Spiritual Apocalipse-ClayandIron Conference Talk

8/9/2019 Spiritual Apocalipse-ClayandIron Conference Talk http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/spiritual-apocalipse-clayandiron-conference-talk 1/37 ClayandIron.com InfoWar and Spiritual Apocalypse The Destiny of Mankind Dr Bill Deagle MD

Transcript of Spiritual Apocalipse-ClayandIron Conference Talk

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InfoWar and Spiritual Apocalypse

The Destiny of Mankind

Dr Bill Deagle MD

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Human Beings Not Human Doings:

³If we knew w at

we were, we woul

not o w at we


³ e are a s iritual

being aving a

ex erience as

mankin .´

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Man is a Spirtual Being

e are calle tbec e il ren f  t e M st Hig G

T e En f t e geis t e ti e f t eMessia

Spiritual Subtlet

fr e nic ETF rces is Tr ing tR b Our Heritage

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InfoWar or Spiritual piphany

W swi in a s a of  knowl with littlwis o

Spirit wor s iv lif an wis o

Knowl withoutwis o ar th s sof ath Spiritual

isc rn nt

F ar of Th ost Hi hGo is th inin of  

ll Knowl

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Signs of Coming Messiah:

1 lo al Chaos

2 Moral Decay

3 Culture of Death4 My Will Be Done

5 ise of the Matri

6 Binding Together of 

Dark orces7 alse Temple in

Jerusalem for All

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Hela Archeon = All Wisdom &

no ledge in the Uni erse All is redisco er 

To kno o r God is

o r r ose

Relationshi to ostHigh God dis laces all

religions of ab lon


To hema The ost

High re laces the La

of the Global atriXX

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Fractal Holographic Uni erse

Spiral Hierarchy in order of size:Virgo supercluster GalaxyNebulaSupergiant Achernar (diagram)Proto star and planets RXS

J1311Comet Hale Bop.

Intermediate-sized objects areto be expected: "dwarf spherical galaxies" for instance.

This fractal hierarchy meansthat other planetary systems

are to be expected everywherein the universe and that extra-terrestrial intelligence is not just a probability but isguaranteed.

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Planetary Magnetic FieldsAs i t

t f r t r s, t

ti fi lstr t s f t

l ts is t r i stlt ir siz ; l ss so t ir speed of 

spi .

s t ose of Mer r  d l to r e  eak t r ough small size, and enus thr ough  er 

slow r ever se spin.

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Sho ing alternation of current ith

ariation in sunspot areaThe solar clock/oscillator re erses its currentflo an the position

of its agnetic polese er ele en ear half-c cle.

In galaxies an larger bo ies a clock c cle

ill presu abl takeaeons, but the s aller ones are open toin estigation.

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Fractal Uni erse Theory:

Conclusion www.fractaluniverse.org

Any theory of the universe has to address thegrowing list of new observations listed in theprevious pages.

At the least it should include a mechanism withthe subtlety to make spatial fractals and thespeed and strength to structure the vastuniverse we see.

Uniquely electromagnetic energy and itsresultant force has these and other attributes.

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Fractal Uni erse Theory:

It provides a compelling explanation for theflatness of structures, from atoms to galaxywalls.

The gathering of matter by Z-pinch nicely

explains voids.The ability to store energy in magnetic fieldsand to bring about nuclear fusion is powerfulstuff.

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Fractal Uni erse Theory:

Many of the intractable problems which

beset cosmology look amenable to an

electronic approach especially

considering the various modes andfrequencies of oscillation.

The universe appears to be fractal, 

cyclic and self- regenerating.

Implied is that it is eternal and infinite.

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Scalar ra itonic Holograms:

They propagate at faster-than-lightspeed (hence the name"tachyons"), except when

transmitting scalar information onelectromagnetic carrier waves

Their effect is independent of distance and time

Their effect is 3 -- 5 times stronger than that of electromagnetic fields

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Scalar ra itonic Holograms:

They are more fundamental than

magnetic fields

They transmit information asBoson Tachyon Poly-Dimensional

Hyperspace ractal Holograms

They do not transmit energy

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Scalar ra itonic Holograms:

They cannot be detected byconventional instruments for measuring electric and magnetic

fields, which work by interactingwith electron flow and energytransmission

They pervade all matter and cannotbe shielded against by aradaycages

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Scalar ra itonic Holograms:

They represent an area in which matter and consciousness can interact.

If we assume that, in the area of scalar information transmission, matter andconsciousness can influence eachother , then we may postulate that

Scalar information transmission creates"consciousness fields³

That, in similar form i.e. aith Healing --have been a part of human life andexperience for millennia.

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What is the nature of our uni erse

We li e in a Fractal ni erse

E er thin is Har onic Holo ra hican all is Photon Entan le

The uni erse is i ensions lus aarallel co in h ers ace ante-

realit of the

ll li in thin s are IR InfrarePhonon aser Wa e tobio olecular holo ra hic architecture

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Ho can e understand the history

of our orld

Our orld is very old and has been

throu h any cataclys s

Our current civilization is 000 years+ old hen odern recordin


nuclear ar in shurbani al, India

,900 years a o ± Kry ton nuclei inobsidian lass fro a uclear ar 

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Who has ruled our ci ilizations

su raculture of h brid hu- ans are theIron in la and Iron fro aniels bookfro ab lon.

Hu er ent an

± a na arta ± Onl Hu- an canown ro ert i.e. ³ er ent an´

The rowth of all brotherhoods, asonicand secret societies, all uni ersities, all

o ern ents, all bar associations, allsecret a encies in all countries and allro alit throu hout all kin do s on Earth

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Why is there a quickening to ard

the end of this age of mankind

Our science is ra idly a roaching theµsingularity¶.

The gro th of the elite o er, centralized

by electronic and I technologies, anti-aging technologies, and the coming globalcatastro he

Have are at the end of the age of arkness  ± i.e. cience over irit and entering the

ge of irit over cience ± The ge of Peace and Light.

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What is man¶s destiny

The clearest messa e is the T rah writtenby ses ± The W rd f the st Hi hG d f the niverse

O r destiny if the Prayer f the Twelvet nes as the hildren f the Twelve

Tribes f Israel ± ll ankind n Earth thatrvive Int the ext e

Their we will be ns and a hters f thest Hi h G d, livin extended lives with

the Earth and acr ss the Galaxy

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Why do e die so young

even Pill rs of ging ± Toxins,

Telo eres, silencing, Tr ce

Ele ent eficiency, ELF ollution,

Free R dic ls, te ells, Hor on l

Rejuven tion.

The ncient tri rchs lived 000 +

E rth ye rs nd µThe ys Werehortened¶

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What are the elements of ictory

We m st know o r ost Hi h Go !

We m st rise to a hi her le el of s irit alconcio sness ± hema ± to Hear an o

the Will of THE PIRITWe are estine to be the R lers of the

ni erse as the chil ren of the ost Hi hGo

We are to benefit only in the ictory of s irito er all matter, an hi her s irit al tr tho er all science

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Scalar DNA Pu Med e ie s:

Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M, StanleyH .Related Articles, Links Statistical andlinguistic features of DNA sequences.

ractals. 1995 Jun;3(2):269-84.PMID: 11539281 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Bunde A, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PCh, Peng CK, Stanley HE.RelatedArticles, Links Scaling in nature: from DNA

through heartbeats to weather.Physica A. 1999 Nov 1;273(1-2):46-69. Review.PMID: 11543356 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Scalar DNA Pu Med e ie s:

Simons M ,  ellionisz AJ. elated Arti les, Links  enomi s, mor phogenesis and iophysi s: triangulation of  ur kin je  elldevelopment.

er ebellum. 00 ; ( ):27- .MI :  27761 [ ubMed - in pr ocess]

Fu jikawa-Yamamoto . elated Articles,Links  An hypothesis about genome str uctur es in mammalian polyploid cells 

based on a new concept that genome is fr actal of si hier ar chies.Med  ypotheses. 2006;66(2):337- .Epub 200 Oct 10.

MI : 16216435 [ ubMed - in pr ocess]

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Scalar DNA Pu Med e ie s:

Costa Lda , Barbosa MS, Manoel ET, Streicher J, Muller GB.Related Articles, LinksMathematical characterization of three-dimensional gene expression patterns.Bioinformatics. 2 4 Jul 22;2 (11):1653-62.Epub 2 4 eb 26.PMID: 1498812 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Sarkar S, Lee LK, Hart SL, Hailes HC, Levy SM, Tabor A, Shamlou PA.Related Articles, Links

The f ractal structure of polycation-DNAcomplexes.Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2 5 Apr;41(Pt2):127-36.PMID: 15242334 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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DNA Fractal Phonon Maser Cyto-

Holographic Hierarchical perons

DNA 9 % co es for FractalPMCH2O DNA

Co e DNA resonates withgravitonic, so n , infrarelight coherent tachyonic

signallingEnzy es, secon aryessengers an cell lar 

transport is all secon aryto PMCH2O DNA calar Tachyonic Architect re of Cells, Tiss es, Organs,

an ioconnecte ness toall ankin , all living things

In epen ent of / D Ti e-space Constants

ioPhotonic Entangle ent

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DNA Phonon Superconductors

DNA phonon soundsc l r w ves ctiv tespecific P O Phonon

ser Operons

onfir tion lch n es ctiv te enecontrol for enz es

Function nd structureof ll tissue, or n nd

or nis re coded inhier rchic l P Ocodes.

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DNA nA nergy Info TransportA ladder model f or  A wir es: Signatur es of phonon-assisted tr ansport

R. Gutiérrez , S. Mohapatr a,  . or ath, and  . uniberti

E IST-FET 38951 Wor kshop:  A-based nanowir es

2005.10.07-08; Modena, Italy 

We have f or mulated a minimal tight-binding model to study char ge tr ansport in  A wir es in pr esence of inter nalvibr ational excitations. We assume that the tunneling char ge couples to a single long-wave length boson mode, e. g. a tor sional mode. The advantage of the model is that the bosonic degr ees of fr eedom can be eliminated by a canonicaltr ansf or mation; this allows f or a non-pertur bative tr eatment of 

the electr on-phonon inter action. We f urther investigate or der ed str uctur es as is the case of  oly( ) oligomer s as well as ar bitr ar y base pair sequences by modif ying appr opriately the onsite ener gies. This latter case is of inter estto make contact with r ecent experiments on suspended  A wir es with complex sequence which have shown unexpectedly high curr ents of the or der of 100-200 nA ( . ohen et al., r oc.atl. Acad. Sci. 102, 11589 (2005)).

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Charge transfer Boson Scalar along

DNA molecule Figur e 2. (a) har ge carrier s hop along the length of the 

A molecule fr om one -base pair (black and or ange) to the next.

(b) The r elative ener gies of -and A-T base pair s in this  A sequence show that a positively char ged hole has a lower ener gy on the - sites and moves fr om one - pair 

to the next by coher enttunnelling thr ough the A-T sites.

The over all motion fr om the fir st base pair to the last is an incoher ent hopping mechanism in which the char ged carrier is localized along the path.

The total time it takes to move along the path is the sum of the 

times it takes to jump between individual - base pair s, t 12 +t 23 +...+ t 45.

The pr ocess of char ge-carrier hopping in  A is analogous to cr ossing a river by jumping fr om one stepping stone to the 


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Conclusions and Future:

If we e a t e ost Hi we s all

beco e a new creature

Our destin is to be t e ons andau ters of t e ost Hi God

T e Fractal niverse Reflects t e

Face of God fro t e Cos os to

His Creative VOICE s eaks into

existence all t at was, is and will be!