Group # 4 Members: Ambar Montoya Camila Chumacero Maria Jose Bastidas Dennisse Choez INTEGRATION PERIOD


Group # 4

Members: Ambar Montoya

Camila Chumacero

Maria Jose Bastidas

Dennisse Choez


During this time period the tribes built best housing that

allowed them to improve their living conditions and will no

longer be subject to the conditions weather. 

It is a so-called by the empires of the cacicazgas era and the


It prompted a major demographic development.


This period allowed the construction of extensive

engineering works which resulted in a large increase of agricultural

productivity. The extraction and manufacturing

of export goods such as salt, dried fish, cotton, cocoa,

alucinogenas plants, shells, sea snails, shell and copper


Transport was: huge rafts, sailboats made with logs.

location of the cultures of the period of integration


Manabí( Portoviejo)




Cultures Manteña Huancavilca Milagro


800-1532 LOCATION: The geographical area inhabited what today is known as Bahia de Caraquez extended into the Hill of the current sheets between Manta and Portoviejo to arrive to the Guayas and the island Puna.  

Features: Had knowledge of navigation and fishing.

Living and built wooden houses and crafts possessed

of gold and emeralds.

Was discovered in the early twentieth century by the

archaeologist Maeshell Saville.

Cultivated maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, fruits like

guava, avocado, pineapple and other

Characterized by trade and exchange of products and

shell Spondylus textiles.

Their religion was based on a cult of snake, jaguar or

puma, Umiñca and the goddess, which was

represented by a large emerald.


-Element key to the hierarchy of this culture is the well-known “manteña chair" peculiar stone by its form in u. 

-Ceramics is polished black, result of burning the pottery. 

-Decorations more frequent are geometric incisions made before cooking.

Huancavilca culture800-1534

It is the last pre-Columbian culture in the coastal region, and it was they who from their coastal villages looked strange Spanish ships or ships that first sailed the waters equatorial South Sea its most famous researcher was Emilio Estado.

Developed agriculture and were excellent warriors

Were extracting teeth at an early age as a sign of sacrifice to their gods.


Known for being a warrior race and practiced sadomia (punaes)

They subsisted on agriculture, cultivated maize, cassava, yams and beans, fished and hunted.

Your expansion was from Jama (Manabi province north) to the province south of the Gold and Rio Guayas.

TRADE :-Its main export merchandise and trade was the shell of SPONDYLUS, objects of gold, silver and copper 

CERAMIC :-Ceramic color dark black and bright. -Is the figures accounted for geometric figures.

They expanded from guayas including his two great rivers like Daule and Babahoyo. His research was also Emilio Estrada, ethnically known as chonos, excelled in metallurgy with copper, manufactured hatchets, needles, necklaces, etc.

Milagro Quevedo culture800-1500


Her body bore for personal adornment to twelve earrings, six in each ear.

The function of the ornaments was resaltor, physical beauty and get a position or social and economic status.

There were big 'tolas'' grew to be from 10 m in diameter and 2m, 30m or 10m height.

With copper for musical instruments.

CERAMIC :Forms most typical are the dishes, pans and

basins large.