St. Francis de Sales Church · 2019-09-19 · tact Judy at Saints Peter and Paul: 610-692-2216 ext....

St. Francis de Sales Church Established in 1894 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 Communion Service Saturday 8:30 AM (September through May) Holy Day Vigil 5:00 PM Holy Days 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM Confessions are Saturday at 4:30 PM and anytime by request. Proclaiming the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ for 124 Years from the little church on the hillside of Lenni.

Transcript of St. Francis de Sales Church · 2019-09-19 · tact Judy at Saints Peter and Paul: 610-692-2216 ext....

Page 1: St. Francis de Sales Church · 2019-09-19 · tact Judy at Saints Peter and Paul: 610-692-2216 ext. 263 Francis de SSa lle s PREP Our Parish Religious Educaon Program which will begin

St. Francis de Sales Church Established in 1894

MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 Communion Service Saturday 8:30 AM (September through May) Holy Day Vigil 5:00 PM Holy Days 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM Confessions are Saturday at 4:30 PM and anytime by request.

Proclaiming the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ for 124 Years

from the little church on the hillside of Lenni.

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SScripture readings for:

August 12th, 2018

1 Kings 19:4-8 Ephesians 4:30– 5:2

John 6:41—51

Adult Choir Nancy Brown 610.358.3112 Adult Education/RCIA Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554 RCIA Marion Bennett 610.459.0554 Altar Society Phil D'Orazio 610.459.0635 PREP/CCD Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554 Church Environment Barbara Jones 610.566.4149

CYO Paula Bonsall 610.517.6136 Eucharistic Ministers Tracy Boyle 610.566.8453 Finance Committee Fr. Okon 610.459.2203 HOPE Cathy Hawes 610.627.0874 Ladies' Club Belle Miller 610.513.2920 Lectors Joanne Sunick 610.459.1996 Liturgy Committee Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554

Pastoral Council Steve DeLozier 484.574.4425 Prayer Shawl Ministry Ann Fernandez 215.203.6697 Web Master Arlene Petragnani 610.558.0588 Welcome Committee R. DiFebo 610.459.8971 Women's Prayer Group Sr. Betty Kirk 610.459.0554 Social/Fellowship Donna Paciente 610.566-7761

RECTORY 6610.459.2203 35 New Road, Box 97, Lenni, PA 19052 Website— [email protected] Reverend Alan J. Okon, Pastor Deacon Paul A. Quinn Sr. Betty Kirk 6610.459.0554 Parish Services Director Mrs. Marie McGonigal 6610.459.2203 Administrative Assistant Tammy McDonald 6610.459.2203 Communications Secretary Art Kahn, Business Manager 6610.459.2203 CONVENT 6610.459.2501 28 New Road, Aston, PA 19014 Education Center 39 New Road, Aston, PA 19014

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AUGUST 5th, 2018 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

SATURDAY August 4 5:00 PM Mort & Marie Manuel SUNDAY August 5 7:30 AM Genevieve DiMeglio 9:30 AM Helen Warren 11:30 AM Doris Keenen MONDAY August 6 8:30 AM Craig Honyara TUESDAY August 7 8:30 AM Walter & Sadie Trzeciak WEDNESDAY August 8 8:30 AM Communion Service THURSDAY August 9 8:30 AM Marcy McGowan FRIDAY August 10 8:30 AM Frank D’Orazio SATURDAY August 11 5:00 PM Friends and Family Of Baby Louis DiCocco SUNNDAY August 12 7:30 AM Robert McNamee 9:30 AM Thomas Pendergast 11:30AM Bernadetta Bundonis

AUGUST 5th, 2018 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time You may recall from last rainy Memorial Day weekend more than the weather. That was when the ABC television execs can-celled the “Roseanne” show. That decision followed the sending of a racially charged tweet that the eponymous star of the show sent out and angered most people who read it. The Disney Company, owners of ABC, lost no �me trying to recoup its wholesome image; reset its policy; and proceed with its mission for family entertain-ment. While He had no worries about His image, Our Lord Jesus, right from the start of His mission, set His “policy”, if you will. All of His followers were to honor it. It would embrace all the key areas of our human experience. Even the ma�er of food. As a faithful Jew, Jesus was keenly aware of His people’s storied history, highligh�ng the great work His Father had done for the chosen people. This was especially evident throughout the great exodus from Egypt, for God had both led and fed them. The people at that �me would not have known what the manna foreshad-owed. So He had to make clear what we know by faith: that myste-rious heavenly manna that fell from the sky was a portend of Him-self given to us as “the bread of life.” We call it “the Holy Eucha-rist” which we receive so as to place us in “Holy Communion” with Him in a unique embrace of love. The people in Our Lord’s original audience that day were much like us in that when someone challenges us to accept something new, we expect and look for the person’s creden�als. So Jesus provided those, along with a guarantee of eternal life. Note the similar a�tude among the “grumblers” among the crowd of their ancestors in the midst of that exodus which we read about this weekend. They hurled their gripes against Moses and Aaron, their leaders at that �me. They wanted to go back to Egypt and enjoy their “fleshpots.” That to me is a cau�onary tale for us who have access every Sunday (actually every day) to the Bread of Life. It seems we always remain needy for an “a�tudinal adjust-ment” toward ma�ers like Church teachings and obliga�ons. We so o�en judge them as irksome, simply because they contradict our society’s beliefs. The good news is that we have the an�dote for such “grumbling.” It is a fuller, more a�en�ve and prayerful par�cipa-�on in the Mass, where we hear God’s Word proclaimed and eat His Body and drink His blood. Then we gain a perspec�ve that releases us from any fear of not fi�ng in with the philosophy all around us. A certain man purchased a paper at a newspaper stand. He greeted the newsman very courteously, but in return received gruff and discourteous service. Accep�ng the newspaper, which was rudely shoved in his face, the customer politely smiled and wished the newsman a nice weekend. A friend observed all of this and asked, “Does he always treat you so rudely?” “Yes, unfortunately he always does.” “And are you always so polite and friendly to him!” “Yes, I am.” “Why are you so nice to him when he is so rude to you?” “Because I don’t want him to decide how I am going to act.”

That, friends, is both Christ’s policy and our mission in a nutshell. “ Reflection by, Rev. Leonard N. Peterson”

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Entering into our 125th Year! 7/25/1894 ~ 7/25/2018

On July 25, 1894, the parish of St. Francis de Sales was founded in Lenni, Pennsylvania. On the occasion of the dedication of the

church building in 1895, the headline of the diocesan paper read

“ Lenni’s Pretty Parish Church”. I think those few words aptly sum up the

affection and love that so many of us and so many of our predecessors have had for our

little church that sits so proudly on the hillside. May we enter into this, our 125th anniversary with the same commitment of our Faith, Family and fellowship which has helped to strengthen our parish community

and carry out our parish mission.

Around the Archdiocese Catholic Women’s Conference 2018 Saturday, October 27th, 2018, 9am—4pm, at the Na-tional Shrine of our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA. Talks will be offered in English, Spanish and Sign Language. A mid-September sellout is expected. Register today at; __________________________________________________________

Philadelphia Catholic Mamas Group Open to all mothers in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia of all backgrounds and ages who seek fellowship and community with one another through weekly prayer meetups. Activities, Pro-Life ministry and retreats. For more information:


SFDS Mass Book Opening The new 2019 Mass Book is now opened for Mass Inten-tions for the new year, 2019 in the Rectory Office.

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Remember Our Sick

Marilyn Kane, Greg Miller, Chrissy Ferris Bruce McManus, Chelsea Miles,

Dorothy Tait, Belle Miller, Susan Ahern Joel Rivera, Bill Sunick

Dimietri Sfa Kianakis, Florence Fisher HHear Our Prayer

If you wish to have a family member added to our list to be remembered in prayers, for sickness or health concerns,

please e-mail the rectory @ [email protected]

Remembering the Needy throughout the Summer Months..

We are always collec�ng non-perishable foods for the fami-lies in need. As we enjoy our summer months please re-member those less fortunate and consider filling a bag or

purchasing a food cer�ficate, you can always drop off your donated food items in the FWC and gi� cards to

Sister Be�y at the Rectory. God Bless you and thank you for your con�nued support.

September & October Saints Peter and Paul Parish in West Chester will host

WE THIRST: Christian Reflections on Addiction This is a popular 5 part series that only educates, but also inspires compassion, faith, hope, love and community ac-

tion! Nina Marie Corona, M.A.,C.R.S., is the facilitator ( to Register for this event con-

tact Judy at Saints Peter and Paul: 610-692-2216 ext. 263

Francis dde SSallless

PREP Our Parish Religious Educa�on Program which will

begin again on September 18, 2018 is in need of the following Volunteers. If you able to respond to any

of these needs please call Sister Be�y at 610-459-0554. A Teacher for 2 Sundays a month is needed in

Grade PK = 3 and 4 year old children. High School Students are needed to assist Teachers in the lower grades and Adults are needed to assist in grades 1,2 and 5. Thank you for any considera�on you

can give to these requests.

St Bernade�e’s in Drexel Hill Class of 1968 Planning their 50th Class Reunion

St Bernade�e’s of Drexel Hill,, Class of 1968, will be cele-bra�ng their 50th Class Reunion on October 13th at Tip

O’Leary’s on West Chester Pike in Havertown, from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Tickets cost $35.00 per person, which includes beverages and buffet. Check or Money order payable to St. Bernade�e’s 68 Class Reunion P.O. Box 438 Wes�own Pa. 19395. For more informa�on please call—Tom Delaney @

610-331-9288 or [email protected]


Wednesdays– Prayer Group 9:15am & 7:00pm Wednesdays- Choir at 7:00pm in FWC

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aug.14th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6pm, FWC Aug.28th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6pm, FWC

Sept.5th– Prayer Group Begins Again Sept.9th– Parish Social FWC after all Masses

Sept.10th-Ladies Club Mtg. 7pm., FWC Sept.11th- Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6pm, FWC

Sept.18th– PREP Classes Begin Sept.25th– Prayer Shawl Mtg. 6pm, FWC

Sept.27th– Brusters Spirit Night– Aston 6-9pm For more information visit our Parish website, at, We also have a Facebook Page!

Social/Fellowship Committee, Wishing you a ...

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SFDS Acme, Shop Rite & Giant Gift Cards

The Gift Card Program. Cards are available after the Vigil and Sunday Masses and at the Rectory during the week. If no one is selling cards, please stop in the Sac-risty and Mr. Bradley will help with your card request. This program will continue to support the needs of our parish. Thank you for your support.

OUR JOURNEY Of HOPE Our SFDS Parish has a Cancer Care Ministry. This Ministry was created to be a help to those dealing with cancer. It is

our desire to walk alongside of those with a cancer diagnosis to bring them comfort, encouragement and spiritual sup-

port. Care Ministry please contact Lydia Lill at 610-358-2627 or Sister Be�y

God’s Altar needs more Ministers.

Our Parish needs faithful parishioners to “feed the peo-ple” of God. Prayerfully consider becoming a Lector of

the Word of God or an Extraordinary Minister of the Body of Christ. If you are a single registered parishioner, faithfully prac�cing your faith and/or, if you are married, your marriage is a sacramental marriage, consider serv-ing at the Altar. Call the Rectory for more informa�on

or contact Tracey Boyle– 610-566-8453

God’s Altar needs more Ministers.Our Parish needs faithful parishioners to “feed the peo-ple” of God. Prayerfully consider becoming a Lector of

the Word of God or an Extraordinary Minister of the Body of Christ. If you are a single registered parishioner, faithfully prac�cing your faith and/or, if you are married, your marriage is a sacramental marriage, consider serv-ing at the Altar. Call the Rectory for more informa�on

or contact Tracey Boyle– 610-566-8453

SCRIP CARDS SFDS Gift Card Program now has the following on Hand: At

This Time All Cards are $25.00

Boscov’s , CVS Pharmacy, Kohl’s, Olive Garden, Target, Walgreens, Walmart, WAWA

We anticipate placing orders on Monday’s so the cards will arrive on Wednesday. Any special orders will have to be pre-paid before ordering. They are available after 5pm and 7:30

am Mass also in the Sacristy on Sundays Available in the Rectory Office daily.

“The Caring Cooks” Complete instruc�ons and recipes are available on the

church windowsills. We appreciate your support. Each casserole feeds 8 or more people.

May God reward your generosity! Thank You for your con�nued support.

During these extremely HOT summer days please remem-ber to check on the elderly and don’t forget about your pets. Enjoy your summer.

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Parish Office Hours

The Parish Office is open for business Mon-day through Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM, sum-mer hours, Friday’s 8:30AM to 1:00PM. Weeknights and Saturdays are by appoint-ment only. PPlease refer elsewhere in the bulletin for holiday hours.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion Please call the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to schedule an appointment for the Anointing of the Sick. Every effort will be made to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick within 48 hours of it being requested. Please call the Parish Office to request a visit from an Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion to receive the Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings.

Funeral Arrangements We are very sorry for the loss of your loved one. To make funeral arrangements, please first meet with your Funeral Director to discuss your wishes and their availability. The Funeral Director will contact our Parish Office to coordinate the date and time of the funeral. Once the funeral has been scheduled, Fr. Okon will call you to schedule a time to meet and plan the Liturgy.

Parish Registration Welcome to our family of St. Francis de Sales. We are happy to welcome new members in to our community. We invite you to be a vital part of our family and hope you will support your parish with your prayers, your presence and your talents. Please contact the Parish Office at 6610.459.2203 to make arrangements for registration. If you move out of our parish, or have changed your phone number, please contact the Parish Office so we can update our data base.

Sacrament of Baptism Congratulations on the birth of your child. The Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered after the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday. Pre-Jordan class for the parents is required prior to the scheduling of the Baptism. Parents can attend the class before the baby is born. Pre-Jordan class is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Please contact the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to register for the Pre-Jordan class. To schedule a Baptism, please have already obtained the certificates of eligibility and then contact the Parish Office at least two weeks in advance.

Ceertificates of Eligibility Congratulations on being asked to be a sponsor at either a Baptism or a Confirmation. You have been asked to be a witness to, and role model of, your Catholic faith. A sponsor is a Roman Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, is an active registered member of his or her parish, at least 16 years of age, and if married is in a Sacramental Marriage. Please contact the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to request a certificate.

Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated each Saturday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:00, or by appointment.

Elementary Catholic School Education SFDS Parish supports our parishioners who have chosen an Elementary Catholic School for their children. SFDS Parish has open enrollment; enabling parents to select a regional or parish school that is of their choice. For parishioners who are present, active and contributing members, ffor a minimum of one year, SFDS Parish will pay a subsidy of $1000.00 per student.

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