s^S^ la Sleep Values for the...

The Outlook , of New Yoih , is editoriall y championing the Mercantile I as pec. ion bill novv [tending in tho Stato Legislature—a measure desi gned to limit to sixty hours per week the time of labor i>r a'l boys under sixteen and of women and girls under twenty one ¦jear. ' , and OI FO to compel emp loyers to mak e certjin obviously necessary provisions lor the physical health of those emp loyed by them. Rev . llr. VV. S. Raiosford is la-nding l.is best endeavors to secure tlto pa-sago uf tlie bill, as are other well- known clergy and laymen. The Outlook ciosts an editorial on tliis subject by Quoting as follows from a recent address by ISnho-> Potter , of tl.e Ep iscopal diocese of New York : " Thc gran tli of wealth and of luxury, wicked, wasteful , and wanton , os beloro Gotl 1 declare that luxury to be , has been matched step by Bleo by a deepenin g nd deadening poverty which has left whole neig hborhoodso! peop le practicall y with- out hopo and without asp iration . At such a time , for the Cliurcli ol God to sit still ami be content witli theories of iis duty outlawed by time , and long ago demonstrated to be grotesquely inade- quate to tlio demands of a living situation , this is to deserve tlio scorn of men and the curse uf Ontl ! Taku my word for II, men nnd brethren, unleBs you and I, and all those who havo any g ilt or steward- tlii p nl " talents or means , of whatever sort , arc willing to get out of our tlotli and ense and Fclti-h dilettanteism ot HI nice , and get down among tbo people yvho are battling amid tlieir poverty and ignorance . —JOung girls tor their chasily, vourig men Ior their better ideal of ri g hteousness , oltl anil young alike for one clear ray of the immortal counigo ntnl llie immortal hope then veril y the Cliuiclt in its Mutel y splendor , its apostolic orders , its venerable ritual , its decorous ami dignified conventions , is revealed us simply a monstrous acd inso- lent impertinence . ' " What noble , soul stirring tvorils ore these ! Coming Irom ono ol tlie most eminent divines vi today—a man who represents not tbe so-called anarchistic element, but tlie thinking, God-fearing, well meaning portion ot New York' s population—tbey carry witli them great Weight. 'Tbey should bo pondered deep- ly— not merel y ai apnlicable to this particular bit ol legislation , but to tbe . social condition ol a great part of our population. All honor 10 Bishop Potter for liis courage in thus frankl y express ing bis op inion. May much good result from it. iiit.iiVi: worms ruo. -n ntsiiof I-OTT F.II. 'THE question ol local option is to be submitted to the voters of this township, under tlie provisions of the new Haines J' . ' Ttci.-e taw, «£ the town eleel'on nezl Tuesday, The voters will bo called upou to decide by tlieir ballots whether or not the Bale ol liquor shall - be permi tted io tlio tovvnsni p during the ensuing two yeais. This matter is ouo that should nt. ' . ba decided off hand , but Ehould be g iven careful thought, to tho end that no error nu rrudo—no injustice done. We hopo that every voter will lay uside bis prejudice , his personal feelings , and vote as be deems best lor ibe common inter- est. This is a time when radicalism should give placo to calm rensoniog, nnd every foter should seriously ponder over tlio issues involved before easting bis ballot. 1 hire are two sidis to this us to eviry question , antl voters -should en- deavor to vieyv it Irom more than a sing le Standpoint. On tlie third page of tbis issue we print a copy of tlie local cption ballot. Study it und be prepared to vote as you yvish to—insking no mistake. It should be borne in mind that if tlio voters decide by their ballots against the sale ul" liquor in the townshi p a vast amount ol damage will be done tbo mate- rial interests ol' tbe town , Every hotel will he compelled to closj its doors , nnd large numbers of peop le wl.o nru iu tli o Intuit if spending their summers hero will be compelled to go to other p laces, where « more bberal spirit is. shown. Tliere js a largo amount ot money inves ted in eumnitr hotels iu this townshi p, and ncl ion tbat will necessitate llie closing ot those pi aces ol entertainment would bo most tinvv ia.e. While we believo fully in the wisdom oi proporl y restricting tho sale of intoxicants , we earnestly hope that our citizens yvill not vote on Tuesday to ruin tins portion ol tho South tsidu as a Bummer resort. THE VOTE ON LOCAL OI'TIOM. According to the s t atement of the Washington correspondent of the Hrook- l yn Eagle the National pension roll is being r.tj tidly decreased. It seems that during ibe six monihs preceding tie present year 21.112 soldiers, and sailors , names were laken Irom tlie roll , and ol that number , 1-1 SL>S in tliat time had died. As a majority »I our ex-soldiers nre elder- l y men , dealh may be expected lo be equally active during the -ucceeding six muni lis, and in a feiv moro years all stir— living ox-soldiers will be laid in honored graves. Thus it is evident that it oar surviving cx-soldiors and sailors wl.o served in the i' lorida , Mexican nn.l Civil Warsare to be aided by lhe National Government it must be done soon. Only a few months ago a veteran who bad claimed a pension for nearl y eight yearB died , and about lour day s later a notice eauio to lhe effect tbat bis name bnd been p laced cn thc roll as A pensioner ; ind , i witli tbe notice , came a draft for several thousaud dollars' back pension. Bat the soldier had fought his last fig ht , aud death wus bis enemy and couqaerer . I _WAn Item in the Hoslyn News says: S. K. Jones , the photographer, who has bee n located in Kosl yu for several weeks, has removed bis traveling car to Ulen Cove. The old-fashioned traveling p hotog- rap her ' s car , once a common si ght , is now seldom seen. We did not euopose one could be found on Long Island uhtil . wo read tbe above io tbe Newa. PENSIONS. Wanted—a livx active, energetic and bonesl boy to sell the .SroitAt, io Bay Shore. Address or call ia person at SJOKAL office, babvlon. Shall Itcsidciits ot Incorporat'd Villages Vote ror Those Offi- cer*, ) The lollowing copy of an op inion by Attorney Genera l Hancock is of special interest , just ot this time , to residents ol incorporated villages : A LBANY , DEOEMBBI : 31st , 1895. S. E Tennanf . T. C and LD. A. Hin- man ,V .OSchoharie , N. V. ' .Gentlemen:— Your letter of the 27t.li instant is st hand. You stale that tbe village ot Scholia.ie is incorporated under the General Village Law , namely Chapter 291, Laws of 1870, and that said village constitutes a sepa- rate road district. Y.,u ask : 1st. May the resideuts of said village vole , at the annual town meeiing to be hel d mxt February, in the town of whieh said viliage is a part , for Commissioners of Highway s for said town ? 2ml . li Bhid ek'ctorea annot so vote , i' an elector living in said til ago—having tho otber necessary qualifications—elig i- ble to hold the office of Commissioner of Highway.* in and for said town. 3rd . Is said village exempt from pay- roentof taxes for the salary or lees of Commi-sioner of Hi ghway s in and lor said town , nnd I' rom payment of taxes for the opening, erection , maintenance and repairs of nigh ways or bridges of said town which are outside the limits of said village ? !n rep l y I have tbe honor to say : Under tbe provisions of ibe General Villago Law , your vidage , being thereby constituted a separate road distriot , is under tlie superintendence of tbe Hoard ot Trustees ol the village , wbo are Com- missioners of Hi g hways in and for the Baine , having all the powers of Commis- sioners of Highways of towns . Chapter 262 , Liyvs of 1895, amending the town law (sec. 38) provides : " Wben any town Khali hare within ils ' limits an incorporated village , coosti- tutiutr a separate toad district , exempt from ibo supervision and control of the Commissioners of Ilijihway s of the town , and lrc m payment of any tax for toe opening, ertction , maintenance or repairs of any hig hway or brid ge of said town , without the limits ol said village, no resi- dents of said village shall vote at any annual or special election iu such town for any Commis-ioner of Highway s for said town , nor ior oi against any appro - priation for the opening, laying out ,main- lenance , erection or repair of auy hi gh- way or brid ge in said lown witbout the limits of said village. " The geueral village law , in making a villago incorporated under its provisions a sep irate road district , does not exempt its inhabitant)) from tlie obliga ioo to pay taxes on account of road districts of tlie town outside the limits of tbe village. Unless, therefore , some special statute to w deb my attention hus nut been di- rected , exempts your village from the payment of the taxes relerrtd to in sec- tion 38 of the Town Law, as amended by Chapter 262 , Iniyvs of 1895, yoar village Is required io pay the , m. The inhabitants thereof , may vote al the election of Highway Commissioners for the town in which it is located , and a resident of tlie village is eli gible to the ollice of Hi ghwey Commissioner for the town. Respt .ctlul.y, T. E. H ANCOCK , Attorney General. AS TO HICHWAY COMMISSIONERS- s ^S^ la sss " eiVt:-ia.,liLaa*a-ttTi;.Tlaj i!ii;j-t.. "i:i'- aa. ' $f% •—-* _ _ ? __ tiit-D ee _ z*t.T-r.rtstc ' ¦:2 ; / > /- ___ \\_ \ ¦ uu <s('™£2__ _23 \ —. R i*sr*i T!*rAVt!u" -ei Tt;i"^cx cp*c"JtTsiT:. .:::-i / ___2 Do not be deceived by infringe- ments of name, package or cigar- ette. " THE Ot-I LY GENUINE Sweet Gaporar Cigarettes Bear the foe simile signature cl .^%^*ag^2*2g£ on tho trackage and on each cigarette. gAK E NONE WITHOUT. ................ i .......... ........ BOR1V . Lindenhurst , March 23, to Mrs, Johu Michel , a ilv it* titer. Middle Uua-i. iiiverhead , March 19, to Mra J. WI N HH Edwards , H s<n. Oakdale. March Ji , lo Mrs. Frank Zuklyn. a (¦oa. Patch»Kue, March 19. to Mrs. Fran k Mayer, a son Fort JelTerson March 27, to Mrs. Harry Lee ItavU. H daughter. Sayvtl-e, March iy , 11 tfri Frifz Klas- ke. a s*»n. Sa>vtlle. «laicii 2i , t> Mrs. E iward Munklu- Vrltz. a non. Wadtnte Kiver, March 2%. to Mrs. Ellsworth iiudaoii , a daughter. MARRIED. NorUinort . March 'JG. hy Rev. Frederick Saun- ders. Urirry CVo-s to dull A 31 . o-de-it daughtt r n[ Rtenhen Hloxsuni. Patehoiiuo March ' M , by ltev . J. W. Dingles , Mtrry It. luvis , ol Brooklyn, to Louise* daughter ol Mrs. Deborah It. Bell , ol V. UlED. Almshouse, Yapltatik . starch 25. William D. lti'cil , ol <J»eci>Dort. ae Bav, 3m. Almslioo-e, Yaphattb , Mar.-h :*4. Margare t suubroiicti , of sa r Harbor , ao 72y. Hlue l' oiii t, Murcli 20. F'ovil , -Jrnitll, ao 07y- Babvlon , March 24, Robert Duryea, infant son of Mr and Mrs. P. Augutilne Dowuen , ae iom, isd . Bay Shore . March Tl), Mrs. Matilda Hollncr, ao nbout 30y. BrldRTe-tlatnptiin , March 27 , Ency, wile ot Benjamin VV. Bafcc 'ok Bridge ll...union, March 23, Mrs Mary A.Univ. ae7'.y. 10,1. Boston . Mass , March 24, Helen 0, Ashman , of Sap Harbor , ae eSy,7m, a.l. Interment at K . it. Canon City , Jot., March ta , Olllforn E. Heebe , only sn n Capt, 1-eandcr V. tieebrt . nt Orlt-nr , r.i whtt-li place "1»e remains will be brotiaUc for burial , ne 2Sy. Deer rark , Ai.ril i , .lane M. Sonet, widow ot Ai're.l P. BTr.per. ne lit. lutermeut at Babylon lluiitniatoii. March 29, Mnrv Louise, wife ol Jnsei'h 1, larraiiit 1 iitcrtaie.it at YVood- lavvn Cemetery . MilUi.icK , MTit-t-h vo , Iract Malcolm, Inr .v. t child uf Georito tl. aud Alice W. Fischer. ne Stn. A(Id')l""toivii , [ ' onn., April ) , Mrs. Lule Arnold , wile «tt tionieilus S. Huniiiiii;, formerly of Han Harbor. Matiltnck , March 2S, Capt. Helah TOUTIRS , a luinyvr resltlen* . ot 8aa Harbor . ac rj rsy. in- terment at y H Northville , March 19, Mrs. Mary J. Mayo , ae 70y Northville , March 23, Christopher N. Downs , ae "3v. li in , 'I'd Noyac March 16, Lewis It. Edwards , ae 81y, ll....211. New Yirk . .Ity, March 33, Katella " .illcck , wife ot Allred A. Kraser . or O.kdile, L I., eldest daughter nf the 1A: O deury i. sii cck. Port Jelterson. March 16, Julia Brewster, . •o'ort'd , ae about lsy . Patr-hogua, March n, William E. Ackerly, se 4:iy. Rocky Point , Brookliaven , March II , Lena, oolv daughter or John Robinson , tie —y. West Sayville , March 20, Ma. -tlo Elirliorn, ae 56v. Woodbury, March 24, Selah Van Wyck , ae CSr, lutcriiient at llun.ltuitoti. Yaphank, Ma.en 2' , Stephen B. Drake , of .Sas Har«oi . j ie7»y. Yaphank , March is. John Dalllm:. ae 7G7- Ytijittat.k, March 21 , at tue Co Hospital , Smith rat DritaTtrs. ot Amityville , ae 7a*y . lu- lermeut at iuibyit. -o. Signal Family Rscord. RBPO K T or coMMissiorvEas OF Blghfta\sol the Town ot Bahjloa , N- Y *. lot thu year ending March ^ist , 1493: KKCBIVKD. April. 1895 . BV Strong 3 150 QO May 8th, J tl SmaUlug, return tax. 1894 143 47 July Bib , Hahy lon Bank , on note ol Uoininjss.oner-i 40'J 00 January Ut, IHJG, J U Smalling, account oi Koa<i and tirhige Money aud Apportionment 112 3*5 February Ifltb. J ll . -tinaliing noad and Bndgo Money uud Ap- porlionm-ut 403 CO March i*.t . Fied torn? for lumber lett over trom dock 4 00 March I3;h. uoui! idlaud Uailroad Tax 2$7 22 March 3' **t, J n Smelling, balance and U and B Money 87 r,l Total «1 Ml Oil DIf»l(UK3ED. May 3rd , II Suydam , loamiug Ar- gvie bridge I 150 60 June 11 , W Shore , ret tax 13S-1 Dist 11 4 IB June 14, V HeUng, ret tax 1894, Dist 4 1C24 June 14 F Kovarlk, ret tax IS'Ji , UtttB 31 03 June Ii i.caudpr Wright, ret tax 18 4 , Dlr.l9 fid OS Sept24 'to Wiliniartli , tax 1691, Dist 10 24 13 July 8. Chas Wood & 'Jo lumber and hardware Udan ' s h'ldge, Bab) too tG T3 July H. Hrown & Unwell labor UdatJ' r* biidge, Baovlon 7 25 Julys. U VoHher mnterlM and iab'ir strong ' s bridge, Ltn- deunurat -H 00 July I' -- tl -v Jlerrltr, stubbing, 1 15 10 acret north of LIB IC 43 45 July 8 Uahylon Uauk , luteiect on liotu 8 gl) July 8, John a Kruger. lahnr re- buiiding'focK , i-indeniiurst 23 28 July 21. VV fowed plowing 2 duys l<ihl M>l} 9 m July & . \V Powell flUlng at ctrong 'ri hndgo, Liodenlmr->t 62 00 Jiiiy V3 , improving South noad Last * ¦ mliyviiie 4f CO Aug I , D r-kldnioro plowiug I-l^h- wa\8 a* Deer l* «rk 20 23 Nov 6, Carll Mi Hike digging at doviic , Ltndvntiur. -st 4 5Q Nov 8, abylou Bauk , Interest on nnie c 00 Dec 20. John Miller stubbing ncs ru.is a: 35fh at. L'ndenliurHt 21 00 Jan 1st , 1893, John B acuduer note. muiJ-: by Uouia Ueiing, tttioag nud Wmums HS S6 Feb 15, Babvtun Wat Uaiik , nt.te 403 00 March v0 , H A MerritL btunniag l\K iicres on Mi-hoi' s l'aih 37 50 March ad . N F ftliiiami lumber . iuoor and hardware _ 92 March ^o, Chis Wood juiuber and batitwarc 7 57 March 20. ' ha* Woo I lumber and hard, mc [old tut. by com H' .dtmr. March iSy-JJ ' 3I51 March 31 , Cbas Wood lumber and tile tor bridge South Itoad near Mr Fratt ' s $t CO Balance in hamis of L ' ommlsstom rs 2KiSt Total - j] 3^4 eg From tbe abo*e balance there La due to road districts Wot 2. 3 , 4 , 5, fi . JU, JJ , 12 13 .4, J3, and 10 a totil or 8i74 7^a» the r reapectiv* share ot the railroad tuxes for ls95 and on!y 3 items remain unp:-iio: Bnad Dist 14 $25 0' J Chan W IHRI oatanrc of aa old titc 't t 'i An Alonzo ti Suiith ior loan of spite driver 20 co Total $G.MJ less difference In billance on hand aud U i; Tax due district 9 IQ leaving unpaid 153 21 as the total ledebtedutss 01 the l)iehwa> Board* It had been tbe hope of the (' -ms. to cancel alt >f the above, bur owinir to unexpected expend'mres Were uotihl-j to do so. However, ar. tbe close ol tu:a year, the bigi .way arfatra of toe lown nre in ootte r .*.nps to .0 ior in in? years bacu. the next tax levy navtng iu [ml for alt roa<t macblnea now in u-e , winch will give ihe districts the lull number of day ' s work ttnsreiu asntssed. It is to ue rcgrttfed tbat uur to*usmen uo not take a taore ttor.ml view 01 highway nut tern . Miles ot roads wQlch have co-t. ibo tU 'Vu ihotiAaDAS ol dollars la former years are ugatu orcomiiH' over-thrown for want ot lunds to replow tbem F^r tusUnce. tne Farmingdate Babylon road , east end or Dtxoa avenue between Amityville antl i-lndenhur^t , road leading trom Liodenburit to Melville between Central and LOOK island Kailroads , ;ifilb street and 39th street . Lindenhurst , and mauy more In different parts ol the town , aru thc assessed labjr lu tbo districts Is no; turn* arnt to tcoiow tticm. ItespecKuily submlticdt n .r. wiLi. i A. jift . 1 JOHN S. KBUUEK , -Corns. Hlgw jys; SOLOttO. N sMllH , J ¦VTOTICE O^ TOWN KLECi 'lO^. Tho undrrslgned , PUpervisor and Town Oler* of the town of Babylon , hereby give notice that the annual TOWN MEBl'INu will be hei J un TUKSDAY , A PHIL 7, 189H, in the Election Districts of said iO'\n . lor thc purjio e «n (dueling towu otUcura aid vtting ou appropriations*for tho e. sume year The ottlcera lo be plected art- as follows- , A 'Up^rvisor lor the term ut two years,In the plac ot Wit.U.a O N icoll; A Town ler* for th- tern: ol two years , in th* pla'ie of Kugeiie Velsor; A Juaiice ot tue ftace for ihg ' term of lour years , in ihe place of Arthur Neville ; •\ Collector lor the term nf one jmr , In the pine < of ,/u-him tl. Sin nil.in: ; An As. +es-or Tor the term nt three years , In lhe place ol John ri. -Seudder; A Commissioner of Highways for the term of three years in . the place of Nathaniel l* Wil Haras; An overseer of the Poor for the lerra or two yea it-, hi 'he i/lace uf Jacob C* smith; Four Constat) es for tne the 'enn 01 one vear; One Came Constable tor tho term of oue ye-r; One Bay Constable for the term of one year ; 'two inspectors oE fclectlon in each ol the five election districts ol Rant tow. : onu- uiiiii'lssiuiu- r oi Kxclse In tbe place ol Cbanea f Hart. Tbe polling places in the Severa l elec 'ton dihiriets iirv as udlowa; 1st Dtstnct, at tlie tt -minis Building, corner of Main street and Deer 1 arte avnue, Babylon; 2d DJ»tr ot al the Carpeuier -boo of Wil dam <\. Ketcham LII varil avenue. Babyjon ; 3d District at the lib- erty Hose Uoiuoany 's Buiiaiug on Wellwood Avenue, l.lndeuliu.st; 4..h District, at the >>v- ceuni Buhdlog, Amityville ; 5th District at tha haii uf tUe hotel of Tuomaa Wardle, Amity- ville. Dated March 25th , 1833 . 2«M W I 1, LI I O NICOLL , Supcrvtser. hUliBNB VKi soit , Town Ulerk APfhOI'UlAJJUNai NOTlOa IS hereby given thut at thu auuual Town Aler .il y, in aid Ior tbe Town of Babylou , to be lield in the several election districts ul said towu UII TUESDAY ATBIL 7, 1838 , Ihe following appropriations w ll be sub- mitted to the voters, hctviug been filed with tho lown Cnrk as reqm.ed by law: >' 2' ~ r , for r:ut ut Court nuomfl 92,5 Ofo r conilngcni fund $.,500 lur support of p-j or Jiolor I OCK -UP at Amltyvllle *50 tor the proper 'juaervance uf Decorallon or T*it in or u 1 Day ?;K. O ior relief ol indigent soldiers, sailors . msriues , nud cue tttmitteA ot tin. -to decea-feJ. $£> lor Improving Uoall ave»«- . B<tbyJon |i>for improvliu tn« Haif H J II OW road be- tween Pet-r rark and *c>t Deer Fark f25ior Imp*o»tog Half Hollow ruad west ct W. -»t D«-er Far a $1(0 for improving Saxton avenue, Dctween UabvJoii and Lindenhurst j l -o baluui -e uu Argyle .irldge deficleucy $. - . 0 for stubbing and plowing Uates avenue , Lindenhurst $Tfl for Stubbing end plowing ?9th street and part of aixth avenue , Lliid-riihurst 875 lor eiubhmg au-) piuAi'ig the Str i/ht Emu u. 'rth oj NuguDtaiogue rond , 1 road liom indt-nhurs. to w est Dee r Bark] 130 tor improving Kaimiugdale ani Babylon roan west uf Blnbup ' s n<v&inp $uin ior anarn rati* at atrong' s and Ketch- aru ' s bridge.* . Lindeoburet. and repairing TMJI , J .1 bridges in the luwu fl o f or ga de boards on post-i f25 ior Improving broad Hollow road north of Lon« Islaud Uailroad. 5:00 for improving County L:nc rosd north of South Side Uai*roa*i Dated Ai.i. 'i v vlilo. March ii , inte. 2w9J EUGENE VKi . tuK. Town Olerk "Ti H. TOJ'I' iWO , Dealer In FIXE TEAS, COFFEES. SPICES , GRO- CERIES AND WOODEN'WARE. Goc-ls delivered free of charge any day of the week, t One baU bushel of potatoes given away to 1 every purchaser of tl o 1 worth of groserlei for one week. 3mf4 Patron ige of the public solicited. i * ...... hA ¦-* a ha at> * a, a a. a **** (. aa a A Q. U3TAVlfi RKHNBERO , jeWEUER PROVO ST BI.OuK, B BtLOX Has discontinued tbe sate or Musical lo-ftra- meoti In order f>pay more attention ro ibe re- pair trade, - blch haa more than doubled since latt sear Tou will do woll to t&Ke jour Wa.ch- es. Clocks. Jewelry or Bric-svUrso Co Un for repair. AU work warranted 1772 Islip Advertising. Ai ARTIN W. HAWKINS, OPTICIAN. ISLIP, - - L. I. GRADUATE OF SPENCER OFTIuAL INSTITUTE. I have ihe finest and most!complcte "utfi that human skill can produce tor the proper fittlog ol spectacles tor both young and oil. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. All errors of refraction overcome, however difficult. Um74 # V\7 HEELS I WHEELS i WHEELS 1 W. 3. JOHNSON, Islip, Long I s l a n d* AGENT YOU STEARNS , EAGLE ASD OlUJO CRaVWFORD WUEELS . Full an-tortmeat of blt-ycle sundries Wheel, tented by day, weeli or iitotilli a>id repaired, (let my prices belore purchasing elsewhere ri T. SMITH, Real Estate Agent ISLIP, L. I. OrrtEB Tis CBOICK , SIEABLK BDILDINO LOTB IN I SLIP VJLLJIOE for sj ilc at low prices:. Onr-quarter purobaao money in ca.li and llie baJauce oia bund aud taatarrara r-e. pilOKiSE R. -iilTH, jolt. am. BOO. O. n., CIVIL ENGINEER IDUP, SUFFOLK CODNTY , K. Y. BUBVBY8 AJID MAPS. ,lHADINO&sEWKHIN - |a iCOUNTn Y l*IaAOBB LOCAL TITLE MAFH. rkENNIS ORAT , PUAOTIOAL PLDMnER , ISnaM ASD GAS FITTXB , SAUT Iiur, N KVT YOKX flamlasarr Worlr , a Specially. ]y*»4 ¦ i,.iift iiiii,,i i ,,,i,ii , i -..,. .^____ . Save Your Money. G-O TO H. IA * PATTHKY , FLORIST. -fii^a So , Biy Siiors , Come acd sea my Greenhoasos— S. OI . I ) square feet of glass . The only place to pet cat Sowers lor jour tablet. Fanen 1 Pieces of erery description, including metal floral designs, sheaTCS of wheat , immortelle* , etc. Palms, Feral , Bedd i ng Plants , Hanging Baskets to rent tor the season. Flowers at who l esale uul retail , lit MaoMfc UAHYLON , LONO ISLAND. Independent In Politioa impartial in Belidon— " Bqnare" In Bnaine M- HBNRY LIVINGSTON Fropnetoi a Editor BI.BKHTG LIVINGSTON ,.Business Mrnager rtlMON W. OOOFKB4s«ocl.te Editor 8 W UEVVINS. New Yor* Bepreso.itatlTe . Office. No. USBa-oad war, wa . TA. I -1- D BT one PRI « RIT*)—otr» FBtmrDS aaa THOB. WHO STASH BT UB. ' Saturday April 4, 189 6 . . . ^ JZ €_% IA ' . C'V"/ ¦ ' - >•****. J * E P53L w ^^ki% ^ V^^S S . - 1 ' A;' ' ' .* T.KT Tltltnit HI t'ODT, A note from our wtll-remerabercd friend , Ool. Aaron A. Degranw , of Jamaica , dated ot Oak Hill , Fla., on March 25, coiaTeys the unpleasant news Hint ho has been in poor health all winter , suffering Irom carbuncles , and confined Co his room Tor over sis weeks. We jud ge from the tone of his lette r that he is now regaining hii health, and trust he may hereafter be exempt from snfferiog. 0..1 . Degraow sajs that the orange trees are cominrr out nicel y ; there are so-ne bads , but there wiil be no lruit of eny consequence in the Oak Hill si'Ciion this jejr. He says last year ' s great freer.3 left Florida in poor condition , and it will be some years before she regains her lost ground. Since January 1 Vol . Vcgranw and famil y have been enjoy ing all kinds of vegetables grown in thtir own garden , and at the time of writing greon corn and strawberrios were include.) in their daily bill ol faro. When fish are desired nil that is required is to go down on the dock und ealch os many slieepsliead as are needed. Col . Dejjrauw says he recentl y maOo a call upon a friend , Mr. Theodore B. Allen , of lirookl yn , yvho has a place at Oak Hill. Ue found ilr . Allen fidliiog lor mullet in a novel way. The hawks would catch the fish from the lagoon , and as Ihey soared over Mr. Allen ' s place that gentleman would discharge- a shot pun (not aiming at the birds , but simply Wring in the air .) Tho birds; would drop the fish , nnd Mr. Allen ' s dog, which had been trained to do Ibis , would t.ick the lit-li up and bring ihem to his "taster. Col anil Mrs Ue^rauw a-e to reiurn to their home at Jarnai •« about Awil 6. Jdg7~The S) ON » I. has always contended lhat in political allairs a boss or leader— we believe tho words 10 be synonyui 'j ii s —is a necessity . Our n aders , whether they agree yvith U3 in that particular or not , will no doubt boinlorested in reading the tollovviug statement in regard to the orig in of the word boss. We take it from a letier on political matters from the pen of ex-Mayor A.Oakley Hal l , of New York , printed in the lirookl yn Standard Union ot Saturday : I notice lhat many Dewspapcr writers Stumble over this Knickerbocker word " boss. " It is purel y of New Amsterdam or New Yoik ori g in. The Hollander knew o landed proprietor ol power os a "baas , " pronounced precisely as idaDj* ppehs it boss . The word v?a» first heard about 1300 in tliia city, as applied to a Tammany farmer of power named uunjed Purdy, auu paraphrased from the aforementioned old Dutch word. As lar back as Jackson times , Uld Man Frank Blair was a Na- tional boss . During lhe Civil War old Thud Stevens was a boss. And soon every Mate lound ore in each party. Thero iriUft of necessity be such a one in any party. Senators Murphy aud Uill aro ilie Deinocralic bosses this State, ns Plait is the r cognized Slate boss of the Kepuolitatis. He certainly carried this Stato I' or U. 'irri9t<n in lb84 , and be- cause Hnrrist.n quarreled with l.iiu , Har- rison lost 11 iii 1888 . Again I say let no Kei.ublican de e. ale to the St. Louis Oonvention underrate Hie sagacity, acumen id resources of Bos, Plait ' s fertile mind . Il he or nny political manager s hould do so, "ho yvould be left. " J3F"Walter L. Suydain , of Blue Point , is not a Long Llander by birth , but by adoption . He is, however , ns thoroughl y and sincerel y aitacbed lo his insula) home an if he hud been ben here. This attaebment found expression , on Thursday lust , In Uie lollowing resolution offered by Mr. Suy dain at the Republican Convention ot llrookliaven town : The Republicans of tbo town ol Brookhaven , in convention assembled , do declare the recent changes in the names of Long Island villages to be unwise and undesirable, and do deplore the loss of the old , familiar , histoiic names; therefore Kest.lved , That we request the Post Ollice Department of the United States and the officials of tho Long Island Uivi\r..ad not to make- turtlier changes without due notico und that a public hearing ho granted to the inhabitants of the locality when any change of name is proposed. Well done , Mr . Suy dam . Youl resolution was a timely one , and yvo hope it yvill he beetled. I5^" a\ very strong sentiment iu favor oT a puni-jlnnem lor murderers that shall strike terror to the beans of the «en- eral public seems lo pervade the toivn oi Hempstead just now. Tlio electric chair is considered too mild ami easy a lorm ol death , besides lacking tbe exam- ple as n lea«on that a public execution possesses. It may be returning to s barbaric tendency, bnt ihe seuliment surely exists , and not alone in lhe toyvn ol Hempstead either. —[Island. Jackson and Jarvis , lhe murderers of S. Jones , antl Ilugg, iho strangIt. 'r , were al! publicly executed in Queens Co.by means of the guilt,ws ,and other colortd men havo been severely punished lor various crimes; the deterrent effect of the pun- ishment seems to be lacking, however. f-|gr *~ a\ number of wealthy residents of Bayport uud vitinity have lormed the Bayport Itoad Company and secured from the Commissioners ol ' Hi ghways of Islip lown tho contract for repairing " tlio roads ill that stcMfii of the towu. The object ol the company is merely to have good roads , nut to make any monet* as a result ol the undertaking. The hi g hways under ihe control ot iho company will be thoroughly spriukltd nnd ntlienviso looked "fifier. Alre-idr oyer $000 have beiu pledged lor the purpose. Tiie p lan is worthy of emulation hy o' .her wealth; residents of towns in which the contract system of road repair is in operation. fcJ^Tlho Newtown Register says : One ot the brig l.Ust and ablest men in Queens County is Mr. John O'Donnell , ol Jauirica He B a leader in every public improvement, lie lias iho c.juraxeof his conyictions , and never backs down from what lie bilieves to be rigbL Nothiner escapes bun yyh.ch is oi itnere t to l.is homo village. Ho is a horn capiain. lie lias all tho>i> qualities which carry wilh Ihem the rig ht to command . To which might be added the sta ' .e- inent tliat Mr. O'Donnell is au A pollo in appearance, with the streng h of a giant and the good humor cf a Mark Tapiey. All tbat cur good friend lack s is a wife , am! that lack he seems loath to supp iy. .—.—¦—. E-tf~Tlie latest manifestation of crank- ism is lhe proposal to teach dentistry in the STJI IOO I S. —[ World. If it were possible, iu tlio few short years allowed the average cbilJ in whioh to procure an education , to thoroughl y teach dentistry, tliere would be no good reason for protesting against it being added to thc curriculum. That yvould at least be a usclul siudy. But for tbe " rank and file " of children there is onl y time in which to- learn a lew iliings , and it is best that those be lhe sludies lhat will te broug ht 111 0 d-til y use in after life. -Ea?"An exchange sa.s : The l.onn; Island Railroad locomotives are being converted n.to veritnbie red- jackets, Tbe *' jacket , " as tlie covering i.f tiie b»ilt r on eacb m ,ine is termed, is be- ing d.essed iu 11 thick coat of palntctrres- ponding with the color of tbe passenger co. C ' JCS . The idea is a novel one. J__ r*'A telegrrm fro m St. Louis to the World says : An afternoon paper today prints inter- views witb thirty six murderer* ln St. Lonis jail , who are nnanimonsl y opposed to capita l punishment. Of course. •* No rogue e' er lelt lhe la ter draw Witb eood oploloo ol tbe law. " But this do;s not prove anything. All murderers would naturall y oppose punishment of any kind. Capital pun- ishment lias never thus lar abolished murder , neither did it prevent stealing when thu was a capital crime. Life im- prisonment woald prevent imprisoned murderers from repeating their oflense , and Hat is all the punishment a human tribunal can properly inflict. {^"Assembl yman Burr 's bill , which permits deer to be shot on Long Island on each Wednesday in the month of No- vember has been si goed hy Governor Morton. Wiih the deer snooting days numbering but five at most , aod scatlere d a week apart , there is likely to be less of a rush to the deer plains than in former years; but in order to " make the most of" one day ' s sport in eaeh week those wbo do assembla there will probabl y be very reckless and ihere will be many acts of t -arelt-.ssnefs and some fatalities. pgy-Tho Island says: One ol the quiet, st men in Long Island nevvspaperdom is Editor Dan Arthur , of the Northport Journal. Nobody e'er hears of his doing anything very good , bad or intlitierent. He must be one ol those men who let not tlie ri ght hand know what the lelt hand doetb. ilro. Arthur is liko the majority of our guild—he attends strictly to business aod "' makes no noise about it. " 6Sj™Kev . Dr . Parkhurs t , of Now York , like many o.her persons , is not in favor ot tlie Kaines Excise law. He says of it: If tho ten commandments had been jammed through in tlie way the Raines bill has been jammed throug h , I would break tbem—the whole ot them. The Reverend Doctor evidently has the c image of his convictions. {5£»""rho3e who shoot either ior p leas- ure or profit should bear in mind the fact that the new law passed this winter for- bids lhe "jTicking, " or shooting at night , ot any l)ra*it or geese , under a heavy penal ly . It is a misdemeanor , under the existing law , to shoot at any wila low! after sundown. The spring shoo!ing of sni pe nnd p lover is also strictly forbidden. ASy-Governor Morton has appointed Nicholas llallock , of Queens, one of the Trustees of the State A gricultural Experi- ment Stat'on at (Jenera. Tlifi appoint- ment was made 01} the recommendation of the Quet-ns County Republican Commit- tee , but lhe farmers of the county de- sired iho selection of P. Halstead Scud- der , ol Glen Head. s. . . < ' fgr-II t-nry U . Lyman, of Oswego, has been nominated by Gov. Morton lor Stato Excise Commissioner under tho Raines law , and l.is nomination lias been confirmed by Iho LSenate. ilr. Ly man is said to be a » man admirabl y qualified to discharge the limits of the ollice. EgF"Aesemb!yman Post 's bill providing lhat the Shinneeoek tribe of Indians shall elect iheir Trustees on tho first Tuesday uf A pril io each year , has become a aiv —Governor Morto n having affixed his si gnature to it. The bill is Chapter 108, Laws of 1800. t_ W~ A good man was los t to this world when Judgo Thomas Hughes , au- thor of " Tom Crown ' s School Days, " ditd. Everyore yvho had read this pure and fascinating story ol Eng lith school life learned with genuine sorroyv of the author ' s death. ,— _ . —. t3F"The following, from the Moriches Messenger- , copied verbatim ,is a specimen of ' . ' Eng lish as sho is wrote " Dr. Biker , of Yaphank , physician of the Hoard of health , was in town Friday looking afler a lew oases of scarlet-rash tha* . has npueared in our midst. A J.OO ISLANDER 1* FLOR- IDA. Tlio Drinocrat'c and Republican . "Vo.Jliljeeo, Tlie DomocraU ol Brookhnven held theii town convention ut tlie old Hutch- inson hrmostead , at Middle Island , on Mareh 20. The following licket was nominated : For Superviso- , John L, Havens ; Town Clerk , Edmund F. Haw- kins ; Collector , Fnrin in N. Horton ; Justices of lhe Peace. Dmiel H. Buck- ing ham , Fred O. Darling ; President Board of Trustees , Allen F. Davis ; Trustees , Alien F. Djvis , Eugenr. VV . L.ne, Willett S. Swezey, Haiury P. Wright, Alauson J. Payne. Charles W . Pelermau antl Ge 'rce W . Hirdsal ; Overseer of Poor , Feed aM. Ruland ; Commissi . .ner of Hiahway s, E. Eugene Ilawkiu3 ; assessors, Noali T. Terry aud Woodhult Dei ton ; Game Consiah.e , Louis Gerard ; Constables , Jamei Fallon , Jr ., U. Seymour Hrown , Geori. 'e Camp bell, Robert K. Morton , Augustus W. Thomas , George H . VVteks, Marcellus V. Roo and William C. Carter; Bay Constables Jaines W.I.iynor and Edward Ove*ton . The Repub.ican convention lor Brook- liavei. town was liel.l at the ollice of Ros- well Davis , at Yaphank , on Thursday alten-oon. Tho lollowing ticket Was nominated : For Supervisor, I. Wil-on Riteh ; Town Clerk , Richard M . Bayies ; Collector. Henry Uilletto ; Justices of Peace, Theo. W . Wheeler and Riley It. Howell ; l'residen ' - Board Trustees, S rautl Dare ; Tuistees, Samuel Dare , Sy ' vester Ruland , Ms/aga Smith . Elfcanah Robinson , Steward Perkenson . Vi . W . IlcYVtj l) , Fillmore Baker ; Overseir of Puor .Georaj O L. Chichester ; Commission- BI- cf Hi ghways , Hampton E. Penny ; assessors , E. Holds Newton and Isaac B. Hawkins ; Game Constable, Henry llallock ; Constables, Junes Meriele Addison II . Bumstead , Oscar Jayne , .Innies E. Welch , 11. Seymour Brown , J. Henry Coziwi , James IJ' y denburgh and Howard Swezey ; Buy Constables . Giorge VV , D.tvton aud Martin B. Ackerl y. E AST -H AMTION . Tho Peop le' s party ticket will be the only one in lhe field at next Tuesday 's election. It is made up ns fallows: Supervisor , George A. Miller ; Town Cork , J oseph S. Osborno ; Justice ol lha Peace for lone term , IJ. D. Slei g ht ; Justice ol lhe Peace to fill vacancy , Theodore D. Dimon ; Collector , Daniel S. Edwards ; Assessor , C. H. Miller ; Commissioner of Highways, John S. Penny ; Overseer of Poor, Edward Baker ; Bay Constables, E Lynch , J. D. Bennett; Game Constables, Condit Miller , E. Eois ; Constables, W. H. Collins , James Grimsbaiv, E. W . Edmunds, J. O. Hupping, J, W. Baker ; Town Trustees , James M. Strong, D. E. Talmage, O. H. Miller , B . H. Barnes, W . B. Bailey, J . D. Parsons, J. U. Muhord , Nathan II. Day ton , Remington U. King, Elisha U. Payne, Edward M. Baker , David J . Gardiuer. At the Democratic convention of the town ot Smiihiotvn, held in Academy llall , on Tuesday, Marcli 24 , the tollow- iug nominations were matle: Supervisor , E, 11. L. Smiih ; Town Clerk , E. E. Smiih; Juoiices of Peace, William S. L.1WS01) , Henry D. Kerr ; Assessors, H . Cliatfield Smith , James A. Gordon ; Overseer ot the Poor , Adrian Smith ; Highway Commissioner , Alansou E. . allocR ; Colh'ctor. Julius N. Burr . BROOKHAVEN CANDIDATES- Patchogue , L. I., April 1—Supreme Court Judge Wilmot M . Smith bas de- cide! that villages incorporated under lhe general village incorporation law may vote for Hi ghway Commissioner, but not for town hi g hway appropriations. Tbis decision was brought about by William II. Pierson , the Republican candiaate . ' or Highway Commissioner of the town of Southampton , who jo ig ht to compel the town olficials to place his name upon the general ballot lor the entire towu , it being generally understood that the incorporat- ed villages could not vote on bigb*ay matters , and that there was to be a separate ballot lor Hi ghway Oommission- tr. This dc-ist ' on concurs yyi'h t fre op inion of jUtoroey General Hancock , that a villagu incorporated under the genera l lair may vote at the general election lor Hi g hway Commissioner, and that a resident tbcrein is eli g ible for tha ollice and that the incorporated villages are not exempt Irom tno obligation 10 pay taxes on account 01 road distiicis ot the town out. aide the limits of ihe village. This decison wiil cause mnch trouble amoDg tbe clerks of the towns in which there are incorporated villages, as the orders for the town ballots, including Ibe separate Hi ghway Commissioner ballot, have been given and in some instances have been printed. Tne Inspectors of Election iu Brook - haven town were notified a week ago lhat Patcho gue could not vote for Hi gh- way Commissioner. Roawell Davis . clerk of Brookha.eii town , bas just been notified of Justice Smith' s decision and will have thc names of the candidates lor II g hway Coinmis ioners printed on the general ballot —Brookly n Eagle. I.rttcr—Ai, Important Declalon l»v J.idKe Mnltli. FOR SUPERVISOR, ' V OTE FOR JOHN D, CAPEN* , OF AMUYVILl aE. ' if i^tSfA ' -- 'might properly,he iertSmt /^£'S-* 8 r and a parro * . time " oo, ' -W|v|SJ^K!rnii )g and Friday morn- ing it: Tilt- 'SttOre of Bobbins <t Son , on Stfal| -; The affaia- gre w out of th»• 1»J_K^{ TR ' : 'KCJele below list rates . For |;^lB« the sharpest bind of riWllwAi j Brtetl betw.*eu LoGrange V . OtHwMmmfrtbe firm ot Robbins &, S OD. ' ' j ' tt _P*P n was the natural out- come j I Bl rivalry. It seems tbat . some IH S»n agent of Robbins & Son nfl , : T^_ fs*rtwright and purchased one olB Rt of wheels in question belowj H»Hfc i-iea . Cartnri g l.t is u,.t the reJS H?ent for the wheels; the other lE| | "Cartwriglit retoliaied by indaciifii JKtfd Gartetv , the barber , 10 purcbsjffl A Bobbins <X Son oue 01 the eome l$M Hfwheels at $10 below the list * OBB Hebs wheel was sold io uarretaj Bp recen t given the latter , who V«B Rfced to let tbe wheel remain until *«| H" ' . When Garrety called for the wHS Kss refused him. A IOW erisuealJB Harrety was final l y knocked downwl 9 ef t - ' An effort, wss nlso made, ffgjHSrTety claims, to got the receipPC^r|rom him. The following moraigjpjwHSarrety, in company wilb Mr. OsL Hit. agai n attempted 10 take pos.e*fj* gjl ' tbe wheel , when ar.otber fi ght ewa3 w ' l en Edward J . Bobbins strnok **, ( By over tbe head with a bott!t> _fpr !3ji. Cartwright drew a re- volveiff __ \D & Kcbbins and Cartwri g ht then rfr ,, IM and /or n time tho " lur flew. 'Xl Hwone supposed the matter wonldV ^ Htbe ' ooarts, and rumors of arie-U> fe |JBs -il actions v.ere current; but somehJliTLM""- 6 wa s efiected and the adair [^ajBeitied amicabl y, and Bay *-hiire ' stDj3 flp t sensation came to a suddeje a25| The incidents created cxcile&a jSSflhe lo«n , and ihe " scrap " was , I06A __ e, tbe talk of the place. The tar IMiriiaoteation of whieh the residtrjfc ^H __ P«V Shore have especial reaROulirgi3|fiP rouc ' ' 9 lhe Penaiaquit Cnrlnti,r2 JS ttkh t Club. Tbe objeet ul the or B* h}mm __ W l0 eDCOurage its memters inbecoSr Hofioienc in ibe management of iha.A..yffli and lo promote sociability and r£i , SB among 11s moinotrs. It la iiai I to keep it an amateur orgaolS Sy *llmiiio« its membership 10 yacht sBSera and toosedirectTy interested ra amaEw. jachting. It is proposed , in lhe nefcf atnre, to erecC a °'ub house , one story lSJieight , with broad veranda , on the sbfit fl-Ptlt between Ocean and First avennjflHSl employ the services of a comDe vBaBg an to look alter the club boats . JaBP-he election of members will be l *M!E 1 *P 0'" - by the Board of QoyeifBClnH The following were tho officer»*l<i^&'l "' tbe meeling held at iho Oasini* MBiday evening : Commodore, Harryp * , sBs WB ler > slocp Avocet ; Vice Comnfe flB Wilhain T. Cushing, steamer LotusK*»jW _ f Commodore, O. If. Adue, Bieamte _m _W a ' < Secretary, M. K. P. FullerSiHjialiBtral ; Governors , J . A. Molle&i M Steamer Thelma ; Samuel T. (ajofl B 8 ' Damf yno : H. S. Jewell , cat 8. _m t _\ ¦'• B* Brazier , sloop Glad ys B. ; S HBavea , tloop May Belle ntliBrB MerB ofthe club are : Carl E BrewiBB- Nomad ; O. H. Covoll , J . p. LoKaWoop Nathalie ; Charles A. ivrintWaB sloop Norma; George M SmitliHBftb* 1 P're : Edwin Thorne , cat BvelyBHPlll> '6d Vail , pirogue Coiuct ; Lonis ___ J ___|wm. sloop Mistral ; Edward !&D*r __\ ___ met Jewell , J. Covcll and TbeH -Hon which has been going on betweH HB-pt * Edward Hulse aud HermS| fflbfe't of this village , hus c- me to a eB Hy"-* Home lime ago Mr. YouoH Wapt. Hnl-e for $2UU on a note, SB Mred judgment against . ' -im. and ctJH ^f-I proceetliogs to sell the sloop HI Bl- owned by Oapt. Hulse. The s*B Be sloop was adjourned live ttmesJK BSS to have taken place last Frida_g__*ill8be sale was to commence Cobb®an{S,,x served an order si gned by °** mlge Beeve, resiraming iho Eale tjP" 1 ^_yb g tbe jud gment Counselor Uar* *P n 4 jj |ck obtained Ihe order Irom JudgS '»e at Grtenpnrt on Monday, on a tefin wit?, the action having been comeftr m in tbe Supreme Court, and jud gtiji o/ a'as entered by default iu tbe Couofle twait. Tbe costs of the court nmoui|r »o $100. The entire proceed- ings Klt** ve . to bo eommenc. 'd over 6gainfeo3 w - ?er * ? urm a n conducted the case^ -3- - young. Bc-fe*H& Clock have broken ground lor al ___ H__ptory Irame struclure 32x55 feet , «HIf erecttd on their handsome Bi te,{ BB*wF lrst avenue and Main street. Tbe 3K B r 0l tbe building will be U6edJ» ' M -3 ' mes3 purposes entirel y- contlJpi^B*' 0 large, roomy stores, yvith plates! gonts , eto. The second lloor will fe ' i^Sf > or living apirtiiiei.ts. A cellaA. SBxtend under the enii.e firs t " 0( *eraaaff ^rt -ro m tlie e3-cavat'on la beinf ' M across to the other side of the t\a-«. AaW ktre *he ground is beiog gradi 3P r atory, we are told , to the erect r *""? '!!! another building. Fral jjjjj SSprague and John II. New- b u r yj Aa era ^ jears pas t emp loyees ..I Charll^'S'Syail , have quit tbo hitter ' s empl? | :.? , "jfforming a partneisl .i , , , have emtaff ? lhe plumuiuj and geneial hatd« * 0 ^wiues3 in the Donnell y store on j -Bw-MHavenee They will later rep oAe aWe—r and m ore commodious q V 8 An tbe block of Robbins & Clock onV. It wer of First avenue and Main streMtjkey ine young men who possess evermjrswilsile wbich tonds towaid mal* a _____f9 ___ cces9lu] business men , nnd will undBoH'y do well in their new AH Bter sapper and concert was giveBjlBhe Congregational Church on TueHHBveniDg, and was largely atlend- ed, H__Bml'Pei wns an up-to-dnte one in BtWjRspect , and lhe musical program wasHgHfery way a ore.ntablo oue —lhe eeleWBrei)dered by the Messrs . C. iv. BirdHBBpd E. B. Green and lhe Missis Grea _____ Bd Marshall being especiall y goodWBlont $30 was netted . Tlj BB age owned by Floy d Tillotson on aUHHtreet and Bay Shore avenue is aboutl^be moved to a site limber down fie latter avenue on the Dominy propei ' y. It is rumored that the prop eny of . -Mr. Tillotson has been ir>!d to HenryiB. DeMilt, wbo will erect a business block thereon. We weie unable to Wfifetbo rumor. TBBB 1 the agency ol W. W . nulse, JMrsBijB Goon wold , of 3, 737 Locust slreJS Mjadilphin , Pa., has leased llie cotHiWB 61 Justice John bl. Howell , 00 oJoHUvenue. Mr. Hnlse hns also leaseJMHohn J. Wh)te , Jr , ol New York jWK the cottage on the estate 1 f Conkfli Wicks, on Bay Sbore avenue. MrB Matilda H-.ffuer , a respected residA ot Olinion avenue, this village , died &Monday, aged about 30 years . She i|BBived by several children. Mrs. HnfT. MWBl resided here lur over twelve yearaHRBie luneral took place on Wed- nesdsBRd 'he remains were interred iu OakvBHlemeterv. JuJWarff * Hulse is now "at home ' in Br»n|_^B >"'£ 8lore > nQd news stand . TheiMBBanager. wbo took possession 00 VlBB^ B 7' w) " ,0Dn<1 a wunh y succ* _pur to Mr. Brown , nnd we trust he wiillfnii his lates t enterprise a pro&table one. **[, -s . Ground . has been broken for tbe erection of a store 25x30 leet, two stories high, on the Thompson property, corner of Maple avenue and Main etrset. The store, when completed , will be occupied by T. J. Barnetc A building boom soch as Bay Sbore bas njTSB known before is now in progress her««aSil lie epidemic seems to be spread- iogSpidly. It ia not yet known when it ral be stopped— not for a long time , letHhoBe. Leonard W . Young assumed char.e of tho Bay Shore post office on April 1. The location ot the oltice, ~ wi'l be changed as soon as permission lor the removal from tho authorities at Washington is received. Tin Can Alley or O-inal street is a thing o! the pas t , and in its place is the boulevard herealtrr to bo known ns Homan avenue. How the " eaEt tide " is growing and improving. Al^en Sf. Hallock , for many years a.l employee nf Smith & Brewster , has entered the emp loy ot 0. W. Vuil— succeeding Frank M. Spr.goe. Thomas Jellerson Burnett was on Wednesday appointed by Governor Morton Notary Pub.ie for tyvo years. T Jt ll' erscn Burcelt has declined the nomination for Trustee ot Town Lands on tlto Democratic ticket. IfciikGaV Record. " ' . ya i ^ *- < ' , ^edm *t****aaatiit ****». ****^***t . V t __t& ___ \ _ \m _J- ' ai: -f a inter- | 1 isa - - " aat8Lm nai ly cnre 3 1 ' Vm " (K, cramps o m- _____ > acd a11 ° ; « | " Wnfm a , S TH> bowel 0 . ____ i "" ' . f _ \____n ton- . ; * _$ __ W _$_ W F lai ° t3 ' ! ; u ' c_ * p*^,;^_.K HfiStsndd en S * J^ TS m j W _ r « oM» » eMH * * ! : M m J 'PJwPniJid *U Grippe, | CS tptnil^ttU the best lini- 5 ta| mkn .^rarld. ' Beware of £ tag M. bov mlT the gerolne i i;- : fel^^.j Easl-T will be celebrated as usual in the village churches , tho programs being especially elaborate ihis year. The following ij lhe program at St. Mark' s Cbnrch : MOItNINO SKBVtCS- Pror-e-sinnil Kt. Kevin K.a->ier Cba.i t Te feiiuj Laudamus l.oid lleiicllctus Bedjces llymu lal "1'hestrlle is G' . -r , the 1! une Done " Kv r:e K eiscu t)t.1.t.t 1 it-i liyiu-* 1J" "Jesus Lives, Tliy Terrors Now " S0T0 " 1. - 01112 Sea ih-j PT .ice yYiisro J-ji.ti Liy " KV'tT . MS.l SKl' .VK'l' . rrT>rj-= . : i) :i il St . Kevin lla! tl - u. Niou* . I' iinttus liv.tnt i.i _ " aVngels ETIII MIR Ko.ikAwiv " H)imi '7 *- .io Is Itiseu , Ue is l l i sj u " At ihe Presbyterian Church tiie follow- ing proa-ram will oe rendered : i:aroT — ' cim-l ilic Lord 13 lllsen 1. .lay ' Mason Oltl lliiiitlrp.l "I' tat.e Clou ! oal WilOill ATT b!> ss:ucs F .oyv ' " lltlii.t 1 I -llan llie U.ty IbitSt-^b II in liisc" ' —1' evil C uria i au i l- .eTstorex llviuii | JO "Jesus t'HilstIJ "r.T s.ii T.jrt.iy '' V,r. warga'i A..11.en. '* .) -loi lnl Soiiutl , O Ulniioas Hour IielrTj 11111111 Iti : "ll .u k . Tt -n Tuo.is imt Ha- is antl Voice-, " Ma.f.il I' oit' tudc 'Our <ilsrina>a Kii)* . " Musou The iio 'l-iw in llie Sniilh road near the Lake Bouse has this week received the attention of Coulraclor James ll-irvvood , anil the condition ot the road I LIS been luucti improved. Work on tho completion of the M. E. Church will commence some time doring the present month , as plans aud specifica- tions are now in the ham 's or the bui'ders. Tne church waa lelt a legacy ot S. 1000 by the late Philander J . Hawkins, and by lhe efforts of Pastor W. C. Ilia e nan and bis *:orps of workers the amount has beon swe 'led to about $4,000. The work of finishing the church , however , will probably involve on expenditure ol $5,- 500. It is thought that the deficiency yvill be raised so as to dedioite the church Iree and clear from debt some time in tlie near lulure. R. Denning. Superintentlent of Dickerson Bros' , tronl preserves ut Hauppauge , yvas aroused about 10 P. M. last Friday, by the jing ling of tlie alarm bells at tlie pond . lie found a m ui loitering about the ponds , who evidentl y intended Durloinm^ some trout ,but bad apparently not iiad an opportunity to accomp lish bis purpose. The alarm bill " gave him away. " Among olher nominations sent to the Senate ou Monday night , b y Governor Morton , was tliat of Henry H. Hollis er , of Nuw York (a yvell known summer resident of Isli p), to be u Manager of the Manhattan Stuto Hospital lo fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of George 3. Bow.Idio , and lor his unex- pired term of ollice. The foMowinij are the officers elected at the lasl metlina if the l. -ll j. Hi g h Sc ' io.,1 Literary So.:iery : Presiden t , Howard li. Sands ; -Secretary, li. C. Cartwright ; Captain of Team, Ral ph O. Hawkins ; Executive Oommiitee . Norman Hawkins , Chairman ; Fred Whitman , Uowatd SnTids , Clarecce Berry. Tl.e coming election* lias not as yet created in..ill excitement. nnd*'both sides " stem lo bo tnkiiii ' mailers very easil y. Theie will, however , probably be a scramble lor votes at ihe last m nule , and election day wiil not be without lhe usual excitement. Tbe memorial window placed in St. Mark' s Chnrch in memory ol tho late Koland Redmond was not made by Tiliany it Co , as implied in our report . hut by tlie Tiliany Glass and Decorating Com pany, of 333 to 341 Fourth avenue , New Vork. Tbo Sunday school concert to bo given at tbe M. E. Cliurc h ou Sunday evening uext will be ot groat iut, rest. aV very tlaborato program , consisiing of Sonus , recita:ions, etc., will be rendered and all should mako an effort to be pres- ent. There will be a sunrise service in tho Presbyterian dispel on Sunday morning, April 5 at 6, o' clock , under the auspices cf the Epwortb League ol tbe Methodist cnurcli and the Christian Eudetvor of ihe Presbyterian cliurch . Aii are invited. Cards are out annou-cing lhe forth- coming marri ge of Miss Carrie RieJel and George Clock , ot this viiiuge the ceremony to lake place at St. Mark' s Ep iscopal Ohurch on Tuesday , Anril 14, ui 2.30 P.M . The dramatic entertainment under the auspices of the Church Comp letion boeiety of the M. E Clinreh , which was recentl y given to a smal l audience in the church , wili be repealed on April 17. Calviu M.Southard lies a handsomo nnJ novel slam—a mammoth horse -shoe , witli horse suspended between lhe points ot the shoe. The sigu is an exceptionally handsome one . Our cordial sympathies are extended to Plumber Joseph LTiinon upon ihe dentil of his mt ther , an octogenarian , who died on Thursday las t at her borne at Scrantoo , Pa. Johnson ' s cafe shines resplendent in a new coat ol spick and spaa white paint , wbich is entirely tejping with this thoroughly well-conducted resort. Dickereon Bros made large shipments of trout to the Grea; Neck and Flanders Olubs this week. GREAT K IVER . Services have been ond will be held in Emmanuel uburc h during Hoi y Week ai follows : Wednesday alternoon, Thurs- day evening and Friday morning snd even- ing. Oa Thursday evening and on EaBter day, the Holy Com- munion will be celebrated. Oo Easter day tbere will be service in tbe raorning, Si.n- dajschool festival in the alternoon , and tervico in tbe evenioe. Tbe rector, Rev . T. S. Pycott, wil! preach at all the services. There wil be a disp lay of Easter lilies , and otber rare aod beauti- lul flowers, from the greenhouses oi W. Bayard Culling, in tbe ch u rch on Easter Sunday . . The Bepnblicians of Islip, ia naming Jabez E. Van Ordcn . ' or Assessor , were very wise in their selection. Mr. Van Orden is lully qualified , .nd in every way the right man lor the ofliee , and ehould be elected. E Z. Smith has had hia force of men at work cn Main street , p lowing, and harrowing it, and doing their best to get it in good shape for tmvtl. Capt. William Smalliug is loading his SI OOD witb clnu- .s lor the New York trade. Mrs Ellis Monsell has been sick , but is n-w slowl y recovering. E AST ISLIP . A meeliri u will be held on Wednesday next , April 8 , at 7 P. M . at the store nf H. Bunce. in ihe Brady Block. Eas t Islip, for the purpose f oruanizicg a Court of the Forest-rs of-America, avd persons bnvioi' application lorins , are ret|U,sitd to till them in and return to ll. Bunce , Sec' y pro teui . m i l !) ritiaae. Mrs Alfred A Fraser, of Wes' Savvd!<> , died on Mon ' av afternoon at t u e home ot her brother , Mr. Selleek , iu New York City. a\bout ti* o weeks ago Mr. and Mrs . Fra'er wnreciHed fro m thtir home at West Sayville t> New Vork to the bed- side of their sick daughter , wh.y was visiting nt the Selleek home . Tho daughter improved under tho toother 's nursing, but \Irs. Fras-r was taken sick and died. The fu leral services too ' c p lace on Thursday afternoon Irom Mr. Selleck 's homo. Saui'iile. HOUSMAN'S Main Street , BA7 SHORE, N. T SPRING Attire now occ up ies tli e thoug hts of womankind. New fabrics of fi nest quality—largest assortment over offered by us and Ne w Tork pricss are the attractions we offer. Values for the Week. 30 i nch Chameleon Moire , l'2c. per yard. 3G inch English Mixtu res anil Checks. 15c. w orth 25c. 38 incli All Wool Eng l ish Che v i ots , 35c. real valu e 50c. Notti ng ham Lace Cur lains—3 y a rj length—75c. thc sl.2. r > kind. Notti ng ham Lace Curtains—3 1-2 yard length—00 jneli width, $1.25 value $-2. AH linen H e m s t i t c he d Towels. 12c. well worth 20c. Ladie s ' and Children ' s Ne w Spring Jackets and Capes of La test Shapes. LADIES' SILK WAISTS. SPECIAL ATTENTIO N GIVES TO ORDERS BY MAIL. All goods delivered free of charge within 20 miles . •¦* ..... f , , MI . .... I .. II . I ..* H .. . I . V * . « > H The New Rochester Lamp e.;*V ^j) hus the best Wlrl. i:,. ' .>r . Jg ll' i . i I' lir sf .^ni . , * " " ° soiled fingers when rcwickiag. ^ > * ^ X- ^7J W _ |Wjf VfiS^v\ Tho best Oil Indicator. * w g g Attl I llf toA \l\ l\ No oil running over when fillinj. Bn$-)>$:ttra ¦ T^W' j ' frOi&V v^ The best Chimney Lift. K£2jl ^Jt^Xs^OcS^Bw^ V ^ No burn t finjjers or broken shajes when lig hting. fe^* - **j 2 Ja The New Rochester Parlor Heater JpS ^ cn ^ mm*m\\mm\w 's macle *'ke lac ^am P- but needs no chimney- Portable *%. I 1 : Tr. - " \A\X r^*-\ _ *\ ____ \r txrid odorless. Burns 13 hours with one filling. >fcl _ l ?r $^^4 Lamps in China . Glass and Metal in every concciv- ^ ^ j - j-^ 00 -j -fffflrXs^y able design and finish. One burner—three sizes. K-??* * ***. o *vs2gJ k ~ , T\ Lamp or I leaicr complete as shown, sent securel y tT\* f ^& __i ^ r42^> _ _^ *-A Z ^^*^ packed io any address on receipt ol $5.00. \^^___t___________lii\ ) "5- JUA£$S Write to us for catalogue if the lamps kept by your QHSS R JS*^ E f ] f f i £\ dealer do not bear thc "INOW ROCHESTER" sump. J^^^^/ 5 /t _^_ \^_\^^> THn RuCHESTC R LAMP CO., iOj ^^^^/ a» j C Q^*»«Sfl5i _y" 42 pafk p[ace flnJ 37 u^,^ street , New York.CSt \&r . .^..^.^^..^^a.aa^...^ ^ hAt A t tiitf"'i i 'ii*Hmu.i n » f t i n i*» t ttiii.iH) _ < £f FRANCK Jrnl .. rr«ADE-M/VRK < THE COFFEE THAT your . husband gets at the restaurant , that he likes so much— don' t you wish you could make your coffee like it ? YOU CAN. To the coffee, as you have been preparing it , add some " Genu i ne Franc k " —the directions -will tell you how much. That is all. Here' s the result : Coffee of a rich, gold brown color and deli ghtfull y nour- ishing. " Genuine Tranck " makes cheap coffee good —makes good coffee delicious. FREE, —Sample Half Pound Package . —Write tor it. American Branch: jj li . j_ j * " //" a/* ./' - DEINKICIt FRAXCKSli llNE Jt CO., C\/ffltWJtfi e " ' •'¦ To^'SCfi ' fr t f?' ^" s^^ UiW&b^^JsT iii rf iB^^ -LttAA.At. aa . . , . . a a , ¦ , a . I a . I . a u.l a ai all a ¦ t a a t I t tJ . Ii . . .. a jL a-A^^Aa- awAaaaaaJ-i-J, BicrrcnuES .... *T~A KIFFE and U. S. ^?iSl^\ SfflS !l^^ ^ mer a ' Truss Frame IPl l l l P?' ^^^^J^ ' l ^ era ^ Discount ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ to Agents. Srrhtlp Iliarl) Rrade—28 inch Wneels-Wood Rim- ,-Lirge Tubing—Large Sized Ilarrel Flubs turned from Steel Rars-Dust I'rool Hearings--Gilt Stri p ing— All Fittings , a\U Settings and Spokes Uigbly Nickeled . Kins La lies ' an.1 cent' s, 21 lb. ' . . $50 . U. 8. Laaie3" and Uenfs * 80 Rillt! 22 " 60 ll" Kttlo '* •' " m " 63 I Arnf-rica Truss Frame , Ladles ' * Gents 101 America Tandem, 3130 Guarantee I lor ono yea- from date ol ealc. Headquarters on Sundries , H. H. KIFFE, 318 FULTON ST., BROOE-LiYIjr. Keaular Dem.cratie Nomination . * FOR TOWN OLERK : SIMON W . COOPER OF BABYLOU. Nerve Excitement , overwork and worry are ruining thc health of thousands ot women. Ture Blood is required to. feed thc nerves, a gootl appetite and digestive strength are demanded to keep the bod y strong and vigorous , nnd to restore the exhausted energies there must be sound and refreshing Sleep By its power to respond to all these nee ds Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself the greatest friend of women. Thousands write tliat tliey have been given health and strength by its use. It is the great blood purifier , and con- sequentl y the true nerve tonic. "I feel that I shonld be wanting in common gratitude should I fall to tell the benefit my wife has derived from Hood' s SarsaparilJa. She became seriously 111 from running ulcers , caused by poorness o! Blood and was strongly advised by a friend to try Hood' s Sarsaparilla. She said It bad cured ber and would no donbt core my wife. So we tried it , and to arty that Its eflect Is wonderful , is only using a mild expression . It appears to be build- ing up a new constitution for her; and , as we are a family of eleven , there are eleven of us rejoicing at the result. " If the foregoing induces only one per- son , suffering in ths same manner , to try Hood' s Sarsaparilla , I shall feel more than rewarded. " ELIJAH PACEEB, 1585 Mon- roe Street , Brooklyn , N. Y. Hood' s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91. Prepared only hyC. 1. Hood & Co., Lou-ell , Mass. ,, j, I- *.-.- cure all Liver Ills and MOOa S KillS Sick Headache. 25 cont3.

Transcript of s^S^ la Sleep Values for the...

Page 1: s^S^ la Sleep Values for the Week.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031038/1896-04-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdfdeath wus bis enemy and couqaerer. I _WAn Item in the Hoslyn News says: S. K. Jones,

The Outlook , of New Yoih , iseditoriall y championing the MercantileI as pec. ion bill novv [tending in tho StatoLegislature—a measure desi gned to l imitto sixty hours per week the time of labori>r a'l boys under sixteen and of womenand girls under twenty one ¦jear.', andOIFO to compel emp loyers to mak e

certj in obviously necessary provisions lorthe physical health of those employed bythem. Rev. llr. VV. S. Raiosford is

la-nding l.is best endeavors to secure tltopa-sago uf tlie bill, as are other well-known clergy and laymen. The Outlookciosts an editorial on tli is subject byQuoting as follows from a recent addressby ISnho -> Potter , of tl.e Episcopaldiocese of New York :

" Thc gran tli of wealth and of luxury ,wicked, wasteful , and wanton , os beloroGotl 1 declare tha t l uxury to be , has beenmatched step by Bleo by a deepenin g nddeadening poverty which has left wholeneighborhoodso! peop le practicall y wi th -out hopo and without asp iration . Atsuch a time , for the Cliurcli ol God tosit still ami be content witli theories ofiis duty outlawed by time , and long agodemonstrated to be grotesquely inade-quate to tlio demands of a l i v ing situation ,this is to deserve tlio scorn of men andthe curse uf Ontl ! Taku my word for II,men nnd brethren, unleBs you and I, andall those who havo any gilt or steward-tlii p nl" ta lents or means, of whateversort , arc wi l l ing to get out of our tlotliand ense and Fclti-h dilettanteism otHI nice, and get down among tbo peopleyvho are bat t l ing amid tlieir poverty andignorance.—JOung gir ls tor their chasily,vourig men Ior their better ideal ofri g hteousness , oltl anil young alike forone clear ray of the immorta l counigontnl llie immortal hope — then veril y theCl iu ic l t in its Mutel y splendor , itsapostolic orders , its venerable r i tual , itsdecorous ami dignified conventions , isrevealed us simply a monstrous acd inso-lent impertinence .' "

What noble, soul s t i r r ing tvorils orethese ! Coming Irom ono ol tlie mosteminent divines vi today—a man whorepresents not tbe so-called anarchisticelement, but tlie t h i n k i n g , God-fearing,well meaning portion ot N e w York'spopulation—tbey carry wit l i them greatWeight. 'Tbey should bo pondered deep-ly— not merely ai apnlicable to thisparticular bit ol legislation, but to tbe.social condit ion ol a great part of ourpopulation. All honor 10 Bishop Potterfor l i is courage in thus frankl y expressing bis opinion. May much good resultfrom it.

iiit.iiVi: worms ruo.-n ntsiiofI-OTT F.II.

'TH E quest ion ol local option is to besubmit ted to the voters of this township,under tlie provisions of the new HainesJ'.'Ttci.-e taw, «£ the town eleel 'on nezlTuesday, The voters will bo called upouto decide by t l ieir ballots whether or notthe Bale ol l iquor shall - be permitted iotl io tovvnsni p dur ing the ensuing twoyeais. This matter is ouo that shouldnt. '. ba decided off hand , but Ehould begiven careful thought, to tho end that noerror nu r rudo—no injustice done. Wehopo that every voter will lay uside bisprejudice , his personal feelings , and voteas be deems best lor ibe common inter-est. This is a t ime when radicalismshould give placo to calm rensoniog, nndevery foter should seriously ponder overtlio issues involved before easting bisballot. 1 hire are two sidis to this us toev i ry question , antl voters -should en-deavor to vieyv it Irom more than a sing leStandpoint. On tlie th i rd page of tbisissue we print a copy of tlie local cptionballot. Study it und be prepared to voteas you yvish to—insking no mistake.

It should be borne in mind that if tliovoters decide by their ballots against thesale ul" liquor in the townshi p a vastamount ol damage wi l l be done tbo mate-rial interests ol' tbe t o w n , Every hotelwill he compelled to closj its doors, nndlarge numbers of peop le wl.o nru iu tli oIn tu i t i f spending their summers hero willbe compelled to go to other p laces,where« more bberal spirit is.shown. Tliere jsa largo amoun t ot money inves ted ineumnitr hotels iu this t ownsh i p, andncl ion tbat will necessitate llie closing otthose pi aces ol entertainment would bomost tinvv ia.e. While we believo fully inthe wisdom oi proporl y restricting thosale of intoxicants, we earnestly hope t h a tour citizens yvill not vote on Tuesday toruin tins portion ol tho South tsidu as aBummer resort.


According to the st atement of theWashington correspondent of the Hrook-l y n Eagle the Nat io na l pension roll isbeing r.tj tidly decreased. It seems tha tduring ibe six monihs preceding t i epresent year 21.112 soldiers, and sailors ,names were laken Irom tlie roll, and olthat number , 1-1 SL>S in t l iat t ime had died.As a majority »I our ex-soldiers nre elder-ly men , dealh may be expected lo beequally act ive dur ing the -ucceeding sixmuni lis, and in a feiv moro years all stir—living ox-soldiers will be laid in honoredgraves. Thus it is evident that it oarsu rv iv ing cx-soldiors and sailors wl.oserved in the i'lorida , Mexican nn.l CivilWarsare to be aided by lhe Nat ionalGovernment it must be done soon. Onlya few months ago a veteran w h o badclaimed a pension for nearly eight yearBdied , and about lour day s later a noticeeauio to lhe effect tbat bis name bnd beenp laced cn thc roll as A pensioner ; ind , iwit l i tbe notice , came a draft for severalthousaud dollars' back pension. Bat thesoldier had fought his last fight , auddeath wus bis enemy and couqaerer. I

_WAn Item in the Hoslyn News says:S. K. Jones, the photographer, who

has been located in Koslyu for severalweeks, has removed bis traveling car toUlen Cove.

The old-fashioned traveling photog-rapher's car, once a common sight, isnow seldom seen. We did not euoposeone could be found on Long Island uht i l .wo read tbe above io tbe Newa.


Wanted—a livx active, energetic andbonesl boy to sell the .SroitAt, io BayShore. Address or call ia person atSJOKAL office, babvlon.

Shall Itcsidciits ot Incorporat'dVillages Vote ror Those Offi-cer*,)

The lollowing copy of an opinion byAttorney Genera l Hancock is of specialinterest , just ot this time, to residents olincorporated villages :

A LBANY , DEOEMBBI: 31st, 1895.S. E Tennanf .T. C and LD. A. Hin-

man ,V .O„ Schoharie, N. V. '.Gentlemen:—Your letter of the 27t.li instant is st hand.You stale that tbe village ot Scholia.ieis incorporated under the General VillageLaw, namely Chapter 291, Laws of 1870,and that said village constitutes a sepa-rate road district. Y.,u ask :

1st. May the resideuts of said villagevole , at the annual t own meei ing to behel d m x t February, in the town of whiehsaid viliage is a part , for Commissioners ofHighway s for said town ?

2ml . li Bhid ek'ctorea annot so vote,i' an elector living in said til ago—havingtho otber necessary qualifications—eligi-ble to hold the office of Commissioner ofHighway.* in and for said town.

3rd . Is said village exempt from pay-roen tof taxes for the salary or lees ofCommi-sioner of Hi ghway s in and lorsaid town , nnd I'rom payment of taxesfor the opening, erection, maintenanceand repairs of nigh ways or bridges ofsaid town which are outside the limits ofsaid village ?

!n rep ly I have tbe honor to say :Under tbe provisions of ibe General

Villago Law, your vidage, being therebyconstituted a separate road distriot , isunder tlie superintendence of tbe Hoardot Trustees ol the village, wbo are Com-missioners of Hi ghways in and for theBaine , having all the powers of Commis-sioners of Highways of towns .

Chapter 262, Liyvs of 1895, amendingthe town law (sec. 38) provides :

" Wben any town Khali hare withinils 'limits an incorporated village, coosti-tutiutr a separate toad district , exemptfrom ibo supervision and control of theCommissioners of Ilijihway s of the town,and lrc m payment of any tax for toeopening, ertction , maintenance or repairsof any hig hway or bridge of said town ,without the l imits ol said village, no resi-dents of said village shall vote at anya n n u a l or special election iu such townfor any Commis-ioner of Highway s forsaid town , nor ior oi against any appro -priat ion for the opening, laying out ,main-lenance , erection or repair of auy hi gh-way or brid ge in said lown witbout thel imi t s of said vil lage. "

The geueral village law , in making avillago incorporated under its provisionsa sep irate road district , does not exemptits inhabitant )) from tlie obliga ioo topay taxes on account of road districts oftlie town outside the l imits of tbe village.

Unless, therefore , some special statuteto w deb my attention hus nut been di-rected, exempts your village from thepayment of the taxes relerrtd to in sec-tion 38 of the Town Law, as amendedby Chapter 262, Iniyvs of 1895, yoarvillage Is required io pay the,m. Theinhabi tants thereof, may vote al theelection of Highway Commissioners forthe t o w n in wh ich it is located, and aresident of tlie village is eli gible to theollice of Hi ghwey Commissioner for thetown.

Respt .ctlul.y,T. E. H ANCOCK , Attorney General.


s^S las s s "eiVt:-ia. ,liLaa*a-ttTi;.Tlaj i!ii;j-t.."i:i'-aa. '$f% •—-* __?__ tiit-D ee_z *t.T-r.rtstc '¦:2;/>/- ___ \\_\ ¦

uu <s('™£2___23 \ —. Ri*sr*i T!*rAVt!u"-ei Tt;i"^cxcp*c"JtTsiT:..:::-i / ___2

Do not be deceived by infringe-ments of name, package or cigar-ette. "


Sweet Gaporar CigarettesBear the foe simile signature cl

. %^*ag^2*2g£on tho trackage and on each cigarette.

gAK E NONE WITHOUT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BOR1V.Lindenhurst , March 23, to Mrs, Johu Michel , a

ilv it* titer.Middle Uua-i. iiiverhead , March 19, to Mra J.

W I N HH Edwards, H s<n .Oakdale. March Ji , lo Mrs. Frank Zuklyn. a

(¦oa.Patch»Kue, March 19. to Mrs. Fran k Mayer, a

sonFort JelTerson March 27, to Mrs. Harry Lee

ItavU. H daughter.Sayvtl-e, March iy , 11 t f r i Frifz Klas-ke. a s*»n.Sa>vtl le . «laicii 2i , t > Mrs. E iward Munklu-

Vrl tz . a non.Wadtnte Kiver, March 2%. to Mrs. Ellsworth

iiudaoii , a daughter.

MARRIED.NorUinort . March 'JG. hy Rev. Frederick Saun-

ders. Urirry CVo-s to dull A 31 . o-de-itdaughtt r n[ Rtenhen Hloxsuni.

Patehoiiuo March 'M , by ltev . J. W. Dingles ,Mtrry It. luvis , ol Brooklyn, to Louise*daughter ol Mrs. Deborah It. Bell , ol V.

UlED.Almshouse, Yapltatik . starch 25. William D.

lti'cil , ol <J»eci> Dort . ae Bav, 3m.Almslioo-e, Yaphat tb , Mar.-h :*4. Margare t

suubroi ic t i , of sa r Harbor , ao 72y.Hlue l'oiii t, Murcli 20. F'ovil ,-Jrnitll, ao 07y-Babvlon , March 24, Robert Duryea, infan t

son of Mr and Mrs. P. Augutilne Dowuen ,ae iom, isd .

Bay Shore . March Tl), Mrs. Matilda Hollncr, aonbout 30y.

BrldRTe-tlatnptiin, March 27, Ency, wile otBenjamin VV. Bafcc 'ok

Bridge ll...union, March 23, Mrs Mary A.Univ.ae7'.y. 10,1.

Boston. Mass , March 24, Helen 0, Ashman , ofSap Harbor , ae eSy,7m, a.l. Interment atK . it.

Canon City , Jot., March ta , Olllforn E. Heebe,only snn „• Capt, 1-eandcr V. tieebrt . ntOrlt-nr , r.i whtt- l i place " 1»e remains will bebrotiaUc for bur ia l , ne 2Sy.

Deer rark , Ai.ri l i , .lane M. Sonet, widow otAi 're .l P. BTr.per. ne lit. lutermeut atBabylon

llui i tn ia toi i . March 29, Mnrv Louise, wife olJnsei'h 1, larraii i t 1 i i tc r ta ie . i t at YVood-lavvn Cemetery .

MilUi.icK , MTit-t-h vo , Iract Malcolm, Inr.v.tchild uf Georito tl. aud Alice W. Fischer.ne Stn.

A(Id ') l""toivii , ['onn., Apri l ) , Mrs. Lule Arnold ,wile «tt t ionieilus S. Huniiiiii; , formerly ofHan Harbor.

Matiltnck, March 2S, Capt . Helah TOUTIRS , aluinyvr resltlen*. ot 8aa Harbor . ac rjrsy. in-te rment at y H

Northvil le , March 19, Mrs. Mary J. Mayo , ae70y

Nor thv i l l e , March 23, Christopher N. Downs ,ae "3v. li in , 'I'd

Noyac March 16, Lewis It. Edwards, ae 81y,ll....211.

New Y i r k ..Ity, March 33, Katella ".illcck , wifeot Allred A. Kraser . or O.kdile, L I.,eldest daughter nf the 1A:O deury i. sii cck.

Port Jelterson. March 16, Julia Brewster,.•o'ort'd , ae about lsy .

Patr-hogua, M arch n, William E. Ackerly, se4:iy.

Rocky Point , Brookliaven , March II , Lena,oolv daughter or John Robins on , tie —y.

West Sayville , March 20, Ma.-tlo Elirliorn, ae56v.

Woodbury, March 24, Selah Van Wyck , ae CSr,lutcriiient at l lun. l tu i tot i .

Yaphank, Ma.en 2', Stephen B. Drake , of .SasHar«oi .j ie7»y.

Yaphank , March is. John Dalllm:. ae 7G7 -Ytij i t tat .k, March 21 , at tue Co Hospital ,

Smith rat DritaTtrs.ot Amityvil le , ae 7a*y. lu-lermeut at iuib yit . -o.

Signal Family Rscord.

RBPOK T or coMMissiorvEas OFBlghfta \sol the Town ot Bahjloa , N- Y *.lot thu year ending March ^ist , 1493:

K K C B I V K D .April. 1895. B V Strong 3 150 QOMay 8th, J tl SmaUlug, return tax.

1894 143 47July Bib, Hahy lon Bank , on note

ol Uoininjss.oner-i 40'J 00January Ut, IHJG, J U Smalling,

account oi Koa<i and tirhigeMoney aud Apport ionment 112 3*5

February Ifltb. J ll .-tinaliing noadand Bndgo Money uud Ap-porlionm-ut 403 CO

March i*.t. Fied torn? for lumberlett over trom dock 4 00

March I3;h. uoui! idlaud UailroadTax 2$7 22

March 3'**t, J n Smelling, balanceand U and B Money 87 r,l

Total «1 Ml OilDIf»l (UK3ED.

May 3rd , II Suydam , loamiug Ar-gvie bridge I 150 60

June 11, W Shore , ret tax 13S-1 Dist11 4 IB

June 14, V HeUng, ret tax 1894,Dist 4 1C24

June 14 F Kovarlk, ret tax IS'J i ,U t t t B 31 03

J u n e I i i.caudpr Wright, ret tax18 4 , Dlr.l9 fid OS

Sept24 'to Wiliniartli , tax 1691,Dist 10 24 13

July 8. Chas Wood & 'Jo lumberand hardware Udan 's h'ldge,Bab) too tG T3

July H. Hrown & Unwell laborUdatJ' r* b i idge , Baovlon 7 25

Julys. U VoHher mnterlM andiab'ir strong 's bridge, Ltn-deunura t -H 00

July I'-- tl -v Jlerrltr, stubbing,1 15 10 acret north of L I B IC 43 45

July 8 U a h y l o n Uauk , luteiect onliotu 8 gl)

July 8, John a Kruger. lahnr re-bu i id ing ' focK , i - i n d e n i i u r s t 23 28

July 21. VV fowed plowing 2 duysl<ihl M > l } 9 m

July •&. \V Powell flUlng atctrong 'ri hndgo, Liodenlmr->t 62 00

Ji i iy V3, improving South noadLast *¦ m l i y v i i i e 4f CO

Aug I, D r-kldnioro plowiug I- l ^h-wa\8 a* Deer l*«rk 20 23

Nov 6, Carll Mi Hike digging atdoviic , Ltndvntiur.-st 4 5Q

Nov 8, abylou Bauk , Interest onnnie c 00

Dec 20. John Miller stubbing ncsru.is a: 35fh at. L'ndenliurHt 21 00

Jan 1st , 1893, John B acuduer note.muiJ-: by Uouia Ueiing,tttioag nud Wmums HS S6

Feb 15, Babvtun Wat Uaiik , nt.te 403 00March v0, H A MerritL btunniag

l\K iicres on Mi-hoi's l'aih 37 50March ad. N F f t l i i i a m i lumber.

iuoor and hardware _ 92March ^o, Chis Wood j uiuber and

batitwarc 7 57March 20. ' ha* Woo I lumber and

h a r d , mc [old t u t . by comH'.dtmr. March iSy-JJ ' 3I51

March 31, Cbas Wood lumber andtile tor bridge South Itoadnear Mr Fratt's $t CO

Balance in hamis of L'ommlsstom rs 2KiStTotal -j] 3^4 eg

From tbe abo*e balance there La due to roaddistricts Wot 2. 3, 4 , 5, fi. JU, JJ , 12 13 .4, J3, and10 a totil or 8i74 7^a» the r reapectiv* share otthe railroad tuxes for ls95 and on!y 3 itemsremain unp:- i io:Bnad Dist 14 $25 0'JChan W IHRI oatanrc of aa old titc 't t 'i AnAlonzo ti Suiith ior loan of spite driver 20 co

Total $G.MJless difference In billance on hand

aud U i; Tax due district 9 IQ

leaving unpaid 153 21as the total ledebtedutss 01 the l)iehwa>

Board*It had been tbe hope of the (' -ms. to cancel

alt > f the above, bur owinir to unexpectedexpend'mres Were uot ihl-j to do so. However,ar. tbe close ol tu:a year, the bigi .way arfatraof toe lown nre in ootte r .*.nps to .0 ior in in?years bacu. the next tax levy navtng iu [ml foralt roa<t macblnea now in u-e, winch will giveihe districts the lu l l number of day 's workttnsreiu asntssed. It is to ue rcgrttfed tbat uurto*usmen uo not take a taore ttor.ml view 01h i g h w a y nut tern . Miles ot roads wQlch haveco-t. ibo tU 'Vu ihotiAaDAS ol dollars la formeryears are ugatu orcomiiH' over - th rown for wantot lunds to replow tbem F^r tusUnce. tneFarmingdate Babylon road , east end or Dtxoaavenue between Amityville antl i - lndenhur^t ,road leading trom Liodenburit to Melvillebetween Central and LOOK island Kailroads,;ifilb street and 39th street. Lindenhurst , andmauy more In different parts ol the town , aruthc assessed labjr lu tbo districts Is no; tu rn*arnt to tcoiow t t icm.

ItespecKuily submlticdtn.r. wiLi.i A. j ift . 1JOHN S. KBUUEK , -Corns. Hlgw j ys ;SOLOttO.N sMllH, J


Tho undrrs lgned , PUpervisor and TownOler* of the town of Babylon , hereby givenotice that the annual TOWN MEBl ' INu willbe hei J un


in the Election Districts of said iO'\n . lor thcpurjio e «n (duel ing towu otUcura aid v t t i n g ouappropriations*for tho e. sume year

The ottlcera lo be plected art- as follows-,A 'Up ^rv i so r lor the term ut two years,In the

plac ot Wit.U.a O N icoll;A Town ler* for th- tern: ol two years, in

th* pla'ie of Kugeiie Velsor;A Juaiice ot tue ftace for ihg ' term of lour

years, in ihe place of Arthur Neville ;•\ Collector lor the term nf one jmr , In the

pine < of ,/ u -h im t l . Sin nil . in: ;An As.+es-or Tor the term nt three years, In

lhe place ol John ri. -Seudder;A Commissioner of Highways for the term of

three years in .the place of Nathaniel l* WilHaras;

An overseer of the Poor for the lerra or twoyea it-, hi 'he i/lace uf Jacob C* smith;

Four Constat) es for tne the 'enn 01 one vear;One Came Constable tor tho term of oue

y e - r ;One Bay Constable for the term of one year ;' two inspectors oE fclectlon in each ol the

five election districts ol Rant tow. :onu- uii i i i ' lssiuiu- r oi Kxclse In tbe place ol

Cbanea f Hart.Tbe pol ling places in the Severa l elec 'ton

d ih i r i e t s iirv as udlowa; 1st Dtstnct, at tliett -minis Building, corner of Main street andDeer 1 arte avnue, Babylon; 2d DJ»tr ot althe Carpeuier -boo of Wil dam <\. Ketcham LIIvaril avenue. Babyj on ; 3d District at the lib-erty Hose Uoiuoany 's Bui ia iug on WellwoodAvenue, l.lndeuliu.st; 4..h District, at the >>v-ceuni Buhdlog, Ami tyv i l l e ; 5th District at thahaii uf tUe hotel of Tuomaa Wardle, Amity-ville.

Dated March 25th , 1833.2«M W I 1, LI A » I O NICOLL , Supcrvtser.h U l i B N B VKi soit ,Town Ulerk

APfhOI 'UlAJJUNai — NOTlOa IShereby given thut at thu auuual Town

Aler .i l y , in aid Ior tbe Town of Babylou , tobe lield in the several election districts ul saidtowu UII


Ihe f o l l o w i n g appropriations w ll be sub-mitted to the voters, hctviug been filed with tholown C n r k as reqm.ed by law:

> '2'~ r, for r :ut ut Court nuomfl92,5 Ofo r conilngcni fund$.,500 lur support of p-jorJ io l o r I OCK -UP at Amltyv l l l e*50 tor the proper 'j uaervance uf Decorallon

or T*it in or u 1 Day?;K . O ior relief ol indigent soldiers, sailors.

msriues, nud cue tttmitteA ot tin. -to decea-feJ.$£> lor Improving Uoall ave»«-. B<tbyJon| i>for improvliu tn« Haif HJII OW road be-

tween Pet-r rark and *c>t Deer Farkf25ior Imp*o»tog Half Hollow ruad west ct

W. -»t D«-er Far a$1(0 for improving Saxton a v e n u e , Dctween

UabvJoii and Lindenhurstj l -o baluui -e uu A r g y l e .irldge deficleucy$.-.0 for stubbing and p l o w i n g Uates avenue,

Lindenhurst$Tfl for Stubbing end plowing ?9th street and

part of aixth avenue , Lliid-riihurst875 lor eiubhmg au-) p iuAi ' i g the Str i / h t

Emu u. 'rth oj NuguDtaiogue rond , 1 road liomindt-nhurs . to w est Deer Bark]130 tor improving Kaimiugdale ani Babylon

roan west uf Blnbup 's n<v&inp$uin ior anarn rati* at atrong's and Ketch-

aru 's bridge.*. Lindeoburet. and repairing TMJI ,J .1bridges in the luwu

fl o f o r ga de boards on post-if25 ior Improving broad Hollow road north of

Lon« Islaud Uailroad.5:00 for improving County L:nc rosd north of

South Side Uai*roa*iDated Ai.i .'i v vlilo. March ii , in te .

2w9J EUGENE VKi .tuK. Town Olerk"Ti H. TOJ'I'iWO ,

Dealer In



Goc-ls delivered free of charge any day of

the week,

t One baU bushel of potatoes given away to

1 every purchaser of tl o1 worth of groserlei for

one week. 3mf4

Patron ige of the public solicited.i* . . . . . . hA ¦ - * a h a a t>* a, a a. a **** (. aa a A



Has discontinued tbe sate or Musical lo-ftra-meoti In order f>pay more attention ro ibe re-pair trade,- blch haa more than doubled sincelatt sear Tou will do woll to t&Ke jour Wa.ch-es. Clocks. Jewelry or Bric-svUrso Co Un forrepair. AU work warranted 1772

Islip Advertising.



ISLIP, - - L. I.



I have ihe finest and most!complcte "utfithat human skill can produce tor the properfittlog ol spectacles tor both young and oil .Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. All errorsof refraction overcome, however d i f f i cu l t .

Um74 #


W. 3. J O H N S O N,

Islip, Long I s l and*




Full an-tortmeat of blt-ycle sundries Wheel,tented by day, weeli or iitoti l l i a>id repaired,

(let my prices belore purchasing elsewhere

ri T. SMITH,

Real Estate AgentISLIP, L. I.


LOTB IN ISLIP VJLLJIOEfor sj ilc at low prices:. Onr-quarter purobaaomoney in ca.li and llie baJauce oia bund audtaatarrarar-e. p i l O K i S E R. - i i lTH,

j olt. am. BOO. O. n.,CIVIL ENGINEER






flamlasarr Worlr , a Specially. ]y*»4¦ i , . i ift i i i i i , , ii , , , i , i i, i - . . , . . ____.

Save YourMoney.


FLORIST.-fii^aSo, Biy Siiors,

Come acd sea my Greenhoasos—S.O I.I) square feet of glass . The onlyplace to pet cat Sowers lor jour tablet.

Fanen 1 Pieces of erery description,including metal floral designs, sheaTCSof wheat , immortelle*, etc.

Palms, Feral, Bedd ing Plants,Hanging Baskets to rent

tor the season.Flowers at wholesale uul retail,


Independent In Politioa — impartial inBelidon—" Bqnare" In BnaineM-

HBNRY LIVINGSTON Fropnetoi a EditorBI.BKHTG LIVINGSTON ,.Business MrnagerrtlMON W. OOOFKB— 4s«ocl.te Editor8 W UEVVINS. New Yor* Bepreso.itatlTe.

Office. No. USBa-oad war,

wa .TA.I-1-D BT one PRI «RIT*)—otr» FBtmrDSaaa THOB. WHO STASH BT UB.'

Saturday April 4, 1896.

.. ^JZ€_%IA '

.C'V"/ ¦' ->•****. J *EP53L

w ^ ki%


' '

.* T.KT Tltltnit HI t'ODT, •

A note from our wtll-remerabercdfriend , Ool. Aaron A. Degranw, ofJamaica, dated ot Oak Hill, Fla., onMarch 25, coiaTeys the unpleasant newsHint ho has been in poor health allwinter , suffering Irom carbuncles, andconfined Co his room Tor over sis weeks.We jud ge from the tone of his lette rthat he is now regaining hii health, andtrust he may hereafter be exempt fromsnfferiog. 0..1. Degraow sajs that theorange trees are cominrr out nicely ; thereare so-ne bads, but there wiil be no lruitof eny consequence in the Oak Hillsi'Ciion this jejr. He says last year'sgreat freer.3 left Florida in poor condition ,and it will be some years before sheregains her lost ground. Since January1 Vol. Vcgranw and family have beenenjoy ing all kinds of vegetables grown inthtir own garden , and at the time ofwr i t ing greon corn and strawberrios wereinclude.) in their daily bill ol faro. Whenfish are desired nil that is required is togo down on the dock und ealch os manyslieepsliead as are needed.

Col . Dejjrauw says he recently maOoa call upon a friend , Mr. Theodore B.Allen , of lirooklyn , yvho has a place atOak Hill . Ue found ilr . Allen fidliioglor mul l e t in a novel way. The hawkswould catch the fish from the lagoon , andas Ihey soared over Mr. Allen's placetha t gen t leman would discharge- a shotpun (not aiming at the birds , but simplyWring in the air .) Tho birds ; woulddrop the fish , nnd Mr. Allen 's dog, whichhad been trained to do Ibis, would t.ickthe lit-li up and br ing ihem to his "taster.

Col anil Mrs U e ^r a u w a-e to r e i u r n totheir home at Jarnai •« about Awil 6.

Jdg7~The S) ON »I. has always contendedlhat in political allairs a boss or leader—we believe tho words 10 be synonyui 'j iis—is a necessity . Our n aders, whetherthey agree yvith U3 in that particular ornot , will no doubt boinlorested in readingthe tollovviug statement in regard to theorig in of the word boss. We take itfrom a letier on political matters fromthe pen of ex-Mayor A.Oakley Hal l , ofNew York , printed in the lirookl ynStandard Union ot Saturday :

I notice lhat many Dewspapcr writersStumble over this Knickerbocker word" boss." It is purely of New Amsterdamor New Yoik ori gin. The Hollander knewo landed proprietor ol power os a "baas ,"pronounced precisely as idaDj* ppehs it— boss . The word v?a» first heard about1300 in tliia city, as applied to a Tammanyfarmer of power named uunj ed Purdy,auu paraphrased from the aforementionedold Dutch word. As lar back as Jacksontimes, Uld Man Frank Blair was a Na-tional boss . During lhe Civil War oldThud Stevens was a boss. And soonevery Mate lound ore in each party.Thero ir iUft of necessity be such a onein any party. Senators Murphy aud Uillaro ilie Deinocralic bosses o£ this State,ns Plait is the r cognized Slate boss ofthe Kepuoli tat is . He certainly carriedthis Stato I'or U.'irri9t<n in lb84, and be-cause Hnrrist .n quarreled w i t h l.iiu , Har-rison lost 11 iii 1888 . Again I say letno Kei.ublican de e. ale to the St. LouisOonvention underrate Hie sagacity,acumen id resources of Bos, Plait'sfertile mind . Il he or nny politicalmanager should do so, "ho yvould beleft."

J3F"Walter L. Suydain , of BluePoint , is not a Long Llander by birth ,but by adoption . He is, however , nsthorou ghl y and sincerel y aitacbed lo hisinsula ) home an if he hud been ben here.This at taebment found expression , onThursday lust , In Uie lollowing resolutionoffered by Mr. Suy dain at the RepublicanConvention ot llrookliaven town :

The Republicans of tbo town olBrookhaven, in convent ion assembled ,do declare the recent changes inthe names of Long Island villages to beunwise and undesirable, and do deplorethe loss of the old , familiar, histoiicnames; therefore

Kest.lved, That we request the PostOllice Department of the United Statesand the officials of tho Long IslandUivi\r. .ad not to make- turtl ier changeswithout due notico und that a publichear ing ho granted to the inhabi tantsof the locality when any change of nameis proposed.

Well done , Mr . Suy dam . Youlresolution was a timely one, and yvohope it yvill he beetled.

I5^"a\ very strong sentiment iu favoroT a puni-j lnnem lor murderers that shalls tr ike terror to the beans of the «en-eral public seems lo pervade the toivnoi Hempstead just now. Tlio electricchair is considered too mild ami easy alorm ol death , besides lacking tbe exam-ple as n lea«on that a public executionpossesses. It may be returning to sbarbaric tendency, bnt ihe seulimentsurely exists, and not alone in lhe toyvnol Hempstead either. — [ I s l a n d .

Jackson and Jarvis, lhe murderers ofS. Jones, antl Ilugg, iho strangIt.'r ,were al!pub licly executed in Queens Co.by meansof the guilt ,ws ,and other colortd men havobeen severely punished lor variouscr imes ; the deterrent effect of the pun-ishment seems to be lacking, however.

f-|gr*~a\ number of wealthy residents ofBayport uud v i t i n i t y have lormed theBayport Itoad Company and secured fromthe Commissioners ol' Hi ghways of Isliplown tho contract for repairing "tlio roadsill that stcMfii of the towu. The objec tol the company is merely to have goodroads , nut to make any monet* as a resultol the unde r t ak ing . The hi ghwaysunder ihe control ot iho company will bethoroughly spriukltd nnd ntlienvisolooked "fifier. Alre-idr oyer $000 havebeiu pledged lor the purpose. Tiie p lanis w o r t h y of emulat ion hy o'.herwealth; residents of towns in which thecontract system of road repair is inoperation.

fcJ^Tlho N e w t o w n Register says :One ot the brig l .Ust and ablest men in

Queens County is Mr. John O'Donnell, olJauir ica He B a leader in every publicimprovement, lie lias iho c.j uraxeof hiscony ict ions , and never backs down fromwhat lie bilieves to be rigbL Not h ine rescapes bun yyh .ch is oi itnere t to l.ishomo village. Ho is a horn capia in . lielias all tho>i> qualities which carry wilhIhem the rig ht to command .

To which might be added the sta '.e-inent tliat Mr . O'Donnell is au Apollo inappearance, with the streng h of a giantand the good humor cf a Mark Tapiey.All tbat cur good friend lack s is a wife,am! that lack he seems loath to supp iy.

.—.—¦—. E-tf~Tlie latest manifestation of crank-

ism is lhe proposal to teach dentistry inthe STJI IOO IS. —[ World.

If it were possible, iu tlio few shortyears allowed the average cbilJ in whiohto procure an education , to thoroughlyteach dent i s t ry , tliere would be no goodreason for protesting against it beingadded to t h c curriculum. That yvouldat least be a usclul siudy. But for tbe" rank and file " of children there is onl yt ime in which to-learn a lew il i ings , andit is best that those be lhe sludies lhatwill te broug ht 111 0 d-til y use in afterlife.

-Ea?"An exchange sa.s :The l.onn; Island R a i l r o a d locomotives

are being converted n.to veritnbie red-jackets, Tbe *' jacket," as tlie covering i.ftiie b»ilt r on eacb m ,ine is termed, is be-ing d.essed iu 11 thick coat of pa ln t c t r res -ponding with the color of tbe passengerco. C'JCS. The idea is a novel one.

J__r*'A telegrrm fro m St. Louis to the

World says :An afternoon paper today prints inter-

views witb thirty six murderer * ln St.Lonis jail , who are nnanimonsly opposedto capita l punishment.

Of course.•* No rogue e'er lelt lhe la ter draw

Witb eood oploloo ol tbe law."But this do;s not prove anything.

A l l murderers would naturally oppose

punishment of any kind. Capital pun-

ishment lias never thus lar abolished

murder , neither did it prevent stealing

when thu was a capital crime. Life im-

prisonment woald prevent imprisoned

murderers from repeating their oflense ,

and Hat is all the punishment a human

tribunal can properly inflict.

{ "Assembl yman Burr 's bill, which

permits deer to be shot on Long Island

on each Wednesday in the month of No-

vember has been sigoed hy Governor

Morton. Wiih the deer snooting days

numbering but five at most, aod scatlere d

a week apart , there is likely to be less of

a rush to the deer plains than in former

years; but in order to " make the most of"

one day 's sport in eaeh week those wbo

do assembla there will probabl y be very

reckless and ihere will be many acts of

t-arelt-.ssnefs and some fatalities.

pgy-Tho Island says:One ol the quiet , st men in Long Island

nevvspaperdom is Editor Dan Ar thu r , ofthe Northport Journal. Nobody e'erhears of his doing anyth ing very good ,bad or intlitierent. He must be one olthose men who let not tlie right handknow what the lelt hand doetb.

i l ro. A r t h u r is liko the major ity of ourgui ld—he attends strictly to businessaod "' makes no noise about it . "

6Sj™Kev . Dr . Parkhurs t, of NowYork, like many o.her persons, is not infavor ot tlie Kaines Excise law. Hesays of it:

If tho ten commandments had beenjammed through in tlie way the Rainesbill has been jammed throug h , I wouldbreak t b e m — t h e whole ot them.

The Reverend Doctor evidently has thec image of his convictions.

{5£»""rho3e who shoot either ior pleas-ure or profit should bear in mind t he factthat the new law passed this winter for-bids lhe "jTicking, " or shooting at night ,ot any l)ra*it or geese, under a heavypenal ly. It is a misdemeanor, under theexist ing law, to shoot at any wila low!after sundown. The spring shoo!ing ofsni pe nnd p lover is also strictly forbidden.

ASy-Governor Morton has appointedNicholas llallock , of Queens, one of theTrustees of the State Agricultural Experi-ment Stat'on at (Jenera. Tlifi appoint-ment was made 01} the recommendation ofthe Quet-ns County Republican Commit-tee, but lhe farmers of the county de-sired iho selection of P. Halstead Scud-der, ol Glen Head.

s. . ..... < 'fgr-II t-nry U . Lyman, of Oswego,

has been nominated by Gov. Morton lorStato Excise Commissioner under thoRaines law , and l.is nomination lias beenconfirmed by Iho LSenate. ilr. Ly manis said to be a»man admirabl y qualified todischarge the limits of the ollice.

EgF"Aesemb!yman Post's bill providinglhat the Shinneeoek tribe of Indians shallelect iheir Trustees on tho first Tuesdayuf A pril io each year, has become aaiv —Governor Morto n h a v i n g aff ixed hissignature to i t . The bill is Chapter 108,Laws of 1800.

t_W~A good man was lost to thisworld when Judgo Thomas Hughes , au-thor of " Tom Crown 's School Days,"d i td . Everyore yvho had read this pureand fascinating story ol Eng lith schoollife learned with genuine sorroyv of t h eauthor 's death.

,— _ .—. t3F"The following, from the Moriches

Messenger-, copied verbatim ,is a specimenof '.' Eng lish as sho is wrote • "

Dr. B ike r , of Yaphank , physician ofthe Hoard of health, was in town Fridaylooking afler a lew oases of scarlet-rashtha*. has npueared in our midst.


Tlio Drinocrat'c and Republican."Vo.Jlilj eeo,

Tlie DomocraU ol Brookhnven heldtheii t o w n convention ut tlie old Hutch-inson hrmostead , at Middle Island , onMareh 20. The following licket wasnominated : For Superviso- , John L,Havens ; Town Clerk , Edmund F. Haw-kins ; Collector, Fnrin in N. Horton ;Justices of lhe Peace. Dmiel H. Buck-ing ham , Fred O. Darling ; PresidentBoard of Trustees, Allen F. Davis ;Trustees, Alien F. Dj vis , Eugenr. VV .L.ne, Wil le t t S. Swezey, Haiury P.Wright, Alauson J. Payne. Charles W .Pelermau antl Ge 'rce W. Hirdsal ;Overseer of Poor, Feed aM. Ruland ;Commissi ..ner of Hiahway s, E. EugeneI l a w k i u 3 ; assessors, Noali T. Terry audWoodhult Dei ton ; Game Consiah.e ,Louis Gerard ; Constables, Jamei Fallon ,Jr ., U. Seymour Hrown,Geori.'e Camp bell,Robert K. Morton , Augustus W. Thomas,George H . VVteks, Marcellus V. Roo andWilliam C. Carter; Bay Constables JainesW.I . iynor and Edward Ove*ton .

The Repub.ican convention lor Brook-liavei. town was liel.l at the ollice of Ros-well Davis , at Yaphank , on Thursdayalten-oon. Tho lollowing ticket Wasnominated : For Supervisor, I. Wil-onRiteh ; Town Clerk , Richard M . Bayies ;Collector. Henry Uilletto ; Justices ofPeace, Theo. W . Wheeler and Riley It.Howell ; l'residen '- Board Trustees,S rautl Dare ; Tuistees, Samuel Dare ,Sy 'vester Ruland , Ms/aga Smith .ElfcanahRobinson , Steward Perkenson . Vi . W.IlcYVtj l), Fi l lmore Baker ; Overseir ofPuor.GeorajO L. Chichester ; Commission-BI- cf Hi ghways , Hampton E. Penny ;assessors, E. Holds Newton and Isaac B.H a w k i n s ; Game Constable, Henryllallock ; Constables, Junes MerieleAddison II . Bumstead , Oscar Jayne,.Innies E. Welch , 11. Seymour Brown , J.Henry Coziwi , James IJ' y denburgh andHoward Swezey ; Buy Constables.GiorgeVV , D. tv ton aud Mart in B. Ackerly.

EAST -H A M T I O N .Tho People's party ticket will be the

only one in lhe field at next Tuesday 'selection. It is made up ns f a l l ows :Supervisor, George A. Miller ; TownCork , J oseph S. Osborno ; Justice ollha Peace for lone term , IJ. D. Sleight ;Justice ol lhe Peace to fill vacancy ,Theodore D. Dimon ; Collector, DanielS. Edwards ; Assessor, C. H. Miller ;Commissioner of Highways, John S.Penny ; Overseer of Poor, EdwardBaker ; Bay Constables, E Lynch, J. D.Bennett; Game Constables, Condit Miller ,E. Eois ; Constables, W. H. Collins,James Grimsbaiv, E. W . Edmunds, J. O.Hupping, J, W. Baker ; Town Trustees,James M. Strong, D. E. Talmage, O. H.Miller , B . H. Barnes, W . B. Bailey, J .D. Parsons, J. U. Muhord , Nathan II.Day ton , Remington U. King, Elisha U.Payne, Edward M. Baker , David J .Gardiuer.

At the Democratic convention of thetown ot Smiihiotvn, held in Academyllal l , on Tuesday, Marcli 24, the to l low-iug nominat ions were matle: Supervisor ,E, 11. L. Smiih ; Town Clerk , E. E.S m i i h ; Juoiices of Peace, William S.L.1WS01), Henry D. Kerr ; Assessors,H . Cliatfield Smith , James A. Gordon ;Overseer ot the Poor, Adrian Smith ;Highway Commissioner, Alansou E.. allocR ; Colh'ctor. Julius N. Burr.


Patchogue, L. I., April 1—SupremeCourt Judge Wi lmot M . Smith bas de-cide! that villages incorporated under lhegeneral village incorporation law mayvote for Hi ghway Commissioner, but notfor town highway appropriations. Tbisdecision was brought about by WilliamII. Pierson , the Republican candiaate .'orHi ghway Commissioner of the town ofSouthampton , who j o ight to compel thetown olficials to place his name upon thegeneral ballot lor the entire towu ,it beinggenerally understood that the incorporat-ed villages could not vote on bigb*aymatters, and that there was to be aseparate ballot lor Highway Oommission-tr. This dc-ist'on concurs yyi 'h tfreopinion of j Utoroey General Hancock ,that a villagu incorporated under thegenera l lair may vote at the generalelection lor Hi g hway Commissioner,and that a resident tbcrein iseli g ible for tha ollice and thatthe incorporated villages are not exemptIrom tno obligation 10 pay taxes onaccount 01 road distiicis ot the town out.aide t h e l imi ts of ihe village.

This decison wii l cause mnch troubleamoDg tbe clerks of the towns in whichthere are incorporated villages, as theorders for the town ballots, including Ibeseparate Hi ghway Commissioner ballot,have been given and in some instanceshave been printed.

Tne Inspectors of Election iu Brook -haven town were notified a week agolhat Patchogue could not vote for High-way Commissioner. Roawell Davis.clerkof Brookha.eii town , bas just beennotified of Justice Smith's decision andwil l have thc names of the candidates lorII g hway Coinmis ioners printed on thegeneral ballot —Brookly n Eagle.

I . r t t c r —Ai , Important Declalon l»vJ.idKe Mnlt l i .




' if i tSfA ' - - 'might properly,heiertSmt/^£'S-*8r and a parro *. time "oo,'-W|v|SJ^K!rnii)g and Friday morn-ing it: Tilt-'SttOre of Bobbins <t Son ,on Stfal| -; The affaia- grew out ofth»•1»J_K^{TR':'KCJele below list rates .For |; lB« the sharpest bind ofriWllwAi jBrtetl betw.*eu LoGrange V .OtHwMmmfrtbe firm ot Robbins &,SOD. ' 'j 'tt_P*Pn was the natural out -come j I Bl rivalry. It seems tbat.some IH S»n agent of Robbins &Son nfl ,:T^_fs*rtwright and purchasedone olB Rt of wheels in questionbelowjH»Hfci-iea. Cartnrigl.t is u,.tthe reJS H?ent for the wheels; theother lE| |"Cartwriglit retoliaied byindaciifii JKtfd Gartetv , the barber , 10purcbsjffl A Bobbins <X Son oue 01 theeome l$M Hfwheels at $10 below thelist * OBB Hebs wheel was sold iouarretaj Bp recen t given the latter ,who V«B Rfced to let tbe wheel remainuntil *«| H" '.When Garrety called forthe wHS Kss refused him. A I O W

erisuealJB Harrety was final l y knockeddownwl 9 ef t-' An effort, wss nlsomade,ffgjHSrTety claims, to got thereceipPC^r|rom him. The followingmoraigjpjwHSarrety, in company wi lbMr. OsL Hit. again attempted 10 takepos.e*fj* gjl 'tbe wheel, when ar.otberfight ewa3w'len Edward J . Bobbinsstrnok **, (By over tbe head wi th abott!t>_fpr !3ji. Cartwright drew a re-volveiff __\D& Kcbbins and Car twr i g htthen rfr ,, IM and /or n time tho " lurflew. 'Xl Hwone supposed the mat te rwonldV^ Htbe' ooarts, and rumors ofarie-U>fe |JBs-il actions v.ere cu r ren t ; butsomehJliTLM""-6 was efiected and theadair [ ajBeitied amicably, and Bay*-hiire'stDj3flpt sensation came to asuddeje a25| The incidents createdcxcile&a jSSflhe lo«n , and ihe "scrap "was, I06A __e, tbe talk of the place.

The tar IMiriiaoteation of whieh th eresidtrjfc H

__P«V Shore have especialreaROulirgi3|fiProuc' '9 lhe PenaiaquitCnrlnti,r2JSttkht Club. Tbe objeet ul theorB*h}mm__W l0 eDCOurage its memtersinbecoSr Hofioienc in ibe managementof iha.A..yf f l i and lo promote sociabil i tyand r£i , SB among 11s moinotrs.It la iiai I to keep it an amateurorgaolS Sy*llmiiio« its membership 10yacht sBSera and toosedirectTy interestedra amaEw. jachting. It is proposed , inlhe nefcf atnre,to erecC a °'ub house, onestory lSJieight, with broad veranda , onthe sbfit fl-Ptlt between Ocean and FirstavennjflHSl employ the services of acomDevBaBgan to look alter the clubboats. JaBP-he election of members willbe d«l*M!E 1*P 0'"- by the Board ofQoyeifBClnH The following were thoofficer»*l<i^&'l "' tbe meeling held at ihoOasini* MBiday evening : Commodore,Harryp*,sBsWBler > slocp Avocet ; ViceComnfeflBWilhain T. Cushing, steamerLotusK*»jW_f Commodore, O. If. Adue,Bieamte_m_Wa '< Secretary, M. K. P.FullerSiHji aliBtral; Governors , J . A.Molle&i M Steamer Thelma ; SamuelT. (ajofl B8' Damfyno : H. S. Jewell ,cat 8._m t_\ ¦'• B* Brazier , sloop Glad ysB. ; S HBavea, tloop May BellentliBrB MerB ofthe club are : Carl EBrewiBB- Nomad ; O. H. Covoll , J .p. LoKaWoop Nathalie ; Charles A.ivrintWaB sloop N o r m a ; George MSmitliHBftb*1 P're : Edwin Thorne , catBvelyBHPlll>'6d Vail, pirogue Coiuct ;Lonis ___J ___|wm. sloop Mistral ; Edward!&D*r __ \ ___met Jewell, J. Covcll and

TbeH -Hon which has been going onbetweH HB-pt * Edward Hulse audHermS| fflbfe't of this village , hus c- meto a eB Hy"-* Home l ime ago Mr.YouoH Wapt. Hnl-e for $2UU on anote, SB Mred judgment against .'-im.and ctJH ^f-I proceetliogs

to sell thesloop HI Bl- owned by Oapt. Hulse.The s*B Be sloop was adjourned livettmesJK BSS to have taken place lastFrida_g__*ill8be sale was to commenceCobb®an{S,,x served an order si gnedby C«°**mlge Beeve, resiraming ihoEale tjP"1 _ybg tbe jud gment CounselorUar**Pn4 jj |ck obtained Ihe order IromJudgS '»e at Grtenpnrt on Monday, ona tefin wit?, the action having beencomeftr m in tbe Supreme Court, andjud gtij io/ a'as entered by default iu tbeCouofle twait. Tbe costs of the courtnmoui|r »o $100. The entire proceed-ings Klt**ve . to bo eommenc.'d over6gainfeo3w-?er *?urm an conducted thecase^ -3-- young.

Bc-fe*H& Clock have broken groundlor al___H__ptory Irame struclure 32x55feet, «HIf erecttd on their handsomeBi te,{BB*wFlrst avenue and Main street.Tbe 3K Br 0l tbe building will beU6edJ»'M-3'mes3 purposes entirely -contlJpi^B*'0 large, roomy stores, yvithplates! gonts, eto. The second lloorwill fe 'i Sf >

or living apirt i i iei . ts . AcellaA. SBxtend under the enii.e firs t"0(*eraaaff ^rt -ro m tlie e3-cavat'on labeinf 'M across to the other side ofthe t\a-«.AaWktre *he ground is beioggradi 3Pratory, we are told , to theerect r*""? '!!! another bui ld ing .

FraljjjjjSSprague and John II. New-buryj Aaera^ jears pas t employees ..ICharll^'S'Syail, have qui t tbo hitter 'sempl?|:.?, "j fforming a partneisl .i ,,, haveemtaff ? lhe plumuiuj and geneialhatd«*0^wiues3

in the Donnell y storeon j-Bw-MHavenee They wi l l laterrep oAeaWe—r and more commodiousqV 8 An tbe block of Robbins & ClockonV. It wer of First avenue and MainstreMtjkey ine young men who possessevermjrswilsile wbich tonds towaidmal*a_____f9___cces9lu] business men , nnd wil lundBoH'y do well in their new

AHBter sapper and concert wasgiveBj lBhe Congregational Church onTueHHBveniDg, and was largely atlend-ed, H__Bml'Pei wns an up-to-dnte onein BtWjRspect, and lhe musical programwasHgHfery way a ore.ntablo oue — l h eeeleWBrei)dered by the Messrs . C. iv.BirdHBBpd E. B. Green and lhe MissisGrea_____Bd Marshall being especial l ygoodWBlont $30 was netted .

TljBBage owned by Floy d Tillotsonon aUHHtreet and Bay Shore avenue isaboutl be moved to

a site limberdown fie latter avenue on the Dominypropei 'y. It is rumored that the propeny of.-Mr. Tillotson has been ir>!d toHenryiB. DeMilt, wbo wil l erect abusiness block thereon. We weie unableto Wfifetbo rumor.

TBBB1 the agency ol W. W . nulse,JMrsBijB Goon wold , of 3,737 LocustslreJS Mj adilphin, Pa., has leased lliecotHiWB61 Justice John bl. Howell ,00 oJoHUvenue. Mr. Hnlse hns alsoleaseJMHohn J. Wh)te , Jr , ol NewYorkjWK the cottage on the estate 1 fConkfli Wicks, on Bay Sbore avenue.

MrB Matilda H- .ffuer , a respectedresidA ot Olinion avenue, this village ,died &Monday, aged about 30 years .She i|BBived by several children. Mrs.HnfT. MWBl resided here lur over t w e l v eyearaHRBie luneral took place on Wed-nesdsBRd 'he remains were interred iuOakvBHlemeterv.

JuJWarff * Hulse is now "at home ' inBr»n|_^B>"'£ 8lore> nQd news s tand .TheiMBBanager. wbo took possession00 VlBB^B7' w)" ^° ,0Dn<1 a w u n h ysucc*_pur to Mr. Brown , nnd we t ru s t hewiillfnii his latest enterprise a pro&tableone.**[, -s .

Ground . has been broken for tbeerection of a store 25x30 leet, two storieshigh, on the Thompson property, cornerof Maple avenue and Main etrset. Thestore, when completed, will be occupiedby T. J. Barnetc

A building boom soch as Bay Sbore basnjTSB known before is now in progressher««aSil lie epidemic seems to be spread-iogSpidly. It ia not yet known whenit ralbe stopped— not for a long t ime,letHhoBe.

Leonard W . Young assumed char.e oftho Bay Shore post office on Apri l 1.The location ot the oltice,~ wi 'l be changedas soon as permission lor the removalfrom tho authorities at Washington isreceived.

Tin Can Alley or O-inal street isa thing o! the pas t , and in its place is theboulevard herealtrr to bo known nsHoman avenue. How the " eaEt tide "is growing and improving.

Al^ en Sf. Hallock , for many years a.lemployee nf Smith & Brewster , hasentered the emp loy ot 0. W. Vuil—succeeding Frank M. Spr.goe.

Thomas Jellerson Burnett was onWednesday appointed by GovernorMorton Notary Pub.ie for tyvo years.

T Jt ll'erscn Burcelt has declined thenomination for Trustee ot Town Landson t l to Democratic ticket.

IfciikGaV Record."'.yai *- <W» '

, edm *t****aaatiit ****». ****^***t. V t__t&___\_ \m_ J-'ai:-f a inter- |1 isa - - " aat8Lmnaily cnre3 1'• Vm " (K, cramps om- _____ > acd a11 °; «|" Wnfm a, STH> b o w e l 0

. ____ i "" '. f _ \____n t o n - .; *_$ __W_$_ W Flai°t3' !; u'c_ * p* ,; _.K HfiStsndd en S

* J^TS m j W_r «oM»» eMH* *! : M m J'PJwPniJid *U Grippe, |

CS tptnil^ttU the best lini- 5ta| mkn. rarld. ' Beware of £tag M. bov mlT the gerolne ii;-:fel ^.j

Easl-T will be celebrated as usual in thevillage churches , tho programs beingespecially elaborate ihis year. Thefollowing ij lhe program at St. Mark' sCbnrch :

M O I t N I N O SKBVtCS-Pror-e-s inni l Kt. KevinK.a->ier Cba.i tTe feiiuj Laudamus l.oidlleiicllctus Bedjcesl lymu lal

"1'hes t r l le is G'.-r , the 1! une Done"Kv r:e K eiscut ) t . 1 . t . t 1 i t - il iy iu- * 1J"

"Jesus Lives, Tliy Terrors Now "S0T0

"1.-01112 Sea ih-j PT .ice yYiisro J-j i . t i L iy "KV'tT.MS.l SKl'.VK'l'.

rrT>rj-= .:i) :i il St . Kevinlla! tl - u.Niou*. I ' iinttusl i v . t n t i.i _ "aVngelsETIII MIR K o . i k A w i v"H) imi '7 *- .io Is Itiseu , Ue is llisj u "

At ihe Presbyterian C h u r c h tiie fol low-ing proa -ram wi l l oe rendered :i:aroT — ' cim-l ilic Lord 13 lllsen 1. .lay '

MasonOltl l l i i i i t l r p . l

"I' t a t . e Clou ! oal WilOill A T T b!> ss :ucs F .oyv '"l l t l i i . t 1 I

-l l an llie U.ty Ib i tS t - ^b II in liisc" '—1' e v i lC uria i au i l- .eTstorexl l v i u i i |JO"Jesus t'HilstIJ "r.Ts.i i T.j rt.iy '' V,r. warga'iA..11.en.'* .) -loi ln l Soiiutl , O Ulni ioas Hour I ie l rTj11111111 Iti :

"ll .u k .Tt -n Tuo.i s imt Ha- is antl Voice-,"Ma.f.il

I'oit'tudc 'Our <ilsrina>a Kii)*." MusouThe iio 'l- iw in l l i e Sniilh road near the

Lake Bouse has this week received theattention of Coulraclor James ll-irvvood ,anil the condition ot the road I L I S beenluucti improved.

Work on tho completion of the M. E.Church will commence some time doringthe present month , as plans aud specifica-tions are now in the ham 's or the bui 'ders.Tne church waa lelt a legacy ot S.1000 bythe late Philander J . Hawkins , and bylhe efforts of Pastor W. C. Ilia e nan andbis *:orps of workers the amount has beonswe'led to about $4,000. The work offinishing the church , however, wi l lprobably involve on expenditure ol $5,-500. It is thought that the deficiencyyvill be raised so as to dedioite the churchIree and clear from debt some time in tlienear lulure.

R. Denning.Superintentlent of DickersonBros', tronl preserves ut Hauppauge , yvasaroused about 10 P. M. last Friday, bythe j ing ling of tlie alarm bells at tli epond . lie found a m ui loitering aboutthe ponds, who evidentl y intendedDurloinm^ some trout ,but bad apparent lynot iiad an opportunity to accomp lish bispurpose. The alarm bill "gave himaway."

Among olher nominations sent to theSenate ou Monday night , by GovernorMorton , was tliat of Henry H. Hollis er,of N u w York (a yvell known summerresident of Isli p), to be u Manager of theManhat tan Stuto Hospital lo fill thevacancy caused by the resignation ofGeorge 3. Bow.Idio , and lor his unex-pired term of ollice.

The foMowini j are the officers elected atthe lasl met l ina i f the l.-ll j. Hi g hSc'io.,1 Literary So.:iery : Presiden t ,Howard li. Sands ; -Secretary, li. C.Car twright ; Captain of Team, Ral ph O.H a w k i n s ; Execut ive Oommiitee.N o r m a nH a w k i n s , Chairman ; Fred Whitman ,Uowatd SnTids , Clarecce Berry.

Tl.e coming election* lias not as yetcreated in..ill exci tement . nnd*'both sides"stem lo bo tnk i i i i ' mailers very easily.Theie will, however, probably be ascramble lor votes at ihe last m nule, andelection day wii l not be w i t h o u t lhe usualexc i tement .

Tbe memorial window placed in St.Mark' s Chnrch in memory ol tho lateKoland Redmond was not made byTiliany it Co , as implied in our report .hutby tlie Tiliany Glass and Decorating Company, of 333 to 341 Fourth avenue , NewVork.

Tbo Sunday school concert to bogiven at tbe M. E. Cliurc h ou Sundayevening uext wil l be ot groat iut, rest.aV very tlaborato program , consisiing ofSonus, recita:ions, etc., will be renderedand all should mako an effort to be pres-ent.

There will be a sunrise service in thoPresbyterian dispel on Sunday morning,April 5 at 6, o'clock, under the auspices cfthe Epwortb League ol tbe Methodistcnurcli and the Chris t ian Eudetvor of ihePresbyterian cliurch . Aii are invited.

Cards are out annou-cing lhe forth-coming marri ge of Miss Carrie RieJeland George Clock , ot this viiiuge — theceremony to lake place at St. Mark'sEpiscopal Ohurch on Tuesday , Anri l 14,ui 2.30 P .M .

The dramatic entertainment under theauspices of the Church Completion boeietyof the M. E Clinreh , which was recentl ygiven to a smal l audience in the church ,wili be repealed on April 17.

Calviu M.Southard lies a handsomo nnJnovel s lam—a m a m m o th horse -shoe, witl ihorse suspended between lhe points otthe shoe. The sigu is an exceptionallyhandsome one.

Our cordial sympathies are extended toPlumber Joseph LTiinon upon ihe dentilof his mt ther, an octogenarian, who diedon Thursday last at her borne at Scrantoo,Pa.

Johnson 's cafe shines resplendent in anew coat ol spick and spaa white pa in t ,wbich is entirely tejping with thisthoroughly well-conducted resort.

Dickereon Bros made large shipmentsof trout to the Grea; Neck and FlandersOlubs this week.

GREAT K I V E R .Services have been ond will be held in

Emmanuel uburch during Hoiy Weekai follows : Wednesday alternoon, Thurs-day evening and Friday morning snd even-ing. Oa Thursday evening and onEaBter day, the Holy Com-munion will be celebrated. Oo Easter daytbere will be service in tbe raorning,Si.n-dajschool festival in the alternoon, andtervico in tbe evenioe. Tbe rector, Rev .T. S. Pycott, wil! preach at all theservices. There w i l be a disp lay ofEaster lilies , and otber rare aod beauti-lul flowers, from the greenhouses oi W.Bayard Culling, in tbe chu rch on EasterSunday .

.The Bepnblicians of Islip, ia namingJabez E. Van Ordcn .'or Assessor, were

very wise in their selection. Mr. VanOrden is lully qualified , .nd in every waythe right man lor the ofliee, and ehouldbe elected.

E Z. Smith has had hia force of menat work cn Main street, plowing, andharrowing it, and doing their best to getit in good shape for tmvtl.

Capt. William Smalliug is loading hisSI OOD wi tb clnu-.s lor the New York trade.

Mrs Elli s Monsell has been sick , but isn-w slowly recovering.


A meeliri u will be held on Wednesdaynext , April 8, at 7 P. M . at the store nfH. Bunce. in ihe Brady Block. East Islip,for the purpose • f oruanizicg a Court ofthe Forest-rs of-America, avd personsbnvioi' application lorins , are ret |U ,sitdto till them in and re turn to ll. Bunce ,Sec'y pro teui .

m i l !) r i t i a a e .

Mrs Alfred A Fraser, of Wes' Savvd!<> ,died on Mon 'av afternoon at tu e home other brother , Mr. Selleek , iu New YorkCity. a\bout ti* o weeks ago Mr. andMrs . Fra'er wnre c iHed fro m th t i r homeat West Sayvil le t > New Vork to the bed-side of their sick daughter , wh .y wasvisi t ing nt the Selleek home . Thodaughter improved under tho tooth er 'snursing, but \Irs. Fras-r was taken sickand died. The fu leral services too'c placeon Thursday afternoon Irom Mr. Selleck 'shomo.

Saui ' i i l e .


SPRINGAttire now occupies tli e thoug hts of womankind. New fabricsof fi nest quality—largest assortment over offered by us andNew Tork pricss are the attractions we offer.

Values for the Week.30 inch Chameleon Moire, l'2c. per yard.

3G inch English Mixtures anil Checks. 15c. worth 25c.38 incli All Wool Engl ish Chev iots , 35c. real value 50c.Nottingham Lace Cur lains—3 yarj length—75c. thc sl.2.r> kind.Notti ngham Lace Curtains—3 1-2 yard length—00 j neli width, $1.25

value $-2.

AH linen Hemstitched Towels. 12c. well worth 20c.Ladies' and Children's New Spring Jackets and Capes of Latest



All goods delivered free of charge wi th in 20 miles.• ¦* ..... f , , M I ..... I .. I I .I ..*H .. .I.V *.« > H

The New Rochester Lampe.;*V j ) hus the best Wlrl. i:,.'.>r. Jg

ll' i . i I'lirsf . ni ., *""° soiled fingers when rcwickiag. ^>* X-

^7JW_|Wjf VfiS^v\ Tho best Oil Indicator. *w gg

Attl I llf toA \l\ l\ No oil running over when fillinj. Bn$-)>$:ttra¦T^W'j'frOi&V v^

The best Chimney Lift. K£2jlJt^Xs^OcS^Bw V

No burn t finjjers or broken shajes when lighting. fe^* -**j

2 Ja The New Rochester Parlor Heater JpS cn mm*m\\mm\w 's macle *'ke lac ^am P- but needs no chimney- Portable *%. I 1 :Tr.-"\A\X r *-\_ *\____ \r txrid odorless. Burns 13 hours with one filling. >fcl _l?r $^ 4 Lamps in China. Glass and Metal in every concciv- ^

^j- j-^00 -j-fffflrXs^y able design and finish. One burner—three sizes. K-??*****.o *vs2gJk ~,T\ Lamp or I leaicr complete as shown, sent securel y tT\*f ^&__ir42^>_

_^ *-A

Z ^^* packed io any address on receipt ol $5.00.

\ ^___t___________lii\ )"5- JUA£$S

Write to us for catalogue if the lamps kept by your QHSSR JS*E f ] f f i £\ dealer do not bear thc "INOW ROCHESTER" sump.

J^^^^/5 /t_^_\_\^> T H n RuCHESTC R LAMP CO., iOj ^^^/a»jC Q *»«Sfl5i_y" 42 pafk p[ace flnJ 37 u^, street , New York.CSt \&r. . ^ . . ^ . ^ ^ . . ^ ^ a . a a ^ . . . ^

^ hAtA t t i i t f " ' ii ' i i * H m u . in » f t i n i* » t t t i i i . i H )

_ <£fFRANCKJrnl..


your . husband gets at the restaurant, that he likes so much—don't you wish you could make your coffee like it ? YOUCAN.

To the coffee, as you have been preparing it, add some" Genu ine Franck "—the directions -will tell you howmuch. That is all. Here's the result :

Coffee of a rich, gold brown color and delightfully nour-ishing. " Genuine Tranck " makes cheap coffee good—makes good coffee delicious.

FREE,—Sample Half Pound Package.—Write tor it.

American Branch: jj li . j _ j *" //"a/*./' -DEINKICIt FRAXCKSli llNE Jt CO., C\/ffltWJtfi e"'

•'¦To^'SCfi ' ~°f rtf ? '^"s UiW&b^^JsTiii rfiB^

- L t t A A . A t . a a . . , . . a a , ¦ , a . I a . I . a u.l a ai a l l a ¦ t a a t I t tJ . I i . . .. a jL a- A ^ ^ A a - a w A a a a a a J - i - J ,

BicrrcnuES....*T~A KIFFE and U. S.

^?iSl \ SfflS !l meri°a' Truss Frame

IPllll P?' ^^^^J^'l ^era ^ Discount

^^ ^^ ^^ to Agents.Srrhtlp Iliarl) Rrade—28 inch Wneels-Wood Rim-,-Lirge Tubing—Large

Sized Ilarrel Flubs turned from Steel Rars-Dust I'rool Hear ings--Gi l t Stri ping—All Fittings, a\U Settings and Spokes Uigbly Nickeled .

Kins La lies' an.1 cent's, 21 lb.'.. $50 . U. 8. Laaie3" and Uenfs * 80Rillt! 22 " 60 ll"Kttlo '* •' " m " 63 I Arnf-rica Truss Frame,Ladles ' * Gents 101

America Tandem, 3130Guarantee I lor ono yea- from date ol ealc. Headquarters on Sundries ,


Keaular Dem.cratie Nomination .




NerveExcitement, overwork and worry areruining thc health of thousands otwomen. Ture Blood is required to.feed thc nerves, a gootl appetite anddigestive strength are demanded tokeep the body strong and vigorous,nnd to restore the exhausted energiesthere must be sound and refreshing

SleepBy its power to respond to all these

needs Hood's Sarsaparilla has proveditself the greatest friend of women.Thousands write tliat tliey have beengiven health and strength by its use.It is the great blood purifier, and con-sequently the true nerve tonic.

"I feel that I shonld be wanting incommon gratitude should I fall to tell thebenefit my wife has derived from Hood'sSarsaparilJa. She became seriously 111from running ulcers, caused by poorness o!

Bloodand was strongly advised by a friendto try Hood's Sarsaparilla. She said Itbad cured ber and would no donbt coremy wife. So we tried it , and to arty thatIts eflect Is wonderful, is only using amild expression. It appears to be build-ing up a new constitution for her; and,as we are a family of eleven, there areeleven of us rejoicing at the result.

" If the foregoing induces only one per-son , suffering in ths same manner, to tryHood's Sarsaparilla, I shall feel more thanrewarded." ELIJAH PACEEB, 1585 Mon-roe Street , Brooklyn , N. Y.


Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91.Prepared only hyC. 1. Hood & Co., Lou-ell, Mass.

,, j, I-*.-.- cure all Liver Ills andMOOa S KillS Sick Headache. 25cont3.