SSWR 2011-2012

doctoral candidates and graduates phd program


It is a great pleasure to present to you the following information on our graduates, and upcoming graduates, of the PhD program at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. Our graduates will have much to offer your school in the way of scholarship, teaching, and leadership experience. In addition our students have garnered an impressive roster of publications, and many of them have presented at national conferences such as CSWE and SSWR. Please contact the PhD program office at (314) 935-6605 if we can help facilitate a meeting with any of these individuals, or if we can provide you with any additional information.

Transcript of SSWR 2011-2012

doctoral candidates and graduatesphd program

PhD Program

Spring 2011

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to present to you the following information on our graduates, and upcoming graduates, of the PhD program at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis.

Our graduates will have much to offer your school in the way of scholarship, teaching, and leadership experience. In addition our students have garnered an impressive roster of publications, and many of them have presented at national conferences such as CSWE and SSWR. Please contact the PhD program office at (314) 935-6605 if we can help facilitate a meeting with any of these individuals, or if we can provide you with any additional information.

With best regards,

Wendy Auslander, PhDBarbara A. Bailey Professor of Social WorkDirector, PhD Program in Social WorkGeorge Warren Brown School of Social WorkWashington University in St. Louis


Kimberly A. Carter, PhD 1

Dolly Daftary 6

Kirk A. Foster 10

Jin Huang 14

Youngmi Kim, PhD 18

Madeline Y. Lee, PhD 23

Benjamin J. Lough, PhD 27

Kristen Wagner 34

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Kimberly Carter’s research interests include health care disparities, service use, and family caregiving related to severe mental illness among ethnic minority populations, particularly African Americans. Ms. Carter has experience as a service provider and researcher -developing, implementing, and evaluating mental health services. As a Master’s level student, Ms. Carter was awarded a grant from the NIMH to conduct ethnographic research on African American family caregivers affected by severe mental illness. This experience, coupled with her NIMH pre-doctoral fellowship helped advance her research skills and knowledge. She also has teaching experience for courses on Research Methods and Differential Mental Health Diagnosis.

In September 2010, Ms. Carter successfully defended her dissertation: “African American Caregiver Resiliency: Resources, Vulnerabilities, Coping, and Well-Being Among Caregivers of Persons with Chronic Illness”. Her dissertation, which involved national data, examined the relationship between family stress and coping factors with well-being, how other family stressors compare to caregiving in impacting well-being, and the mediating effect of family coping.

Ms. Carter has worked with a number of community organizations and has established herself as a community leader and valuable resource. She has served on healthcare planning committees and Executive Boards. Moreover, she continually provides professional consultation and trainings to agencies on topics related to mental health, African American families, caregiving, and cultural competence. These experiences inform her passion and interest.

Dissertation ChairDr. Enola K. [email protected]

[c] 314.614.7462

[e] [email protected]

Kimberly A. Carter, PhD

d o c t o r a l c a n d i d a t e s a n d g r a d u a t e s l p h d p r o g r a m

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Kimberly A. Carter, PhD

PhD Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (Expected graduation date December 2010). Dissertation Defended on September 27, 2010

Dissertation Title: African American Caregiver Resiliency: Resources, Vulnerabilities, Coping, and Well-Being Among Caregivers of Persons with Chronic Illness.

MSW Mental Health & Research Specialization, Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (2002).

BA Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis, MO (1994).

Research2005-2007 Project Coordinator. “Missouri’s Delta Depression Collaborative Care,”

Washington University, Center for Mental Health Services Research, St. Louis, MO.

2004 Research Assistant. “Washington University Undergraduate Pre-Medicine Student Assessment Project”, Washington University School of Arts & Sciences and Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO. 2004 Research Assistant. “Oz: Neuropsychiatric Impairments in Adolescent Inhalant Abusers,” Washington University, Center for Comorbidity and Addictions. 2002-2005 Principal Minority Research Investigator. “Minority Supplement: Community Based Family Responsive Psycho education Grant,” Washington University in St. Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO. 1998-2003 Research Assistant. “Community-Based Family Responsive Psychoeducation Grant,” Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO. 1999-2002 Project Coordinator. “Multicultural Outreach Project, Family Support Services Needs Assessment,” NAMI St. Louis and Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO.

Teaching Summer 2007 Teaching Fellow/Instructor, Research Methods for Social Work Practice Summer 2006 Teaching Fellow/Instructor, Research Methods for Social Work Practice. Fall 2005 Teaching Fellow/Instructor, Research Methods for Social Work Practice. Summer 2005 Teaching Fellow/Instructor, Research Methods for Social Work Practice. Spring 2005 Teaching Assistant, Research Methods for Social Work Practice. Spring 2004 Teaching Assistant, Research Methods for Social Work Practice. Fall 2003 Teaching Assistant, Differential Mental Health Diagnosis.



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University Service 2007-2009 Academic Advisor, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St.Louis, MO 2004 Guest Lecturer, Vocational Rehabilitation Students, “Working with Diverse Populations in Healthcare Services,” February 2004. Maryville University, St. Louis, MO.

Direct Social Work Practice 2009 Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Consultant. Grant Writer, “Homeless Services Family Support Program,” Great Things Incorporated Foundation, St. Louis, MO. 2006-2008 NPO Consultant. Human Resource Staff Training and Program Development, “Cultural Competency & Awareness in Community Mental Health Care Services,” BJC Behavioral Health, St. Louis, MO. 2007-2009 NPO Consultant. Human Resource Training, Program Development, Program Evaluation, and Strategic Planning, “Respite Care Services for Teens with Behaviorial Challenges,”. Creating Change Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2005-2008 Trainer. “Understanding the Implications of Culture on Mental Illness,” St. Louis County Police Crisis Intervention Training. Mental Health Association of Greater St. Louis, St. Louis, MO. 2004-2006 NPO Consultant. Staff Training and Program Evaluation, “Cultural Awareness & Competency in Family Caregiver Mental Health,” NAMI National, Bethesda, MD. 2005-2006 NPO Consultant. Trainer, “Considerations for the Development of Culturally Responsive Services for St. Louis Area Youth Serving Mental Health Agencies,” Transitions Inc., Department of Mental Health, St. Louis, MO. 2004 NPO Consultant. Grant Writer, Strategic Planning, Board Development, “Transitional Foster Care Group Home,” MCCB Transitions, St. Louis, MO. 2002-2004 Outreach Specialist. “Multicultural Family Outreach Project,” Alliance for the Mentally Ill – NAMI St. Louis. 1996-2002 Project Director. “Multicultural Family Outreach Project,” Alliance for the Mentally Ill – NAMI St. Louis. 1994-1996 Life Skills and Job Coach Instructor. Adult Day Program, St. Louis Association for Retarded Citizens (SLARC). Other Related Professional Service 2004-Present Board Member, Member of Program and Board Development Committees. Kids Under Twenty-One (KUTO – Kids Suicide Prevention), St. Louis, MO. 2008-2010 Finance Committee Member, Northeast County Deanery, Catholic School Education Planning Group, Archdiocese of St. Louis, Office of Catholic Education, St. Louis, MO. 2005-2008 Board Member, Member of Diversity and Personnel Committees. The College School of Webster Groves, St. Louis, MO.

Kimberly A. Carter, PhD

d o c t o r a l c a n d i d a t e s a n d g r a d u a t e s l p h d p r o g r a m

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2004-2008 Member, Cultural Competency Planning Committee. African American Task Team on Family Mental Health. NAMI National, Arlington, VA. 2005-2007 Board Member, Vice President. Creating Change Inc. St. Louis, MO. 2005 NPO Consultant. Grant Writer, “Urban Outreach Program- Family Based Education and Support Services ”. NAMI St. Louis, St. Louis, MO. 2004-2007 Board Member. Understanding Suicide (African American Suicide Prevention), St. Louis Chapter. 1999-2002 Committee Member, Secretary. African American Churches Task Team on Mental Health. St. Louis, MO.

• PrincipalInvestigator.NIMHMinoritySupplement,“CommunityBasedPsycho-Education(Grant # 1 R24 MH59217)”, National Institute of Health, 2002.

• NIMHPre-DoctoralFellowship,CenterforMentalHealthServicesResearch,GeorgeWarrenBrown School of Social Work, 2002 – 2007.

• 2004“CaregiverEducationandSelf-HelpProgramInterventionsinSevereMentalIllness:ASystematic Review.” SSWR 8th Annual Conference Research Symposia – “Evidence-Based Interventions for Social Work Practice: Systematic Reviews of Treatment Effectiveness,” January 2004, New Orleans, LA

• 2005“TheDimensionsof ReligiosityAmongBlackAmericans&ItsRelationshiptoPsychological Distress: Examination of a Structural Equation Model.” Society for Social Work Research 9th Annual Conference - Poster Presentation, January 2005, Miami, FL.

• 2005“TheMeaningof MentalIllness:ThematicAnalysisof AfricanAmericanCaregivers.”Society for Social Work Research 9th Annual Conference - Poster Presentation, January 2005, Miami, FL.

• 2009“CulturalAwareness&CompetenceinSocialWorkPractice–CanyouReallyMakeaDifference?” National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW), 24th Annual Regional Conference. October 2009, St. Louis, MO

• 2006“AfricanAmericansandSevereMentalIllness”.MissouriBootheelFullGospelWomen’sFaith Conference, May 2006, Hayti, MO.

• 2005“TheAfricanAmericanCaregiver&SevereMentalIllness.”NAMINationalConference,June 2005, Austin, TX.

• 2005“CopingWithSevereMentalIllnessinFamilies”GuestSpeaker,CommunityAwarenessMeeting, Midtown Catholic Family Services, April and October 2005, St. Louis, MO.

•2004-2005“BreakingtheSilenceCurriculum:SevereMentalIllness:Diagnoses,Treatments,Family Response”. Guest Lecturer, Roosevelt High School, Senior Level Psychology Classes, St. Louis Public Schools, St. Louis, MO.

• 2003“SevereMentalIllness&AfricanAmericanFamilies:StrategiesthatWork”.NAMIMissouri State Conference, November 2003, Lake of the Ozarks, MO.

• 2002“MentalHealthFamilyOutreachtoNon-TraditionalAudiences”NAMINationalConference, July 2002, Cincinnati, OH.

• 2002“MulticulturalOutreachStrategiesthatWork”NAMINationalConference,MulticulturalPanel Session, July 2002, Cincinnati, OH.

Kimberly A. Carter, PhD



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• 2002“CulturalNeedsAssessment:DevelopingaMentalHealthFamilyOutreachPlan”.NAMINational Conference, Latino Outreach Symposium, July 2002, Cincinnati, OH.

• 1999“EngagingAfricanAmericanFamiliesinSelf-HelpPrograms:SuccessandObstaclestoOutreach”. NAMI East St. Louis (CUPFUL) Annual Meeting, September 1999, East St. Louis, IL.

• 1999“CulturalAwareness&CompetenceinSocialWorkPractice–CanyouReallyMakeaDifference?” National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW), 24th Annual Regional Conference. October 2009, St. Louis, MO

• 1999“OutreachtoAfricanAmericanFamilies”NAMINationalConference,July1999, Chicago, IL.

• 1999“DevelopingandImplementingaMulticulturalFamilyEducationandSupportProgram”NAMI Kentucky State Convention, May 1999, Louisville, KY.

• 1998“MentalHealthFamilyEducation–OutreachtoMinorities”.NAMINationalConference,June 1998, Washington, D.C.

Kimberly A. Carter, PhD

d o c t o r a l c a n d i d a t e s a n d g r a d u a t e s l p h d p r o g r a m

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Dolly Daftary is interested in social and economic development, field research and community capacity-building in developing countries. She investigates the ways in which institutions internal and external to the community influence the distributional outcomes of development, long-term development trajectories and household well-being. Dolly teases out the impact of decision-making structures across levels in shaping economic empowerment on the ground, focusing on decision-making rules in international donor organizations, national policymakers, implementing agents and communities’ formal and informal rules. Her work informs the types of incentives and institutions policymakers can create to counterbalance local inequality and build communities’ capacity to garner development resources.

Dolly’s interest in institutions, communities and political economy stems from her practice experience with rural, indigenous and low-income urban communities in India on food security, community-based natural resource management, poverty alleviation, public goods provision, participatory decision-making, low-income housing and basic education. Her work has led to collaborate with advocacy networks, social movements, community-based organizations and NGOs across India’s diverse regions.

Dolly employs a multidisciplinary research approach. Combining archival research, in-depth interviews and household surveys, her dissertation identifies institutions in the state, society and market that shape watershed development, a large-scale development intervention for semi-arid communities in India. Findings from her dissertation have appeared and are forthcoming in leading journals in community and international development. Dolly combines her expertise on South Asia with a keen engagement with Latin American, Southeast Asian and African scholarship.

Dolly enjoys bringing her varied practice and field experience to the classroom. She has independently taught master’s level foundation courses in Social, Economic and Political Environment and Research Methods, and enjoys using a cross-cultural, comparative and interdisciplinary perspective in her classes. She is proficient in teaching Social and Economic Development Policy, Social Work Practice with Communities, Community Organization, International Development and Qualitative Research Methods.

Dissertation ChairDr. David [email protected]

[c] 314.814.6971

[e] [email protected]

Dolly Daftary

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Dolly Daftary

PhD Candidate Washington University in St. Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (Expected graduation date May 2011) Doctoral Certificate Institutional Social Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, Center for New Institutional Social Sciences (2006) MSW Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India (2001) BA (Honors) Economics, Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University, India (1999)

Research 2010 Research Assistant. Encore Careers. Washington University in St. Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work. 2006-present Principal Investigator. Market-based development in the drylands: Politics, institutions and community in western India. Washington University in St. Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work and Center for New Institutional Social Sciences. 2004-2005 Principal Investigator. Dissertation pilot field work. 2003-2006 Research Associate. International service: History and forms, pitfalls and potential. Washington University in St. Louis, Global Service Institute: Center for Social Development. 2001 Social Work Intern. M. L. Dhavale Trust, Mumbai, India. 2000 Principal Investigator. Community-based governance of water resources. Tata Institute of Social Sciences: Department of Urban and Rural Community Development.

Teaching Summer 2009 Instructor. Social, Economic and Political Environment Summer 2009 Instructor. Research Methods for Social Work Practice Spring 2009 Instructor. Social, Economic and Political Environment Fall 2008 Guest Lecturer. Development Practice in International Contexts Spring 2006 Teaching Assistant and Co-Instructor: Social, Economic and Political Environment Spring 2004 Teaching Assistant: Social and Economic Development Policy Fall 2003 Teaching Assistant and Graduate Lab Instructor: Seminar in Research Methods

Direct Practice 2006-2007 Field consultant, Foundation for Ecological Security, Field Office Dahod, India 2001-2002 Program Officer. Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development (AVARD), New Delhi, India. 2000-2001 Social Work Intern, Youth for Unity in Voluntary Action (YUVA), Bombay, India. Community development work with pavement dwellers’ children and youth 12/1999 Disaster relief work. Jagatsinghpur district, Orissa, India. 1999-2000 Social Work Intern, Pratham, Bombay, India. Identifying barriers and strengths of community-based pre-school education for children in slum communities



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Service 2010 Reviewer for Journal of International Social Work 2010 Reviewer of Abstracts for the International Association for the Study of the Commons 13th Biennial Conference 2008-2010 Advisor, Curriculum Development Committee, Environmental Social Work Initiative, Washington University in St. Louis 2008 Judge, 13th Graduate Student Research Symposium, Washington University in St. Louis

• DissertationWritingAward.ColumbiaUniversity:Schoolof InternationalandPublicAffairs(2008)

• InternationalFieldDissertationResearchGrant.WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis:GeorgeWarren Brown School of Social Work (2006)

• DissertationResearchTravelAward.WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis:CenterforNewInstitutional Social Sciences (2006)

• CenterforNewInstitutionalSocialSciencesSummerFellowship(2003-2006)• KatherineKendallFellowshipforanIncomingInternationalStudent.WashingtonUniversity

in St. Louis: George Warren Brown School of Social Work (2002-2004)• DorabjiTataTrustAwardforAcademicExcellenceintheDepartmentof UrbanandRural

Community Development: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (2000)• RevaDhawanAwardtoOutstandingStudentintheEconomicsDepartment.DelhiUniversity:

Indraprastha College for Women (1999)

• Daftary,D.(underrevision)Analyzinginstitutionalemergence:Thepromiseandlimitationsof ‘collective action’ accounts of the commons. Journal of International Development.

• Daftary,D.(inpress).Electedleaders,communityanddevelopment:Evidenceondistributionand agency from a case in India. Journal of Development Studies.

• Menon,N.&Daftary,D.(2011)Theimpactof politicalandsocialassociationalmembershipon civic engagement: A comparative investigation of Brazil and India. Journal of International Social Work.

• Daftary,D.(2010).Democraticdecentralizationfromthebottomup:Thecomparativeeffectof wealth and electoral capital on elected leaders’ distribution of development. Social Development Issues.

• McBride,A.M.,Pritzker,S.,Daftary,D.,&Tang,F.(2006)Youthservice:Acomprehensiveperspective. Journal of Community Practice, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p.71-89.

• Daftary,D.(2010).CraftingCapitalinIndia’sMargins:WatershedDevelopmentandStateFormation in an Era of Economic Reforms. Paper presented at the Science, Technology, Society and Environment Conference, University of Texas at Austin, May 15.

• Daftary,D.(2010).ElectedLocalBodies,InstitutionalChangeandthePoliticsof Democracyin India. Paper presented at the Seventh South Asia Graduate Student Conference, University of Chicago, April 17.

Dolly Daftary


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d o c t o r a l c a n d i d a t e s a n d g r a d u a t e s l p h d p r o g r a m

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• Daftary,D.(2010)Investigatingthe‘EliteCapture’Hypothesis:TheComparativeEffectsof Household Wealth and Kinship based Representation to Elected Bodies on Elected Leaders’ Distribution of Development. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Conference, San Francisco, January 16.

• Daftary,D.(2009)ThePoliticalEconomyof InstitutionalChangeinIndia’sDrylands.Paperpresented at the Speaker Series of the Center for New Institutional Social Sciences, St. Louis.

• Daftary,D.(2005)TheImpactof SocialandPoliticalAssociationalMembershiponPolitical Engagement: Comparison of Brazil and India. Paper presented at the International Consortium for Social Development Symposium, Recife, Brazil.

• MooreMcBride,A.&Daftary,D.(2005)InternationalService:HistoryandForms,Pitfallsand Potential. Paper presented at the Conference on International Service in the Context of Globalization, London, United Kingdom.

• Daftary,D.(2004)Explicating‘GoverningtheCommons’:InstitutionalAnalysisontheCommons. Paper presented at the Center for New Institutional Social Sciences Research Seminar, Washington University in St. Louis.

Dolly Daftary

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Kirk Foster is interested in the mobilization of resource networks among the urban poor, urban neighborhood institutions, religious congregations, nonprofit management, and social and economic development. His research examines how the urban poor utilize organizationally-embedded resources for social and economic mobility and is informed by his work as a local church pastor.

Mr. Foster’s significant research experience began prior to his doctoral studies. He coordinated federally-funded research projects at the Brown School working directly with Principal Investigators to develop and implement research, and also worked with community members in state government, child welfare agencies and local nonprofit organizations to develop research partnerships. Mr. Foster co-authored several publications resulting from this work. During his doctoral studies, he has developed a diverse methodological portfolio including qualitative methods, social network analysis, system dynamics, and geographic information systems (GIS). He brings his practice experience, methodological training, and research experience to bear on his own research and teaching.

Urban Religious Congregations as Resource Brokers, Mr. Foster’s externally funded dissertation, is a comparative case study utilizing primary data collected from two congregations situated in a high-poverty urban neighborhood. It uses social network analysis to explore the types of resources available through church-based networks and the factors that regulate mobilization in an effort to begin understanding how similar networks might be used to develop formal and informal poverty alleviation strategies.

Mr. Foster teaches Foundations of Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities and Research Methods. He developed and co-taught a GIS course and has held teaching assistantships in policy and theory courses at the MSW and PhD levels. Mr. Foster brings excitement and passion to his teaching by interweaving theory and practice to create a dynamic learning environment. His students awarded him the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009 and 2010. He also works closely with students in the Brown School’s dual degree programs with Eden Theological Seminary – a program he helped develop.

Dissertation ChairDr. Gautam N. [email protected]

[c] 314.322.7602

[e] [email protected]

Kirk A. Foster

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Kirk A. Foster

PhD Candidate Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (Expected graduation date May 2011).

MSW Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (2002).

MDiv Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO (1997).AB University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1994).

Research2010-Present Research Assistant. The Course of American Lives: Economic Risk and

Uncertainty in Pursuing the American Dream (M.Rank, PI).2007-2008 Research Assistant. Entrepreneurial Approaches to Providing Public Goods:

An Examination of Social Innovation in China. Washington University in St. Louis (G. Yadama, PI).

2003-2005 Project Director. Neuropsychiatric Impairment in Adolescent MDMA Abusers. Washington University in St. Louis (M. Howard, PI).

2002-2004 Project Director. Neuropsychiatric Impairment in Adolescent Inhalant Users. Washington University in St. Louis (M. Howard, PI).

2002-2004 Field Research Coordinator. Comorbidity and Addictions Center. Washington University in St. Louis (A. Stiffman, PI).

TeachingFall 2010 Instructor. Research Methods.2008-Present Instructor. Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities.Spring 2009 Instructor. Foundations of Geographic Information Systems for the Applied

Social Sciences.2006-2008 Teaching Assistant. The Role and Use of Theory in Applied Social

Sciences (PhD course), Social and Economic Development Policy, Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities.

University Service2007-Present Washington University Institutional Review Board, member.2006-2009 PhD Student-Led Proseminar, co-coordinator and organizer.2004-Present Academic Advisor.

Practice2010 Interim Minister, Grace United Church of Christ, O’Fallon, MO.2004-2007 Center Coordinator. Comorbidity and Addictions Center. Washington

University in St. Louis.2003 Interim Senior Minister, Metropolitan Community Church of Greater

St. Louis, MO.2000-2001 Program Associate. Family Support Council, St. Louis, MO.1997-2000 Associate Minister, Immanuel United Church of Christ, Ferguson, MO.



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Kirk A. Foster

• PrincipalInvestigator.UrbanReligiousCongregationsasResourceBrokers.TheLutheranFoundation of St. Louis. Dissertation research funding, awarded October 2009.

• ExcellenceinTeaching,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, MO. Awarded May 2009 and May 2010.

•WilliamE.GordonFellowinResearch,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Award period 2005-2008.

• ExcellenceinResearch,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, MO. Awarded June 2004.

• UnitedChurchof Christ“MakeADifference!”HealthandHumanServiceScholarship.Awarded 2001 and 2002.

• DelmarandHelenTempletonScholar,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Award period 2000-2002.

• Fellow,HealthandHumanServiceManagement,CouncilforHealthandHumanServiceMinistries. Awarded February 2002.

• Foster,K.A.&Hipp,J.A.(inpress).Definingneighborhoodboundariesforsocialmeasurement.Social Work Research.

• Foster,K.A.,&Stiffman,A.R.(2009).Childwelfareworkers’adoptionof decisionsupporttechnology. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 27, 106-126.

• Bunger,A.,Stiffman,A.R.,Foster,K.A.,&Shi,P.(2009).Childwelfareworkers’connectivitytoresources and youth’s receipt of services. Advances in Social Work, 10 (1), 19-38.

• Howard,M.O.,Dayton,M.K.,Foster,K.A.,Vaughn,M.G.,&Zelner,J.L.(2006).Psychopathyassessment and juvenile justice mental health evaluations. In N.E. Dowd, D.G. Singer, & R.F. Wilson (Eds.), Handbook of children, culture, & violence (pp. 395-413). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

• Vaughn,M.G.,Howard,M.O.,Foster,K.A.,Dayton,M.K.,&Zelner,J.L.(2005).Substanceusein a state population of incarcerated juvenile offenders. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: Advances in Practice, Programming, Research, and Policy, 2(1/2), 155-173.

• Stiffman,A.R.,Foster,K.A.,Hamburg,K.,&Doré,P.M.(2004).IMPROVE:Asoftwareprogram to improve assessments and multisector referrals. In C. J. Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. M. Friedman (Eds.), Conference Proceedings: A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health, Expanding the Research Base. Tampa, FL: Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health, pp. 449-452.

• Foster,K.A.,&Stiffman,A.R.(2009).ChildWelfareWorkers’Useof TechnologyforPsychiatric Referrals. World Psychiatric Association International Congress, Florence, Italy.

• Bunger,A.,Stiffman,A.R.,&Foster,K.A.(2009).ConnectingYouthinChildWelfaretoBehavioral Health Services. 20th NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research: Increasing the Efficiency of Research and Mental Health Services Delivery, Washington, DC.

• Foster,K.A.(2008).DefiningNeighborhoodBoundariesforSocialMeasurement.SocietyforSocial Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.


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Kirk A. Foster

• Foster,K.A.,&Stiffman,A.R.(2008).ChildWelfareWorkers’Adoptionof DecisionSupportTechnology. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

• Foster,K.A.,&Stiffman,A.R.(2006).IMPROVE:ATechnologicalInterventionTranslatingResearch to Practice. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

• Stiffman,A.R.,&Foster,K.A.(2005).IMPROVE:ATechnologicalInterventionTranslatingResearch to Practice. 18th NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research: Broadening the Scope of Scientific Investigation. Bethesda, MD.

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Jin Huang is interested in social policy for family support and child well-being, with a particular focus on asset-based policy for children with disabilities. Using large longitudinal survey data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, his dissertation examines how family assets may contribute to educational and health outcomes for children with disabilities.

Mr. Huang’s research interest in family well-being and child disability originates from his practice experience with the disability community. He worked with children with disabilities in early intervention, special education, and vocational rehabilitation in China from 1997 to 2001, and he had nearly one year post-MSW practice with children with autism in the US. These experiences fostered his interest in pursuing a PhD in social work with a specialty in policies and programs for children with disabilities.

Mr. Huang has received rigorous training in theory and methodology, and has become a passionate researcher in the fields of asset-based social policy and disability policies. He has published articles in major social work journals, such as Social Service Review, Social Work Research, and Children and Youth Services Review. As a Research Associate at Center for Social Development, Mr. Huang has worked on several research projects funded by federal agencies and foundations, and developed strong expertise in quantitative analyses. In Summer 2010, Mr. Huang conducted a research internship at the Social Security Administration in Washington DC. This internship not only provided him with access to administrative data but also greatly expanded his research resources and opportunities.

Mr. Huang is committed to quality education. As a doctoral student, Mr. Huang has gained rich teaching experiences. He independently taught the master’s level social welfare policy and statistics courses. In addition, he was a teaching assistant for a number of courses at the MSW and doctoral levels. Mr. Huang is interested in teaching Programs and Services for Children with Disabilities, Policy Analysis, Program Evaluation, Research Methods, and Disability Theory.

Dissertation ChairsMichael [email protected]

Yunju [email protected]

[c] 314.566.1494

[e] [email protected]

Jin Huang

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Jin Huang

PhD Candidate Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (Expected graduation date July 2011).

MSW Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (2005).

BA China Youth University for Political Sciences, Department of Social Work (1997).

Research2010 Research Intern: Division of Policy Evaluation, Office of Research, Evaluation

and Statistics, Social Security Administration, Washington DC.2010 Research Associate: Assets and Social Protection: Economic Security and

Development over Life Course. A Background Report submitted to the Ford Foundation. Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

2009-present Research Associate: The College Savings Initiative, a research and policy design collaboration between the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis and the New America Foundation in Washington, DC.

2007-present Research Assistant: Children with Disabilities, Offending Behaviors, and Welfare Participation. Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Violence and Injury Prevention.

2007-present Research Associate: Asset Limits and Food Stamp Participation. A research project supported by the F. B. Heron Foundation. Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

2006-2008 Research Associate: Asset Building in China: Pilot project and policy influence. A research projected funded by the Levi-Strauss Foundation. Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

2004-2005 Research Assistant: Assets and Low-Income Households. A research project funded by DHHS/ASPE under Order Number GS23F8198H / HHSP233200400131U. Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

TeachingFall 2010 Instructor. Social Welfare Policies and Services. 2008-2010 Instructor. Statistics for Social Work Students.2007-2010 Teacher Assistant and Lab Instructor. Theories & Issues in Disability, MSW

Research Seminar, Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation, The Role and Use of Theory in Applied Social Research (doctoral level), Advanced Statistics (doctoral level), and Multilevel Modeling and Longitudinal Data Analysis (doctoral level).

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Jin Huang

Practice2006 Teacher Assistant (full-time), Educational Program, Judevine Center for

Autism, St. Louis. 2004-2005 Practicum Student, St. Louis Productive Living Board for People with

Disabilities, St. Louis. 1997-2001 Social Worker (full-time), Shenzhen Association for People with Disabilities,

Shenzhen, China.

• Twodissertationgrants(pending).•WilliamE.GordonFellowinResearch,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,

Washington University, St. Louis, MO., 2007-2010.• ThomasHopkinsGraduateScholarship,GeorgeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,

Washington University, St. Louis, MO., 2003-2004.• ExcellentSocialWorker,ShenzhenAssociationforPeoplewithDisabilities,

China, 2000.• First-ClassPrizeintheResearchEssayCompetition,ChinaYouthUniversityforPolitical

Sciences, Beijing, China, 1996, 1997.• OutstandingCollegeStudentScholarship,ChinaYouthUniversityforPoliticalSciences,

Beijing, China, 1996, 1997.

• Huang,J.(underreview).Workdisability,mortgagedefault,andlifesatisfactionintheeconomic downturn: Evidence from a national study.

• Huang,J.,Porterfield,S.,Jonson-Reid,M.,&Drake,B.(underreview).Effectsof child’seducational disability on exits from and re-entries to cash assistance.

• Huang,J.,Nam,Y.,&Wikoff,N.(underreview).Householdassetsandfoodstampprogramparticipation among eligible low-income households.

• Nam,Y.,&Huang,J.(accepted).Changingrolesof parentaleconomicresourcesinchildren’seducational attainment. Social Work Research.

• Huang,J.(forthcoming).Effectsof individualdevelopmentaccounts(IDAs)onhouseholdwealth and saving taste. Research on Social Work Practice.

• Huang,J.,Oshima,K.,&Kim,Y.(2010).Doeshouseholdfoodinsecurityaffectparentalcharacteristics and child behavior? Testing mediation effects. Social Service Review, 84(3), 381-401.

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,Kim,Y.,&Sherraden,M.(2010).Parentalassets,income,andborrowingconstraints and children’s post-secondary education. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(4), 585-594.

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,&Kim,Y.(2010).Foodinsecurityanddisability:Doeconomicresourcesmatter? Social Science Research, 39(1), 111-124.

• Oshima,K.,Huang,J.,Jonson-Reid,M.,&Drake,B.(2010).Childrenwithdisabilitiesinpoorhouseholds: Association with juvenile and adult offending. Social Work Research, 24(2), 102-113.

• Lombe,M.,Huang,J.,Putnam,M.,&Cooney,K.(2010).ExploringsavingperformanceinanIDA for people with disabilities: Some preliminary findings. Social Work Research, 24(2), 83-93.

• Nam,Y.,&Huang,J.(2009).Equalopportunityforall?Parentaleconomicresourcesandchildren’s educational achievement. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(6), 625-634.



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• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,&Bricout,J.(2009).Fromconcentrationtodispersion:Theshiftof policyapproach to disability employment in China. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 20(1), 46-54.

• Lombe,M.,Putnam,M.,&Huang,J.(2008).Exploringeffectsof institutionalcharacteristicson saving outcome: The case of Cash and Counseling program. Journal of Policy Practice, 7(4), 260-279.

• Guo,B.,Huang,J.,Sherraden,M.,&Zou,L.(2008).Duelincentivesandduelassetbuilding:Policy implication of the Hutubi Rural Social Security Loan Programme in China. Journal of Social Policy, 37(3), 453-470.

• Huang,J.&Kim,Y.(2010).Foodinsecuritybyhouseholdtypes:Differentialeffectsof household economic resources. The 2010 Annual program meeting of Council on Social Work Education, Portland, OR.

• Huang,J.,Jonson-Reid,M.,Porterfield,S.,&Drake,B.(2010).Theeffectof child’seducationaldisability on exits from and re-entries to cash assistance. The 2010 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.

• Lombe,M.,Huang,J.,Putnam,M.,&Cooney,K.(2010).ExploringsavingperformanceinanIDA for people with disabilities. The 2010 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.

• Nam,Y.,&Huang,J.(2009).Changerolesof parentaleconomicresourcesinchildren’seducational attainment. Thirty-First Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington DC.

• Huang,J.,Oshima,K.,&,Kim,Y.(2009).Doeshouseholdfoodinsecurityaffectparentingandchild behavior problems in low-income household?: Further evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The 2009 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

• Karen,O.,Huang,J.,&Johnson-Reid,M.(2009).Childrenwithdisabilitiesinpoorhousehold:Association with juvenile and adult offending. The 2009 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,Kim,Y.,&,Sherraden,M.(2009).Parentalincome,assets,andborrowingconstraints and children’s post-secondary education. The 2009 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

• Guo,B.,Huang,J.,Zou,L.&Sherraden,M.(2008).Asset-basedpolicyinruralChina:Aninnovation in the retirement social insurance program. Thirtieth Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Los Angeles, CA.

• Nam,Y.,&Huang,J.,(2008).IsAmericagettingequalforall:Changesintheeffectsof parents’wealth on children’s education. The 2008 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington DC.

• Huang,J.,&Guo,B.(2008).Foodinsecurityanddisability:Dofinancialresourcesmatter?The2008 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington DC.

• Guo,B.,Huang,J.,Sherraden,M.&Zou,L.(2007).Institutionalincentivesforsaving:Policyimplication of a rural retirement plan in China. 2007 APPAM Fall Research Conference, Washington DC.

Jin Huang



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Youngmi Kim’s research interests include poverty, impacts of parents’ resources on child outcomes, and program/policy interventions for low-income families with children. She has been particularly involved in research on distinctive roles of assets and material hardship (food insecurity and health care) in the lives of children and working-poor families, incorporating her expertise in advanced research methodology and data analysis skills. Her dissertation examines effects of various types of parental assets on child educational attainment and mediating pathways of parental involvement, child’s educational expectations, and child’s self-esteem.

She has been expanding her expertise by intensive work on asset-building research projects, both domestic and international. She is presently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Social Development for the Saving for Education, Entrepreneurship and Downpayment for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK), a large-scale social experiment testing universal Child Development Accounts. She is also a Principal-Investigator for the evaluation of the asset-building program (Hope Plus Account) for working poor families in Korea.

She enjoys integrating her research and knowledge into teaching. She served as a teaching assistant for numerous courses in different levels and substantive areas, and has been hired as teaching fellow for courses of Social Welfare Policies and Services and Statistics. Her teaching interests also include Social and Economic Development, Social Welfare Policy and Programs, Policy Analysis and Evaluation, and Social Work Practice with Immigrants, and International Social Development.

Dissertation Chair and Post-doctoral MentorDr. Michael [email protected]

[o] 314.935.9497

[e] [email protected]

Youngmi Kim, PhD

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PhD Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (August 2010). Dissertation: Impacts of parental resources on child’s educational outcomes: assets and mediating pathways.

MSW Washington University in St. Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (May 2004).

MA Major in Social Welfare. Yonsei University, Korea (Aug 2002).BA Major in Social Welfare. Yonsei University, Korea (Feb 1999).

Research (Washington University in St. Louis)

2010-present Post-doctoral Research Associate for Center for Social Development.2010-present Principal Investigator for Evaluation of Hope Plus Account Program, Seoul

Welfare Foundation (2nd year study), with Michael Sherraden (Co-PI).2009-2010 Project Manager for Center for Social Development: Saving for Education,

entrepreneurship, and Downpayment for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK) experiment study.

2009-2010 Co-Principal Investigator for Evaluation of Hope Plus Account Program, Seoul Welfare Foundation (1st year study), with Yunju Nam (PI) and

Michael Sherraden (Co-PI).2006-2009 Research Associate for Center for Social Development: (1) Saving for

Education, entrepreneurship, and Downpayment (SEED) account monitoring research (2) Asset-based policy in Korea: Demonstration program and policy progress.

2003-2010 Research Assistant for Shanta Pandey: (1) Welfare-to-Work project (2) Bachelor’s degree for women with children and economic well-being (3) Relationship of women-friendly social welfare policy and women’s political participation in U.S. (4) Health disparity among female U.S. immigrants: A comparison of their health status by country of origin.

2004 Research Assistant for Yunju Nam: Asset limits and asset ownership: effects of asset means testing in state-level public assistance programs on accumulation of household financial wealth and tangible assets.

(In Korea)2002 Research Assistant for Korea Women’s Development Institute.2001 Research Assistant for Research Center for Industrial Safety and Welfare.1999-2000 Associate Researcher for Institute of Social Welfare, Yonsei University.1999 Research Intern for Korean Institute of Health and Social Affairs.

Youngmi Kim, PhD



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Teaching and University Service2007-present Teaching Fellow: Social Welfare Policies & Services and Statistics,

Washington University in St. Louis.2005-2007 Teaching Assistant and Computer Lab Instructor: Multivariate Statistics,

MSW Research Seminar II, Social Welfare Policies and Services, Washington University in St. Louis.

1999 Teaching Assistant: Social Welfare Research Methods & Introduction to Social Welfare, Yonsei University in Korea.

1999 Academic Advisor: Yonsei University in Korea.

Direct Social Work PracticeSummer 2003 Social Work Intern, Grace Hill Head Start, St. Louis, MO.Spring 2003 Social Work Intern, United Way of Greater St. Louis, MO. Summer 1996 Medical Social Work Intern, Yonsei University Severance General Hospital,

Seoul, Korea.

• DissertationScholarship,WashingtonUniversity,2010.• ReneSandScholarship,WashingtonUniversity,2004-2007.• Dr.SunYatSenScholarship,WashingtonUniversity,2002-2004.• UniversityScholarshipforGraduateStudent,YonseiUniversity,1999-2000.• AwardandUniversityScholarshipfortheMostExcellentAcademicAchiever,

Yonsei University, 1997.• UniversityScholarshipfortheOutstandingIncomingStudent,1994.

Peer-reviewed publications• Kim,Y.,&Sherraden,M.(underreview).Doparentalassetsmatterforchildren’seducational

attainment?: Additional evidence from mediation tests.•WilliamsShanks,T.,Kim,Y.,Loke,V.&Destin,M.(2010).AssetsandChildWell-Beingin

Developed Countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 32 (11), 1488-1496.• Mason,L.R.,Nam,Y.,Clancy,M.,Kim,Y.,&Loke,V.(2010).ChildDevelopmentAccountsand

Saving for Children’s Future: Do Financial Incentives Matter? Children and Youth Services Review, 32 (11), 1570-1576.

• Huang,J.,Oshima,K,M.,&Kim,Y.(2010)DoesHouseholdFoodInsecurityAffectParentingand Children’s Behaviors?: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). Social Service Review, September, 381-401.

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,Kim,Y.,Sherraden,M.(2010).ParentalIncome,Assets,BorrowingConstraints and Children’s Post-secondary Education. Children and Youth Services Review,32 (4), 585-594.

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,&Kim,Y.(2010).Foodinsecurityanddisability:Doeconomicresourcesmatter? Social Science Research (39), 111-124.

• Pandey,S.,Zhan,M.,&Kim,Y.(2006).“Bachelor’sDegreeforWomenWithChildren:APromising Pathway to Poverty Reduction”. Equal Opportunities International, 25 (7), 488-505.

Youngmi Kim, PhD



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Research Reports to Foundations / Research and Policy Briefs• Zager,R.,Kim,Y.,Nam,Y.,Clancy,M.,&Sherraden,M.(2010).TheSEEDforOklahomaKids

Experiment: Initial account opening and savings (CSD Research Report 10-14). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Kim,M.,Nam,Y.,Kim,Y.,Kwon,J.,Chung,S.,Hong,H.,&Lee,E.(2010).SeoulHopePlussavings accounts: Asset-building program for low-income households in Seoul (CSD Research Report 10-20). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Kim,Y.&Nam,Y.(2009).TheSEEDforOklahomaKidsExperiment:Comparisonof treatment and control groups. (CSD Research Brief 09-59). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Mason,L.R.,Nam,Y.,Clancy,M.,Kim,Y.,&Loke,V.(2009).ChildDevelopmentAccountsandsaving for children’s future: Do financial incentives matter? (CSD Working Paper 09-54). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Mason,L.R.,Nam,Y.,Clancy,M.,Loke,V.,&Kim,Y.(2009).SEEDaccountmonitoringresearch (CSD Research Brief 09-11). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Nam,Y.,Sherraden,M.,Zou,L.,Lee,E.,&Kim,Y.(2009).Asset-basedpolicyinSouthKorea (CSD Policy Brief 09-08). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Mason,L.R.,Nam,Y.,Clancy,M.,Loke,V.,&Kim,Y.(2009).SEEDaccountmonitoringresearch: Participants, savings, and accumulation (CSD Research Report 09-05). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Mason,L.R.,Clancy,M.,Loke,V.,Kim,Y.,Nam,Y.,&Lo,S.(2007).SEEDaccountmonitoringresearch: Participants and savings outcomes at June 30, 2007 (CSD Research Report 07-22). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Mason,L.R.,Loke,V.,Clancy,M.,Nam,Y.,Kim,Y.,&Lo,S.(2007).SEEDparticipantcharacteristics and financial accumulation (CSD Research Report 07-14). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Kim,Y.(2011)Understandingtherolesof parentalassetsinchild’seducationaltrajectory:incorporating diverse economic measures and mediating pathways. Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research (Tampa, FL).

• Nam,Y.,Kim,Y.,Zager,B.,Clancy,M.,&Sherraden,M.(2010).Impactsof automaticaccountopening and saving incentives in Child Development Accounts (CDAs): Evidence from SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK). Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (Boston, MA).

• Kim,Y.(2010).Implicationsfromanimpactassessmentstudyof SEEDforOklahomaKids(SEED OK). Annual Program Meeting of Council on Social Work Education (Portland, OR).

• Huang,J.,&Kim,Y.(2010).Foodinsecuritybyhouseholdtypes:differentialeffectsof household economic resources. Annual Program Meeting of Council on Social Work Education (Portland, OR).

• Nam,Y.,Kim,Y.,Zager,B.,&Clancy,M.(2010).FinancialCapabilityandSavingOutcomesinSEED OK Experiment in the United States. Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda (Hong Kong, China).

Youngmi Kim, PhD



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• Kim,Y.(2010).EmpiricalAnalysesforDevelopmentof MaterialHardshipMeasuresinPoverty Studies. Annual Meeting of Society for Social Work and Research (San Francisco, CA).

• Kim,Y.(2009).RethinkingMaterialHardshipMeasures:ReviewandCritiques.AnnualProgram Meeting of Council on Social Work Education (San Antonio, TX).

• Loke,V.,Nam,Y.,&Kim,Y.(2009).PromotingAssetAccumulationforChildren:Incentivesand Savings Outcomes in Community-Based Programs. Annual Program Meeting of Council on Social Work Education (San Antonio, TX).

• Huang,J.,Guo,B.,Kim,Y.,&Sherraden,M.(2009).ParentalIncome,Assets,andBorrowingConstraints and Children’s Post-Secondary Education. Annual Meeting of Society for Social Work and Research (New Orleans, LA).

• Huang,J.,Oshima,K.M.,&Kim,Y.(2009)DoesHouseholdFoodInsecurityAffectParentingand Child Behavior Problems in Low-Income Household?: Further Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Annual Meeting of Society for Social Work and Research (New Orleans, LA).

• Kim,Y.(2009).StructuralEquationAnalysesforchildren’soutcomesbyparent’seconomicResources: material hardship experiences. 15th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium in Washington University (St. Louis, MO).

• Loke,V.,&Kim,Y.(2008).ChangesinParentalAssetsandChildren’sEducationalOutcomesacross Income Status. Annual Meeting of Society for Social Work Research (Washington, DC).

Youngmi Kim, PhD

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Madeline Lee’s research focuses on improving services for vulnerable children and families involved in the intersection of the mental health, child welfare, and special education systems. Dr. Lee’s research agenda takes a multi-level, multi-faceted approach to studying crucial leverage points and mechanisms that may improve the quality of care. Her direct social work practice as a clinician at a children’s residential treatment facility and her policy experience at the Council on Accreditation inform her work.

Her dissertation, The Pursuit of Accreditation in Children’s Mental Health Care: Motivations, Experiences, and Perceptions, was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F31) and the Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation. It was a mixed methods, multiple case study utilizing primary data collected from several children’s mental health agencies. It explored agencies’ motivations for pursuing accreditation and their experience with the process to begin understanding if and how accreditation can improve quality of care.

Dr. Lee enjoys bringing her research and practice experience into the classroom. As an adjunct faculty, she is currently teaching a foundation level MSW research methods course and has independently taught foundation and concentration level MSW policy courses. Her teaching interests also include courses in the areas of child welfare and children’s mental health.

As a doctoral student, Dr. Lee received an NIMH pre-doctoral fellowship, which provided multi-disciplinary training in mental health services research. She is currently an NIMH Post-doctoral Fellow at the Center for Mental Health Services Research at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work. Her current research integrates the perspectives of youth in the child welfare system with those of accreditors and agencies regarding quality of care.

Dissertation Chair and Post-doctoral MentorDr. J. Curtis [email protected]

Post-doctoral Training Program Director and Post-doctoral MentorDr. Enola K. [email protected]

[c] 917.584.1168

[e] [email protected]

Madeline Y. Lee, PhD

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2010-present National Institute of Mental Health Post-doctoral Fellowship, Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO.

2005-2010 PhD, Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO.

Dissertation Title: The Pursuit of Accreditation in Children’s Mental Health Care: Motivations, Experiences, and Perceptions.

2001-2003 M.S.W., Public Policy and Administration Minor, Children and Family Services concentration, Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY.

1997-2001 B.A., Art History, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Research2007-2010 Research Assistant: Examining the Role of Quality Assurance Professionals

in Mental Health Agencies, Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Mental Health Services Research.

2006-2009 Research Assistant: Child Neglect: Service Paths and Young Adult Outcomes, Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Mental Health Services Research.

2006 Research Assistant: Early Childhood Connections, Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Mental Health Services Research.

2005-2007 Research Associate: Investigating the Effects of Experience Corps, Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

1998-2001 Student Research Program: Pediatric Organ Transplant and Rx Laughter Research Teams, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute Division of Child Psychiatry.

Teaching Fall 2010 Adjunct Instructor: Research Methods, George Warren Brown School of

Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis.Fall 2008 Teaching Fellow/Instructor: Policy and Services for Children and Youth,

George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis.

Summer 2008 Teaching Fellow/Instructor: Social Welfare Policies and Services, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis.

Summer 2007 Teaching Assistant: Policy and Services for Children and Youth, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis.

Fall 2006 Teaching Assistant: Human Behavior, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis.

Madeline Y. Lee, PhD



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Direct Social Work Practice2006-2007 Council on Accreditation Consultant: Our Little Haven, St. Louis, MO.2004-2005 Lead Clinician: Hollygrove Children and Family Services, Los Angeles, CA.2003-2004 Clinician: Hollygrove Children and Family Services, Los Angeles, CA.2002-2003 Social Work Intern: Council on Accreditation, New York, NY.2001-2002 School Social Work Intern: William W. Niles Middle School 118,

New York, NY.1999 Case Aide: New Alternatives for Children, Inc., New York, NY.

• 2010-presentNationalInstituteof MentalHealthPost-doctoralFellowship(T32MH19960).• 2009-2010NIMHRuthL.KirschsteinNationalResearchServiceAward(F31MH086218)

$26,031.• 2008-2009Fahs-BeckFundforResearchandExperimentationDoctoralDissertationGrant

Program $5,000.• 2005-2008NationalInstituteof MentalHealthPre-DoctoralFellowship(T32MH19960).• 2001UCLAChancellor’sServiceAward.

• Lee,M.Y.(underreview).Motivationstopursueaccreditationinchildren’smentalhealthcare:A multiple case study.

• Zayas,L.E.,McMillen,J.C.,Lee,M.Y.,&Books,S.(underreview).Challengestoqualityassurance and improvement efforts in private, non-profit, mental health services organizations; A qualitative assessment.

• Lee,M.Y.,McMillen,J.C.,Zayas,L.E.,&Books,S.(accepted).Thequalityassuranceandimprovement workforce in social services: An exploratory examination. Administration in Social Work.

• Gattis,M.,Morrow-Howell,N.,McCrary,S.,Lee,M.Y.,Jonson-Reid,M.,McCoy,H.,etal.(2010). Examining the Effects of New York Experience Corps Program® on Young Readers. Literacy Research and Instruction, 49(4), 299-314.

• Lee,M.Y.&Jonson-Reid,M.(2009).Needsandoutcomesforlowincomeyouthinspecialeducation: Variations by emotional disturbance diagnosis and child welfare contact. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(7), 722-731.

• McMillen,J.C.,Zayas,L.E.,Books,S.,&Lee,M.Y.(2008).Qualityassuranceandimprovement practice in mental health agencies: Roles, activities, targets and contributions. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 35(6), 458-467.

• Lee,M.Y.(2006,November21).ResponsetoStingoneandClaudio[Onlinelettertotheeditor]. American Journal of Public Health.[].



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• Lee,M.Y.(2010,June).Accreditation in children’s mental healthcare: Towards understanding its potential for improving quality of care. Poster session presented at Academy Health’s Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA.

• McMillen,J.C.,Zayas,L.E.,&Lee,M.Y.(2009,January).Quality assurance and improvement in child and family services. In S. Taylor (Chair), Social policy and organizations: Integrating research and practice in social service systems. Symposium conducted at the 13th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

• Lee,M.Y.,McMillen,J.C.,Zayas,L.E.,&Books,S.(2008,October).A workforce profile of quality assurance professionals in mental health organizations. Paper session presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Philadelphia, PA.

• Lee,M.Y.&Jonson-Reid,M.(2008,February).Special education for emotional disturbance: Needs and outcomes for children in child welfare. Poster session presented at the 21st Annual University of Southern Florida Research and Training Center Conference on Children’s Mental Health, Tampa, FL.


Madeline Y. Lee, PhD

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Dr. Lough’s research agenda focuses on the nexus between community development and civic engagement. He is currently studying how international volunteerism, as an intervention, contributes to community health and livelihoods. He recently completed field research in Peru, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Uganda through work as a Project Coordinator with the Center for Social Development (CSD).

In addition to his work at CSD, Dr. Lough is concurrently working as a resident consultant for United Nations Volunteers in Bonn, Germany. He continues to serve as the liaison between CSD and the Brookings Institution on research related to their Initiative on International Volunteering and Service, and has been involved in the creation and promotion of the Service World policy platform in partnership with the Building Bridges Coalition. This past summer, Dr. Lough, together with faculty from the School of Social Work at Florida State University, served as a consultant to the Department of Human and Social Services in American Samoa to help strengthen their mental health infrastructure.

Before beginning his doctoral education, he spent over three years as an international volunteer in different service capacities—living in Ukraine and China. He also worked as a program evaluator for various development NGOs including FINCA International in Eastern Europe and Mayan Tree in Central America. Dr. Lough worked as a clinical therapist in Murray Utah for two years and holds an MSW and a BS in sociology from Brigham Young University.

Dissertation ChairDr. Amanda Moore [email protected]

[c] 801.859.8382

[e] [email protected]

Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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PhD George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO (May 2010). Doctoral Certificate, Center for New Institutional Social Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, MO (April 2010). MSW Brigham Young University, Provo, UT (April 2003). BS Sociology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Cum laude (August 2000). AAS Social Sciences, Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho. Cum laude (April 1998).

Research2010-present Resident Consultant: United Nations Volunteers, United Nations,

Bonn, Germany.2006-present Project Coordinator and Post-doctoral Research Associate: Center for Social

Development, Washington University, St. Louis.2010 Independent Consultant: Department of Human and Social Services,

Government of American Samoa, Pago Pago, American Samoa.2006-2007 Research Assistant: Center for New Institutional Social Sciences: Institute for

Economic Development, Washington University, St. Louis. 2004 Program Evaluator: Mayan Tree, Coban, Guatemala.2003 Program Evaluator: Foundation for International and Community Assistance

International (FINCA), Washington DC, Armenia, & Republic of Georgia. 2001-2003 Research Assistant: School of Social Work, Brigham Young University, Provo.1999-2000 Research Assistant: Sociology Department, Brigham Young University, Provo.

Teaching 2006-Present Teaching Fellow: George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis. Teach courses on Social Welfare Policies & Services and Human Behavior in the Social, Economic, & Political Environment to graduate students of social work. 2006-2007 Teaching Assistant: George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis. Facilitated and co-taught courses in Social Welfare Policies and Services, Social, Economic and Political Environment, and Health Care Policy and Services. 2001-2003 Teaching Assistant: School of Social Work and Department of Sociology, Brigham Young University. Taught graduate-level lab courses in Program Evaluation & Research and Statistics. Provided academic assistance for courses on Social Theory and Social Change.

2000-2001 Foreign Expert Lecturer: Jinan Communications College, Jinan P.R. China, Instructed over 250 undergraduate students during a one year full-time teaching position for the courses: Western Society, Theory of Entrepreneurship, and Travel and Tourism.



Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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Direct Social Work Practice 2003-2005 Clinical Social Worker/Therapist: Murray City School District. 2001-2003 Community Development Outreach Worker: Nevada Rural Outreach Program, University of Nevada Reno. 2002 International Program Development Coordinator. LDS Family/Humanitarian Services, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Service 2010-present Journal of Social Work, reviewer.2009-present International FORUM on Development Service, research consultant.2009-present Journal of Sustainable Tourism, reviewer.2009-present Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, reviewer.2009-present Journal of Social Work Education, reviewer.2007-present Building Bridges Coalition, research consultant.2009 Asociacion Salvemos las Tortugas de Parismina (ASTOP), hatch relocation

volunteer, Costa Rica.2008 Cross Cultural Solutions, social service volunteer, Peru.2007-2008 International Institute of St Louis, English as a second language teacher.2006-2008 Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Washington University, Graduate

Student Senator.1999-2008 Promise the Children Inc., Board of Directors.2007, 2008 Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Washington University, Research

Symposium Coordinator.2003-2005 Murray City Community Council, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Committee

Chair.2003-2004 Brigham Young University, Student Council, Social Events Coordinator, 2001-2003 AmeriCorps, Unified in Service Fellow.1997-1998 Teton Mountain Student Leadership Institute, Ricks College, Coordinator.1995-1997 LDS Service Missions – Donetsk Ukraine, international volunteer.1994-1995 Perpetual Education Fund, Ricks College, Coordinator.

• DissertationAward($3000),GerogeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, 2009.

• ResearchGrant($62,000),Researchassociatestipend,GlobalServiceInstitute,FordFoundation, Professor Amanda Moore McBride as Principal Investigator, 2005-2009.

• TuitionScholarship,GraduateSchoolof Arts&Sciences,WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis,2004-2008.

• TravelAwards($2500),GerogeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,WashingtonUniversityin St. Louis, 2006-2009.

• FinancialStipend,GerogeWarrenBrownSchoolof SocialWork,WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis, 2006-2009.

• ResearchGrant($10,500),CenterforNewInstitutionalSocialSciences,WashingtonUniversityin St. Louis, 2005-2007.


and Awards

Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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• Tuitionscholarship,BrighamYoungUniversity,1998-2000.• ResearchGrant($1000),OfficeforResearchandCreativeActivitiesResearch,BrighamYoung

University, 1999.• Tuitionscholarship,RicksUniversity,1994-1998.

Peer Reviewed Publications

• McBride,A.M.,&Lough,B.J.(2010).Accesstointernationalvolunteerism.Nonprofit Management and Leadership Journal, 21(2), pagination pending.

• Lough,B.J.(2010).Interculturalvolunteers’perceptionsof interculturalcompetence.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(1), pagination pending, doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2010.06.002.

• Lough,B.J.(2009).PerpetualEducationFund:Providinghighereducationloansinthevoluntary sector. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(4), 345-50.

• Lough,B.J.(2009).Principlesof effectivepracticeininternationalsocialworkfieldplacements. Journal of Social Work Education, 45(3), 467-80.

• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,&Sherraden,M.S.(2009).Toolsof thetrade:Theinternationalvolunteer impacts survey. The International Journal of Volunteer Administration, 26(3), 71-75.

• Lough,B.J.(2009).Curricularblueprinting:Therelevanceof Americansocialworkeducationfor international students. Social Work Education, 28(7), 792-802.

• Sherraden,M.S.,Lough,B.J.,&McBride,A.M.(2008).Effectsof internationalvolunteeringand service: Individual and institutional predictors. Voluntas: The International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations, 19(4), 395-421.

• Lough,B.J.(2008).Engagingthepoortochallengecorruptgovernance.International Social Work, 51(4), 532-543.

• Lough,B.J.,&PanosP.T.(2003).Riseanddemiseof Ukrainianorphanages.European Journal of Social Work, 6(1), 49-63.

• Brown,R.B.,NylanderA.B.,KingB.G.,&Lough,B.J.(2001).Growthmachineattitudesand community development in two racially diverse rural Mississippi Delta communities: a monolithic approach to a complex region. Journal of the Community Development Society, 31(2), 173-195.

Publications in Process• McBride,A.M.,Lough,B.J.,&Sherraden,M.S.(submitted).Impactsof internationalservice

on volunteers.• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,Sherraden,M.S.,&O’Hara,K.(submitted).Capacitybuilding

contributions of short-term international volunteers. • Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,&Sherraden,M.S.(submitted).Assessingtheoutcomesof

international field placements on social work students.


Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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Research Reports and Papers• Brassard,C.,Sherraden,M.S.,Lough,B.J.(2010).Emergingperspectivesoninternational

volunteerism in Asia. Singapore: International FORUM on Development Service and the Singapore International Foundation.

• Lager,P.B.,Lough,B.J.,Mathiesen,S.,Teasley,M.,Wilke,D.(2010).Recommendationsfor developing a comprehensive, coordinated, and cohesive mental health infrastructure in American Samoa. Pago Pago: American Samoa Department of Human and Social Services.

• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,Sherraden,M.S.,&O’Hara,K.(2010).Capacitybuildingcontributions of short-term international volunteers (CSD Working Papers No 08-06). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• McBride,A.M.,Lough,B.J.,&Sherraden,M.S.(2010).Perceivedimpactsof internationalservice on volunteers: Interim results from a quasi-experimental study. Washington DC: Brookings Institution & Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.(2010).InternationalvolunteerismintheUnitedStates,2008(CSDResearchBrief 10-11). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,&Sherraden,M.S.(2009).Measuringvolunteeroutcomes:TheInternational Volunteer Impacts Survey (CSD Research Report No. 09-31). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,&Sherraden,M.S.(2009).Perceivedeffectsof internationalvolunteering: Reports from alumni (CSD Research Report No. 09-10). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.(2008).Toolstoenhanceaccountabilityandtransparencyof internationalvolunteering programmes. CIVICUS International Volunteer Day Special Issue (418). World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Johannesburg, South Africa.

• Sherraden,M.S.,Lough,B.J.,&McBride,A.M.(2008).Impactsof internationalvolunteeringand service (CSD Working Papers No 08-06). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.,&SpringK.(2007).Nationalandinternationalvolunteerismamongvolunteersinthe United States (CSD Working Papers No. 07-31). St Louis: Center for Social Development & the Corporation for National and Community Service.

• Lough,B.J.,McBride,A.M.,&Sherraden,M.S.(2007).Theestimatedeconomicvalueof aUSvolunteer abroad (CSD Working Papers, No. 07-29). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Lough,B.J.(2007).Promotinginclusionininternationalvolunteerprogrammes.CIVICUSInternational Volunteer Day Special Issue (368). World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Johannesburg, South Africa.

• McBrideA.M.,SherradenM.S.,&LoughB.J.(2007).Inclusionandeffectivenessininternational volunteering and service (CSD Perspective 07-13). Also presented May 24, 2007 at the U.S. Congressional Briefing on Global Service Fellowships. Russell Senate Building, Washington DC.

• Lough,B.J.(2006).InternationalvolunteerismintheUnitedStates,2005(CSDResearchBrief 06-18). St Louis: Center for Social Development.

• Panos,P.T.,Cox,S.E.,Williams,K.,Lough,B.J.,&Schaugaard,C.E.(2002).Cityof WestWendover community development health assessment: Final report. Reno: University of Nevada, Reno Medical School.

Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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Peer Reviewed Presentations• Developingglobalcitizens:Perceivedeffectsof volunteeringoninternationalvolunteers.Paper

presented at the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey (July 9, 2010).

• Learningtovaluediversity:Predictorsof internationalvolunteers’interculturalcompetence.Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, January 16, 2010.

• Theeffectsof culturalcontactonvolunteers’interculturalcompetence.Paperpresentedatthe Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Cleveland, Ohio, November 20, 2009.

• Principlesof effectivepracticeininternationalsocialworkfieldplacements.Paperpresentedatthe Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, San Antonia, Texas, November 7, 2009.

• Researchingtheimpactsof internationalvolunteeringandservice.Chairedpanelpresentationat the Conference on International Volunteer Co-operation Organizations (IVCO), sponsored by the International FORUM on Development Service, Budapest, Hungary, October 19, 2009 (panel with Stuart, J., Allum, C., McBride A. M., & Sherraden M. S.)

• Thecontributionof internationalvolunteerstosocialdevelopmentinPeru.Paperpresentedat the International Consortium for Social Development Symposium (ICSD), Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, July 28, 2009 (with O’Hara, K., McBride A. M., & Sherraden M. S.)

• Measuringtheimpactsof internationalvolunteeringandservice.PaperpresentedattheAssociation for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 22, 2008.

• Theformsandeffectsof internationalvolunteering.ChairedpanelpresentationattheInternational Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR): The Third Sector and Sustainable Social Change, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. July 12, 2008 (panel with Allum C., Devereux, P., & Caspar, M.)

• Volunteeringandservice-learningabroad:Maximizingpositiveimpactonhostcommunities.Paper presented at the NAFSA Conference: Association of International Educators, Washington DC, May 29, 2008 (panel with Merrill, M. C., Webb, R. A., & Matherly, C.)

• Internationalvolunteeringforindividualandglobaldevelopment:BrookingsInstitutionInitiative. Chaired panel presentation at the NAFSA Conference: Association of International Educators, Washington DC, May 28, 2008 (panel with Caprara, D., Rosenthal, & S., Stahl, K.)

• Thestateof internationalvolunteeringandserviceresearch.PaperpresentedattheInternational Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) World Volunteer Conference, Panama City, Panama, April 4, 2008 (with Sherraden, M. S., & McBride, A. M.)

• AccesstointernationalvolunteerismintheUnitedStates:ResultsfromtheCurrentPopulationSurvey. Paper presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 15, 2007 (with McBride, A. M.)


Benjamin J. Lough, PhD

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Invited Presentations• Evaluatingandmeasuringtheimpactof citizendiplomacy.RoundtablepresentationattheU.S.

Summit for Citizen Diplomacy, Washington DC, November 16-19, 2010 (with Goodman, A., Suh, C., & Ruth, R.)

• EmergingperspectivesoninternationalvolunteerisminAsia.PaperpresentedattheConference on International Volunteer Co-operation Organizations (IVCO), sponsored by the International FORUM on Development Service and the Singapore International Foundation, Singapore, October 3-6, 2010 (with Brassard, C., & Sherraden, M. S.)

• Researchfindingsandpolicyrecommendationsfora“ServiceWorld”.PanelpresentationattheBrookings Institution Global Economy and Development Forum on International Volunteer Service, Washington, DC, June 23, 2010 (with McBride, A. M., Kerley, J., Jenkins, S., & Sherraden M. S.)

• Assessingtheimpactsof internationalvolunteerservice.PaperpresentedattheConferenceonHigher Education and International Volunteer Service, Washington, DC, November 13, 2009 (with McBride, A. M., & Sherraden, M. S.)

• Researchingandevaluatinginternationalvolunteeringandservice.Chairedpanelpresentationat the Building Bridges Conference (BBC), sponsored by the Brookings Initiative on International Volunteering and Service, Gallaudet University, Washington DC, February 4, 2008 (with Sherraden, M. S.)

• Statusof internationalcivicservice-relatedresearch.ReviewpresentedattheCivicServiceResearch Seminar, Global Service Institute and Center for Social Development, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, February 28, 2007.

• Demographicsandtrendsof internationalvolunteers.PaperpresentedattheBrookingsInternational Volunteering Leadership Forum. The Brookings Institution, Washington DC, December 5, 2006 (with Sherraden, M. S.).

• GovernmentregulationsimpactingsocialdevelopmentpolicyinBelize.PaperpresentedattheForum for Developing a Model City in Belize. Center for New Institutional Social Sciences & the Scandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, October 21, 2006.

• ICSD,InternationalConsortiumforSocialDevelopment,since2009.• IASSW,InternationalAssociationof Schoolsof SocialWork,since2009.• SSWR,SocietyforSocialWorkResearch,since2008.• BBC,BuildingBridgesCoalition,since2007.• ISTR,InternationalSocietyforThirdSectorResearch,since2007.• ARNOVA,AssociationforResearchonNonprofitOrganizationsandVoluntaryAction,

since 2007.• CSWE,CouncilonSocialWorkEducation,since2005.• NASW,NationalAssociationof SocialWorkers,since2003.• NAFSA,Associationof InternationalEducators,since2007-2009.• NAGPS,NationalAssociationof Graduate-ProfessionalStudents,2007-2009.

Benjamin J. Lough, PhD



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Kristen Wagner’s research interests center on social inclusion and poverty alleviation with a particular focus on the role of asset building in social and economic development. Her research takes a multi-faceted approach to studying program and policy interventions in both domestic and international contexts around three key areas: asset development interventions, culturally relevant community development strategies, and community-based participatory research methods.

Ms. Wagner’s research experience began prior to her doctoral studies. As a Project Manager at the Center for Social Development, Ms. Wagner led a study funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation investigating the link between EITC and asset-building strategies in American Indian Communities. Her dissertation will utilize data from this study to better understand how American Indian households utilize EITC, ways the EITC contributes to financial capability, and identify institutions needed to facilitate inclusion of these households in economic policy structures.

Ms. Wagner’s research interests are inspired by her direct social work practice with Indigenous communities in both the United States and developing nations. For the past seven years, Ms. Wagner has served as an applied research consultant with Native communities in the U.S. examining outcomes associated with financial education programs for American Indian youth, community-level effects of asset-building strategies, and ways in which communities devise formal and informal systems to meet their economic needs. Since October 2007 she has been engaged in participatory research and development efforts in rural Madagascar examining the intersection between poverty, human well-being, and the environment.

Ms. Wagner is committed to linking research, policy, and practice in the classroom. As an adjunct faculty member at the Brown School, she has independently taught Research Methods and Social and Economic Development Policy. In addition, she served as a teaching assistant for Social Welfare Policies and Advanced Research Methods. As an instructor, she strives to make the classroom a positive, interactive, and collaborative learning environment.

Dissertation ChairsDr. Michael [email protected]

Dr. Ramesh [email protected]

[c] 314.629.4077

[e] [email protected]

Kristen Wagner

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PhD Candidate Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (Expected graduation date May 2011) MSW Washington University in St Louis, George Warren Brown School of Social Work (2005) BA University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; Magna cum Laude with honors (1997)

Research 2005-2009 Project Director. Contributions of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Native Communities. Center for Social Development and Buder Center for American Indian Studies, St. Louis, MO (M. Sherraden, PI) 2007-2008 Research Associate. Dialogues of Assets in Native Communities: Recording a Native Perspective on the Definition and Benefits of Retaining and Building Assets. Center for Social Development, St. Louis, MO (M. Sherraden, PI)

2007-2010 Research Assistant. Designing and Implementing a Community-based Conservation and Development Project in Madagascar. Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO (C. Lesorogol, PI) 2007-2008 Research Assistant. I Can Save. Center for Social Development, St. Louis, MO (M.S. Sherraden, PI) 2004-2005 Research Assistant. American Dream Demonstration Project. Center for Social Development, St. Louis, MO (M. Weiss, PI)

Teaching Fall 2010 Instructor: Social and Economic Development Policy Spring 2010 Instructor: Social and Economic Development Policy Fall 2009 Instructor: Research Methods for MSW students Spring 2007 Teaching Assistant: Social Welfare Policy Fall 2007 Teaching Assistant: Advanced Research Methods

University Service Fall 2010 Academic Advising Fall 2010 Research Advisor for MSW student Fall 2010 Co-coordinator of PhD led Seminar 2008-present Review committee for MSW admissions 2009-present Coordinator of PhD SED Writing Group 2006-present Member: Interdisciplinary Initiative on American Indian Studies, Washington University in St. Louis

Direct Social Work Practice 2004-present Applied Research and Community Development Coordinator, Four Bands Community Fund, Eagle Butte, SD 2007-present Applied Research and Community Development Coordinator, Missouri Botanical Garden, Antananarivo, Madagascar



Kristen Wagner

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2005-present Research Project Coordinator, Center for Social Development, St. Louis, MO 2005-2007 Research Project Coordinator, Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies, St. Louis, MO 2004-2005 Social Work Intern, Alliance for Building Capacity, St. Louis, MO 2003-2004 Social Work Intern, Productive Living Board for People with Disabilities, St. Louis, MO 2001-2003 Social Service Coordinator, Lutheran Senior Services, St. Louis, MO 1999-2001 Senior Program Manager, Laradon, Denver, CO 1998-1999 Director of Residential Services, Colorado Options, Denver, CO

2007-2008 Schwartz Graduate Scholarship ($8,000). Center for New Institutional Social Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, MO

2005-2009 Research Grant ($128,000), Family Economic Success Initiative, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Professor Michael Sherraden as Principal Investigator

2003-2005 Academic Scholarship ($10,000), William Burke Scholarship, Washington University in St. Louis, MO

•Wagner,K.(underrevision).BuildingfinancialcapabilityinIndianCountry:Theroleof EITC.Chapter submission for book titled, Financial Education and Capability: Research, Education, Policy, and Practice.

• Grinstein-Weiss,M.,Edwards,K.,Charles,P.,&Wagner,K.(2009).Adoptionof apolicyinnovation: The case of individual development accounts (IDAs). Journal of Policy Practice, 8(1), 34-53.

• Grinstein-Weiss,M.,Irish,K.,Parish,S.,andWagner,K.(2007).Usingindividualdevelopmentaccounts to save for a home: Are there differences by race? Social Service Review 81(4): 657-81.

• Grinstein-Weiss,M.,Wagner,K.,&Ssewamala,F.(2006).Savingandassetaccumulationamong low-income families with children. Children and Youth Services Review 28(2), 193-211.

•Wagner,K.,Lesorogol,C.,&Brown,L.(2010).Communitygovernanceof naturalresourcesincases of weak local institutions. (working paper)

• Brown,L.,Lesorogol,C.&Wagner,K.(2010).Thechallengeof multiplemeaningsof sustainability in developing a community-based conservation plan. (working paper)

• Lesorogol,C.,Brown,L.,&Wagner,K.(2010).Conflictinggoalsandambiguousmandates:Theinstitutional environment for natural resource conservation. (working paper)

•Wagner,K.&Jorgensen,M.(2010).VITA sites and EITC: Implications for development in rural and Native communities. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development. (working paper)

•Wagner,K.(2010).Measuring financial service needs of clients: A case study from Indian Country. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development. (working paper)

•Wagner,K.(2010).Building for the seventh generation: Using financial and entrepreneurship education to improve labor market opportunities for American Indian youth. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development. (working paper)

Kristen Wagner



and Awards


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Kristen Wagner

•Wagner,K.&Hertel,A.(2010).Earned income tax credit in American Indian communities. (CSD Research Brief 10-05). Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

•Wagner,K.&Hertel,A.(2010).Volunteer income tax sites in Native communities. (CSD Research Brief 10-06). Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

•Wagner,K.&Hertel,A.(2010).Savings and financial services in Native communities. (CSD Research Brief 10-07). Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

•Wagner,K.,&Hertel,A.L.(2008).EITC in Indian country: Moving beyond the safety net to asset building. (CSD Research Report 08-36). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

• Hertel,A.L.,Wagner,K.,Phillips,J.,Edwards,K.,&Hale,J.(2008).DialoguesonassetsinNative communities: Recording a Native perspective on the definition and benefits of retaining and building assets. (CSD-Buder Report 08-19). Washington University in St. Louis, Center for Social Development.

• Elliott,W.&Wagner,K.(2008).Raising parent expectations: Can wealth and parent college accounts help? (CSD Working Paper 08-18). St. Louis: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

•Wagner,K.,Edwards,K.,Hertel,A.,Klar,D.,&Jorgensen,M.(2007).Contributions of the earned income tax credit to community development in Indian Country. St. Louis, Center for Social Development, Washington University.

•Wagner,K.,Edwards,K.,Jorgensen,M.,&Klar,D.(2007).Vita sites: Linking tax returns and asset-building. St. Louis, Center for Social Development, Washington University.

•Wagner,K.,andGilbreath,A.(Spring2006).Theearnedincometaxcredit:Whichfamiliesare eligible? Article featured in Pathways Practice Digest, a quarterly publication of the National Indian Child Welfare Association.

•Wagner,K.&Black,J.(October2010).Building financial capability in Native communities: The role of social work. Paper presentation at the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR.

• Wagner,K.&Black,J.(October2010).Asset building in Native communities: New directions for practice, policy and research. Think Tank session at the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR.

•Wagner,K.(January2010).Financial and entrepreneurship education: Improving economic opportunities for American Indian youth. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

•Wagner,K.(November2009).Measuring financial service needs of clients: A case study from Indian Country. Paper presentation at the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

•Wagner,K.&Jorgensen,M.(October2009).VITA sites and EITC: Implications for development in rural and Native communities. Presentation at the Mobilizing Rural Communities Conference, Billings, MT.

•Wagner,K.(August2009).Understanding the financial service needs of your clients: Examples from Native communities. Presentation at the National Community Tax Coalition Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.


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•Wagner,K.(August2009).Building financial capability in Indian Country: The role of VITA sites and EITC. Presentation at the National Community Tax Coalition Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

•Wagner,K.(May2009).Building for the seventh generation: Using financial and entrepreneurship education to improve labor market opportunities for American Indian youth. Presentation at the WorldBank/IZAInternationalConferenceonLaborPolicy,Bonn,Germany.

• Brown,L.,Lesorogol,C.,&Wagner,K.(March2009).Community-based conservation in Madagascar: Building a foundation of socio-economic and institutional understanding of Malagasy communities through research. Presentation at the Social Science of International Development: Research and Engineering Symposium, St. Louis, MO.

•Wagner,K.&Austin,L.(September2008).Community-university partnerships: Merging data collection and mission. Presentation at the Center for Enterprise Development Assets Learning Conference, Washington, D.C.

•Wagner,K.&Robles,B.(September2008).Asset building and entrepreneurship in Indian Country. Presentation at the Assets Learning Conference, Washington, D.C.

•Wagner,K.&Edwards,K.(October2007).Contributions of the EITC to community development in Indian Country. Presentation at the National Community Tax Coalition Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

•Wagner,K.(July2007).VITA sites: Linking tax returns and asset building in Indian Country. Presentation at the Latino and Native American Financial Behaviors Data Briefing at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

• Edwards,K,.&Wagner,K.(October2006).VITA sites: Linking tax returns and asset building strategies in Native communities. Presentation at the National Community Tax Coalition Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

• Grinstein-Weiss,M.,Wagner,K.,&Ssewamala,F.(January12-15,2006).Saving and asset accumulation among low-income families with children. Paper accepted for presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research Ninth Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Kristen Wagner