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© 2014 The Heritage Foundation

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SOLUTIONS TO STRENGTHEN OUR FUTUREIDEAS TO UNITE AMERICA IN 2014In these pages, you’ll rediscover the freedoms that make our nation great. These proven ideas enable us together to fulfill the promise of a strong economy, strong society, and strong America … leading to a better life for us all.


INTRODUCTION BY JIM DEMINT ..................... 4

SOLUTIONS FOR A STRONG ECONOMY ........ 5Promote Patient-Centered Health CareCut Taxes & SpendingDefend Internet Freedom Stop Bailouts & Cronyism

SOLUTIONS FOR A STRONG SOCIETY ............11Bring Education Decisions Closer to StudentsProtect Marriage & Religious LibertyTransform the Welfare StateProtect Life & ConscienceIncrease Local Control & Accountability

SOLUTIONS FOR A STRONG AMERICA .........17Ensure Military Readiness Stand for National SovereigntyFix Immigration & Secure BordersUnlock Our Energy Resources

WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY .......................... 23

GO DEEPER WITH SOLUTIONS 2014 ............... 24

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Fellow Americans and Patriots,

Please be careful. You may not realize it, but you’re now holding a dangerous weapon – a package of smart ideas for bringing a better life to Americans!

In the war of ideas being waged over America’s future, the ability to clearly articulate our shared conservative values to our fellow citizens is what wins battles. This is one piece of ordnance that fits in your pocket, and you don’t even need a permit.

The talking points—and “thinking points ”—contained here distill policy prescriptions by the best and brightest minds at The Heritage Foundation on the most important issues of the year.

While looking ahead to innovative solutions to our nation’s challenges, these prescriptions are grounded in adherence to the Constitution and our most cherished founding principles: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If we follow these principles in our politics and in our laws, I have no doubt that we can bring back a strong economy, a strong society, and a strong America— to yield a better life for all Americans.

I hope you find this handy guide to be a useful reference in putting that first shot across the bows of big government and bad policy. If you need more firepower, I encourage you to read our larger, in-depth look at today’s pressing issues, from Taxes to Trade and Education to Energy, Solutions 2014, which is available for download at

We at The Heritage Foundation are humbled to help guide, in some small way, a new generation to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

Together, we can build that stronger America and look forward to a brighter future for us all.


Jim DeMint President

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America’s hard-working middle class drives prosperity and growth—

government choosing winners and losers does not. Whether each endeavor

succeeds or fails, it’s about the freedom to take responsibility for ourselves.

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6 Solutions to Strengthen our Future


PROBLEM: Obamacare is unfair, unworkable, and unaffordable. It undermines the doctor–patient relationship, limits patient choice, centralizes control, and increases costs to taxpayers—while creating two new entitlements that will cost taxpayers almost $1.8 trillion over the next decade.

SOLUTION: Repeal the Obamacare statute and enact patient-centered, market-based reforms based on five principles:

nn Choose, control, and carry your own health insurance

nn Let free markets provide the insurance and health care services that people want

nn Encourage employers to provide a portable health insurance benefit to employees

nn Assist those who need help through civil society, the free market, and the states

nn Protect the right of conscience and unborn children

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PROBLEM: America’s tax code prevents the economy from reaching its potential. It reduces opportunities for American families by reducing job creation and suppressing incomes. The U.S. has the developed world’s highest corporate tax rate and is essentially the only industrialized country to tax its businesses on their foreign income. As long as this is true, jobs and wages will suffer.

SOLUTION: Tax reform should improve economic growth by reducing tax rates on working families and risk-taking businesses.

PROBLEM: Today, the national debt exceeds $17 trillion. High levels of debt put the United States at risk for a number of harmful economic consequences, including slower economic growth, a weakened ability to respond to unexpected challenges, and a debt-driven financial crisis.

SOLUTION: High debt and high taxes are caused by the same thing: high spending. All spending is either paid for by taxes now, or billed to future generations through unsustainable debt.

Passage of a sound balanced budget requirement, reform of existing entitlement programs, and a general decrease in the size and scope of government are all necessary steps to rein in politicians’ out-of-control spending and preserve our freedom.

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PROBLEM: The Internet and other communications technologies have changed the world immeasurably over the past 20 years, enabling breathtaking advances that have expanded the economy and improved the quality of life for billions of people around the globe.

Internet freedom, however, is threatened by so-called “net neutrality,” out-of-state Internet commerce taxation, increased government oversight, and international power grabs.

Cyber attacks on America’s vital infrastructure also present a serious national security risk, both from foreign superpowers and non-state terrorists.

SOLUTION: The Internet is a free-market success story. No central authority dictates the services provided on the Web, the technologies used, or the content available. The result is an innovative and competitive cornucopia of offerings.

Policymakers should enable us to assemble the human capital and resources needed to give our nation an edge on the cyber battlefields of the future. Such steps will defend the Internet from intrusion, allowing its users to enjoy the freedom that has made it so successful.

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PROBLEM: The relationship between Washington and entrenched corporate interests is not one of either competition or control, but collusion.

Some of the biggest players in corporate America – along with labor unions and trial lawyers – actively lobby for increased federal involvement and oversight in their spheres, ensuring that future regulations are written on their terms, and create a prohibitive environment for smaller entrepreneurs.

Some big companies financially support political campaigns which they deem will allow them to lobby government more easily for anti-competitive favors. That Washington has responded to financial crisis and recession by bailing out the very players that helped to cause these situations is further evidence of the perverse relationship between federal power and supplicant big business.

SOLUTION: Smash this cycle of back-scratching by removing the federal government from the equation and freeing up competition. Taxpayers must not be left holding the bag for mistakes made by mismanaged businesses.

Businesses should succeed or fail in the free marketplace. No business should succeed because of special privileges bestowed by the government—to the detriment of the people.

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To create more opportunity, empower parents with better options for their child’s

education … and ensure public policies strengthen the bedrock of our society:

marriages and families.

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PROBLEM: Education in America has significant room for improvement. Over the past half-century, progress in K–12 education has been largely stagnant. At the other end of the education spectrum, college costs have risen at staggering rates as federal subsidies have ballooned.

Expanded federal intervention in education has come at the expense of state and local control and has imposed a tremendous compliance burden on teachers and local school leaders. Efforts to impose national standards and tests via Common Core threaten to further expand federal intervention.

SOLUTION: Families should be able to choose educational options that meet their children’s unique learning needs.

Vouchers, education savings accounts, charter schools, and homeschooling provide parents with options in how and where their children are educated, and ensure no child’s educational future is a function of his or her zip code. Increased educational freedom will spur competition in the public school system, improving the learning experience for all children.

Higher education should also be reformed by decoupling federal financing from accreditation to allow students greater choice in higher edu-cation and how best to acquire skills and master concepts.

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PROBLEM: Government policy discourages marriage, rather than encouraging this bedrock of civil society. Marriage penalties in welfare programs contribute to our nation’s cycle of poverty.

Marriage brings a man and a woman together to be father and mother to any children their union produces. Efforts to redefine marriage distance it from the needs of children and deny the ideal that a child needs both a mother and a father.

State and federal courts have redefined marriage against democratic consensus in numerous jurisdictions. In a number of instances, official action has been taken against wedding-related business owners who continue (based on their religious principles) to affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

SOLUTION: Eliminate or reduce the marriage penalties in the tax code, welfare programs, and Obamacare. Marriage promotes individual well-being—from better employment and earnings, to avoidance of delinquency, school dropout, and abuse.

Policymakers should understand the benefits of marriage for individuals and society, defend the institution in law as the union of a man and a woman, and protect the freedom of individuals and institutions who continue to affirm marriage as such.

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PROBLEM: The federal welfare system has grown dramatically over the past 50 years and now totals nearly $1 trillion annually. Today, the federal government operates 80 different means-tested welfare programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and lower-income Americans.

Yet the poverty rate today is almost as high as it was five decades ago. Welfare fails to address the causes of poverty, instead continuing to direct more money toward the symptoms.

SOLUTION: Reform welfare programs like food stamps to promote self-sufficiency through work, while limiting the ever-growing welfare state by imposing an aggregate cap on welfare spending increases.

Promoting healthy marriages is also a key to fighting poverty, as children born to single mothers are much more likely to be poor compared to their peers born to married parents.

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PROBLEM: Each year, the federal government entangles taxpayers in the abortion industry, and under Obamacare even more funds—private as well as public—will flow to abortion services.

Obamacare also tramples on religious freedom by forcing countless family businesses, charities, and others to provide coverage of abortion-inducing drugs. And the Obama Administration insists on continuing to send taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood—the nation’s largest abortion provider.

SOLUTION: Eliminate taxpayer funding of elective abortion, domestically and internationally.

Repeal Obamacare and enact patient-centered healthcare reform that respects conscience, increases access, helps decrease costs, and doesn’t force Americans to subsidize life-ending drugs and procedures.

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PROBLEM: Massive federal spending on local issues has done little to solve local problems. On the contrary, it perpetuates a cycle of dependence on the federal government. Meanwhile, localities have less and less say in the prosperity and prospects of their own citizens.

SOLUTION: Let states, counties, towns, and neighborhoods manage their own affairs. By their very nature, local problems require local solutions tailored by those most familiar with the situation and those affected by it. Therefore, even if a federal government action is otherwise constitutional, it should be undertaken only if there is no sufficient state or local recourse to achieve the same ends.

Move federal programs not capably or appropriately run from Washington, such as maintaining highways and managing education, back to the states and communities where they belong. Considering sky-high costs, other federal functions like air traffic control should be evaluated for privatization.

The most important institutions in civil society are cultural, not governmental: churches, fraternal organizations, communities, and small businesses. They should be given deference and cooperation by both federal and state authorities in tackling social problems.

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With vigilance and readiness, America can stay secure against terrorism. Our

nation can continue to shape global ideals by example—when we lead with

strength and integrity.

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PROBLEM: President Obama’s mismanagement of defense has caused both readiness and capabilities to decline precipitously. Adversaries continue to develop capabilities that can put U.S. allies, territory, and forward-deployed troops at risk.

The Administration has cancelled critical missile defense programs, and the country does not have plans for substantive modernization of the nuclear weapons capabilities necessary to deter war. The U.S. military is on an almost inevitable path toward a 21st-century form of “hollowness” that will leave it less prepared for unforeseeable contingencies.

SOLUTION: The U.S. must modernize and sustain its forces: weakness invites aggression. U.S. vital interests span the globe, and our military must have trained and ready forces to protect these interests.

Readiness is the lifeblood of an effective military. Our leaders must ensure the downward spiral on defense readiness does not continue; it is an issue central to every American’s security.

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PROBLEM: America’s principles, policies, and interests are opposed by many repressive nations and sometimes resisted by friends and allies. Dictators and terrorists are given a platform by the United Nations (U.N.), which regularly supports initiatives and treaties that are anathema to the U.S. Constitution and America’s self-rule.

SOLUTION: Protect U.S. interests through bilateral relationships, strategic alliances, and international organizations. Forgo any treaties which cede these interests and subordinate U.S. interests to the desires of foreign countries or international organizations.

Reevaluate membership in all international organizations. Use available tools, including financial withholding, to bolster efforts at the United Nations. Review U.N. peacekeeping operations, be more judicious when approving new operations, and maintain the current prohibition on funding U.N. organizations that admit Palestine as a member state.

America should lead the effort to expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) while seeking more equitable sharing of the burden with allies, reject European Union attempts to constrain U.S. global leadership, and demonstrate firm commitment to allies.

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PROBLEM: Amnesty is an incredibly costly and unfair policy that would undercut immigration enforcement and border security efforts – and encourage more illegal immigration. It was tried in 1986 and failed; the U.S. should not make the same mistake again.

Trying to solve the immigration system’s problems with one giant, comprehensive bill does not allow Congress to discuss the many important immigration issues fully and meaningfully. This lack of attention to critical policy questions buried in giant-sized pieces of legislation results in special-interest handouts, loopholes, waivers, and highly flawed policies—as seen in the disastrous Obamacare rollout.

SOLUTION: Secure the border, enforce the existing immigration laws, and reform the legal immigration and visa system.

Real immigration reforms will require serious attention and commitment, appropriate funding from Congress, and faithful implementation of current law by the executive branch.

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PROBLEM: Despite the shale oil and gas revolution on private and state-owned lands, access to energy on federal lands is either completely blocked or takes a painstakingly long time to develop. The Environmental Protection Agency’s crushing regulations are taking away a cheap, abundant resource in coal.

Subsidies go to politically favored companies, wasting taxpayer dollars, enabling dependency on the government, and hobbling competition.

SOLUTION: Adopt a free-market energy policy that opens access to our resources, removes onerous and duplicative regulatory roadblocks, and removes subsidies for all energy sources and technologies.

Increase access to publicly held lands and federal waters, allow states to manage the environmental review and permitting on those lands, and position America to trade energy resources and technologies more freely with other nations.

Allowing the market to determine our energy future will power America with affordable, reliable energy and be a tremendous boon to our nation’s economy.

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As you’ve seen, the ideas and innovations in these pages are both faithful to America’s first principles and well-matched to its current challenges: dynamic, practical, and empowering every American, rather than one-size-fits-all.

Now it’s your turn to act. Read on for the steps you can take to bring about a stronger America…

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WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAYWhen we start conversations with our neighbors around the right solutions, we just might find common ground. In the critical days ahead, take these steps to advance liberty:

SHARE THE SOLUTIONS—AND THE FACTSnn Talk to your family and friends to educate

them on what’s at stake this year

nn Sign up for e-mail updates from The Heritage Foundation ( to stay informed about solutions on the move in Congress and around the nation

nn Distribute copies of this booklet to people in your circle of influence

RAISE YOUR VOICE IN THE PUBLIC SQUAREnn Bring up these solutions when calling in to

talk radio shows

nn Write a letter to your newspaper editor, especially when a local story connected to these issues comes up

nn Share your concerns directly and publicly by commenting on your elected representatives’ Facebook and Twitter profiles

TEAM UP WITH OTHERS TO AMPLIFY YOUR VOICEnn Raise questions about these solutions when

participating in local townhall meetings nn Share this booklet with groups where you

participate, whether a book club or other small group

nn Ensure your vote matters for liberty—using legislative scorecards, know your elected officials’ voting records and stance on these issues. And tell friends what you learn!

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24 Solutions to Strengthen our Future


WINNING POLICIES.THE CANDIDATE’S BRIEFING BOOKA landmark work of more than 70 scholars, Solutions 2014 expands on this booklet exponentially—an entire chapter of reliable sources, detailed facts, and expert analysis for every issue. This in-depth book provides candidates for elected office the ability to quickly identify key current issues and present clear policy recommendations that will strengthen our nation for all. Paperback, 252 pages.

Explore where you can….nn Print Solutions 2014—in its entirety or

individual chapters—for further study nn Listen at your convenience to each chapter as

an audio downloadnn Order more copies of this booklet Solutions

to Strengthen Our Future —for family, friends, and your local community group

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An engaging read from best-selling author and President of The Heritage Foundation Jim DeMint, this new book casts a spotlight on Americans like you—local heroes who reveal answers to real issues.

In story after story, DeMint and leaders across America give firsthand accounts of overcoming obstacles in education, health care, and other concerns Washington has failed to solve. It’s an inspiring journey, with solid research insights thanks to contributions from Heritage Foundation experts. Hardcover, 320 pages.

Available now at


David Hills Photography

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26 Solutions to Strengthen our Future

WE NEED A STRONG ECONOMYPromote Patient-Centered Health Care

Cut Taxes and Spending

Defend Internet Freedom

Stop Bailouts and Cronyism

WE NEED A STRONG SOCIETYBring Education Decisions Closer to Students

Protect Marriage and Religious Liberty

Transform the Welfare State

Protect Life and Conscience

Increase Local Control and Accountability

WE NEED A STRONG AMERICAEnsure Military Readiness

Stand for National Sovereignty

Fix Immigration and Secure Borders

Unlock Our Energy Resources


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The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish. As conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values.

For the latest news, research, and details on membership, visit our website


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214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002(202) 546-4400 |

OUT OF MANY IDEAS, ONE PEOPLE.The promise of America has long been a driving force: to be a land of opportunity for all. Yet in today’s political climate, dollars and decisions flow to distant politicians dealing with the corporate cronies who lobby them for favors. It’s a far cry from freedom.

There is hope for unity and the cause of liberty. This booklet showcases 13 policy issues a broad majority of Americans can rally around, including:

nn Patient-Centered Health Care nn Cutting Taxes and Spendingnn Job Growth Driven by a Strong Economy nn Access to Low-Cost Educationnn Increasing America’s Energy Supply

…and more ideas that matter

When families and communities have the freedom to solve issues locally, we can come together and fulfill our promise as the United States of America.

Explore Solutions 2014 in-depth at