be exempt from certain requirements• Local government will be billed for associated costs

**2 ways to deploy the guard**

Montana National Guard Deployment

– State Active Duty• Requires a Governor’s Executive Order of Emergency

or Disaster (funding source)• Expect 8 to 48 hours for activation• Cannot compete with available local or private

resources• Last In / First Out• Expensive

**2 ways to deploy the guard** (Continued)

EMAC MCA Title 10 Chapter 3 Part 10

• “Each party state recognizes that many emergencies transcend political jurisdictional boundaries and that intergovernmental coordination is essential in managing these and other emergencies under this compact. Each party state further recognizes that there will be emergencies that require immediate access and present procedures to apply outside resources to make a prompt and effective response to an emergency. “

SECC Resource Mgmt (cont.)

• Process to request resources through the SECC– Call 406-324-4777 24/7/365• Duty Officer (Day to Day)• SECC Operations (If SECC Activated)

– Be prepared to answer questions (Who, what, Where, When, Why)