Soil Mechanics I 1 Basic characteristics for soils · 1...

SM1_1 October 20, 2010 1 Soil Mechanics I 1 Basic characteristics for soils Introduction Description State Classification

Transcript of Soil Mechanics I 1 Basic characteristics for soils · 1...

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Soil Mechanics I

1 Basic characteristics for soils





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Input data for design (geotechnical, structural)

Engineering Geology - maps, cross sections,rocks, soils, mineralogy, origin....

Mechanical propertiesStrengthCompressibilityPermeabilityTechnology – compaction...

Ground Water

Geotechnical (Engineering Geology) Site Investigation


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Mechanics of Rocks

Mechanics of Soils

Mechanics of Snow and Ice

+ Mechanics of Powders



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Influence of water on mechanical behaviour



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Role of pore volume, pore liquid

The pore liquid – water – exhibits the primary role in the soil (particulate materials) mechanical behaviour

„principle of effective pressure“ σ' = σ - uσ' controls the mechanical behaviour of soils (strength, deformation)


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Rock bolts



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Rock bolts


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Rock bolts

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A further energy necessary for shearing dense particulate materials (below a limiting porosity)

(Casagrande, 1936)


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Leda Clay (Can)



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Mexico Basin – lowering of GWL

(Legget and Karrow, 1982, Geology in civil engineering, McGraw Hill)


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Influence of water – pore pressures



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1775 Coulomb (France) – friction in soils - fortifications

ca 1911 Atterberg (Sweden) – clay plasticity

1925 Terzaghi – (Austria, USA) - his book „Erdbaumechanik...“ „Theoretical soil mechanics (1943) = foundation of the new discipline; principle of effective stress (±1936); one-dimensional consolidation...

Casagrande, Hvorslev (USA) – strength, dilatancy, „critical void ratio“, plasticity, soil classification...

Roscoe, Schofield, Wroth (UK – Cambridge) – the first theory combining deformations and strength based „critical state soil mechanics“

Skempton (UK) colloid activity of clays, residual strength

Fellenius, Petterson, Bishop, Janbu - ...slope stability...1930's to 1960's

from 1970 FEM, BEM ... DEM... in geomechanics


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GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION (= description, not state)

sieving and/or sedimentation → grading curve

Soil Description


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Sedimentationusing hydrometer

Stokes' law

v=f(D2;density, viscosity)


Soil Description

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Combination of sieving and sedimentation



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Quantification of the grading curves:

Effective diameter: Def = D

10 to D


Uniformity coefficient: CU = D

60 / D


CU< ca 5 uniform soil = poorly graded

CU>15 non-uniform soil (well graded)

Coefficient of curvature: CC = (D

30)2 / (D

60 × D


CC = 1 to 3 (and C

U> 4 to 6) well graded

CC = <1 or >3 gap-graded

Soil Description

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Particle size Fractions EN 14688-1

Soil Description

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Composite soil:

Principal fractions

Secondary fractions

saGr = sandy gravelgrCl = gravelly clay

Interlayered soil

e.g.: gravelly clay interbedded with sand: grClsa

Soil Description - Classification

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w = Mw / M

d = M

w / M


Volumetric water content θ = Vw / V

t ( = S × n)

Soil Description × State

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CONSISTENCY LIMITS(„Atterberg limits“)

Liquid limit wL (the water content at which the soil changes from liquid to solid

material with plastic behaviour)

Plastic limit wP (with further decrease of the water content the soil stops being


Shrinkage limit wS

Determination on a paste, D < 0.4 mm

Plasticity index IP= w



DESCRIPTION (= constants for a given soil!)

Soil Description

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Liquid limit wL

Looking for water content at which an arbitrary penetration is reached (10mm with 60º/60g cone (20mm with 30º/80g))

'foundation' failure – undrained strength of about 2-3 kPa


Soil Description

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Liquid limit wL

Casagrande method

Looking for the water content at which the groove closes at 10 mm (slope failure – undrained strength of about 2-3 kPa)

Soil Description

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Casagrande apparatus


Soil Description

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Plastic limit wP


Looking for the water content at which the soil crumbles as shown – undrained strength of about 200 - 300 kPa

Soil Description

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Casagrande plasticity chart

PLASTICITY (L, I, H...) determined by wL only

Soil Description - Classification

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Soil Description

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ACTIVITY A (of clay minerals)

A (= IA) = I

P / (% of clay fraction by mass)

(Skempton, 1953)

Soil Description

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CONSISTENCY (STATE) - fine-grained soils

Consistency Index IC

= (wL-w) / (w



Liquidity Index IL=(w-w

P) / (w



Consistency:liquid I


soft, firm (plastic) IC = 0 to 1

stiff IC >1

EN 14688-2very soft I


soft IC = 0,25 to 0,50

firm IC = 0,50 až 0,75

stiff IC = 0,75 až 1,0

very stiff IC > 1,0

State properties

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Amount of pores / voids





...„phase diagram“

State properties

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Density of solid particles - Specific density (description not state)

ρs= M

s / V

s = M

d / V


Density at natural water content (bulk density)ρ

= M

t / V

t = (M

w +M

d) / V


Saturated densityρ

sat= M

t / V

t = (M

w +M

d) / V


Dried densityρ

d= M

d / V


State properties

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γ = ρg

...unit weight under water table: Archimédes law

→ γ' = γsat

– γw

State properties

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Determination of densities - determination of volume

density of solid particles – density bottle

State properties

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Determination of densities - determination of volume

Other densities – ρ, ρsat

, ρd

- undisturbed sample – cylinder/cube – measuring the dimensions

- undisturbed sample – irregular shape weighing under water / expelled water

State properties

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....Determination of densities - determination of volume

- if impossible to take undisturbed sample (sands...) measuring of the volume of „excavation“ (and weighing the excavated soil)

State properties

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Using the phase diagram for useful expressions

for example e = n / (1 - n)

→ ρd = ρ

s / (1 + e) → determination of e from the dry density:

e = (ρs – ρ

d) / ρ


→ ρd = ρ / (1 + w); ...etc...

State properties

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Degree of saturation S (≡ Sr)

S = Vw / V


Determination from e and w

State properties

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max- e) / (e

max- e


loose ID= 0 to 0,33

medium ID = 0,33 to 0,67

dense ID = 0,67 to 1

very loose ID= 0 to 0,15

loose ID= 0,15 to 0,35

medium ID= 0,35 to 0,65

dense ID= 0,65 to 0,85

very dense ID = 0,85 to 1,0

State properties

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Clayey sand (25% C a 75% S) of e = 0,5.What is the role of clay fraction in the mechanical behaviour of the soil?

Consider removing of clay fraction:

→ e = 1,0

The loosest sand with its spherical particles in contact: → e < 1

→ Sand grains (spheres) at e = 1 cannot be in contact

→ At 25% of C and 75% of S spherical grains 'float' in the clay 'matrix'

→ Clay may be expected to control the behaviour of the above soil having just 25% of clay fraction

Role of Fines and of Def

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Change in hydraulic conductivity (permeability) with the amount of fines (in a mixture of ash and sludge)

Role of Fines and of Def

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Change in strength with the amount of fines (in a crushed rock)

(Mašín, 2000)

Role of Fines and of Def

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Estimation of emin

and emax

of a snad from C

u and shape of grains

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

(Youd, 1973 in Mitchell and Soga, 2005)

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Dependence of emin

a emax

on amount of silt fraction in a sand

(Polito and Martin, 2001 in Mitchell and Soga, 2005)

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

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Estimation of hydraulic conductivity of a sand

Hazen: k [ms-1] = 0,01D10

2 [mm]

...fine and medium sand: k = [A / (Cu+B) + C] D

102, where A, B a C depend on


Estimation of hydraulic conductivity of fine-grained soil

k = f (e, wP, I


k = f (e, CF%, IA)

(full correlations in Soos and Boháč (2002), Geotechnical Engineering Handbook, Ernst & Sohn)

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

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Use of soil in filters


(of filter) / D85

(of soil) < 4 to 5 < D15

(of filter) / D15

(of soil)

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

(Cedergren, 1988)

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Use of soil in fills

Dams – for the impervious core the soil must be from the zone 1 or 2; for the stabilisation part from zone 3 or 4

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

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Use in estimating frost heave – frost susceptibility

Examples of Use of Grading Curve (± Description)

(Beskow, 1935 in [2])


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Classification according to EN

→Grading only

Soil Classification

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USCS classification → grading + plasticity chart

The Czech modification:


Soil Classification

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Atkinson, J.H. (2007) The mechanics of soils and foundations. 2nd ed. Taylor & Francis.

Further reading:

Wood, D.M. (1990) Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics. Cambridge Univ.Press.

Mitchell, J.K. and Soga, K (2005) Fundamentals of soil behaviour. J Wiley.

Atkinson, J.H: and Bransby, P.L. (1978) The mechanics of soils. McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084077-2.

Bolton, M. (1979) A guide to soil mechanics. Macmillan Press, ISBN 0-33318931-0.

Craig, R.F. (2004) Soil mechanics. Spon Press.

Holtz, R.D. and Kovacs, E.D. (1981) An introduction to geotechnical engineering, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-484394-0

Feda, J. (1982) Mechanics of particulate materials, Academia-Elsevier.)

Literature for the course Soil Mechanics II

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[1] Atkinson, J.H. (2007) The mechanics of soils and foundations. 2nd ed. Taylor & Francis.

[2] Holtz, R.D. and Kovacs, E.D. (1981) An introduction to geotechnical engineering, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-484394-0

[3] Hoek, E. (2007) Practical rock engineering (2007 edition). (downloaded 2008/02).

[4] TS/ISO 17892

[5] EN ISO 14688

References (used figures)