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  • 7/25/2019 sociology sba


    Impacts of swimming

    and how it impacts the

    students who play a role

    in the Jamaica

    swimming association.

    Name: Chaze Dacosta School: Wolmers High School for Boys

    Teacher; Mrs. tucker

  • 7/25/2019 sociology sba


    Table of Cotets

    Title Number

    Statemet of !roblem"""""""""""""""""""

    #ims a$ %b&ecti'es""""""""""""""""""".

    (iterature )e'ie*"""""""""""""""""""""

    )esearch Desig""""""""""""""""""""".


    Data Collectio ,strumet"""""""""""""""".....

    !resetatio of Data a$ #alysis""""""""""""""

    -i$igs Discussio of -i$igs Coclusio"""""""""...

    )ecomme$atio """""""""""""""""""""



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    Statement of problem#ssessmet of football a$ ho* it im+acts the stu$ets of the 0amaica s*im team

    #ims: stu$y the +ersistece of stu$ets *ho are o the s*immig team aca$emic results

    2.To $eci+her *hether or ot +lae$ games3e'ets *ill iterru+t regular schoolig fi$ out if there are beefits to rea+ from co5curricular acti'ities

    6.To get a clear u$ersta$ig of *hether or ot the co5curricular acti'ities has a more of a

    +ositi'e or egati'e im+act o youths .


    1.To fi$ out the beefits of co5curricular acti'ities 7if ay8

    2.To illustrate that $oig co5curricular acti'ities ca ifluece some roles3as+ects of a youths life +ro'e that the beefits a$ re*ar$s of co5curricular acti'ities *ill rea+ later tha i life tha

    right o* .

    6.To $eci+her if co5curricular acti'ities shoul$ be com+ulsory

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    Literature Review

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    Historical Background

    1998 was a year of rebuilding for the mateur !wimming ssociation of

    "amaica# The new $ouncil%s &rst task was to refocus the attention of theswimming community and media back to the develo'ment of "amaica%s

    swimmers# Three new $lubs were registered( The Royal !wim $lub) Negril

    *ave Runners and the Barracuda !wim $lub#

    *ater +olo There was renewed interest in *ater +olo# ,n -ctober) the *ater

    +olo !'lash com'etition attracted athletes in all age grou's#


    fter the start of the new calendar in ugust) si/ swim meets were held 0

    school and 2 club3# The %traditional% clubs) %4% !'eedos and Tornadoes !wim$lubs and the 5lying 5ish mbassadors) continue to take to' honours#

    However signi&cant 'rogress is being made by swimmers from other clubs

    'articularly the Blue !eal !wim $lub and the 6ontego Bay ll !tars# 11 year

    old 6ontegonian Raine ndrews) who trains in the sea) is one of the rising

    young stars#


    ,n 1998) "amaican swimmers com'eted at $R,5T in Trinidad) $,!$ in

    Barbados) the $$ 7ames in eneuela and the $ommonwealth 7ames heldin 6alaysia# The results from these meets were very encouraging as the

    National Team showed e/cellent s'ortsmanshi') team s'irit and com'etitive

    drive# The National Team 'laced higher in the &nal standings and won more

    medals than in recent years) a trend begun a few years ago#

    !imeroth stated that e/tra.curricular activities are s'onsored activities

    outside the regular school hours and not 'art of the o:cial school

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    educational 'rogram# This includes s'orts) clubs) and organised student

    committee# However he takes this further and says that by 'artaking in

    these activities) schools 'rovide the chance to 'artici'ation activities that

    in;uence 'ersonality develo'ment and socialiation# !teigberg 1988)

    suggested that 'artici'ation in e/tra.curricular activities was more likely to

    enhance than interfere with high school students academic results

    ccording to 5elt and *eiss 019823) students who 'artici'ated the

    most in e/tra.curricular activities were better able to manage their time and

    achieve higher levels of 'erformance in several di?3 said that 'artici'ation in e/tra.curricular activities is

    also considerable by em'loyers and selective colleges to be evidence of

    social ad@ustment and being Awell.rounded# However for a student to

    'artici'ate in an e/tra.curricular activity there has to be some desire)

    whether internal or e/ternal) to @oin) this is because the activities are about

    the student# 6iller et al commented that e/tra.curricular are Astudent.

    centred) in that students tend to select the activities in which they want to

    'artici'ate) and to assume much of the res'onsibility for 'lanning and

    carrying out these activities#

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    The Research Cesign

    The research of investigating how hockey im'acts the students of the

    "amaica swim was conducted to students in kingston

    This research is one of a Duantitative ty'e which will 'roduce

    statistical data about the thesis statement## Dualitative research method was

    also chosen because the study is easily re'licableE it is e:cient as it save

    time and money# ,t also allows for standard data to be collected and is easy

    to Fuantify the data collected# The main limitation which was

    e/'erienced during this research was e/'erienced with the Fuestionnaire#

    This was done incorrect the &rst time as there were no o'en.end Fuestions)

    and the choices which were given were too limited# This cost the research

    the wastage of ink on 'rinting G sheets of incorrect Fuestionnaires and the

    wasting of those G 'ages of 'a'er# This limited my research by cutting down

    on the variety of the research as a few 'eo'le did not return when the new

    Fuestionnaires were done# However there were other 'eo'le there to hel'

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    with this lost and were easily re'laced # the instrument that was used to

    conduct this research was mainly Duestionnaire and interviews in a minority#


    The Random sam'ling method of this research was chosen on the

    basis that the individuals that were chosen had to answer the Fuestions

    which were on the Fuestionnaire) which allowed them to be relevant to the

    sub@ect being studied# This ty'e of sam'ling was chosen because the sub@ect

    matter was only for a s'eci&c grou' of 'eo'le who are small in number# The

    organiation is a very small one in com'arison to other s'orts# This sa'ling

    method is +ur'osive !am'ling) and even though it is o'en to sub@ective

    o'inion it had to be done as no one else was there to chose another sam'le

    to which could be a''lied#

    ,n this !am'ling of the 'o'ulation it only included members of the

    "amaica swim association # The sam'ling included G individuals# There were

    8 male and 1 female in this e/ercise#

    ,n this sam'le the age grou' ranged from 1? to # 5or the females

    there were who were 18 years old) 2 who were 1> years old) 1 that was 19

    years old as well as 1 who was G along with 1 that was years old and

    who were 1? years old# These ladies social class range from u''er. middle

    class down to lower class# These members were all enrolled in a secondary

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    or tertiary institution# These secondary schools included =/celsior High

    !chool and +a'ine High !chool# There were also female individuals who

    attended tertiary institutions including the Iniversity of Technology and The

    Iniversity of the *est ,ndies) "amaica# The males) there were three age

    grou's which had members in it# This grou' consist of the age grou's 1>)

    18 and # There were also the age grou's 19 and 1 which had 1 individual

    in each grou'# The social class of these individuals range from the middle

    class down to lower class# They were students at +a'ine High) 6ona High)

    "amaica $ollege for the secondary institutions and the Iniversity of


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    Cata $ollection ,nstrument

    The Cata $ollection method used in this research 'ro@ect was a

    Duestionnaire for the main collection of data with minor interviews of

    distinguished coach # The Fuestionnaire was the main method of collecting

    the data is because they are easily administered along with allowing for a

    large number of 'eo'le to be reached# The Fuestionnaire also allows for time

    to be saved as a large sam'ling grou' has to be reached# The main reason

    for the use of a Fuestionnaire was mainly because the data collected can

    easily be measured and analyed#

    =ven thought the use of an Instructured ,nterview is a Dualitative

    method of collecting data) the use of it in this research was to obtain 'rimary

    source information to aid in the discussions and conclusions of the research


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    +resentation and nalysis of Cata

    Curing the research of this study it was seen that the 'ercentage of male

    versus female that are members as well as 'layers in the "amaica swimming

    association ,t was recorded that there was a ?GJ of females) which when converted

    is 1 members and a 2GJ for the males) also when converted is 8 members# This

    shows a drastic variation in the number of male and female in the s'ort) with

    females being the dominant swimming grou'#

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    7ra'h showing $K$ results of members of theswimming grou'

    6ales 5emales









    2 2



    7rade 1




    ,n the maleMs bar gra'h grou'ing) the eight men Fuestioned) there

    were mostly 7rade Ms with of them belonging to the males Fuestioned#

    There were also an eFual level in the results of both 7rades 1 and 7rades

    which was distributed among the 8 males# The females have e/ceeded the

    males by twice the amount of both 'ersons who got 7rades 1 and 7rades

    in the male bar grou'ing where the females got 8 and 9 for the results of

    7rades 1 an 7rades ) res'ectively# However the females were on the same

    levels as the males for the 7rade results which were 2# However this four is

    not the same as the boys) as out of 1 females there were only 2 7rade Ms#

    There was also an Aother which may the result of 7rade 2 to an ungraded#

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    7ra'h showing the $K$ 7rades attained

    G. sub#

    2.? sub#

    >.9 sub#




    8 91G






    The females has received the highest amount of sub@ects which was 1G

    out of the 1 members who got >.9 sub@ects) with most of those sub@ects

    being of 7rades 1 and standards# This e/traordinary documentation of data

    has only left 'ersons to get 2.? sub@ects and G. sub@ects) res'ectively# The

    males also have also done well with out of the 8 'ersons Fuestioned got >.

    9 sub@ects followed by 'erson getting G. sub@ects and 1 'erson getting 2.?

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    sub@ects# ,n the diagram) the 2.? sub@ect grou'ing has the same number of

    'erson in that grou' re'resenting each gender with one 'erson#

    7ra'h showing the average Hours of !lee' eachgrou's get

    1G hrs8 hrs

    L hrsless than L hrs














    2 2 2



    The gra'h above is showing that for the males) only one 'erson gets

    an average of 19 hours of slee' during his time at school doing whatever it

    may be# *ith a high of 2 'ersons get an average of 8 hours of slee' which is

    the minimum hours of slee' recommended which is received by half of the

    males# Cown to 'ersons from this high of 2 'ersons only get about hours

    of slee') on average) during the school year# This decline continues with only

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    1 'erson being recorded to get less than hours of slee') on average) which

    can be bad) good or @ust okay for this individual#

    The femaleMs ratings begin on a low of ero) with no members getting

    an average of 1G hours of slee' during school# However this changes where

    these levels go u' to 2 members) getting a ma/imum of 8 hours of slee'#

    This trend continues with 2 more 'ersons getting a ma/imum of hours of

    slee'# Then also) 2 more 'ersons get less than hours of slee' for females)

    in com'arison to the males 1 'erson#

    7ra'h showing what is Learnt for the members ofthe swimming grou'


    Time 6anagement


    Team *ork


    G 2 ?8 1G 1










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    Res'onsibility) Team *ork) Time 6anagement and !'ortsmanshi' are

    all taught through the 'artici'ation in amateur swimming# This gra'h show

    what is learnt by each individual who may have learnt 1 to 2 other 'rinci'les

    from hockey# 5or the males) Res'onsibility is the most learnt 'rinci'le of

    swimming) with ? 'ersons learning this# This is followed by Team *ork and

    !'ortsmanshi' where 'ersons) for each) also learned from 'laying 5ield

    Hockey# 5ourthly) Time 6anagement is learnt by the males as a result of

    'laying hockey which is good to have obtained from the s'ort and lastly

    there was 1 'erson that learnt Aother from swimming

    The females on the other hand have learnt !'ortsmanshi') with a

    ma/imum of 11 out of the 1 'ersons in the grou' learning this# 5ollowed by

    this) is Team *ork) where 1G 'ersons said that they have learnt this

    'rinci'le# Thirdly) Res'onsibility and Time 6anagement were learnt as a

    result of 'laying hockey with each 'rinci'le receiving 8 'ersons learning

    these# 5inally) there were 'ersons that learnt Aother things and 'rinci'les

    from swimming#

    +ie $hart showing the Ratings of 5ield on a !cale of


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    The ratings of 1.1G were used to rate how much each 'erson thought

    about swimming in general) with 1 being the lowest and 1G being the

    highest# Half of GJ of the members of the "amaica Hockey 5ederation have

    rated the s'ort to be a 1G) which is the highest score to receive# 5ollowed by

    this) are the ratings of > and 8 which is a total of GJ of the ratings given#

    However there were various 'ersons that rated swimming 1 through ? which

    is a total of J) all together# The remaining J goes to the rating of 9 for

    swimming# There was no rating of ) which is the reason for it not being

    re'resented on the 'ie chart) but is seen in key of the chart# No one graded

    hockey as out of 1G#

    5indings) Ciscussions of 5indings and $onclusion

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    *hen members of the "amaica amateur swim association were

    answering their individual Fuestionnaires) the section) Fuestion >) sim'ly

    asked if the 'erson got 7rade 1) ) and other# s a result 'eo'le ticked oJ 'ass rate among all members of the 5ederation) with J

    receiving distinctions and 2GJ receiving a 7rade leaving J receiving


    This statistics show that even with intense training as many members

    train at least times 'er week to u' to days a week) for one individual) to'

    grade can still be achieved# There was high grade results from both genders

    as even though the males were lower than the females is a result of only 8

    males answering the Fuestionnaires in com'arison to the 1 females that

    answered# The males have e/celled @ust as well as the females# This statistics

    'rove that what !teiberg) 1988 was saying was com'letely right) as Ae/tra.

    curricular####is likely to enhance than interfere with#academic as'iration and


    This statistical data also 'oints to answer the ne/t aim as stated above

    as if these are the results of the students in their e/ternal e/aminations then

    there is no interference by school games or training to a further e/tent# Not

    illustrated in the research 'ro@ect) the members were asked in Fuestion 9) if

    school games interfered with studies) and it was found that >GJ or 12 of the

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    members stated that this did not ha''en# This again also 'roves that

    !teiberg) 1988 was right again about s'orts enhancing academic


    The gra'h illustrating the $K$ grades attain also show that >J of the

    entire sam'ling grou' got >.9 sub@ects which are mostly grades 1 and with

    a few Ms for these 'assed sub@ects# 5elt O *eiss) 1982 also said that Ae/tra.

    curricular activities better ablehigher achieved levels of 'erformance# This

    again 'roves that it is bene&cial to 'artici'ate in an e/tra.curricular activity#

    This also is not im'acted by the fact that members do not get the minimum

    reFuired amount of slee' and a few who gets a minimum of hours with a

    'ossible ma/imum of 8 hours# They may eventually catch u' some of the

    slee' which is lost on weekends and on holiday breaks#

    Coing an e/tra.curricular activity does not only bene&t the members of

    the activity academically) but it also teaches them the 'rinci'les of team

    work) res'onsibility) time management and s'ortsmanshi'# Teaching Team

    *ork is an im'ortant 'rinci'le taught as everywhere in life) es'ecially in the

    working world) the individual will need to be able to work and co.o'erate

    with their team to be 'roductive# This team may be a team of 'eo'le to

    'roduce a 'resentation or it may be the team of the entire working o:ce to

    daily 'roduce work for whoever needs it# This is shown in the gra'h with >J

    of the members learning this# Time 6anagement is also an im'ortant

    'rinci'le taught by e/tra.curricular activities as with doing school work and

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    these e/tra activities will need a balance between them and time

    management teaches this# ,t teaches the individual to divide their time

    e:ciently among each activity so as to be able to multitask and be able to

    be 'roductive in each as'ect of their activities# This is shown on the gra'h

    with ?GJ of the members learning this# 6s# 6arie Reynolds from 5amily Life

    6inistries agrees that 'ro'er Time 6anagement can be bene&cial to the

    individual as it allows for success as there is a balancing of everything that

    the 'erson is doing#

    The members are also taught the 'rinci'les of !'ortsmanshi' and

    Res'onsibility# !'ortsmanshi' teaches the 'erson to be com'etitive to want

    to win and become successful in a com'etition# This lesson of

    com'etitiveness allows the individual to com'ete to be the best in life and

    the best in what they do as a 'erson# $om'etition is in everyday life

    es'ecially in the work world and also in a''lying for tertiary education# They

    may com'ete to get a 'romotion in the o:ce or organisation and they may

    have to com'ete to get acce'ted into a tertiary institution by getting the

    highest grades# !'ortsmanshi' also teaches the individual how to lose and

    acce't defeat as not everything in life they will be successful# ccording to

    6iller et al) 19? says that doing an e/tra.curricular activity allows

    individuals to assume much res'onsibility for these activities# These

    res'onsibilities may including starting the activity on time) &nding out where

    the coach of club su'ervisor is) assisting the adults in charge as well as other

  • 7/25/2019 sociology sba


    things which need to be done to ensure the e? says that with the active

    'artici'ation of e/tra.curricular activities) em'loyers and selective colleges

    will acce't you based on the fact that you do an e/tra activity during your

    school or 'ersonal life# This is because with doing these activities) you have

    become a Awell.rounded individual) which , who these 'ersons want in their

    organisations and institutions# This is one of the additive bene&ts with doing

    an e/tra.curricular activity# There are other bene&ts of doing e/tra.curricular


    These additive bene&ts are) you feel energied and able to be

    'roductive in whatever you do because your body is health and &t# This is

    seen in the res'onses of the members of the "amaica swimming association

    where there were 1G res'onses to feeling energetic when doing swimming#

    nother bene&t is that you are health internally as your body is getting the

    reFuired amount of e/ercise which it needs# This e/ercising also hel's the

    individual to maintain a 'ositive weight which 'revents the occurrence of

    obesity among students in this age grou'#

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    Recommendation Page

    Based on my &ndings) as the researcher) there is nothing to be

    changed as swimming has a 'ositive im'act on its members of the "amaica

    swimming association as the members are 'roducing good grades and are

    learning 'ositive 'rinci'les) which are life lessons) which will create the Awell.

    rounded individual P

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    The only things that , recommend to be changed are that there be

    continue of im'roving the working team which include um'ires and coaches

    to make the s'ort better# There also should be some time and money being

    'um'ed into the activity to hel' endorse the s'ort so that other 'eo'le can

    e/'erience the 'ositive bene&ts which swimming can o

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    +lease 'lace a tick 0 3 on the lines below#

    1# 7ender# QQQ6ale QQQQ5emale

    # ge# QQQQQ

    # -n a scale of 1.1G) how much do you rate swimming QQQQQQQQQQQ

    2# How often do you 'lay swimming

    QQQQ-nce 'er week QQQQTwice 'er week QQQQQThree times 'er week QQQQother

    # t what level of swimming do you enrole

    QQQQ!chool QQQQQQ$lub QQQQQQNational


    ?# How many sub@ects did you attainedShave in $K$

    QQQQG. sub@ects QQQQQQ2.? sub@ects QQQQQQ?.9 sub@ects QQQQQ1G

    and over sub@ects

    ># *hat were your grades in the $K$ e/amination

    QQQQ7rade 1 QQQQQQ7rade QQQQQQ7rade


    8# *hat was your e

  • 7/25/2019 sociology sba


    9# Cid school games interfere with your studies 0getting class notes) doing

    homework) etc#3

    QQQQ4es QQQQNo

    1G# Has school work 'iled u' on you) or not done because of swimming

    QQQQ4es QQQQNo

    11# *hat feelings do you e/'erience as a result of 'laying swimming

    QQQQ5atigue 0tired3 QQQQQ=nergetic QQQQQ5eelings do not change

    1# How many hours of slee' do you receive on an average

    QQQQ1G hours QQQQ8 hours QQQQ hours QQQQless

    than hours

    1# Co your 'arents think hockey was interfering with your studies

    QQQQ4es QQQQNo

    12# re you enrolled in or went to a tertiary institution QQQQ4es QQQQNo

    12i# ,f yes) which institution# QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

    1# *hat have you learnt as a result of 'laying swimming

    QQQQ!'ortsmanshi' QQQQTime management QQQQRes'onsibilities

    QQQQQTeam work



  • 7/25/2019 sociology sba


