St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de...

Fr. Robert P. Fulton Pastor Fr. Joseph McShane Associate Pastor Peter Brause Deacon Alan Holderness Deacon Omar Uriarte Deacon Al Valles Deacon Mass Schedule Monday –Friday 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday 9:30 am, 12:30 pm, & 5:00 pm Parish Office 626.915.7873 Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd. Covina, CA 91724 St. Louise de Marillac Church Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities. “He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.” Psalm 15 St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement

Transcript of St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de...

Page 1: St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de Marillac will resume their regularly scheduled Thursday Night Mee ngs via Zoom. Please

Fr. Robert P. Fulton Pastor

Fr. Joseph McShane

Associate Pastor

Peter Brause Deacon

Alan Holderness


Omar Uriarte Deacon

Al Valles Deacon

Mass Schedule

Monday –Friday

8:00 am


8:00 am & 5:30 pm Vigil


9:30 am,

12:30 pm, & 5:00 pm

Parish Office 626.915.7873

Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd.

Covina, CA 91724

St. Louise de Marillac Church

Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities.

“He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.” Psalm 15

St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. �

St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement

Page 2: St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de Marillac will resume their regularly scheduled Thursday Night Mee ngs via Zoom. Please


ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bulle n online at

Honor thy Father and Mother. The fourth commandment proscribes our behavior towards one another, and I would like to suggest that this commandment is telling us much more than just honoring our parents, but rather, honoring our elders. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. We are worried and scared. No one more so than our senior ci zens. In the US, 16.7 million older Americans live alone. About half of the oldest (≥ 85 years) live alone. About 70% of

older people living alone are women, and 46% of all women age ≥ 75 years live alone.

The Coronavirus has put a spotlight on the plight of older Americans. The sta s cs on illness and death coming out of nursing homes and care facili es are terrifying. We see on the news older Americans being interviewed on how they are coping, living alone.

The most horrifying thing I have heard during this crisis is the sugges on that older Americans should consider refusing a ven lator if needed so a “more worthy” younger person can get the ven lator. We should never consider one person as more worthy than another. Each of us is the son or daughter of God, and God chooses our me on earth.

Each person has a right to have an end of life plan that specifies what extraordinary measures should be taken if that person needs medical care. Choosing to not be put on a ven lator is a choice that can be specified. As Catholics, we are allowed to have a natural death.

So, how did we get here? In most of the world, especially Asia, elders are deeply respected. Parents live with their children. Mul -genera onal homes are the norm. That was true here in the United States in the past. Society needed large families. Before industrializa on, taking care of a home and small children was a full- me job, labor intensive. A er industrializa on and before protec ve labor laws, children were sent out to work. Today, thanks to technological progress, the needs have changed. School is mandatory for children. Women are able to be in the workforce. Men can stay home and take care of children. These are all good things, but somehow, the mul -genera onal household got lost in all this.

I have heard many of our seniors say they do not want to be a burden on their children, or they do not want to lose their independence. The cost of adequate housing has become so expensive, the children cannot rent or buy a place that can accommodate more people.

Currently, 38 percent of grandparents play the role of babysi er or daycare provider. Overall, the elderly make up almost 25 percent of the volunteer popula on, and if you include those between 55-64, it is more than 35 percent.

As this crisis con nues, my hope and my prayer is that we all take this me to rethink our priori es. At this moment, our air is cleaner because of fewer cars and shu ered factories. Parents are connec ng with their children in ways that were not possible before. Neighbors are taking care of one another. We are praying for each other every day.

Maybe this is the me to rethink how we honor our elders.


Respect Our Elders

All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

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All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

Today is the beginning of our tradi onal Mother’s Day Novena. We will con nue to pray for mothers for the next nine days at our daily Masses. We are s ll offering the spiritual bouquet cards. You can pick one up in the Parish Office Lobby or you can mail in your dona ons and we can send you a card.


As the weather turns warm with the coming of Spring, many people are beginning to make plans for the coming gardening season. Most avid gardeners will tell you that they feel closer to God while working in their gardens than they do anywhere else. Plan ng, weeding, pruning, mulching, and harves ng are all opportuni es to re-connect to God’s on-going work of crea on. Gardens are places to work the soil, but they can also be places to pray and seek a few moments of solitude.

From the earliest centuries of the Chris an faith, people have seen in various plants echoes of religious and spiritual themes. Many of these are reflected in gardening folklore and even in the names of the flowers and herbs themselves: Mary’s Bedstraw, Ladder-to-heaven, Penitent’s Rose, or Crown of Thorns. Like living stained glass, these flower and herbs became symbols of faith.

And cul va ng them became a means of prayer and contempla on.

Today, many gardeners plant whole gardens dedicated to religious and biblical themes. Among Catholics, “Mary’s Gardens” are popular, and are filled with plants whose names and folklore men on the Virgin Mary. In Washington, D.C., the Basilica of the Na onal Shrine of the Immaculate Concep on has a large Mary’s Garden, given to the Shrine by the Na onal Council of Catholic Women.

If you’d like to start a Mary’s Garden, there are lots of re-sources available on the internet. The best place to look is at h ps:// , where you’ll find list of plants, references for folklore, photos, design sugges ons, and informa on on plants and their symbolism.


Page 4: St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de Marillac will resume their regularly scheduled Thursday Night Mee ngs via Zoom. Please


ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bulle n online at

All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, May 10th

9:30 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI); Carmen Marbella (RIP) Lourdes Manalo (RIP); Evelina Rivera (RIP) 12:30 pm: Marilou Rivera (SI); Evelina Rivera (RIP) Juan and Maria Corcuera (RIP) 5:00 pm: Familia Lozano and Guerrero (SI); Familia Macias and Montes (SI); Joshua Adam Padilla (SI): Margaret Barr (RIP)

Monday, May 11th

8:00 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI); Julorie Cordova (SI) Michael Rodriguez Velasquez (RIP)

Tuesday, May 12th

8:00 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI); Isabel & Vince Cordova (SI) Jessie and Susie Alcaraz (SI)

Wednesday, May 13th

8:00 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI); Luis C. Rivera, Jr. (RIP); Albert Julianne Araneta (RIP)

Thursday, May 14th 8:00 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI); Jessie and Susie Alcaraz (SI) Santos Aguila (RIP)

Friday, May 15th

8:00 am: Mother’s day Novena (SI); Jessie and Susie Alcaraz (SI) Glen Golden (RIP)

Saturday, May 16th

8:00 am: Mother’s Day Novena (SI) 5:30 pm: St. Padre Pio and the Kobe Bryant Family (SI); Chris F. Romero (RIP)

If you and your family are searching for ways to strengthen your Faith during this me, look at our new “Faith at Home” series. We are pos ng videos and ac vi es for the whole family. For Children, we have: • Coloring pages. • Bible Stories for Children: Where our hostess shares

stories from the Bible in a way for children to understand. • Children’s Bible Study: Our host teaches the Gospel and

gives reflec on in words they can understand. For everyone, we have: • Praying the Rosary with Fr. Joseph. • The Deacon reflec on of the weekly Gospel. • Dignitas Workshops. Visit our website at or our Youtube page by searching “SaintLouise de Marillac.”


During this me, we want to make the bulle n an upli ing place. One way to do this is to celebrate you and your family. Let us celebrate your graduate. Many gradua ons have been postponed or cancelled, but this is an important passage in life and it should be celebrated. Send us a picture of your graduate and where they are gradua ng from. We would like to share their accomplishment, whether they graduated from kindergarten, 8th grade, high school, or college. You can also send us your other events, family celebra ons (like a birth of a new child), or even stories on what you are doing at home. This is a difficult me for all of us, and we miss celebra ng these events as a parish. So un l we can celebrate together, let us use the bulle n to celebrate you and your family!


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Page 5



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Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de Marillac will resume their regularly scheduled Thursday Night Mee ngs via Zoom. Please join us to strengthen each other in faith and hope in Our Lord, Jesus. When fear and uncertainty looms over our world, let us come together once again to pray, reflect, and provide fellowship in the Lord’s presence so that we can be a beacon of hope to those around us. For more informa on, please contact: Gil Alderete at [email protected] Francisco Munoz at [email protected].


All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

ELECTRONIC COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD “Serve one another through Love. Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ”

A new Community Bulle n Board has been created to provide another opportunity to con nue to serve one another and to stay in touch through God’s love. The bulle n board is located at our parish website,

As you will discover, there are three areas within the Bulle n Board:

• Prayer Requests • Personal Assistance, where you can seek or offer help for

tasks, an example is food or RX deliveries. • Pastoral Outreach, where you may request to speak to our

priests or deacons, seek periodic phone calls to stay in touch or request a blessing, and so much more.

To post on the board, you fill out the form at each sec on, and once it is approved, it will be posted in the appropriate area. For any ques ons, you can call the Parish Office at 626-915-7873.

One more ‘outreach of Love’ among the many already provided within our parish website. We invite you to visit our website and to par cularly remember in your prayers the prayer inten ons posted. Especially during these mes, let us con nue to “Serve One Another Through Love”.

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All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — To meet their growing needs, the community chooses seven reputable men to serve the new Greek believers (Acts 6:1-7). Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading — We, like living stones, let ourselves be built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:4-9). Gospel — “Show us the Father,” Philip asks Jesus. To which Jesus replies: “Whoever sees me, sees the Father” (John 14:1-12). The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; 1 Pt 3:15-18 or 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 14:15-21 or Jn 17:1-11a


In the mid-1990s, a heavily bearded, bespectacled Robin Williams appeared on Late Night with David Le erman, whose host was clearly taken aback. Le erman inquired as to why the wild look. Uncharacteris cally subdued, the usually manic comic responded that he was producing and starring in a movie about a most extraordinarily compassionate man, Da-mien, the Leper Priest of Moloka’i.

Some saints transcend religious and ethnic boundaries to touch the heart that beats in each human being: Francis of Assisi; Mother Teresa; and, though Williams’ film was never completed, his admira on speaks, as does Damien’s statue outside the capitol in Honolulu, of this newest saint’s universal appeal. Far from his na ve Flanders’ idyllic beauty and rich culture, Damien volunteered to bear Christ’s light into Moloka’i’s bleak leper colony, building decent homes, opening schools, establishing clinics, plan ng farms, sharing the sufferings—and the social s gma—of those with whom he delighted to iden fy: “We lepers,” he would proudly say when finally he contracted leprosy. Saint Damien challenges us to iden fy the lepers of our own day, to examine our compassion for and our iden fica on with them. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co


Mary appeared to three peasant children near Fa ma, Portugal, six mes between May 13 and October 13, 1917, and asked for prayers for world peace and an end to World War I, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia. She entrusted the children with three secrets, regarding devo on to her Immaculate Heart, a vision of hell, and a “bishop in white” shot by soldiers firing bullets and arrows. Many connect the third secret to the a empted assassina on of Blessed Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981, and the Pope thanked Mary for guiding the bullet and saving him.

At the Va can, Pope Francis has stood before the statue of Our Lady from the Fa ma shrine and formally entrusted the world to Mary:

“In Lucia’s account, the three chosen children found themselves surrounded by God’s light as it radiated from Our Lady. She enveloped them in the mantle of Light that God had given her. According to the belief and experience of many pilgrims, if not of all, Fa ma is more than anything this mantle of Light that protects us, here as in almost no other place on earth. We need but take refuge under the protec on of the Virgin Mary and to ask her, as the Salve Regina teaches: ‘show unto us… Jesus.’”—Pope Francis, Holy Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fa ma, May 13, 2017

Roman Catholics in the United States spend a good deal of me speaking of “voca on” and the manner in which each of

us discerns our voca on for life. In today’s apostolic le er, however, Peter gives us the “cornerstone” of our voca on, the descrip on of what each of us is called to first and foremost by our bap sm. He describes our voca on as “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy na on, a people of [God’s] own, so that you may announce the praises” of Christ, who called us out of darkness into light (1 Peter 2:9). All of us, no ma er what path our life’s voca on may take us down, have been chosen by God, made holy, and anointed as priests in the high priesthood of Christ through bap sm. All of this, so that we may announce the praises of Christ. Voca on is given for proclama on at home, in the workplace—wherever life takes us—in service, in word, and in sacrament. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


What a joy to remember that Mary is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have we to fear?

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

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All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May6th at 10 AM


Visit our website for more resources on mental health including Mental Help Mondays, which is an opportunity to assist each other in Ge ng Through the Storm and Overcoming Life’s Challenges, to be encouraged in the tough

mes, and to discuss healthy coping and/or share about what we are doing to deal with the strains/stressors, hardship, and new reali es we’ve endured. Got to and select the Health and Wholeness banner.

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Page 9: St. Louise de Marillac Church · 5/5/2020  · Catholic Men’s Fellowship of St. Louise de Marillac will resume their regularly scheduled Thursday Night Mee ngs via Zoom. Please


Catherine Ossa, Principal [email protected]

Sue Reyes, Secretary [email protected]


Parishioners are asked to contact the Parish Center to have a loved one placed on the sick list. For a name to remain on the sick list, please contact the Parish Office by the 15th of every month. Names of the sick and hur ng are published weekly in our bulle n.

Please pray for those listed below who are sick: Gerard A enza Margaret Angulo Carlos Borge Lesa Brown Emy Cananea Rocio Centeno Be y Cresswell Maria de la Torre Don Dominic Joe Escalera, Sr. Joe Escalera, Jr. Aileen Fallis William Fitzpatrick Elaina Fossum Ernesto Garcia Sylvia Garcia Russell Giordano Elva Gonzales Carmen Gonzalez David Gonzalez Phillip M. Grana Suzanne Hanson Rita Hayes Bill Henry Steve Holderness Tana Iniguez Nancy LaMascus Jennifer Langoria Margie Luxford Susan Mabida

Damacio Marquez Gloria Marquez Carolyn Matone Joseph McShane Todd McShane Fr. Bill Moore, SS. CC. Julie Moore Margaret Montes Margaret Mulhern Tracie Neria Sandra Nila Tulio Norori C. J. Oddo Corrine Pierson Susan Raaen Bladimiro Ramirez Martha Ramirez Sharun Richardson Maryann Riley Raul Rodriguez Ana Beatriz Rossi Susan Schmaltz Rocio Sco Jennifer Senne Carol Ennis Shrosbree Ryan Soldridge Baby Sterling Bob Tessier Sharon Wiessler Chris Williams Elisa A. Zaccarino

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Robert Fulton, Pastor Fr. Joseph McShane, Associate Pastor, Annulments Deacon Al Valles, Permanent Deacon Deacon Alan Holderness, Permanent Deacon Deacon Peter Brause, Permanent Deacon Deacon Omar Uriarte, Permanent Deacon

MINISTRY STAFF Robert Kochis, Director of Music

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Ray Elder, Business Manager [email protected] Mary Curtiss, Office Coordinator [email protected]


Sheila Uriarte, Director of Faith Formation and Ministries

Cecilia Luna, Faith Formation Secretary

Kathy Prestia, RCIA (626) 963-1463

Faith Formation Office Monday - Thursdays/ 9 am - 6 pm

& Fridays / 9 am - 5 pm (626) 332-5822

[email protected]


St. Louise de Marillac Parish Center 1720 E. Covina Blvd., Covina, CA 91724

(626) 915-7873, Fax (626) 332-4431 Monday - Friday / 8 am - 5 pm

Saturday / 9am - 2pm Sunday / 9am - 2pm


DID YOU KNOW? Stress can affect the children around you

Everyone has stress, whether it is a bad day at work, car trouble, or simply too many things to do. It is important to learn how to manage your stress – for your own sake and for the sake of the children around you. Too much stress can make it hard to parent effec vely. A er a while, your children may show signs of stress, too. To learn more about how to iden fy and cope with stress, visit h ps:// cles/stress/stress-management.htm

For more informa on on other ways to keep kids safe, contact Linda Filkins, the Parish Safeguard Commi ee Chairperson at (626) 214-7846 or the Archdiocesan Safeguard the Children Office at (213) 637-7227. For par cular help, call the Vic ms Assistance Office at (213) 637-7650.



All things are current at the time of the bulletin publication on May 6th at 10 AM

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