South Asia Review Jeopardy. Question: What made the IRVC so fertile?

South Asia Review Jeopardy

Transcript of South Asia Review Jeopardy. Question: What made the IRVC so fertile?

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  • South Asia Review Jeopardy
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  • Question: What made the IRVC so fertile?
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  • Answer It was located in a floodplain, and it flooded reliably twice a year, leaving nutrient rich silt behind.
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  • Question: What made the IRVC so unique?
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  • Answer Written Language Evidence of Trade Planned Cities Sewers Domesticated Animals
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  • Question: What were the religios beliefs of the people in the IRVC?
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  • Answer No one is sure, but it seems like they worshipped a mother goddess, and they placed a high importance on bathing (lots of public baths!!)
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  • Question: What was Mohenjo-daro?
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  • Answer It was a city-state in the IRVC, they had a gigantic public bath (the Great Bath)
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  • Question: What is the evidence of trade in the IRVC?
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  • Answer Metallic seals, similar to coins with figures on them
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  • Question: OK but what did archaeologists find no evidence of?
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  • Answer Horses Warfare Weapons
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  • Question: What caused the decline of the IRVC?
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  • Answer No one knows!
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  • Answer But seriously, maybe one of these things: Earthquake Rivers changing course Invasion
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  • Party on, Wayne, its time for Hinduism Name that reference and who is speaking.
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  • Answer Dana Carvey from Waynes World first a SNL skit, then a movie.
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  • Question OK, but what was Dana Carveys iconic characters name?
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  • Answer GARTH
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  • Back to the Hinduism
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  • Question: What is Dharma?
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  • Answer It is the duty every individual has to fulfill his or her lifes path
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  • Question: What is Karma?
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  • Answer Karma is the belief that if you are good, good things will happen to you and eventually you will be reborn as someone of a higher caste, and if youre evil, well, the opposite.
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  • Question: What is Moksha?
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  • Answer Moksha is the release from the endless cycle of Karma, Dharma and all the rest. It is when you reach transcendence and become one with Brahman
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  • Question: Who is Brahman?
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  • Answer The Ultimate Reality The One The World Soul
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  • Question: Explain how Hinduism is both monotheistic and polytheistic
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  • Answer All gods are aspects of Brahman, therefore worship to or devotion to any of them is equivalent of worship to or devotion to Brahman.
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  • Question: What is Puja?
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  • Answer Daily worship and rituals
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  • Question: What is Samsara?
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  • Answer The belief in reincarnation
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  • Question: What are the 9 Core Beliefs of Hinduism?
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  • Answer 1.The Vedas are Gods word 2. Belief in Brahman one supreme being 3.Universe is in an endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth 4. Karma 5. Reincarnation until moksha is reached 6.Gods exist in unseen worlds and humans can commune with them through rituals and devotion 7. Masters, sages and gurus are necessary to know about God 8. All life is sacred 9. Respect for other religions
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  • Question: What are the vedas?
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  • Answer O The Vedas the first and oldest Hindu scripture O 1. hymns and chants praise for gods O 2. guidebook for rituals and priestly behavior O 3. magic, charms, blessings, curses O to be chanted during rituals
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  • Question: What is this?
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  • Answer The Caste System, it is the system by which Hindus live and operate, O the Brahmins are the priests, O the Kshatriyas are the warriors, O the Vaisyas are the farmers/merchants, O the Shudras are the servants/laborers O The Untouchables are the outcasts
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  • Buddhism
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  • Question: Who founded Buddhism?
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  • Answer Siddhartha Gautama
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  • Question: What four things did Siddhartha see that inspired him to leave his material wealth behind?
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  • Answer An old man A dying man A corpse An ascetic
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  • Question: What are the Four Noble Truths?
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  • Answer O 1. There is suffering in the world O 2. The cause of suffering is desire O 3.Eliminate desire to attain Enlightenment O 4.To reach Enlightenment, one must follow the Eightfold Path
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  • Question: So what is the eightfold path?
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  • Answer O Right View O Right Intention O Right Speech O Right Action O Right Livelihood O Right Effort O Right Mindfulness O Right Concentration
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  • Question: Do you have to follow them in order? Explain.
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  • Answer Nope. You should be doing all of them all the time, one is not more important than the next. It is often depicted as a wheel.
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  • Question: How is Buddhism different from Hindusim?
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  • Answer O There are no gods O Each path is a personal one O Anyone may reach Nirvana in their lifetime if they are devoted enough O There is no caste system
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  • The Maurya Empire
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  • Question: How did the Maurya Empire spread?
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  • Answer A series of wars in which the Mauryans won.
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  • Question: Who was Chandragupta Maurya?
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  • Answer 340 BC298 BC Unified India into 1 st Hindu-centered empire Ruled India from 322-298 Won battles to keep his kingdom Accepted Jainism in his later years Gave up his throne Fasted to death
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  • Question: How did India change under Chandraguptas rule?
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  • Answer O It gained a very organized government O It centered around Hinduism O It unified the small Aryan states (thus creating India) O Strong economy (trade) O Art and architecture O Buddhism and Jainism became popular
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  • Question: Who was Ashoka Maurya?
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  • Answer The Grandson of Chandragupta 273-232 BC Ruled India from 269-232 BC Fought and killed the Kalinga Expanded the empire Converted to Buddhism and rejects violence Spreads peaceful living through empire
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  • Question: How did India change under Ashoka?
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  • Answer O Made Buddhism state religion O Made empire peaceful O Created Buddhist monuments all over the place O 33 edicts about Buddhism and life in general O Devotes life to bettering the lives of people and animals (no animals or people can be harmed or killed) O Set up roads and treasury O Fun Ashoka Fact: He created the worlds first known animal hospitals!
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  • The Gupta Empire
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  • Question: Why is the Gupta Empire known as the Golden Age of India?
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  • Answer O Peace & Prosperity O Allowed people to really focus on learning and inventing
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  • Question: So what did they invent ?
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  • Answer O Numerals O Base ten O Decimals O Zero O Chess O Formula for area of a triangle (changed architecture
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  • Question: What did they discover?
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  • Answer O Earth revolves around sun O Medicine and surgery O Round earth with and axis O Sunlight causes planetary shine O Calculated the solar year
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  • Question: What other advances took place?
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  • Answer Literature and the arts Architecture Peaceful co-existence of religions
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  • Question: Tell me about the political structure of the Gupta Empire
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  • Answer O Loose centralized govt. O Mild punishments for offenders O Taxes helped to maintain govt while letting smaller kingdoms retain autonomy
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  • Question: Why were they so skilled in war?
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  • Answer O Use of archers O Elephants O Chariots O Navy
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  • The Sultanate of Delhi
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  • Question: Describe the relationship between Islam and Hinduism when they first met
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  • Answer Rough. O Powerful Islamic leaders led multiple looting raids on India O Hindus were force to pay a head tax O Temples were de-constructed and turned into mosques
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  • Question: Who helped find peace between the two religions?
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  • Answer The Sufi saints.
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  • Question: Why was Islam attractive to some Hindus?
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  • Answer O It meant a way out of the caste system, therefore, more power and respect for many who didnt previously have it. O (Plus, no head tax) O Some merchants and upper-caste Hindus also saw that Islam=power, so, you know, that sounded good. O Also, trade
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  • The Mughals
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  • Question: How did the Mughals (Mongols) establish their dynasty in India?
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  • Answer The Sultanate of Delhi was weakened from trying to ward off the Mughals for so many years, among other things
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  • Question: Who was Akbar the Great, and why was he so great?
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  • Answer He was the grandson of Babur, the Mughal man who conquered India. Akbar, a Muslim, lead with tolerance, which was a pretty nice change for the Hindu population.
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  • Question: What changes did Akbar make that positively affected Hindus?
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  • Answer O He ended the head tax O He gave govt. jobs to Hindus of all castes O He treated Hindu princes like princes.
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  • Question: What helped Akbar to succeed in politics?
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  • Answer O He had paid officials who had not inherited their jobs O He modernized the army O Encouraged international trade O Standardized measurements
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  • Question: What is the story behind the Taj Mahal?
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  • Answer Akbars grandson, who built it for his late wife.
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  • The British
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  • Question: Why were the British interested in India?
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  • Answer Money! Also, they hated France, and the French had some holdings in India at the time.
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  • Question: How did the British first gain power in India?
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  • Answer O They collected taxes from the locals O Encouraged strife amongst rival princes
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  • Question: What were some of the effects of the British East India Company on Indian society?
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  • Answer O Westernized education for the rich O Reduction in crime O Better roads O The railroads O Christianity
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  • Question: Who were the Sepoys, and what caused the Sepoy Rebellion?
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  • Answer The Sepoys were Indian soldiers who worked for the BEIC. They retaliated after the BEIC O encouraged travel amongst high-caste Hindus (sacrilegious), O encouraged widows to remarry (sacrilegious) O made the Sepoys bite off the ends of the bullet cartridges before loading them, even though the cartridges were greased with animal fat (sacrilegious)
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  • Question: What did England do after the Sepoy Rebellion?
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  • Answer They took over India because the BEIC wasnt doing a great job.
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