Social media

Social Media

Transcript of Social media

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Social Media

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As i am targeting my magazine at a younger audience social media is important as people who i have targeted my magazine at tend to use forms of social media nearly everyday to keep up to date with the latest trends and the latest gigs etc. social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and tumblr for promoting my magazine, by using social networking to get the magazine out there is a good idea because its much easier and cheaper, whereas if i was to make a TV ad or a billboard ad then it would be on the expensive side of things. Face book is the most commonly used form of social networking and would be a great way sharing things like updates on magazine, prizes and more

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Twitter, another form of social networking is a great way to get in touch with the readers, this way the audience can feel connected with the magazine. with tumblr, people can post images of their interests much like pintrest this way people can also feel connected with the magazine, the magazine could post pictures of their latest shoot or an up coming gig and many other things.

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Instagram which is one of the fastest growing forms of social media is another great way to get in contact with the audience just by hash tagging and @ing people, again like tumbre and pinterest you could post pictures of events and photo shoots etc. if people like your pictures then they are just a button away from following you.

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YouTube is another way in which i could get in touch with my readers but with videos rather then images and text, its a different way but the audience can keep up to date with every move the magazine makes, they could upload video blogs here and there and they could also video their interviews, this is a common things that is done on YouTube and tends to be a great hit.