USSELL AYMOND OQBHEB FO ^ ^ .. r JK^ ^ - . A.-. - a&jT^ffr. ....

T HE S OUTH S IDE S IGNAL RUSSELL RAYMOND VOQBHEB8. Edi to r. President and Treasurer. Rusi.ll Baymond Voorhees; Vlco-preddent, C. H. Voorheoj ; Sccre- ' UT, HA. Kaiitman. Catered at tbe poa'office at Babylon. N. Y.. ?. - *., ' ¦ ' ) "' \j»irieconil " claa» mitttr. Eaticription: $2.00 yr; Single Copies , Sets. ANOTHER FORWARD STEP. Beginning with the nex t issue The South Side Signal will pet accept any more advertisements to be set in read- ing type unless they are put in the Want column. The beat newspapers in thb tha corintry wnfeth' er tbiJy : are city papers or country weeklies " do. not ac- cept readers , special notices and similar advertising and The South Side Signal wishes to follow , the best ne ' ttspaper practices. Such ' advertising will here" after be ' folioS only in the * Wan 't column. -A .7. ,. y,!\. y f ' . iy H SPECI AL NOTICES Fire , Life , Accident , Automobile and Liability insurance, see W. H. Suydam. Anyone desiring a brand new Ful (on 2 tori truck or 3 1-2 ton Fulton tractor truck at a sharp discount on serviceable tejtms of payment , should see the First N&idnal bank of Bay Shore or 3. Wf. PidkfeBteto. i-rv } ' . .- , 43 2t Steamship tickets to all points in Eu- ropJ^for sale. W. H. Suydam. ¦ ' : ¦ WILLIAM P. KETCHAM pi wi> ||^ ; DEER PARK AVE :. BABYLON. L. L STEAK AND HOT WATER HEAT- y, ING A SPECIALTY ti v .jr f ~ If All Kinds of Tto onrf Sheet Iron Work . Cook Ranges. Pp^r and Oil Heaters. * " "'" ' - '"' '"'*» * ""' ¦ •;' . ' " ' ' ' . ' - .... j}. ' , ' - . «^ JOHNm. ARINK § General Auctioneer Furniture Stored '' i- " . t kr- ¦; ' .Aw ¦r ' . - - Al P. - ' A. -C, . . *• ' .. " . " ; . . ;.. .. Dealer - iri ' " !" ... ' . ..: ' ^ " v . Farnitore for the Heme and Office Carpet , Linoleum , Bedding, Bedroom Suites, Etc. - / Two Big Buildings Always Open For Public Inspection A Fine Assorment of Second Hand Furniture For Sale In The New Auction Rooms TERRY BUILDING Jeer Park Ave., BABYLON, L. I. J^ARPENTERS AT TOUR ^&F0ftl0BMN6 : B M —— E. W. HOWELL , BUILDER, ¦ l/ . ': " VABnf c^4& : ^'^^ __ V Sf Real Estate JESSE S. SMITH TELEPHONE 443 Babylon NY . Miss Etcel E. Smith , %: . $C 'Post Graduate . -SVurse TsUphoiu 334°J ' Simon St. RABYLON , N. Y ¦ To the Voters of Babylon Village. i, .. . . % . ,I. - ,,* ' . .. .... t VXp$ earnestly• solicit your support at the polls i I' , ' -.. <y ¦ ' ¦ ' - ' . j- i ' -'* . * ¦ ¦ ' Ai . . i ^ ' ¦• ' A .r at tne village election on Tuesday Inert , and astute you my bt. «st efforts will be to give you a clean , ' eco- nomical government dur- ing ' my term of office if I ami favored as your choice for Tillage President. Miy , jbusiness experience of the past 40 years , hav- ing served with bfie organ- ization for 25 years, I fpel qualifies me to give ear&fUl and painstaking attention to the " mahy problems ' that arise in the manage- ment of municipal affairs. I have a direct personal interest in the affairs of our village, in that I am a property owner and have a 1 w ay '^ endeavored to maintain the good name of my home village , 1 in plac- ing of Babylon at the head of the " Honor List by the fe, J purchas e of Liberty Bonds of the several issues , tak- ing an active part in these and various other war ac- tivities , and in many, other ways having identified my- self with the advancement of Babylon , its people and its institutions. CHARLES E. PUTTFA RCKEN > ALL BUSINESS MEN Keen ly realize the value p f perfectly pressed clothes, j Our method of pressing ia . ' ao modern that we actually press the natural;body shape into all clothes, give you lasting creases and a uniform f . finish. !. . . f 'i'Yf'A j . | A..- ,- ' .1 ?:* ' i Vf 'A .y' •' . .-".. VI , . ii . Satiofoctioa . Guaranteed l (M^mmM , / . TAILOR ' " OaS Fello^tiiP ' w i fcAylon , N. *Y. ¦ ' «¦^*~*m*mr *m* . WHAT IS A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER The South Side Signal ia what ia termed a country newspaper. It ia one of the large number o f weekly papers tbat seeks to serve the population of a particu l ar part of the country which in our case is the. ' village of Babylon and its immediate surroundings. As suc- cesj or failure is wrapped up iu the interpretation that is placed upon the phrase country newapapar the new own- era are very anxious that the reading public be fully aware of what we feel ia the mission of the country newspapei in general " aid of The S^uth Sidt Signal in particular. In the firat place we believe that th< South Side Signal should give all tht news of Babylon and the surrounding towna and villages. We believe in giving all the news without prejudice. We absolutely disapprove of putting an editorial tone or sn expression of opin ion in a news story. The South Side Signal will be . open to newa of/every one and everything without considering their religion, race, color, political be- liefs and ihe size of their pockelbooka. Outside of giving all the news every week we bave no mission to perform. Babylon has a fine set of churches of every faith and variety of faith and a capably corp of leaders who are being paid to save Babylon (if it needs sav- ing) therefore we do not feel it to be a part of our duty to point out the proper morals for the people- A man is* en- titled to his own beliefs without having to feat exposure or yiilifieation in tbe local newspaper, . * ¦ ¦ ' And wbat is true of a man' s personal, boliof s is true in an equal measure of thoyvaripug. activities of life. We have co quarrel* to pick with . anyone. It someone wants to bring a part of the Suitpn ' s ha^n» : toJowa}, !fpr}a show that is their 1 buaineas and the business of ,1: 1 .. . I. . . *.. ' . * .. :-. - ..,- ,TT , . ¦ those who go to see itend not our.busi* B8^i . As news we ^ould print, a story about it but as for , passing on the caor- als ; Of tho harem or the desirability of having it in our, midst , tbat is a ques- tion fpr everyone to decide for himself. And what is true , ip this case ; is true in overy otherpase. ; We have . no set of morals of our own that we are try} ing tp force on pur readers. WeJiave our opinion bn every question but it is a personal opinion and nothing else. Too many people mistake o brain otbrm for a wave of public opinion and burst out to print with c two mile barrage tbat finally spends its fury and is soon forgotten , The ' Sorith- ' Si^Signal ia not to business to handle brain storing even if they ife" the ^' brain otorms Of the editor or owners. , . '! Tba South Side Signal under the new regime will deal in news excuaively. Scandet, moralizing, preaching a rid otber non hawbpapar :< duties will here- after be left to thoae who are expected to perform thoae duties.: , '!' . ¦;¦ * ' .. Most people are aware that potntoes have eyes, but how many know that certain common garden and wild flow- ers are similarly:equipped? ' The nas- turtium, - , begonia , . -lover , i wood sorrel and bluebell , ninoli ' g others, haVe eyes placed on their loaves; says London TJt-Blts. They tare tiny protuberances, filled with-a transparent, gummy mix- ture, which focuses the rays of light upon a sensitive patch of tissue be- hind them. A- hasturt'lum- - plant has thousands of such'- " eyes" on its leaves, Wit tt is not yet known If the plant can actually see. Are the sense Im- pressions telegraphed to some central nerve coresponding with the brain of the animal kingdom? In addition , to this visual orga n many plants show a sensitiveness to touch that points to further resemblance to animals ; while certain seaweeds and mosses in an early stage of their existence are able actually to swim through the water . Plants Have Eye*. j ¦ ¦ '' --—- ¦ -—--———p-4^»—» . . , -- FO I iiRE iN siMWiiil Sei!!^ , SPRAGUE BUItjI)pG^yO^K Res^ce Phone 29fR i " ' '" Y Totteii Place, i \ - , -¦¦ ¦ ; -- .. : ;. . „. ^ ,;, *:, - . ^.. . .^ - .r . - ^^17^*" " ... - .. ¦ . ". . . ... . ,. . _ - .'. ... . ,. , " ,--; ¦ - I- ' -: r- A. - -r e ¦ ¦ . i < .,:.. * ; ¦ ^ . ;:¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' , ' - ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ iliifi- - Jjf . f '. ^f . 'v. ¦ .. . . ^ ^ ¦' ¦ •¦ ¦ l*"* ! ^" *" * ^ " w-.. .ommmmmtmmmmw ^^^mmt.^^mmmitmmm.mtl ^mm^ m 1 im fl } . .. K .. - K ^ [ , ,, ..../u .u. . . i, ,i^v. = . . .. .. ,. . . , , - r. ' -Y .i; . ¦ \t ,i ., iii} ' f v<iM Wmm - "^in ' i-dP fE NlN <i .*S|p^s i •: ' "" ! ' " : " ,i :c ; TOM 'to Ov^ ytW^ !! SATURDAY, MARCila ¦ - ; . '' Mmffll^H MU ¦ Every garmentln stack witt"^'^MHllJK to an introductory price which tw^^aE ft Having tp the women of Bahylon <m^ 1 Wi f|H p. A mong other ^ specra/ ^ft«- esy tte^o^i^l^ ¦ Uj ' f ollowing: > .- .y, - - ' ' i' y' ' - '7Ym } ^§mj A i ' ' rSr ! New Spiing suits, tricotine, serge pid y wool jersey in all of the popular colors | and shades; I." •. <';/ ^ 'Pi^^l 1 AAi \ Regular, $50.00. Special, 1 5.00. yj Regular $35.00i Special , ViSjOO. M Other priced suits reMf ced aii&i ^| Bj ; j ¦ ' . ( Dresses, georgette,, satin attlj ffeta Y [Uj in various colors and shades , yl pud- ; ! lu fn] ing those with beaded trimmj|n| ^' / y frTJ Regular, $49.^0. Specif^} SSO. Regular, $35.50. ^pedaJ mSf).: \ Other priced dresses reduced c c& *Wml& r ¦ A ^m ^spAy. >y Perfe ct f it assured. A AlteiWM HM':. . : ! . " f^K Ij The Fashion Dress , Cloak ane Smt Shop. P P. H. Green f id« Deer Pa ' dtAveaue -y BABYLON, N. Y; | l Ke CMriection uj. . .. 1 iie-tii -if m ^Kmmmyy . .Y. Vd . m o o ' il lc =^ m ^ ± —--i- 4 '^^ ¦ mmm^ ' r- "- ' - - ' : ' . ¦ ' t ii * ' . ' ."l aMB ¦ ., . ¦ . .. . . .- h g Buo i j - i ¦ ' ¦- ' ¦ ' : Bank-vvoff'^B mKt^y i- i Deer Park Aveooe 1 1 ,^ , , ' A Check accofunt with pKiH 1 lift tk> [i safe and convenient way to koe^ l fMI ¦» and mak e : - " your paymen ts -> ^A/xi,-^r|;q ; ^Sfci 'S- ^ 1 i :* > ' . «<vftty 5 by cheSk : and' '3|oir i? aM pfSficei^t. ^ } I. . Interest paid on apdeial dt>(a By j i- " * ' ! Your account is earne^tl ^ j^a mi y -iii; ,}, ., ' , i ,,,, - We will be p leased to piatip| iiiW^ Bs*^'^ f'-w »* charge all Liberty Loan bou-^'piujehafl KUp hi; f . j John GUnto^i Rol»b^ tpmM 4f aM lyi^Prw. Albert D. Haff. Vice Pr«- j- , '^; IM W*h*YY m '-nwr' rmMmimwmm mxkmsi ' I• ¦:. .. . '| j. 'i j w ' ^^' lr 'A i '!!! ^^ A S *Z ^ r ^«^ , ; I 7' .. r JK^ ^ A. - A - - ;* ¦ ¦¦ - - . A. - . - - a&jT^ffr. M . ' ¦ :. -. _^_ A_ JUA ____ . y. < e> li^eieniTOjea pt* ; I' fjj Ay^^ . .fpHQffii; 614 j y ^ SpJSiSigiS^i^^^J 13th ~ r | I DbROTHY PALTON ih I SHE MARKET QF SOULS" [ y i SUNDAY AND MONDAY^ ^~| ^ HARRY CAREY in | m ARKED MEN" S ,^^L I HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY -FROM HAN D TO MOUTH j ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gj - .: . t- A \ ¦ * ' -^——^^mmamtm ~——^ _ ^^^_ ^ __„ ^__——^—————^—^ ¦ ISSill ib , r t : . :0l - .3 , ¦ yr- iss^v . -no , , Ar. <jy lli e 0: j. , :-ao * *;ci .,, i jjj t : ., 0 * ' ^ I BROADWAY Flushing and Graham Avenuea u Wti Q AYL\ . Y | ]' ^^ TO ^ jj M ILL E ND S ALE ! < , / I AV. JjL I- , * . ) ' 5 HI ¦ ' i. . ¦ . ' 7 ^^^ ^^^^ m ^ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 11 ; ^ |-| ¦ ' '"' ¦ ¦' : ' y^y ; "yy ::: 'SWIl^ ^ INTO ; ! THE ; ¦ ; ' " if Second Great Week ] y\ 3 . "' ' ¦ ' - " ; ' ¦' ¦ - ,-¦ ¦ : - -y . - cyv/j ¦ y .A:A zAi-iA AR- ' yi y ' " * "*}' ;" * . |; i X .„ ' ' '' ™* v ' r a.- ' > ¦ ' A: v . . b Ar kO nt , , " st- Y w ,-or ivs n !. | y Savings f rom Ev^ JDepartment j !! ' " A-'A 7Ai : ' : '" "! - mi ' " -. - ¦ ¦¦' _, tex 1,1*:,. . . . *!¦¦!. - ¥ fl : -^eatei * Than Ever Before I ; yy ¦ ¦ - , ,B!. ,,„ . ., ym ¦ *,- ..*:,. . yh,fli: ,., % l . ' \ , t - ' ¦ '. ' ' •il ¦ ' -' : y A , -^v ' ¦ ¦ .. ^^^^^^ 1*. « t i * , ¦ , - ; •* . * * ¦' ¦ ¦• -X' - . - . ' ¦ - I . . . . .. . .. . , . ,v ¦ J; }' * . J ., . ' * . ' - -• i. - -. ' ¦ . ¦ i ¦: ' ¦ ' ¦ . :: ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' - -T I I ^Watch the Dail y Papers for Additional Am*w«v»» i %mm i im^^^.^^m^ moh Qw*Ay * \ ' -/' ri : - L«i. ' '/ Ci-^^ 9hlkkh.*i^ ' "• ' " ¦¦ ' ' !l* \ik&m'Ai &EB&W AU^j'i^sto i^l^^iXti ^tJtp ' . > teeis' .' :- \j b, -wi i . £%. V: U :' . ' ; ¦ ' . ' !' } ¦ •:¦ " AA'A ,y<y ^' - *.^. , :y. . .Ay7" ' - ¦ ' ¦ ' 4" W^fc^ ¦ 7 y - '-S. r i m&& A ^ i.ri.^ti^^ y ^y r Z Ai YAyAA ,. * . ¦ ' _ ;y„ ;i a i ' ill .:A::. ' Ay: ,A y :f :i ly y ' , . ' ¦ ¦ .l i.r . - ' A r. A A i ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦- --: ¦ . .-. . " Ai J£ih|*i ;!C : # AMAND ' /} ;^y; 'DENTIST : X S AY ; ASSM ' I ' " C ? AS A Babylon , Telephone 263 J. 1 sr : M NE»ENHURST . j - ' " . _ -_ A - . - -- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:- ¦ ¦ ' . - ¦ : - ' - .- ¦ - . - ¦ , - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' _ l ' ¦ ' . - !- . .. . 'Ji /rl fi . 'f " !' '-[ : -' ' '* . VOTE r ! for y WALLACE E. FIELD . ' cii. 'iA f 'M . ' . : (ti< AA y &' $'*<£• \-t ¦;. - - * ¦ ¦: y ' .' . 'if-' . ' ' - !-> ' A-Uiv. _^p ' ^, [pi' -c b'i ; a%j fo r / ¦ c - t- i ' - .. v VILLAGE TREASURER - . 11.11 . . .iAC - tl-iU'i ¦ililii i 'i ./ii. ' p i W C i . y. JJi;rf .lioif .Ui S ' Regular Democratic Nominee : i , I \t}£'Hl : tj f . tv wi- *,- ' ¦c^ _ t;- { - Ci- .. > J ^ . , " ' . #v ' .OH t * A' i Why a ^^ Painter / ?^^ " Smiles ' ( ij jjlp ^ ^^ ^MBH ^B«^HII ^J ' ^T - ^^SjVtTlHlUV pa-inter tays , it ^^^V ^ Jkkt a— makes h' .m smile ^ W )AlH^7l when a man insists o n 1/j KMJm^m 1 H. W. Johns ' Liquid J^T&^ J Paints . It always Wp. i^|fs B means another job from ^Q. iv I the man next door. Envy is just ' I another name for human -nature. i - a ^ ^1. W. J OHNS^^ J V* . PAIN l " i VM - ste famous fot their lasting quali- ' * .¦][ ties. Made from a ocientific for- I mula of the best materials , machine mixed , in exact proportions , they I are the only paints that re&t the I cun and weather. ' Do not pesl , crack or chalk of?. Get a bciuti- I ful color card and informatioafrtwa t Babylon Lumber 8t C6iiiG% : ' ..: Babylon branch of :n. :&; . ' . ^E; Bailey i&Sbh$ Patchogud ' ! Sayville / IsEp ' (.. P -5* . cy' -;:: v » ' -fyi V ii&fAKis.; . " Roofings, Lime j F-Wtilizen , i't,/, j liMf i&YBrM , <^^Woo&W I /';y*y;;y ; *C«fk^' "T^. Ri4>i ^ , ¦ / '¦ ¦ ' ¦; ' ¦ 'I ' ll - ¦' ¦ ¦'¦i ' . H .; ' f l* , . ' yi ^ . t ¦T- ' 1 . ' ,1 ' , ' ¦! '. !'* t ' ' . ,. ' ¦ - ,-„ .,V„!*. - M.. . .eiil ' . t \ Mllllllll»illllIl»lIllliM ^ I BURGLARY , THEFT ' a-d LARCENY. I S JllilllDIIII!lll illll!ll!lllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIII!lllllilillllll!!llllllll!lll!ll!llllll . 1 Have you considered the possibility of your being I robbed—either by the professional burglar, or the M 1 amateur sneak thief? - , . 1 Our records show how many losses are due to dis- j , honest sei vants , mechanics, peddlers, etc., as well Ii as others to numer6ns too mention. B " BURGLARY, THEFT and LAB CENf Policy coy- | ers personal property ofvevery descri ption. . - ' Losses are paid proniptl y on the recei pt of satis- I B factory proot oi loss; no ^^ vexatious delays settling. B Rates reasonable—cheerfull y furnished on request. ' Jeremiah Robbins Insurance Agency I I- . . - ! ' f O. sl. /. ' .lcCi llillll: . . ' ,. */. , ' . , (- . - . ¦ - j; . ' j' . l! - - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' . - ¦ ' « ' ¦ " / ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦¦ " . . ' }/ , . ' . " ,- . \ A 'iA . "' ; ..., v yyAir *pp?R m ~~~~~~~ y y iy , i , iyy ^ (m,raf. . ¦ . . . /, y , , ., i * M ' ¦ -r-,. - .- \ ** __ . .'!- __. •!¦? * :*¦ ¦<¦& «; * - ;• "•- . —V' r..t1, - .ifj».;,i. - .>«..ti.: JAMES B!SHEA , Sr. i - ' . ' . ., -'' ¦ Y , ' i mil, I . "'» , ¦" ¦ . . , . vi y ' ¦ "' Fiir cxti.i- *ss»ia. - . . ' . .rnivi*.it:i Qlvvi *\ 8t» * -^f .. ' ' . ' ; A Yfflag^;f^ra$ . tee ' , / , ; , . .f i - Regutoi'Dembcrajfcie ^minee. . 1 ; ¦ ' •¦—- ^ "f ii ¦ - y "~ -Y' . , . YJ Jianies p"Sheai-Sr /y ^ i y Democrat I wV y. *i-- 'ry , ¦¦ ¦¦ gg"'- ' ' ":" - ' ""Vr:Y:;\ . . , !! , % - , M "*^^ °^^^ H ^ ^ I '" III '^^^^ ^^^™^~™^^^?!ann?!y^i . MSWOH R^r ^B^BJiv\V^yi families m moderate circumstances, SI L ^yi r^> ^P ii i^i^ butoor fOUBtomers v havioviiadt- felt * ^^^S^S3 L ^^W?fy&&i&i! : *-he Pinch of rising pficefl ¦ so far m> ^^ W^^^ AHX^^J O WM a8 ! toeat;s . are ' Concerne(i. ' Qur ex- ¦ ¦ j^1S l| W&M$p I S va oi W6ahion [ aiinadeBtii profit i / ^i^SifeT 'i ; iV|ARKET ¦ ' t' i . _^_, LOUIS siEGHv^e^ ' y* :•'.} -iy- '- - y. ;j . ' ^©LLAREK &WCK , #i|lM'|^,*?' ¦ . "!. . . - y . ¦ ' y *•' . " J '" " '¦¦ ' " " i - ' y ¦ " ' ¦ - I . L 1 .1 . ' . 355 ii m ' i'.< ;• ' . . ' n.l i. I ' ri i' ii C5 33B53SSSB 5S55 : iiyyy ^aHBJSOidi^w^p^? : •y , .of our j djllt^er^ 'iis ^ ^nei. of ,.^Tor greatest > , y! assets, yve strive^ ^ constantl y to serve and satisfy . all itheir; banking jvneedsV r ! Ne^' depositors v will , find here ' yeVfer^ c cohviehce 4hd^accomodation i cpnsistaiit J li with SOUJI^' Ranking. ' :••• i ! THE BABfttiN RATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve . Main Street -Ol/i'O 'Qitl' -tt '^- ' ¦! V iC ij lirl I ' . -<--¦ ¦ --• - ^^^m^mm ^^^^—mmam —mmmmmmmm ^mm—mmm V, - * ¦ ' ' ¦ A\\\: ~ - '^-LlI ^_^lilL^* ' ; - OAKLAND ' OWNERS , ' ¦ ll$M& ?}¦ " report returns of from 18 to 25 niles per galloni ajf|jftii>mia and _from 8, 000 to 12 ,000 miles or, tires. % ¦ ' - ' [ . '/.yT ' Y' i- ' i [•' " " ^B/y^^M^^^M&xJ^^I H ' * ' -r J^I ^^^^ ¦1^^^ " "I^SSSSw \ ' &*' j__W/y ____ \ B ^^ H ^ K ^^H ! ^WsfSaflH ^^^^ TV 7? 'I THE 0AKt™/ ; " i l - f , - . , ' ; vyv -- v ll'/ ' /' ' " , SENSIBLE SIX f DURING VAR \ - ¦} . . . . '. .. .. . . . .y j , . . A . . . - .,. .. ;,.; . 3 . ,; ,. ; ¦ / |}y f i} ¦ •} >. - . '/ ¦ ., ' y ;. y- ,*.v. 4* %. *'* ' y. , /y^' ,^* . i. i. ¦ *v * ¦ .-X i . . I . , .. i - I ¦ . ' ' . ¦ ' " "v - " «, ¦ ;.:- jr ' A ' ' . -/; ' ! "' ' ; ¦/ . " . - ¦ ' !• " ¦ . ' - ' p| "I ' ' I Thousands of busy menl- ph ysicians , s ales-. " 'f i-• :- ¦ ? ¦! - ' menj contractors and otber¦« whose work re- quires the crowding of many miles into a busy -j " ' ' day-f^are beating the clock W driving Oakland| *|. **~ Roadsters. Thru the use- qf this efficient and ! dependable car, they are makiag rrmore calls 'in : ! ' ¦ ' ¦ . /• ^ lessj time. They cover gre it distances dail y j y .; without fati gue, for th.e Q* ' iland is built for i ' , •¦r u-M ffi.' \ '' tr , ' v ' - ' , "* - ' *!!' *' - . . ri *' * ,. ' ' ••. ' . •:-. : •:. , ' -! i ridingtcomfort. . And they. found ' " iYiA ' A- Ai " ;\ lanol Roadster to be as econo mical as 'X'^i! . / r -> ' ... ,-- ¦ - ¦ A . .:-¦-- ¦- - - -¦ys-yt' pi , : ¦ ' jf ik- eient - - A ' - . I * ,*vj \y -v., v. .. " :y-/ ' iy- > rp % j^ K -y ,y ' L ¦!* ^ iv f i;*. - js, ; W i ' ¦¦ ¦A ' . Ai A7- ¦ . Yy ' - ¦ ' i: ' ' | / y }. // ' ,/' 'j. . : ' ¦ - " I - . . . - . ' i ; ' V^Ilfcl' -i' , : ! TOURING CAR, $1^)75 ) J ROAbSTl|^$t ,Q75; f COUPE^MiteS k)UR DOOR SEDANt $1 , «25 : $*£ F.j ix i; ,! pi i|^j^»;«p S "rp. »« -i 'l" . "" '/ bii« .b-5 wa»i«« S ' ' I ' I' I 1 CONkUN'S AUTO SA^eO; ' ¦ ' . i^tffi,; wilih-.l «t!i*i.v>3 ¦ ' -.¦ - ¦ ! .f-v. %' ' ' •¦ , ^#||p' ii; ' ' ' ' DEER PARK AVE., BABYL©N^N^ »^ J ,. .J ,, , . '} ;^ '' ,; ! . - ; ; ji.-^mni ¦;¦¦ fcjgMI '%3BH. ' .'- ,:: ;: * -• - ¦ ' -.. ¦ ' ¦ : ¦

Transcript of USSELL AYMOND OQBHEB FO ^ ^ .. r JK^ ^ - . A.-. - a&jT^ffr. ....


President and Treasurer. Rusi.ll BaymondVoorhees; Vlco-preddent, C. H. Voorheoj; Sccre-'UT, H A . Kaiitman.

Catered at tbe poa'office at Babylon. N. Y..?. - *., '¦') "' \j»irieconil"claa» mitttr.

Eaticription: $2.00 yr; Single Copies, Sets.


Beginning with the next issue TheSouth Side Signal will pet accept anymore advertisements to be set in read-ing type unless they are put in the Wantcolumn. The beat newspapers in thbtha • corintry wnfeth'er tbiJy : are citypapers or country weeklies" do. not ac-cept readers, special notices and similaradvertising and The South Side Signalwishes to follow , the best ne'ttspaperpractices. Such 'advertising will here"after be ' folioS o n l y in the *Wan'tcolumn. - A .7. , . y , ! \ . y f '. iyH

SPECIAL NOTICESFire, Life, Accident, Automobile and

Liability insurance, see W. H. Suydam.Anyone desiring a brand new Ful (on

2 tori truck or 3 1-2 ton Fulton tractortruck at a sharp discount on serviceabletejtms of payment, should see the FirstN&idnal bank of Bay Shore or 3. Wf.PidkfeBteto.i - rv } ' ..-, 43 2t

Steamship tickets to all points in Eu-ropJ for sale.

W. H. Suydam.






All Kinds of Tto onrf Sheet Iron Work.

Cook Ranges. Pp^r and Oil Heaters.*


' "' '"'*» * • ""' ¦ •; ' .'" ' '• '


- . . . . j}.'



. «^

JOHNm. ARINK §General Auctioneer Furniture Stored

'' i- ". t kr- ¦; '.Aw¦r ' . - - Al P. - ' A.-C, . . *•

'. . "." ;. . ;.... Dealer- iri '"!"...'. ..:' "• v .

Farnitore for the Heme and Office

Carpet, Linoleum, Bedding,

Bedroom Suites, Etc. -

/ Two Big Buildings

Always Open For Public Inspection

A Fine Assorment of Second Hand

Furniture For Sale In The

New Auction Rooms



AT TOUR ^&F0ftl0BMN6: BM ——E. W. HOWELL, BUILDER,¦l/ . ':" VABnfc 4& : ' ^

__ V Sf


Babylon N Y .

Miss Etcel E. Smith, %: . $C

'Post Graduate. -SVurseTsUphoiu 334°J '

Simon St. RABYLON, N. Y

¦ To the Votersof Babylon Village.

i, .. ..% . , I . - , , * '. .. . . . .

t VXp$ earnestly• solicityour support at the polls

i I ', '- . . < y ¦'¦ ' -' . j- i '- ' * .* ¦ ¦' Ai . .i ^ '¦• 'A. rat tne village election onTuesday Inert, and astuteyou my bt.«st efforts will beto give you a clean,' eco-nomical government dur-ing 'my term of office if Iami favored as your choicefor Tillage President.• Miy , jbusiness experienceof the past 40 years, hav-ing served with bfie organ-ization for 25 years, I fpelqualifies me to give ear&fUland painstaking attentionto the "m a h y problems'that arise in the manage-ment of municipal affairs.

I have a direct personalinterest in the affairs ofour village, in that I ama property owner and havea 1 w ay '^ endeavored tomaintain the good name ofmy home village,1 in plac-ing of Babylon at the headof the "Honor List by thefe, J

purchase of Liberty Bondsof the several issues, tak-ing an active part in theseand various other war ac-tivities, and in many, otherways having identified my-self with the advancementof Babylon, its people andits institutions.



ALL BUSINESS MENKeenly realize the value p fperfectly pressed clothes, j

Our method of pressing ia .' ao modern that we actually

press the natural;body shapeinto all clothes, give youlasting creases and a uniform

f . finish. !. . . f ' i 'Yf ' A j .| A..-,- '.1 ?:*' i Vf 'A .y ' •'..-". . VI , .ii.

Satiofoctioa . Guaranteed

l (M^mmM, /. TAILOR

' • " OaSFello tiiP 'wi fcAylon, N. *Y.¦ ' «¦ *~*m*mr*m* .


The South Side Signal ia what iatermed a country newspaper. It ia oneof the large number o f weekly paperstbat seeks to serve the population of aparticular part of the country which inour case is the.' village of Babylon andits immediate surroundings. As suc-cesj or failure is wrapped up iu theinterpretation that is placed upon thephrase country newapapar the new own-era are very anxious that the readingpublic be fully aware of what we feelia the mission of the country newspapeiin general " aid of The S^uth SidtSignal in particular.

In the firat place we believe that th<South Side Signal should give all thtnews of Babylon and the surroundingtowna and villages. We believe ingiving all the news without prejudice.We absolutely disapprove of putting aneditorial tone or sn expression of opinion in a news story. The South SideSignal will be. open to newa of/everyone and everything without consideringtheir religion, race, color, political be-liefs and ihe size of their pockelbooka.

Outside of giving all the news everyweek we bave no mission to perform.Babylon has a fine set of churches ofevery faith and variety of faith and acapably corp of leaders who are beingpaid to save Babylon (if it needs sav-ing) therefore we do not feel it to be apart of our duty to point out the propermorals for the people- A man is* en-titled to his own beliefs without havingto feat exposure or yiilifieation in tbelocal newspaper, . * ¦ ¦ '

And wbat is true of a man's personal,boliof s is true in an equal measure ofthoyvaripug.activities of life. We haveco quarrel* to pick with . anyone. Itsomeone wants to bring a part of theSuitpn's ha n»:toJowa},!fpr}a show thatis their1 buaineas and the business of

,1: 1 . .. I . .. *..'.* . . :-. - .. ., - ,TT , . ¦

those who go to see itend not our.busi*B8 i. As news we ould print, a storyabout it but as for, passing on the caor-als;Of tho harem or the desirability ofhaving it in our, midst, tbat is a ques-tion fpr everyone to decide for himself.

And what is true, ip this case; is truein overy otherpase. ; We have . no setof morals of our own that we are try}ing tp force on pur readers. WeJiaveour opinion bn every question but it isa personal opinion and nothing else.Too many people mistake o brain otbrmfor a wave of public opinion and burstout to print with c two mile barragetbat finally spends its fury and is soonforgotten , The 'Sorith-'Si^Signal ianot to business to handle brain storingeven if they ife" the ' brain otorms Ofthe editor or owners. , . '!

Tba South Side Signal under the newregime will deal in news excuaively.Scandet, moralizing, preaching a ridotber non hawbpapar : < duties will here-after be left to thoae who are expectedto perform thoae duties.: , ' ! ' . ¦; ¦ * ' ..

Most people are aware that potntoeshave eyes, but how many know thatcertain common garden and wild flow-ers are similarly:equipped? ' The nas-turtium,- , begonia, .-lover, i wood sorreland bluebell, ninoli'g others, haVe eyesplaced on their loaves; says LondonTJt-Blts. They tare tiny protuberances,filled with-a transparent, gummy mix-ture, which focuses the rays of lightupon a sensitive patch of tissue be-hind them. A- hasturt'lum- - plant hasthousands of such'-"eyes" on its leaves,Wit tt is not yet known If the plantcan actually see. Are the sense Im-pressions telegraphed to some centralnerve coresponding with the brain ofthe animal kingdom? In addition , tothis visual organ many plants show asensitiveness to touch that points tofurther resemblance to animals ; whilecertain seaweeds and mosses in anearly stage of their existence are ableactually to swim through the water.

Plants Have Eye*.

j ¦ ¦ '' --—-¦-—--———p-4^»—»

. .,-- FOI iiRE iNsiMWiiilSei!!^ ,

SPRAGUE BUItjI)pG^yO^KRes ce Phone 29fR i " ''" Y Totteii Place, i \

-, - ¦ ¦ ¦; -- .. : ;. . „. ,;, *: , - . ... . - .r . - ^ 17 *" "

. . . - . . ¦. • ". .. . . .. ,. ._- .'. ... . , . ," ,--; '¦¦ -I - '-: r- A. - - r e ¦¦ . i < . , : . . * ; ¦ • . ; : ¦ ¦ • ¦ >¦' ¦ '¦¦ ', ' - ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦il i ifi- - Jjf . f '.^f . 'v.

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i-dPfE NlN<i .*S|p^si• : ' ""! '" : ",i :c ;

TOM'toOv^ytW^ !!SATURDAY, MARCila¦ - ; . • '' Mmffll H MU

¦ Every garmentln stack witt"^'^MHllJKto an introductory price which tw^^aE f tHaving tp the women of Bahylon <m 1Wif|Hp.A mong other^ specra/ ft«-esy tte o i l ¦

Uj ' f ollowing: > .-. y , - - ' ' i' y ''- '7Ym } §mjA i ' ' rSr!

New Spiing suits, tricotine, serge pid ywool jersey in all of the popular colors |and shades; I." • . <';/ 'Pi^ l1

AA i \

Regular, $50.00. Special, 1 5.00. yjRegular $35.00i Special, ViSjOO. M

Other priced suits reMf ced aii&i | Bj; j ¦'. (Dresses, georgette,, satin attlj ffeta Y

[Uj in various colors and shades, yl pud- ;! lufn] ing those with beaded trimmj|n| '/y frTJ

Regular, $49. 0. Specif } SSO.Regular, $35.50. pedaJ mSf).: \

Other priced dresses reduced cc&*Wml&r¦ A ^m spAy.>yPerfe ct f it assured. A AlteiWM HM':..: • ! . " f^K Ij

The Fashion Dress, Cloak ane Smt Shop.P P. H. Greenfid«

Deer Pa'dtAveaue - y BABYLON, N. Y; |l Ke CMriectionuj. ... 1 i i e - t i i -if m ^Kmmmyy. .Y. Vd .

m o o ' il lc= m ^±—--i- 4 ' ^ ¦mmm 'r- "- ' - - ' :'.• ¦ • ' t ii *'. ' ."laMB ¦ ., . ¦ ... . . .-hg Buo i j - i ¦

'¦- '¦ ' : Bank-vvoff'^BmKt yi-i Deer Park Aveooe 1 1,^ , , '

A Check accofunt with pKiH 1 lift tk>[i safeand convenient way to koe^l fMI ¦» and make :

-" your payments -> ^A/xi,-^r|;q ; ^Sfci 'S- ^ 1i :*• > '. «<vftty5 by cheSk :and' '3|oiri?aM pfSficei^t. ^ }I .. Interest paid on apdeial dt>(a By j i- "* ' !

Your account is earne^tl^j^a miy - iii; ,}, ., ' ,i,, ,, -

We will be pleased to piatip|iiiW Bs* '


»*charge all Liberty Loan bou-^'piujehafl KUp; f . j

John GUnto^i Rol»b^ tpmM 4f aM lyi Prw. •Albert D. Haff. Vice Pr«- j - , '^;IM W*h*YYm '-nwr' rmMmimwmmmxkmsi' I• ¦:....'|j .'ij w '^^ 'lr 'A i '!!!


A S *Z ^

r « ,;

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: . :0l - .3 , ¦ yr-iss^v . - no , , Ar. < j y lli e 0: j. , :-ao * *;ci . , , ijjj t : ., 0*' ^

I B R O A D W A Y Flushing and Graham Avenuea uWti Q AYL\ . Y |


^ TO ^ jj

MILL END SALE!< , / I A V. J j L I - , * . ) ' 5 HI ¦' i. . ¦ . ' 7 ^ ^ ^ m

¦¦¦ ¦ 11 ; ^

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!THE; ¦ ;'" if

Second Great Week ]y \ 3 . "' '¦'- ";'¦' ¦ -, - ¦¦: - -y . - cyv/j ¦ y .A:A z A i - i A A R - ' y i y • '" * "*}' ;" * . |;

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| y Savings f rom Ev JDepartment j!! ' " A-'A 7Ai : ': '» '""! -mi ' " -.-¦-¦¦¦'_, tex 1,1*:,. ...*!¦¦!. - ¥f l : - eatei* Than Ever Before I; yy

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— J;}'*. J .,• . ' * . • '• -- • i. - -. ' ¦. ¦ i ¦ : ' •¦ '¦. ::'¦' ¦¦'- • -T

I I ^Watch the Daily Papers for Additional Am*w«v»» "£i%mm iim^^ .^ m moh Qw*Ay * \' - / ' r i:-L«i.' '/Ci-^ 9hlkkh.*i^ '"• ' " ¦ ¦' ' • !l*\ik&m'Ai&EB&W AU j'i sto i l^ iXti tJtp '. > teeis'.': - \j b, -wi i . £%.V: U : ' . ' • ; ¦ '. ' !' } ¦ •:¦ " AA'A,y<y ^' - *. ., :y.. .Ay7" ' - ¦' ¦ ' 4"W^fc^ ¦ 7y -'-S.

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J£ih|*i ;!C:# AMAND '/}; y; 'DENTIST :X SAY ; ASSM'I '" C?ASA Babylon, Telephone 263 J.

1 sr : MNE»ENHURST .

j- '". _ -_ A : ¦ - .- --¦¦¦¦ : - ¦ ¦ ' .- ¦ : - '- .-

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V O T Er

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WALLACE E. FIELD. ' cii. 'iAf 'M .'.:(ti< AAy &'$'*<£• \-t¦;.- - * ¦¦: y'.'. 'if-' .'• ' - !->'A-Uiv. _^p'

,[p i '-c b'i;a%j

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VILLAGE TREASURER- . 11 . 1 1 . ..iAC - t l-iU'i ¦i lil i ii 'i . / i i .'p i W C i . y. J J i ; r f

.lioif .Ui S '

Regular Democratic Nominee: i

, I \t } £ 'Hl : tj f . tv wi -*, -' ¦c _ t;-{- C i - . . > J

. ,"' . #v'.OH t

* A' i

Why a ^Painter /? ^" Smiles' ( ijjjlp^

^ ^MBH B« HII J ' T - ^^SjVtTlHlUV

pa-inter tays, it ^ V^Jkkta—

makes h'.m smile W )AlH^7lwhen a man insists o n 1/j KMJ m ^m 1H. W. Johns' Liquid J^T&^ JPaints. It always Wp.i |fs Bmeans another job from ^Q. iv Ithe man next door. Envy is just ' Ianother name for human -nature.

i - a



V* . PAIN l" iVM-ste famous fot their lasting quali- ' * .¦][ties. Made from a ocientific for- Imula of the best materials, machinemixed , in exact proportions, they Iare the only paints that re&t the Icun and weather. ' Do not pesl,crack or chalk of?. Get a bciuti- Iful color card and informatioafrtwa t

Babylon Lumber 8t C6iiiG%: ' ..: Babylon branch of :n. :&; . '.

^ E ; Bailey i&Sbh$Patchogud ' ! Sayville / IsEp

' • (.. P -5* .cy'-; :: v » ' -fyi V ii&fAKis.; ."Roofings, Limej F-Wtilizen, i ' t , / ,j liMf i& YBrM, <^ Woo&W

I /';y*y;;y;*C«fk '"T .Ri4>i^

, ¦ / '¦¦'¦;'¦ 'I 'l l - ¦' ¦¦'¦i '. H .; 'f l*, . 'yi ^. t ¦T-'1.',1 ','¦! '. !'*t

' ' . ,. ' ¦ - ,-„ . ,V„!*.-M.. . .eiil '. t \

Mllllllll»illllIl»lIllliM ^

I BURGLARY, THEFT' a-d LARCENY. IS JllilllDIIII!lll illll!ll!lllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIII!lllllilillllll!!llllllll!lll!ll!llllll . 1

Have you considered the possibility of your being Irobbed—either by the professional burglar, or the M

1 amateur sneak thief? - , . 1Our records show how many losses are due to dis-

j , honest sei vants, mechanics, peddlers, etc., as well

I i

as others to numer6ns too mention. B" BURGLARY, THEFT and LAB CENf Policy coy- |

ers personal property ofvevery description. . - 'Losses are paid proniptly on the receipt of satis- I Bfactory proot oi loss; no^ vexatious delays settling. BRates reasonable—cheerfully furnished on request.

' Jeremiah Robbins Insurance Agency II- . . - ! ' f O. •s l . / . '. l c C i l l i l l l l :. . ', . * / . , ' . , :¦ ( - . - . ¦- j; .' j'.

l ! -- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' . - ¦ ' « '¦"/ ' '¦ ' '¦¦".. ' }/ , . ' ." ,- .

\A 'iA . "' ; ..., v yyAir *pp?R m~~~~~~~• yy iy , i, iyy ^ (m,raf. . ¦ . . ./, y , ,

., i *M ' ¦ -r-, . -.- \ **__..'!- __. ••!¦? * :*¦¦<¦&«; * -;•"• - . —V ' r..t1,-.ifj».;,i.-.>«..ti.:

JAMES B!SHEA, Sr.i - • '. '. .,- ' ' ¦

Y, ' i mil, I . • • "'» , ¦" ¦

. . , .vi y ' ¦ "• ' Fiir cxti.i- *ss»ia.- . . •• ' • ..rnivi*.it:i Qlvvi *\ 8t»*- f

.. ';¦'.' ;AYfflag^;f^ra$.tee' , /,;,..f i- Regutoi'Dembcraj fcie ^minee. .

1 ;

¦'•¦—- ^"f ii •¦- y"~ -Y' . , .

YJ Jianies p"Sheai-Sr /y iy Democrat IwV y.*i -- 'ry , ¦¦¦¦ gg"'- ''":" -'""Vr:Y:;\ . . ,!!, % -,

M"*^ ° ^ H ^I'"I I I''^ ^ ^ ^™ ~™^ ?!ann?!y i

. MSWOH R^r B^BJiv\V^yi families m moderate circumstances,SIL yir > Piii i butoor fOUBtomersv havioviiadt- felt

* ^ ^S S3L ^ W?fy&&i&i!: *-he Pinch of rising pficefl ¦ so farm> ^ W^ AHX^ JOWM a8!toeat;s.are'Concerne(i. ' Qur ex-

¦¦ j 1S l| W&M$p I Sva&® oi

W6ahion[aiinadeBtii profit

i / i SifeT 'i ;iV|ARKET¦' t 'i. _ _, LOUIS siEGHv e^' y* :•'.} -iy-'- -

y. ;j . ' ^©LLAREK &WCK, #i|lM'| ,*?'¦ . " ! . . . - y . — ¦ ' y * • ' . "J ' " '¦ "' ¦ ¦ ' " " i - • ' y ¦ " '¦- I . L 1 .1 . ' . 355 ii m 'i ' . < ;• ' . . ' n.l i. I ' ri i' ii C533B53SSSB 5S55: iiyyy aHBJSOidi w^p ?:•y, .of ourj djllt^er^ 'iis ^nei. of,. Tor greatest >,y! assets, yve strive^^ constantly to serve

and satisfy .all itheir; banking jvneedsVr ! Ne^' depositorsv will, find here' yeVfer^c cohviehce 4hd^accomodation i cpnsistaiit Jl i with SOUJI^'Ranking. • ':••• i! THE BABfttiN RATIONAL BANK

Member Federal Reserve . Main Street-Ol/i'O 'Qi t l '-tt ' - '¦! V iC ij lirl I ' . -<- - ¦ — ¦ --• -

^ ^m mm^ ^ —mmam—mmmmmmmm mm—mmm V, - * ¦ ' ' ¦ A\\ \ : ~- ' -LlI _ lilL^*


OAKLAND'OWNERS , '¦ ll$M& ?}¦"report returns of from 18 to 25 niles per galloni ajf|jftii>miaand_from 8,000 to 12,000 miles or, tires. % ¦'- ' [ .'/.yT 'Y' i- 'i

[•'"" ^B/y^ M^ ^M&xJ I H' *' -rJ I ^ ^ ¦¦1 ^ " "I SSSSw \'&*' j__W/y ____ \ B^^H ^K ^ H ! ^WsfSaflH ^ ^ TV 7?

• 'I THE 0AKt™/;i«"i

l - f ,- . , '; • vyv--vll'/'/ ' '" ,

SENSIBLE SIX f DURING VAR \- ¦} . . . „ . '. .. .. . . . .y j , . .A ... -.,. ..;,.; .3 .,; ,. ; ¦ / |}yfi}

¦• } >. - . '/¦ ., ' y ;. „ y - ,*.v. • 4* %. *'*' y., /y^', *. i. i.

¦ *v * ¦ . -X i .. I . , . .

i - I ¦. ' ' .¦ ' " "v - "«,¦;.:- j r'A

' ' . -/; ' ! • "' '; ¦/.".-¦' !• "¦. ' -'p| "I ' 'I Thousands of busy menl- physicians, sales-."'fi-• :-¦ •? ¦! • - '

menj contractors and otber¦« whose work re- •quires the crowding of many miles into a busy -j " '

' day-f^are beating the clock W driving Oakland| *|.**~ Roadsters. Thru the use- qf this efficient and !

dependable car, they are makiag rrmore calls'in :! '¦'¦ ./• ^lessj time. They cover gre it distances daily j y

.; without fatigue, for th.e Q*'iland is built for i• ', ••¦ru-M ffi.' \ '' tr,'v'- ',"* - ' *!!' *' -. . ri *' *,.' '••. '.•:-. : •:., '-! i

ridingtcomfort. . And they. found '"iYiA' A-A i ";\lanol Roadster to be as econo mical as 'X ' ^ i ! . / r

- >'. . . ,-- ¦- ¦ A . . : - ¦ - - ¦- - -- ¦ys-yt'pi ,: ¦ 'j f ik-eient - - A ' -. I * ,*v j •

\y -v. , v. .. " : y - / 'iy- > rp % j K -y• ,y ' L ¦!* iv f i;*.- js, ; W i '¦¦¦A '.Ai A7-¦ . Yy ' - ¦"¦ ' i: ' ' • | / y }.// ' ,/' 'j.. : • '

¦ -" I - . . . -. ' i ; ' V^Ilfcl' -i' , :

! TOURING CAR, $1 )75 ) JROAbSTl| $t,Q75; f COUPE^MiteS

k)UR DOOR SEDANt $1,«25:$*£

F.j ixi; ,!pii| j^»;«p

S "rp.»« -i'l". "" '/ bii« .b-5wa»i«« S '

' I ' I' I 1CONkUN'S AUTO SA eO;'¦'. i tffi,; wilih-.l «t!i*i.v>3 ¦ '-.¦ -• ¦• ! .f-v. %' ' ' •¦A«, #||p'ii;'' ''


J,. .J,,,. '} ;'',; ! . - ; ; ji.-^mni • ¦;¦¦ fcjgMI '%3BH.'.'-,:: ;: * -•- ¦ '-..¦' ¦ : ¦