Some figures adapted from a 2004 Lecture by Larry Liebovitch, Ph.D. Chaos BIOL/CMSC 361: Emergence...

Some figures adapted from a 2004 Lecture by Larry Liebovitch, Ph.D. Chaos Chaos BIOL/CMSC 361: Emergence BIOL/CMSC 361: Emergence 1/29/08 1/29/08

Transcript of Some figures adapted from a 2004 Lecture by Larry Liebovitch, Ph.D. Chaos BIOL/CMSC 361: Emergence...

  • Some figures adapted from a 2004 Lecture by Larry Liebovitch, Ph.D.ChaosBIOL/CMSC 361: Emergence1/29/08

  • EmergenceNon-linearCoherenceDynamicSelf-OrganizationComplexityMacro-level Property (Structured)UnexpectedUnpredictable

  • Properties of ChaosDeterministicSmall Number of Variables Complex OutputBifurcationsAttractorsSensitive to Initial ConditionsForecasting Uncertainty grows ExponentiallyPhase Space is Low Dimensional

  • Deterministicpredict that valuethese valuesA future state fully determined by previous states Chaos: future states fully determined by initial state

  • RandomA process or system whose behavior is Stochastic;without definite aim, reason or pattern;Whose outcome is described by a probability distribution.

    Probability: relative possibility that an event will occur

    Stochastic: a non-deterministic process

    Deterministic: a prior state fully determines the future state of the process or system

  • MeanVariancePower SpectrumRandomChaotic

  • RandomData 1x(n) = rand()

  • ChaosData 2

  • Properties of ChaosDeterministicSmall Number of Variables Complex OutputBifurcationsAttractorsSensitive to Initial ConditionsForecasting Uncertainty grows ExponentiallyPhase Space is Low Dimensional

  • Population Growth

  • Bifurcation DiagramChoose a constant starting value for x (x0=0.1)

    Choose a starting value for the rate (r = 0)

    Use the equation to compute successive values of x(n) from prior values up to x(1000)

    Ignore the first 900 values of x; these are transient values (before system stablizes)

    Plot x(901) to x(1000) on the Y-axis versus the current value for r

    Change the value of r and repeat


  • Bifurcations

  • Attractors

  • Another Example

  • Lorenz: Convection1963. J. Atmos. Sci. 20:13-141COLDModelHOT

  • Lorenz EquationsX(t)Z(t)Y(t)

  • Lorenz EquationsX = speed, direction of the convection circulationX > 0 clockwiseX < 0 counterclockwiseY = temperature difference between rising and falling fluidZ = rate of temperature change through fluid column

  • Lorenz EquationsPhase SpaceZXY

  • Sensitivity to Initial ConditionsX(t)X= 1.00001Initial Condition:differentsameX(t)X= 1.00

  • Lorenz AttractorsX < 0X > 0cylinder of air rotating counter-clockwisecylinder of air rotating clockwise

  • Why an Attractor?Trajectories from outside:pulled TOWARDS itwhy its called an attractorstarting away:

  • Why Strange?strangenot strange

  • Lorenz Strange AttractorTrajectories on the attractor:pushed APART from each othersensitivity to initial conditionsstarting on:

  • Properties of ChaosDeterministicSmall Number of Variables Complex OutputBifurcationsAttractorsSensitive to Initial ConditionsForecasting Uncertainty grows ExponentiallyPhase Space is Low Dimensional

  • Sensitivitynearly identicalinitial valuesvery differentfinal valuesor...very different behaviors...

  • Sensitivitysmall change in a parameterone patternanother pattern

  • Non-Chaotic Systemsystem outputcontrol parameter

  • Chaotic Systemsystem outputcontrol parameter

  • Clockwork UniverseInitial Conditions X(t0), Y(t0), Z(t0)...Cancomputeall futureX(t), Y(t), Z(t)...Equations

  • Chaotic UniverseInitial Conditions X(t0), Y(t0), Z(t0)...sensitivityto initial conditionsCan notcomputeall futureX(t), Y(t), Z(t)...Equations

  • Shadowing Theorem: Non-ChaoticIf the errors at each integration step are small, there is an EXACT trajectory which lies within a small distance of the errorfull trajectory that we calculated.CalculatedTrue

  • Shadowing Theorem: ChaoticThere is an INFINITE number of trajectories. Were on an exact trajectory, just not on the one we thought we were on.CalculatedExpected

  • Deterministic: ChaoticX(n+1) = f {X(n)}Accuracy of values computed for X(n):3.455 3.45? 3.4?? 3.??? ? ? ?

  • Why?Sensitivity to initial conditions means that the conditions of an experiment can be quite similar, but that the results can be quite different a little initial error has a large impact!

  • 4. We are on a real trajectory.3. Pulled backtowards the attractor.2. Error pushesus offthe attractor.1. We start here.Trajectorythat we actuallycompute.Trajectory that we are trying to compute.

  • Properties of ChaosDeterministicSmall Number of Variables Complex OutputBifurcationsAttractorsSensitive to Initial ConditionsForecasting Uncertainty grows ExponentiallyPhase Space is Low Dimensional

  • Mechanism?ChanceDeterminism


  • Mechanism?Chanced(phase space set)Determinismd(phase space set) = lowDatax(t)t?

  • ProcedureDetermine topological properties of the objectFractal Dimension

    High Fractal Dimension RandomLow Fractal Dimension ChaoticFractal Dimension does not equalFractal Dimension

  • ProcedureDetermine the Topological Properties of this ObjectEspecially, the fractal dimension.

    High Fractal Dimension = Random = chance Low Fractal Dimension = Chaos = deterministic

  • Fractal DimensionA measure of self similarityXtimed

  • Fractal Dimension:The Dimension of the Attractor in Phase Space is related to theNumber of Independent Variables. Xtimedx(t)x(t+ t)x(t+2 t)

  • Mechanism that generated the experimental data.DeterministicRandomd = lowd The fractal dimension of the phase space set tells us if the data was generated by a random or a deterministic mechanism.