St. John Cantius · 2016-05-17 ·...

St. John Cantius Parish The Catholic Community of Bridesburg Two years ago, during Rome's quiet summer, Pope Francis took a day off to visit privately with some old friends, whose identity took Catholic Italy by surprise: Evangelical Protestants. They welcomed Francis to their Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation, where Francis asked pardon for Catholic persecutions and celebrated the Holy Spirit's "pentecostal work." Unlike Satan, declared Francis, who creates division among God's children, the Holy Spirit creates a diversity rich and beautiful. And unity; not uniformity, Francis specified, but unity in diversity. Francis named the Spirit's gift "reconciled diversity." Pentecost's rich treasury of scriptural readings, for Saturday's vigil and Sunday's morning liturgy, traces the Holy Spirit's work from creation's beginning, through Jesus' resurrection, into the church's earliest days, now into our days. Kindled in our hearts, the Spirit's gentle fire is ours to share generously, even with those most strikingly different from us. All hearts are Spirit-warmed by reconciled diversity. VIGIL READINGS ILLUSTRATE PENTECOST'S BIRTHING As Easter opened with a scripturally rich Vigil, Pentecost crowns Easter's "Great Fifty Days" by opening with a Vigil, whose Old Testament readings envision the Spirit's Pentecost creativity. Genesis shows Babel's language-unity disintegrating into scattered confusion. Pentecost's Spirit reconciles varying languages, creating faith's unity in diversity. Exodus shows people trembling as wind and fire accompany God's commands. Pentecost's tongues of fire come with wind, but no fear, gently empowering Apostles to proclaim Jesus' law of love. Ezekiel envisions the Spirit reuniting scattered bones, breathing new life, restoring them to the Promised Land. Pentecost's Spirit breathes life into scattered souls, gathering them into Jesus' new united faith community. Joel promises Spirit-given dreams and visions to rescue God's chosen remnant. That Spirit, Paul declares, prays for us, in us; and Jesus invites us to drink deeply of that Spirit, whose living water, flowing through us, lovingly restores others to life. 4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137 Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar MRS. THERESA DOMBKOSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon./Wed./Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M.Tues./Thur. & Sat (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797 May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday

Transcript of St. John Cantius · 2016-05-17 ·...

St . John Cant ius Par i sh T h e C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y o f B r i d e s b u r g

Two years ago, during Rome's quiet summer, Pope Francis took a day off to visit privately with some old friends, whose identity took Catholic Italy by surprise: Evangelical Protestants. They welcomed Francis to their Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation, where Francis asked pardon for Catholic persecutions and celebrated the Holy Spirit's "pentecostal work." Unlike Satan, declared Francis, who creates division among God's children, the Holy Spirit creates a diversity rich and beautiful. And unity; not uniformity, Francis specified, but unity in diversity. Francis named the Spirit's gift "reconciled diversity." Pentecost's rich treasury of scriptural readings, for Saturday's vigil and Sunday's morning liturgy, traces the Holy Spirit's work from creation's beginning, through Jesus' resurrection, into the church's earliest days, now into our days. Kindled in our hearts, the Spirit's gentle fire is ours to share generously, even with those most strikingly different from us. All hearts are Spirit-warmed by reconciled diversity. VIGIL READINGS ILLUSTRATE PENTECOST'S BIRTHING As Easter opened with a scripturally rich Vigil, Pentecost crowns Easter's "Great Fifty Days" by opening with a Vigil, whose Old Testament readings envision the Spirit's Pentecost creativity. Genesis shows Babel's language-unity disintegrating into scattered confusion. Pentecost's Spirit reconciles varying languages, creating faith's unity in diversity. Exodus shows people trembling as wind and fire accompany God's commands. Pentecost's tongues of fire come with wind, but no fear, gently empowering Apostles to proclaim Jesus' law of love. Ezekiel envisions the Spirit reuniting scattered bones, breathing new life, restoring them to the Promised Land. Pentecost's Spirit breathes life into scattered souls, gathering them into Jesus' new united faith community. Joel promises Spirit-given dreams and visions to rescue God's chosen remnant. That Spirit, Paul declares, prays for us, in us; and Jesus invites us to drink deeply of that Spirit, whose living water, flowing through us, lovingly restores others to life.

4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137

Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar MRS. THERESA DOMBKOSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon./Wed./Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M.Tues./Thur. & Sat (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797

May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday



MONDAY – MAY 16th 8AM(E) George Schoell req. wife, Eileen TUESDAY – MAY 17th 8AM(P) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance WEDNESDAY – MAY 18th

St. John , I, Pope & Martyr 8AM(E) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance THURSDAY – MAY 19th

8AM(P) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance FRIDAY - MAY 20th St. Bemardine of Siena, Priest 8AM(E) Rev. Joseph J. Zingaro req. Rectory Staff SATURDAY – MAY 21st St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest, & Companions 8AM(P) Marian Tatarek & Jozef Olszewski req. Janina & Pawel Olszewski 5PM (E) For the People of St. John Cantius SUNDAY – MAY 22nd

8AM(E) Kristina Jasz (Birthday Blessings) req. Family 10AM(E) Violet Nalenz req. Kathy Lisiewski 11:30(P) W Intencji Rodziny Sawickich

Please pray for our recently deceased: Joseph Kowalik & Alfreda Kwiatkowski. May God grant them eternal peace in His Presence.

The two candles in the Church burns In loving memory of Marcel & Clementine Michalak from, Richard & Dolores Michalak.

The two candles in the Chapel burns In loving memory of Casimer & Frances Rolek from Dolores & Richard Michalak. *****************************************************************************************************************************

The Second Collection today will be for Parish Religious Education 5/15. Next week’s is for Air Conditioning 5/22.

LECTORS / LEKTORZY FOR MAY 22 5PM Tom & Kathy Crouthers 8AM Maria Sucharski 10AM Lisa Ann Schofield EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS MAY 22 5PM Fran & Tony Coppola, & Tom Crouthers 8AM Veronica Gontarek 10AM Terry Dombkoski, Joseph & Donna Slabinski

FLAME OF LOVE Flame of Love Cenacles

Wednesday, 8:30 AM, 2PM & 3:30PM in

St. Joseph’s Hall.


The Retreat at St. Alphonso Retreat House will take place on Monday, May 16th. The bus will be at Richmond & Lefevre Sts, at 8 a.m. and we will leave at 8:15 a.m. Kindly be there at 8:00.


Today we conclude the Easter Season with the celebration of Pentecost, traditionally called the "Birthday of the Church." It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and gave them the courage to teach the message of Jesus. The Church had its beginning, as thousands accepted the faith and were baptized. It was from this humble beginning that our Church came to life and has grown to what it is today. In our celebration of this day, may we also recall our beginnings in the Church by remembering our Baptism and our parents who passed on the Catholic faith to us. Let us reflect about how we, too, have been chosen to spread the message of Jesus. This is the week that many priests celebrate the anniversary of their ordinations to the priesthood. I was ordained 38 years ago on May 20th. Father Konstanty was ordained on May 28th, 1983 and celebrates his 33rd anniversary. Together, he and I represent 71 years of priestly service. Father Konstanty and I thank you for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us and for young men to hear God’s call to be a priest – especially from our parish. It was indeed a very beautiful weekend last week as we honored the Blessed Mother as Aleksandra Kurpaska crowned her as our Queen. The bright sun, came out just in time after the morning rain to provide us with the opportunity to crown her statue outside. We thank everyone who had a part in preparing the ceremonies and those who participated so beautifully in the services. We thank you also for your generous support to the Manna Collection. Your donations will help many of our poor in the Archdiocese. Baptismal Class will be held on Monday, May 23rd, in the Chapel, at 7:00 PM. Parents and Godparents who wish to have their children baptized must attend this class to prepare them for the reception of this sacrament. Expectant parents may also attend this class. Please call the Rectory tomorrow (Monday) to enroll so we can make adequate arrangements. COME ALL OUT TO THE OLD BALL GAME: When? Thursday, June 16th. Phillies will play the Toronto Blue Jays. See the enclosed flyer in this Church Bulletin. OUR DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Consider for a moment all the love you have ever received. Pause to envision yourself immersed in all that love at the same time. It is perhaps overwhelming. And still, all that love is nothing compared to the love of God. Has anyone ever loved you as Jesus has, does, and will love you?

Remember the Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic:




Dzisiaj kończymy sezon Wielkanocny obchodami Pięćdziesiątnicy, tradycyjnie nazywany "Narodzenie Kościoła." W tym dniu, Duch Święty zstąpił na Apostołów i dał im odwagę do nauczania orędzia Jezusa. Kościół miał swój początek, gdyż tysiące ludzie przyjęło wiarę i zostali ochrzczeni. To właśnie z tego skromnego początku, nasz Kościół ożył i stał się, tym czym jest dzisiaj. Z naszych obchodów tego dnia, przypominamy sobie nasze początki w Kościele, pamiętając nasz chrzest i naszych rodziców, którzy obdarzyli na nasza wiara katolicką. Zastanówmy się, nad tym jak my zostaliśmy wybrani, aby szerzyć orędzie Jezusa.

W tym tygodniu, wielu księży obchodzi rocznicę swoich święceń kapłańskich. Ja zostałem wyświęcony 38 lat temu w dniu 20 maja. Ojciec Konstanty został wyświęcony 28 maja, 1983 roku i obchodzi swoje 33 rocznice. Razem, reprezentujemy 71 lat kapłańskiej służby. Ks. Konstanty i Ja dziękujemy za wszelkie modlitwy i wsparcia. Proszę nadal módlcie się za nas i za młodych ludzi, aby usłyszeli Boży wezwanie do kapłaństwa - zwłaszcza z naszej parafii.

To był rzeczywiście bardzo piękny weekend w ubiegłym tygodniu, kiedy uhonorowano Matkę Najświętszą Aleksandra Kurpaska koronowała Ją jako naszą Matką Królową. Jasne słońce zaświeciło w sam raz po deszczu rano, aby zapewnić nam możliwość ukoronowania figury na zewnątrz Kościoła. Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w przygotowaniu uroczystości i tym, którzy uczestniczyli tak pięknie procesji.

Dziękujemy również za hojne wsparcie dla Manna Collection. Wasze ofiary pomogą wielu z naszych biednych w Archidiecezji.

Zajecie przygotowania do Chrztu odbędą się w poniedziałek, 23 maja, w kaplicy, o 7:00 PM. Rodzice i

chrzestni, którzy chcą, aby ich dzieci zostały ochrzczone muszą uczęszczać w tej nauce, aby przygotować je na przyjęcie tego sakramentu. Przyszli rodzice mogą także uczestniczyć w tej nauce. Zadzwoń na plebanię jutro (poniedziałek), aby sie zapisać, dzięki czemu możemy dokonać odpowiednich ustaleń.

NASZA DYNAMICZNA KATOLICKA MYŚL TYGODNIA:: Zastanów się przez chwilę nad wszelką miłością, jaką kiedykolwiek otrzymałeś. Zatrzymaj sie i wyobraź siebie zanurzonego się w całej tej miłości na raz. To jest chyba przytłaczające. A jednak cala ta miłość jest niczym w porównaniu do miłości Boga. Czy ktoś kiedyś kochał Cię tak jak Jezus kochał, kocha , i będzie cię kochać?

Pamiętaj Cztery znaki Dynamicznego Katolika:







May 15 Lucille Mocarski & Terry Casey May 15 Maryann Marszalek & Connie Perrault May 22 Joan Reed & Michelle Skalski May 29 Joseph Foster

Collection Count for May. 8, 2016 Attn Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 144 85 $826 $998 $1,824 8am 72 65 $578 $273 $851 10am 195 109 $777 $1,679 $2,456 11:30 149 66 $528 $185 $5,844 Total 325 $2,709 $3,135 $5,844 Mailed In 49 $93 $2,504 $2,597 Cemetery 182 $956 $300 $1,256 Home Miss 14 $47 $35 $82 Ascen. 157 $895 $414 $1,309 Rel. Ed 15 $111 $35 $146 Grand Total $ 4,811 $6,423 $11,234 Total Deposit $11,234


COME, HOLY SPIRIT! Reconciled diversity illumines Pentecost and fills this Jubilee Year of Mercy. Locked doors fly open as Pentecost's Spirit sends forth once-frightened disciples to share Jesus' gospel in countless languages, uniting crowds of divergent--sometimes hostile--nationalities into one newborn community filled with peace. Paul exhorts the Corinthians, and us, to celebrate our differences, for gifts of the same Spirit build our diversity into Jesus' one body. Paul bids the Romans, and us, to embrace life bestowed by "the Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, 'Abba, Father!' " In today's traditional Gospel, Jesus sends forth previously frightened disciples, and us, to love others as Jesus loves us. So Pope Francis sees Pentecost's Spirit, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, summoning us afresh from past mediocrity and selfish isolation to share God's mercy enthusiastically and generously. The alternative Gospel declares keeping Jesus' commandments not a mindless obligation but a loving choice, closing Easter Time with Jesus' enduring promise of the Pentecost Spirit's abiding presence: that Spirit "will teach you everything and remind you of all I told you."

Blessed Trinity School is seeking a part time (19 Hours/week) Business Manager. Responsibilities include but are not limited to

the maintenance of accurate records of the school’s financial transactions and cash flow as well as payroll. The knowledge of Quicken or other accounting software is necessary. The Business Manager is also instrumental in developing the yearly budget and in handling Human Resources information and issues. Interested applicants should send their resumes to [email protected] or call the school office at 215-338-9797.


St. John Cantius Parish Increased Offering/Stewardship of Treasure Appeal is being well received by the people of this Parish. To date 207 people have responded to Fr. Zingaro’s letter representing a combined weekly increase of $852.44. Please use the special envelope to indicate your new contribution amount and enclose it in this envelope. You may also use this envelope to note any special circumstances. Next week use you regular Sunday envelope for your new giving amount.


LOTTERY TICKETS Lottery tickets will be sold in the back of the Chapel or Church Calendars are now available for distribution. The cost is $5.00 each for the month, based on the evening of the Pennsylvania Lottery drawing. Daily prizes of $50.00 a day and Sundays are $100.00. Plus each month a bonus day! Sellers are needed. Tickets

will be sold before and after each Mass. This will be an on going fundraiser. We ask for you help and support to make this an ongoing success. Thank you for your support of our Parish. DATE NUMBER PRIZE WINNER SELLER May 1 716 $100 Maria Sucharski S. Mocarski May 2 695 $50 Betty Fagan Meyers May 3 058 $50 Unsold May 4 615 $50 Barbara Kreflewski Rita Szybowski May 5 677 $50 Unsold May 6 920 $50 Unsold May 7 352 $50 Unsold May 8 277 $100 Unsold


Wed. July 13, 2016 Doolan’s –Spring Lake, NJ

Forever Famous Female Groups Tribute

The Fabulous Angeltones stroll you down memory lane with hits from your favorite female singing groups: The McGuire Sisters, The Andrew Sisters, The Shirelles, The Supremes & more. Enjoy the hit’s of the 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s plus comedian and dancing. Includes: Matinee Show at Doolan’s— Spring Lake, NJ Full Course Luncheon w/ 1 hour open bar Round-trip Motorcoach Transportation via JC Tours/Self Bus. All Taxes & Gratuities (Except Driver) $80.00 per person





PREP Registration

Registration is currently being held for PREP year 2016-17. PREP is a year-long program which provides religious education to our parish children Kindergarten age and older who attend non-Catholic schools. Registration forms are available at the rectory. Early Registration will be held until July 22nd and fees are: $70.00 for one (1) child; $120.00 for two (2) children; and $30.00 for each child after. After July 22nd, the fees are: $80 for one child; $150 for two children; and $50 for each child after. The fee must be paid at the time of registration. A copy of the baptismal certificate is required for first time registrants if the child was not baptized at St. John Cantius Church or All Saints Church. Please remember that before a child receives the sacraments (First Penance, First Communion or Confirmation) the child must receive two (2) years of religious instruction. If there are any questions, please call, Mrs. Dombkoski, Parish Services Director at the rectory. WORKSHEET FOR CHILDREN – AND YOU TOO!


TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION “Order” and “presbyter” are not everyday words in our vocabulary, since we think of order as a quality of life rather than a collective noun, and “priest” usually does just fine in everyday conversation. Yet each word has deep roots in our tradition. At an ordination we select men for service to the community. Ordo is a Latin word drawn not from pagan religious life but from Imperial Rome. It meant a distinct body standing apart from the people, such as a body of people responsible for civil governance, senators for example. Think of the selectmen or board of governors in your civic home, and you will get the idea. The church borrowed the term to describe the place of certain people within the people of God, thus the “order of deacons,” “the order of presbyters,” and even “the order of virgins, catechumens, widows, neophytes, penitents,” and so on, as distinct groups within the church. Just as ancient Rome had various uniforms for the ranks and stations in civil life, so too did certain garments give clues to membership in an “order” in the church. So, our tradition favors the idea of an ordination liturgy not as receiving something so much as being received. This is clearly expressed in the liturgy. The “kiss of peace” is given only by the ordaining bishop and priests to the newly “ordained,” not by the faithful, the deacons, or the concelebrating bishops who are present. *****************************************


Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15

Our Parish recently received notification of the performance of our high school students on the Third Quarter Report. We are particularly proud of those who demonstrated academic excellence.

St. Hubert Catholic High School Elizabeth Walczykowski’16 achieved second honors

Archbishop Ryan High School Tayah N. Naudascher’16 achieved second honors.

Little Flower Catholic High School Thomasina L Cook’16 achieved first honors Marissa Hawthorne’17 , Cailin Salayda’18 & Kiersten Ferguson’16 achieved second honors

Roman Catholic High School Adam Moskal ’18 & Matthew Phares ’19 achieved first honors Alexander Smith’17, & Seth Stangler achieved second honors

THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The church wakes up to an amazing message this morning. Look around and see who has been called. Listen to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is Lord. You’ll find no race of people left out; you’ll find no language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We call Pentecost Sunday the “birthday of the church.” In many ways, the church is still being born. Only when we all know the peace Jesus offered in today’s Gospel will we really know the fullness of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all of us have been given to drink of the one Spirit.” When we look around us in the church we should see everyone. But we don’t. Not yet. What is holding us back from fully embracing the one Body of Christ? When will we see our differences as manifestations of the same Holy Spirit?

Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. 1 Corinthians 12:13a

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