Social media marketing 5 ways your local or regional business can beat the big brands (2)

Social Media Marketing: 5 Ways Your Local or Regional Business Can Beat the Big Brands Small versus Big



Transcript of Social media marketing 5 ways your local or regional business can beat the big brands (2)

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Social Media Marketing:

5 Ways Your Local or Regional Business Can Beat the Big Brands

Small versus Big

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#1- Cultivate a Local or Regional Following

The Big Brands use a big net when it comes to building a social media following. While they have the benefit of vast traditional advertising, marketing and branding budgets, most Big Brands do little to promote micro-regional social media communities. Big Brands and Local Brands inhabit different economic and social ecologies than your Local or Regional Business: think elephants walking around mice.

In the movie, Enemy of the State, the character "Brill" played by Gene Hackman says, "If they're big and you're little, then you're mobile and they're slow. You're hidden and they're exposed. You fight only the battles you know you can win." Your Local or Regional Business can win the battle for being a thought leader in a local market. Through a focused social media strategy you can build an army of brand advocates with geographically specific interests who will carry your brand to the next level.

Big Small

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#2- Be 'flawesome!Be awesome with your flaws."

Wendy Clark, SVP Coca Cola

The Big Brands have a barrier between them and their customers. They are so big that it is more difficult for customers or clients to make a personal connection. The corporate managers of social media are also bound by policies that make it difficult for them to acknowledge error or to laugh at mistakes. Being candid is not a virtue that is generally encouraged in large companies.

Your Local or Regional Business has the liberty address customers' issues quickly and with candor. By being responsive and open, every interaction has the potential to increase a customer's trust in your brand. While we all would like spotless reputations, a negative customer experience is inevitable. With a managed social media presence a Local or Regional Business can turn a negative situation into a positive outcome.

Big Small

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#3- Be a Resource to Your Local Community

The size of the Big Brands' market means that their dollars and time are focused on larger (national and international) market segments. It is a function of their size that they are not able to attend to Local or micro-regional markets persistently or with granular attention. In the social media department Big Brands look for strategic opportunities to cross promote or endorse philanthropic causes but this, again, is on a scale that leaves opportunity for smaller regionally focused enterprises.

One of the ways your Local or Regional Business can be a resource to the community is to produce blogs, videos, podcasts or other content that is interesting,educational, or entertaining. Another way is to promote the content of other local leading bloggers. By doing so you will establish your brand as a local thought influencer. Co-branding with a local philanthropy will promote your business as a resource for the community. Special product promotions is still another way to bring value to the community.By listening and engaging with an ever growing audience your Local or Regional Business will discover new opportunities to build customer loyalty and drive sales.

Big Small

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#4-Network with and Promote other Local or Regional Business

Big Brands have little interest in issues affecting the local or regional economy. Unless a local business is a client or supplier of a Big Brand they will not have the opportunity for mutual promotion. In short, Big Brands are not usually stakeholders in the local economy.

Your Local or Regional Business IS a stakeholder in the niche economy. As part of the strategy of being a resource to the community (see previous slide) you will have the opportunity to promote local businesses through your social media channels. If you have a positive experience with a local business, let your social media followers know about it!!! It will help your virtual community as well as your business community.

Big Small

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#5- Shape the Customer Buying Cycle in Local Markets with Social Media

It's not that Big Brands don't care about local and micro-regional markets. It's just that there is a diminishing return on investment for them in smaller markets compared to a national and global focus.

Your Local or Regional Business LIVES in the micro-regional market. Increase awareness of your brand by building a virtual community through social media. Become an influencer in your local community by empowering others.. Engage with prospects,clients, and customers in real time with consistency so that your company will be in their minds when it comes time to consider where they are going to make their next purchase. Convert the trust you have built in your brand into sales and repurchase.

Big Small

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