Star image

Star Image Lady Gaga


Lady gaga star image

Transcript of Star image

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Star Image Lady Gaga

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Richard Dyer says that to become a pop star you have to follow a few conventions which all come under clever management of that artist. This are well placed news stories, famous boy/girl friend, attendance at premiers and parties and finally featuring in magazines. If you look at Lady Gaga she has followed a few of these to help her to become a pop star. She often features in various outrageous news stories about herself. Then is used in magazines by looking at her fashion and occasionally what parties she was drunk at, as well as her past life. She also has herself a famous boy friend hoy is Taylor Kinney, he is an actor who was in shows such as the vampire diary's. Therefore by following Richard Dyer she is now a pop star instead of a pop performer due to good management.

1. How do you become a pop star

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Lady Gaga is seen as being constructed as she is made to wear all of these outrageous clothes which are used as her unique selling point. Therefore she may seem to be a real person who makes her own choices but in reality she is constructed by her managers on purpose as this is her unique selling point as well as her music and videos being generally weird. This means she can appeal to wider variety of people while also setting different fashion patterns for people who like her style. Therefore the fact that she is made to wear these clothes suggests she is a construct and is made up from a variety of materials rather than being famous for being herself. It is almost as if she is a mannequin that clothes have been put on to.

2. Stars are constructions

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People are seen to be groomed and modelled such as she has. If people are not made into the stars they are suppose to be visually it usually will result in them being under appreciated such as Susan Boyle on the x factor where she came out but because she didn’t look like a star already she was prejudged and it turns out she is a great artist. This suggests that Pop Starts have to be constructed into looking good to be famous.

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Lady Gaga is manufactured by the music industry to serve a purpose and that main purpose is to make the company money. They therefore make this possible to them by making her famous so that people by her songs and become her fans. They will make her into what the audience wants to see and this can be seen with multiple Japanese artists who are just produced into being these model pop stars rather than good genuine artists.

3. Industry and Audience

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Lady Gaga follows the trend of being an object that is just the shared cultural values and attitudes of many people to promote this very trend. This means that she is made into being able to follow cultural trends very well and even supports these ideas so that she will gain respect and fans. Therefore by following these views and beliefs of people outside of actually being an artist she is able to become a star. This could be things such as her shared fashion sense and her perfumes. She can also be seen in news and magazines while she follows the views and opinions of many others who will then respect her further. She has initiated many different fashion trends due to her style being so unique. (images seen before) Lady Gaga does this by appealing to her audiences through social networking sites and therefore seems to almost show more of a connection with her audience where they can share views and opinions.

Ideology and Culture

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Lady Gaga has set her own personality and character which is different to who she originally was. She can be seen to conform to the expected character trends but at the same time she goes against it. This is because on one had she appears almost naked throughout her videos which can show sex appeal however she is also seen to be very weird and vulgar which suggests she isn’t conforming with the regular characteristics of a pop star. She does however base a lot of what she is meant to represent around sex appeal and this therefore adds to her personality and character. People such as Lady Gaga aren't completely read as being just constructs however and she is seen to have her own personality and characteristics that her audience can respond to. This means that people will look to her as a role model and will want to change the way they look or are to match what they are supposedly suppose to be.

5. Character and Personality

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