d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · son that we are to inherit eternal life. I bet this is what Paul...


Transcript of d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · son that we are to inherit eternal life. I bet this is what Paul...

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Mass Schedule | Horarios de Misa Monday - Friday | Lunes a Viernes

6:30am, 8:00am Saturday| Sabado

8:30am & 5:00pm (Vigil) Sunday| Domingo

7:30am & 9:00am & 10:30am 12:00pm (Español)


Reconciliation|Reconciliación Saturday| Sabado

9:00AM (English| Ingles) Para confesiones en español, llamar a la oficina.

3900 Meadow Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 www.stcolette.org

Phone|Telefono: (847) 394-8100 Fax: (847) 394-8102

Rectory Office Hours | Horario de Oficina de Rectoria Mon. - Thu. | Lun.– Jue.

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Friday | Viernes

9:00 AM-5:00 PM Saturday | Sabado

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sunday| Domingo Closed|Cerrada

Parish Staff | Personal Parroquial

Pastor: Rev. Augustine Mahonge ext. 105

Resident Priest: Rev. John Ekwoanya

Deacons|Diaconos: John Connor (Retired); Raul Trejo

Operations Director: John Baruch ext.104

Music Director: Catherine Reich ext. 103

Secretary & Bulletin Editor: Eduardo Guillen ext. 102;

Director of Religious Education Carlos Roman ext. 122

Volunteer Youth Minister-FOCUS: Lori Brandt ext. 121

St. Colette School 3900 Pheasant Drive- (847) 392-4098

Principal: Joseph Quinlan ext. 125 Music Director: Michael Myers ext. #103

Mission Statement We, the faith community of St. Colette, in proclaiming the truth of the Gospel are committed to follow Jesus Christ by being ”the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”. By our Baptism we are called to serve people of all cul-tures, migrants, and those who have no voice of their own; our born and unborn children; victims of violence, and the impoverished. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and nurtured by the Eucharist, we are led to promote human dignity and justice for all people. We believe that this is the way the Lord is calling us to be a sign of His kingdom in this time and place.

Declaración de Misión Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de St. Colette, al proclamar la verdad del Evangelio estamos comprometidos a seguir a Jesucristo siendo "la sal de la tierra" y "la luz del mundo". Por nuestro Bautismo estamos llamados a servir a personas de todas las culturas, migrantes y aquellos que no tienen voz propia; nuestros hijos nacidos y no nacidos; víctimas de la violencia y los empobrecidos. Fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo y nutridos por la Eucaristía, somos conducidos a promover la dignidad humana y la justicia para todas las personas. Creemos que esta es la manera en que el Señor nos llama a ser una señal de su reino en este tiempo y lugar.

Sacraments | Sacramentos Baptism: Second Sunday of the month at 10:30AM in English & 12:00PM in Spanish. Registration 2 months minimum at Rectory Office. Bautismo: Segundo domingo del mes a las 10: 30 AM en inglés y a las 12:00 a.m. en español. Registro mínimo de 2 meses en la Oficina de la Rectoría. Matrimony: Contact Rectory Office a minimum of 6 months in advance to schedule appointment and set date. Matrimonio: Comuníquese con la oficina de la Rectoría con un mínimo de 6 meses de anticipación para hacer una cita y reservar la fecha. Quinceañeras: Contactar oficina con mínimo 4 meses de anticipación. Requiere deposito al reservar la fecha. Se requiere los Sacramentos de Iniciación.

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Mass Intention August 17-25 Intenciones de la Misa del 17 de agosto al 25 de agosto

Saturday, August 17th: Weekday; BVM 8:30AM: Charles Edward Cavanaugh 5:00PM:People of St. Colette

Sunday, August 18th: The Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30AM: Joseph J. & Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF, Raymond F. McCraren, Robert Duffey 9:00AM:People of St. Colette 10:30AM: Carolyn V. Groell, Mr. & Mrs. A. Brandeau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Groell, Raymond Groell 12:00PM: Pueblo de Santa Colette 5:30PM: People of St. Colette

Monday, August 19th: Weekday; St. John Eudes, Priest 8:00AM: People of St. Colette

Tuesday, August 20th: St. Bernard, Abbot & DOTC 8:00AM: People of St. Colette

Wednesday, August 21st: St. Pius X, Pope 8:00AM:People of St. Colette

Thursday, August 22nd: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00AM: People of St. Colette

Friday, August 23rd: Weekday; St. Rose of Lima, Virgin 8:00AM: People of St. Colette

Saturday, August 24th: St. Bartholomew, Apostle-Feast 8:30AM: People of St. Colette 5:00PM:Bob Pitts, Laurie Wenzel Kowaleski

Sunday, August 25th: The Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30AM: Joseph J. & Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF, Raymond F. McCraren 9:00AM:People of St. Colette 10:30AM: Richard Joseph Healy Sr. 12:00PM: Pueblo de Santa Colette 5:30PM: People of St. Colette

Aug 24 & 25

Saturday 5:00PM

Sunday 7:30AM

Sunday 9:00AM

Sunday 11:00AM Picnic Mass

Sunday 5:30PM

Presider Rev. John Ekwoanya

Rev. Bob Borre Rev. Brian Simpson Rev. Augustine Mahonge Rev. Augustine Mahonge

Lectors Olson & Shirmer Huberty & Austerlade

Stastny & T. Benson

Madelin Marin & Matt Feikes

Lopiccolo & Duong

Eucharistic Ministers

*I & L Vineyard J. Wenzel

W. Zaremba R. Anesi

M. Chybicki

*J &D. Dubinski E & B Meyer

J. Perez J. Healy

*M. Capasso D. Kuforiji E. Reading M. Bugiel T. Benson M. Benson

M. Lombardo G. Benas E. Guillen


Monday, August 19th 1:30PM Kindergarten Orientation/SCH 7:00 PM DVM Meeting/HH 7:00 PM NW Band Practice/PC Tuesday, August 20th 6:30 PM PTC Meeting/SCH Wednesday, August 21st Returning Catechist Orientation 7:40 AM First Day of School 8:00 AM School Mass/CH 2:30 PM Staff Meeting/PHLR 6:30 PM Evening Prayer/CH 7:00 PM Works of Mercy Prayer Group/SCH 7:30 PM Spanish Choir Practice/CH Thursday, August 22nd 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal/CH Friday, August 23rd 5:30 PM Bingo/HH Saturday, August 24th New Catechist Orientation 5:00 PMPADS/HH Sunday, August 25th 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Parish Picnic

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From the Pastor "I have come to set the earth on fire" One of the common themes that come with following Christ is endurance, perseverance in the sacrifices that we find ourselves offering and more often than not, we are advised to take that as part of suffering in union with Christ. On one occasion Jesus mentions it to those who want to follow him – us included that we ought be ready to, “deny oneself and take up our crosses and follow Jesus”. This compels many to identify with Christ because in him we discover that pain does not always win, submission to it only breeds more of it as a burdening experience; and so in Christ suffering never wins unless we give into it. It is Christ who has proven to us that sin and death have no power in the face of God and that we come to know how God has loved us through the suffering of his only and beloved son that we are to inherit eternal life. I bet this is what Paul want us to have in mind, that in our journey of faith Jesus leads, guides and finally takes us to the winning stand! Another reality is that, commitment to true Christian way of life has never been exactly a pleasant ride to heaven. The Old Testament gives us Jeremiah as an example. He became subject to hate, rebuke, jealousy and almost died in the pit of mud. Stephen, Paul and many we call saints today, were murdered! In fact, living and advocating faith is not exactly a popular path to take even in our world today; in Syria, in Egypt, Middle East and yes even in our country here, Christians suffer due to their commitment to be a voice of God, a town crier for just and fair treatment to all, or sometimes in their quiet comfort spaces of worship – you name it. This does manifest what Jesus highlights in the gospel, that being a true disciple will stir conflict of interests, will cause discomfort and bring hard feelings even to members of the same family. True discipleship in Christ sets fires on earth and nobody entertains that, not everyone loves that. To Paul's word, the world will witness us doing and saying things for a good cause and be sure in any of that – fires will get lit, criticism, rejection, and suffering will surface and giving into it is not a solution, rather take courage and forge ahead while our focus is in him who has it all.. Brothers and sisters, let's keep running the race “while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith” Hebr. 12:2 and when the going gets tough remember psalm 40 - “Lord come to my aid...O my God, hold not back”.

Peace! Fr. Mahonge

Del Párroco "He venido a incendiar la tierra" Uno de los temas comunes que vienen con seguir a Cristo es la resistencia, la perseverancia en los sacrificios que nos ofrecemos y, en la mayoría de los casos, se nos aconseja tomar eso como parte del sufrimiento en unión con Cristo. En una ocasión, Jesús lo menciona a aquellos que quieren seguirlo; nosotros también debemos estar listos para "negarnos a nosotros mismos y tomar nuestras cruces y seguir a Jesús". Esto obliga a muchos a identificarse con Cristo porque en él descubrimos que el dolor no siempre gana, la sumisión a él solo engendra más como una experiencia agobiante; y así en Cristo el sufrimiento nunca gana a menos que cedamos ante él. Es Cristo quien nos ha demostrado que el pecado y la muerte no tienen poder frente a Dios y que llegamos a saber cómo Dios nos ha amado a través del sufrimiento de su único y amado hijo que debemos heredar la vida eterna. ¡Apuesto a que esto es lo que Pablo quiere que tengamos en mente, que en nuestro viaje de fe Jesús dirige, guía y finalmente nos lleva a la posición ganador! Otra realidad es que el compromiso con el verdadero estilo de vida cristiano nunca ha sido exactamente un viaje agradable al cielo. El Antiguo Testamento nos da Jeremías como ejemplo. Fue objeto de odio, reprensión, celos y casi murió en el pozo de barro. ¡Esteban, Pablo y muchos de los que llamamos santos hoy fueron asesinados! De hecho, vivir y defender la fe no es exactamente un camino popular a seguir incluso en nuestro mundo actual; en Siria, en Egipto, Medio Oriente y sí, incluso en nuestro país aquí, los cristianos sufren debido a su compromiso de ser una voz de Dios, un pregonero de un trato justo para todos, o, a veces, en sus tranquilos y cómodos espacios de culto-lo que sea. Esto manifiesta lo que Jesús destaca en el evangelio, que ser un verdadero discípulo provocará conflictos de intereses, causará incomodidad y traerá resentimientos incluso a los miembros de la misma familia. El verdadero discipulado en Cristo enciende fuegos en la tierra y nadie entretiene eso, no todos aman eso. Según la palabra de Pablo el mundo será testigo de que hacemos y decimos cosas por una buena causa y de eso estamos seguros: los fuegos se encenderán, las críticas, el rechazo y el sufrimiento saldrán a la superficie y ceder no es una solución, más bien tome valor y seguir adelante mientras nuestro enfoque está en el que lo tiene todo ... Hermanos y hermanas, sigamos corriendo la carrera "mientras mantenemos nuestros ojos fijos en Jesús, el líder y el perfeccionador de la fe" Hebr. 12: 2 y cuando las cosas se pongan difíciles, recuerda el salmo 40: "Señor, ven en mi ayuda ... Dios mío, no te detengas".

¡Paz! P. Mahonge

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Regular participants in the Eucharistic Liturgy, Loving, caring, and

willing to spend time with the sick and suffering. Good listeners, open to

sharing prayer and faith with the sick. Willing to undertake the

necessary initial training for the ministry. Committed to enriching

training in ministry via ministry meetings.

Training dates are on Saturday, Sept. 21st, and Saturday, Sept. 28th. Both six hour sessions must be attended.

If you would like to become a member of this beautiful

ministry, please call Bonnie at (847) 259-8496 to register.

Deadline for registration is September 8, 2019.

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Welcome through the waters of Baptism The following children were baptized through water

and the Holy Spirit into our Community of Faith:

Bienvenido a través de las aguas del Bautismo Los siguientes niños fueron bautizados a través del

agua.y el Espíritu Santo en nuestra comunidad de fe:

August 11, 2019

Fynn Ryan Connery Child of: Ryan William Connery &

Danielle Marie Moss Godparents: Stephen Moss & Kelsey Moon

Emma Rose Rodriguez

Child of: Jose Roman Rodriguez & Michelle Rodriguez

Godparents: Elias Fuentes & Marcela Rodriguez

Readings of the Week / Lecturas de la Semana Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30

Mass Intentions We encourage everyone to call or come in to the Parish House to request mass intentions for your loved ones! Visit or call the Parish House with all of your intentions at 847-394-8100 ext. 102.

Ministerio de Violencia Doméstica Todos merecen estar en una relación segura y sana. Si usted o alguien que conoce puede estar en una relación abusiva, sepa que existe un camino a la seguridad. Consiga ayuda. Llame a la línea directa Nacional de Violencia Doméstica al 800-799-SAFE, o localmente, llame a la línea directa de 24 horas de WINGS al 847-221-5680.

Domestic Violence Ministry Everyone deserves to be in a safe, healthy relation-ship. If you or someone you know may be in an abusive relationship, a path to safety exists. Get help. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE, or locally, contact WINGS 24-hour Hotline at (847) 221-5680.

Ministry of Care If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring communion to you. Please call the Parish House at (847) 394-8100 to make an appointment.

Weekly Collection/Colecta Semana

Weekend of 8/11/2019 Fin de semana de 8/11/2019

Regular Collection/Colecta Regular: $9,050

GiveCentral Online Giving:$393 Colecta via Internet Total Attendance/Asistencia Total: 779

Thank you for your continued generosity. May God bless you!

Gracias por su generosidad continua. Dios los bendiga! MINISTRY OF CARE


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY The residents of the Pearl (formerly Manor Care) on Kirchoff Rd. Pray the rosary every Monday afternoon from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. We have openings for volunteers to lead them in praying. The time commitment would be once per month. If you are interested, please call Bonnie at (847) 259-8496.

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Bulletin Deadline / Plazo del Boletín All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House

or emailed to Eduardo Guillen at [email protected] by noon on Monday to

appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin.

Todos los artículos para el boletín deben ser dejados a la casa parroquial o enviárselo a

Eduardo Guillen a [email protected] para el Lunes al mediodía para que aparezcan en el

siguiente Boletín Dominical.

The following couple wishes to marry. If anyone knows of any impediment, please let the office know.

La siguiente pareja desea casarse. Si alguien sabe de

algún impedimento, por favor avise a la oficina.

8/31/2019: Josephine Sucheki & Bradley Szypka

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TEENS REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN! FOCUS Youth Ministry has a NEW look this year and ALL High School Teens are invited. Please Register to make sure you do not miss a single event or activity! Look for the FOCUS leaders and FOCUS Banner at our Parish Picnic and take a moment to register for the 2019-20 YEAR.


FOCUS KICK-OFF SAVE THE DATE - FOCUS Youth Group FOCUS KICK-OFF event will be Sunday, Sunday, Sept. 15th and meet 5:30 pm in the Church - FOCUS Registration will be available at Parish Picnic on August 25th.

Come check out the NEW FOCUS Youth Ministry! FUN, FRIENDS AND FOOD

Registrations Forms/FOCUS Kick-Off Flyers and Permission Slip available in the Religious Ed Office, on the St. Colette Web Site on the FOCUS Ministry Web Page or contact Lori Brandt, at [email protected]

Cans of Soda, Lemonade & Iced Tea

Snack sized chips

Cases of water

Donations can be dropped off in Vestibule during the weekend or the rectory during the week.

Thank you for your generosity.

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Open House Meeting St. Colette Parish – Halpin Hall 3900 Meadow Dr. Rolling Meadows, IL Come meet our new pastor, Father Augustine Mahonge and share what you’ve been up to over the summer. Come ready to plan some Service Projects and Social activities for the calendar year 2019-2020. Open to anyone aged 18 – 55 experiencing challenges in life. We build on your strengths. Enjoy a non- threatening, supportive environment to share your concerns, life plans, and provide a positive example to those around us. All faiths and races welcome. We meet the first Thursday of each month for a sharing / discussion group and plan other activities though out the month. Bring your ideas for serving oth-ers in our communities and socializing outside of sports and employment ven-ues. Meeting time: 7:00 pm – 9:00pm September 5, 2019. No fees involved, just bring yourself and friends.

RSVP: Donna Chmielewski 708-476-0996 or

[email protected] or Linda Kincl 847-253-7956


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St. Colette Parish is accepting online

donations through GiveCentral. GiveCentral is a safe, secure, and paperless way to make your Sunday offertory and other contributions.

It was designed specifically for Catholic churches and schools in the Chicago area. The site allows you to make a one time or automatically repeating payments on a schedule that works best for you, using any credit card, debit card or electronic bank account. We believe that having a flexible online giving option will make it easier for many of you to support St. Colette. Visit our website at www.stcolette.org and

click on the “GiveCentral” link or go to www.GiveCentral.org and take a couple

minutes to set up your donations. Questions? Please call the Parish Office

at 847-394-8100.

Brandt Apa Lynn Beckman Jade Cali Jessica Cali Jack & Lorraine Grady Daniel Krysh Bob Placek Celeste Travino Richard Kraemer Elizabeth ‘Lizzy” Moreno Frank Plunkett Virginia Genschoreck Heather Atencio Annemarie Pollard Curt Taras Sara Pawlak Tamara Pawlak Lisa Zwilling Marc Miller Lawrence Parker Julie Schindler Karen Kolozy Carina Tassone John Lynch Alex Dumlao Russell Williams Anthony Mele Sr. William Taras Jamie Pawlak Danielle Peterson Lourdes Lota Jim & Barb Coleman

David Trevino Jeff Hill Diane Moreno Emily Moreno George Wenzel Susan Roman Aime Connor Green Regina Gorski Blaine Williams Thomas Abinanti Joan Craig Jake Hall Edward Jarina Kelly Hogan Bob Mazzuca Donna & Tony Gurgiolo Sarah Fisher David Urban Alex Connor Jim Rosean John Brankin Barbara Berry Valerie Anselmo Dennis Maeller Anita Snyder Bob & Dee Lamb Mark Stastny Mark Martell Stan Guzik Mary Dealy Virgil Grewe Mario Di Benedetto Montes Family

Jean Kedziora Dan Esta Lou Passarelli Andrew Thelen Ralph Wilder Kathie Adams Shirley Warden Mark Pollard Joan Kuhn Roberto Campa Mary Olson Bernadette Drake Clos Family Bob Savage Carol Capalbo Isabelle Goitien Kathleen Kwandras Ted Loesch Mary Lukachik Anabella Anderson Caitlin Boyd Adriana Guerrero Katie Houston Mary & Stanley Schubert Carmen Pasillas Amanda Haro-Miramontes John T. Grady Collins Foster

PRAYER LIST Please remember the following people in our parish

who are in need of your prayers. Por favor oren por estas personas en nuestra parroquia

que necesitan sus oraciones.

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Church Name & Number- Saint Colette #512188 Address - 3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows 60008 Phone - 847-394-8100 ext.102 Contact Person—Edy Guillen Software- Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 10 Printer– Kyocera ECOSYS M3550idn KX Number of pages sent - 1 through 16 Sunday date of bulletin- August 18, 2019 Special Instructions–